HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-08-16, Page 3E GMT 16. 18'72. AUGUST 16, 1872. smisimmuminimmummt' NLEYVILIZ ING MILL, AND BLIND FACTORY itaving bought out the above of the late firm, is mei% >niers in his line of business. nd HAND A,ND TO ORDER 'shortest notice. a PLANING fly attended to. 'ff ALWAYS ON HAND AND eptly supplied. JAMES BENNETT. 1872. esee.,17 PLANING MILL, ND BUND FACTORY e leave to thank untrierone lateral patronage ex tendeel to ig business inSeatorth, end rth coutiauarxee 0- build irou:td do well to give rontinue to keep on hand a of lCE LUMBER, 8 'MOULDINGS, LATH, Erre. f giving satisfaction, to those lith their patronage, as none e are employed. ion paid to, etistam Planing. H. BROADF()0T-------------------------, MBINATION. (WELTY WOKS. 'MARTIN hanks to hi ens -to -mere and enerous patronage since &s- leeve. Worke, and begs to re - ell who relay require any- -following it ef prices, at ) fel-Irish work of a. quality 'l in,. thee trade rom.- . . 3 50 S..e.15 end upwards. per 1000—, . . 2 1 BOARDING per MOD... 4 done by the piece or set. 3, MACHINES. times to repair the wood-. enwing maeldnes, and, in M, that can be mentioned. MAKERS. .-et also beg to inform Wag- thar he k.eeps constantly., it Stuff suitable -for their armers, and the public a the above articles e with their patronage, as' L.ve facilities fax doing this - and be surpassed. i L MARTEN. 228 oois SITES-TANTIA STYLISH RVGGYe? " GRASSIE :MTH, Ie a number of handsome '.'GGIESall well finished vel best materiee_klee, WAGONS, tat. and ease in running reauttfacturer in. the TAGONS on Itand, and els as cheap as any other Itnittig ettenaded to promptly. I TO SEE NICE? eatorth, th looking at in the RE - large quantity of TIME eor 47, QUALITY, Ong to see. •bertson`e Haedware 217 E ST • 3 LJT ER'S r,LE. _Bureaus. •.. cc SP Life "—The whisky mai factoring libtttilesilWilsP, after watch'citi the burning of the school -house El the novelty of the thing had ceased Butt ted down the street, saying, ctri glad the old thing burned down, didn't have my jogfry lesson, n g fl e 1 e ' f __ The Irishman had a correc appreciation of the business,. who being asked by the judge, when h applied for a license to sell whisky if he was of a (toed moral character replied; " Faith, yer honor, I don' aee the necessity of a good mora character to sellwhisky." A gentleman, Using his bes endeavors to escape treading on th long walking train of a fatly, dicl not succeed. when the lady turned Ivor). him fiercely., and gave him some of long -after -marriage style o language. Broken-hearted, the gay bachelor responded, " Madam, I again humbly be your pardon ; I thought you had passed some time ago." — A one -legged Welsh orator named Jones was pretty successful in bantering an Irishman, when the latter asked him, "How did vou come t& lose yous leg?' " said Jones, "on examining my ped- igree, and looking up my descent, I found there was some Irish blood in me, and becoming convinced it had settled id that left lea, I had it cut off at once." " Be the powers," said Pat, " it would have been a deuced - good thins. if it had, only settled in you ilea." --" That man," said a wag, "came to this cit forty years ago, purchased a basks and commenced gathering rags. 1ow much do you suppose -he is w rth now?".We gave it up. " • °thing," he ccin- tmued, after a_pa se, "and he owes f• or the basket." =--S4mebody as been scolding because his milkm n gives him small measure. He ha since discovered that his cat takes a liberal' percent- age out of the m lk every morning before the! memb Is of the family get up. That r minds us of an- other milk story. One of our milk- men lately brou ht in a bill for a menth's supply ; the- purchaserayb- jeeted-s-said he h. d put tickets in the pail every mo ning, but a care- ful watch nexb ay revealed the fact that asy olid Tom had stolen the tickets, drank. if the milk,- and then bought an ex ra pint when the milkman came ground an hour afterwards. Theilast story is true, but the other looks a little euspic- ious.