HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-09-06, Page 3EPT. 6, 1872. ____Nrasessa_mseessememeweae _ e dayI'm sure of it; and fintis such fault my tools; but I don't - he does or not, aa long our dooty by him. ting, though, on one hen it doe a come 1,11 , that shiny old claajn. till them bellows roar eckoning on seeing the vy shall stand by ratt t light of my fire glow- tooghtfal little fece— loud cheer of trinmph, ling where we put the as Davy said it, father, and we'll t: too AL. NOTICES. .";PPS'S COCOA—GRATEFUL $%.--" By a thorough he natural laws which rations of digestion and y a careful application of es of well -selected cocoa, tovided our breakfast-ta- -e.ately flavored beverage us many doctors' bills, Gazette.. Made simply er or mjlk. Each packet kmEn ErPs & Ce„ a, London." Also, mak.. ritSy Cocoa (Cocoa and - cough is successfully W's Compound Syrup of The most stubborn n a few days. .., Otted that a well -fitting les is one of the great • modern science has those needing optical ue but the most perfect "as by that means fre- id the fatigue whi31.1 the y spectacles experiences least costly are those to be the best. Mr. M. ms to have for Sale the ectacles an(1 eye -glasses iz :—the celebrated per - manufactured by Lazar - ;0., combining in their ne of transparency with ereey of footle and are most durable and finest in gold, silver, shell and. ir is fitted on optical he agents are enabled to. yectaeles and eye-glas,-. apondence. • ' Faciectrte OIL wExGirr IN GOLD. DO YOU (W ? IF NOT, ITU TODIMED: ineparations of medienne 1 the impartial judgment of neeat length_ of time. One of crerno Om, purely a peeper - 1 the best oils- thet are known, irtuea of its own. Scientific r medicine& may be flame& of • certain fixed_ proportions of odneing effects- 'which could tf:sesof any one of them, or in rsi Thus in the preparation change takes place, forming aid not by any possibility be nembination or proportions nts, or any other ingredients, from any -tieing ever before Lues the most astonishing re - wider range of application -er before discovered. It cone other volatile lig-Edda, conga - g by evaporation. Wherever enefit of every drop; whereas ions nearly all the alcohol is you get only the small Teazle 7 -may contain. . THOMAS, PICELP9, N. Y. & LYMAN, Nevreastle, Ont., ornfznon, _elected and Etectrizect ev E. Hickson & Co. and R. Primate iteme4y, T'BRIODICAL MLS. edieine is unfailing in the: &dal' and dangerous diseases; constitution is Subject. It remoYee all °ban -notions, 7be relied on. is peculiarlysnited. It will en the monthly period with 'mit be taken by Females monthae1Pregnaey,. as they 'iseaexiage,.bnt.at any other One and Spinal Affeetionge lirabs fatigue on slight ex - the *heart, hysterics, and [effect a cure when all other and although a powerful iron, caIoraen antimony, or constitittion, be pamphlet around each be carefully preserved.. Sole Proprietor, $1.00 and closed to Northop &LIOnnea, /agents for the Dominion, entainnag aver. 50 pills by by E. Hickson & Ca., and iatee isomonsmonmesummommo TWIE TABLE. `e Seaford' station as EST. 'Mixed. Mail. M. G EAST. 'Mud. REMOVED. %RTSON and Undertaker, ware-rooraa to or.a) srAND, et, Seaforthe superior stock of Furni. Y description. ISE JT Thomas Belinsm elARSE, funerals on the shortest country. Sines, _ SHROUDS f ,RTSON, "e*D UNDERTATCER, Ohl Stand,. as now on leand a. good ern of .-C..71DS !leaner than they cau be ewhere. 205 COM, FORT. , PERFECT SIGHT.. ere aaPEItFECT SIGHT tee Sight ruing .)ECTACLES,, *which is well known NoRRrs & kerience and experiment, r machinery,been enabled eiderature, PECTACLES ,ere, anti 18,,St. many VESartf 247 •_•." SEPT. 6,1872 GAMITIna. Which is the best way to retain, a young lady's affections? Not to return'What. them. _,vhave you • to remark, madame, about my singing Noth- - ing, sir ; its not remarkable.' .