HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-08-09, Page 5that barrack. s to the Oar - !The vnm- e property, containing 000- feet, for the Sum This amount is exces- nable.' Bargain and election is going ou evert fur Cartier, 'ontireal Dominiart prop - 'excessively reasonable try moment that Certier P°1le of Montreal for We must even, it :lartier's election expen- vill be, however so long remains nominal Prem - an Team at Wimble- don. tty the 20th ult., the Wimbledon Camp, and the distribution race. The prizes ed to- each.. of the suc- etitors by Her Reyed ie Princees of Wales. lready referred to the y the Canadian Team to -and now quote the he London (England) in that part of the last ings referring more o the Canadian Team. the 22nd July, re - w came the Canadian group of hardy, fair- Aean-built men who to be called to the *d representatives of krIcleperldellee of that °minions ; and welt Worsley gl a ace,t.oun rrnIe 011 his lips as he iDnke to give the ord- If the Province of Que- Wall and Baynes, r Thou/as, Sergeant - ll and Kelly awl ison and Copping were -out, and received. one 7 and most elegartt teeting, yalue L190, et presented by the :loaded/. Then came .a the 13th Canada, - of £30, and Private 30th Canada, .who rid then the eiglit whQ ajalt of Kolapore!s ind received the two. part gold and part disitely worked. The *idge, who had al- e before congratuiat- lev—who headed the &tined to the Prin- e had been WOR, 3pIendid shooting the vrested from English }rincess handed the aost winning smile, shook Major Wars- theThand, and beg to the people (7f Et pleasure at their mess, and his hope return again next tt they could hold appearance of the ced from the and - use than any other of winners:had yet Spanish Prisons. meting the horrors h' ere would occupy than is. allotted me were they not, in - ng to be narrated. wag; dark, narrow st excess with liv- sses of humanity; r, sorrow, remorse, tral doubt, -.vithatit mg element of re - or regeneration. one of these half - man beg s is in a inconc4ivable, in - possible variety of hs are unknown in d wash -basins as stain - at the only admo- sed to the criof the overseers, threats, oaths, in- security from re- tde sure by the re - 1 the gaolers are nstant presence of ailitary farce. Ira - emanations from onstartt brawls of 3houts of the over- Fenin„e clanking of Ivith which many me faint idea win eterior of a Span- Lanelonr Echo. k -Nate Forgers respondent of the relates the &d- iary stery The ntly apprehended -note forger, for NO reward had a supposed ac- k-geti notes have &list aver India., ttrif he was taken ;e a Rertain Holy nv where his let- )tes were hidden, officers were not The authorities The prisoners ,gether, and were e escort, who rQs. AUGUST 9, 18721 ported on retaining that, the forgers a were drewned. We have thus lost ,evidonce which has been Jong sought for As the bodies were for forty - „eight hours undiscovered, the pro- hability of escape Wag believed; but since then the bodies are reported to have been found. had Ieape dinto the Holy Tank nd Goderioh Boat Burned on Lake Huron. We regret to announce the total destruction by fire of the new steam barge Mary R. Robertson, belong- ing to the Mess's. Robertson, 4rd- ware merchants, of Goderich. She left Chicago on. the 27t11 of July, with 16,500 bushels of wheat for Collingwood, and having the steam - or New Dominion in toW. When off 'Skillagalee Lighthouse, at the .entrance to the Straits of Mackinaw, on the night of the 29th ult., the alarm of fire was given. The crew -made every effort to save her, bdt the engineer and firemen were soon -driven from th.eiroposts, and las the yessel was going at full speed against the wind, all attempts to save her proved fruitless. Ten min - rates after the flames broke out the tow line of the schooner. burnt