HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-08-16, Page 5ktausT 161 isn. iey had been given more re entitled to. Because they o progress rapidly **as no Aerie was also progressing vould he entitled to a larger a 'in_ ten years, which ac - heir syetena of reasonin von her now. The tra John had made Manitoba. a .avince, with a very large_ 1, and he would make other es with an unduly large re- iu as he had express.. Ontario dawn, and keep ver. The party Mr. Far-, xl called themselves the E'rogress!' He would ra- n to drop- the last syllable ;he name which was Moat 'the party of Tuog." Mr. [aimed that unity and peace iughout the country. The CS were united to pick the ntario. He showed up the Lich would arise from let - le Railway contractors sit t. Contractors were not in Township Councils, aaid they in Parliament '—Ile tat one of the great issues n present contest was the [ expending the people's t consulting their represen- ailed limn the electors to e verdict as they did last power had never been . as - government in Britain and. allowed He showed the. .. Pacille Railway would in - y in debt. He then went t the country was not in ate financially as Mr. Far- * Oored to make ont. lie 'Viers uttered by Mr. Far - serge Brown. lie referred L brought against the On - neat '' and said they were 41, Mr. Farrow had stat - a Correct with oreference t .bi. It had increas' ed ill the over $5,000,000. A large [shown by the accounts of r referred to a number of Lt against hirnseif personal- -their falsity. He was as Farrow, though he had. ' of disloyalty. Goldwin. Er. Farrow had quotelwa.s 1st and a man who would_ Er, you wished if paid for it. si who accused Reformerere thelast who should do icDougall„. Galt, Rose and 1 been taken into the con - ream had all been rebels. ; to- some other personal nchided by cleaving the the electors to judge be- didate-s and the interests - anclusi.on of Mr. Sonter- three cheers wee given three for the Returning Lree for the candidates,. emblage_ dispersed. The re conducted throughout erly manner, and every sad hearing acordI to all itarto Elections. O. M. I. . 1 a rkpatriek Brouse 1 ,anderkin.. ....„I 0 - 0 Bowell......_ 0 A. Macdonald.. 0 , Haggart. 0 , Galbraith. 1 renville, N. 1 , 0,, W. R.?„ Cock- ... . 0 0 Gibbs....... -... 0- 0 0 . . 0 0 0 1 0 O 0: 1 0 Ijtt1e..O.1 0 iCeek • 1.1 0 0 amid. 1 0 0 t., Bowman1 0 0 1 O. R., Higintotham 1 0 0 iL Ross._ 1 0 0 . 0 a I. O 0 0 1. O 0 10 1 0 O 0 O 0 .10 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 O 0 O I O 0 1 It., Graver.— .. . . 1 1 1. 1 14 20 3, FL, A ; L, MEAT IN BRITAIN.— * of butcher's meat. excite great attention n in England. The seems to came from titchers, who in many med to purchase on ac- mtortions of the hold - Women's meetings to -ubject are frequently tt the Town Hall at Ineashire) unanimous- ther to -touch nor taste - should be reduced to n d. •A pathetic _ speech one woman who said - been without meat. ner for 29 years un - us Sunday. The butch - led in several places shops for fourteen .13ition ta wear full 1 a certain length in truly has ITen revived. rd will be permitted 3.t-- than one inch. ,on 'Of William John - It' Belfast, li eland, at Latitute, New "York, by Focieties of that city success. The hall was Le stage was decorated cs of all nations, the occupying the place of pliment to the guest. se cross was presented - fAufiusT Political Rowdyism. Tom Daly fiesatdo the Hon. E., B. Wood. • On Monday evening last a large meeting of the electore of North and South Perth; was held in the Town Tian, Mitchell. Hon. E. B. Wood' addressed the meeting in favor of Redford and Trow in an able and telling speech of over three hours duration. He rapidly reviewed our political history since the 1Jpion in 1841, dwelling upon the causes which led to Confederation and the lops by which our, present Consti- tution was secured. He then review- ed the acts of the Ministry from its toleration in 1867 to the present time. He poured upon the audi- ence, numbering fully 600, a per- fect avalanche of facts and figures, proving the bungling, the reckless- nes‚and wild extravagance of the Governmenc in matters connected with the Intercolonia1 and the Pacific Railways ; Ithe acquisition of , British Columbia, the bitagling in Manitoba ; the violation of the Con- stitution - the better terms to Nova Scotia; and closed with the prediction that another five years of such bungling would result, he fear- ed, in dashing the fair, structure of Confe4eration into ten thousand atoms His speech was telling throughput, and often truly eloquent. He was followed by, Mr. T. M. Daly1 the Government candidate in North Perth. He characterized Mr. Woods' facts and - figures as false in every particular, and would not even- accept the jour- nalsof the House or the public ac- counts which Mr. Wood, effered in proof: He was, personally, most .offensive and instiltine-- toward Mr. Wood who, provoked 