HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-08-30, Page 7HURO Elopded Stook in England. One of the most remarkable scenes of the time was witnessed in Lou- den. a few days since, when the most famous stud of horseflesh in the world was sold by auction at Tatter- salre. It was the property of the. late Mr. Blenkiron, Middle Park, near London, the greatest stock - raiser of his day. On the last day of thesale, July 26. buyers were present who represeuted. most of the prominent powers of two continents : Mr. Coupland, the Secretary for the New• Stud Company, organiked to keep England -at the head of the world as breeder of fine stock e Andre, buying for the German Stud Company, and Count Lehnderf for the Emperor of Germany ; M. Calva- liero, who represen.ted the Emperor of Austria ; Mr. Waring, the great South American contractor ; and Mr. Weatherby, who -represented the :United States, besides the lead- ing horse-faneiers among the nobili- ty and gentry.of England, and an turfites. At the appearance of Blair Athol, th,„finest stallion in. thsa World, the cry of 'Hats off' was raised and the whole assemblage un- covered in -honor of a horse ! The sale of this stallion was the great event of thei entire auction, and the bidding was of nation against nation. Started at 4,000 guineas, the offers rose, amidst 'in- tense eXcitement, until, on the. bid of the New Stud Company, Blair .Athol was knocked down at 12,500' gumeas, or the monstrous sum, in American currency, of $65,625. This was the largest sum ever paid for a horse, and by the side of it the prices paid in America,. for such , horses tes Dexter, however much criticised, Sink into insignificance. The famous Gladiateur, the triumph of the French turf, was sold to a private buyer at 7,000 guineas. Mandrake, who bought 2,100 guineas, comes to Aarnerica. The twelve stallions realized altogether 34,720 guineas, ore $182,280, an average.of $15,190 each, white the entire stud, comprising, besides these, 198 mares with foals and- 63 colts; \ brought the astounding and unpre- cedented sum of 102,370 guineas, or $536,440—over half a million. Ian in foer days' sale. The enormous prices which these animals brought are simply a.n indet - of the importance which is being Put upon horse breeding as a branch of national industry. There was much criticism on the price paid for Blair Athol, hut it RYAS stated-, in defence of that extreme valuation, that he has earned during his career as a stallion the immense sum of 32,000 guineas ell told, or at the rate of $16,000 a year. It is of the utmost importance to a country, from the purely industrial point of view, that its horseflesh should be of the high- est quality, and experience seems to have shown that this result is ob- tained by the breeding of' these fancy horses, i* themselves so ab- surdly valued, as sires. How much is owed in this coufitry to the Mor- gan breed, or to that of half a dozen other noted progenitors, it would be difficult to estimate justly. No mat- ter what rnay be the increase of oth- er means of tranaportation, by the extension of railroad, linos, there must be more and more demand for horseflesh, and that of the best qUality ; and perhaps, in this light, the high prices paid for the English stallions we have named, are not, after all, as, extravagant as might at first sight be thought, even from the rigidly economic point of view. clo Farm News and Notes. hi Roselle, Rice tells The Ohio Farm- de 07' that it is a great help in doe -days hit dance the t it is nsafe to enter. — A com on - hen on ducks' eggs hatched we. These, after the man- ner of t air kind, corning near a pond, too to' the water. The fos- tenmoth r after displaying every sign of a xiety and calling in vain, delib.erat ly plunged in and- steam across, pt .ssing the little ones uefore her brea t and drove thein ashore. Seen by 'wo crediblewitnesses, and related b The London Yield. A writer t n lee Poultry World says his plan 1 r curing- bensof a desire _ to sit, is to put them in an open yard, . wli : re there are no nests or roosting places, and differing as n,ttch as ossible in appearance from their re_ ular quarters and feed them lib rally with soft feed