-- A schoolmaster in Ohio adver- tises that he will keep a Sunday 3G11001 * tWif'ae a week -t -on Tuesdays andSa is' rizris'i.aIs _‘ Christopher Columbus • was a queer man, stud 11 negro ora tor ; 'a notion crossed him one thy, and then he crossed an ocean.' g Is your hoSse- a warm one, X landlord?' asked a. man in search of a tenant. 'It ought to be; the paint- er gave it tWO Qat a recently,' was the reply. —The following notice is postei conspicuously in a newspaper office out West Shut the door ; and as - soon as you have done telking busi- ness serve your mouth in the same eway: — A plumber hed an Irish lad in his'erapleyr, and one day having oc- casion for a piece of zinc, ordered him to get one twelve inches square. Yes, eir,'Isaid Pat, (twelveinches square, but how long?' • —An ol d laW per says thet the three most troublesome clients he ever had were a young woman who wanted to be married, a martied woman who wanted to be nnmarried, and an old maid -who didn't keow what she wanted. _ A gentleman advertised for a wife and received answers. from • eighteen' hundred and ninety-seven husbands, saying he could have theirs. This is given- as an illustra- tion of the value of advertising. woman was itsked by the preacher if her husband feared the Lord. She replied) Fear him I /Why, bless you, he is so 'feared of Him, that he never goes out of the ,house on Sundays without taking his gun along. James,' said a gentletnan to to his servant, I have always plac- ed the utmost confidence in you; now tell me, James, how is it that my outchers'.. bills are 'so large' and almost invariably .have suchbad dinners?' Really, • sir, I don't. knovr, for I'm sure we never have anything nice in the kitchen that we don't send some of it up in .the parlor.' . t • — An elderly gentleman, return- ing home from church, began to ex- tol the merits cf the sermon to bis on , Said he 'Jack, I have heard one of the most delightful serm0138 ever delivered before a Christian so- ciety: It carried me to the gates of Heaven.' Why didn't von dodge in?' replied Jack, irreverently, 'von -will never get another such a chance.: .o Argument Against Sunday &allows. An Arkansas preactier, ef the Hardshell persuasion, announced that on the following Sabbath he ;should 'preach agin Sunday Schools: When the day arrived he took for his text : 'woe unto you, Scribes' and Pharisees.' 'My breethering,' said he; 'thar a'n't narry text in this yer Biole that warent guv to us fora rule, and a guide, and a consulation,,--ah. .Now, my breethering, when we want a hoss to stop when he is gettin' too reachin' ,. we sing out to that yer hos, woe -ah. So the Bible,, seein' ther Scribes and Pharisee* atrikin' out too reachin' a gait---iike these yer Sunday &hod fellers, --- says to them, , This finished the Sunday School for that year. 46* op Negro Chexaoteristies. An article in one of the current magazines, entitled 'Colored Photo- grapbs,' pictures vividly- a number of colored subjects : One of them, an eld darkie grave -digger, uttered a; bit of quaint wisdom. At the aperoach of a party of travellers, the old fellow threw down his spade and went up to them. One of the gentlemen said, 'Well, uncle, I sup- pose you find grave -digging rather hard work?' 'Ake massa,' the old fel- low I melted2 as be turned on his Z.', heel with a shrug'anything is hard , work if .-ot.1 work hard at it. Noth- ing is more singular than the con- tempt for his own. race in the genu- ine Southern 'darkie. A huge black . waiter used to say scornfully of the other servants, 'If you want a thing doue wrbng, just send e. negga to do it.' A regular corn -field darkie, _not long since, in Mrs. Seemuller's presence, deliberately lifted his foot and kicked a sable brother who sat upon a floar-barrel near him, re- m ark g at the sam e time, with infinite relish, 'I can always kick a .mule or a nigga.' An' old black man expressed to a wild young 'Virginian the half unconscious creed of many a White sinner. 