The Huron Expositor, 1872-08-30, Page 4ALL, FACTORY having bought out the above eel -ill of the /ate Cure, is nay orders in hie fine of Iiasiuess. . rs and Mouldings. AND ORDER u sI 6 tont notice PL atten eat&. X+ ALWAYS Y ON HAND AND ariptir supplied. Y X MES BENNETT. 282.47 NTNG MILL, to FACTORY ig s leave to thank his numerous Le liberal patrona{;e extended to due business u Senforth, and 'favored with ca continaienee build would do well to give coutione to keep on hared; a; of INE. LUQ BEz , ND-,�fOULDIXQS '% LATE,. ETC.: ' of giving satisfaction to prose with their patronage, es none, en are employed. ntitan pair; to Custom Planing,. B. BROADFOOT OMB YELIY WORKS. MARTIN thanks to his customers and generous patronage since as- above Works, and begs to re - orf all who may require any - be follot gin; list of prices, at to furnish work of a quality issseed in the trade S. froze; a 53 Y K0 .vc� iTjy` ROWS... _ .. ...., 4 75 ERS, .;z15 -and upwards. G, per IOOO. . 'ele=.1 BOARDMV per I000_.. 4 4 G done by the piece or set. f G "VA eti1NES.s - all fime8 to repair the wood- d mowing machines, and, in 'chine that eau, be mentioned. ;.ON. MAKERS. sonic also hag to inform Wag ;ars that he keeps constantly Bent Std suitable for their ars Farmers, and the public 3f any of the above articles: or me with their patronage, as 1 have facilities for doing this ▪ cannot he surpassed. TORN M. MARTIN. 22g - t GOOD SUBSTANTIAL uge STYLISH BUGGY ? A 1E, EAFoI .TH, for sale a number of handsome,, 1e BUGGIES, all well finished \ f the very best material. Also, gR WAGONS, c of /rlla, and ease in running l any manufacturer in the T w3;GONs on hand, and .fe, sells as cheap as any other County. t tE` Td l York attended to promptly. Felt IEAPTISP CD BEST TURE, f To .:BUFF ` s.R'S E V 1LLE. w Bureaus. 23,7 -ba WANTED. Ess C bbnet-maker, to work rs W e.;ee. 4TAUFFEB Ainleyvrlle.. • ,SON, and Undertaker,; t wase roomy to i OLD STAND Bet, Seaforth, a. superior stock of Frani- description. 4D SEE Z .. •, Thomas Bell's HEAP SE,. 1 funerals on the shortest r country. Ali s%izeS,. SHROUDS ,E1 E S O N,. :AND 1J ]Y1 RTA, EB, t OM Stand, hat new on hand a good trcient of PUD ielreepEr than they can- be 4ewhere. 20 TO LET, 10-A s in Meyer s BIock to rree. Apply to BENSON & METER AUGUST ;0, 18 2. GAIETIES. The rich,' said a Jew, ',oat veni- son because it ash- eer , I eat mutton becituse it ish -sheep.' _ _• ._. A vinega-headed old bachelor says he always looks under the head of Marriages,, for the news of the weak. I generally get paid for t 11 ,ing )kvhat I know,' remarked a Keokuk lawyer, profoundly : Tell me all you know,' responded the in- quirer,. handing him . t fifty cent fractional, ' and give Me` back my change.' —A good-natured traveller fell asleep in a train and was carried e. Jew miles beyond ° his- destination. 'Pretty good - joke this; isn't it?' said he to a fellow -passenger. 'Yes, but alitt,le to o fair fetched,', was the rejoinder. Unsuccessful Oar —11 ' I say Muscles, how do you account for my breaking down?' Trainer (reproach- fully) --1 Oh, very easily, sir. Yer read while yer wos in course of train. in', and I always told yer that books and lhterfitoorand them things Spit- ed the 'an- ds1 and was death to a good eddicatiol,' ` , —'Let that pudding alone, there That's the dessert t' exclaimeda wait- er to a Country man who was devour- ing the tal)ioca a -t an early stage .of the dinner. '] don't rale if it is it .desert,' _testily said the countryman, 'I'd eat it if it was: a wilderness' — The other day a little bey who had tut his finger ran to his mother and cried : ' Tie it up, ma ; tie it tip quick for the i juice is all running out t' The same "urchin, on one of the -date excessive hot days appealed to his mother for help, saying 4 Ma, do fix me, for I'm leaking all over.'