The Huron Expositor, 1872-08-09, Page 6THE -EURO XPOSITOR. Health in Harvest. Harvest time brings not only the hardest work but the most inclement weather of the season. During the excessive heats of midsummer, the work of the farm is hurried through without stop,. or barely time for rest. The excessive labor, mental. excite- ment, and often very un wise ex- posure, result- not uncommonly in nervi` us or physical prostration, and soteett `nes in sunstroke. .and c fatal diseases. There is no re e by mere exposure to heat. or se labor should necessarily produce slick effects but there are substantial rea- neglect more in - cin icing en the rinking to ex - 'inking ty, and lgence. rofuse '°daces resist - e is no liquid rdinary times. and.a listed, t with plain invig- raril y es and anger - at all, up of eet in 1 ice- d con- - cold n the olthe. and abs :r hat piece f the give k of of k is omit- hol6. soap with vent and, a(Icu- res of fe,l-. ther asun 'ere SOILS why imprudence and should do this. Nothing is furious than the habit of d spirituous liquors in any, ev smallest quantity, .•or of d water to excess while exposed cessive heat. Habits of di are formed without necess are fed and increased by indu Profuse drinking produces p perspiration, and thisagainpr thirst. If t he first desire • is ed, it is vanquished, and tiler o need any greater supply of to the system than under_. o circumstances and at other If drink is absolutely needed, desire arises that cannot be re it is better to quench the thirs cold tea or toast water than cold water. It refreshes and orates, while water only tempo slakes the thirst and relax weakens the syseen . ' It is d ous to drink very cold liquids and it will be four' that a c warm tea will have' wore:, effe the heated body tha ' cold water. When in a heate dition with violent exercise, water poured for a minute o inner part -of the wrists will co blood gradually but rapidly, with safety, A handful of gr. grape leaves placed within the - will keep the head cool, and a of linen lining from the hack o hat, and covering the neck, will complete protection to _the bac the head. When the . day's w done, a bath should never be ted ; not, a partial bath, hut the w body should be sponged I.with and water,; and briskly rubbed a coarse towel. This .will pre sleeplessness, relieve fatigue, above all things, remove the mula,ed discharge fiom the po the skin, and will permit on the lowing day the escape of the insensi- ble perspiration, the stoppage of ' which tends to produce congestion of the system, and often results in fatal sunstroke, All the hired .help should be provided with facilities for making these evening a.blutiot and encouraged to perform them. Next to perfect cleanliness, diet is important. Severe work should not be performed while the stomach is empty nor -immediately after eating. The food should be of the most easily digested and cooling character, and free from salt. Salt pork should be avoided and the egg -basket or the chicken roost should be taxed for supplies as far as pos_'gible, Bread• milk, .vegetables, rice, cheese and mutton should be the farmer's food, and baeon,and buckwheat cakes, and pork and beans should be postponed to the Winter. Nothing is better than, half an hour before retiring at night if the appeeite desires it, to take e a pint of fresh milk and a slice • of bread broken up in it, eaten cold. Milk taken by itself curdles in a mass in the stomach and•is not easi- ly digestible, bait mixed with bread is very easily digested because it can- not become a solid mass and is easi- ly reduced. Such diet, with a pure skin, a clear conscience, and 'Limeys a separate garment for the might, will not fail to bring that