made rather Lot with cayenne ; give them plenty of cooked meat and all the milk they will drink. Comment- ing on the statements of Prof. Mathews, regarding :the decaying proclivities of European larch, The Western- Farmer . says : 'q'he re- markably rapid growth of this tree, with its probable valualle proper- ties, are sufficient recommendations to continue it in favor : but we do not think it wise to insist upon its being the tree `of trees for all places and purposes.' -j--- A correspondent has been' made satisfied by experi- ment that ' to destroy Canada this- tles, you roust not plow in the Fall or early Spring, but wait until the thistles are in bloom, and then plow as rougaly as possible, and never harrow until after the second plow- ing; thus keeping the land in condi- tion to admit of the greatest quan- tity of surface exposure to the sun and dry wind.' Forty acres paid for and tilled is better and far more. remu erat:ve than 400 under a heav mortgage and onlyhalf cul- tivatemortgage Where- one man may -suc- ceed by rashness in assuming large responsibilities hundreds fail; and eXperience and observation will show that the successful owners of large tracts of lands have usually begun by. small purchases for cash, and by .gradual additions as they acquired wealth byindustry and economy. The Western Planter. presents this as the logic • of the wool -growers : ' A man will say, " 1 have .$3,000 worth of grain and hay; I wi l not' haul or ship it, I -will convert it into beef and pork, thereby'decreasing its bulk and in- creasing its value.'" Now: this is all right,; but the wool -grower having the same amounti of feed may say, I. will convert rine to cheep and convert it into 'obl, thereby much more decreasing :its bulk and in- creasing its value." , An Embarrassing Mistake. The Raleigh, N. C., News is re- sponsible for the folio -ring : Years 'ago lived in Warren County a good.. pious minister of the Methodiet church, the Rev. Mr. Bursa His young eight-year-old hopeful; Watty, was mischievously addicted to the habit ef pu -Joining from MS moth- er's closet s Tar from the diale Re- , monstrance ,_ both by the father and mother, pr ved of no avail, and, though W. mace, the o wdtch for Rev. Dr. Elder of th passing thr He was-assi ina the dos WItty's de dawn of da tty protested his inno- d lady said she would him and chastise him. Close, then Presiding Conference district, in ugh that section, halted e's to spend the night. t, the scene of; young redations. At the first on the following morn'- ing the reaerend gentleman arose from his co ch and repaired \ to the set, a do 1 of which opened into s room, to attend to his morning votions, nd, unfortunately for 1 i ) knelt ear the usual position of the sugat dish. At this moment Mrs. Burge had occasion to visit the closet, and auietly opening the door, discovered atty in the very act, as she thought. Highly incensed, she administerec several severe raps up- on the devot d bald' head ot the Pre - 'siding ,Elder before s e discovered her mistake adding t the same time, " I ha -e caughr'you, stealing the sugar a last, have I?" It is the only per dn on the t,remisesawho ,einjeyed the ceneAhat ensued.' to add a gallon of cold water to cream just before cloirniug. 'Some Maine farmers held their last year's crop a little too leng, and -when new potatoes appeared -in. the market, they sold the eldstock, htin=, • In England_ there are about 40,7 000 acres of young oaks and Other growing timber planted in inclo-: sures by arithority ef acta. of Parlia- ment, of which 10,000 were alan- ted last year.-----Irappers say the easi- est and cheapest way to catch a woodchuck is to conceal over the mouth .of the hole when the animal is at home, a snare mede of brass wire, looped simply with a- running knot. Ourabig hull thistle is a fatorite in Eurepean gardens, and our familiar Imullen does duty abroad as the American velvet plant. Thus the weeds of one country' be - A Doyen -East doctor says in the Homestead; -that he never fails to cure, grub in ;the head of sheep by pouring into the eilfferee ear once a day for one, two or three days, as the case they require, a teasyoonful of butter melted and mixed With. the same quantity of spirits turpeni -tine.