HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-09-06, Page 6The English Colliess. A coal pit, Viewed from the ea sutface, has nOt a Very imposin peara4ce. It iKsimply a -round about !twice the size of an ordi table,and straddling over it sort of gallows, a wire rope, as t as one's wrist, hanging down o -wheel and lost in the• depths' b By-and-by the action isreveaSs clinking is heard in the teSio engine-sned, and up Comes tub' (a square box holding 2 weight) filled with coal.; I vi the coarse tub with staoeg app tion, makirtg sure tb.at as soon was emptied we sh auld all get it; but in this I was disappoi It was not in the tub, but -stall on the grating (a] which the tab stood, that we had to descend the naked grating, with nothin hold an! to 'ant a cross plain head. But the .pit was only hundred foet deep, -and the smoke that arose from the euor mine fun „lace below was not un able by the time it 'Isad benurn one's senses a bit Six hundred down, and half a mile thie wa that, Ander low -arched roofs, f whicla depended frequent fleece fung us,, now white, and loo like larabs' wool, and making bla ,ek floor and -black tvalls lit fer tallovr dips stuck there in of,:clay blacker than ever. We all t.jecl tallow dips in balls of clay, in Indian file followed the But and his foreman through the turn- thigs and windings that led to the. -4.chambers' -from Which coal was be- saseig lietv-n. Chambers are as wide • • ;,;77•7•7"...7 Inti; U •••••••^7.“••• 7,•^;-••77,•• ; • • - •-7,• •.•••••• ;•••-••,, • • 0Ra cif Rails, a rth's self ajetti g ap.. his wife hole, tw3sted nary That's is tel wear a pi hiltle' throat an ver a --Missou ed, a 17171th ining How n the A corres Sentinel, owed the Adam roha- One o at it age whic into landsman rued, the entire ding the outsi had we are to • on our table g to glance ov over. correspon d Ed' wake to find him ,g in bed mid; holding y the ear,a havint her head. how Ed's' wife came to co of red flannel toutid her complain of a wry- neck. i Democrat. six every par coal strange d ay yLnkbsifeiblenaeolernrgidIttsi‘ biTtP1 isiee°1 tenit:sivr• stf 6• ,1681 andeicei :es:0 d at bit:3r: and it ha car - and toy' as an ordinary street, and as high the three -stored houses and every side, whenever the houses, li of the aeclinosed dip was shif , was- revealed a h Liman creatt naked to the waist, and blacker t stip sweep, and with a weapon him hand •that in the uncert light looked like a tomahawk, gr aling at you, making a dash with weapon apparently in the direct of your visage, but which alig harmlessly on the face of the c wall, Heaters, packers, tubbe llers—these are all, men, and ha as the vrark iraether can earn go 'wages. They c113n't dislike the lab :and they are jolly enough—all.e icept the boys. It was these bo that so perpettially haunted my co .skuttle svhen I -returned from St •fordahire. It is villainously' er ve t to -serthe poor little chaps s The matter stands this way. T hewer ia the -roan whose business :is ta break in 'at the foot of a co •wall. He lies on his side or h ;stomach, and he breaks in with ,piOk right aloeg for a length, say, -twenty feet, a gap that is two fa -or less in height. He pecks h way into the rocks until he has bu st 'reed- aixteen or eighteen feet. N -turally in the proceas of pecking h roakes a great deal of o .small and the boy ia called th (slack boy.' :Regarded as a boy as a human creature, he i -slack indeed. Be is more lik a', large-sized monkey. All -fours is his,perpetukl posture; and he wears a ;leather girdle about his waist • from which an iron chain cldpends, the other, end ofit beiug attaChett to an iron cart. The sleek boy 'has an ironsshovel as well, and the business • of,his wretched Ike is to crawl in at the-liele the hew& makes to fill his cart ;with chips add dust, and thee crawl, mit again with the load, al as on ght ted ire, han in ain in - his ien h oal od ar, x- ys aliel' af- o. he it al is a of et is r- a - ways on hitt hands and 4nees. and WW1 poor lirnbe hang about with a fewerags of,whietana,kedness might be ashamed.—Lotadot Society. .