'Massa, Riehard,' said this hoary evil -doer, solemnly lifting up his hand to emphasize the admonition, 'if there is a hereafter, don't carry on—but,' and here he suddenly broke into enthusiasm and a broad grin, 'if there ain't no hereafter, carry on powerful r it is said that the young meet followed the last clause of this utS7 • *advice faithful' 0 , ne nesr,e nil tee - tlote is of an old colored preacher who represented hell, in one 'of his eermons, as a region of frightful ice and snow where ftsezing was ehe favorite penis:411).mA. His theater Was 011ii01.13 to know why Otesar's theory of the infernal regions wits so different ftom that usually adopt- ed. Next Utile they chanced to meet he asked he questiou. 'Law, massa,', was the answer,. 'I don't dare to tell them people nothing else ! Why, if 1 wss to say that 'hell was !warm, some of them old -rheu- matile niggas wOuld be wanting to start i down there the very first frost!' •patotte Sen.tenoed to Matrimony'. An English magistrate sentenced a couple to Matrimony under cir- cumstances -which seem legally just, although legally curious. A young man and a youag woman Were con- testing possessfon of a piece of property, the, one claiming under -an old lease, the Other under an Old will. It just 'strikes ma,' said . the Justice, 'that there is a pleasant and easy way to terminate the old law- suit. The plaintiff appears to be a respectable young man, and this a very nice yo4ig woman. (Laugh- ter.) - They can both get married and live happily on•the farm.. If they go on with law proceedinga it will be all frittered away between the lawyers, whose: am sure, are not ungallant enough to wish the mar- riage not to come oft.' The lady blushed, and the young man stam- mered—they 'liked each other a little bit,' so-- a!verclicb was entered for the plaintiff on condition of his promise to marry the defendant within two months, a stay of execu- tion being put marriage cerem plet d. to the verdict till the ony should be com- H Pr URON EXt.OSITO,R. sie L 41. • OW Ligiitning Authorship. It was at Monte Cristo that Dumas wrete the majority of his later novels, and one of his best was Composed under rather curious circumstances, worthy .of narration. He was asked or e day at dinner how much time he would require to write a novel of two volutuet, say four hundred jpaeept Seventy-two' hours, answered &matt A wager was immediate y proposed and ac- cepted,. viz, that at - the end of meaty -two hours- he -could not complete a rove'. Dumas called for pen -and paper, four hundred pages were numbered out for him, and he beetles at the dinner table. With the exception of a few houts repose, Re wrote incessautly, and before the time had expired, one of his mot interes:ing novels, 'Le Chevalier de Maiton Rouge,' had received its finishing touch. _ WHO WANTS A WAGON, or a WiLLIA HAS on hand andSfEo ebaglentud doubl .and manufactured of LUMB.E 'Which., for excellence cannot be surpaseed Province. A few DEMOCRA more making. WILLIAM GRA.SS establishment in the RAC And General .Ton • GOOD ce ORTH gale a n GGI he very f any m SUBSTANTIAL ISE BUGGY? ASSIE; mbar of handsome .Pfn all well Aniehed st naaterial. Also, GONS, et ;Aso in running ufacturer in tho WAGO TS on -hand, and Rens a cheon as any other ounty. SMITI INC ork atten ed to promptln. AIN EYVI LE PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BU D FACTORY The 'subscriber ' aving born t` out the above Mill, nine the go - ell of th late firm, is now aprepared to fill all orders in his lino of businesa. Sash, Doors and louldings ON HAND ND MADE TO RDER tine. CUSTOM:. PL NING. to. HAND AND On the shortest n Strictln attend HOUSE BLOCKING ALWAY Promptly sapp ed. JA/kES BENNE' TT. Ainleyville, May 18, 1872. 