--e--Foul air in au IoWa cis- tern ten feet deep cauSed the death of a boy who went in to clean it. Two men who rushed to the resce were nearly smothered. Tu. such cases it is always a good plan to send down a lighted candle. If it is extin- guished, this may be taken as evi- manufacture, whi in the trade. TINWARE ANO AL OIL. Y has just received a large stook trier and Box Stoves, of the best h. she can sell aa cheap as any T WARE of every description , kept consfputi on hand and made to order. - Also, StoVe Pi es, Eave Troughing, 'etc. Custom -work .pvimptly attended to, • and outside work will. receive e -cry attentiou. A large stock of he very best Coal Oil kept con- stantly n hand, a d will be sold wholesale and te or book account. are re - __taken in evehange or goods. 19'; OTSCE TS hereby give] t at applientioa -will be made Eo -I- the Legislat e of Ontario, at its neat sitting. for an Act to ep trate, for municipal purposes, in the Seventeenth oneessiou, and Lots Nos. 26, teenth Concession, of the Township • 'of Grey in the County of Hu en, from the said Townsiip and to unite the sa ne, for the purposes aforesaid, with the Townshis of Logan, in the County of Dated July 13 A D 1872 C 099. Sole Pr prietors and Manufaisturers' of the Cele - The ft) ovring outline Preparations are sold by all Drug sts. 13 sure and ask foe the VICTORAA PEEPA 'PIONS, a d see that You get them. vict ria boated Olyiekine Jelly. This je LY is higilly reeinumended to Ladies as a most eable' Preparation for the Toilet. For Beautify zig the omploxion, and rendering the Skin Sof ,, Mrlute, Chen, and free from Dryne$8, ft is unriva ed. It Will quieldy remove all Rednesa, Roughneris, Tan, Preekles, Pifaplee, and other Inas perfections. For Chapped Hands, Chilblaine, Frost llitea ant Sore Lips, it cannot be surpassed. Price at oents. iotoria Carbolic Toilet Soap. This To LET floe possesses all - th.e avell-Imotvn. antisepti and diefinfecting properties of Carbone Acid, is ,eoably 'scented, has a healthy action on the skin, psevents' initation removes the effeet$ of persp ation, and ehould 'be regularly used by should b washecOvith Una Soap ; and its use bar persons I able to infeetion will materially prevent the spree of disease. Price 15 cents per Tablet. Victoriii a Carbolic Salve. This SAL E is a rapid cure for all Skin Diseases,' Cuts, Wounds, 13ratisea, Barns, Sores, Ulcers, Ring- worm, UN. tter Eezema, Scald Head, Scurvy Abss ceases, . one, PiMples, ato.• It possesses all the cleansing and healing virtues of Carbone- Acid, which lut been found by Physieians, eyerywhere to posses curatiect qualities not discovered in anY other oh Meal pr paration.' Price 25 cents. This GAB e LE is tile most reliable and eflicaciouil 4 Remedy ' all cas ,s of Sore Throat, Hoarseness; Diptheria l3rone tie, Irritation of the Bronchial Tubes s. commo in this changeable climate; Asthma, • ifensivrt Breath; Ulcerated Gums, and all dieeas ,-s of th Mouth. For Publics SpeakerS and Sing zrs itis invaluable. The ingredients enS tering int. this Gargle are used by all Physicians,' and for t o (moist)! the above disorders are now,i Vi ori' Carbolic Disinfectant. e, MEDIC/A. PAC D DEDIta; This Dis PECTANT i8 IV sure preventive of Typhus! and Typh id Fevers, Cholera, Smallpox, and all in -I, fectiotts swim. 1 It will prevent Contagion MI Cattle. I is also invaluable for Disinfecting Wa-! tor Closet , Drains; Ceaspools, Stables, Slaughters houses, St ,.; and for destroying nauseous effluvial from veha ever cause arising. It will drive away Mosquito eta Moths, Flies, Cockroaches, dm. Meat, Fish, &c., an be presertsed from putrefaction by its use. Carl olio' Acid was selected by Iler Majesty's Royal Co missioners, in preference!. to all other products, s the beet Disinfectant' for the preven- tion of ini ctions diseases. price 25 -tents. victoria Sharpening and Polishing Paste This PRE ARATIO is unequalled in its rapidity for Sharp ning and -Polishing Cutlery. Table and makers' yes, Plane 13ite aud Chisels, tte.. Noth- ing has e er been' diacovered which. has sprang into popu arity More quickly, or become of se much mitt in evere honaeliold and workshop for general us 'fulness. : Price 25 centre. 