HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-09-06, Page 75T. 0 1 0 p C < z 5 tri 0 9,1.N1LA1'3idN r- 0 m 0 0 CD reSe CD- iRA,H FOR 187 1 WM. AUL' i.: S.tu.Zr"T, SZAFORTIT,: HAND * superior stock of FAMILY RIES, : embracing Teas of the beet era, Rtssiz, etc. Als9o1. Crockery and. ask every other article visually kept is, =roeery Store. Pit 41W141t07.1.4. r Oat and Corn=meal, Potatoes, Pork; is, also, over,e, description. of Peas, Bran and Shorts, all of whisk xold cheaper than the cheapest. ' PRZOIWC t market mice Raid for all kinds; or e - the place, Fain street,. East side, n;oryielioot and Shoe Store,Seaforth. -M.. ALTs atWood nod Nutritive 7tentiC- at phosphorus nothought, say the L they might add, no nation, sines Mkt its coanponnds are known to be wer of thenervous and muscular sya- .r<etitste more than half the meter- = body, being found in every tis- presence is absolutely essential to: hey promote the conversion of the si food into- =_.brine, which is the, vit of pure, healthy blood. They aro mio universal use in ru:rope ani treatment of scrofuloc:e, conssump- zeal diresserr-which are caused by poisoned bleed and in diseases :tering ngfrom irzFmilf.riticg, eb sirs c- net re d:ie*grew€, in pale, puny chits condition" of nerroas end physical suiting from bad habits, excessive to and tobacco, and all that train ass. fast life. The great reliability se in its effects in immediately and storing the- devitalized constitution Y �'���t .I,�It' ;i COMPOUND -LYES AND C LISAsA a , este aphysicismsa and public. Sold at Vs XTRACTLD WITHOUT PAIN. 9 IGHIT. L. D. S, Surgeon Dentist, etas :without pais by the use of the .es. Office—Over the Fountain of owtEer s store, on the Market Squ- Seaforth, at Kno s Rotel, the first sds ' of each month; in Clinton, zekl foto--1, on the following Thurs- s. The reisuainder of the time at cc. ing new teeth are requested to can. d OInten, on the f rrst days of at: atientf have had teeth extracted b Gas. at. Dr. Colton's officers Neff sea Mi eUREG OR, era Rarpurhey, Seaforth,. ived a large Stock of the msaterials- In shies:s, anct i . asci, fully prep. s,st the shortest notice: cid in the - 11 osiers he stens be favoured with. =..GcRS & B7A'`ll, BOOS OF v r rams, acrd nie le to order, on the shortest :t prices which defy competition. r h Boxes d; Fancy Cases- made asesmade tcx order. ND NEW BOOKS and repaired at city pricea. -tag at a distance by leasing their sorer Book Store G. oderich, or, at • ("Mee. Seeforth, cit- sat J'. It• Grant's Ming style, tarty rely upon then? •ations.s9.abir,:ssed to the undersigns °rapt ndcrsi - ompt r;ttention. -. DANIEL Mc(YR1 GOB, Seaforth, (ilrarpurhey News and Notes. t cow eats no.. more than cafe. --Minnesota come- with four sisters who have Ina a 200 -acre fun all alone for the fit five # years, during which. time they added $1,500. to their imoneY hank. -----;--Carrots are recom wended as feed fur fiirm-horses, as tbey save oats and give a fine gloss l the _skin, beside promoting a. Maithful -condition of the. system. Fiom 14 to 21 pounds is a _liberal allowance, anything over that being alt to affect the kidneys and induce excessive stalling. ---.Water in which potatoes have been boiled is aid to possess a poison fatal to lice, ea cantle. Wasn freely with sponge or . Woolen cloth, choosing a sunny day or a warm stable for the opera- tion, and as their hides dry rub down with a curry -conal.--- -By* feeding chopped straw, oats and rape fid, thoroughly cooked by steam,. end raw Swedish turnips, 'one of the • largest dairies in England increased the yield of milk from 552 to 680 gallons per each cow per annr1m. --An Arabian stallion was ' re- cautiv imported direct from. Egypt, y: "aniel , 4 enifer of Maryland, Re is described by the Turf, Field and Farah as '115 hands high, with a full, lusrrons, iuteiligennt eye, •a coat like white satin, mane - long, thin and silky, hoofs small and well shaped, and legs as clean and ner- yous as those of a stag : in a word, he -fills the . ideal of a steed of the desert. An hour after landing from his tedious voyage of 6,000 miles, he was as active as a kitten and as I skillful application of lab, affectionate and gentle as a spaniel