232-47 - SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THEsubscriber begs leave to thank his numerous customers for the liberal patronage extended to hiin sinee commencin5. buaineas in Seaforeh, and trusts that he may be layered with a continuance; of the same. • Parties intending to build wonld do well to give him a call, as he will eontinne to keep on hand a large stock of all kin& of - DRY PINE LU BER, ti4 an E ' DOORS, BLIDS, MOULDT-NGS, SHINGLES', LA.T El, ETC. He fee& confident of airing satiefaction to these -who may favour him with their pntronage, as none but lirst-clafes workmen are ernplsiered. Particular atten don paid tq Custom Planing. 201 • JOHN H. B iOADFOOT. Freshest Gleanings. A boy iin Rockford, 111., hung himself lat ly to 'avoid a whipping. He succeeded. — Chick go bouts of heving a re- volver drawn in tbe street cars twice, within a Week. —An .0)hio boy has wahced al- ready 13,000 miles to see his girl, and_ ain't h lf through yet. -- ' —The atives of Palatka, Fla., have four's: a narcotic fungus -which they' use instead of tobacco. ' _— Three persons in tf, funeral pro cession at Cairo, Ill., a few days age, were prostrated by sun stroke. -- A eigro woman living near ttrattleboro,' N. C., has had seven pails of itwins, and is not over 35 years of age.* '• — Thornton A' exander, a Solored cententtriate.the father of forty chil- dren, diecl a few days ago at Edge - field, Tenn. — A. giri in Casco, Mich., thought it fine spot to frighten her mother with a ghn, and now she -has no mother toit' righten. — Chict go has a dog which unties horses hit(fhed to posts, then jumps ggy and barks until the ,-. auk ot. excellent meer- has been discovered in Califeruia, and. workmen mported from Europe to re it into pipes. comet killed one ' man in He .go: up to look for it into the b thing star —A.- Omni:1i cla Southern are to be i man ufacti — The flaws. - and fell down stairs. — A clog in Terre Haute swal- lowed a valuable ring. It was found on A post mortem examination. ---; There has been but One mar- riage in Parksville, a town in Boyle County, Ky., for :seventeen years I past. - - —The Illinois Central Railroad run :t a-epecial fruit, train with from fifteen ..- .t • twenty-five cars on the - 1 Chicago ranch atone, — A t,entlenitn at Cairo, Ga., has a peealier bit d, a miss between a guinea fowl and a turkey, with a voice like a menkey. — Eve'y individual found in the streets of the cites -- and towns of Russitt in a state of intoxication, is compellc to -work at sweeping the streets during the whole of the next day. Th rigor and impartiality as to iaation, sex or condition, -with which th s rule is carried out, ts worthy of imitat en by many more civilized ations. , • A NTI-COMBIN kTION. SEAFORTH NOVELTY Wang. JOHN I, MARTIN mrISITESta return thanks t friends for their generous euming charge ot the above W' quest the attention thing in his line to t which he is prepared that cannot be snrpa etoese PneK FAInef GATne, WAGON RC 3 all wh e follown a firenia sod in th "'- • 9., 7 WHEEL/URI OWS ... . LIND aoLT, 11113 . .$15 his easterners and patronage aim* 'w- rits, and begs to re - may reqnire any - g list of prices, at work of a quality trade: $ 500 • •• 850 700 • 475 *d upwards. SUltFACn1 DBES 01,40011ING mint beve SCROLL SAW1N ERAIR 1 ant prepared in work of relaying an fact, cede, other mac Boxes babbited. Cte Per If 00. $ 2 eel BOA DING per 10004 done b the pieea or set Cr MAC IffES. 