& BralcemanZts Dream. 'Ed' is a brakeman eMployed ori the Chi elgo, Alton,,and St. Louie Railroad. He was iontrried only a few wetka ago. }lis wife -has been wearingai, piece -of reacaaunel round. her tie* for the last ten days and tonaplaining'of a wry- week. This is -how it mule to pass: • 'Ed ',laid just been ,doing extra 'duty, takieg ct sick friend's trains la -addition to his awn, and,io has not „ ;been in •41-1d for fortyesth t louu, .ASa mattes- ,of COillnita he was nearly -worn out, And as soon asehis supper .had been -eaten be went :to bed to ' sleep, perehence to dre-aut. He was soon locked jet the arms of _:,trarpheus and Mary, atad dreaming again his foot was cm his 'native platform, and -its heard: 'the \yarning ;toot of the whistle for: ,brakes. Theahad- - .,owy train bore,Mut swiftly one the telegmelt posts fleeted past qulelzer And quieker ; the whole n01111 treT ied -by like a panorama mounted on ebeet 4ightning rolterS. In his dream be „lam rd r Lzr anoth-er roar, and swiute tit the Newspapers. wspapere are missed at sea. ondent of the Woodstock riting of his voyage across lc, says: the features of a seavoy- it is very' difficult{ 'tor a 60- acctiStotn himself- to, is absence of all -news from e world. Accastomed as -have our daily paper on every morning, and to r the news that untiring ents have gleaned from elf the world, it weals a privation to pass clay after ire ignorance of whatever ring among the leuty men. , Then there is ne to go to two or three ry' day; no letters te be -om. friends and kindred. company is, for the time mmumity apart by itsr lf, to live as it were in a world of its own. Yet even -here there aro inconveni ulatos can gold specu 'Joy him., of the Tea no gloomy ferret us o us at our with ahu merit such times. by abstin over the fi learn to apsreciate how much we art; indebted o the Pres, for ,a large share of •ot r enjoyment and instruc- ve 'spoken of the social manifests itself among gers. But ,towards the - --voyage one. finds that o another aspect of the ler the wdritinge of. the law ----we cluster into af- hipboaFd iswell ea else- ny -persons who were ate tat .rst, have very me tired of each other, notforthe fact that they p and walled in on ship - advantages to offset these ncies. The fevered spec - rest for awhile, with no ations to perplex and an - We are for a season out h of the telegraph, where worrying despatches can t. The letters that await journey's end are read gering 'delight and enjoy - as we -do not feel at other ith aR-appetite sharpened nce, , we eagerly glance es of newspapers, and we don. 1 h opirit tha the passe end of th there is al su biect un same socia fipitiea on M quite inti plainly bec and were i are cooped board, won d get aa far away from sible. 1 can imagine 8 who are not lapecial ly o each other, if thrown this way for two or three uld come to bate and other. So true is it that a are best friends at a d that -it does not do to of one another.' them Aki p that 1,erso congenial together in 'months, w loathe each many peop 'distance, a e al too mu ;t. Sprr Rev. Dr Independen Spurgeon, the m en tal preach -r: The /no a small pil tions, each note paper. velope. 141) mon i4116 c not ene •sy asked bim.i discourse he be hong.if cheoee Ms geon'ss Serrnons. Cuyler sttaifies to , the, from Landon of Mr. nd ,giyes a glinipse of habits of the great t interesting object was of his sermon prepares ene on a half sheet of or on the back of an el -l- ily the heads of the ser- .mmitted to paper, and Iabie inore. When we he -had ever written a replied, '1 weuld rather is uanal method is to ext, and devote a half taring the plan and put - it of.paper. •If I had n me to prepare a ser - ie,' I would . spend 30 :hours in sornethin homer pre 'tiros lb on a a month giv man,' said days and .2" else, and in make the s do it an. in a whole. Ar Arabian especially e scud -end9ra in this latte to_thern. T an the road out flaggina- 111 las t to keep, and labor co ing Aralia hours at a st collar to th Besides, the. not say of te to ride them but of feelio he last hour I would rmon. ..d.f