. .45 Miscellaneou Paragraphs. The Coal Miners of SYdney. struck for higher wages. Cold Weather prevails in 'New 'Zealand. tRivers The extensive white lead manu- factory of S.. d. Cornell & corner of Delaware avenue and Vir- ginia -street, Buffalo, "was destroyed by fire, on Sunday evening. Australian advices state the Eag- two more steamers for the Califor- that the A mericztn Congress' failed to pass a subsidy for the American _ At a banquet given in Brighton e few aays ago, Mr. Stanley, who, a short time ago had an' interview with Dr. Livingstone, while res. ponding to a toast, thought he beard expressions of incredulity from srime of the guests as to.his tneetiug Liv- ingstOne. He vehemently retorted, withdrew in indignation from the table,j and subsequently left Brigh= The supplementary areuments of the American Counsel e'before the Geneva Board (4- Arbitration' have , been published in pamphlet form. The arguments of Mr. Everts cover one hundred pages of tho pamphlet ; those of Messrs. Cushing and Waite are less extended. - The rgport that the Germans am ' their treaty obligation is declared to be without any fountlation. Thev have only completed the works which w'ere commenced by the French Com milder during the siege of Belfort and which were left rn an tuafinished state. An epidemic similar to yellow fever is raging in Cartha,gena, South America. Over 5,000 persons have been attacked, but only 200 deaths occurred,durmg June. 1,500 deaths occurred in 'Valparaiso, more than half from small -pax, -which is raging throughout Chili and Peru: Two highwaymen entered the of- fice of Blees 't.St- Co., John -street, Brooklyn, at five o'clock, Monday afternoon, while the employees were being paid. One seized a roll- of bills, .1;e1,00, and both presenting re- volvers to the workmen. present, es- caped to the doCks, wher.e they took a small boat in_waiting, and rowed The. Captain of a Merchant Steam- er, together with hid brother, 'their wives and t wo daughters,. were ,murdered 013 their boat 'a short dis- days ago, bv a ne?ro laborer on the boat. •The deed.' leS committed while the murdered parties Were asleep. The murlerer afterwards threw the bodies overboard; robbed the ems and made his escape xith- out being arrested. He was seen , fleeing from the boat, and the blood - was quite visible on his clothing at some distance off. The African Slave Trade. London advices state that in (lc- coeclanee with recommendations of Dr. taivingitone's'in reference to the East African SlaVO Trade en influ- ential delegation waited on _Lord Granville to -urge that measures of repression be taken at_ once. The deputation was introduced by the Right Hon. Russell Gurney, who with Mr.. Gilpin, Sir tartle.. Stratbdei;, Rev. H. Waller, Sir, ea on:the attention 'of -his Lordship rth in the report tee of the Reuse nig the measures ieveral points set f of the select commi of Commons respee to be 'used -for the s ippressiou of the 'Granville, in re-_ bn.currence with putation respect - the slave trade, adopting effect- ita suppression. slave trade. Lord Ply, expressed his the View of the d ink the horrors o and the necessity o ive measures for The Government% h a sought the co- operation of Ame and several European powers for this purpose, plies had been rece Ved. The depu- tation thanked his Lordship for his courteous receptio —The I‘Tenlesis. The empire is i is in silence. But spietiey of the.. pa racks, et of the ser ebut tier who t n his knees kiss- ed trent olingly th presser, draws a, him ; the wife wh self te his caprices of poisen in the cup of his debauch ;4 at, the doors of his palace, to ward off peace because it ace, or the bar- glio bursts forth. feet of the op- amter and strikes abandoned her - pours a few drops the wrath.of the- people turns this against his lord and dethrones him. As the tvrant has oppressed human nature, nature takes upon him belief in .huma when he recei reverses and ►_l . EXPOSIT The masses kiss' d tbe corpses of the wars. 