1.beyond meas- ure by his swaggering assertions and his absolute ignorance of the political history of the country, en- ergetically denounced a particular statement as an infamous false- hood. Thereupon Daly rushed from his place with a volum open in his hand,- and when close to Mr. • Wood, threw down the bookand Seized bini by the throat with one hand, while with the other he struck at hire several, times. -Fortuna.tely those standing about him interfered immediately.. Mr. Daly- was jerked back and fell upon the floor, where he received sligh t inj uries about the head from the feet of those who rushed upon him. Owing to the admirabe conduct of the chairman, Mr. Hugh Camp- bell, and the Refarniers upon the platform, a general row was prevent- ed. Mr. Daly was escorted to his hotel, under the 'protection of the chairman, and the meeting was re- organized, when Mr. Trow made an effective speech: The village was in a state of intense excitement during the entire nignt, but no serious dis- turbance took place. The Port of Montreal. The remarkable increaSe of Mon- treal as 'a shipping Port is well worthy of notice. It is doubtful if any other locality on this continen except New York harbor, presents such a busy scene. From one to three a day, large ocean steamships may be seen plowing their way up the current of the broad St. Law- rence and gracefully taking their place at their appointed docks. There are forty or more iron 'steam- ships engaged in this trade, cempris- ing the following lines: Allan's weekly line to Liverpool and their weekly line to Glasgow ; the Beaver Line weeekly to Liverpool; the Dominion Line tO Liverpool; Tem- perly's weekly line to London; and in addition to these may be named the Dunkerly Line and the Barrow Line, whose arrangements are some- what incomplete, however. Then thee are Allan's Line of splendid dipper 'ships; and also the Canada Shipping Co.'s line, consisting of four or five'of the handsomest iron clip- pers afloat. Add to these a very large fleet of wooden regolar tiaders, consisting of ships, barques and brigs, and one may imagine the vast dim- ensions of the foreig,rn , trade corn- raanded by Montreal. It is proper to remark that a Vel y large porion -of-that trade is with the We ern States. Twelve steamers a week leave Montreal freighted. with mer- chandise for the ports of Milwaukee, -Chicago, Cleveland, Dttroit and other lake ports, taking about eight- een hundred tons weekly. The ag- gregte trade this season to Chicago and 'Milwaukee alone has reached eighteen thousand tons. Again, the export gram trade from the West by the St. Lawrence has this season, it is said, increased from 121 to 50 per cent. Of the entire quantity ex- ported, necessitating the cm ploy men t of six additional steamers on the Montreal and Chicago line. It ap- pears, therefore, A fter all, that the 'trade of that vast Western countY, opened up, as it may some day be, as far as the Rocky Mountains, will find- its outlet by the St. Lawrence. The Vaar" ants' Hotel. A vagrants' hotel, the last of its kind in Paris, has just been. deniol- ished. Vagabonds of all sorts found an asylum here four sous was the • price of a night's -lod room., with a straw tub in the centre fot the circurnambient but neither a cliair. Some fragments o were stuck on the w could not glosq the 1 vine. The beds welt) in rows and Tlie locataires lf, t�2 A. }t.; e was charged, ust be cleared. eeived a night. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 0 mg in a large attress, -a. large Ablutions, and ir to &IT with, ble nor towel. looking -glass, Ils, but which Liman form ch - fastened to the walls. were received from 6 after that one sou mo at 10 A. M.' thehotel Sixty persons were r Many novelists have described this place and its inhalitants. They were of the lowest o der. 1' Buffalo Races—La ; Time. On thelast day Races, Friday, ku niertse crowd was pre at 40,000 persons, Yery closely contest race on the progra $10,000 for horses t 2:25, was won by Jt in three straight heat 2:24,2:23k. J. H.' ble animal and seco this race, fell down d homestretch on the 11 lind, another fast an good time was expec withdrawn on accoun blood -vessel. Seccai one for a purse of $1 out the fastest horses G olds mitli Maid, L Girl and Henry. 1st, 3rd and 4th heat and 2:22, while the took au; 2n1 in 2:17 Maid by a nose. t Day --Fast f the Buffalo ust 9, an im- ent, es.timated be races, were d. ' The first me, 'purse of at never beat dge Fullerton . Time, 2:25, urke, a value, d favorite in ad nearing the rst heat. Rosa- imal of whom ed, had to be of bursting a • race—another 0,000, brought iti tliecohritry,' cy, American ucy won the 2:181, 2:191 n3erican. Girl beating the BIRTH - • • WiarrEnnan.-In Tuc ersmith, on the llth init.. the wife of Mr. William Whitehead of a son. WELLS. -In McKillop, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr. Thom s Wellsiof a son. SPARLING. -In Seaforth, °lithe 7th -inst., the wife -of Mr. Fran is Sparling of a d augh ter. -1 MARRIA ES. TURNER--SAFFIL.