HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-08-30, Page 6. �Trt ntit taltil O tte UMW RAID. { at saw mill on 4th t of Lumb and Ip, r piletors a otioneex. 16„ on Lot 14,. -ey, valuable Parra S proprietor ; J. P. • 3ept.5, in Winghani, 14 Thos. Grill proprietor ; action r ;opt. 5, on Lot 15, 3rd con - Flop Farm Stock. Patrick -fetor 1 d.; Y, Brine, auv on Monday, of Mr. Pots ughter. awwick,s on the 13th inat, Mr. Mark Graham, of, a. • )EARS. a Seaforth, on Saturdays Eepsibathh, wife of Mr. Ioughtou, aged 50 yew ;test ackersmith,. on the 23rd ife of Benjamin; .yser; tesday, the 20th inst., at. tborne, Edward Albert, S. P. and C. Halls, aged, tths< iday, the 23rd inst.< at tborne, George William,, 5- P. and C. Halls, aged _th's. $FORTH, August 29, 1872.. kitlittIedoittg onthe Sea - Although a considerable. has been threshed, there ,eel" much hrought for- mat week there has been tout four loads of wheat market. There has as ae load of new- oats, no tale barley. Prices are in=. . changed from last vers. seem anxious to present rates, and farm- - rrf ty of disposing of any at the quoted prices 'an unusual amount of :et this season Plums especially plentiful, al- ,,enerally 'seem to get that is brought in. The es not seem to improve eagerly sceaght after Illy bought at quoted 41 10 to 115, 1 I0 to 1 15 050 to 052 ...< t «032to 03.5 • --.. 050to 055 ... « 0 12 to 0 13' < 0 12 to 0 12, 700 to -000 ...10oilto1200 500 he 750 025toe 050 050 to 100 b, <069to 010 .. < . <00 to• 0 SG steel <a 50 to- 0-50- -..0�7t& 003 008 to 0 0 .t< 325- to 325 <,5 00 to 5,00 • ..<.< 040" to Cr 50 August 24, 1872 10 cr 1 15 110 0 115 0300 s 085 aha 052 .<. 050as 053 .... 0 12 013 ..«_.. 0 10 to: 01:2 80001200 , August 29, 1S72. to $1.30 ; white, 1 22 4 red, $1 25 to 1 15 to $i 20 , spring: 1.45 spring, (new}, to 52c ; peas 50e 330 ; butter, 18c to i6c ; cheese,, 9e to , August 29, 18 2. in a lifeless con-_ ce of stocks, there- no hereno transaction; re- e of one car of .No:. the track, and one was little or no American markets,. was quoted rather ons are almost ` en- absence of business. recent figures for € t it is only o#terinz present are a rather veries from farmers trivial as yet. A. ay brought 1 35 d to -day 1 30 was 1 20 for Treadwell. ing in old Barley; leen off the street at he beat we have yet nal to the quality e offering at 39c d at 38e on the ear of any tr ansae - TE STOOK.. ,SDAY, `Aug. 27. s the receipts and ck at the cattle bus far, beginning Sheep, Hogse Horses. • Bead. head. head 6,104 32 1,000 4,204 16 3,60(1 3Q0- ... 4,60010,500 48 6,000 6,500 Sheep, Hogs, Horses. head. head, head.. 4,400 32 1,200 4,600 32 I,800 3,100 .-- :3,000 12,100 6.4 000 9,600' :dins 28 oars re- heat" 629 head, toter supply for the week head, or 08 cars, against 344 ears for the same time last week. The ran has been unusualiy light, and moat of the oattleareof an inferior grade. e mirket. opened at 11c- advance on Stook, kid 1610 on connnoll stook, off. fat week' prices.. The attendances and quits a .brisk business have been, transacted had the sup. of 00(F -cattle been equal to the de. uf'and. 'There is nothing but a few loads e . oomron and Texans 1n the yards. les comprises. about.600 head. Tran - tions Were as follows ; 10• of Average ad- Weight 32 II.. steers, tr v53 3-f i4. 17 '' - � - - sa it e tt r€ wag 1466 1266 1171 1224 1209 1270 20 Cherokee steers, 1065 21 Missouri Steers, 1034 48 `� , " 1200 34 1141 19 Micb.. steers 985 35 Indiana `j 1 137 18 " cows 1035 And 5 others. SHIrP AICD LAMBS. Price. 6 871 6 621 6 50 6 371 625 6 624 4 20 5 X50 6 121 5 80 5 25 6 00' 4 90 Receipts for to -day, 3,600 head, mak- ing the total supply, for the week, thus 4,600 head, against 6,000 head for the Baffle time last week. The market not fly opened 'yet. No sales.to report. HOtI`,` Receipts to -day, 1 00 head, against ,500 headfor'the s time last week. The. market opened at a shade advance on last week's closing prices. Good hogs bringing . $4 90 to -$5, and inferior ncies $4 80 to $4 85. The best " stock d ready purchasers, but the inferior Michigan work off slowly. We note the following sales.; No. of - Average Head. Weight. 