HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-09-06, Page 5E T 6, 1872. 0 G. ..i....:i 0 O . .. ,:. 1 ft. 0iii.. .. 0 0 I NOYA, SCOTIA; 8 2 6 O,. uald.;... .., 0 0 ePonalld......... ern. 0 rapper..... ... 0 ., 0 1 0 O 1 l 0' 0 1 0 1 €1 1 0 1 0 O 0 O 0. O 1 tl O 1. 0 1 O .ff O 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0- t isconte 1 0 0 AP TF,'LATICe. . 410 7 '... 47 36 5 25 33 3 .,,. 410 7 -,,.,.,.,.. 84 Si 21 M-, Ministerial ;. ,s'r between the retel. to the leaders of the the late election, and inet. Ministers, roust: tiraging to the fatter. ie was returned by dreg,. but Sir John mud his majority . to Tittle more than Mr. Blake is elected, for two- constituen- .cks-, defeated in On. l to fly to British r. Dorian elected,; fry the country,. tier stands beaten by Cud. - for State officers in sloe on Monday next, State has: for several scene of a vigorous a result is looked to ectancy. The pros-. Fr eeley.- seem to be- t as the time goes on. the Demooratie place, and a Con lterest held in Louis- this time, has doubt -- a candidate. This y de -tract from Mr. crate following. it Monsieur Louis ed from his obscur- e more entered pub- w- find him aspiring y honors.. He has ate for the constitti- ler, a French Rid- in opposition t0 ex - 1 Cla1k, it is also most: certain of elec heeds look on him favor than his op - is this for high r to see some of the of the Govern, - by side in Parlia- R el, ?r. P., the Thomas Scott," and Ea ` my honorable THE WEEK. has, by command nt a letter to Mr.. ng Her Majesty's 'the prudence and layed'k in opening with Dr Living - Ting the letter was tuff-boxset with er Majesty to Mr. ttil a week or so a policeman who Ioy his spare mo - ng burglaries. He sen of theca before watched and to the .New York- of panic when the -ere made known, rs for their_ mId- s a most unpleas rtay is advancing td a battle is in,- tssinian army has resist the invad k Yokohama an-- estruction by fire //erica, Of the Pa- r's ar's- line, valued at The fire oceured okoharna on the r. S A°rival.: lier has just been inns. A butcher's el, was walking roman, Sydonie ueigh5orhood of gluar rel between Orel stunned her i stone, and then He afterwards ustody. :.tplace on Satur- ort, Maine, be Tiinony. The PT., fight lasted about an hour, during which ten rounds were fbught, the disgusting contest being dosed by moray being knocked insensible. On Kelly being adjudged the victor, he went among the crowd and col- lected quite a large stem for his de- feated foe. - A the- broke out an- Tuesday, in Canterbury Cathedral over the altar the eastern end of the building. Owing to the difficultyin getting water it was at one time feared that the venerable pile would be totally destroyed. The flames, however, were subdoed in time to - prevent sir :6 a catastrophe, though ' consider- able damage has been done. The .fire was caused by the upsetting of a furnace that k a being used by work- men repairing the roof. Sold, but didn't Get the Money. The St;' Marys Argus narrates the following amusing incident of the political campaign in South Perth : "An elector -a certain ' celebrat- ed' shoemaker -held hisi vote at a price and declared he would not vote at, all unless he waspaid for doing st% Finding that no bid: was forth- coming, be finally proposed to vote for ten dollars. A • bargain was at - once closed and the money paid, in the formofa roll of silyer wrapped up in paper. The vote was pulled and the aelighted son of St. Crispin pocketed his bribe and started home. .Arrived there be proceeded to ' count' his treasure to see that he was not ' cheated.' He took off the wrapper, and to ! he had nothing but circular pieces, of j baser metal ' with a silver coin at each end. On Ending that he was ' sold' he re- turned eturned to the poll and demanded ve- hemently to be allowed to vote for Mr Trow, declaring that .he was not to be bought with ` iron ' money. The demand, of course, was efused, whereupon