-At ruCefield, on the 7th inst., by Rev. . Eakin, B. A., John Turner, hotel k eper, Varna, to Ellen. Saffil, Of the sa e place. YULE -Ramsay. - At he residence of the bride's mother, b Rev. Mr.= Gold- smith, on Friday, the 9th inst., Mr. Alexander Yule, of linton, io j.ss Mary Rainsay, dau hter of the I te Peter Rainsay, of Tu kersmith. DEAT S. • Munnay.-In Seaforth, on Wednesday, • the 14th inst ., Richaxjcl Francis, infant son of Mr. John Murray, hotel keeper; . THE MARKETS. pEAFORTIL August 15, 1872. $ Fall Wheat... 1 20 to I 25 Spring Wheat 1 25 to 1 25 Barley 0 50 to 0 52 Oats 0 32 to 0 85 Peas '' 0 50 to 0 55 Butter 0 12 to 0 18 Eggs • 0 11 to 0 11 Flour 7 00 to 000 Hay. 8.00 to. 10 00 Hides 500 to 7 50 Sheep Pelts. ' 025 to 0 50 Lamb Skins 0 40 to 0 75 Call Skins, (veal)Per lb., 0 09 to 0 10 Salt (retail) per barrel 1 00 to 0 80 Potatoes, (new) per bushel 0 75 to" e 80 Dried Pork -Bacon 0 07 to 0 08 Dried Pork -Ham 9 08 to 0 09 Tan Bark 8 25 to 875 Oatmeal V' brl 4 00 to 4 00 Wool 0 50 -to 058 CLINT N, August 8,1872 $1 20 gt 125 Spnng Wheat 120 #41 125 Oats Barley Peas Batter Eggs Hay, per ton, Fall Wheat 080 (g) 085 050 052 050 (§ 055 . 0 12 (g) 013 ` 0 10 @,•0 11 •8 00 (g/ 10 00 MONTR Flour -Market dull easier'with little- bu smallsales of extra at at '$7.10 ;. .ordinary s $6.45 to $6.50, but small extent; bri▪ ght s -And strong ranging to $ sample ; lower grades ." Wheat -A cargo of brought $1.45 for car lo Peas -.Placed at 65c. Batter -Nominal, ex of choice for city trade. Cheese -Dull and lo feriug at 10c. without LONDON; Ont., A Fall wheat, $1.30 wheat, $1.30 to $1. 55c; peas, 50c to 51c ; cattle (live weight), $4. $5.50 to $6.00 ; mutto hides, $8.00 to $9.00 ; 0c;•3wool, 50c to 55 13c; eggs, 11c to 1.2c ; hay, $12 to $i3; 'pets. -Corn, 50e. AL, August 13. • and somewhat iness reported; $7.60 and fancy pers offered at nly taken to a per sold at $6.65, .25, according to ininal. No. 2 western s. ept for retail lots ; beat lots of- akers. • gust 15, 172. to $L30; spring ; barley, §0c to oats, 32c to 33c; 0 to $5.00 ; beef, $8.00 to $9.00 , 'heepskins, 20c to butter, 12ic to cheese, 8e to 9c; oes, 60c to 75c; TORONTO, Ajugust L, 1872. Flour -The bnsinessl of the -p t week has been very light, bit has been\t ad- vancing prices, with a steady deman for all desirable brands. • xtra has sold t $6.75, a sale -of 100 b rrels being note at $7. At the close 'here were no sel- lers under this figur. Superfine has sold at irregular prises, according to brand, at $6.10 to $p. 5 ; strong quanti- ties, which are very carce, conimand.- mg more Monty. 'Wheat -There has b en little or noth- ing doing during the eek ; but there is a steady demand for bo h fall and spring. No. 1 white would. b taken at, $1.50; Treadwell at $1.45, anid spring at about $1.40. One load of red Soules and the Treadwell, new crop brought $1.37 on Barley -Old has offered to some ex- tent; but there do not appear to be any buyers at prices bkely to lead to tran- sactions. No new ba, ley has yet been offered for sale. Oats -Have been oul ering somewhat freely during die past week, and prices Sales have been are hazdly so firm. chiefly mad.° at prices bout equal to 38c s on the track, at which there are now sel- lers te a considerable extent. Butter -Trade has been limited to small sales of choice for city use, at about 134c to 14c. but at these figures there is no margin for shipment. Latest sales of fine quality in Liverpool have been at 758 to 76s. equal to 1,4c to 14ic here, and of inferior at 35s to 36s, being equi- valent to 515f to 5e. • Cheess-Is firm at 10,11 to 11c to sup- ply thelocal trade, lbe being quotation current; at the factories. • Egg -The eupply is improving, and they are now less ,ready of sale. We quote 13c to 14c for packed, guaranteed fresh. , LIVE STOOK. Beeves -About 14 car loads have come forward, of which six were sold. in broken Jots to local dealers, and the rest were bought up for shipment to Montreal and Quebec. We note a sale to Messrs. Blong Bros., of 40 head, averaging 1,100 pounds, at $44, and of one car to Mr. J. Britton, three-year-old. Durham steers, at 4/c. live weight. We continue to uote first-class at slit. to 41c.; second- s, at 3ic. to 4c.; inferior, '4heep-Have been in good supply, but receipts have all been absorbed by the local demand at last week's,prices, name- ly, $5 for first, $4 for second, and $3 to $3.50 for third-class Lambs -The receipts haye been liber- al, but none have been left Over for ship- ment, all offering finding ready sale at $3 for first-class, $2.50 to $2.75 for second, and $2 to $2.25 for third. , Calves -Piave continued, scarce and firm, at $8 for first-c.ass, $5 to $6 for sec- ond-class, and 3 to $4 for third-class. • LIVERPOOL.14, c5 ; • , rlo ri -44 -41 to S. D. Flour 980 Rod Wheat 11 5 Red Winter 12 0 White 12 0 Corn 27 0 Barley. 