HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-08-16, Page 80
GROCERY DEALERS can be supplied
withPaper Bags at C. ARMSTRONG'S'. Also, always
.on hand, Machine Needles of all kinds.
• THE OAT OWL—We regret to learn
that the oat crop in this vicinity is likely
to be a partial failure this season. Ow-
ing to the extreroe drought the straw is
very short, and the heads are not well
filled. Oats will likely be dear 'during
the coming season, as the crop is short in
many parts .of the country.
THE Mein, FALI7,1WHEAT. —We believe
that the first • fall wheat of this year's
growth, sold in the Seaforth Market this
season, was grown on the farm of Mr,
William Fowler, Huron Road, and was
sold by him to Messrs. Strong & Fairley,
grocers, for $1.26 per bushel. It was de-
liverecl about two weeks ago.
CRICKET. —A cricket match was play-
ed here on Saturday last, between the
.Seaforth and Brucefield clubs, the forrner
getting badly beaten. At the- close of
the game the Seaforth players entertained
their Brucefield friends at supper, pro-
vided for them by Aler McLeod, of, the
Mansion Hotel. The ;best feeling was
maintained between the players through-
MATCHED RAM—A matched trotting
race, for $100 a side'will take place on
the Sea -forth Driving Park, on Monday,
the 19th of Aughst, between T. Bell's
" Grey Eagle " and A. M. Polley's min
Horse "George." Mile heats, best 3 in
5. Race to commence at 2 o'clock P. M.
This will no doubt be a most exciting
race, and those wishing to see good trot-
ting Should be present.
stand that our Episcopal Methodist
friends intend giving another of their ex-
cellent entertainments of music, addres-
ses, etc., about the 26th inst., at which
a chief attraction will be an address
trom Rev. S. Williamson, of Hamilton
city, formerly so well and favorably
known as pastor of the M. E. Church, in
Seaforth. Further notice will be given
next week.
J. Iteom KAY.—We would again re -
rain& our readers of the literary enter-
• tainment to be given in the Town Hall
on the evening of Wednesday next by
• Mr. J. Room Kay, Professor of Elocution
• in Hellinuth an.d Huron Colleges, London.
The entertainment will consist of read-
• ings from popular authors, and none who
wish to listen to an elocutionary treat
•'should be absent. The. entertainthent
Will be given under the auspices and for
the oenetit of St. Thomas' Church of this
• village.
SEAFORTH Suow.e—We print on the
Seventh page of this paper the, list of
prizes offered for competition at the Sea -
forth Show, to be held on the 19th and
20th September. It will be noticeq that
•:the amount of dairy cheese required for
exhibition is 15, instead of 50 poinds, as
stated in the hand bills. It is to be hop-
ed that the mangers of the Haillett
Branch Agricultural_ Society will see fit
to change the days for holding their- ex-
hibition, they having selected the same
days as those of the Tiickersmith Society.
The liullett Show is to be held in Clin-
ton, and if held an the same days,
neither will be as successful as if different -
days had been chosen. •
Friday last. a carpenter named Thomas
Ironstone, an employee of the -Grand
Trunk Railway, met with a fearful ac-
• cident at Stratford. station. It seems
that Iranstone was intending to go to
• London, and being a little late was
hurrying along the track to catch up to
the train. He was carrying his 'tool
basket in his hand, and was so intent on
• his object that he failed to hear another
• train coming up behincl him until it was
too late to escape: The engine of this
train struck him and threw him across
• one of the rails, the wheels of the engine
and -all the cars passing over both legs.
t severing them from the body: He was
immediately picked up and removed to
an adjoining hotel, and medical aid pro-
cured, but all in vain, he -died a few
hours afterwards. lie was taken to his
hem% near Goderich, on Saturday. Mr.
Ironstone was a'brother of the Messrs.
• Vonstoue, of Ainleyville, • and was a
steady industrious man, and was highly
respected by all who knew him. He was
abont 30 years of age and unmarried.
e A BIG STEP. —On Friday night last, a
farmer hewn 'the township • of Tucker --
smith had been spreading himself rather
too freely around the hotels in town. In
, the evening he retired to rest in Knox's
Hotel, and during the night waking up
and feeling a little dry, took it into his
head to repair t� the bar -room to wet his
parched whistle. Inatead of going down
stairs, he missed his Way, opened an out-
side door in the second story. facing
Main street, and unprotected by a railing.
He atepped out of this door down on _to
the side -walk, addistance of about sixteen
feet. He must have lauded on the side-
walk OD his feet, for he came npan the
planks with such force as to snap them
in two, thus breakieg hie fall, and no
doubt preventing- Serious injury. Some
of the inmates of the house were awak-
ened by the noise cf the planks breaking,
and upon going down stairs Saw the man
standing on the side -walk a short dist ance
from where , he • had gone- through the
planks. He was apparently uninjured,
and his first interroation was, "where
,is the bar -room ?"
—Monday next has been proelaimed
Eubhc Holiday in Seaforth by the Beeve.