117 Mich. 'hogs, 196 100 " " 197 • 97 " stillers, < 227 118 Ohio hogs, 186 103 " " 187 131 " s 165 193 " `` 188 108 Illinois " 195 Price:. 80 4 80 4 90 4 95 480 4 80 4 90 5 00 CHIOA%0 LIVE STOCK MARKET. CHICAGO, Aug. 27.—Cattle Receipts —2,053 head. The -market closed strong and 25e higher on choice grades ; fair to good at $5 00 to $5 671 • light at $4 75 to $5 12i. Live Hogs—Receipts- The market- is active andx5c better, dos- ing very firm at a range of $4 50 to $5. Sheep and Lambs—Receipts..-730 head. Sheep closed firm at a range of $3 to 5 ; Iambs, $2 to $3. - r NEW YORK HORSE MARKET. TUESDAY, August 2.7, ;1872. The intensely -hot and sultry ;weather, which lasted throughout the greater part of the week under review, has had the tendency to check almost completely - whatever little activity might have been possible: in the general horse. trade at this, the .dullest season of the year. A Kited number of low-priced work horses were sold at old prices, otherwise .the horse market was -utterly devoid of all features of interest, and it was only one of the public auction sales, in which prominent horse men, and the public generally manifested considerable inter- est. This sale was -held on the 20th of this month, and comprised five well- known trotters, part of the estate of the late Augustus Noble. The grand total of .the above executors' sale, including also wagons, sulkies, harness, etc., amounted to $4,510, out of which sum $4,090, or an average. of 818 per head, were paid for the horses. LIVERPOOL: - g S. D. S. D. S. D. S. • D. O 28 0 28 0 7 11 7 11 7 0 12 0 12 0 10 11 10 11.10 O 27 8 2716 8 3 8 8('8 9 0 86 0 88 2 0 O 60 0 50 0 9 39 9 40 0 Flour - 28 0 28 Red Wheat...... 11 7 , 11 Red Winter •12 0 ' 12 White 11 10 11 Corn ... 27 0 27 Barley. - 3.8 8 Cats2 9 2 Peas, 36 0' 86 Pork . 50 .0 50 Lard39 9 39 GOLD. —The price of Gold in New York is quoted at 113. anammomanas- SULKY FOR SALE. OR SALE, CHEAP, a good Skeleton SULKY. F Apply to WM. GRASSIE, 247 - Wagonmaker, Seaforth. LAMBS -FOR SALE. FOR SA t1 , ten ortwelve well-bred Leicester RAM LAMBS. The Lambs can be seen on the farm of the undersigned, Lot 8, Fourth Con- cession, H. R. S.,' Tiickersmith. 244 HENRY CHESNEY. SELECT SCHOOL. ISS ROBINSON'S Select School will re -open on MONDAY, Sept. 9. •247-2 .NOTICE. 1DARTrES having from 50 to 75 acres of land for sale, within two miles of either of the villages of Clinton or Seaforth, znay find a purchaser by ap- plying to he undersigned 'State the number of acres, amt cleared, and price per acre. PETER .AD ASO ty Clerk. County Clerk's Office, Goderioh, Aug. 26, 1872. ) 247-2 PUBLIC NOTICE. OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have disposed of their Cooper Shop in Seaforth, to Mr. Philip Vo mar, who will hereafter carry on the above business in his ANDERSON & CO. Carronbrook, Aug.22, 1872. In connection= with the above, the undersigned bega to state that he will hereafter on the cooperage formerly owned by Mess 0. G: An- derson & Co. and he hopes by strict attention to business and making good work to merit a contin- uance of the liberal patronage heretofore accorded to the establishment. PHILIP YOLMAR Seaforth, Aug. 22, 1872. AUCTION SALE OF - VILLAGE PROPERTY. ALEXR. STEWART,- -. erai• Blacksmith,, Has removed to his new brie k premises, South Hain street, Seaforth, next 4..r to McIntosh & Morrison's Carriage Shop, where he hopes to have ava11 from all his old pi trona : • d as many new ones as may feel disposed to pat onize him. BLAGKSMIT ING In all its branches, promptly att • dei -to. H reeahoeing.and epairing `Done on the shortest notice, at the most roason- able terms and in a manlier to gahranteo 'satis- faction. WAGONS AND S EIOH3 Made to order, and REPAIRING neatly and cheap. ly executed. - By strict attention to busines in the future, as in the past, he continuance of the liberal patro Kinn since ooinmencing business. ALEXANDER Seaforth, Aug. 26, 1872. and fair dealing, opes to 'merit a ege accorded to Seaforth, TEWART. 