he grew very. !wrathy and declared he would upset .the. whole election. -ice South Renfrew. Telegraphic despatches from this Riding announce the defeat of Mr. J. L. McDougall by a majority of 232 is favor of Mr. O'Reilly, From information to hand, . however, we v - believe that Mr. McDougall' should have beenelected by a majority of over one hundred. ,In the upper townships, we understand, no votes were allowed to be polled' for Mc- Dougall, end notwithstanding that there is no ,proper assessment roll for those townships, they are report- ed las giving a majority of 384 votes for Mr. O'Reilly. If we deduct this from the total vote poll- ed,, and allow - Mr. O'Reilly 100 majority for these town ships, which is certainly more than could be legally polled, we would then have a majority of 164 for Mr. Mc- Dougall. We believe the legal fraud of personation was largely resorted to by Mr. O'Reilly's friends, and every improper influence used to de- feat Mr. McDougall. For reasons expressed before, we regret that Mr. O'Reilly should have been re- turned under any circumstances. He is not a fit person to represent the interests of the Ottawa Valley in Parliament, and we believe a fair expression of the feeling of South Renfrew will endorse th is scatem ent. it is probable that Mr. McDougall will appeal to the proper tribunal for redress, and that Mr. O'Reilly will be unseated on petition. -Otta- wa Free Press. Ooramerce1 of New York - The Jo2zrnat of Commerce sums up a column article on this subject. with the very Significant statement that The imports at New York for seven months have gained thir- ty --eight millions ell, the very large total for the same period of last year, and eighty-seven millions over the the similar statement of 1870 ; the the exports are five millions less than for the same time last year ; paper money and its accon- panying falsities make this the best market to sell in and the dearest market to buy in to be -found among civilized nations." -AI 00 AUCTION SALES. Wednesday, Sept. 11, on. Lot 10, Con. 4, Township of Hay, Farm Stock and Implements. Thomas Fairbairn, . pro- prietor ; A. Bishop, auctioneer. - Saturday, Sept. 14, at saw mill on 4th concession, Hay, 60,000 feet of Lumber, Cedar Posts, Farm Stock and Imple- ments.. N. & T, Garrick, proprietors ; A. Bishop, auctioneer. Ii onday, Sept. 16, on Lot 14, 12th eon ession, G-rey, valuable Farm Stock. S. Slemuion, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Wednesday, Sept. 18, on Lot 4, Con. 11, McKillop, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. Thomas Murray, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Thursday, Sept. 19, on Lot 6, Con. 14, Grey, Farm. Stock and Implements. William Alcock, proprietor. Friday, Sept. 20, on Lot 5, North Thames Road, Usborne, Farm Stock and Implements. James Miller, proprietor ; A. Bishop, auctioneer. Tuesday, Sept. 24, on the farm of the late Alexander Cameron, Lot 34, Con. 1, Huron Road, McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. J. P. Brine, auctioneer. - APPRENTICE WANTED. PPRENTICE WANTED to the Wagon-mak- 4"- - ing business. 248 McINTQSH & Mg1iRISON. BI>„THS. GARNIss,-_In Seaforth, o . the 31st ult., the wife of Mr. Thomas Garvie, tailor, of a daughter. MoCx.uxa..`h McKillop . on the 2nd Wit., the wife of Mr. G : orge McClure, of a daughter. MARRIAGE S. "STEWART - VANCE.-By Rev. Charles Lavell, M. A., at the esleyan Par- sonage,'on the 31st Aug st, Mr. Wil. liam Stewart,` of Us • . rne, to Miss. Mary Vance, of the yam : place. MACKAY-MACDONA:LD.- ; t the manse, in McKillop, on the 29th of August, by Rev. A. McDiarmi , Mr. George Mackay, of Michigan, t0 Miss Mary Macdonald, of Seaforth., AXISTRONO--TERWILLIGA . - -At Wid- ger. Station, on the 2nd 'net.; by,Rev. M. Benson, Mr. C. Arm trong, of Sea - forth, ont., to. Helena A gusts, second daughter 'of Rev. S. 1ierwiIligar, of Widder Station, Ont. THE MAR FallWheat Spring wheat Barley Oats Peas Butter Eggs - Flour Hay.. Hides Sheep Pelts., Lamb' Skins Cali Skins, (veal) per lb., Salt (retail) per barrel Potatoes, (new) per bushel Dried Pork -Bacon Dried Pork -Ham .Tan Bark - Oatmeal brl Apples per bushel. ETS. SEAPORT :i, Sept. 5, 1872. 