sleep which " to the laboring tan is sweet" and "which is inperateee1y needed. How- to Raise Money. The .L' To2e11 Chinca .Sews tells the following : A extraordinary leak has been performed byy P a Buddhist priest, with the view of raieira money to build a temple at Soocla•et c, whence the man head come on a beg- REP ging expedition. He found peopleb I am prepaxecd indifferent to .his ia11, of reaping holy object, ala , feet, every other very unwilling to part with their Loses babbitetl. dollars, With actevotion more than l TO WA worthy of the cause, he resolved to stir up sense- interest and met, t on and -Carriage Mal era that he keeps constantly b door as was a c bars ne site of room i and ou might the se being e priests. painful able for ed him water, all appe examin beat 64 arae wa his rel and sold every n weight suit of c -tions wit many times over. The cage lose one, with a few open r the 'bottom for the admin- ir. It was placed in a joss- Hoopeh road, passing in of which a crowd of people e seen day and ,night, during en days, religious exercises gaged in the while by the The devotee endured his incarceration with remark- itude, the only relief afford- eing an occasional glass of nd be emerged looking to rance little the worse. On tion, his pulse was fhund to and was steady, while his ,moist though hot. After se, the cage was broken up piecemeal to the Chinese, it bringing more than its n silver. The desired re- lling forth liberal subscrip- alsoattained. Amon Chinese, marryin to bury t til their celebrate women delge in tale seas secluded music of youths c Who can peculiar ed by the •Kea-yew- preferenc leafing - balls wit throw the they, desi together ' gagement• of Mico 1 •the same h lent 'co th ever - diffe clan know may be in point of wear false yet establi hair, they the tails o hinese Customs: • certain tribes of the widows make a point of re- , but they invariably wait eir : departed husbands un - nuptials have been again The . young men„ and f the Chay-chai tribe in - moon -light pic-nits at ter- ns of the year, when, in lens, the girls sing to the heir lovers' guitars. The oose as their wives those ost charm their ears. nd fantastic device is adopw youths and maidens Qf the hung tribe to maik their for one another. In the with" they make colored. strings attached, and at those whose affections to gain. Tying the balls s considered a formal en- of marriage. In one clan e act of drinking out of rnis considered as equiva- marriage bond. How- ent from, ourselves the as. the " Flowery Miao" most respects, there is one 'esernblance---the women hair. As they have not hed a market_ in human ake what they want from horses.: INLE'VILLE PLAI ING MILL, SASS, DO {►'R AND BLIND FACTORY The snbsori Mill, also the prepared to fill Sash, D MAD 10 GUST HO`USE BLOCI er having bought out the above good -ill of the late firer, is now 11 orders•in his line of business. ors and Mouldings N HAND* AND ' TO ORDER the shortest notice. M PLANING tricctly attended to. NG ALWAYS ON HAND AND iomptl3 supplied. TRUNKS of all kinds, JAMES BENNETT. Ainley-ville, M y 16, 1872. 282-47 Black Bear IS RECEIVING NEW SPRING GOODS TO BE SOLD AT OLD DICES. This is the Spot to buy Cheap for Cash or Butter, Bear in mind, 777, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. A. G. McDOUGALL. FARMERS SELL YOUR EGGS TO WM. THOMSON, OF THE ECMONDVILLE GROCERY (Logan's Old Stand,), who will pay the. HIGHEST PRICE in CASH, for any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS, • Delivered at his store. Grot er es&Provjsjons FOR SALE CHEAP. FLOUR AND FEED, of every daacription, kept constantly on hand, in- cluding Shearson & Co.'s No. 1. Come Ode, Come All, with your Eggs and got