3 8 Oats 2 7 Peas. 35 0 Pork 46 0 Lard.. 38 0 S. D. S. D. es S. D. 0 29 0 28 29 6 11 6 11 9 11 11 12 0 12 4 12 4 12 0 12 4 12 4 27 0 27 6 27 9 3 8 3 8 3 8 2 7 2 8 2 9 85 0 85 6856 46 0 46 0 46 0 38 3 38 3 88 6 NEW. YORK HORSE MARKET. TUESDAY, August 13, 1872, The city trade in horses has lacked animation. The only feature to note was the arrival of some twenty head of carriage horses bred and. reared in the central part of New York State, and of better quality than the ayerage of this kind heretofore offered. They are most- ly in well -matched pairs,' and include some Norman, Henry Clay and Kentusky Hunter stock. Transactions in the Bull's Head Market, with limited exceptions, were ,almost entirely confined to low- priced draft horses, at from $150 to $165 per head. A few spans of light driving horses were bought for the Havana market; $1,000 were paid for the best pair, and from $500 to $75 per head. Sales at the auction marts exhibited ' nothing of especial interest. Messrs. Johnston & Van Tassell disposed of some forty head Of horses of all hinds at an .ayerage of $170 per head. Four thoroughbred brood Mares have been recently purchased. in England for Mr. P. Lorillard, the average price per mare being £350. GOLD. -The price of Gold in New York is quoted at .114ik. TEACH E WANTED immediat sistant, in the BI or female; must posse will be required to c inst. .i Apply to X WANTED. ly, a TEACHER, as an as- evale school; either male s a third class certific te; once duties on the ;Cith HN FARROW, Sec'v, Bluevale f. 0. PROPERTY FOR SALE. I 'RINI, acres of *land with a good frame cottage, 86:24, and summer kitchen, and woodshed ad- joining it; a frame barn, stable and shed; a pump well and young bearing orchard, being part of Lot 24, Concession 3, McKillop, and aittiated 14 miles from Seaforth, is offered fur sale. For terms, ap- ply to the proprietor, HIRAM BLANCHARD, 245-8* Seaforth P. 0. • LOT FOR SALE. FOE SALE, a Building Lot, containing ono sere of land, boitig part of Lot 10, Fifth Concession, Township of McKillop. There is a good log house and barn, a good -well, and. an orchard of bearing fruit -trees. This lot is situated within two miles and a half of the Huron Gravel Road, and about 6 miles from Ileaforth, and is in the midst of an ex- cellent farming country. For further particulars apply to the undersigned Proprietor, on the prem- isca, or address Seaforth Post -office. 24544 JOHN DOWNEY. FARM FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE FIRM in the Township of Stan- -L-1- ley, being Lot 27, South Boundary, containing 96 aores, more or less, 73 acres under cultivation. remainder pod hardwood bush; a never -failing spring creek rims through the lot; good orchard, with 40 fruit -bearing Apple Trees, also Plum, Peach and Cherry Trees; a good frame barn, 66x.36; good log house and stable; quality of soil, first class; store, post -office, grist -mill, church and school in the neighborhood. The Proprietor is anxious to sell, as he intends going to_Manitoba. Terms liberal. THOMAS TALBOT, 245-18 Proprietor, Berne P. 0., Hay Township. FARM FOR SALE. LOT NO. 19, Con. 4, Grey, 100 acres, 35 cleared and under good cultivation, young orchard; well watered and well timbered ; 4 miles from Northern Gravel Road and 8 miles from Ethel, where a station of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway will be opened this Fall. For -fur- ther particulars address, prepaid, HUGH MUS- TARD, Dingle P. 0., or C. R. COOPER, Land Agent, linleyville. 245-40 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH "FOR SALE, a house and lot on Goderich street. -I- For further particulars, apply to 240-tf M. R. COUNTER, Seaforth. HOTEL FOR SALE IN AINLEYVILLE. Hotel at present occupied by, 'James Leon- -1- ard, will be sold cheap fOr cash. Buildings all new. Possession given immediately. Apply to j. LECKIE. Ainleyville, May 28, 1872. ` 233 • FARM FOR SALIE. VOR SALE, 'one hundred acres of land, being part of Lot 27, Fifth Concession of Tucker - smith, L. R. S., seventy acres cleared and. in a good state of cultivation; thirty acres bush; hewn log barn, frame driving house, stable, sheep -house and sheds, a good spring creek in the front of the lot, and a spring in the rear; as good land as any in the township; four and a half miles from Sea - forth, three from Brucefield. Terms, one-third cash, the remainder in yearly installments. Apply on the premises to ALEX. McCAX, 287 Brupefield P.O. FARM FOR SALE. OUTII HALF of the South half of Lot No. 24, Fifth Concession of the township of Morris, containing 50 acres'35 cleared; well watered by a spring creek; good log house and frame stable. The above farm is only a mile and a half on a good road from the riiiing Village of A inleyville, where a station of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Rail- way will be opened this fall. For price and terms inquire (if by letter, prepaid) of C. R. COOPER, 335 .Ainleyville Land Agency, Dingle P. 0. FARM FOR SALE IN McKILLOP. THE subscriber, being about to leave Canada, of- fers for sale his FARM, Eat half Lot 19, Fourth Concession, McKillop, consisting of 50 acres, 32 cleared, the remainder good hard timber; the farm is in good cultivation, the land clean and free from thistles and weeds; half a mile from a church and a good school -house; four miles from Seaforth ; gravel road passes the door. I will sell the farm alone, or together with the crops, imple- ments and fanm. stoek, as it will best suit the pur- chaser. Twenty-one acres under crop, which promises well. Apply to JOHN C. McICAY, 288 Seaforth P. 0. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. -L-4 OT No. 7, Sixth Concession, Turnberry, consist- ing of 120 acres. nearly 100 being cleated and in a good state of cultivation. There is a good frame barn 55x36, a frame shed 30x60. There is alao a good. bearing orchard. Will be veld on easy tones. Apply on the premises to JAMES H Wroxeter, duly 8, 1872. 240-tf FARM FOR SALE IN HAY. vOR SALE, south part Lot 21, Ninth Concession, -I: Hay, known as the "Troyer Farm ;" one-half mile from Zurich, on the Gravel Road; 70 acres; 50 cleared; dwelling-holfSe and barn; good young bearing orchard; the land is in a good state of cul- tivation and Well fenced. For further particulars apply to • W. G. WILSON, 240*4 Zurich, Ont. FARM FOR SALE IN GREY. LOT No 5, Concession 15, township of Grey, 4-Jcon- taining ninety-six acres; seventy acres cleared. Apply to M. IdeDERMID, Harpurhey. Or to JOHN SILLERS, Grey. 232 FARM FOR SALE IN McKILLOP. VAST half of Lot 24, Eighth Concession, McKil- -1-'1 lop, containing 50 acres, 25 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; 5 acres of a fallow,, and the remaining 20 acres good hard -wood land; a new frame house and stable and a good well; it is situated 5 miles north of geaf orth, and quarter of a mile from the Northern Gravel Road. For further particulars apply on the premises to ROBERT MENAREY, 243-4 Winthrop P. 0. FOR SALE. . A VALUABLE FARM, 100 acres, First Conces- sion, McKillop, near Seaforth, on thc main _gravel road to Goderich ; 85 acres cleared and free of ;stumps, with ten acres of a fallow, the rest under grass; well -watered and fenced, with large frame barn, stable tuidemeath; log farm -house, boarded outside, and good orchard; possession im- mediately; title good and terms easy. For fur- ther particulars apply (if by letter'prepaid,) to 242 LUDWIG.MEYER, Seaforth P. 0. FARM AND PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS FOR. SALE. VOR Sale, Lot No. 29, Con. 7, township of Morris, containing 100 acres, '70 of which are cleared and in a state of good cultivation. The whole is well fenced. There are on the premises a, good frame barn and hewed log -house also, two ; wells and a young bearing orchard. This farm is within one mile of Ainleyville'a thriving village, -where a station of the Wellington, Grey and Brace Railway will be opened this fall, also the breadth Of a lot from the Northern Gravel Road. Also, for sole, a frame dwelling-honse, with the upper part fitted up as a Photograph Gallery. There is a good well and stable on the premises, also a good garden. This property is situated near the business centre of the village of Wroxeter'through which the To- ronto, Grey and Bruce llailway will be running within one year. The whole will be sold on eaey terms. For particulars apply to , C. R. COOPER, 236-13 Land and General Agent, Dingle P. 0. • D. STEWART'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY Is removed to William street, Near the New Presbyterian Church. A FTER MONDAY, llth of Angtist, this Gallery -LI- will be closed on Tuesdays and Fridays until further notice, those two days of each week being employed in taking views of homesteads, farm bnildings, scenery, &c. All parties wanting such work done please call and leave their orders. Clocks carefully cleaned and repaired. 243-13 MONEY TO LOAN. TH1e. subscriber has MONEY to loan to any -L. amount on good fan -a property. Interest, SIX per cent. per annum, when the interest and prin- ciple are paid yearly, and 8 per cent. per annum when the interest only is paid. A G. McDOUGALL, 227-52 At cheap cash Store, sign of the Bear. PURSE FOUND. . POUND, a purse with a small sum of money. -1- The owner can have it on paying for this no - tire, by applying to W. B. WARD, 242 Baker, Seaforth. APPRENTICE WANTED. TANTED immediately, a stout, active lad to learn the Cabinet-makinp business. ly to SPARING & SCOTT, 238 Seaforth, SMOKERS, 001-r .A.T THIS: PACE'S TWIST TOBACCO. GOLD BAR FIG LEAF SOLACE No. 1 MYRTLE NAVY McDONALD NAVY NATURAL LEAF POCKET PIECES SUNSHINE tt tt t t GC PRINCE OF WALES TOBACCO. VOLUNTEERS' CHOICE LITTLE GEM EAGi.,E NAVY McDONALD 8's )c)c POCKET PIECES GOVrRNOR ENRALSON '‘ Fnup CUT CHEWING " -CC C -C SELLING BY LOGAN & JAMIESOA, At SCOTT ROBETSON'S and JOHN LOGAN'S Old. Stands, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. JUST RECEIVED BY M. ROBERTSON & 00. (31- 1\T0 F rit E1 P A Splendid Assortment of Plated Ware, DIRECT FROM StiEFFIELD. LARD, ELEPHANT STOCK'S AND OTHER M HINE OILS. BUILDERS' HARDWARE, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, which we can sell at less than PRESENT Wii0LESAT,P, PRICES. ELF,PlIANT AND JAMES' BRANDS WHITE LEAD. RAW AND PALE BOILED OIL, GLASS, PUTTY, &c. TH14 LARGEST ASSORTMENT- OF CARRIAGE:MAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' HARDWARE In the County. Best AMERICAN WATERLIME and CALCINED PLASTER, Fresh and. Dry, And warranted good. - j WM. ROBERTSON & SPECIAMNDUCEMENTS THIS WEEK T. KIDD'S EVIPORIUM. LN CHILDREN'S MARSELLA ROBES, INFANTS' : SEWEb ROBES, WHITE TOILET QUILTS, WHITE TOILET COVERS, LADIES' WIII.TE AND COLORED SKIRTS, JITST Another Lot of Choice Striped Ottoman Shawls. A LARGE STOCK OF LADIES' COLORED KID GLOVES, FRok 50 CENTS. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. THOS; KIDD, SEAPORT/3. 999_ 01-1E.A.1" 9 9 9 _ CHARLES WILSOAN, MAIN STREET', SEAFORTH, SIGN OF THE 999, Has just received A FINE STOCK OF TEAS, Which he will sell for one rohnth at REDUCED PRICES. $1 Tea for 75ets., 75et. Tea for 50etth SplendielYoung Hyson Tea at 40cts. Remember this is genuine, and now is the time to get CHEAP TEA. SU -GI -ARS_ A large stock of Light and Preserving Sugars cheap and good. Groceries of all kinds, and fresh. -LIQUORS. The hest in the market, Wholesale and Retail. ; ALE AND PORTER In bottles and on draught, always pure and fresh. Highest prices in cash paid for Butter and Eggs, at CHAS. WILSON/IL BUSINESN CHANCE. • his that satisfaction they and all have "Sigmondvilla , . would . g nunierous cus- he has sold and Grocerici's to JAMIESON, to all have got the on reasonable 1. My custom- receivedloince and patronage and firm of LOGAN truly, LOGI& TbeHE UNDERS .GNED- most respectfully to inform tomers and the public g neially out his whole stock of D Goods WILLIAM LOGAN an ROBERT whO, I believe, will give good who 'may patronize the; as stook at a very low orice terms. With ,many than is to ers for the liberal patron ge I I first cemmenced hue' less in Seaforth, and hoping t '0 same more may be extended to the young & JAMIESON, .1 I remit'', _ Years, vary • • • JOHN ESTR . Y COW. CAME into the enclo:ure- of the subscriber''Lot . a 80, 6th Concession, Tuckersinith, L. R. S' dark red milch COW, ith whitte spots on the side. The owner can h ve his own on paying ex - Pauses and proving proprrty. I 245-4 GEOR?E WALKER. -,ESTRAY STEERS. /IAMB into the enclos e of the •-) the first of Septemb:r last, two coming two years old; I oth white modley. The owner is requested erty, pay charges and ake them claimed, they will be solo for ex. enses: •J 243*3 ) Lit 35, CT]. subscriber, about STEERS, then and red; one a to prove prop- away. If not - S BOWES, ssion 3, Grey. ESTRA SHEEP. 0AME into the enclo.nre of •-' Lot No. 13, Fifth Concession ersmith, about the firs of June saRlone LAMB. The o' nu' is requested prove 'propel ty, pay ohs -ges, imd 243*4 JACOB he undersigned, B. R. S., Tuck- last, two EWES to call, take them away. _ IsIcGEE. I of Lot STAG claimedimmediate- NOTICE. July last,_in the No. 21, Seventh or STEER, DOBSON. 244-3 POUNDKEE - R'S IMPOUNDED on the 27th Pound of the unders glied, Con., Township of Gre , a red three or four years old. If not ly, he will be sold to pay expenses, AWRENCE Grey, August 7, 1872 PRIVATE' SCHOOL MISS LIDDELL'S S6laool will re -open on -1-1.-1- MONDAY ; the 19th inst. . For terms, &c., apply ersonallY at Dr. Vercoe's residence. 244*2 NO ICE.' rptE undersigned, I s behalf Church, Seaforth, , 1 or auction, at the office o Mr. orth, on the 18th- day of Se)teniber, hour of two o'clock; p m., lan being village lot No. 92, St. js o s streets, Seaf rth. known 1- time of sale. 1 R. N. B S MtJEi A. DicD Seaforth, Angus, 3, 1472. Jo hn ha eorrer Terus ETT, 2ROTT, U of the Baptist for sale by public S. Porter, Sea- 1872, at the certain parcel oi of Jarvis and will be made ; ALL, Trustees. 244- NOT:LOST. T ;OST, on or about i e st of -1--i OF HAND, drawn .3' 1 unc McKillop, in favor of N on : others, for the sum of $66, ant bearin:, -April, 1872, and paya le two re. The public are hereby cl utioned ing or negotiating sai note, as same has been stopped. NOXON Ingersoll, August 6,1:72. August, a NOTI n McCallum, o: of Ingersoll date the 20th a ths after date aga*nst porches. pa ent of till Bil0 : RS. 244*, TEACH E WANTED immediat sistant, in the BI or female; must posse will be required to c inst. .i Apply to X WANTED. ly, a TEACHER, as an as- evale school; either male s a third class certific te; once duties on the ;Cith HN FARROW, Sec'v, Bluevale f. 0. PROPERTY FOR SALE. I 'RINI, acres of *land with a good frame cottage, 86:24, and summer kitchen, and woodshed ad- joining