An excursion train Wilt run to CloderiOt
at half fare, leaving Seaforth at 8 o'cloek.
in the morning, and leaving Goderich for
the return at five o'clock :in the after-
• neon. The Grand 'runic have also kin ass
ly consented to i..sue tickets On the
Saturday evenine rain. which. will be
good to return with1 on Monday, for the
.same Trice as if taken ou the regular exc.
•cursion train on Monday, so that all \Oh')
wish eon spend Sunday in the County
Town; The Maitland Pleasure Grounds
at .Goderieh lia-ve been engaged for the
occasion, •Sio that pie inc particle can have
.every aceomadation room red. 'The steam-
er " Seel:acne has also been engaged to
make an exeursion on the lake. The
• committee will epare no pains to make
the day's prooeedings as pleasant as
possible, and we leave no doubt but our
towiaapeople gnnerally, with many of their
this' eFc
riends, will avail thenaselves of
llent opportunity for a good
Comte e MEETING.— A meeting of
Council was held last Tuesday evening.
It was moved, seconded and carried,
That Mr C. M. Dunlop receive a deben-
ture for 9.37i, part of licence mon3y re-
funded. Moved, seconded and carried,
That thej report of the Licence Inspector
be receieed and adopted. Moved, sec-
onded carried, that the following ac-
counts be paid: Sa,Harris, $14.2t; J.
S. Welshl, $13. 75,_ for -work on sidewalks,
and J. %Misson, 50 -cents, for posting bills.
• Moved, econded and carried, That this
Council ive Temperance Lodge the use
of Town Hall, for the phrpose of givin
a. Tempe once lecture and secial, sai
Lodge to pay necessary expenses—$1.50.
Moved. econdecl and carried, That the
Street I speetor impound all pigs and
horses ru ing at -large after Saturday
next, 17 h inet. The petitions of R
Hickson nd others, and Beatty &
were rec &ived and laid over till next
• meeting. The Council adjourned till
Tuesday, 20th inst.
• John'
Ont., br
tor, date
ivingstone, Esq., of Listowel,
ther of Dr. Livingstone, the
reveler, received letters on
last, 15th inst., from the Doc-
Ujiji, Central Africa.
ippen Reaping Match.
• The an «nal reaping Match, under' the
auspices tf the Huron Farmers Associa-
tion, was I. eld methe farm of Mr. James
Shaw, Lo 'don Road, Stanley, about a
mile rtort of Kippen, on Tuesday last.
The mato was a most successful one.
The atten &nee of spectators, considering
the busy season of the year, was very
large. • T 1 ere was alsce a large number
of machin s on the ground,—nearly all
the princi sal manufacturers in the coun-
teat being represented. Unfortunately,
however, he weather was not favorable.
About on o'clock, the time appointed
for comm ncing to work, rain began
to fall, a d continued throughout the
afternoon ntil about 4 o'clock. • So dis-
couraged ad the directors become, that
at one tine they resolved to postpone the
match unt the following day, but in a
short time after an announcement to this
effect had • een made, "Old Sol" showed
himself, a d inspired all. hearts with
fresh hop , and the directors again re-
solved to continue and complete the
match wit lout adjournment. At about
6 o'clock t e grain was, considered suf.
ficiently di y for work to be commenced,
and accore gly eaela machine was rigged
up and en red upon work. Owing to
the dampn ss the grain cut very tough,
but the w rk done -was really good. The
straw was even and standing well, and
th.e graun smooth. Before all had
finished it became too dark to test the
draft, or fo the judges to give a decision
is to the lura,bility of the machines, so
that excell nce of work was the only con-
sideration • n judging. Prizes were award-
ed as. folloe 8:
'Combine( • Machines.— Four entries, --
Tata_ D. M Potter, Elora, St. .George
Improved,. Wood's Rake; 2nd,e)Thom-
son & Will ams Mitchell, Ohio Combin-
ed, Johnsoe 11.4,ke ; 3rd, Stewart & Co.,
London, Os io Mower, Johnson Rake ;
4th, Bell & Son, St. George, Ohio, Buck-
eye, Dodds Rake.
&nge.111 chinfls. —Eight entries,—lst,
Thomson Williams, Mitchell, John-
son's Self 1 alte ; 2nd, Oshawa, Manufac-
turing Co:. pany, JohnsOn's Self Rake;
3rd, Thom on & Williams, Johnson's
Self Rake; th, Potter, Elora, St. George
Improved, Vood.'s Rake.
• The foll•wing machines were entered
in additio . to the above : Single Ma-
chines .—P tterson & Bros., Johnson's.