the Cash. WM. THOMSON, Egmondville Grocery. HARNESS, HARNESS. Great Variety AT WILSON'S SEAFORT'ii, SEAEOR SASH, 000' Tat i•; subscribe], customers fo him since comm trusts that he m o1 the slime. Parties inton him a call; as ho .large stock of all DRY PH PLANING MILL, r AND BLIND FACTORY begs leave to thank his numerous the liberal patronage extended to nig business in Seaforth, and be favored with a continuauco to build would do well to give -11 continuo to keep on hand a ds of PINE LUMBER, DOORS, B ,INDS, MOULDINGS SHINGLES, . LATH ETC. He feels confide. t •ef giving satisfaction to those who may favour h with their patronage, as none but first-class wor.. r en are employed. ti Partictilar'a tention paid to Custom Planing. 201 JO N H. 3 BROADFOOT. ti ANTI COMBINATION, • SEAFORTH NOVELTY WORKS. VALISES—not a few, WHIPS—of n1 sorts, COLLARS—all sizes. Brushes, Carry -Combs, Cards. - All prices—from 10 cents up. Bells, Blankets, Circingles, Saddles, And in fact tf••erything usually found in a first- class Saddlei!s $hop, and at prices extremely low. ° TAMES WILSON Takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous friends and customers for the liberal support ex- teuded toward hini for the past year and hopes by strict attention to business and mannfactnring a first-class article to merit a fair share of the pates renege of tho many. Remember the Signa of the " GOLDEN SADDLE." 215 DANIEL McGREGOR isookbinder, Harpurhey, Seaforih, HAS just received a large Stock of the materials used in the bneiness; and is now fully prepar- ed to execute,on tho shortest notice and in the lateet styles, all orders he maybe favoured with. REGISTERS, LEDGERS & -BLANK BOOBS, OF ANY -BIND, algid, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, and at prices which defy competition- Ladies' Work Boxes cC Fancy Cases I. Made to order. OGD AND NEW BOOKS ,TOH 11L MARTIN WISHES to rot In thanks to his "customers and friends for t it generous patronage since as- suming charge'of be above Works, and begs to re- quest the attentio t of all who may require any- thing iu his line t the following list of prices, at I which he is proper d to furnish work ofu quality that cannot -be sur asset' inntlie trade': HORSE RA rS ,•__. - $ 5 00 FARM GAT r S. from... 8 50. WAGON R• CICS.,..---.. 7 00 W TrRELB . ROWS. 4 75- LAN]7 RUL JEl.s.:_$15 and up yards. db. be SUB -FACE DRES FLOORING and b SCROLL SAW' Bound andTepairod at city prices. Persons residing at a distance by leaving their ooks•+tt the "Si.gnal" Book Store, Godoticia or, at the "Expositor"office, Seaforth, or at J. R. Grant's Ainleyri le, stating style, may rely upon them ing well bound. All eoanntnnications addressed to the undersign; ed, will seccive prompt attention. DANIEL McGIIEGOR, Seaforth, (Harpurhey.) ING, per 1000....1 $ 2 vele(' BOARDING per1000... 4 S.G datte by the piece or: set. INC MACHINES. all tines to repair the wood - id mowing machines, and, in Bine that.ean he mentioned. ON. 11IA:1ERS. The hndersi ;nod voukl also beg to inform Wag - money t0 flow in by an extraordinary I work. .on baud, i-'1 lands o Bent :Stuff sealable for their expedient. E[e aunounced among the Chinese that lie would allow- 1 Carpenters, Build rs, Punnets, :grad the public t eenztlac- in nct�d f ant of the sibovo _articles himself to be locked ►'p in a Wooden it•ould cit hell to fnv r me v ith their patronage, as box for seven days, duI'ing which in raj epi premises, Y ha,.y ttec it esfordoing this bras:ch of �vor4 SvhiU• :cannot d>:e stulias.5e'd, period he would remain in an up• OHN M. MART [N.. right position, awl without food 01' Seufiith Novelty ' rizs, Sleep. vel Wednesday afternoon he i-aoderich Street. 