the overflow, and .goods c --A farmer in Massachusetts, re..was given. The son 'mat cently took his usual marketing trip five years the farm was' pa t0 the village, and after he had made fairly stocked. After a y: his purchases, the salesman attempt a bettei farm of 140 acres ed to:, shove the bundle under ;the chased at $95 per acre, th wagon seat, but 'met with such fierce and determined opposition that. he withdrew his hand in great haste. The cause was found to be an old- hen ldhen that was sitting there- upon a. nest - nest of eggs, and which, with the pertinacity of fowls at the period of incubation, had stuck to ,.her nest --throughout the two miles' ride from the farmer's wagon -shed, and now put in a " bill" to stay the proceed - T master 84t11, ' e don't nu a scythe down :`here,' and a hoe to chop down t stalks with which • they s horses there for -hay, morning the farmer =cane to come and plant co looked for a hoe, but his We don't plant corn with hare,' and gave hima crc which.to punch holes �in t wherein to drop corn -; an the country in disgust at t of farm work.' . One Vase' Where Farm An Enlishman who ca erica in 1855 has gone ba old home,' and hid story i worthy of being told in t Agricultural Gazette. The ing especially remarkable it is simply one of the m where- a -: competency hs steady work on a farm. hay with ave him e ' woody, indle the he third his 'man n. John ster said, a hoe out bar with e ground John left at kind ng Paid. e to A rn- k to his though t - e London e is noth- bout it-- ny cases fol lo wed riefly, it is this : Charles Butcher. unable: to read or write,` accompani.d by a grown-up son, arrived in ' ew York in May, 1855;' The &the and son found work, �on a farm ' Monroe County, N. Y., at $16 p sr month. -each. They were so poor =hat when harvest came they had n n t money enough to pay for the mit ens need ed as a protection against t e thistles. They workedon, accumulating be- tween $500• and $600 in" t ree years. They then bought a farm o ` 64 acres, for $50 an acre, paying $500 in cash. The farm was in b - d condi- tion, subject to overflows and the ravages of - the wits wo m. - The stopped peed itivation 'ed. In d for and ar or two was pun old one 'ieing sold fol $85 per ac .e. This is paid for, and the whole is valued - at something o -000. The father, at the a. has sold his interest to th $10,000, payable in 12. ye 7 per cent. interest', and; self entitled to the rest and of a visit to his native co old friends. ae•o - The Success- of Missions., Everything connected with your. missions is a blunder,' says the. Brahmin to - this ,young and inex- perienced missionary. Yet, as the results of missionary enterprise, ten thousand native preachers, in more than a hundred =different languages, unite with the Missionaries of many lands in repeating thestory of the Cross :- and three hundred thousand disciples in Christian *communities numbering more than a million, gutheeed from almost every tribe. of the children of then, bear witness to its saving power, . and the blessed hopes it inspires.., And ,then . the Bible and a Christian literature. in' most, if not in all of these many tongues ; the undermining -of heath- enism ndermining-of"heath- enism ; the despair of the popular. faiths ; the conviction that the truth-. is with jus abd, all the -vastp repara- tion for the final •-conques 1 .• -Give us fifty years more of the me sort of blundering,' and we "ill hope to have the.'Gospel in eve y house- hold, and opportunities for hristian instruction within the rear' of every Child of the human ratp t._.. xeh e. Most Prot in Prompt Market ing. No producer should be a specula- tor -; nor should a farmer, as a rule, hold his crops, with the idea that he may thereby influence the market. Markets t th,.s- influenced. �I. rge s are not The effects of all - contingencies lare discounted at the commercial sen- tres ,• that is, they affect prices long before the produce is handled. Thus the conditions of crops are far better known to those whose business it is to market them and bring them to the consumer than to those who raise them. The former class have, in their course: of business, the means of; accurately