41 10 to 1 15 1 13 to 1 15 050tor055 J 082 to 085 ▪ 0 50 to 055 012 to 018 O 12 to 0 12 6 75 000 10 00 toto 12 00 ..600 to 750 0 25 to 0 50 O 50 to 100 069 to 0 10 100 to 000 040 to 045 0 09 to 0 10 0 15 to 0 16 8 25 to 8 25 400 to 500 ' 0 40 to 050 Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats Barley Peas Butter Eggs Hay, per ton, CLINTON Sept. 6, 1872. $1 10 ® 1 15 1 10 ® 1 15 . 0 80 ® 085 0 50 (r 0 54 O 50 (44 058 0 12 ® 0 18 0 10 ® 0 12 8 00 @ 12 00 BUFFALO LIVE S' OCK. - THURSD • Y, Sept. 5. receipts and t the cattle , beginning The following shows th shipments of live stock yards for the week - thus f with Sunday - .Receipts. Cattle, Shoe ., - head. head 289 748 .. 629 3,60 .. 731 4,601 ... 1,003 2,40 Sunday Monday : Tuesday Wednesday Thursday. . Total Same time last week .. ,. . . Sunday...... . )ion day ........ Tuesday Wednesday Thursday.. 3,400 12,60 8,296 14,00 Shipments. Cattle; Sheep head. head 68 ... 34 1,2 850 1,80 1,309 3,40 1,003 4,00 Total .. 3,264 10,40 Same time last week...... 6,154 7,0 CATTLE, Receipts to -day, includin ported to arrive; have bee making the total supply f thus far 3,400 head, or 200 488 cars for the same time The run this week has been ever known since the East Yards became an" institu country. Several reasons for this state of things, the ible of which is that the low prevailed last week, togeth drought and short feeding, owners to hold back their sto prices, and have time to put t condition. There are but f. prime fat cattle in the We have been buying up large h cattle to feed. them corn, a.. week or two will witness a large receipts and better gr The market to -day was abo• as yesterday for common c stock would have command figure had there been much natives are sold. Those in t Texans and inferior stock. prised about 500 head. were as follows : No. of Average Head. Weight 24 State Stockers, 792 42 Cherokee steers, 975 119 Texas " 1178 Hogs, Horses. head. head. • 6,100 32 4,200 16 300 .. 800 32 3,500.-144 14,900 224 10,900 192 Hogs, Horses. head. head. 4,400 32 4, 600 32 3,100. ., 200 64 70Q 16 13,000 145 12,900 256 16 cars re - 1,003 head, r the week ars, against last week. he shortest uffalo Stock= ion of the re assigned ost lans- .rices wh ch r with the has caused k for better em in good w droves of t. Feeders rds of thin d the next renewal of e of cattle. t the same ttle ; good d a .higher ffering. All e yards are Sales com- ransactions . 11 20 111. steers, 18 96 " 18 " heifers, 19 Mich. - 18' " CC 33 Ohio " 19 Mich. heifers, And 5 others. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts to -day, including - ported to arrive, 2,400 head, total supply for the week, th 600 head, against 14,000 h same time last -week. The active at yesterday's prices, feeling prevailing. We mote ing sales : No. of . Average Head. Weight. 220 Michigan sheep, 82 426 Canada lambs, 64 88 " 69 11 Canada sheep, 115 56 " " 108 397 Ohio 83 1050 1240_ 1196 1154 1093 1106 - 1334 913 HOGS. Receipts to -day, including were reported to arrive, 3 making the total supply for thus far, 14,900 - head, agai for the same time last week. rules at yesterday's quotati hogs'. are in demand. at $4 8 Extra lots a shade higher. stock neglected. But little morning. We note the follo No. of Average Head: • -- Weight. 111 Illinois hogs, 232 258 Mich. - " 158 94 Ohio " . 249 9:0 State " 300 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO, September 3.= market for upper grades o steers was active - and highe choice selling readily. at $6 37 good well -fatted light steers $5.8Th . Live Hogs -The mar and firm, the entire range be Prue. $3 50 3 00 5 00 590. 