280 ' CAUTION L: To the Pu He of o British Provinces of North ' -1-* of the ritish North American Provincee tlutt tli in May, 18 I, I caused the business at 80 Maiden - Lane, Ne York, foe the Bele of Holloway's Pills and Oint ant, whiab. were up- to that thne pre- pared by William' Brown now deceased,. to be closed. I regret to say diet I have maim to know that the management of the' late business -had for so e year, in many ways, been most cor- rupt, and ' may be that the Pills and:Ointment were not p epared with the care I have always de- sired.- Th se who do not wish to be deceived by buying apt ons medicines, whieh are now likely to emanate I nu the States or elsewhere, to possess theinselve pf the: genuine Holloway's Pilla and Ointment, lanefactured by me_ in Lendon, Eng- land, vrill o well to see that each pot and. box bears the ribish Govenunent stamp, on which is • engraved t e welds, " Holloway'e Pills and Oint- ment, and hat the address on the label is 533, Oxford-str et, London, where only they are menu - _lectured, a id in no othor part of the world. The retail price aro ou the labels in British Currency, and not iu dollars and cents. No representative of mine wi I eaer travel through any part of the British Pr vineessor the .United States either to sell _or to t ke orders for my Pills and 'Ointment, and as I h ye reason to believe that attempts will probably b made to deceive the public in thia way by persons calling Upon meclieine ye/niers, falsely represonti g that _they are acting for me and with -my knowle ge and cbnsent, I deem it advisable to put the pu lie on their guard against any such de- ceptions. I most earnestly entreat all those who may read t 's advertisement that they be pleased, in the publ c intere4t, to communicate the ',wort of the sitm to their friends that they may not be defrauded I their Movey by purchasing, perhaps, worthles$ initations of the genuine Holloway's Pills and 0 ntruent.1 I woitlil ask, as a great favor, that, shoal it come to the knowledge of any per - sun thht sp liens medicines ere being made or sold in my nem a he be Pleased to send me all the par- ticulars.he an 061100 respecting the same, that is ta say, the tine an addreas of the Tender who is selling the apuriou. medicines, and likewise the name mid dame 1 the House in the United States or el •ewhere,which may have supplied them so as team ble me, or the protection of the pub- s letter, to he addre $ at foot (which. he can do at /n doors, and -engage 0 remunerate very handsome- ly any pers who ni ty give me euah information, the infor ant's na e never being divulged. Should any person h ve reason to believe- that ho has been de dyed b • buying spurious imitations of these me licinette e will do well to send me, in a cost of si cents in °stage), one of the hooka of ise to exami le it and end a reply, stating* whether the medicines aro get Wainer not, so that, if spu- rious, he tatty apply to the' persou from whom he purchased hem to hi ve his money returned. - Chemist. and Drageists who desire to obtain the -medicines can be supplied at the lowest w olesale prices in quantities clo-f not loss than $20 orth— viz., 8's. 6d., 22a. and is. per dozen boxes f Pills or pots of intmen -, net, without disco nt, for which remit ance mu t be sent in, advance With reat newt, THOMAS 'HOLLOWAY, 553, Ci•xford tract, (la e 244 Strand,) London, W.C.., H. MUSTARD'S KING OF OILS, The best external rem- edy fel. Rheumatism, Sprains, Wonnds, Bruis- e se OR and every conceivable eaa. sore, old or new. Give it wta.ss n trial., Also, try the 4 PAIN VICTOR '" For all internal plans, Zeca- and if you - want a ve0ETABL*E PILL To remove all obstrae- e tious of the Liver, Stem Ste., try Mustard's Anti -Bilious Pills, Orif you req tire a safi and sure remedy for Worms USE MUSTAP.D'S Di/MINION WORM -CANDY. If you have Catarrh, dold in the Head, Neuralgia uetard's Catarrh, Full cline:ties/1i ace preparations. Soli'. medicine generally. s 23a-26 II. at once. mires.