Self Rake ; Oshawa Manufacturing Com-
pany, john4on's Self Rake, improved;
Patterson rothers, Johnson's Self Rake;
Thomson Williams, Johnson's Self
Rake. -
• We are g ad to learn that the affairs of
the Societ are in a most satisfactory
condition. The officerfeel confident;
that next ear they will be enabled td
conduct the r matches on a much large '
scale, and o I er inducements in the way
of premium which will make the com-
petition evci larger than it has been this
year. It is also contemplated to have
each manuf cturer a member of the Sh-
ciety, thus giving the competitors !a
voice vOice in the anagement of the affairs tif
the Society. •
the -electors
Fowler's sch
• eremitle M
Brucefield, T
Red school -h
Sch ool - house
21st, at 6 p.
----Arr. Horton Will address
f Tuckersmith as follows:
ol-house, township of Tucks
uday, - 19th. at ,7 p. ;
iesdaY, 20th, at 12 o'clock ;
•use, Tuesday, at 7 p. .m. ;
section No. 1, Wednesday,
school pic-ni
town,. cit We
al speakers a
be excellent
music. albo
- The - Commi
schools that
be present.
union Sabbath -
will be held at Francis-
lnesday, Sept. llth. Sever-
e expected : there will also
vocal and •instrumental
t ten schools, of different ,
, are expected to attend.
tee cordially invite all
an make it convenient to
- A &NOM.
a turkey gob
mon J. Shan
cession, McK
sist in " setti
Some of tlie
• FlineE.-----Some time ago
ler belongiug to Mr. Solo -
ion, of lot 20, eighth con-
flop,sewas _observed to per -
011 a nest, like a hen.
roily, remarking the gob-
and while asleep at midnight between the
llth and 12th inst., had. an attack and
beliee-ed he was chased by some wild an.i-
mai. He imagined the animal was just
coming at hina, and in the height of des-
peration jumped out of bed and struck
his head violently against some furniture
rn th s room. The blow left a deep scalp
wound. of six inches in length extending
from 'elle left ear along the side of the
head. Medial aid was at once procured,
and the wound properly dressed. We
believe Mr. Habkirk is recovering from
the effects of his injuries.
POITTICAL.,---Mr. Horton held several
meetings in this township last week
and, as we expected, the _Reformers of
Grey gave him a warm and cordial re-
ception. The first meeting was held at
• sonoon SECTION NO. 4,
and. was addressed by Messrs. Horton,
Whies head, .Squier, and others. The
meeting wad largely attended. The
chair was occupied by Mr. John Strach-
an. After giving the speakers a patient
and attentive hearing, a resolution ex-
pressing full confidence in Mr. Horton,
and Fledging him the support of the
meeting, was carried unanimously. • The
next meeting was held at
on Thursday, at noon. This meeting, on
account of its being -held. in the day time,
was not so numerously attended. still
there were quite a number of the electors
present. • This meeting was in favor of
Mr. .orton to a 'min, Mr. Whitehead
appaiently not having a single supporter.
The next meeting teaok place at
on the evening of Thursday. The chair
Was occupied by Mr. Samuel Slemmon.
This was a good meeting, and, like the
others, was entirely in favor of Mr. Hor-
ton. At this meeting, however, we be-
lieve Mr. Whitehead had one supporter,
but, unfortunately, that supporter had
no vote. The last meeting of the course
was held at
on Friday evening, and was very largely
attended. _A t this meeting Mr. Horton
was most enthusiastically received, and
met with no. opposition. A resolution
expressing confidence in Mr. Horton,
and approving of the action of the Sea -
forth Convention was carried unani-
At each of the above meetings efficient
working committees were organized, and
every provision made to bring out voters
on the polling day. During his tour
through*Grey, Mr. Horton, accompanied
by Mr. Thoma -s Strachan and Mr
Seiner, visited many of the electors in the
township, and received from all, with
but one or two exceptions, the niost fiat.
tering promises of support Grey, on
this, as on all former occasions, will do
her duty nobly, and will still retain the
honorable distinction of being the Ban-
ner township of the north.
[C. R. COOPBR, Ainleyrille, Agent for tbe Ex -
matron Newspaper and Job Printieg Offiee.]
MORRIS COUn OIL, —At a special. meeting
of the Morris Council held last Friday,
a deputation consisting of W.. T. Hays,
D. 13. McKinnon, P. Kelly and A.
Brown, of Blyth, and Mr. Churcher, of
Loddon - waited on the Connell, in the
interese of the London, Huron and Bruce
Railway; and urged the Council, to pass
a by-law, granting aid to said road, -to
the amourit of $10,000. After a
• good deal of -discussion between the dep-
utation and the Council, the following
resolution wee passed : Moved by J. R-.
Miller, econded by W. J. Johnston, and.
_Resol.red,. That this Cotnicil will sub-
mit a b -law .granting aid to the London, •
Huron , ncl Bruce Railway Company to
the am unt of $10,000, provided - that
proof be shown tp the satisfaction Of the
Morris 'ouncil that the Great Western
Railwa CoMpai y will build aod work
the road and th t the line has been lo-
cated b Clinton and Blyth, through the
townshi of Morris to Wingham, and
that the Great Western has approved of
said hie tion.