6 25 6 70 4 75 5 40 5 50 6 50 4 62- wo cars re- ++ aking the sfar, 11,- ad for the �+ arket was vith a good the follow Price. $5 70 7 75 7 75 5 75 5 75 5 50 cars that 500 head, the week, st 10,900 he market ons. Good to $5 00. hin grassy doing this ng sales : Price. $5 00 4 50 5 10 4 65 ARKET. attle- The shipping prime to to $6 621; t $5 75 to et is active g $4 55 to 1 • .T� $5 10. Sheep --Good at $5 25 to $5150. LIVERP p.- D. '8 12 0 1 12 6 1 1 4 1 27 9 0 8 4 4 2- 9 9 0 8 0 5 6 re acti OL. tre Flour S.D.28 6 Red Wheat - 11. 9 Red Winter..... 12 2 White..........12 0 Corn Barley Oats Peas ,„ 87 0 Pork .... .,50 0 Lard ., 41 0 i:' EgplaszTdR. e` and firm ' SULKY FOR SALE. 'OR SALE, C :If AP, a good Skeleton SULKY. 247 Apply to WH, GRA8SIE, Wagoimaker, Seaforth. D. S. D. 0 80 0 4 12 8 6 13 0 8 la 9 6 29 0- 4 8 4 10 2 10 ' 6 88 0 ' 0 50 0 9. 41 9 GOLD. --The price of Gol i in New York is quoted at 113A, - PUBLIC NOTICE ---S THE•Reireshment Booths of the Tackersmith 13 ciety, for the two days apo will be held, will be sold to t -public auction, on the Groan 14th.inst., at 4 o'clock P; M. NOTIC On the days of the above persona will be allowed to se on other Refreshments of an biers, mountebanks, or other or swings, will be allowed w Show Ground. - By order, Tuckersmith, Sept.t. 2,1872 C. YE Auctioneer and, Co MAIN STREET, Will attend to all kinds of 8 -Huron, on liberal terms. paid to the sale of Feria Sto 248-26 C BUTTER SAMUEL T Cooper, Seaf Has on hand and for sale a TER TUBS, made of the be form in size. Apply at Coo Station. SELECT SC ivriss'RORINSON'S Solec on MONDAY, Sept. 9. GOTHS. ow Ground cultural So. e Fall Show t bidder, by URDAY, the ash. person or ous Liquors, d no. gam - performers, ards of the Secretary. 248-2 erchant, e County of attention ctioneer. 00 School erofBUT- 1, and 'nni- r Railway 248#4 ill re -open 247-2 Clover and SEE FOR FALL FOR SALE STRONG & F Ti othy OWI 0, AT I.R EY'S GROCERY, FEED AN. t SEED STORE MAIN -STREET, S AFORTH. THE-WESTE WILL BE HELP CITY OF E ON THE 8th, 9th, 10th an. W FUN THF; S 10,000 ._Do Will be awarded a ?'I -entries to be made by th 248-4 N FAIR IN T :rte D+N, fit Oct., M OF LAR Prizes. 28th Se tember. MoBR E, 8 cretary. . 11 Insolvent Ac JOHN S. PORTER, Plaintiff SING, Defcn of 869 vs. PE t ER DE- nt. - UPON•reading the writ of . ttachme t herein, the affidavit of service ther • of, and he return thereto of the Sheriff of the I.unty o Huron, I do order a meeting of the eredi ors of ho above- named insolvent, to be held = t my c bore in Conrt House in the town of (oderich, on WED- NESDAY, the 25th day of Sep ember, . D. 1972, at 12 o'clock, noon, for the pu ose of ppointing an assignee herein. •' : ' 2sTG' aow' Dated at Chambers, this 3d day 1 ZZ'3u '•2BTeaaillL• of September, A. D. 1872. f ' JOHN 'AVIDS 24$-2 D p. J., C. N, ., C. H. CHANGER S ` OF VILLAGE OT. IN Tri N; VILLAGE OF SE . ORTH, OF HURON LE COUNTY Pursuant to a decree and .Tial order of sale, made in a certain cause, now p . ding in the Court of Chancery, wherein one ADAM DANIELS is plaintiff and MARY ANN C TER is defendant, will be sold in one lot by PUB I0 AUCTION, by Mr. JOSEPH T. BRINE, midi neer, at KNOX'S HO In the Village of SEAFORTH, r 'th the approbr tion of Henry MacDermott, osq., Master of the Court of Chancery at Goderich, on FRIDAY, the 20th day of S PTEIriBER next, At 12 o'clock n,.n, . The following property, that is o say: All and singular:, that oertair parcel or tract of land and premises, situated, 1 ing and being in the village of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, being composed of lot No. 208 on Huron street, in the said Village of Seaforth, in the County of Karon. This lot is situate on the principal street lead - from the Market to the Stat on, being a corner lot, upon which is erected a fro.. a dwelling. There will be an up -set price . f $820. - r Terme of Sale -Ten per con : of the purchas3 money at the time ofsale, and he balance in one week thereafter without interes . Lions of sale will of the Court of In other particulars, the con be the standing conditions Chancery. - Further particulars of the con be had at the Law Office of Meyer, and of the auctioneer, Dated. this 4th day of Septem H NINRY MA Ma BENSON & 'MEYER, -Ven 8-2 itions of sale may essrs. 