'When they kissed the lips y drank the poison, corrosive was the mplacable was the manner. His ser - sties, his courtesans 'hags by Which this -lend. and the after having with him the e.'; .after having witt- ing of Moscow and aris ;- worn out in IWO and id spirit by militia' liimself now a minister of the he ttcalments of con - that tbe greatest oda, which carried he di monds of the Is saridals the sap - Mediterranean, the and sudden sw `their mouths,' s liquid and so ioving spouse of died in the sam pulled at the st savage was strt ngled. enemy of Ntip loop ; _quarry of Euro nessed the burl the victory of mystic visions ; a Messiah, now vengeance of- G 'Mal lashed by science ; seeing 'empire of the in its diadem -poles,. and in phires of the most tat morons hor_de of serfs known to modern his ery, still were not enough to sad. to mitigate the —shut himself the country, a, manner ef and terrors; hal himself, jealou corrupted all consciences, he does not ;find in adversity a conscience Pure. The most Lniversal and most liqman sentiments flee from the bos- om cif his fathily. His wife despises him, his ion abhors him, his fat,her carses him. In his own bed lies 'conspiracy. His '-ife may have been one of omnipotence and of pleasure, but bis death, that beginning of im- mortality togreat souls, is 'misery and pain. Studying the -end of despots, I hate been sure of the immortality matil.the eteruity of human life, becauseit is in theragony that justice. begins for them. Roman history is the experimental physiology of des- potism. Augustus, who dies in his bed, dies with a sardonic snail() on his lips; with cold skepticism in bis '.-thearta belie -61.1g ,his -empire a farce, his life a coMedy; his end the exit of an actor, Tibersus expires, fleeing from' the . Senate and from- his con- scienCe, in' the - house of Lutmllus, smothered under the pillows of his bed;_without knowing to whom will ascend the crown which was like the:bridal -ring With which he' had w ed the eat t —al read y hearing the 'noisy delight occabiOned by the news of his death ih .the court and aniong 'Asiatic comedians, and ex- pires begging.in vain for mercy from his eiecutioners. Clanditis is poison- ed by his own wife. Nero wished, ness of his ell); cian hung to tl to keep him fr on a- terribly c that in his con be suicide, we search of do: then, if those lived in fear 0 letters of theit vassals a victi tim a walking corpse, without con - these die exhausted no liberty? nd spire in his col scielic,. whetherthey- will or no, a crowd of remorseful terrors.—Enzi2io Ca telar, Har - per's Magazin5. fy his thirst li d died ambition nor: of his desires e a hermit in there, in the g possessions mad, turions against of hit lself, without ity or hope in God. tr ow recollection, ed, th news of his ecogni ed. the weak - ire, when his physi- cs brid e of his hone ition he ride would t out desperately in th, hat wonder,. vho (ti d in his way the vords 'and the vassal I Is not each 1, and is not each vic- soul, because here there is ese victims in - R. CO ERICH FOUNDRY. + undersigned, having sold. the Harm Folmdry propertY and stock to the " Goderieh Foundry and Manufacturing Company.," begs to thank the public for their liberal support during the past nineteen yearn, and trust* that they will continue to send their orders to the new Company. Referring to the above notice, The Goderic_h Foundry.& Manufacturing Co. Bog to inform -the public that they are prepared to contract for STEAlvi ERGI14E AND BOILERS ; FLOUR, GRIST, AND'SA.W MILLS; SAWING 1VIACHINES, &c. On hand—IRON AND WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards ; ANG PLOIAtS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. • WAGGON BOXES, & COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of various kindst IRON AND BRASS CASZINGS, AND BLACKSVITIi WORK. TOILERS AND SALT P.Iii+NS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TVs/117Y TO THIRTY -HORSE PO;tY.till TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. 