— Waterbury:American. • ob. Freshest Gleanings. " Vegetable widows " they call then) - in Kansas. = • —Egypt lately sent out thirty three ear loads of peaches. — St. Joseph, Mo., boasts a Stalk of corn thirty-three feet high. — A hose and hydrant at Des Moines throws' water 109 feet high. — They havei ripe figs on their own trees at South Haven, Mich. — Mary E. 0-allup, of Stoning ton, Conn., is abride, aged fourteen. A Mr. Forsitdenhogenstiefel has established a laundry at Terra Haute. -- A cloud -burst in Southern Oal- ifrna lately destroyed a whole vine- --Minnesota lately had a water- spout four\miles wide. The papers say so. 7- A half century ago tomatoes were called love apple; and were considered poisonous. - Indiana mule has killed its owner, and cracked the skull of another man. —A council meeting without a fight is considered worthy of record in. Kansas City. — A poet in the Des. Moines Re- publican wants a bell that -will "peel on tbe.rnidnight air." -- A. two-year-old pig in Spring- field, Kentuakys is seven feet four inches long, and weighs 894 lbs. Water-melous and peacbes are a drug in the maiket at Knoxville, Tenn., though not sold in drug stores. — A KanS=IS City man growls at his ill -luck because he has been pre- vented from committing suicide six times. — The members of a brass band in Washington, Ga., have been re- ported to the council for tooting too loud. ECM Judy Colby, a Savannah ne- gress, was bitten by a rattlesnake a few days ago. The snake died, but 11-920 will she didn't. A Scientific Gat. De la, Croix once witnessed a dis- play of extraordinary sagacity : " I once saw," he says, " a lecturer on exof,rimental philosophy place a cab unclpy a glass receiver of an air - pump, for the purpose of demonstrat- ing that very certain fact that life cannot be supported without air. The lecturer had already made sev- eral titrokes with the piston, in order to exhaust.; the receiver, when the animal, who began to feel herself very uncomfortable in the rarified atmosphere, was fortunate to dis- t cover the source w once luss uneasi- • nem proceeded. S'h placed her paw on the hole thron h which, the air escaped, and thus prevented any more from passing out of the re- ceiver. A 11 the xestions of the phikosohpher wore ow unavailing; in 'kin he drew he piston-_.th cat's paw effectual y. prevented its operation. Hoping to effect his purpose, he let ai again into the receiver, which, as soon as the cat perceived, she dre\ her- paw from the aperture ; but henever he at- tempted to exhatist the receiver, she applied her pais as •efore. All the spectators clapped their hands in admiration of the w e nderful sagacity of the animal, and t electurerfound himself under the n cessity of liber- ating her, and sub titutin,g in her place another that possessed less penetration,and en i bled him to ex- hibit the cruel exp riment. -- Cas- sell'Natural Hi y. FLOUR! TTAVDTG purohased and t oroughly refitted the inilia forinerly owned by he Messrs. SCOBIE-, I am now prepared to insults FAMILY Second. to NONE INSAFORTH, And that 3111 Compare favorably wit any in the Do, pinion If you 3;ant A 1 Yle010 Dealers and ask for MAR MARSHALL'S FLOUR: W. SCOTT ROBER J. WHITESIDE, ' SIMON POWELL, Or at W. MARSHA Orders left with W. S. promptly attended to. Parties who wish to Exchange Wheat for Flour,. • Are certain to receive proper Cnantity, and an arta ele that will defy competition. • W. MARSHALL. , go to the following HALL'S—Remember SON, L'S Mills. BEOTSON will e -186-tf • ••••••m•••••••••• HURRAH FOR 1872.. - WM. AULT, MAIN STREET, SEAPORTII, JJAS ON HAND a snperio- stock Jf FAMILY GROCERIES, embracing Teas of the best brands, Sugais, Raisins, etc. !Also, Crockery and Glaseware, and every other art ale usually -opt in a first-class Grocery Store. PROVISI NS, Such as Flour, Oat and Corn- cll, Potatoes-, Pork, etc., also, every dcsthiption of FEED, Stich as Oate,yeas, Bran and host's, all of which will be sold cheiti)er than the cheapest. 112.no.moucE. . ; The highest market price peed .for all kinds of Farm Produce. Remember the place, Maii street, East side, opposite Coventry's Boot and. Si �e Store, Seaforth. 213 WM. AULT. Black IS ear RECEIVI G NEW SPRIN GOODS TO BE SO D ' 'AT OLD FRI E. • .This is the Spot to buy 1 heap for .Cash or Butter.. Bear in mind, MAIN STREET, S A. G. McD FAR1V1E SELL YOUEi. TO WM. 'TOON SON, 77, AFO-RTH. UGALL. EGGS • OF THE ONEWILLE CROCEY (Logau's Ohl Sta (10 pay the HIGHEST ttICE in CASH, for aty quantity f GOOD IA.RESTI ?G -GS, . Delivered at his ete Groceries&Pr FOR SALE CLT FLOUR AND of everydeseeiption;ekept cOnstan eluding Shearson & Co.' Corne One, Come AlioviYo the Cash. THO Egmen visions AP. EED, ly on hand, in - No. 1. Egge and get ISON; iillo Grocery. • 1HE UM? 111.OR. gItt arta n ChittiOtor X muslin") EVERY FR AY MORNL, • s IN S AFORTH• TEntis.