. There voted for the motion Miller,
Johnsto and Hingston. • Mr. Scott
voted aaainst it, thinking that $7,000
would b sufficient.
• PERS() A:L.—Rev. S. Jones, pastor of.
Knox's 'hurch, is away on leave of ab-
sence fo • four weeks. His church will
be close for that time. —
—Mr. Thomas Vanstone, who was
killed on the Grand Trunk Railway, on
Friday 1, st, was a brother of Mr. Wna.
Vanston , of this place.
, THE 1 OTELS AND 81IOPS suet, sell
. 41. •
liquor, oil the Morris side of our Village,
willalle required to close -On Monday
next, the day of polling in the 'North
Riding. Tire .public houses on the Grey
side will have the advantage that day,
but the iforris side will Imre its turn
the folio, sing Imlay. the day for polling
in the Ce Are Riding. -.
MORE i EAS.—We have, in our ' office,
a straw )f the Crown Pea, which 'was
• office, in Ainleyville, by any Who may
eir000wsiet tbo -A.:It.% John J. McLaughlin- 0f
of person doubting about .the 35 -pods
prising still,. and it can he seen at our
week, bit here is, something more she-
groWn fr., n the one pea. We have heard
on the on straw, that we spoke of last
has 15 br uches and 85 pods upon, all
Lot 3, T' elfth Concession, Grey, whidh
' DIVINE SERVICE e- held Sunday
nelat in IV cliville Church at 10:30 A. Al.
and at 6 . M.—.In the ' English Church
at 2:30 P. M., and Sunday -school at 9:30
A. M—\ esleyan Methodist service at.
10 A. M. Sunday -school, 2:30 P. m ,
. C. Me hodist service at 6:30 P. Af.
A mune ertsmee .MEETING.—A. meetiue
f the (lir etors of the Grey Branch Agri -
eltural 8 eiety will be held at Stretton'e
rote), Ai ileyville. on Monda3 , August
6, at 7 0. lick. p$ th. &fell attendance
ree nes tel. i
1 - '
bier's siagula conduct, placed a numher N
of eggs under .him, and on these eggs lie
sit, only going off to get 0
y were hatehecl out. Nola c
continued to
food, until th
he is taking errc of the young Weil in
the most mot erly way --watching over
them and pro iding fdr them in a man-
ner that woul be no discredit to the old-
est and most experienced Pen of the
barn -:yard.
MEETINGS. — During the
preeent week, Messrs. - Horton and
Whitehead held meetings in school sec-
tion No: 5 . at Montgomery's Hotel,
Winthrop, end at Walton. • Each of
these meetings was largely attended.
Me. Horton was -imanimously sustained. eh
wherever he went. Poor Whitehead had T
to stand alone, and his hand seemed. to el
Stanley. •
:SERIOnel ACtIDENT.—A serious acci-
dent Occur ed on the farm of Mr. William.
Reid, 2nd aoncession Stanley, nn Thurs-
day of • las'u week. ft seems that a man
by the name of Neil Smith who lives on
the town -line between Hay and Stanley,
was standing upon the horse -power of a
reshing machine drivieg the herses.
he horses were, working well and re -
Tired butlittle attention, and the day
ing very Varni 8tnith berm -pc drowsy,
d partly fell asleep._ While in . -this
ralition o e of. his feet ;got caught in
e cogs of the machine, and gave him
eh a suen jerk as to take lnin off his
lance, an in trying to save himself he
aced his • ther foot in the cogs also.
fore the orses could- be stopped.both
be aeeainst every man, and every man's be
hand against him. If the McKillop peo-
pie exert themselves on election day they co
will pile up such a majority for Horton en
as will astonish "Honest Joe.." su
NeolIT-31.A.RE A CCIDENT. —Mr. William ba
Ha,bkisk, Sr,- of 'McKillop, an old man, ph
is in the habit 3f taking the -night mare. Be
legs were broken belciw the knee. We
believe that Smith rtceived no further
serious injury. Medical aid was soon
in attendance, and the fractured limbs
Set The best hopes are entertained' of
his recovery, although it will likely be a
long time before he will be able to do
much for himself again He is a single
than. ;
CHEESE SALE.—Mrt Malcolm, of the
Rodgerville cheese -factory, has made two
sales of cheese this season, both at 1(4
cents, to partiee in Glasgow, Scotland.
This is the same price obtained by the
cheese from the Brucefteld- factory.
BASE ,BALL. --A matcli game at base
ball will take place, on Saturday next,
17t h, between the Rising Stars, of Rodger-
vile- and the Brimfield club, on the
RodgerVillegronncl. A lively game is ex-
pected. •
*Win gh am.
CRICKET. —A friendly game of cricket
was played between the Wingham and
Blyth cricket iclubs. on the ground of
the latter, on Wednesd4y last, The day
was fine, and play went off very pleas-
antly. The game w -as won by Blyth, in
one innings, and 18 runs to spare. We
haVe received the score but have not
space for its publication this week. .
