HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-08-30, Page 8• • ST 30 - Oa Bean -UM( - hat kind of a place ia *Cleve- land, captain I' said en ancient cler- gyman front Massachusetts, with a pattlovuzing oiodematiiribh place ; my; though; replied the captain,. - Ah—yes. Petroleum wells in operation here, 1 believer The captain looked at the ques- tioner a moment, as if to fathom etch a depthof ignorance, but en- . countering the 1311ind superior smile of the Eestern fossil, he gave it up; end merely Said, No wells ill this part of the cotuatty, Sirst Alt*—yes. I remember now. There is, I believe, a taupe' owned bv tile Free South Pipe Improve.. meat Comparty, by means of 'whieh the crude petroleum is forced to *Cleveland, there refined, and ex- ported to Europe direct, hy way of the St Lawrence, in iron -clad tank , ships bait for the purpose,? Youlnight know that chap was minister, now,' muttered the mate. 'fle may have 1111COMM0111 but he certainly ain't got common sense.' Now the Columbia let loose her unearthly doable whistle, a high shriek and a deep roar in one dis- sonant ehord, three times repeated : then her head turned in toward shore, and a (Yang of wild men ap- peared from th; lower regions, and ranged themselves around the caps- tan. Little tugs fle*- sputtering in and „cut of the; Aver, ducking under the bridges, their _pipes magically 'lowered for the purpoae, and 11, 'Ves- sel loaded with blue barrels swayed slowly aside to let 'us pass. 'Captain, what are the contents of those barrels T inqUired. the Utica school -mistress who preSided over the band of sehool-girls. Ile, 1118.1111.' Captain, pray what is this dis- agreeable odor" said Mrs. Peyton, taking out a vinaigrette. 'Iie, /mem.' . What Makes the 'water look so funny?' said 'Curlylocks, one of the school -girls, gazing over the side. - Ile, miss,' The river was narrow and crowd- ed with crafts, propellers, vessels, canal -boats, tugs, and one remnant of old times, a fine side -wheel steam- er looking' dignified and powerful • T beside its companions. . 'What a splendid boat ,eried Blackeyes, another school -girl. 'Them side-wheelers isn't god for much on these lakes,' said the cap- tain They 'mike a big show, but they lop over easy in a gale'. Give me a tight propeller, and show 'era a clean pair of heels all the way from Buffalo to Chi -care -go.' • At length the Columbia reached her dock, and was made fast by the swild men, who ran around the cap - sten at furious speed, while the mate, having cast ashore the coil of small rope, occupied himself in .hanging head downward over the side, and bellowing ordees t3 the unseen slaves below. How long do we remain here, captain 1' asked one of the Albany gentlemen, whom Peisisiad already naraed Mephisto; on account. ofa. satirical _something .lurking in. his calm, handsome face and polished manners, as well as his apparent in- fluence over the fresh -faced youth-. whe accompanied him. . 'Until sunset,' ,replied the cap- tain. And as the afternoon was delight- - ful parties were • hastily formed to see the sights of the Forest City, Mephisto capturing the sehool-mis- tress by his studied politeness, thus giving Faust an. opportunity to walk with Curly locks, who seemed no- wise opposed to the arrangement. Persis, Moeris, and I took'a efirriage, and after climbing a steep hill, found ourselves in the main business Street of the Forest City.' Where are you going, driver?' .asked Morris. Up Euclid Avenue, Sir. That's where the big houses are; Sir.' But I want to see an oil -refinery,' .said Morris. Oh, Morris, don't, go near that •oil ; it. will •giye Us all headaches, and besides, I want to see the resi- -deuces,' said Persis. 