ascertaining' the ap- proximate yield of alt the staple crops by which their trade is affected, and they use , those means in the most effective manner. It is their business, and they succeed or fail in proportion as they manage well; or P ill Farmers cannot .cothpete with then in this, andg yenerall suffer when they attempt it.. As a rule it is true that the sooner crops are mar- keted the wetter. fur the producer. An example, may be seen in .the )watts ofwool the present ent season. son. Those farmers who sold their fleeces as soon as they were shorn -did well, while those who held on for higher rates, and those who still hold on, have lostor will probably lose. So with the pork market, The . first hogs ready for the butcher, more es- pecially those fitted for the retail l trader as fresh pork, rarely fail in - bringing better prices than those coming -in with the crowd a month or two later. But it iso' in gain that the farmer loses most by delay.. From the moment his crop is har- vested it isthe prey of enemies. Rats and mice consume it, and the weevil silently and secretly eats out its heart. How much he suffers by these industrious enemies one cannot _ estimate. Every farmer- knows how it is himself, to his sorrow, and' yet year by year, he waits, and waits, for the higher prices, which rarely come, and when they do come they fail to- co'vel his losses. To thresh: early,and realize the" highest price he may, is nearly always, if not al- ways, his best course an& the most profitable. It is his privelege to speculate, but if he loses- let him not lay the blame to his own proper business, 0 • How TREY FARC IN ARIZONA..---- 1)0 n1Z0NA..-1Do you know how they carry_ on aeric ]ltttre down .there ?' asked the Judge. 'There was a fellow who hired himself out as is farm hand. in Arizona, aud the first day his master told him to cut some wood. So he asked for an axe, but the firmer said, no we don't cut wood with an axe here -' gave ave hin a sledge - hammer to knock and break off the reesquit which they burn down there.. The next day John was ordered to cut some hay, and vas looking about for a scythe when his property er $15,- e of 58, 15,-eof58, son for s, with els him- pleasures ntry and; AIi'LEYVIL E LAND� AGE C Y THE Subscriber having establiehe for the Salo of rano and Village he will advertise (weekly) and sell on TERMS of Commission or any pa cerning 1t be m lots advertised sill ed will application, aif by letter prepaid, stamp, addressed ' C. R. COO FOR SALE S. i of S. of Lot 24J, Con. 5, Morris miles from. Ainleyville. Village Lots64. and 65 Ainleyville, (M Village -lots Nos.44 and 89 Ainle large frame cottage and frame et Lot 22, Con. 4, N. , , Morris; 100 acre log: house; 2 miles off gravelroa Lot 29 Con 7 N 1 Morris' 160 acre good log house and frame barn. Lots 2 and 8, West side of Howiok- titer, containing 1 acres' of frame houses ; 'stables, &o. Villager Lots 49 and 50; Ainle frame house and stable, -and log . t working order.. Village Lots. 60 and 61, Ainleyville Morris, Village Lots, 212, 213, 221, Ainleyvill Store, Storehouse and Stable, l acres of Land with orchard, etc., in village of Cranbr• ok. C. R. CO PER, 224 Single P 0. ' an Agency Lots, which Commission. ioulars son - known on. d enclosing' ER, ingle P. O. 50 acres; 2 rrla.j e, -(Morris ;) ble. , 50 cleared; , 00 cleared;. treet, Wrox- a • two new e, with good ery in good township of ,.(Grey.,) FARM AND PHOTOGRAPH R BALE. VOR OR Sale, Lot No. 29, Con. 7, towns containing 100 acres, 70 of whit and in a. state of good cnitiva tion. well fenced. There are on the. Pre frame barn and hewed Ing -hoose, al ' and a young bearing orchard. this one mile of Ainleyville, a thriving station of the Wellington, Grey and will be opened this fall, also the bre from the Northern Gravel Road. a frame dwelling house, with , the up up as a Photograph Gallery. There and stable on the promises, also a This property is situated near the h of the village of Wroxeter, through ronto, Grey and Bruce Railway 'thin one year. The whole will be rms. For particulars apply to . O. B. C 286-13 Land and General !igen. OMB FOR p of Morris, are cleared he whole is ses a good o, two wells is within e, where