- each of the above y druggists and dealers in lannetetured USTAUD, Ingersoll, Ont. LIME LIME.. LIME . ry belongasg to Mr. A. Wilson, Silver Creek, Seatorth, and having Vain a splendidnew Kiln, on the Inust appi oved pr' tiple, capable of turning out 200 bushels per day, a o. prepared to furnish any quantity of . The Best Qr alio of Lime, [, At FIFTEEN CENTS bnahel. SLATER 4: 13110., 2864'13 Huron Road, Sertforth. FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. TNMAN 01? AIL STEMEIIS SAILING -1- from New York, SAT RDZI,Y, Tiekets sold to and f one England, Ireland, and the -Continent, at as lay rate's LCA by any other line. j0 LIN SEATTER, 1E3H INP -r ICENSEDjAaPPCIalOINEER for the County of -iLd Huron. Sales attended ha all parts of the °untie's: A.11 orders lien at Tut; Exeosrron Office •ill be prompt: y attend d to. 198 CHARLES WILSON, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, SIGN OF THE 999, Has just received A FINE STOOK OF TEAS, Which he Will sell for one month at,BEDIJOED P1110E8. 81 Tea for 75otg., 75ct. Tea for 50ets. Splendid Ydung Hyman Toe at 40cts. RemembOr this is genuine, and now is the time to get 074 -SAP TEA. A large stock of LiAt and -Preserving Sugara cheap and good. Groceries of all kinds, and fresh. The best in the meadret, Wholesale and Retail. ALE AND PORTER In 'bottles and on draught, always pure and fresh. Highest pekes in cash paid for Butter and Eggs, at CHAS: WILSON'S. JUST RECEIVED AT 15 000 ibis. GOOD BRIGHT SUGAR. 10 LBS. FOR_ONE DOLLAR. GbOD TEA AT 50 CENTS CHOICE BLACK AT !30.CENTS. N. M. LIVINGSTONE Offisrs for sale the balance of HIS. STOCK OF TWEEDS AND FLANNELS AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES, FOR CASH. He invites inspe tion and epraparison with any in the market. N. M. LIVINGSTONE LOAF SUGARS of the finest qualities, and at prices which cannot be beaten. N. M. LIVINGSTONE offers the balance of Ala largelstook of G RE N. AND BLA CAK. TEAS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Finest quality imported at $1 per lb. ".„ M. LIVINGSTONE offers for sale 30 lbs. Prunes for one dollar, 20 lbs. Currants for one dollar, 20 lbs. Bice for one dollar, 12 LBS. ItAISINS FOR ONE DOLLAR. N. M. Livingstone has just receia;eal a large lot of TTON GRAIN BAGS AND COTTON WARP, CHEAP FOR CASH. Wanted, any quaniiiy of butter, eggs and wool. BES 240 w. AR THONIPSO\ &Cos IS PLACE TO GET THE VALUE 'AND LARGEST SELECTION OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, &C., IN AINLEYVILLE. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF READY-MADE CL OTH IN G, , FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, IMPORTED DIRECT FRQM ENGLAND, Which will be sold 15 per ccut. leL's than usual prices. AINLEYV1LLE, May 22, 1872. At Dent's Cheap Dry Goods torel Seaforth. 14-R. DENT is now agent; for two of the beat makers in the Dominion, is a practical inusieian, undemtands these instrument:: thoroughly, and wont soil a poor one. He eau sell you an instru- ment at any price, from the lowest to the higheat, and on the ivory beet terms. He keeps a good variety on hand to' select Irani, at his Cheap Dry Goods and Millinery Etablishment, Seaforth That is the plane if you want a good instrument cheap. A'rery Instrument 'warranted by thelmaker for fire year8. ►..'1]L1HMS 1 D 4 1 0 NOS HOP 1-E1 3 LVM REPAIRS FOR MASSEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ZIOISV3 0 sel 0 ONUSJA 11H ThTI (map 0 CD 0 EGG- EMPORIUM. THE snbscriber hereby thanks his numerous -A- friends in team and country for their liberal patronage during the past five years,. and hopes by strict attention to buainess to merit their con- fidence and. trade YD. the future. He also wishes to announce that he is atilI prepared to pay TRE -HIGHEST CASIT PRICE For any quantity of good FRESH EGGS Delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, 227 D. WILSON MALCOM'S GREAT ECC DEPOT, MARKET SQUARE, SEAFORTH. The snbscriher begs to inform the pablie that he has greatly extended his premises- and is pre- pazed as hitherto to pay the highest price for any quantity of GOOD FRESH _EGGS, Delivered at his place of busineas. No Market Fees en EGGS. . WM. :MALCOM. Seaforth, March 25, 1872. 