'That's justlike a girl. You Oen see residences any where; but• -Cleveland is a great oil place : it may be called 'highly refined.' there comes Major Archer. I got acquainted with him this morning on deck. He is a first-rate fellow, and knows all about Cleveland. I am going to ask him.' So saying, Mortis jumped out and ran toward -Ole officer, who was walking up* the hill. After some conversation they approaehed the carriage door,. and Morris introduced the stranger to US. 'Major Arther knows all about . the refineries, Aunt Rue; he hs a friend in the business, and advises, ue to see the process by all means. I' say, major, won't you come with us'3 At first the officer declined, but; when, pleased with his manner, I added my request, he accepted the invitation, and directed the driver down to the flats by another road over the Cuyahoga River and Ohio Canal. The flat was crowded, odo- riferous, and smolcv, with lumber. oil, and iron - but the oil predemi- VINE AFFAIRS FOR MASSEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 0 0 nated. ' Blue barrels eCour eyes on every side, huge ta. its -wee frone the ground like fortific tions, and a net -work -of pipes, elevi ted high in the air, ran hither and hitheti, while over and 'under, and throughout all the pungent petroleu made itself felt in every breath w drew: ' On ' we went, and the emok ng thinineys_ gritty into a &rest, the r ilroad tracks on either, side held 1 ng.lines of, Singular .biter -shaped care, : antj, trestle -work and trent ways 'ran in every direction like rteriee from the central steam -engin i. . 'Here is . my frien 's refinery,' said Major Archer. Would you like to 'go through the orks r Owing to Morris's eagerness I as- sented, and we soon . argot every- thing but the interest f the scene. The crude green petroleutn, brought from the oil re' ions in the beiter like cars,. Was 'ca. tied through a long range of pipe on trestle- mork from the car to t i e huge tank on the hill, froni wh nce it . Wes drawn off as required . or the 011ie. The row of stills, with t e great fires under them, boiled the ar out of the oil, end then sent it t rotigh pipes coiled in water-boxo. cf. the receiv- ing I house. Here, ru ning frotn many little mouths, th oil came in- to -sight as it fell into he receivers below, the naptha fle ing off first, and the purified oil shi naering aid shiningin.rare shades 0 colott—blue, purple, and gold—as d ff,erent fioni the turpid green of the crnde petro- leum. as the golden b itteilly from the caterpillar; Into the pipes aga rainbow water, sflowin ' treated ' and ' agitate a human patient. Ro jugs ,appeared .inabedd cases, with their mouth cured. These were t with:whielf the oil was t cats with long names ; ing dosed with them i into an immense iron agitated until all the o rnothermarth was drive , ing in choking edors converted us to the old lief in the sulphurous o wonderful production tenth century. . The was then washed and water, and issued forth clean to take its place - reservoirs; where, by m staging, .we could still ramie tints made irena tory, whiCh no treatm tation could purloin f prisoned fluid. Beffeat voirs were rows' of Click!' went the auto showing that a barrel Was rolled away, a clipped in glue driven and behold ! the :refin for transportation. , When we had seen. e e last of the barrel wl turned -awa • to visit the tar stills, here the tar Wiled out of the oil; is transforn3e into ttans- lucent paraffine and 'di gy coke. ' • ' Whet a parable this would make?' iaid Penis. e ' Coke is the •••••••••••..4,4•••••,..,4,•=4msa4.••46•44 MOULDING & ER. DA.NI L McGREGOR, • THE undendgned bas =hand a s endid lot of ROSEWOOD AND 0 T 1A1371c.INI N 0 osetli4os. iu . 