I could not our, I couldl:not do it with! bian Horses. . orses, say•s,a. writer, are teemed for ,great speed' ce of f%tigue ; indeed, quality none emne up pass twenty-four hours itho u t drink and with - s eartaiolyesomething; p the same:abatipiencal joined inicler -burn- pity .for. forty-eight tch is, I believe, pe - animals of the breed. have a delicacy, I can- utle for it is cotenten without bit or bridle; and obedience to the knee and thigh to th • • AUTON the To the Piiblie of 40 British Prtil'ineoe of NOrt America. T -BEd most rot; eetfully to acquaint the publi •1- of the) British (nth American Provineee tha in May, 1871,1 ea sod the buitinees at 80 Maideni Lane, NeW York, or the sele ot Holloway's Pille and OintMent, w 'oh were up to that lime •prol eared by Willis it Brown, now deceased, .to 1/4 oldsed. regret o Hay that I hare reaeon to know thatthe ma I gement of the late businesti had for setae year , in manyeways, been most oon4 rapt, and it may • e that the Pills and Ointraent were not repared with the care I have always de- sived. T •so wh• do not wish to bo deceived by buying a urious is edicinee, which are now likely to Mum:tate ora the States or elsewhere, to possess theinsely ft of tit genuine Holloway's Pills and Ointmen nutauf tured by me in London, Eng- land, w do well o see that each pot and boxi bears the Britieh overurnent eiterap, on whieh engraved he word , " Holloway's Pills and 0 t - Mont, an that th address OR the label is 5 , Oxford -at et, Lo don, where only they are manna featured, • d n ether part of the world. The retail prl es are o • the labels in British currency, and not dollars and ciente. No repiesentative of mlne e'er ravel through any part of the British P -evinces •r the 'United States, either to sell or to take ord rs for my Pills and Ointment, and as I axe reas h to believe that attempts will probably e made to deceive the public in this way by perso a npon medicine vendors, falsely nepresent g that they are acting for me and with iny know dge and consent, I deeett it advieable to put the p • bile on heir guard against any rush die ceptions. I most arneetly entreat all thee* whet may read his a& rtinement that they be pleased, in bite pn lie inter .et, to commetnieate the purport of the Ha a to th friends that they may not be defraud() of thei money by purchasing, perhaps, worthies i Usti Pills and 112 naen that, she d eo sun that ttrious in ray e, he b Mei:dare can co ns of the. ((entail* 1Iolloway's I would ask, ne a great favor, e to the knowledge of any per- edioinee are being made or sold 'deemed to send me all the par- ent respecting the same, that is d address of the vendor who iS • ▪ medidines, end likewise the of the House in the United ,which mayhem supplied them ,for the protection of the pub- roceedings against such remunerate Yery handsome - my give met such information, ame . never being divulged. have reason to believe that he, by buying spurious imitetions he will do well to send me, in ess at foot (which he can do at poetage), one of the books of e affixed to the flame. I prom - d mend a reply, 'stating whether nnine or not, eo that, if spu- to the person from whom he aye his money returned. negists who desire to obtain the pplied at the lovenb vrholesale of not hem than $2,0 worth— d 84s. per dozen boxes of Pills nt, net, without disconnt, for lust he sent in advance. nor to be, great ramped, THOMAS HOLLOWAY, ate 244 Strand,) London W.C., 210-26 .1 to say, tit name a selling t epttrio name an addres States or Isewher so as to stable m lic, to in titute doers, an I ongag ly any pe son who the info ant's Shonld a y person has been, eceived of these ealieines a letter, t the ad a coat of ix cents instrnetio • which ise to ex e it the medui nes are lions, he lay appl purchase them to Chernis s and Dr medicines can be e prices, in plantitip viz., 8s. or ' pote •f (fiat which re ittane I h Ire the Wit 553, Oxfoe treet, ( Oct. 1, 1871. Ff. MUSTAXIY8 KING Or OILS The beat external rem- edy for Rheeruatisme Speeins, Wound, Bruis- ..e. es and everyoonceivable sore, old ornew. Give it a triali. Alsvo:kryirthoeR For all internal pains, dice and if you want genuine VEGXTABLII xtria. To remove all obstrric- • Units of the Liu; Stout- epsia, Headache, Costiveness, -Anti-Eillous tie and sure remedy forWorms °MINION WORM CANDY. Cold in the Head, Neuralgia, ,nee • Catarrh Speci,fe, lief at once. • - ecompany sac of the above by druggists and dealers iu Manufactured by MUSTARD, Inger/toll, Ont. ach andll eke., try • Or if you e USE MU If you hay or Nervous Headach stard. /maitre r ctions • prepare -tie u. Sol medioin'e g nerally. 