it; a frame barn, stable and shed; a pump well and young bearing orchard, being part of Lot 24, Concession 3, McKillop, and aittiated 14 miles from Seaforth, is offered fur sale. For terms, ap- ply to the proprietor, HIRAM BLANCHARD, 245-8* Seaforth P. 0. • LOT FOR SALE. FOE SALE, a Building Lot, containing ono sere of land, boitig part of Lot 10, Fifth Concession, Township of McKillop. There is a good log house and barn, a good -well, and. an orchard of bearing fruit -trees. This lot is situated within two miles and a half of the Huron Gravel Road, and about 6 miles from Ileaforth, and is in the midst of an ex- cellent farming country. For further particulars apply to the undersigned Proprietor, on the prem- isca, or address Seaforth Post -office. 24544 JOHN DOWNEY. FARM FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE FIRM in the Township of Stan- -L-1- ley, being Lot 27, South Boundary, containing 96 aores, more or less, 73 acres under cultivation. remainder pod hardwood bush; a never -failing spring creek rims through the lot; good orchard, with 40 fruit -bearing Apple Trees, also Plum, Peach and Cherry Trees; a good frame barn, 66x.36; good log house and stable; quality of soil, first class; store, post -office, grist -mill, church and school in the neighborhood. The Proprietor is anxious to sell, as he intends going to_Manitoba. Terms liberal. THOMAS TALBOT, 245-18 Proprietor, Berne P. 0., Hay Township. FARM FOR SALE. LOT NO. 19, Con. 4, Grey, 100 acres, 35 cleared and under good cultivation, young orchard; well watered and well timbered ; 4 miles from Northern Gravel Road and 8 miles from Ethel, where a station of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway will be opened this Fall. For -fur- ther particulars address, prepaid, HUGH MUS- TARD, Dingle P. 0., or C. R. COOPER, Land Agent, linleyville. 245-40 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH "FOR SALE, a house and lot on Goderich street. -I- For further particulars, apply to 240-tf M. R. COUNTER, Seaforth. HOTEL FOR SALE IN AINLEYVILLE. Hotel at present occupied by, 'James Leon- -1- ard, will be sold cheap fOr cash. Buildings all new. Possession given immediately. Apply to j. LECKIE. Ainleyville, May 28, 1872. ` 233 • FARM FOR SALIE. VOR SALE, 'one hundred acres of land, being part of Lot 27, Fifth Concession of Tucker - smith, L. R. S., seventy acres cleared and. in a good state of cultivation; thirty acres bush; hewn log barn, frame driving house, stable, sheep -house and sheds, a good spring creek in the front of the lot, and a spring in the rear; as good land as any in the township; four and a half miles from Sea - forth, three from Brucefield. Terms, one-third cash, the remainder in yearly installments. Apply on the premises to ALEX. McCAX, 287 Brupefield P.O. FARM FOR SALE. OUTII HALF of the South half of Lot No. 24, Fifth Concession of the township of Morris, containing 50 acres'35 cleared; well watered by a spring creek; good log house and frame stable. The above farm is only a mile and a half on a good road from the riiiing Village of A inleyville, where a station of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Rail- way will be opened this fall. For price and terms inquire (if by letter, prepaid) of C. R. COOPER, 335 .Ainleyville Land Agency, Dingle P. 0. FARM FOR SALE IN McKILLOP. THE subscriber, being about to leave Canada, of- fers for sale his FARM, Eat half Lot 19, Fourth Concession, McKillop, consisting of 50 acres, 32 cleared, the remainder good hard timber; the farm is in good cultivation, the land clean and free from thistles and weeds; half a mile from a church and a good school -house; four miles from Seaforth ; gravel road passes the door. I will sell the farm alone, or together with the crops, imple- ments and fanm. stoek, as it will best suit the pur- chaser. Twenty-one acres under crop, which promises well. Apply to JOHN C. McICAY, 288 Seaforth P. 0. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. -L-4 OT No. 7, Sixth Concession, Turnberry, consist- ing of 120 acres. nearly 100 being cleated and in a good state of cultivation. There is a good frame barn 55x36, a frame shed 30x60. There is alao a good. bearing orchard. Will be veld on easy tones. Apply on the premises to JAMES H Wroxeter, duly 8, 1872. 