—$1.50 per ear iu advance, or end of heyea. A.dverti TR First insertion, per 1 sertions, 2 cents each. t . . CONTR One column one year 44 ' Ing itat=• NSIENT. ne, 8 cents subsequent in me, per line. ICT RATES. $60 OiD 14 SI hall it 85 44 8 months 20 OD00 Half " one year 1 85 OD ( t e half l4 20 OD " " 8 months . 12 00 One-fourth one year ' 14 4 hall e 20 00 , go t.t ha _ " 8 months 12 00 . 8 On One-eighth one year 12 00 1 5 4 i thulf t $ 800 " 8 months . ..... .. . . . ....... 500 ,One -twelfth one year 8 09 I I 44 half At • 5 00 " "- 8 months . 8 01:1 Business Cards, (6 lines and under, V. year.. 4 00 Advertisement"; of , trayed,1 Lost, Found, &a.) not exceeding 10 lintel And month, $]; after first month, 50 cents each menth. Advertisements of Tr' lots and. REAL ESTATE fax sale, not exceeding 1 lines—first month, $1 50; each subsequent month 75 cents. . Births, Marriages, De the—Gratis. Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid, a d charged accordingly. Mo AN BliOTITFIRS, Mune Y. MoLitAtt, i Publishers. A-LLAN BICTJEAN. J• • The Victoria C Sole Proprietors and brated Victoria Carbolic and Works, Victoria Ha Ont. The iollowing Gouuin all Druggists. Be euro, PREPARATIONS, and see micas COmpany, anufacttirers of the Cele - Preparations. Laboratory , Melinda Street, Toronto, Preparations are sold by nd ask for the ITICT0,11/A hat you lgot them. Victoria Carbola ed Glycerine Jelly. - • This JELLY is highly re ornmendecl to Ladies es a moat agreeable Prepare, ion for 1 the Toilet. Fax Beautifying the Comp' -xion, and rendering the Skin Soft, White, Clear, and fre,t) from Dryness, it is unrivalled. It will qu'ckly remove all Redness, Roughness, Tan, Frecki s, I =pies, and other im- perfections. For Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Frost Bites and Sore Lips, it c nnot be surpassed. Prioe 11c Toilet Soap. 25 cente. Victoria Carb This TOILET 'So tP pos esses all the well-Imown antiseptic and aleinfedi g properties of Carbolic Acid, is agreeably ecente 1, has a healthy action on the skin, pie:rents irrita ion, removes the effects of perspiration, and shot 1 .be regularly' -used by famine* Cholera, Sma pox and Fever Patients should be washed with t 'a -Soap ; and its We by -persons liable to infectio will materially prevent the spread of disease. P -'ce 15 cents per Tablet Victoria C bolic Salve. This SALVE"iS a rapid c re for all Skin Diseases, Outs, Wounds, Bruises, urns; Sores, Ulcers, Ring- worm, Tetter, Eczema, cald Head, Scurvy, Abs- cesses, Boils, Pimples, -c. It possesses- all the cleansing and healing Nirtnes of Carbolic Acid, which has been found be Physicians everywhere to possess curative qualit es not discovered in any other chemical proparati n. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbo c Gargarysma. This G ix the mos reliable and efficacious Remede in all cases of . ore Throat, Hoarseness, Diptherm, Bronchitis, ritntiou of the Bronchial Tubes so common in t is changeable climate, Asthma, ;Offensive Breat Ulcerated Grime, and all diseates of the Moo h. Fax Public Speakers and Singers it is iuvalunbi o... The ingredients er- tering into this Gargle ar . used by all Physicians, and for the cure of the : bove disorders are now, undoubtedly, the no: -4 opular in the .....mArEnt.t MEDIOA. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbo c Disinfectant. This DISINFECTANT IR' a s 're preventive of Typhus and Typhoid Fevers, Choi ira, Smallpox, and all in- fectious diseases. It wi 1 prevent Contagion in Cattle. It is also lumina lo for Disinfecting Wa- ter Closets, Drains, Cesep els, Stables, Slaughter- houses, &c., and fax dest eying nauseous effluvia . from whatever cause arid g. • It will drive away Mosquitoes, Moths, Flies; Oockroaches, &c. Moat, Fish, &c., can he preserve( from putrefaction by its nae. Carbolic Acid was se ected by Her Majesty's Royal Commissioners, in preference to all other preclude, as the best Die' 'octant for the preven- tion of infectious. diseases Price 215 cents. victoria Sharpening-: d Polishing Paste . i This PREPARATION iS u eqnalled in its rapidity ior Sharpening and Polish ng Cutlery. Table and Pocketlinives, Razors, Sue 'cal Instruments, Shoo - makers' Knives Plano Bit and Chisels, &c. Noth- ing has ever been disco' red which has sprung Into popularity more qu ckly, or become of so d much value in every hon ,e old an workshop for general usefulness. Price 2-5 cents.l 230 CAUION .To the Public of -the Brit'sh Provinces of North Amer JVEG most JesPectfully of the Eritieh North .