1,." All orders ecidiessed to the Company or Secretary Will receive prompt attention. General Menet:Ter. President. Manager Agrieultural Department. Secretary and Treasurer. Goderich, Ontario, June 10, 1872. 243 VIOLET J. EXCHA GE And dealer DRUGS CHEM ALS FANCYAND save his life, la) change from a Agent for Sowing Cresar to -a singer, to pass from the to lend on easy terms. throne to the theatre. He digs hit • (awn grave to occupy a little time, , begs of his companions that they shall some one else to show hint how to die ; he weeps and suppli- cates until, aftet a great effort, he passes a sword through his throat and dies in desperation and shame. Galba fal IS assassinated in the streete, and his head, separated from the trunk. rolls throleh the mire like a stone in a sewer. Otho commits with his 'butcher and his cook ; be . takes refuge in a porter's lodge ; he falls into the hands of his enemies ; denies 'his nama and his person ; is TER, n Pure HD DYESTUFFS, ET ARTICLES Iaehines. Money R SALE. SHOPS FO ROBERT RUNCIMAN, VOR SALE, two drops an; forty-four feet front- • -a; age on Main Street, Seaforth, opposite Car- michael's Hotel. Apply to - TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. • CARTWRIGHT. L. D. S„ Surgeon Dentist, .a• extracts teeth withon pain by the use of the Nitroue-Oxide Ga Office Over the Fountein of Faehion, Mr. Pewter's titer , on the Market &mare. dragged by. tbe neck with it long Attendance m t linox's Hotel, the first AGR IOU LTU PLEM ENT AND ENGINE WORKS. JOHNSTON'S SELiRAKING SINGLE REAPER. rope is condutted in the Midst of at the ComMerei 1Hotel, rn the following Thurs- Ole insults of the people who rain ditys and Fridays The rot minder or the thue at his Stratford ail !stones. and -filth upon him, to the . Par6esrequim if at Seaforth banks of the Tiber where they hrt recoinmencl the above celebrated self -raking Beeper and tin 0.A.YUGA CHIEF, ;fn., mowER, as the best harvesting machines now manufaitured. We guarantee these tees single machines, costing but $200, to outwear any two combined maehines, costing $300, and with less than one quarter the cost iu repairs-. We also guarantee each machine to do its work better, faster rtna with much lighter draught, than any combined machine. These two mo t:hiues have not only a lierfeet lifting ap- paratus for the table and bar, brit have also the only perfect tilting table and. bar. We offer any trial the purchaser may desire of either ox both these machines. We else the Which we guarantee equal to the best combined machines made in Canada, and we offer a trial to in- tending purchasers. We also beild TWO -HORSE WOOD -SAWING MAOHINES, Ana all kinds of trample him to death with their feet. th? 'ruse of' the G er 54 000 pn e had teeth extracted by if Vespasian died drunk, 'Titus, his York. _ Coulton's offices, New 203 eldest son, died of melancholy, in his litter, weeping- like a woman, im- agining fie beArd the threatening of thunder in the clear -heavens, as- sailed by visitations of infernal ter- ror. - And Dornitian, the second son, died wounded in the stomach by his.domestics, struggling withaa crowd of freedmen', pretorians, and' gladiators, who insult him, spit in his face, strike him, torture him, and kill him with howls of rage and derisive laughter. And thus have died for more- than -a century the despots of Russia, for humanity lives under inevitable laws. Peter III. is persecuted by Catharine his wife, the Pasiphae of the North, the coarse fury of crowned sensuality. When he was in prison the very men who promised hira