NEW WHEAT.—Mr. W. Reid, of Waw-
anosh, brought in the first load of. new
fall wheat to Fisher's mill, Winghana on
the 2:c1 inst.
• of Wingham, met with a severe and
nearly fatal accident, on the 7th inst.,
while sawing in Gregory's saw -mill.
While Mr. Moore and another man were
turning a squared log off' the carriage,
Moore's foot slipped, arid he staggered
against the saw, which cut a large gash
in his hip. Had he fallen a few inches
farther, the saw must have cut hiin in
man named Watson fell from one of the
top gilts. a height of nearly 20 feet, at
Mr. Anderson's barn -raising, near Bel -
grave, on Saturday last, he was severely
injured. He was bled by Mr. McLian,
and it was hoped his injuries would not
prove fatal.
Mr. S. Porter's met with a painful ac-
cident last Saturday, while going with
the mail from Wingha,m to Riversdale.
•A bolt had got out of its place, which al-
lowed the shafts to drop down upon the
horse s heels, upon which the animal be -
carne frightened. and --ran away. The
wagon struck against the side of a cul-
vert anct was thrown over with the boy
under it. The boy, though considerably
injured-, is now getting better.—The
above items are from the Times of last
• Fall Shows.
Western Fair, at London, on Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Octo-
ber 8th; 9th, 10th, and llth.
South Huron, at Exeter, on Thursday
and Friday, October 3ial and 4th.
North Huron, at Blyth, on Tuesday
and Wednesday, September 17 and 18.
Tucaersmith Branch, at Seaforth, on
Thursday and. Friday, , September 19th
and 20th. .
Hallett Branch, at Clinton, on Thurs-
day and. Friday, September 19 and 20.
Stanley Branch, at Bayfield, on Wed-
nesday, October 2nd.
The Provincial Exhibition will be held
at Hamilton on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday 4nd Friday, Sep-
tember 23 24 25 26 and 27.
REMAINING uncalled
Aberhart, Me.
Artasteong, Edwd. A.
.Alextualer, da;.
Hallman P. -
Bullocks Jas. H.
Culler, Wm. •
Cleland, Jas.
Cellars', Jas.
Raney, B. H.
Fagan, Mrs. M.
Gourley, Arehd.
Grant, L.
Henderson, Mrs.' I.
Hogg, Andw.
Hoetettler, Mrs. D.
Kneeshew, Alex.
Libble, A, M.
Molesworth, B. N.
for on 7th AUGUST;
Mabee, Simeon
Mayerison, Mrs. M.
Murray,. Edwd.
Mille, L.
May Henry
roe Alex.
MeCeith, Jam.
nfeCelltun, George
McMurray, W. H.
McClellan, Semi.
McDonald, Mrs. B.A.
McColl, D.
McDonald, A.
liable, Alex.
Patterson, Mr.
Robeirteon, Walter
Sperling, Edwd.
Wright, Robert
Withers, Miss H.
S. DICliSON, P. M.,
• Soaforth.
AChemical Wood and Nutritive Tonic.
—Without phosphorus no thought, sae. the
Germane, and they might' add, no action, since
phosphorus and it compounde are known to be
the motive povror of the nereous and muscular eye -
tem. Tboy conetittite more than half the ranter --
int of the hutuau body, being found in °eery thi-
ne and their presence is absolutely essential to
nutrition, as they promote the conversion of the
-albuinee in the,food into tibrine, which is the vit-
alizing agent of pure, healthy blood. They are
.now coming into universal nee in Europe and
America in the treatment of ecrofulons, consump-
tire and venereal diseases, which are caused by
impoverished or poleoned blood ; and in diseases
of women suffering from irregularities, obstruc-
tions and exhaustive discharges; in pale, puny ohil-
dren, and that condition of nerrous and physical
prostration re:tutting from bee habits, excessive
use of stimulants and tobacco and all that train
of evils known as a fast life. The great reliability
and promptness in its effects in immediately and
permanently restoring the devitalized constitution
favorite with the physicians and public. Sold at $1.
"VOTICE is hereby giren that the partnership
heretofore exiating between us, the under-
signed, as potash inanuftieturers, has been this day
dissolved by mutual consent. All debts 010D„rt to
the fetid partnership aro to be paid to William
Marehall nt Ainleyville, and all laims against the
esidepartnorship are to be presented to the fetid
Wm. Marshall, by whom the same will be settled,
-and svhe will else carry on the above butduess.
Dated at Aiuleyville, thie 26th iley of Tune, 1872.
Wi tness : •W31. MARSHALL.
C. 11. COOPER. • 24s-4
l• *XI
If •
tions of tete Liver, Stom-
ach and Bowels, Dyspepsia, Headache, Costivenese,
&c., try
AUGUST 16, 1872.
At Dent's Cheap Dry Goods Store, Seaforth.
ATM DENT if} now agent for two of the best makers in the Dominion, is a, ractieal DIUSICitc
imderstands these instruments thoroughly, and wont sell a poor one. He DAD sell you an hasten:
ment at any priee, from the lowest to the highest, and on the very best terms.