a ruce Railway dth of a lot so, for sale, er part fitted a good well ood garden. sines centre hits. the To- be running sold on easy OPER,. , Dingle P. O. LIIN E LIMAS. , LIMER THE Subscribers, having leased t = Lime Quar- ry to Mr. A. i qm Silver Creek ry , new Kiln, an f turning out furnish any Seaforth, and havingsbuilt& sill ble the most approved principle, capable • 200 bushels per day, are prepared quantity of The Best Qua1tly bJLai At FIFTEEN CENTS a bushel. No air-slakediXiip`dtr sou SLATER 230*13 - Rama Bo - BRO., d, Seaforth. ' °n �9 E E &SW] TZER. DRY GOO PARTIES *BITING NC OFF, IY1N -UP BUSINESS D ANDGRbOERIES. •• • GE INE BARGAINS WO CA AND EXAMINE. { W GU LD -Do WILL TO IVIS BE SOLD. (BOUGHT MUCH BELOW PRESENT•PRICES.) , FOR LEASE OF ST i RE OR PURCHASE OF STOCK, PPLY TO • E & SW1UZEI, MA1N-STREET, SEAFORTH. GREAT ATTR CHEAP F CTI 0 NS IN FRESH GROCERIES O HOS. LEE'S R & FEE STORE. Don' forget t at THOS. LEE'S Is the place fpr THE BEST EAS AT THE LOWEST PRICE. • Don't forget to try THOS LEEK 1 cent Tea There is nothing to equal it at the price. RUIT .f all kinds, fresh and cheap. Don' forgett • t THOS. T.1 T1 keeps Shearson's XXX FLOUR, OAT E t, CORNMEAL, CRACKED WHEAT, RAINS and Feed of e� kind. GRAHAM OUR, C ARSE GRAINS, ,cry HAL CHOICEST EACON TWO AND A HAL TONS OF THE , , ONE 1 OZE BARRELS MESS PORK, With a full : ock of :verfthing in the general provision lice S.—Lots of N . . 1 S i INGLES and CEDAR onstanti on hand at the lowest prices. POSTS STRO G & FA1RLEY'S THATS TH PO P ACE --REM MBES IT. FRESH'—ARRIVING t AILY, -E - CERI S, FOR SALE, WHOLES ATM AND RETAIL. TEAS, FOB 5+ CENT. AND UPWARD, WARRANTED. - Pounds Go Sugar for One D llar. e d en FLOUR, GRAIN and all kind: of PRO SIGNS and FEED delivered in town free of SAT- r Yet remaining a few hundred pounds • f that delicion sl Side Meat and Smoked Rams. aninimg fore it is.allgone. ,Cali early se- a -a ' STRONG & FAIRLEY, - MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH, 'ST RECEIVED.. Bic BERT 80 O :E 'I M A .3 Splendid Assortment of Plated Wares DIRECT FROM BHEFFIEI,aD. LARD, ELEPHANT, STOCK'S AND OTHER MACHINE OILS. BUILDERS: HARDWARE, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, which we can sell at less than PRESENT 'WB0LESAT.F; .PRICES ELEPHANT AND JAMES' BRANDS WHITE LEAD. RA1N. AND PALE BOILED OIL, GLASS, UTTY, &a. THE : LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CARRIAGE-MAK.ERSi AND BLACKSMITHS' • HARDWARE In the County.. Bast .AMERICAN . WATERLIME and CALCINED PIASTER, Fresh and Dry, And warranted good. " �• WM. ROBERTSON & OOO'S. SPECIAL INDUCIENIENTS THIS WEEK A T=— T. KIDD'S E_IIPORTti �I. IN CHILDREN'S MARSELLA ROBES, INFANTS' SEWED ROBES, WHITE TOILET QUILTS, WRITE TOILET COVERS,, LADIES' WHITE AND COLORED SKIRTS, • JITS'T EGEIV I _ . Another Lot of Choice Striped Ottoman Shawls. A LARGE STOCii. OF LADIES' COLORED KID GLOVES, PROM - 50 CENTS STRICTtt- ONE PRICE. THOS. KIDD,��b SEAFO.B�TR4 iYIQ R. COUNTER, 'Siratchmaker and deWeler, Seaforth, Has just received a large stook of FAINTS_ On hand, also, an Extensive Assortment of PIPES, Briar Root Pipes—the latest styles and patterns; Meerschaum Pipes, &o. • LATELY RECEIVED, ...A LARGE STOCK .• OF RUSSEL WATCHES, Made expressly to order. Repairing, in all its branches, as nsnai. The Victoria Chemical Company, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the Cele- brated Victozia Carbolic Preparations. Laboratory and Works, Victoria Hall; Melinda Street, Toronto, Ont. The following Genuine Preparations are • sold by all Druggists: Bo sure and ask for the VXCTo1IA PnEPARATiox$, land see that you get them. Victoria carbolated Glycerine Jelly. This JELLY is highly recommended to Ladies as a most agreeable Preparation for the Toilet, For Beautifying the Complexion, and rendering the Skin Solt, White, Clear, and free from Dryness, it is unrivalled.; It will quickly reprove all Redness„ Roughness, Tan, Freckles, Pimples, and other im- . perfections. Tor Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Frost Bites and Sole Lips, it cannot be surpassed,. Price r - 2v acute. l Victoria Carbolic Toilet Soap. This TotrnT Soar possesses all the well-known antiseptic and diem -fording