-in May, 1871, I caused the Lane, New York, for the and OintmenMvvhich wer pared by Wilkie Brow closed. I regret to say .t know that the umuageme had for some years, in ing y ways, been most cor- rupt, and it may be that The Pills and Ointment were not prepared with th cure I have always de- sired. Those who do. not lieh to be deceived by buying spurious medicines whieleare now likely to emanate trona the States o • elsewhere, to possess themselves of the gentrin Hollowey's Pills and Ointment, manufactured 1 y rue in 'London, Eng- land, will dowell to see butt each pot and box bears the British Goeornment stanip, on which is engraved the words, " Holl way's P11s aud Oint- label is 5813, ey aro manu- faotnred, and in no other p rt of th world. The retell prices are on the labels in British .currency, and not in dollars and mite. No representative _of mine will ever travel th British Provinces or the U seU or -to take orders for rn' -eid RS I hRTO reason to bel ca. • to acquitint the public erican Provinces that usiness at 80 Maiden - le of 11 illoway's Pilis up to that time pre- , now deceased, to be at I have reason to t of the late busineas ment, end that the addres 011 the Oxford -street, London, wh re only t ciugh any part of the ited States, either to Pills and Ointment., eve that attempt); will probably be made todeceiv the public in this way by persons calling upon Medicine yendorS, Neely tiding forme and with I deem it advisable to d against any such de - entreat all those who t that they be pleased, inn twice te the purport • that they may not be representing that they are my knowledge and consent, put the public on their gun ceptions. I Most earnestb may read this advertiseme in the public interest, to co of the same to their friend defrauded of their motley ly purchasing, perhaps, worthless _imitations of tl e genuine Holloway's Pills and Ointment.. I welt id ask, at; a groat favor, that, should it cone) to the,knowledge of any per- son thatspurious medicine- aro being made or wild iu my nante, he be pleased :0 aoncl mo all the par- ticulars he can collect respecting the same, that is to,say, the name and addres of the vendor who is selling the spurious medic ries, and likewise the name and address of the House in the United.. States or elsewhere, which n ay have supplied them so as to enable me, fax the troteetion of the pub- lic, to institute n!..occedin fs against such evil- doers, and I engage to i•tuan ierate very handsome- ly any person who may give me such. information, the informane8 118 0)0 never being divulged. Should any pereon have ron. on to believe that ho has been deceived by bnyin spurious imitations of these medicines, he will do will to send nio, in a letter, to the address at fo it (which he can do 'at a cost of six. cents in postegi ), ono of the books of :instruction which aro eflixei :Ise to examine it and send a ithe medicines are genuine o irione, he -piny apply to the 'purchase'.l them to have his Chemist"; and Drnggists w medieines can 1)(1 snepleed fl t the lowest wholesale -.es than et,20 worth— dozen boxes of Pills 'Rhea -discount, for ut in advance. to the same. I prom- -eply, stating whether not, so lhateif ersim from whom he noney retnrned. ilesire to obtain the prices, in quantities r,f not 1 viz., 8s. Gd., '22a. ami I pte or pots of .Ointnient, net, which remittence innet be •;)-; I have the honor to be- With great re Tett, T11031 -S HOLLOWAY, 558, Orford street, (bite 214 8 trand,) London, Oat. 1, 1871. • - 240.26 EXECUTORS' NOTICE is hereby given 0 nil parties hiving claims against the estate et the. iate George R. Ross, Or the firm cf Wright & Boo, of Ainley - rifle, in the Connty of I[uron , to hand the same to the undersigned. Ezeentom er to, Geo. H. Wnght, on or before the lqt clay of July iiext, am, after that date, the affairs of the 6state•will be closed up and no further claims . Also, all parties iniZebtedn the above estates, either by note or book acconnt, are requested to call and settle the same forthwith.Payment of notes or accounts may be Made to George H. Wright or to the undersigned executors. JOHN- LECNIE, ) WM. GRAHAM, it- Executors. JOHN -1411GUSON, Ainleyville, April 24, 1872. - Lots 104 and 105, Ainley's Survey, in the village of Ainleyville, estate of the -ate George 11.