284-26 wels, Dy stardi quire a s TARD'S Catarrh Which will Full dir Bu TllE most HESS CHANCE. NDERSIGNED would beg spectfaty to inform his numerous 0118.- tomers and the publie generally that he has sold out hie wh e stock of Dry Goods and Groceriem to 1VILL'AM 'LOGAN and ROBERT JAMIESON, who, I believe, will giye geed satirfaation to all who. May p, tronize them, as they hare got the stock at very low price and .en reasonable terms. • With ers for the I first. com Seaf6rth, more may b JAMIES • any tl,a•nks to ail lay Custom - beret pa ;renege I hare received since enced 'business in Egmondville and el hoping the mune patronage and extended to the youn# Bent of LOGAN N, I remain, Yours, very truly, JOHN LOGAN. SpeclalIN ties to the Nenabere of the Sea -- h Ideehanies' Institute. AvalguE 5 a nrirrber of Books belonging to the Seafort Mechae ica' Institute are loet or Mies- ing, owing, t in Nil „eyed, to the leniency of the former Libr ia.n, in not enforcing the telex and reguleteons f the lib i-ary prefixed to•each volume, tlie said nil s and zeguletions will hereafter be strictly (info ced against all delinquent°. By order of the Direc ors. WM. N. W:A.TSON, Libranan. P. S.—T•h numbees of the booke ainissieg are 174, 412, 4.7, 40, 88, 120, 342, 146,158 lig 204 • 207, 212, 218 223, 24t, 303, 828, :337, 810, 866, a33, 24,200. An one un.e.wfully detaining any.ot the above one ek after Dhis notiee be proseeuted as the law di ects. 240-3 MU IC TE,.kCITING. Mik'S.C. H. ,ITCHARD, . PROP); E sO 41.TSIC, ictitG8 to i form th t inhhbitante of Seaforth that else hes -ettled inre, and in prepared to give instruotion vocal and instrumental inutile, bring- ing high tee hum:dais as to ability and aptitude in teaching. MISS PRITCHARD Teacher of eni painting, pencilina„ crayon and watTie belors.' over Mr. Grifil th :Da vies' old -stand, se end door south of the Post -Office. 239-18 PHOT . • --- .1). STEWART'S GRAPH -GALLERY •ercoved to William street, maw Presbyterian Church. .; 1.1th of August, this Gellersy ned on Tuesdays end Feidaye .those Iwo daye of each week being taking dews of homesteads, lane nerte, &a. All- pai•ties wan ties; such call awl leave their orders. 'ally cleaned and repaired. - 243-18 1 Is Near the FTER A- will be e furt•her flotic alaployea in buildings, se work done pl ciada, care L THE und. _ Cti.(Yrie "Es e . igned, on beliaL° of Church. ,,'eseloetle . will on'e for sale Ini-jabilt / - e eltgit test ei attbt, 0 office ef Mr. Job u S. Porter, Sea - cheek of the halter and the v‘eiee of ' forth, 011 .! 3:1th. da3 of September 1870 et ta the rider, far surpassing . whatever b''''' 01 fi" , the most elaborate maitcge gives a Europeen hor•se, though furnishe,d with snaffle, nrb and all. I often me:minted the- at the invitatioei of 1 ang ont ay the raikugs lie caw au- i their owners and without saddle I Seaforth, A other train comiue at lish t i - 1 i -- ti • • , . speed arotinct the. curs -e. Both triune ipt i; rtantatts gallop, wheele l them round, broug . mess, to 1 another inomen4 they would twill halt, and- -the without the least dif- iit-27-15;-"ne i wete crowded with .FAssengers ; in them up in - mid -career at a dead I Fenn propert togethea. and frdm the ruins a cry I ficulty or the anallest want of cote ! — a .. - - 0 es i good fa rin property. Interest, SIX l a ''''1-P - 'ber hes MONEY to leen to any nal. tvl en the interest end prin- -, am pee cent. pee anienni I.:1 of a centaur, not a when L51. • " ' This is, in a great 227-52 • A the -land, being v St. John etre known at the n us re a, m s t-te set them -.off at 11411 of ae-on v Would ahiese to tjee tinalince s respondence - Alm een the horse'e M 17,kl'EY TO LOAN. d owp ; the back- really fads him- ) clock, p. t•hitt ()catnip parcel of age. lot No. .12, corner of Jervis end tal Seaforth. Terms will bo made of sale. It N. 131IETT, SAMUEL TI1()TT, A Ble.1)013 tt ALL, • • Trustees. gust 3, 187'3. 