properties of Carbolic Acid, is agreeably scented, has a healthy action on the skin, p.eventa irritation, removes the effects; of perspiration, and should be regularly used by families. ; Cholerra�,,,Smallpox and Fever Patients should be wpeb.e& with this Soap ; and its use by persons liable to infection will materially prevent the spread of disease: ' Price 15 cents per Tablet. ,Victoria Carbolic Salve. Thin SALvit is a rapid • core for all Skin Diseases, Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Sores, ijlcers,Bin.g- worm, Tetter, Eczema, Scald Head, Scurvy, Abs- cesses, 'Boils, -Pimples, Bac. It possesses all the cleansing and healingsvirtnes- o1 Carbolic Acid, which has been .found by Physicians everywhere to possess onratz¢e(gnalitie8 in anyoat discovered other chemical preparation. Price 25 cents. ctoria Carbolic Gargarysma, - This G +ern is the Most I eflahle and efhcacions. Remedy in all cases of Sine Throat, Hoarseness, Diptheria, Bronchitis, Irritation of the Bronchial Tubes so eonlnion in this changeable climate, Asthma, Offensive Breath, Ulcerated. Gums, and all diseases of thb Mouth. For Public Speakers and Singers it is invaluable. 'The ingredients en- tering into this Gargle are used by all Physicians, and for the cure of the above disorders, are now, andonbtedly, the most popular in the MATEnLA m Mnc&. Price 25 cents. • Victoria Carbolic Disinfectant. This Dxslx0TANT is a sure preventive of Typhus and Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, $mailpox, and all in- fectious diseases. It-wili prevent Contagion in Cattle. Itis also invaluable for Disinfecting Wa- ter Closets, Drains, Cesspools, Stables, Slaughter - hooses div. and destroying for dextro 'g nauseous effluvia frdm whatecr cause arising. It will drive away Mosquitoes, Moths, Flies, Coekroaches, &c. Meat, Fish, 8cc.; can be preserved from putrefaction by its use. Carbolic Acid was selected by Her Majesty's Royal Commissioners; in preference to all other products, as the beat Disinfectant for rho preven- tion of infections diseases. Price 25 cents: Victoria sharpening -and Polishing Paste - This, PREPARATION is unequalled in its rapidity for Sharpening and Polishing Cutlery. Table and PocketXnives,Razors, Surgical Instruments, Shoe- makers' Knives, Plane Bits and Chisels, &c.. Noth- ing his ever been discovered which has sprang into popularity more quickly, or become of se much value in every household and workshop for general nsefnlness. Price 25 cents. 230 NOTE LOST. • LOST, on or about the 1st : of August, a NOTE OF HAD, drawn by Duncan McCallum, of 'MeKillep, in fnvet of Noxon Brothers, of Ingersoll, for the sum of d 0 and bearingdate the 20th of April, 1872` . andpayable two rnonthg. after date. Thepblic ate hereby canitioned againa st purchas- ing or negotiating said note, as payment of the same has been stopped. NOXON BROTHERS. Ingersoll, August 6,1872. 2A4*4 EGG EMPORIUM. THE- subscriber hereby thanks his numerous .' friends in town and country for their liberal ; patronage during the past five years, and. hopes by strict attention to business to merit their con- fidence and trade m the future, Be also wishes. to announce that he is still prepared to pay - - TEE HIGHEST CA -SS PRICE: For any g -quantity of ood • FRESH EGGS Delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM - A REEEAF 12'H' MAIN STREET, ._ -., S O . 227 • D. D. WILSON:. MLCOM'S CREAT ECG DEPOT, E E aT, MARKET SQUARE, SEAPORTS. The subscriber begs to inform the public that bolas greatly extended his premises andis pre- pared as hitherto to pay the highest price for,any quantity of GOOD EGGS, Delivered at his place of business. No Market Fees on EGGS. WM. MALCOM. Seaforth, March 25, 1872., 225 MOULDING & PAPER. THE undersigned has on hand a splendid lot of ROSEWOOD AND GILT MOTJLDING. Also, :n Fine Lot of Straw WRAPPING PAPER, _ FOR SALE, CREAP. Now is the time to buy as it is on the rise. C. ARMSTRONG., 221. Main Street, Seaforth. • ROOMS TO :LET: TO LET, in Scott's Block, two comniodiotYa Rooms on the second fiat. Apply to - 185 McCA 'OBEX & HOLIIISTED. R0011110 "0 LET. "EVERAL GOOD ROOMS in Meyers Block to let on reasonable terms. Apply to 227 BENSON 8c 1 SYXPr$. •