11 tinaort to 'repair the wood - mowing machines, and, in ns tha can be mentioued. TO WAGON I The undersigned worn& algo on and, Carriage Maker e that on hand, all kind's of Bent St work. ••••••:.7••• Csrpentere, Builders, Intrm generally in need of any of would do well to layer mad vri have fa eannot OHN ks, in my new premisoe, branch of work whin Seaforth .7cove1ty Wo Go?lernik Street. AKER8. bog be inform Wag- e keepe eonetantly suitable for their re, wad the pablie the abnye articlen their patronage, as nine's for doing this A ini'rpatistelr • MART EN. , _ 228 VIOLET • • • enn •-• n.ese- INK. J. S4 AT EXCHAN 3rE ER, BROKER, And ( caler i Pure LS A D DYE STUFFS, F UMERY, ram TAM -JOE -ES ing im chines. Money onus. J. SEATTER, Seafortb, Nov 3,187 . 59-tf. BRUCSCHEMIC PEIFANCYAND Agent for Se to lend on easy • SHOP FO FOR SALE, two ships and age on Mein Sfreet, So michaens Hotel. Apply to 19541. SALE. orty-four feet front - forth, opposite nar- J. 'SEATTER. The Wonder of the W for AIL • PROF. HE WO1tLD-1113NO VERMIN DE1TROYER 14 -•,-Good. News a. • • NSD Which is known to so far en diseoYered for kWh) Rats, a try, Ants, Bugs, Go Black Beetles, Fleas on Dogs, Blight, and Insec ts n* Plants Moths in Furs, Tick or Scab o Sheep dr Goats, also on Cat- tle, etc. SOLD IN PAG1MS, At 25 cents per pee et ; or, siix packets for $1. 25. and will loop in a anywhere without Inc, as it Cats and Dogs, an t ey will n Direetione for use On ench Manufactory—Z:tr vel Lan of London, Englan The aboye discov ry has Herman a silver pri n medal Eshibition nf Viet ria, Ans numerous testimo alu. Agent for Seefort , - W. R BEIVISCN & CO. AinleyVille—N. • . erne STONE. Walton—T. ,SM1 H. S40-12 erior to anything yet ice,Insects on Poul- The Powder is wa ranted flea from all bad smell y clime t . It may be spread s quite haamless to t eat it. :token , Houndsditch, City ained for Professor at the Intercolonial alia, of 1806, besides • lionized Coll in THIS Prepalatio is a sOln -1- in perfectly e i re Ceti nged in all CaS0S here the and will be fonnd greatly s preparation is hig a benefici gumption, Sordid( as Comp Diseases, and for al chronic defective digestion, assimila is also highly usefel in Chr Gout. Price $1. Compound Sys asp or 9-3Bas is an agaves le Prepa -11- Hypophosphite of Li. Iron, with free I yfeopho Syrup is a certain remeny from any cause, No worn In. Coinplanits. It is so highl the bones (espeeie ly in in Consumption. Pri:e; $1. The aboee Prenta ations ar reputation, and containing may be prescribedby phys tion. Prepared b J For sale by—R. I unieden.t Ainleyvilne; G. A. owell, W generally. ver 021. ion of Iodide of Iran ivem r Oil. It may be simple Oil is oreere 1, peeler to it. This el in Pulmonary Con - flints, Chronic Skin lisorders arising from ion or nutrition. It mic Rheumatism and Tyr onhoenehites. ntion, containing the e Soda, Potash and liorous Acid. This or General. Debility, eases and Scrofulous ;. useful in diseases of ants) and Incipient of standard medical o secret ingredients,' clans without heenti- HN WILLIAMS. London, Ontario. Seaforth; J.R. Grant, (meter, and Ding2g8iir s • ^ CODERICH FOUNDRY. rry• undersigned, having sold the Huron Foundry property and Stock t� the " Goderich Fomidrn and Inenunicturing Company,' bogs to thank the publics for their liberal support during the past nineteen years, and trustr tb.at they will oontintie to send their orders to the new Company. Goderic , 10th June, 1E72. .1 R. RUNCIMAN. Referring teethe above notice, The Goderich Foundry & Manufacturing Co. to inform the publie tbet they are prepared to contraot for AND BOILERS, FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS, SAWING MACHINES, &e. On haicI—IRONj A/ND WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards ; ANG PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW-CUTTERSk &e. S1TGA AND 1OTASH KETTLES, GRATE BARS, WAGGON BOXES, &c. COOKING, PA.RLOR AND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. 