liberty poisoned him in secret in a night of debauch, brutality. hen Peter. felt the 'first effects of the poison be turned furiously upo the assassins. They knew that th re was ne time to be lost, and assa led him like a mad bull, overcall -1 him in spite of kis Heretileari eff rts, threw him to the groundrfallin all about ;him bis death-struegle until they killed him bis head again t the floor. The next day the afflic ed empress. deposited of her husba d, (tressed in the uni- form of: a ussian. general. The Russians hav a custom of kissing the lips of the orpses of their friends, • The Wonder PRO VERMI Which isknown discovered for k' try, Ants, Bugs, on Dogs, Blight MITA, Tick or Se At 25 cents per The Powder is and will keep in anywhere wi Ulm Cats and Dogs, t f the orld---Good News for • .1-1 RMAN S to be far jag Eat Cotkroa MI Dine ESTROYER superior to anything yet , Mice Insects on Poul- os, Black Beetles, Fleas ts on Plants, Moths in 1. warrant d free from all bad smell any eln ate. It may be spread b risk, a. it is mute harmless to s they w 11 not eat it. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY 9 Directions fOr 1139 on et ch. packet. Gravel Lane, Houndstlitch, City covert- Hernum a slave prize in ;lel at the Intercolonutl Exhibition of ictoria, Australia, of 18G0, besides numerous testi], onials, Manufactory of Loudon, Eng The above di. s gained for Professor Agent for See orth, cd Co Liver Oil. PHIS Prepare ion irt olutioa of Iodide of Iron 1 -L in perfeetl pure C Liver Oil. It may' be used iu all cos ts where. the simple Oil is ordered, al will bo fo nrea dy- sunerior to it. This 240-12 FOR II,LItS AND FACTORIES. STEAM ViGINES A SPECIALITY. Address 1 235 1 . Mitchell, Ontario. ' THE VEIRDIpf OF THE -PEOPLE IpECLARES THAT VTR GAII E. It .SEWIN_ G 'MACIIIN. s superior to any • . now in the Market. Mean beernextunined sea tried by the most skilful mechanics and hest judges the country can produce, and by them award° Prizes at all the principal Exhibitions held throughout the Dominion during the present year ; and al hough all the leading 'Machines were arrayed against it, the GARDNE has been declared ripen every test,. and now stands foremost in the nark of sewers, Firat Prize at Toronto. First Prize at London—the great Western Fair. First Prize nt Guelph—the great pentral Fair. First Prize at St Clatherines, County of Lincoln. First Prize at Chatham, County of Kona,' First Prize ati Waterloo, County of Waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, County of 81111000. FiXSt Prize in Mono County of Peel. First Prize in Cider -ton, County of Simeoe. -First Prize at Wel- landpert, Coonty or -Welland. First Prize at Otterville, County of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial Fair*iingston, DiplOmtt at Hamilton., !and various County Shows. ThAs beautiful specimen of inechaniyal ability's a purely Canadian invention, surpassing in simplicity, durability, and ueelnluess any other Sevring Machine DOW iXt. the marketwhether of Citnadian, American 4)TI114wgillilstholuniir euefrade,tbir-aie.d, tuck, gather. quilt, fell, and do all sad evert- kind of Flintily Bewin_et and light Mannfacturing Work, using all kinds of threw]. hari a Moe, coviplete SET OF &TT ACHMIt'N'TS. BUY ISO OTHER. .11 the price is a little higher than some others, it is the cheapest in tho end. Sendlfor Circulars aid Samples. GARDNER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, *HAMILTON, ONT: P. S.