247-4 AGENTS e' T° 20 pe Specimens and free. Address 'WOOD'S LITERARY AND day guaranteed. full particulars T AGENCY, ' Newburgh, N. Y. Notice to Patrons of Kin forth Cheese F ALL THOSE who have not re for May and June mills can at Logan & Jamieson's Store, w kept. • . W. s. urn and Sea- ived their money get it by calling ere my books are' ROBERTSON. FARM FOR S LUT, No. 26, Con. 5, Towne acres cleared; log hoose ; of good pine en the lot, within o of two good ,saw -mills. For fu address • WIL 247-18c p `of Morris ; 50 e is a quantity e Mile and a half her particulars, I.TA 1 AMOSS, Dingle P. O. FOR SAL ►THAT valuable Property, sit 1 street, opposite T. Broad"s Seaforthrconsisting of a lot, e hoose, stable, &c., at present oc mitage., Terms liberal. Posse end of October next.' For app 3 y-4 - • 8. DIC ted on Market t,e Planing Mill, cadent-dWelling- upied by Mr. Ar- sion given at the er Particulars, ON, P. M., Seaforth. PROPERTY -FOR VIVA Vi acres of land with a 8644, and summer kitchen, joining it; a frame barn; stable well and young bearing or,hard, 24, Concession 8, MoKillop, and from. Seaforth, is offered for sale ply to the proprietor, HIRAld 245-8* - ALE. frame cottage d woodshed ad- nd shed; a pump beingpart of Lot situated 11 miles ' For terms, ap- LANCHARD, Seaforth 1'. 0. LOT FOR S FOR SALE, a Building Lot, o of land, being part of Lot 10, Township of McKillop. There i and barn,.a good well, and an 6 fruit -trees. This lot is sitnate and-a`half of the Huron Gravel miles from Seaforth, and is in t ()anent farming country. For. apply to the undersigned Propri ises, or address Seaforth Post -o .�*4 J T. SCOTT has been/instructed. by Mr. THOS. • GLEDHir,r, to offer for sale at Public Ane - tion, on TUURSDAY, Sept. 5, 1872, ' 14 VILLAGE LOTS. IN TH te VILLAGE OF �YGHAM, County of Huron,Ontario." The property to be sold is well calcuated for -either business or pri- gate residences, and is situated just opposite the lesoand L. H, and B. Railway Staaitiioons. Some of the. lots are well adapted for hotel purposes. Intending purchasers should not., allow this opportunity to pass, as propertyis daily increasing in value in this rapidly rising village. Sale to commence at 1 P. M., sharp. TERMS—$10 to be paid down, when lot is bid oft, balance of one-third in 30 days from date of sale, and the remainder in two equal payments, in six and twelve months, with Iegal interest. Ten per cent. dseonnt will be allowed on two-thirds the purchase money to parties who pay in full. - THOS. GLEDHTLL; Proprietor. C. T.rT SCOTT, Auctioneer. - - 1 Wingham, Aug. 14,1872. LEJ ntaining one acre th Concession, a good log house chard of bearing within two miles oad, and about 6 e midst of an ex - her particulars tor, on the prem. eta. HN DOWNEY. FARM -FOR A. DESIRABLE FARM in the ley, being Lot 27, South Bo 96 acres, more or less, 78 acres remainder- good hardwood bu spring creek runs theough the 1 with 40 frnit-bearing Apple' Peach and 3herry;.rees ; a good good log house and Stable ; q class; store, post -office, grist - school in the neighborhood. anxious to sell, as,he intends g Tams liberal. 'THOMA 245-18 Proprietor, Berne P. ALE.: ownship of Stan - II , containing er cultivation. ;: a never -foiling t ; good orchard, es, also ,prom, 'a L ibarn, 66x86; ality of soil, first ill, church and. he Proprietor is ing to Manitoba. TALBOT, ▪ ,Hay Township. FARM FOR =ALE. LOT NO. 1&,_Con. 4,;Gtey, 111 se, cre 85 cleared and under good dultivatio• , young orchard ; well watered; and well .tim . • 1 ; 4 miles from Northern Gravel Road and 8 ranee from Ethel, where °a station of the WeL• ington, _ Grey and 13race Railway will be opened this Fall. For fur- ther particulars address, prepaid; HUGH MUS- TARD, Dingle P. 0., or C. B. COOPER, Land. Agent, Ainleyville. 