*Ross, for sale. Term, cash. 229 AnnI111111111•111111111111111111111111•11.11eniney DUNCAN DUNCAN, LATE E. HICKSON 81: CO., Having purchased the Stock of Dry Goods, Ready-niade Clothing, Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishings, and Boots and Shoes, of E. Hickson & Co., are now carry- ing on business in their old stand, and will coninue to sell Goods at OLD PRICES. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, AS USUAL. LOOK. OUT FOR ADVERTISEMENT ANNOUNCING NEW STOC JUL1US -DUNCAN. HARNESS, HARNES Great Variety AT WILSON' SEAFORTH, TRUNKS of all kinds, VALISES—not a few, WHIPS—of all sorts, coLws—an sizos. Bru8kes, Cittry-009711.18, Garde. All pricos—from 10 cents up. Bells, Blankets, Circingles, Saddles, And in feet everything 'usually found in a first- class Saddler's Shop, and at prices extremely low. • JAMES -WILSON • Takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous friends and customers for the liberal support ex- bdriet attention to businese and manufactn ng tended toward him for the past year and hopes by a first-class article to merit a fair share of the pat- ronage of the many. Renu-mber the Sign of the "GOLDEN SAnLE."- 215 DANIEL MeGREGOR1 Bookbinder, Itarpurhey, Seaforth, 1 JJ'just received a largo Stook of the materiiis -L-2- used in the business, and is now fully.preper- ed to execute, on the shortest notice and in the latent styles, all orders ho may be favoured with. REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK BOOKS, • OP ANY RIND, . Ruled, Printed and inade to order, on the shortest notice, and at prices which defy competition. Ladies' Work Boxes (6 J!ancy Cases Made to order. -OLD AND NEW BOOKS Bound and repaired at city prices. • Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books, at the "Signal" Book Store, Goderich, or, at the °Expositor" office, Seaforth,. or at J. R. Grant's Ainleyville, stating style, may rely upon there being well bound. All eenunnnications addressed to the undersign- ed, will receive prompt attentioy, DANIEL McGREGOR, Seaforth, (Harpurhey.) MOULDING & PAPER THE undersigned has on hand a splendid lot of ROSEWOOD AND GILT MOUL tiiNG. Also, i Fine Lot of Straw ,WRAPPING PAPER, FOR SALE, CHEAP. Now is the time to buy as it 18 on the rise. C. ARMSTRONG. Main Street, Sea forth. 221. ROOMS TO LET. TO LET, in Scott's Block, two commodious -L. Rooms on the second fiat: Apply to 195 McCAUG H 14,Y & HOT,M8TED. COOPERS WANTED, IXT.ANTED I AIM EDIATELY, Eleven good Y iboopers, to work at Salt Barrels. (Apply to - JOHN G. ARENT. Seaforth, May 22, 1572. 2r10 K., DUNCAN ett DUNCAN. THOMAS W. DUNCAi. GREAT ATTRACTIONS IN FRESH GROCERIES At THOS. LEE'S 'CHEAP FLOUR &FEED STORE. Don't forget that THOS. LEE'S is the place for THE BEST TEAS AT THE LOWEST PRICE. . i Don't forget to try THOS. LEE'S 60cent Tea. There is nothing to equal it at the price: FRUIT of all kindse fresh and cheap. Don't forget that T1I0.8. LEE keeps Shearson's XXX FLOUR,' OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, CRACKED WHEAT, GRAHAM FLOUR, COARSE GRAINS, and Feed of every kind. TWO AND A HALF -TONS OF THE CHOICEST BACON, ONE DOZEN BARRELS MESS PORK, With a full stock of everything in the general provision line P. S.—Lots of No. 1 SHINGLES and CEDAR POSTS Constantly on hand at the lowest prices. .•••*1.143.f.181111.1045E, The attention of Ladies is particularly directed to our stock of Prunella Boots and Broadway Ties. qPRING STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES.—The Best and Cheapest in the Market.—McINTYBE & WILLIS, Main -street, Seaforth, have just received a very line stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes, suitable for spring and summer wear, all of which will be sold at the or.n en.rozs, for cash.— The very latest styles, and a the beat and most substantial manufactures—Custom- work of all kinde promptly attended to.—A neat article and a good fit guaranteed. Repairing—MI kinds of work repaired, no matter where made, on the shortest notice. MeINTYRE & WILLIS, First door South of John Loguree. u •