'xo; EMPORIUM. criber hereby linanls his numerons a town and country for their liberal firing the at five years, awl hones "ntion to business to merit their con - .,rade in the future. He also' wishea that _he la KIRI prepared to pay EtIGHEST CASH PRICE " y quantity a good .SH.EPGS Deli,Vered at th '31vG EMPORIUM [STREET, SEAFORT.H.„ D. D. WILSON. mALeom's T ECC DEPOT,- rr SQUARE,. SEAFORTH. bar begs to. inform the pultlie that 1- extended hia prevnisee and is pre- Uto to- pay the highest price for any L. FRESII EGGS, s place of business. Market Fees on EGGS- WM. MALCOM. 1S72.- 225 :71A14 FOR 1872. 'AVAI AULT, STREET, SWORTH, -ND a superior stock of FalifTTY ES, e;abracio-°Te:ia of the best Raiaina, etc. Also, Crockery and every other artiote usually kept in 'car); Store. PROVISNONS, 'Ctt and Corn -meal, Potatoes;., Perk, 4001 eVeZT dascription of „Engle,. Bran and Short, all of which cheaper than the choapest. itra.1.1IM10313-E-Cle. aarket price paid for all lads of Idacc Argin street,. East side,- ky's Boa eaa Shoe Store, Seaferth- WM, AULT. I Vooll land NratafAive Tovsfe. phosphr>rus no thought, say tea they migh.t add, no action, since cameaio-ds are known tabo- o: (...r the nervous and innsenlar sys- atitute laure than -half the. mater- ka body, being found in every tis- resence ah.olately essential it° promote the conversion a the rood into iibrirze, which is the Tit' pnra, healthy blood. They axe to Tali .•ers:a use in Barone and ea•atmelit of scrofuloas, cm3sula94 .11 diseasea• whiah. aro canaed by 'poisoned Wood - and in diseases aing from fireaularitios, obstruc- tire discha,rge; in pale,- punY eal'- aditifin. of nal -was aud physical ilting front badhabit:" excess -we ts and tobacco-, and all"that train a fast life, The groat reliability' n its effects in immediately- and coring the devitalized constitution "-tiE er.exes comeotee1)rtxxx- 1.1,TES CALTSAY.4. Rgeat. ' Ph.Yeician a and piddle. Sold at :pl. WU FOUND. ...ist-Gt July, on the Second Con- reltersinith, near the Brick School- rucefield, a long chain with a gal" The tamer can have the SWIM tile EXPOSITOR °Mee, Seaford', Perty and paying charges. 240-tf MOTILDI . Also, a Fine Lot of Ears • WRAPPING P FOR SALE, CHEAP. Now is the time to buy as it is on the rise. ARMSTRONG. 221. • Main -Street, -Seaforth. ' RCIOIVIS TO LET. TO LET, in Scott's Bloat, two commodious Rooms on the second. Ilan. Apply to 195 McCADGEEY & HOLMSTED. - Booibluder, Ilarpurh seatorte, • •E' OF BASE. •TTASJust reeeived a large S t3k of the niaterials -s-a• used in the business, and now fully proper - ed. to execute'on the shortest notice and in the latest styles, all orderlie moJy be favourodavitla. 'REGISTERS, LEDGERS & LANK BOOKS, or AUX Ruled, Printed and -.ao to ord r, on the short.est notice, and at prices which d fy competition. Ladies' Work Boxes S Fancy Cases Made to o - OLD ADNE BOOKS Bound and repaired at Persons residing at a distanc books at the "Signal" Book Ste the "Expositor" office, Seaforth Ainleyville, stat.ng style, .may being well bound. ity prices. by leaving their e, Goderich, or, at or at LA. Grant's rely upon them 1 ' All communications addressed to the imdersign, will receive prompt attention. .. DANIEL MaGREGOR, Seaforth, (Harpnrhey.) GREAT ATTRACTIONS IN FRESH GROCERIES T. K. ANDERSON, SEAFORTH, HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE AND VARIED STOOK OP HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS,' HATS AND CAPS, AND At THOS. LEE'S CHEAP -^ LOUR & tlEEp STORE. GEN TS' FUR NISHINGS GENTS' FURNISHINGS GENTS' FURNISHINGS Of Messrs. S. DUNCAN & Co, on't forget that THOS. LEE'S is tire place for THE BEST