245.4c - FARM FOR OUTH FALF of the South "'Fifth Concession of the to containing 50 acres, 85 cleared spriirg. creek; good log house Th above farm is only a mile ai road from the rising village of station of the Wellington, Orel way will be opened this fall.' F inquire (if by letter, prepaid)Qf 885 Ainleyville Land Age ALE. h it of Lot No. 24, ship of Morris, well watered by a end 'frame stable. d a half on a good inleyrille, where a and Bruce Rail- r' price and terms . COOPER, rcy, Dingle P. O. FARM FOR SALE IN THE subscriber, being shoat f fere for sale hie FARM, Fourth Concession,' McKillop, acres, 82 cleared, the remainder the farm is in good cultivation, free from thistles and weeds ; church and a good sohool•hons .Seaforth; gravel road passes t the farm alone, yr together wit ments and farm stock, as it chaser. , Twenty-one . acres promises well. Apply to 30 288 1cgILLOP. o leave Canada, of- East half Sot 19, - consisting of 50 good hard timber ; the land clean and half a mile from a ; =four miles from edoor. I will sell the crop's, imple best snit 'the pur- der -ergp, which Seaforth'P. O. 'CHOICE FARU,FO ' SALE . Tnrnbeiry, consist - being cleared and There issi good d 30x60.` There is ill be sold on easy to. S HENN1NuS.. LOT No. 7, Sixth Concession, ing of 120 acres nearly 111 in a good state of gnitya€ion. frame barn 55x86, t> frame s also a good bearing orchard. terms. Apply on the premises Wroxeter, July 8,1872.' • FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE, south part Lot 2 Hay, known as the `c Troy mile from. Zurich, on the_Grav 50 cleared; dwelling-houseli an bearing orchard ; the lend tivation and well fenced._ For apply to • - 240*4 FARM FOR FOft SALE, one hundred a part of Lot 27, Fifth Co smith, L. R. 8., seventy acre good state of cultivation; thirt log barn, frame driving house, and. sheds, a good spring creek lot; and a spring in the rear; a in the township ; four and a forth, three from Bruce iel4. cash, the remainder in, yearly on the premises to 237 HAY. 24041 , Ninth Concession, Farm ;" one-half 1 Road g 70 acres ; barn ; good young a good state of cul- ber particulars . WILSON, Zurich, Ont. ALE. • s of land, being cession,'of Tucker- cleared and in a acres bush ; -hewn table, sheep -house in the front of the good land as any miles from Sea - Terms, one-third stallments. Apply EX. 31cCAA, Bracefield P. 0. FARM FOR SALE GREY. LOT No 5, Concession 15, township of Grey, taining ninety -sax acres; seventy acres cleared. Apply to Id. 'WEpDERMID, farpnrhey. Or to JO SI RS, Grey. 282 HOUSE AND LOT FOR S FOR SALE, a house and lot For farther particulars, a 24041 - HOTEL FOR SALE IN THE Hotel at present ()can 1 ard, will be,sold cheap for new. Possession given imine Apply to 1872. Ainleyville, May 28, WANTED MIME .'tl1fEN to cut Cordwood; Bs; lfl Saw Logs. For further the undersigned, on. L t N Tuekorsmith. 246*8 -IN SEAFORTH on Goderich street. ly to TER, Seaforth. 'ed by James Leon - cash. Buildings all • tely. 3. LECKE (HATE 11.Y. 5, Cedar Posts and oarticnlars apply to . n, Concession 8, DAVID MOORE. • SELLING OFF, GIVING UP .BUSINE3IS. DRY GOObs AND GROO RIES. PARTIES WISHING GENUINE BARGAINS WOULD DO WELL TO I ' CALL AND EXAMINE. L 111101u (BOUGHT DSII . FOR LEA E GOODS T BE SOLD. 13 BELOW PRESENT PRIGS.) E OF STORE OR PURCHASE OF STOCK, APPLY TO EE & S\fiITZER, MA1N-STREET,; SEAFORTH. • If You Want a REALLY GOOD T LOGAN TRY 1 2 • & JAIIIF;SON'S CHOI GUNPOW DER, • At W. S. ROBERTSON'S OLDSTA.ND, Main= street, aforth. 