225 HURRAH FOR fen. WM. AULT, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, TTAS ON HAND a superior stock of FAMILY -let- GROCERIES, embracing Teas ef the best brands, Sugars, Raisins, ete. Also, Croekeu and Glassware, and every other article usually kept in a first-class Grocery Store. PR Olillf814)NS, Such as Flour, Oat sea Corn -meal, Potetoes, Pork, ete., also, every description of Stich as Oats, Peas, Bran and Shorts, all of which will be Bold -cheaper than the theapest. The highest market price paid for ail kinds of Farm Produce. Remember the place, Ittin street, East side, opPosite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. —Without phosphorus no thought, say the Germans, and 'fluky /night add, no action, since ahoaphorue and its comoonnas are known to be the moti ve power of the nervous arta muscular sys- ton. They constitute //wee than half the mater- ial of the human body, being found in evinitis- albumen in the food into fibrilla, whieh is the vit- now P0111:11g into universal ease in Europe ana Aata rasa in the treatment of scrofulous, consump- tive and venereal diseases, 'which are caused by impovesished or poisoned blood ; and in diseases tions and exhaustive disreharges, pole, prore when, and. that -condition. of nervous end physical prostration reeulting from bad habits excessiee 'nee of stimulants and tobacco, and aithat train of evils known au a fast life. The great lvliability and promptness in its effects in immediately and permanently reetoring tbo devitalized constitution has made Dat. W-HERLER'S COMPOUND ELIX- IR 01? PHOSPHATES AND CALISAYA a great favorite with the physicians and public. Sold at V.. CHAIN FOUND. WOUND, on the 1st of July, on. the Second_ Con- '. cession of Tnekersmith, near the Brick School - hone°, East of Brueetield, a long chain with a grab hook on one end. The owner eau have the same by applying at the ExposITOlt °Idea, Seaforth, after proving property andpaying charaes. 24041 rig in What cind of Igavuutucapfrtoalirinlil'isasaisadch PEittialloiozidnetoatilig'l place sro etipePTeli:ihikaeethadi o—te ;apYeeltpe) acestia.rhnep ,toaiPIfoi ier:enndloee: t'cog°1:erteriang7t1:einAta'n%ass' of the Eastern fossil, le part of the countty, bTyhetreheig,FIrebeelsieLet,ha it? anent Company, by me the crude petroleum tehelevseltaTidd,a:lrieenreee, ported to Europe dir shirys obtriiiiIntigfohrt tkhneol,t): s, minister. now,' mut cegrii.teaoiniwnlayitYyhaleil'idne:t'oueigilt:bccio:amb nd a deep roar Stalarit h rhde' a dt rteuer n p6ira ee 'd 'firlodm at hgea 111 ogs:er ranged themselves aro tan. ,Little tugs flew and cut of the river, d• the bridges, their p lowered for the purpo sel loaded with blue b- si°7C1Yapliide,-thwhttt uasre of those barrels T inqui school -mistress who p the band of school -girl agreeable odor r said taking out a vinaigret anarinak2es the funny?' said Ourlyloe School -girls, gazing eve The river was narr ell with crafts, propel *eanal-boats, tugs, and of old times, a fineoside er, looking dignified beside its companioni What a splendid Them side-wheelers much on these lakes,' e they lop over easy in a me a tight propeller, al from Buffalo to Ohi-Car A_t length the Colui her dock, and was roaa -wild Mena who ran aro sten at furious speed, wh having east ashore the rope, occupied himeelf head downward over bellowing orders to the beaep14:I\aivi.onwl: laosred(1-0°ne"oi gentlemen, whom Paii4 named Mephieto; on satirical ,semettong calm, handsome face manners, as well as ftuence over the fresh wire accompanied him. tthiTntil sunset,' repl And as the afterneol ful partieS were base see the sights of theJ Mephistoe -capturing tress by his studied ptl giving Faust an opporl wise opposed to thee Persis, Morris, and •k• and after climbing a, sh ourselves in. _the pn street of the Forest q Up- Euclid A yen* where the big housee :sai4dBmutoIrraLe.nt to see That's just like see residences any Cleveland is a grecit may be ce,,Iled zathetgrucaineotmedesiwNitihajohrinr Etamild gkotii°:gys taoll ausb°1e ulat's; hMtlhilie:ii.o.irfliiissAcjeifnurt,entr:woPsh4e0:meewQedatl:: t11:13.ePl°4;h5eocir.rieAtsj,ireAchueeanrrtlki'll friend in the busin Us tO see the process say, majer, won't you At first the offie -when, pleased with added my request, h invitation, and dim down. to the flats byi over the Cuyahoga Canal. The flat was - oil, and iron; but t,W