—Intending 'purchasers should not be misled by unserripnlous agents of other Companies, 'who keep Machines 'they go Dot sell, in a damaged state, to make capital for thentselvee. Call and examine the Gardner before purchasing any other, at Wrm.mai Guassres .Witreroorria, Goderich-strect, Sea/orth. Agents wanted. PETER artASSIE, 1 pre ,aration is eficiet iu Pulmonary Con- surtion, Ser def etivo digest is also highly 1 Gout. Pried $ aLiopupoitard HIS is an a Hypophosp Iron, with. fr e Hypo Syrup is a ceitain re Complaints. t is also_ the bones (o. ighly be futons 0 on, assi sofa", in Syrup nrplaints, Chrome Skin nic disorders arising from • ation or nutrition. It Itheurnatisra and reparation, containing the Lime, Soda, Potash. and diosphorons Acid. This edy for General Debility, Diseases and Scrofnlotte 'Oily useful in diseases of 'infants) and Incipient Pr• iee $1. operations are of standard medical reputation, nn conta- ing no secret ingredients, may be prese 'bed by hysicians without besita- London Ontario. For sale by R. Lumeden, Seaforth; Grant, Ainleyvillo; G A. Powell, Wroteter, and Druggists generally. 235. I!E BLANCHARD CHURN MAN uv.A.crur. ED BY PORTER, BLANCHARD 8,L SONS, Concord, New Ilanws34re. This Churn is deeidedl-y the best and cheapest that has ever been offered to the Cituadian public. It churne rapidly -works easily, and mak.es the best butter. It is also simple raid durable. FARMERS TRY ONE, NO SUIT NO SALE, If it does not work satisfactorily it can be re- , Those Chnrns can be seen at ally tiMe at John - 230 A,grieultural L-nplentent Agent. THE Sit t, IFORTEt . -LUMBER- YARD. EG to inform the public that they have opened Mill, on the around formesly nsed as a Lumber They will keep constantly on hand a good assort- ment of ALL RENDS Ole Ltrall3ER, dressed and undressed. Also, LATEf AND SHINGLES, all of which they ere prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. Bnilders and others will find it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, aud ascertain mix prices to offer good inducements to cash purehatlers. 'if HE BEST SEWING MACI–IINES Made eau be had at WM. N. WATSON'S SEWING MACHINE DEPOT telt' co • • P ° tr‘--44 • m `-'• ;:$ -04 ° CD P? - 0 cn 0 CD rq- 0 CP et - 0 CD CD CD CD tomai 1-•3 FLOUR! r.) FLOt TT APING purchased and thoroughly refitted. the J-Andlls formerly owned by the Me.ssrs.sconrE, iam now prepared to iurnish FAMILY. FLOUR, Second to NONE IN SEAFORTH, And that will Compare favorably with any in the Do - If yon Want' A 11 'F1101111t, go to the 161lowing Dealers and ask for MARSBALTI'S--Ileraeraber W. SCOTT ROBERTSON, J. WHITESIDE, Or at W. MARSHALL'S Mills. Orders left -with W. S. ROBERTSON be promptly attended to. Parties who wish to ;Exchange Wheat, for Flour, Are certain to receive !proper 4nantitr, and an itrti- Vie that will defy competition./ W. MARSHALL. "THE GENUINE HOWB" Sewing lIanbines, in all styles end sizes, and • Machine in all styles. The subscriber has received a splendid supply of both these Machinen, which are- pronounced by ex- perienced hands to be superior to any otheas made. For strenzth, simplicity and perfection of con- str.:radon ri* range of woik, from light gauze to beaver and fettther nfor beauty and exactnees of stitch, owing tatthe tension being perfect and al - 'ways equal on lioth upper and lower threads, and for dnrability these machines are unrivalled. Everyreatthine warranted and instructions given gratis. Machines sent out on trial, or rented by the month to rospinssible parties. 223 'WM. N. WATSON, Seaforth. FARMERS SELL YOUR EGGS TO WM. THOMSON, 1OF THE EGMONDVILLE GROCERY (Loginial Old Stand,) Who will pay the BIG:REST PRICE in CAS for any qaantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS, Delivered at hia store. FOR SALE CITEAP, FLOUR AND FEED of every description laipt e,onstantly on hand, in chiding Sltearson & Co.'s No. 1, Conte One, Come All, with your Eggs and ge the Cash. modions house, -011 the Salt Works Gro adjoining the Railway Station, and bee fitted it as it boarding-house. Good table and comforts:1i rOONIEl. Persons wishing a pleasant holm should epply, as there are at preeentia vacandes., Transient 'Warders accommedated. less than hotel rates. *