He 2eep8 a good variety on hand to select from, at 1th
Cheap Dry Goods and Millinery Establishment, Seaforth•
That is the place if -you want a good instrument cheap.
• Every Instrument warranted by the maker for five years.
1'R1 undersigned, having sold the Enron Foundry property and stock to the " Goderich Foundry
and_ Manufacturing Company," begs to thank the public for their liberal support during the pas'e
nineteen years, and.trusts that they will continue to send their orders to the new Company.
Goderioh, 10th Juno, 1872. R. RUNCIMAN.
Referring to the above notice,
The Goderich Foundry Sr. Manufacturing Co.
• Bog to inform the public that they are prepared to contract for
On hand,IRON AND WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards;
cOOKING, PARLOR AD BOX STOVES, of varioue kinds.
All orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention. e=-1
General Manager.
• Manager Agricultural Department.
GOderich, Ontario, June 10, 1872.
Secretary s.nd TTOSSIITer.
TIURENG the °Diming Presidential Canvass we
shall publish a Special Weekly Edition for the
convenience of those who desire to obtain the
most trustworthy political intelligence. Having
made ample arrangements for eecuring the repo
of meetings, corrventions, anenoccurrences a poli
feat interest, we shall, throughout the Presidenti
• caneass, publish faller information relating to t
campaign. than any other New York paper. We
aim only at supplying the public with this most
complete information on all ()uncut affaire. Sub-
scribers to our Campaign Edition will therefore
secure an exhaustive summary of the political
news from all parts of the world, obtained from
the best sources, and reearranged and prepare
specially for this edition. The New York Tenn
is a Republican newspaper, and will, during th
CLULTLISS now fairly commenced, steadfastly main
tain the principles of that party. It 'will suppler
the regular nominees of the Philedelphia Conven
tion, and do its share in seennug their triumphant
election in Noeember. It regards the success of
the Republican party as an object of the very first
importance, and will glee no support to irregular
or " coming" nominations, -which can only result
in the success of the Democrats to power. There
are projects of all kinds on Loeb for dissoleing the
Republican party, and the TIMMS Will oppose
them all. Its coarse in reference to the Tammany
Ring, ut a time when all the other daily papers in
New York obstructed and discouraged its efforts,
attests sincerity in the eause of Reform. The
Timns stood true in demanding Reform. from 1809
to the close of 1871. Now other journals aro at-
tempting to make political capital out ee the reps
taiga of the cry. There is no sincenaand honest
proposal for reforrn, in any branch of the Goyern-
meat, which will not .be heartily supported by the
Trans. But it will not conspire in assisting am-
bitious politicians or demagogues to reach power
under false pretenses. It will not encourage de
feetion from the party. It regards the Philadel
phia Convention as the only body. authorized t
speak and aet for the Republicanparty.
The Campaign Edition of the New Y,oek Than
will be furnished to mail subscribers for the si
months next ensuing for the sum of 50 cents. All
t.. cenung lots advertised will be ratule known on
al application, if by letter prepaid, and enclosing
he stamp, addressed
eletsti, Subscriber having established a. neAaertcy
-I- for the Sale of Farm and Village Lots, whieh
he will advertise (weekly) and sell on COraMiSSIOIL
TERMS of CO/IDDISSIOD or any particulars con -
0.11. COOPER,
Dingle P. 0.
a S. fof S. 4- of Lot 24, Con. te Morns; se3 acres; 2
miles ham Ainleyville.
e Viulage Lo-ts64 and 65 Aiuloyville, Morris.)
- -
t Village lots Nos. 44 and 89 Aieneyenle, emenei-;)
large frame cottage and flume stable.
Lot 22, Con. 4; N. :liar -xis; 100 acres 50 cleared;
log 'louse; 2 miles off graTel road.
Lot 29, Con. 7, N. ie Morris; 100 acres, 60 -cleared;
• gond log house and frame balm.
• Lots 2 and 3, West, side of Howiek-street,
eter, containing 1i acres of land; two new
frame hones; stables, &c.
Village Lots 49 and 50, Aitheyville, with good
frame house and stable, and log tannery in good
working order
Village Lots 60 and 61, Ainlea ville, townsialp-of
Village Lots, 212, 213, M., Ainleyvillo, (Grey-)
Store, Storehouse and Stable, 1acres of Lail/with
orchasel, ete., in 'village of Cranbrook.
Dingle P. O.
A CATTLE FAIR will be held hereafter et
• '
copies sent to the same Post -office to be mailed t
one address.