through, and she was sent adi ift. Luckily the engines stopped at that time, So the schooner was, enabled to send boats to the assistance of the crew, who were all saved, though •some of them barely escaped with their lives,having lost all their clothing. The propeller. City of Fremont corning along shortly after- ward, took four of the crew to Sar- • nia. The remainder proceeded to Collingwood on the Dominion. Among those on board were Aasters Edward Lewis, Ross riRumball and Robert Reynolds, of GOderich. They lost most of their clothing, but were restored safe and sound to their friends, much to the relief of the latter. The Robertson was per- fectly new, and cost in the neigh- borhood of $33,000. She was in- sured fot about $23,600. The inch- ,rect loss of the season's business, which promised well, will .be very A Man's Leg Out Off by a Mow- ing Machine, LaSt Thursday afternoon, says the Pembroke Observer, Mr. Martin,. a farmer, was engaged with his son managing the operations of a mow- ing machine. - The horses were not pulling well together, and the un- fortunate gentleman, who at the time was -standing in the uncut grass, with the intention of using -the'whip on the animals, stepped in advance of the mowing blade. Irn- iately upon raising bis arm, the horses unexpectedly made a sudden dash forward, and before Mr. Mar- tin could draw back -his foot the mowing blade struck his ankle, com- pletely severing the foot from the leg. Mr. Martin fortunately fell backward out of the wav of the ma - • .401811111111111111e tonnisoN.—In McKillop on the 4th, inst., the wife of Mr. John Morrison, Jr, of a son. P&ITER. —111 Clintou, on the 15511 the wiferof D. Potter, merehitut, of a BOIL Ainleyville en Wednes- . day, July 27th, the wife of Francis Bryden of a son. SMIT11.—In Morris, on Tuesday, August • 1st, the wife of 'George Smith, of a • daughter. • DEA.TFIS. BRYDEN. —In Ainleyvale, on Sate day, August 3rd, Catherine, wife of F ancis Bryden, aged 29 years: • MoINTosix.—In Ainleyville, on Su day, August 4th, Adelaide, infant daughter of John McIntosh,_aged 3 months. THE MARkETS.11 BEAFORTA, August 8, 1872. .. .. .. . ....... .........$1 25 63 1 30 p 52 011 oal sieeY . . • • • • • • • * • ... .5‘1(1 t� o° 01 042 to 0 35 050 Butter. .. • .... • • • • • • • • . • . • Eggs Flour .. . . .......... Hav. Hides. - . . . . . . . . . ... Sheep . .. . ..... ..:..... Lamb Skins Calf Skins (veal) per lb., Salt (retail) per barrel,. . . . .. Potatoes, (new) per buahei Dried Pork—Bacon. • Dried Pork—Ram Tau Bark . .. . . . Oatmeal c'Skl;r1 .. • . .. . to 055 . 0 12 to 018 0 11 to 01]. . 7 00 to 0 00 ▪ 25 to 080 8 op to 10 00 •• 5 00 to 7 50 • 0 25 to 0 40 0 40 to 0.70 0 V to 0;10 , 100 to 0180 0 75 to 0 80 0 07 to 0 08 0 08 to 00 . 26 to 375 .400 to 400 CLINTON, Augnet 8, 1872 Fall Wheat • . . ..$1 28 @ 1 30 ' Spring Wheat . Oats .• 01 0230 3 1 • 0 8255 Epearalsey - ,_: a .... . . . . 0 50 0,4 o so Butter , 0 50 @0 55 012 @ 000 --BHfigay, s, per ton t ....• •' 0 .10 (?..4. 0 11 8 00 (r_ 10 00 Wool, per lh..... ........:. . : .. . . 0 50 @ 0 50 • • LONDON, Ont., August 7, 1872. White fall wheat, $1.25 to $1.30; red winter wheat, $1.15 to 1.20;$spring wheat, $1.-30 to $1.32 ; barley, 50c to 550; peas, 50c to 550 ; 'corn, 58o to 60; oats, 34c to 35c; butter, rolls, 13e to 1&; firkin, lle to 13c; cheese, 9e to 100; eggs per dozen, 12e to 12ic ; potatoes per. bushel, 20c ;...Hay per to'n, $10 to $11. • TORONTO, August 7, 1872. In. flour ,prices. may be regarded as firm, ait $6.50 for extra; $6.25 to $6.30 for fancy, and $5.90 to $6 for No. 1 su- per. Of the latter:grades there is scarce- ly au Y to.. be .had, ancl the enquiry for them is very active. Spring wheat ex- tra is also wanted, and woi ld sell at $6. - JO, but none can be had. Wheat was decidedly firm, and a slig t movement