244-4 .?,SEV TO LEND, - mod bee a.3,000 and tiewerd, private an., n•t 8 per cent. per annum, on e Chen ges • Maniage I. Apple- to W. G-. WILSON, Znrieb. stars fuoin the lips of the andmed i movements a, and dying. The engineer br.ci seen I rider on their their (-tenger, for ab that nlotaent, in self the man It i hie dream, Le heard the W;ii.Stle call- distinct being. jug for. brakes Round lend 71rd un- I part, owing to earthly. With the- streuath of dea- of -hreaking i much i)i.Sifei4rile' to PERS "WANTED athattilt Ofl per :13 eiple are peal incur 0.; MeDOuttnrz,, „ op -1s rout the `Aral:iYin syszem cheap cc sh Store, sign of. the Bear. TX/ - 1 t I I- la A 1 le 1,1 , Eloven email peratiort he grippeil the brake anc.I the European la core'erring " cooperst work. r. sett Berrek. turned it down, There was a yell 1 and perfeet tra taltilityt starAcersrot 22 , el- JOIIN G. ..teMENT. 233 • '4.- 'ED B If 'DI 9 9 . risr--TsP11 ass 1=2' rer1P_A,Se 9 9 9 CHARLES WILSON, • MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, SIGN OF THE 999_, Has just received A FINE STOOK OF TEAS, Which he will sell for one Waffle *REDUCED PRICES. $1 Tea for 75cts., 73ct. Tea for 50cts. Splendid Young Evian Tea at 40ets. Remember this is genuine, and now is the time to get crry,A.P TEA. S _ A large stock of Light and Preserving Sugars cheap and goad. Groceries of all kinds, and fresh LIQUORS. The host iu the market, Wholesale and Retail. 1 In bottles aud on draught, always pure and fresh. ALE AND PORTER Highest prices in cash paid for Butter and Eggs, at CHAS. WILSON'S. N. M. LIVINCST Offers for sale the balance of HIS STOCK OF TWEEDS AND FLANNELS , AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES, FOR CASH. Ho invites inspection and comparison TKOs any in the market. N. M. LIVINGSTONE s OFFERS FOR SALE MUSCOVADO, REFINED, CRUSHED AND GROUND LOAF SUGARS of the finest qualities, and at prices which cannot be beaten. N. M. LIVINGSTONE offers the balance of his large stock of GREE AND BLiCK 'TEAS AT GREATLY REDUCED FR10ES. Finest quality imported at $1 perish. N. M. LIVINGSTONE offers for sale 30 lbs. Pru.nes for one dollar, 20 lbs. Currants for one dollsen 20 lbs. Rice for one dollar, 12 LBS. RAISINS FOR ONE DOLLAR. N. M. Ltvingstone has just received. a large lot of COTTON GRAM BAGS AND COTTON WARP, CHEAP FOR CASH. Wanted, any quantity of butter, eggs and wool. wiszumniammosuricsrmany 240 STEWART;..TII-OMPSWA O'S 'IS THE PLACE TO GET THE BEST VALTJE AND LARGEST SELECTION OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, &c., IN AINLE Y -V ILLE. JUST REOMVED, A LARGE STOCK OP • READY—MADE CL OT II I N G, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, IMPORTED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND, Which will be sold 15 per cent. less than usual prices. AINLEYVILLE, May 22, 1872. - STEWART,. THOMPSON (it 00. ORGANS AND MELODEONS, At Dent's Cheap Dry Goods Store, Seaforth. LL R. DENT is now agent for two of the best makers in the Dotninion, le it practical musician, understands these instrtnnents thoroughly, and wont sell a poor one. Ho can (loll e -on an instill- ent at any 'price, from the lowest to the highest, and on the very best terms. Ile keeps a good variety on hand to select from, at his Cheap Dry Goods and Millinery Establishment, Seaforth. • That it) the place if you want a good instrameat cheap. Xvery instrament warranted by the lnaker for five years. "7^1- 1 J. P. BRINE, F 0 II T ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of -1-1 Huron. Sales atteuded in all parts of the _ Country. All orders left et Tim EX.Posrrou Office ThrE CHEAPEST 198 wit 11 be proxuptly attended to. AND BEST FURNITURE, C40 TO - JOHN ,STAUFFER'S A_NLEYVILLE. Sign of -Vle Two Bureaus. 