73enson & rpurhey. er, 1872. ERMOTT, ter at Goderich. ors' Solicitors. TO THE PUBLIC ' T LARGE. W. ' H. OIL VER, Harness, Saddle nd runk MANUFACTU. bER, - MAIN -ST., SEA FORT . SIGN OF THE SCOT A choice assortment of light a Whips, Bells, Horse Clothing, on hand. . Repairing promptl charges moderate. Remember the Scotch Collar. 1 COLLAR. d heavy Harness, kept constantly attended -to, and the place, sign of . H. OLIVER. LAIVMBS FOR BALE. - FOR -SALE, ten or twelve cell -bred Leicester RAM LAMO8S. The Lambs San .be seen on the farm of the Inndersigned, Lpt 8, Fourth Con- cession, H, R. SI., Tuckersmith, 247*4 li elNRY CHESNEY. Notice to Patrons of Kinburn and Sea- , forth Cheese 'Factory. LL THOSE 'vho have not re'ceirod their money eeL for May and dune,niilk eau get it by calling at Logan & Jamteson'c Store, where my books are kept. W. 8. ROBERTSON. STRAYED H{RSE. GAME into the premises of th' undersigned, Lot 16, Con. 15, Grey, on Monday, Sept. 2; a grey HORSE, about 7 years old. The owner is request- ed to prove property, pay charg s and take it away. 248*4I - TH MAS SHIELS. ESTRAY STEERS. STRAYED from the premises of the undersigned, in Egmondv' e, on Sunday,; Aug. 18, two two- year-old STEER; one was red' with a white line back, and the other grey, with tl a right hip •down. Any information'ablyreward leading to the recovery will be s . 246 I GEORGE ES ING, Seaforth. STRAY . ClOW. - (NA1SE into the enclosure of the subscriber, Lot No. 19, Concession 9, McKillop, on or about the 9th inst., a brindled COW, giving milk. The owner can have her upon proving property and pay- Ing charges. HYM4N TYERMAN. ESTRAY STEL RS. - CAME into the !enclosure of th subscriber, about the first of SeptemberJast, t vo STEERS, then coming two years old • both white and red; one.tt mooley. The owner is requested to prove prop- ,' erty, pay charges and take 'them away. • If not claimed, they will be sold for expenses. JAMES BOWES, 248*8 Lot 35, Concession 3, Grey. PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have this day entered into Partnership as Millers and Produce Cofnmissio Merchants in the Village of Seaforth, under the name, style and firm of JAS. P. RRNDALL & C • [Signed,] JAS. P. K1t1 DALL, MARTIN CHAIILESWORTH. i JAS. P. 'KENDAl�L & CO. Beg to state to the Farmers, P od rce Merchants and Dealers of the County of Huron that .they have purchased from Messrs. S ,ARSON & CO. the Mills known as the Seafo h l ills, and will hereafter carry on the same. All Kinds of Grain Purchased, As formerly, And the Highest CASH PRICE Pairs. FLOUR exchanged for WHEAT, Farmers desiring to excha can rely upon getting for their Wheat No. 1 F1 ur. FLOUR DELIVERED in an logo free of charge. The undersigned, having had t management of the Mill for the Patrons may rest assured that i the same satisfactory. treatment as formerly. part of the Vii- e entire working past three years, hey will receive nd as good work JAS. P. Kir DALT, & CO. IN REFERENCE to the above the undersigned would beg to thank their nu erous customers for the extensive patronage ' acco ded to them for the past four years, and trust that the same lib- eral patronage will be extended the new fuze SHAWLS and MANTLES, SHEETINGS, whom we have pleasure in being b bio to confident- ly' rocomhrond to our old patron . All debts due us, in connection with the Millmust be paid to - Jas. P. Kendall & Co., and all dents duo by us, in connection with the same, will lie settled by the said firm of Jas. P, Kendall .& Co. - W: A. SHT+;.RSON & CO. Seaforth, Ang. 21,1872.