1 FOR SALE. 4 VALUABLE 'FARM, 100 aerie First Canoes- ' McKillop, near Seaforth, on the main gravel road to Goderich; 85 -acres cleared and free of stomps, with ten acres of a fallow, the rest under grass; well watered and fenced, with large frame bare, stable underneath; log farm -hoose, boarded outside, and good orchard;' poesession im- mediately ; title good and terms easy. For far- ther..partioulars apply (if b • letter, prepaid,) to 242 - LUDWIG „e• YER, Seaforth P. 0. ESTRAY CAME into the enclosure the first of September 1 coming two years old ; - bot mooley. The owner is re erty, pay charges and to claimed, they will be sold 1 2413*3 - Lot ESTRAY CAME into the enclose Lot No. 18; Fifth Cone "ssion, ersmith, about the first o ' June la and one LAMB. The own r is req prove property, pay eharg; s, and to 248*4 ,TAC 1 TEERS: the subscriber, about et, two STEERS, then white and red; one a nested to prove grop- e them away. If not r expenses. JAMES BOWES, , Concession 3, Grey. HEE1'. e of the undersigned, R. S., Tack- , two EWES ested to call, e them away. 13 .MoGEE. ESTRAY STRAYED from the pre in Egmondville, on 8 year-old STEERS; one wa back, and the other grey, - Any information leading t suitabl'q rewarded. 246 GEORG TEERS. - see of the andersigned,. day, Ana. 18, two two - red, with a white line ith the right hip down. EWING, Seaforth. ESTRAY COW. bscriber, Lot 0A.ISIE into the enclosur, of the milk. The the' 9th inst, a, brindled C W, rgi owner can hi:ve her upon p ;73{ANvmg pr TpTertynamAiind pay- ing charges. EGG EM OR UM. THE subscriber hereby friends in town and c patronage during the pas by strict attention to bus" fidence and trade In the to announce that he is st THE HIGHEST For any quan ity of go d. FRESH E GS Delivere at the ORI M, thanks • s -numerous untry fq their liberal ftve years and hopea ess to merit their cou- ture. He also wishes prepare to pay CASH PRICE EGG EM 227 GREAT EG pEPOT, The stabscriber begs to he has greatly extended pared as hitherto to pay quantity of GOOD FR Delivered at his place of No Market Fe Seaforth, March 25, 181 The Victoria Chemic Sole Proprietor and Manufac urers of the Cel and Works, Viet ria Hall, Me all Druggists. Be sure and as PREPARATIONS, d see that yo inform he public that "s premeSes and is pre - SH EGGS, usiness. s on EGGS. WM. MALCOM. 2. 225 da Street, Torong, ations are sold by for the VIcTORLA get them.. Victoria Carbolated G1 cerine Jelly. most agreeable Preparation f r the Toilet. Fer Beautifying the Complexion, and rendering the Skin Soft, White, Clear, and fr e from Dryness, it is unrivalled. 1t will euiekly MOTe all Rednees, Roughness, Tan, Freckles, Pim les, and other *- perfections. For Chapped Han , Chilblains, Frost Bites and Sore Lips, it cannot be surpassed. Price Vietorik. Carbolic T)Alet Soap. 25 cents. This Ton,ee SD 4.P possesses all the well-kno antiseptic and disinfecting properties of Carbo Acid, is agreeably scented, has e healthy action n the skin, psevents irritation, removes the offe ts of perspirlitioneand should be regularly used y families. Cholera, Smallpox iand Fever Patients should be washed with this Seep ; and its use by persons liable te infection will materially prevent the epread of dioease. Price 15 cents per Tablet. tt ThiS SALVE is a rapid cure fo all Skin Diseases, Oats, Wounds, Bruises, Burns Sores, Uleers, Ring- worm, Tetter, Eczema, Scald ead, Scurvy, Abs- cesses, Boils, Pimples, &c. ,f t possesses all the cleansine and healing virtue of Carlaolic Acid, whieh hit's beert found by Physiciane everywhere to possess curative qualities net discovered in any other chemical ;preparation. Price 26 cents. -Victoria Carbolic Gargarysraa. This GARGLE is the most reliable and efficacious Remedy in all Cases of Sore 'Ihroat, Hoarsene s, Tubes so common in this 'hangeable clime e, Asthma, Offen:51NR Breath, 1:r aerated Gums and all diseases of the Mouth. Ot Pablie Speakers and Singers it is invaluable. he ingredients @- tering into this Gargle are use by all Physicians, toad for the cure of the above