1LSO, IRON AND BI4SS CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH WORK. BOILERS A D SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO nue I -HORSE POVitil TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for Sele. All orders ad eased to the Company or Seeretary willereceiye prompt attention. awl a ROBERT RUNC MAN, HORAiCE HORTON, Gen ral Manager. President. GEORGE NIEB1jRGALL, ARCHIBALD HODGE, Secretary and Treaeurer. 243 Beg STEAM ENGINES Manager Agricultural Department. Goderieb, Ontario, Trine 10, 1872. THOMSON & WILLIAM'S' - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AND ENGINE WORKS. oiNTrr JOHNSTONiS SELF -RAKING SINGLE REAPER. IVE recommend the above celebrated nelf-raking Reaper and the CAYUGA CHIEF, nit., MOWER, as Y the best harvesting machines now manufactured. .We guarantee these tWo single macbines, costing lent $200, to outwear any two eoranined macidnes, costing $300, and with less then one quarter the cost in repairs. We also guarantee each machine to do its work better, faster, and with much nghter dranght, than any combined machine. These two machines have not only a perfect lifting 'ap- paratus for the table e.nd bar, but have also the only perfect tilting table wed bar. We offer any trial the purchaser may desire of either or botk these enaohines. We also build the. olaia 9omin33:1\1^113 MALCITI1•6TM, WITH TOHNSTON'S SELF-112CF; I Which wo guar:Intel:equal to the best corabined maelaines made in Canada, and wo offer a trial to in- tending purchasers. We also build TWO-H-OReiE WOOD -SAWING MACHINES .And all. kinds of ARICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, AND- MACHINERY FOR MILLS AND !VICTORIES. STEAM ENGINES A SPECIALITY. THOA.ISON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ontario. Address 235 • ,• • THE, VERDICTOFTHE PEOPLE now...vinterrr...F.Tamae DECLARES THAT THE GAR NER, SEWING MACHINE Is superior to ay now in the Market. Having been examined and tried by the most skill's:11 mechfnenn and best judges the country can produce, and by them awarded Prizes et all the principal Exhibitions held_ throughout the Dominion during the present year, and although all the leading Machines were arrayed against it, the GARDNEIV.PATENT has been declared VICTORIOUS OVER A-14.14 COMPETITOR, upon eYery test, and now stands foremost in the rank of ewers. SEA TRIM LIST 010 PRIZIgS VOA 1S71; First Prize at Toronto. First Prize at London—tke great Western Fair. First Prize at Guelph—the great Central Fair. Firet Prize at St. Catherines, Comity of Lincoln. First Prize at Chatham, Comity of Kenne First Prize at Waterloo, County of Waterloo.. Firlit Prize at Orangerill'e, County of Simcoe. First Prize in Mono, County of Peel.. First Prize in Calenozi County of Simcoe. First Prize at Wel- landpent, Counfiy of Welland. First Prize at Ottereille, County of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial Fair ggton, Diploma ab Hamilton, and earionn County fikOW T11Kiem 21.14 beautiful specimen of mechanical ability is a purely Cananian inyention, surpassing in simplicity, durability, and usefulness any other Sewing7nacikine now in thentarket whether of Canadian, Americana or English manufacture. It will hem, cord, braid, tuck, gather, quilt, fell. ank do all and erery kind of Family 13ew1ng and light Manufacturing Work, neine all kinds of threed. It hex a most complete SET OF ATTACHMENTS. BUY NO OTHER. If the price is a little higher that some others, it is the cheeped in the end. Semi fon Circulars and namples. GARDNER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. P. S.