• 246 QKTREAL ITOTT$E-.. FALL STOCK. DUNCAN 41t DUNCAN, (SUCCESSORS TO E. HICKSON & CO. Are now receiving their Fall Importations of Staple and .Fancy Dry Goods, Ready - Made CIothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishings, &c. - Having visited the Eastern Markets, and with great care in selecting stock, and with a very large lot of WOOLEN GOODS, PURCHASED BY 13TCKSO:T co-, PREVIOUS TO THE ADVANCE IN WOOLEN GOODS, ARE PREPARED TO PLACE BEFORE TH id PUBLIC A FULL STOCK OF GOODS OF ALL SORTS, AT OLD PRICES, IN FANCY DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, - LUSTERS,. POPLINS, BLACK SILKS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS, FANCY FLANNELS, BLANKETS, DENIMS, A_ TA CASH_ NO MORE CREDIT AT T. K. ANDERS N'S. Hexing purchased. a large stoop of the most fashionable, handso a and substantial Clcths, Hats and Caps, and Gents' Furnishings, Suitable for the Fa Trade, T. K. NDER SON Will sell at 10 PER CENT. Lower than. Formerly, For Cash and Cash Only. Some of the latest novelties in H TS and CAPS of which he haste largest, eh pest and best stock in town. Some Very Fine Scotch a d EnglishTWEEDS, • Which, when well made up, look erb. Clothing made to order, as usual nothing but a good fit allowed to leave the store. . Remember the spat, Duncan's 0]d Stand, Main - street, Seaforth. T. K. ANDERSON. N. B. -There are a number of outstanding ac- counts, a settlement of which would- be duly appreciated. READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. CALL AT DUNCAN & DUNCAN'S, (FIICKSON'S OLD STAND,) MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH. LARGER PREMISES AND INCREASED BUSINESS. 1.,t; iti r 11 k:! THANKS for past liberal patronage, and a continu . _ ance of similar favors so- licited. 1 • McINTYRE & WILLIS' business has grown so rapidly that they have been compelled to remove into larger premises. They will now be found. in Thomas Bell's old stand, next door - South of their former shop. Custom work receives careful attention. A good At and good stock is their .motto.. Boots and shoes of all kinds, either home or factory -made, in great variety. Jp.st call and see. McINTYRE & �PILDI$, Boot and Shoe Store, Main -street, Seaforth. REMOVAL I REMOVAL! HARNESS, HARNESS.. ALEXR. STEWART, General Blacksmith, Has removed to hies new brink premises, South Main street, Seaforth, next door to McIntosh & Morrison's Carriage Shop, where he hopes to have a call from all his old patrons and as many new ones as may feel disposed to patronizehi•n. BLACKSMITHING In all its branches, promptly attended to. Horseshoeing and Repairing Done on the shortest notice, at the most reason. able terms and in a manner to guarantee satis- faction. WAGONS AND SLEIGHS Made to order, and REPAIRING neatly and cheap- ly executed. By strict attention to business and fair dealing, in the future, as in the past, he hopes to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage accorded to him since commencing business in Seaforth. ALEXANDER STEWART. Seaforth, Aug. 26,1872. ' 2474 AGENTSSpec mens andr full particulars free. Address WOOD'S LITERARY AND ART AGENCY, Newburgh, N. Y. Great Variety AT WILSONTS SEAFORTH. TRUNKS of all kinds, VALISES -not a few, WfiiPS--of all sorts, COLLARS --all sizes, Brushes, Curry -Combs•, Curds, All prices -from 10 cents up.. Bells, Blankets, Circing1es, Saddles, And in fact everything usually found in a first- class Saddler's Shop, and at prices extremely low. DANES WILSON Takes this opportunity of thanlang his numerous friends and customers for the liberal support ex- tended toward him for the past year and hopes by strict attention to business and manufacturing a first-class article to -merit a fair share of the pat- ronage of the many. Remember the Signa of the u GOLDEN SADDLE." 215 AVOID Q11 .A&CKS.-A VICTIM OF EAH- ly indiscretion, causing nervous debility,prema- ture decay,&c.,having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self -cure. which he will send free to his fellow -sufferers. Ad- dress J. H. Reeves, 78 Nassau-st., New York. '4S