disorders are new undoubtedly, the most popular in the MATE31,11 MEDICI,- Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic DisLufectant. This DISINFECTANT 18 a sure Preventive of Typ us and Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, Smallpox, and all fectious dieeases. It will prevent Contagion in Cattle. It is also invaluable for Disinfecting a - ter Closets, Dreins, Cesspools, Stables, Slaugh er- houses, &c., and for destro • g nauseous effluvia from Whatever Cense arising. It will drive away Mosquitoes, Meths, Flies, Coe °aches, &c. Meat, Fish, &e. can lie preserved froM putrefaction by its use. Car'bolic Acid was eelected by Her Ma es y's Royal Commissioners, in preference to all ot er products, as the best Dismfec ant for the p or n - tion of infections diseases. P see 25 centse Victoria Sharpening an Polishing Paslte for Sharpening and Polishing Cutlery. Table d makers' Knives Plane Bits a d. Chisels, &e. N th- into popularity mare quick. y„ or b"ecome of S. much valne in every honeehold -and workshop for general usefulness. Price 26 .-ents. ?, 22,0 LIME. UM y ry belonging to Mr. A. Seaforth, and having built a the most appreved principle, 200 bushels per day, are pee quantity of -TRONG FAIRLEYS THAT S THE PLACE -REMEMBER IT. GROCERIES, — FRESH—ARRIVING DAILY, AND FOR Relere WHOT,E13,A17111 AND RETAIL. TEAS, FOR CENTS AND UPWARD, WARRANTED. Ten Pounds Good Sugar for One Dollar. FLOUR-, GRAIN and all kinds of PROVISIONS and PEED delivered in town free of charge. Yet rernainin. g a few hundred pounds of that delicious Side Me'et and Smoked Ham& Vail duly e fore it is all gone. MAIN.STREET, SEAFORTH. JITST RECEIVED BY WM. ROBERTSON & CO. A Splendid Assortment of Plated Ware, DIRECT FROM` SHEFFIELD. LARD, ELEPHANT, STOCK'S AND OTHER - MACHINE OILS. BUILDERS' HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, which we tan sell at less than PRESENT °WHOLESALE PRICES - ELEPHANT AND JAMES' BRANDS WHITE LEAD. RAW AND PALE_ BOILED 011:, '111..g LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CARRIAGE -MAKERS' AND* BLACKSMITHS' HARDWARE thb County. Best AMERICAN WATERLIME and CALCINED• PLA.STER, Fresh and Dry, And warranted good. LIME. ased the Lime r- ilson, Silver Creek, plemlid new Kiln, on apable of turning ouk axed to furnish any The Best Quality of Lime, At FIYTEEN CENTS a bushel. No air -slaked Lime kept or sold. 236*18 Huron Road, Seaforth. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS THIS:WEEK T. KIDD'S EMPORIUM. CHILDREN'S MARSELLA RUES,. INFANTS' SEWED ROBES, _ WRITE TOILET QUILTS, WHITE TOILET COVERS, ZADIES' WHITE AND COLOR:ED is krRT s, Another Lot of Choice Striped Ottoman Shails. A LARGE STOCK OF LADIES' COLORED KID GLOVES, FROM 50 CENTS. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. F,OR NEAT BOOTS till le hid II I • :The attention of Ladies is particularly directed to our stock of Prtinelia Boots and Broadway Ties. PRING- STOCK OF BOOTS A.1-M,S110ES.—The Beat and Cheapest in the Market.—MeINTYRE & " WILLIS, Main -street, Senforth, have just received. a very fine stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen'. Hosts sand Shoes, suitable for spring and summer wear, all of which will be sold at the OLD PRICES, for eash.—The very latest styles, and of the best and most substantial raanufacture.—Custenne work of all kinds promptly attended to.—A neat article and a good fit guaranteed. Repairing—Ael kinds of work repaired, no matter where made, on the shortest notice. First door South of Jolin Logan% M. R. COUNTER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Seafortli, Has jast received ft large- stook of On hand, also, an Extensive Assortment of PIPES, Briar Root Pipes—the latest styles and patterns; Meerschenm. Pipes, &e. LATELY RE&EIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF RUSSEL WATCHES, Made expressly to oeder. Repairing, in all its brattehee, as usual. •