TEAS AT THE LOWEST PRICE. HAS REMOVED HAS REMOVED HAS REMOVED G5 . went the down to be like many s of gigantic d in wooden carefully se- e medicin4 eated,chenii- ncletfter be - was turned caldron,, and iginal sin of out, exhal- hich almost farmers be- igin of this f the nine - subdued oil -ewashed iii odorless and a the round tinting on a s:ee the pris- ure's'labora- nt or agita- om the 'im- the reser= lue barreli atic faucet, as full.. It oocien cork into place, d oil ready Don't forget to try T . . OS. T-M-Pl'S 60 cent Tea. There is nothing to equai it at the price. Hie establishment to the stand lately occupied by • that firm, inunediatelY OPPOSITE HIS OLD PREMISES. FRUIT of all kinds, fresh and cheap. The whole stock of Hats and Caps, having been porpased LOW, will be sold on't forget that THOS. LEE keeps Shearsoh's CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP XXX FLOUR, 0 TMEA.Ie CORNMEAL, CRACKED WHEAT, .11 - GRAM FLOUR, COARSE GRAINS, and Feed of every kind. Cloth ng Made to Order, as usual. A very fine stock of Cloths to choose from. T. K. ANDERSON, Main -street, Seaforth. TWO AND A .H LF TONS -OF THE CHOICEST BACON -60.EN BARRELS MESS PORK, With a of everything in the general provision line S.—Lots of o. :1 SHINGLES and CED Coltantly on hand at the lowest prices. POST- H ROOKS FOR FAItNi AND PHOTO Sale„Lot No. 29, Coi. 7, township of Morris, containing 100 acres, 70 of which are cleared and in a state of good cultivation. The whole is well fenced. There are n the premises a good fraMe barn and hewed leg -house, also, two wells and a young bearing orchard, This farm is within one mile of Ainleyville a thriving -village, -where a' station of the Wellingeon,1Grey and Bruee Railway will be opened this fall, to the breadth of a lot from the Northern Gray Road- Also, for sale, a frame dwelling -house with the upper part ritted up as a Photograph Gallery. There is a good well and stable on the premises-, also a good. garden. This property is "situated Aleur the busineaseentrc of the village of Wroxeter, through -which the To- ronto, Grey and Bruce Railway will be running within one year. The whole will be sold on easy terms. For particulars apply to 0. R. &10PER, 286-13 Land and General Agent, Dingle P. 0. HARNESS, HARNESS. Great Variety AT WILSON'S body, and the beautiful paraffin° is the soul, freed from its t *ralldom.' Oh, yome now, I' rsis,' inter- rupted Morris, 'don't yo 1 coin() down on the bodV in that r rifled style. . - .. • • Bodies are very good th ngs in their way; and always s oticed that those soulist j fellows t tke precious good care of theirs! Is this refining bu irtess profit- able, .Major Archei '3'- asked, as we drove away; Fortunes are made nit yearly, but the ris-k from fire a d explosion is great 4iude "pecrileUm ,yields aboot sevei4ty pet ce t. of refined oil, fifteen Jer cent. of naptha And d five per 'cent. of tar, uces eighty - e. oreil is re- ally wherd s -this fio gasoline, a which, in its turn, pro five per cent. of paraffi '1 hal76 heard that fined in. Cleveland -tha else in the count' y. asked Morris. Yes. There is ,cap -stilling fifteen thousand and the daily shiptneet season of navigation, t alone, for exportation five thousand barrels. are rather below tha truth. It is lonly a fe this flat was a prairie, hoga River a clear st through the long grass ; you See-, every foot of pied, and' the river is m than water_ A short took fire, and the wate ed as it flowed down to river on fire is soraethi nomenon.'