228 , was accot'dinghr platted in a cage i *HO WANTS about 2 ;= fret wide and 51: feet high r r usv sulhc etrtIy largo ' ! I WA, or a 1+ce STYLISH BUGGY o to admit him . standing u[rright._. The bottom of I— WILLIA GRASSIE, the cage xvaas .studued with ie,tils, so SE ,tufa, I, that his feet should have space only 1 Epson hand•and1. r sale a number of handsome ! single and tlssosit lletweell the nails sufficient for them and auaianfnetniewR�f to rest on; and 1. c:onple of slight . letIMBE GOOD SUBSTANTIAL bars in front formed a lest for his which, for excellence arms. The native public were fa- I .cannt'it'be surpassed 1 sited to urove the genuine chai'act<:. 1 Province. A few DEMOCI;A of' the mortification, by locking th6 uioremalci 'ILLL•liaing. 'G1L SSI establishment iia tun C . BLAC And General Job W good teen thelnselvee, if they pleased, and about 30 people brought locks of different: kinds and Sectored the i WHY ARE LAZARUS, MORRIS & CO'S BtGGIES, all well _finished I 1-1In Spectacles � c1e5 LIKE 1BRIGHAM YOUNG 0 TRIAL FOR yMUR.DER ? '`oTreta Any person sending the answer to the above to the Agent, M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, within the next thirty days, will re- eine an order -from L. M. & Co. for e pair of their superior new pattern Eyre Glasses. e I my`vcst iu;itetial. Alo, 1 • LIME. L6 M E. WAGONS, THE .Snb?ctibers, tiering leased the lime aa. 1 ry hale%ng toAf a A. Wilson, Silver Ca ek, 1 bnild, and ease in rtnining Seaforth, it hitt' ng built it splendid new Kiln, on v any manufacturer in the the moat appro' es `principle, capable of turning out 200 busht'1 - per day, are prepared to furnishany. on haiul, and gnnutity 9 Piof ra Be.s1 Quality of Lrtt. tf, .. sells as cheap as any other At FI TKEN� CI NTS a bushel. unty. MITRING No afr•slitked Lime kept or sold. rk utteuded to prompt! ng"`1 f SL.1Ti:;T; & 13>;p y. �,3 • Huron Road, Seaforth. AUGT ' ' - 9, 1872. GREAT A V• RACTIONS IN FRESH GROCERIES At . THOS LEE'S CHEAP FLOUR & FEED .STORE. Don't forgot that THOS. LEE'S is the place for THE BEST TEAS AT THE LOWEST PEICE. Don't forget to try THOS. LEE'S 60 cent Tea. There is nothing to equal it at the price. FRUIT of all kinds, fresh and cheap. Don't forget that THOS. LEE keeps Shearson's E XXX FLOUR, OATMEAL CORNMEAL, CRACKED WHEAT, GRAHAM FLOUR, COARSE GR AIl!I S, and Feed of every kind. TWO AND A HALF TONS OF 'THE CHOICEST 'BACON, ONE DOZEN BARIIEL ' MESS PORK With a fell stock of everything in the general provision line P. S.—Lots of No. 1 SHINGLF,S and CEDAR POSTS Constantly on hand at tho lowest prices. S1G INT oP t1'HE THE BEST SELECTION OF HAYI ° G AND HARVEST TOOLS, AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE To be found iu the County of Huron. Call, see and buy tho NEW PATENT SCYTHE; AND T H r.; IMPROVED ENGLISH METROPOLITAN RIM ANfi MORTICE LOCKS. A large stock of ELEPHANT .BRAND WHITE LEAD, the best in ase. A FEW MORE of those, JUSTLY CELEBRATED HORSE POKES on hand. BLACKMITHS' SUPPLIES of all kinds. All the above, at old prices, at WM. ROBERTSON _ & CO.'S. THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE 'Ilia THAT THE GARDNER� ��� SEWIN MACHIN. Is superior to any now in the Market. Having been examined and tried by the most skilful mechanics and boat judges es the co and by thorn awarded Prizes at all: the principal E nn canusing the 1 1 Exhibitions held throughout the Dominion during the present year; and although all th? leading Machines were arra ed against it, the GARDNER PATENT has been doelared VICTORIOUS OVER ALL COMPETITOR, upon every test, and now stands foremost ,r�;E tiara' OF 1'herankofsewers. PRI CB 1 '8 71 Prize at Toronto. First Prize at London-ihagroat �'4' ;Crst • Central" Fair. First P gleet Cen ti . Fir,,t Prize at St, Catherutes, County of Lincoln. Fist Prize t Chatham, ats , Cou Guelph—the f Kent. First Prize at Waterloo, County of Waterloo. First PrizePette Orangeville, Chatham, Counts of Firj;t Prize in Mono, County of Peol. ii irst Prize in Cnledon, County t SoCounty ofe t Wel. landport, County of Welland. First Prize at Ottcrvi11e County of . Seco, First Prize o Wel: Fair, Kingston, Diploma at Hamilton, and yarions County Slio ofsOxford' Second Prize tit Provinci$1 This boautifttl specimen of mechanical ability is a purely Canadian invention, surpassing ' durability, and usefulness any other Sewing Machine now in the market whether of Canadian or English manufacture, o simplicity, It will hero, cord, braid, tuck, gather, quilt, fell, and do all an d every:American, Manufacturing Work, uz°iug all kinins of threat'. It has a most omp o kindET OF AT Sewing and light BUY NO QTHER. If the price is a little higher than s me others, it is the cheapestinh� end. , Send for Circulars and Samples. GARDNEIL SEWING. MAOHINE COMPANY, HAMILTON, S.—Intending . • k , dt gaged state, to mak g h ,t GP. S. ng purchase -,, should not be misled by unscrupulous agents of oONT- cep iacl,iney they do not soli iu a er Companies, who Call and examine the Gardner bafaio a calR al for thomselres. oderich-street, Seeftrtll. Agents eft tetpurehasing any other, at Winntaat GRASSIE's W arerooms. 179-52 FOR NEAT BOOTS PETER ;GRASSIE, Seaforth. lel I Mal veal-90114We- '..,A .41k kkt • ;alta ... The ittteetion of Ladies is particularly directed to oalr stock of Pruneija Boots and Bread« ay Ties. SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. --Tito rest and Chespest in the Mar WILLIS, Mein -street, Seeforth, have just receit-ed a vert- fine s ks' d Ge len e cs Roots nrlui Mhoe,i, an -Roble for spring ,arid sumauer wear, a tock of Lathes', PRICES, for cash.— The very late cit steles, and of the best and most substantial a and Gentleman's all of nhii>h will be sold at the OLD work of all 'kinds promptly attended to.—A neat article and a , kinds of work repaired, no matter where made, on the shortest notice. nannfaetttre.—Cnstore- . good. fit 1'utiraaateed. Repairing --All Me1N TYRE & WILLIS, - first door South of John Logan's. AkHN eel set 0 w rj Naas :CD e -s- -04 CD w tgrirr 0 p.?„ CDC CD 2 0 t to stimi )0•=3- ('°('D tz"4. ° imemsi foe 1 c•t- 11-1 rn Gol ■ 0 0 1 GET THE BEST. THE BLANCHARD 01111 N PORTER, BLANCHARD & SONS, Concord, New Hampshire. This Churn is decidedly the best and eb.eapeat „that haa ever been offered to the Canadian amblic. Ifehurns rapidly, works easily, and makes the best butter, It is also simplaanad durable. FARMERS TRY ONE, NO SUIT NO SALE. If it does not work satisfactorily ie can be re- turned. These Churns can be seen at any thne at John- son Brothers' Hardware Store, Seaforth. 280 Agricultural Implement Agent. STOVES, TINWARE AND RS. 'WHITNEY has just received a large stack of Cooking, Parlor and Box Stoves, of the best manufacture, which she can sell as eheap as any inwthireNtrwadeA. jut, of every description, kept constantly on handandinade to order. Also, Stove Pipes, Eave Troughin' g, eto. Cnstom-work promptly attended to, and outside Work will receive every attention, A large stock of the very best Ceal Oil kept con- stantly on hand, and will be sold wholesale and retail. Remem er the place, Carraiters Block, Main stleartt'iSese f°d1Fhted hy note or boe(lt secount are re- -1- EATING .',E, Main -street, Settforth, quested to ettle immediately. ! Rags, w 1 -pickings, old iron, ass, copper, etc., taken in change for goods. 