The New York Times, am a Republican journal
will be devoted, as in the peat, to an intelligen
and firm support of the Republican party. It trill
sustain with all the force and intaenee at its corn
mend, the principles, and commend the prineiple
and policy which have rendeathat party so justly
ftiTGOILS in our history. It will adeocate. those
measures by -which the honor, the Deno° and the
• presperily of the nation can be best conserved. and
• Started in September, 1851, the Times hex for
many years been recognized as among the most
sucoestiful, popular and influential newspepers
the country. Two of its original proprietors still
clirect its policy, and with greatly-hier • d 10
sources and experience will spare no pains to ex-
• tend and strengthen its claims uPon the confidenee
and support of the public. Its editorial' depart-
ment will be conducted in spirit of fairness and
impartiality, free alike from self-interested aims.
politioal jobbery, or undue favoritism. It will
refirosent a great body of the publie rather than
any °Rpm or professional "politiciana." it has
no conneetion with it who seeks (Alice, or who will
beeorue a candidate for -office. Its correspondence
will be full and timely, and its reports will be pre-
pared with the uttermost care. Tbe literary de-
• partment will be in tuoroughly capable hands, and
will present a tall review of the literery, the tine
arta, and the drama of the day. As a family paper,
free from all appeals to vulger and impure tastes,
the Teems will continue unexceptionable, and may
be.safe)y admitted to every family domestic circle.
• The Sunday edition of the Teams inehules, iii
addition to all the news, selected and original mat-
ter of the meet varied and agreeablechara t .
rangementa have been made to hripart new attrac-
• tion!, to this feature of the paper.
The Weekly and Semi-weekly editions of the
Timms are compiled. with the greatest care, and
-will contain selections from the most important
contents of the Daily iseue, besides matters of in-
terest to the egricultural sections of the country.
All who prefer a rtewspaper but once a week -will
find these editions admirably suited to their re-
qedrements. A special edition of the Texts for
European circullition is published every W 1 -
ay and Saturday, in time for the Europetm mulls,
andewill be valuable and. -welcome to our friends
abroad, whethea American or any other nationality
than Our own.
All these editions of tbe seems are of the very
largest size, on large quarto sheets, each contain-
ing Ilfty-six coltunns, printed in clear and legible
type, at the following rates:
(Opposite the Station,)
On the First 11I(anday in. each month,
-• MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1871.
Large numbers of buyere will be in attendance,
and parties haying stock may rely on the best max-
ket prices. •
Th connection -with Loyd's Hotel Oloughtexes
• are lerge and corumodions stables and yards. 198
• Th
best external fem..
edy for Rheumatism, Th
Sprains, Woimcls,Bruis- Th
es and every conceivable
sore,, old ornew. Give it sp
trial. Also, try the
, For all internal pains,
&c.; end if you- want a
- To remove all obstruc-
MAIL senscraiiens.
e DAILY Trmee, per anemia, inelnaine
the Sunday edition. •
e DAILY Tnints, per annum, exclusive of$12 00 .
the Suntley edition .... . .. . . . ......... ... 10 00
oe EStuirnotipaaSanEEdiditi°tilion, per annum, postage. 2 (K)
eAL RATES FOIL TILE .. NA.:E.P.X.T.....Y.....A.N.I.). 8E8.:
The NI EEXT-Y TIMES, per attimin
the Weekly receieed for a less length of tinieStjha°:
Tho Semi-WI:Ea:ix Timms, per annum .. 2 50
Subscriptions for either of our etlitioes, except
rteer:. Reenit in drafts on
NewYerkerierltellce:i e°avohder8ififtZsilelCIand, vhrenttberef these cto ei;0ctn-csn
the monev in. a -registered letter. Al] Poetimisters
are obliged to register lettere wheel requested to do
so, and the system is au Absolute protection
against losses liail
Ty yrinR.s. EAsiblyreoes"
245 ' New York City.
Mustard's Anti-Eilious
Or if .yon laguire a safe and sure rereedyfor Worms
If pm have Catarrh, Cold in the Heed, Neuralgia,
or Nervons Heedache, nee
Ahnitard'R Catarrh "Specific;
Which will secure relief at once.
Fall directions accotupany eaeli of the above
preparations. Sold by dreggists and dealers in
nzedioine generally. Alanufa cturee by
231-26 • II. MUSTARD, Ingersoll, Ont.
undersigned has $8,000 and upward, private
"funds, to loan, at 8 per cent. per annum, OD.
PAULI property. Chargea moderate. Marriage
Licences issued. Apply to
227-52- W. G. WILSON, Zurich.
pEGs to inform the inhabitants of Seaforth that
she has settled here, and is prepared to glee
easettruthctui.on in vocal and instrumental music, bruig-
ing high testimonials as to obility and aptitude in
Teacher of oil painting, penciling, crayon and
water colors, •
olj.1:tsalpre113, icsce:0—ndliftltione-retsOn°t7heroflitra.e GPliftlost-t0hffiDeeell.
rp Subscribers, having leased the Luno QUILr.
ry belonging to Mr. A. Wileon, Silver Creek,
eafoith, and haaing built a splendid new Nth; .011
• the most approved principle, capable of turning out
200 bushels perelay, are prepared to furnish anf
quantity of
l'he Best Quality of Lime.
At FIFTEEN CENTS a bushel.