—Intending purehasers should not bo mieled by unscrupulous agents of other Companies, who keep Machines they do not eon, in a damaged state, to make capital for theniselree. Gall and examine the Gardner before purchasing any other, at Wrentem GRA.SSIB'S Warerooms, Goderich-strect, Seaforth. Agents wanted.. • PETER GRASSIE, 179-52Seaforth. . . GET THE BEST. THE BLANCHARD CiiURN, mAsupicITuRBD By PORTER, BLANCHARD & SONS, Concord, N w Hampshire. This Churn is decide ly the best and cheapest that has over been offe ed to the Canadian public. charng rapidly, work: easily, and makes the best • butter It is also sine le and durable. • FA MERS TRY ONE, NO SUIT NO SALE. If it does not work satisfactorily it can be re- turned. These Churng can be soen at any time at John- son Brothers' Hardware Store, neafortli.' 0. C. WILSON, ' 230 _ Agnenitural Implement Agent. TE SEAFORTH • LUMBER YATBD. M A_BEE &It1 ACTON LLD -pqno to inform the public that they have opened en' a Lumber 'Yard in Seaforth. near Shearsoing Mille on the ground formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. They will keep constantly on handa good assort- ment of ALT. KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and imdreseed. Also, LA.TII AND SHINGLES, all o which they aro prepared to sell at the lovlest possi- ble linens; for Origin Bunnell; and others nill find it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, and aecertain our prices before parcluisingelseWhere, as we are in a position to offer good induements to cash purchasers. BE & 3/A.CDONALD. 160 THE BEST SEWING MACHINES Made can be had at WM. N. WATSON'S SEWING MACIIINE DEPOT, SEAFORTH. "2'11E cEstux.e, 110 WE" Sewing Machines, in all styles and sizes, and osBoRiv" Macbine in all etyles. The subscriber has reeeived a splendid supply of both these Machine, which are pronounced by ex- perieneed hands to be superior to any others made. For strength, simplicity and perfection of con- struction; for range of work, from light gauze to beaver and leatber; for beauty and exactness of stitch, owing to the tension being perfect and al- es -flys equal on both upper and lower threads, and for durability these machines are unrivalled. Everymaentnaeranted and instructions given gratis. Machines sent Mit on trial, or rented • by the month to responsible parties. nen N. WATSON, Sesiorth. CD' sa.. N-4 0 co 1:1 cn co 1-s 0 co WpCD en 0 0 co tezi rn FLO.U.41.. -FLOUR". 11ATING purchased d thoroughly refitted the -Li-an mills formerly owned by the Messrs. SC011111,, 1 aza now prepared to iurnish FAMILY FLOUR; Second to NONE IN SEAFORTII, And that will Compare favorably with any in the Do- minion, If you want A 1 011.401911, go to the followbag Dealers and ask for IdARSHATeren.--Bentember MARSif Kuril; FLOUR: W. SCOTT 11,0)3ERTSON,, -J. WHITESIDE, SIMON POWELL, - Or at W. MARMALL'S Mills. • ontsre lea Witle W. S. ItOBERTSON will be promptly attended to. Parties Vito wish to' . Exchange Wheat for Flour, Are certain toreeeive proper quantity, and an arti- cle that will defy competition. • 7 W. MARSHALL. 186-tf FARMERS SELL I YOUR EGGS TO WM. TIIONISON, -E OF TM ECNIONDrLL; CROCERY (Logdn's Old Stand,) Who 'will pay the HIGHEST PRICE in CASH, for any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS, Delinered at his store. Groceries &Provisions FOR SALE CHEAP. FLOUR AND FEED, of every, Aept constantly on nand, in- earson & Co.'s No.1. Come One, Come Ali, with ,yorer Eggs and get the Cash. WM. THOMSON, Egmonanne Gr000ry. BOARDING.' HCOLLADAY has leased the large and isora- n modions house, on the Salt Works Ground enjoining the Railway Station, and has fittea it op as a boarding-house. Good table and comfortable rooms. Person' wishing a pleasant boarding- house shoend apply, as there are at present a few vacancies. Transient boarders accommodated at less tbsu hotel rites. -228