occurred, A lot of 1,200- nshels of No. 1 fall and a car of- the same grade sold at $1.46 f. o.c. There .was no niovement in spring, but $1.37 would pr bably be paid for it. Oats were quiet, n sales being reported; but from 25 to 7 cents could • probably; be got. Barley an peas neither • offered nor inquired for. • MONTREA.L August 6. Flour—Market quiet a d but little business doing in fanci ; 3 9. brls choice sold at $6.75; super tq.ken or city trade in broken lots, -ranging fro $6:85 to $7 for ch.oiee baker, and $6.1 for ordinary to $6.35 for medium stro g, 200 Nis western sold at $6.10 ; fine taken at 25 for a small lot o,f. choice. Wheat—No reported. fr nsa,etions in . Ontario wheat ; 14,000 )ushels new ' Milwaukee sold. to arrrive a $1.34. Peas --,-lylarket quiet; 1 st sales at • 82c in store and 83e afloat. • Butter—Market inactive. • - Pork—Steady, withfair chine: He did not feel that he had -demand. received any wound, but OD looking to see how his ankle had stood the NEW YORK HORSE shock, he was horrified iii find - his TOESDAK, Au,,,, . The city trade in horses foot lyine on the g•round completely •tremely dull. In the 13n11's severed from his - lea - 0we noticed. the Usual de -1,... priced draught horse, but Odd Fellows' 0 -rand Lodge.-. nor at any of the numerou . 0 The Grand Lodrfe of Ontario Odd- hrouglio scattered t ' ut the c • learned of any larae and im fellows, B. IL, assembled at - Wind- sa,etion. It is hazprilly neee sor on Tuesday morning, arand that prices for horses of e Master John Gibson presidingtion tend downward, and 5 There were about' 150 representa- 'general disposition to meet .buyers. • tives and Grand Officers present the largest number ever at a Grand Lodge. The Grand Master's and ,Grand Seeretaries' reports show- that It consumptive ARKET. st 7, 1872. as' been ex- ead Market and for low either there sale stables ty have we ortant tran- sary• to add rery descrip- at there is a the views of • Sales at the public auctio marts lack- ed every feature ofinaporta.n e or interest, and. the prices realized we e, as a rule; very low. • there are sixty-two lodges in exis- MrY. J. H. Robinson of P ughk-eepsie, . -&.- ., sold his roan Colore colt to Vg. tenee, of which eighteen have been H. Maze, .for $16;000, to Al xander Pat - organized during the year.. The to ; terson, of New.York. The)/ 3r mare Mid- tal meinbership is now 4,807 with'_day' was sold. at Saratoga fir $2,000, to ' reports not in from two Lodges. Re-_ Mr. Lewis, of Montreal, C nada. .Her former owner, Major T. will handle. a,nd run her a meeting in Long Branch. GOLD.—The price of G ld in New. York is quoted at 115. V. Doswell, lief for the year has been gt.anted to the August the amount of $6,083. 4 number of visitors from, the ITni ed States were present. , • ow Th.* is some excitement through- out Ireland over the report that gold has been discovered near the town of Kinsale. Mr. MeDougall has issued'a fare- _ -well address to. the electors of the • North Riding of Lanark, in which he talks of retiring into private life. The Ministerial journals are in- dustriously spreading a report that • Mr. Carruthers spent large sums of money at the late election, in Kings, tam It is entirely untrue, Carruthers positively refused to spend a single, penny in anything which resembled bribery. All uhat sort of work was left for the Government. HadMr. Carruthers spent the thous- ands which the Ministerialists speak of, he would have been elected be- yond questien. • TEACHER VI/ANTED. NNTANTED, for S. S. No. 1, Township of TU131- • berry, a TEACHER, holding a. third class cer- tificate, to whom a liberal salary will be given; male teacher preferred; duties to commence on the 19th of August.. Apply to the undersigned trustees. 11".M. MOFFAT, Wal. KING, D. Mc:NAUGHTON, Trustees, hforrisbank P. 0. Ttualterry, August 6. 