No air -slaked Lime kept or sold.
230e1.3 Rural Road, Seaforth.
-1- from New York,
• Tickets sold to and from England, Ireland, and
the Continent, at as low rates as by any other line.
JOHN G. DALE, Agent,
15, Broadway, X. Y., or
230 Seanirtb.
TS hereby given, that application will be nuide to
• the Legislature of Ontario; at its reat sitting*
Lor an -Act to separate, Thr municipal purposes,
Lots Nos. 26, 27, 28, 29, '60; 31, 3e, 83, 34 and 85,
in the Seventeenth Concession, and Lots Nos. 26,
27, 28, 29, 80, 81, 32, 88, 134 and 35, in the Eigh-
teenth Concession, of the Township of Greyou
the County -of Huron, from the said Tewnsbie,
and to unite, the same, for the puiposes aforesaid,
with the Toweeltip of Logan, in the County of
Dated July 18, A. D. 1872.
reorND, on the lst of July, on the Second Con'
cession of Tuckersmith, near the 13riek School-
house, East of Brucefield, a long chain -with a grab
hook on one end. The owner can have the same
by applying tit the EXPOSITOR office, Seaforth,
after proving, property and paying tharges. 240-U
V01,1! E N
D. EE,
• &c., Gradaate of
see Conner ler the Ce
ria College, Pleeei
0111ce and residence, et
Main street, Seafortk,. .
'" Metiili, I-nivereity, I
von, ete. Offlee and ILI
L. VEI1C0E, M.
JLL-. goon, e'er. Office
Market and High streete
and ilesideuce, eve/
street, Seaforth. OMee
•day, and all day Saturde
To the inbebitants of
country. Dr. J. G.
through sickness in his
•for some time in tide
pouncing te the public,
videuce lie hes been p
rooms ferineely oecnpie
McDongalrs Store.
permenentlr to reialin.
his old patrons and as re
him witli a all. An op
lug to the latest approve
to be found elsewhere.
••-Office hours from'
T M. LEET, Solicitor
pointed Agent for th
parry of E'nglaud, be ia al
Tate Capitalists of Toro
very' rine:on:11de rates
Charges moilerete.
Winghatn, I)ec. 15, 1St
Air ceserGstre: s: HO
torneys at Lew, S
Insolvency, Notaries P
Solicitors for the R. C.11.
-the -Canada Life lesuean
N. B.--e430,0e0 to len'
llonsee ilard Lots for sale'
-se' at Le.w, Solicitors i
-Conveyancers, !Coteries 1
forth and Wroxeter.
invest at once, at Eight
00-.N17--TERCIAT., }TOTE
ANNETT, Propricte
entirely new /lineament
reneinateti. The Bar
Liquors end Cigars.
Hestiers, A First -ate
.L 'n,korTcLut.oN
seeommedation for tar,
plied with the very beet li
stabling attaehed. The
•every day for WinghaM.
OffiCA—At Murrac'e
Horses and firsteelaseCon
-quiet Horses and Ant-
on hand, Conveyances f
Travellers on reasonable r
6,-,0a Horses and Com
on hand. Feeorable Ar
Commercial Traveller,te
11-01'ee, will be prompliiy
ICIIOX'S Rotel, Mein Street
221 •TI103
(Mereber -of the Out
begs to intimate tR Che
and surrounding toeutry,
Office he Seaford:1, vrhere
eerially or by letter, on.th
tie, et Having receieed
eduestion, irad having bee
-of the Veterinary College
has every zonfulence of
who may employ him.
rio Reeenureeens—A.. Stal
Veterinney College;
Therbrirn, Dr. Rowel, al.
• Vetei-inary Medicinet co
All calls proem
YV. S, begs to anno
teatorth and surroundi
been awarded tbe _MOW
College, and is now p
of Horses andCat tie and it
has opened an office in cm
shoeing shop, where he er.
tend to tans. Diseases
tended to. Residenee,
of Eilloran & Ryan's new
eriiiery Medieines kept ,
Charg-es reasonable.
Creinbrook. Grey P.
modemte terms. -Commis
-Conveyancer Land, Loa
Also, Agent' for the loll
Ilnron and Erie Loan So
-and Mechania Savie;esesa
to ; Royal Insurance Co
London'Fire and Life;
suranceCompany and th
Company. Any amount
rat es of 'intereet. Sever
•* kblPelf24-131.Deb, lusi
Agent fin- the, Freehold
Savings Soeiet-e of Toron
as eny Company doing
cations for Loans prxnupti
188-tf AINLE1
W11 y Tieket Agent, No
G. T. Ilaileay Station,
Tiekete ieened to 1111.1)(42
-California and ld itiver.il
-the greati“d L-teilitios to 11
!ziven respec
fi-reenbaoll-,, Bonds, Coupe
,Gobl snd Sliver Coin. bon.
Is 1.41,Fyi1g tuna psyl
• In any Teat
F 3 4, ONE,
Cioderich-et., Seaforth,