--Harper's September. - 01 city here for • arrels daily; dtiling the New York amount to hese figures above the • yearssince d,the Ceye- eam flowing but now, as soii is moue 1/20 petroleum time ago it fairly blaz- the lake. A g of a phe- agazine for II MONEY TO'" 1. NO. rriHE undersigned has$8,000 d upward, private funds,le loan, at 8 per cen . per annum, on Farm property. Charges -flhi erste. Marriage Licences issued. Apply to 227-52'. W. G. SON, Znrieh. MON EY TO OAN. Tsubscriber heti 'ALONE to loan to any amount on good farm prop y. Interest; srx per cent. per annum, when the terest and prin- ciple are paid yearly, and 8 per cent. per annum :wheat the interest .only is paid. A Ca M 22742 DOUGALL, At cheap eash Stow-, sign of the Bear. COOPERS WANTED. AATANTED A.T E L Y, Eleven good Coopers, to work at SaltBavels. Apply to JOHN G. ANENT. Seaforth, May 22, 1872. 288 Having p Caps; Gents' F ing on business AN tfe DUNCAN, LATE E. HICIKSON chased the Stock of Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Hats and nishings, and Boots and Shoeis, of E. Hickson & Co' . are now carry - m t eir old stand, and will continue to sell Goods at OLD PRICES. cLorrEfiNct MADE TO ORDER AS -USUAL. LOOK OUT FpR ADVERTISEMENT 1 ANNOUNCING NEW STOCK' DUNCAN & DUNCAN. THOMAS W. DUNCAN. SEAFORTIH. TRUNKS of all kinds, VALISES—nota few, WHIPS—of all sorts, COLLARS—all'sizes. - Brushe8, Carry-Co2nbes Gait' 8.- , All prises—from 10 cents up., Bells, Blankets, Oireinglee, Saddles, And in fact everything usually found in a first- class -Saddler's Shop, and at prices extremely 19w. JAMES WILSON Takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous friends and customers for the liberal support ex- tended toward him for the past yOfir and hopes by strict attention to business and manufacturing a first-class article to merit afair share -of the pat- ronage of the many. 1?entember the Sign of the GOLDEN SADDLE." 215 AINLEYVILLE LAND AGENCY. TPBE Subseriber having established an Agency for the Sale of Farm and Village Lots, 'which he will advertise (aveddy) and sell on Commission. TERMS of ,pommission or any particniara con- cerning lots a-dvertised be made ImONV71 On application,: if by letter prepaid, and enclosing stamp, addressed C. It. COOPER, Dingle P. O. FOR SALE. S. of S. of Lot 24, Con. 5, Monis; 50 acres; 2 miles from Ainleyville. Village Lots64 and 65 Ah3leyville, (Morris.) Village lots Nos. 44 and 89 Ainleyville, (Morris;) large frame cottage and frame stable. Lot 22, Con. 4, N. /, Morris; 100 acres, 50 Cleared; log house; 2 miles off gravel road. - Lot 29, Con. 7, No Morris; 100 a-Zres,60 cleared; good -log house and frame barn. Lots 2 and 8, West sido of llowiek-street, Wrox- eter, eontaining14 acrea of „land; two new frame houses; stables; •tc. Village Lots 49 and. 50, Ainleyville, -with good frame house and. stabte, and log tannery in good working order. Village Lots 60 and 61, Ainleyville, township of Morris. Village Lots, 212, 218, 221, Ainleyville, (Grey-) • Store, Storehouse and Stable, 11 acres of Land. with orchard, etc., in village of Cranbrook. C. R. COOPER, 224 Dingle P. O. •Zhe.,gitruit 6%p -otter IS DITELISRED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING IN SEAFORTH- • • Trears.---$1.50 per year in advance, or end of the year. Advertising itinttr TnaaisrenT. First insertion, per line, 8 cents subsequent in aertions, 2 cents eachtime, per line. CONTRACT BATES. One column one year . .. . ... $60 00 4i tt half Li 8500 " 3 months . 20 00 Half " -one year ..... 35 00 44 i half o 2000 " 8 months 1. 12 00 One-fourth (me year 2000 44 44 half 14 12 00 8 months 8 00 One-eighth one year .... ... 1200 :4 44 half 44 8 80 " 8 menthe . ... . — . 5 00 One -twelfth One year 800 500 " " 3 months 3 -00 Business Cards, (6 lines and nrider,19.' year.. 4 00 McLEAN . SIRED° Y. MottAN, -1311131iSilerS. ALLAN MeLra:s. ft half 46