7 :CAB15E NE18, 1872; 37-52 4/AKER WANTED. ...41 ANTED s first-class CaLinet-Mo.ker, to work at P;oce-work!: o.15Rri gues. J. Ataiesvina J(511N G. DALE, the Continent, at as low rates as by any other hue. FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. TNMAN LINE OF MAIL STEMERS SAILING -1-• from Newi York, 230 Tiekets sold to and from England, Ireland, and EVER/ THURSDAY AND ,EVERY : SATURDAY, ' 1, Agent' 15, Broudway, N. Y., or 3.0mxi sEATTER3 • - ; Seaforth. STO ES, TINWARE AND . COAL OIL. -N, S. 1V141TE1 has juet received a large etock 1 t of Coukine. Parlor ved Doe Stows, of the best mannfitetnionwhieb she can sell as cheep as any in the trsiltielreA. Jam, of eTe27 tilitscriertion, kept eonstently on ha n el and made to order. Also, stove Pipes, Eave Troughine-, etc. - Custom -work peomptly attended to, and outside work will receiveceove jtry Iti.ittentlioz. - OIL:. A Wen) stock of the very best Coal Oil k-ept epee etantly on Land, and will be sold wholesale and srtel:t.clariGeilltitilieFsci)EelkillihieeillilliayenesetCeaollnir book ela'seeBonnloetka, are arien. quilesattzsed:Itevolioel_titkililnur old iron, ) brass, apper, etc., Llama in exchange for goods. 197 • 7 • SEPT, 6, 1872, • • OL SIWMIDS-)-10-V2 0 2 :10 • REPAIRS FOR MASSEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY. OIS V 0 t-4 0 ?—i 0 .staaavazi HILL IO NfDIS' GENUINE MORGAN CRADLES, Fitted Complete with Morgan's Scythes. HARVESTING 1NPLEMENTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, HURRAH FOR 1872; W.M. ATILT, MAIN STREET, SRA -FORTE, "ITAS ON HAND superior stock of rumuir -1--A- GROCERIES, embracing Teas of the beet brands, Sugars, Raisins, etc. Also, Crockery- . Glassware, and every other article useelia nape hi a first-class Grocery Store. PuovIstoiTs, Such as Flour, Ost and.Corn-meal,Potat-oes, Pork a etc., ale:, )143;ievEtlizription Snob as Oats, Peas, Branand Shorts, all of *hick will be gold cheaper than the cheapest. P.110111.;CM. - The highest market price paid for all kinds ef Farm Produce. Remember the place, Main street, East Bide, opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforthe 213 IN'31.. AULT. A Cheizileal 'Wood and Nutritive Tenit. L-1- —Without phosphorus no thought, say the Germans, tend they might add, no action, since phosphorus and its compounds aro known to be the motirepower of the nervous and muscular yi- tein-. They -constitute more than half the mater- ial of the human body, beingfound in every tile sue and their presence la absolutely essential. ti nuerition, as they promote the conversion of the albumen in the food into fibrine, which is the 'vit- alizing agent of pure, healthy blood. They are now corning into nnivernal nse in Europe and America in the treatment of serofulotis, eotismnp- tlye and yenereal tibiae/lee, which *re eausedby impoverishe,1 or poisoned blood ; and in diseasee of *omen enntering front irregularities, obStrue- tions and exhaustiee diechargee, in pale, Tinny chil- dren, and that conditieni of nervous and physical' prostration resulting from had habits excessive nee of stimulants anti tobacco, and. alt tree of evils known an a fast life. The great reliability and promptness in its effects in immediately and permanently restoring the deeitalized constitutiez bas made DR. WHEELER'll COMPOUND ELM. IR 033' PHOSPHATES AND CATaISAYA a greet newel te with the physicianand publie. Soldet 1. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. - - - --eka enee...ese-----e4neneetz-- LLLH (-1. CARTWRIGHT. L.1). S” Surgeon Dentist, extrects teeth without pain by the nse of the Nitrone-Oxide ttes. Offiee—Over the Fountain 01 Fashion, lir. Pewter's store, on the Market Square. Attendence in Seaforth, at Enox's Hotel, the first Tuesday aml Wednesday of each month; in 'Clinton, at the dommeroiel Hotel, on the fellowhig Thos. tine's and Frideva. The remainder of the time at his Stratford oificc. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to cent if at Seefortle and Clinton, on the firet eluys of at- tendance. Over 54,000 patients have bad teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, at Dr. Colton's offices Neff York- '203 DANIE-L McGREGOR, Bookbinder, H2.rpurhey,seaforth, IPuSsedin iusi rtehlbehiTsiataleisiatirgLdStock iti:tillfrtuel parerpiaarl-f ed. to (=mite, on the eh'ertest notice and in the latest styles, all orders ha mine be favoured with. ILEOISTERS, is :C.-1:13 NE:: DB, LANE BODO, 0 Bailed, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, and at prime whicli defy competition. Ladies' 11Tork BOXOS ce; Pane?! Cases Made to order. OLD AND NEW BOOKS Donna and repaired at eity pekes. Persons reeitling at a distance by kaving their books at the "Signal" liook Store, Goilazich, or, at btheiong"F,:eiiiiosbiotnond.' r'Seefoeth, or at la R. Grant'S steting style, may rely- upon them All communicattons addressed to the undersign' od; win receive prOnipt attention. DANIEL -.51at REG OR, Scaforth, (11elein,Pnea) .gpT. 6,_172. Vann WOWS an The best cow eats 4. poor one.—Min forward with four sis Tun a 1,>00 -acre farm ai last five, years, durni, they added $1,500 to bank.—Carras wended as feed fair they save oats and gi- to the skin, beside lealthful condition of From 14 to 21 palm& allowance, anything ov t to affect the kidnes excessive stalling,— whieh potatoes have t said to possess a poisor on cattle- Wasu freel3 - or woolen cloth, choot Jay or a warm stable tion, and as their hi] down with a currv-( feeding ehopped straw, t I seed, thoroughly- cook( and raw Swedish turnii largest dairies in Engl.' the yield of milk from gallons per each cow. An Arabian stal eentiv imported direct by Daniel Je,nifer He is described by she and Farm as 415 hand a full, Justrous, inte coat like white satin, thin and silky, hoofs s shaped, and legs as c yow as those of a stag he fills th c ideal of a desert. An hour after 1 his tedious +oyage of be was as active as a affectionate and gentl -----A farmer in Ma cently took his usual m. to the village, and after his purchases, the sales ed to shove the biin wagon seat, but met wi 'and determined -opposi withdrew his land in The cause was found t hen that was Bitting til nest of eggs, and whic pertinacity of fowls at ineubation, had stuck throughout the two mile the farmer's wagon -she put iin A," bill" to stay bags. Most Profit in Pro No producer shouM b tor ; or should a farmer hold his crops, with the may thereby influence MarKets are not tlriis The effects of all contin discounted at the corn tres ; that is, they affect before the produce is ha the conditions of crops a IMO MI to those whose bt to market them and brin the consumer -.than to raise them. The former in their course, of business of accurately ascertaini proximate yield of Jh crops by which them trad and they -use those -ine most effective manner, business, aud they' succe proportion as thev roam ill. Farmers cannot co them in. this, and gene when they attempt it, is true that the sooner e keted the 'cetter. for ti An example may be s 'Hatter of wool the pres Those farmers who sold t as soon as they were she while those who held o rates, and those who BUJ have lost or probab -with the pork market,, hogs ready for the butch pecially those fitted for trade, as fresh pork, ral bringing better prices coming -in with the cro or two later. But it that the farmer loses mos From the moment his c vested it is the prey Rats and mice consume weevil silently and eeero -its heart. How much these industrious enernies estimate. Every farmer it is himself, to his sor year by year, he waits for the higher prices, w come, and when they fail to cover his losses. eaily, and realize the ' he may, is nearly alway ways, his best course an profitable. It is his - speculate, but if he loses ia3r the blame to Inc businesP. 11-ov7 TREY Ruor fl 4Do you know how the agricalture down there? Judge. 'Tb -ere was a hired himself out as a fa Arizona, ad the first da told hint to cut sone % asked for an axe, but t said, no we don't cut w a,xe, here;' and gave h immmer to knock and b mesquit which they b there. The nekt day ordered to cut some ha) looking about for a scyth