197 VICTORIA HALI. TRY, Subscriber has opened a new HOTEL and first building North of Grand Trunk 1)epot. . Meals furnished at all hours; good accommodna tions, stabling, &e.; the best liquors always on bind. In connection with this hotel there is a hand- somely fitted ICE-CREAM PARLOR, with suitable * apartments for ladies and gentlemen, TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. 0 CARTWRIGHT. L. D. 8,, Surgeon Dentist, -/* extracts teeth without pain by the use of the Nitrous -Oxide Gas. Office—Over the Fountain. of Fashion, Mr. Pouter's etore, on the 3farket Square. Attendenee in Seaforth, at Knox's Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month; in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the following, Thurs- days and Fridays. The remainder of the time at his Stratford -office. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to call, if at Seaforth and Clinton, on the first days of at - Over 54,000 patients have had teeth extracted by the nee of the Gas, al. Dr. Coulton's ollie.es, New York. 203 ROOMS TO LET. .EVERAL GOOD ROOMS in Meyer s Block to Iet en -reasonable terms. Apply to BENSON 'I& MEYER. AUGUST _1 Mr. Beecher on Itir. Bonner in a la ever b6t1 Do you t business, tests a man leis morals, or, in ths ti st: t:Pit:i e klageeatb etsn dltt vH1°o)11:cswatelheliiil tthhei;n1d" then be goes o question thus .: * There is anothe ptiriangeeipniesele, catni7Ll CI a raore foreign to goo() gatuel are they not 6 rpt, oe a_a s st:iyor i .4.: s p Doolfiot ime:heiennyt o: Ina: I :be. avit:heiitijeitTitSitnocihGniinozgfirr.leeeigfc‘31: vnie aAriateifiihkr zermeiehtinswea,og3dnoiflaellbwokaieounszlitinnutoti, another minor betting pl,hriedrerstinoatihi emoathtt. 11 the principle and smot jars may not be stiraul by that small risk, planted five thousand really a gambler. If i respectable man te bet pair of gloves or a (.1 then it is right to ma f°rISt5st:m°8;t6 me that minded man, who has I bets. on the results of paigns should look upo more soberly, and re spark to the fire burns fiercely enough. man is always on the company, Thet way of knavery. A man 'N as on a plain open a ablfUll; ueniciii:utal fellow, his pother's chances, r tically sick. No ms on his brother's 'life, chalices, if a mortal break out among them. Even a brute would f betting was dishonorab Why should one b which should be to man as acred as his ow namely the affairs of i wealth—the interests of The virus of gambling i pel. when once it is in th: point, set poison for rats -come troublesome aboa It had the effect of mum. appearance, with the si tion of a champion rat t to quietly linger around act of taking some dish pantry-snelf, when this dent 'darted fibm a hole and seizing her finger, ateeth clear through the It held on with such (I that Mrs. Conklin had culty in shaking it off. afterward the wound b flame ; the hand swelled and sharp pains extend the shoulder. She wen ician, who cauterized tie reseed her other wises° experienced. relief. PO out in the hope of killi mai, but it shunned t bait, and on the day foil alinnotahterilaiettepro.ortrtoy bshiteeli however, this time, it tl sitiun at the entranceof stood there defiantly, NI' half out, and when Mr son, a y-oung man, came attempts to fly at I *rn 8Mkily retired. Again -third desperate attacl COnklin. It jumped op nweaa:abwohnitchtosh:priDwasg g Ahtvheae: ls'I-Iiilliii- :ill jelhl:goll:l'isg71:mt fi;gh h 1 40. A Leap Year Boll A romantic marriage Diced in St Vaul's Chut I17th street, recently, being Mr. Thomas Foga Read. It was the din of love at first sight, aim of a poor young men to Mr. Thomas Fagan - the late James P. Fa* Young Fagan led a life previous to his fat and thus naturally film! sensiWy went to work prepossessing addt'ess, tained employment with isAlioupti otyhti; ttoimberighhetell terior of the lonely dwe