240-tf FARM FOR SALE IN HAY. vOR SALE, south part Lot 21, Ninth Concession, -I: Hay, known as the "Troyer Farm ;" one-half mile from Zurich, on the Gravel Road; 70 acres; 50 cleared; dwelling-holfSe and barn; good young bearing orchard; the land is in a good state of cul- tivation and Well fenced. For further particulars apply to • W. G. WILSON, 240*4 Zurich, Ont. FARM FOR SALE IN GREY. LOT No 5, Concession 15, township of Grey, 4-Jcon- taining ninety-six acres; seventy acres cleared. Apply to M. IdeDERMID, Harpurhey. Or to JOHN SILLERS, Grey. 232 FARM FOR SALE IN McKILLOP. VAST half of Lot 24, Eighth Concession, McKil- -1-'1 lop, containing 50 acres, 25 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; 5 acres of a fallow,, and the remaining 20 acres good hard -wood land; a new frame house and stable and a good well; it is situated 5 miles north of geaf orth, and quarter of a mile from the Northern Gravel Road. For further particulars apply on the premises to ROBERT MENAREY, 243-4 Winthrop P. 0. FOR SALE. . A VALUABLE FARM, 100 acres, First Conces- sion, McKillop, near Seaforth, on thc main _gravel road to Goderich ; 85 acres cleared and free of ;stumps, with ten acres of a fallow, the rest under grass; well -watered and fenced, with large frame barn, stable tuidemeath; log farm -house, boarded outside, and good orchard; possession im- mediately; title good and terms easy. For fur- ther particulars apply (if by letter'prepaid,) to 242 LUDWIG.MEYER, Seaforth P. 0. FARM AND PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS FOR. SALE. VOR Sale, Lot No. 29, Con. 7, township of Morris, containing 100 acres, '70 of which are cleared and in a state of good cultivation. The whole is well fenced. There are on the premises a, good frame barn and hewed log -house also, two ; wells and a young bearing orchard. This farm is within one mile of Ainleyville'a thriving village, -where a station of the Wellington, Grey and Brace Railway will be opened this fall, also the breadth Of a lot from the Northern Gravel Road. Also, for sole, a frame dwelling-honse, with the upper part fitted up as a Photograph Gallery. There is a good well and stable on the premises, also a good garden. This property is situated near the business centre of the village of Wroxeter'through which the To- ronto, Grey and Bruce llailway will be running within one year. The whole will be sold on eaey terms. For particulars apply to , C. R. COOPER, 236-13 Land and General Agent, Dingle P. 0. • D. STEWART'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY Is removed to William street, Near the New Presbyterian Church. A FTER MONDAY, llth of Angtist, this Gallery -LI- will be closed on Tuesdays and Fridays until further notice, those two days of each week being employed in taking views of homesteads, farm bnildings, scenery, &c. All parties wanting such work done please call and leave their orders. Clocks carefully cleaned and repaired. 243-13 MONEY TO LOAN. TH1e. subscriber has MONEY to loan to any -L. amount on good fan -a property. Interest, SIX per cent. per annum, when the interest and prin- ciple are paid yearly, and 8 per cent. per annum when the interest only is paid. A G. McDOUGALL, 227-52 At cheap cash Store, sign of the Bear. PURSE FOUND. . POUND, a purse with a small sum of money. -1- The owner can have it on paying for this no - tire, by applying to W. B. WARD, 242 Baker, Seaforth. APPRENTICE WANTED. TANTED immediately, a stout, active lad to learn the Cabinet-makinp business. ly to SPARING & SCOTT, 238 Seaforth, SMOKERS, 001-r .A.T THIS: PACE'S TWIST TOBACCO. GOLD BAR FIG LEAF SOLACE No. 1 MYRTLE NAVY McDONALD NAVY NATURAL LEAF POCKET PIECES SUNSHINE tt tt t t GC PRINCE OF WALES TOBACCO. VOLUNTEERS' CHOICE LITTLE GEM EAGi.,E NAVY McDONALD 8's )c)c POCKET PIECES GOVrRNOR ENRALSON '‘ Fnup CUT CHEWING " -CC C -C SELLING BY LOGAN & JAMIESOA, At SCOTT ROBETSON'S and JOHN LOGAN'S Old. Stands, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. JUST RECEIVED BY M. ROBERTSON & 00. (31- 1\T0 F rit E1 P A Splendid Assortment of Plated Ware, DIRECT FROM StiEFFIELD. LARD, ELEPHANT STOCK'S AND OTHER M HINE OILS. BUILDERS' HARDWARE, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, which we can sell at less than PRESENT Wii0LESAT,P, PRICES. ELF,PlIANT AND JAMES' BRANDS WHITE LEAD. RAW AND PALE BOILED OIL, GLASS, PUTTY, &c. TH14 LARGEST ASSORTMENT- OF CARRIAGE:MAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' HARDWARE In the County. Best AMERICAN WATERLIME and CALCINED PLASTER, Fresh and. Dry, And warranted good. - j WM. ROBERTSON & SPECIAMNDUCEMENTS THIS WEEK T. KIDD'S EVIPORIUM. LN CHILDREN'S MARSELLA ROBES, INFANTS' : SEWEb ROBES, WHITE TOILET QUILTS, WHITE TOILET COVERS, LADIES' WIII.TE AND COLORED SKIRTS, JITST Another Lot of Choice Striped Ottoman Shawls. A LARGE STOCK OF LADIES' COLORED KID GLOVES, FRok 50 CENTS. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. THOS; KIDD, SEAPORT/3. 999_ 01-1E.A.1" 9 9 9 _ CHARLES WILSOAN, MAIN STREET', SEAFORTH, SIGN OF THE 999, Has just received A FINE STOCK OF TEAS, Which he will sell for one rohnth at REDUCED PRICES. $1 Tea for 75ets., 75et. Tea for 50etth SplendielYoung Hyson Tea at 40cts. Remember this is genuine, and now is the time to get CHEAP TEA. SU -GI -ARS_ A large stock of Light and Preserving Sugars cheap and good. Groceries of all kinds, and fresh. -LIQUORS. The hest in the market, Wholesale and Retail. ; ALE AND PORTER In bottles and on draught, always pure and fresh. Highest prices in cash paid for Butter and Eggs, at CHAS. WILSON/IL