1872. 24443 TEACHER WANTED. ANTED immediately, a TEACHER, as an an - Blatant, in the Bluevale school ; either male orfemale- must possess a. third class certificate; will be required to commence dutica On the 20th inst. Apply JOHN FA.RROW, Seo', 244-2 13luevale P. 0. t PRIVATE SCH •OL. MISS LIDDELL'S School will re -open on •401sIDAY, the 19th inst. For terms, it;c., apply personally it Dr. Vereoe's residence. • 244*2 NOTICE: rfl HE undersigned, on behalf of the Baptilt • Church, Seaforth, will offer fo: sale by public auction, at th,e, office' of Mr. John S. -Porter, Sea- foith, on the 13th day of Septerat or, 1872, at the hour of two o'clock, p. m., that csrtain parcel Of land, being village lot No. 92, corner of Jarvis and St. John streets, Seaforth. Terms will be made known at time of sale. - M.N. BRETT,. SAMUEL TRQTT, • A. McDOUG-ALL, • Trustees. Seaforth, August 3, 1872. •244-4 NOTE LOST. T OST, on or about the 1st of A,ussust, a NOTE 1-J OF HAND, drawn by Duncan McCallum, of McKillop, in favor of Noxon Brothers, of Ingersoll, for -the sum of $66, and bearing, t ate the 20th of April, 1872, and payable, two months after date. The public aro hereby cautioned against purchas- ing or negotiating said note, as payment of the same has been stopped. NOXON BROTRERS. Ingersoll, August 6,1872. •244*4 POUNr)KEEPER'S NOTICE. IMPOUNDED on the 27th of jaly last, in the Con., Township of Grey, area STAG or STEER, three or four years old. 1.f not claimed immediate- ly, he will be sold to pay expenses. ,Gray, August 7, 1879. 244-3 D9BSON. 244-$ • FOR SALE, A VALUAl3LE PAM', 100 acres, First Conces- '3- sion 110/11! Seafort, .on the main gravel road to Godmich; 85 acres cleare an of stumps, with ten acres of a a t under arass; well watered and feacod, with large frame `shall.), stable underneath; log farm -house, boarded outside, and good orchard.; possession im- mediately ; title good and terms easy. For fur- ther particulars apply (if by letter, prepaid,) to 242 LUDWIG JAI:BYER, Seaforth P. O. • P„ound of the undersigned, Lot No. 21, Seventh TH amemer HURON EXPOSITOR. NORTH CAROL NA FARMS. Homes in a Mild andltea1thy onnia,te, A SETTLEMENT oi betWeen 25 aud 30 Cana- dian mid English famjlies has been formed within the last year, in, the 'cinity of Henderson, On the Raleigh and Gasto Railroad, in Wagon 'and Granville Cerinties—on pf the best sections of the State. SO17013 of the o families are from Huron County. 4..11 are in eh pleased with the country and their prospects. • For full information AND NORTH CAROLINA LAND REGISTER, address J. McCALLUM, Lo don, Ontario, until September 10; after that a Raleigh, North Caro? lina. McOALLUM will be -at Hicks' Hotel, Mitchell, Tu sday, August 13. Knoxle Hotel, Seaforth, Wednesdoy, &waist 14. - Bayfield, Thursday Augu t 16. Derk'a Hotel, Goderich, Fijday; August 16. Albion Hotel, Stratford, Saturday, August 17. And he will be pleased to se all who desire fufl. and reliable information ab • ut North Carolina. • D. STEW_ PHOTOGRAP Is removed to Wil Near the New Presb T'S GALLERY 'am etreet, (trim Church. AWER MONDAY, llth ol August, this Gallery will be closed on Tuesdt.vs and Fridays until further notice, those two days -of each vook being employed in taking views of homestead, farm buildinge, scenery, &c. All parties wanting snoti work done please call and leave their orders. • °looks carefully aleaned.andrepaired. 248-13 ESTRAV. STEERS. (IAMB into the enclosure of the subscriber, about the first of September last, two STEERS, then coming tivo years old; both White and red; one a mooley. The owner is requested to prove prop- erty, pay charges and take jthem away. If not claithed, they will be sold for expo ises. AME BOWES, 248*3 -Lot 35; onas.sion 8, Grey. ESTRAY S IE P. - CA.31E' into the eneinsure of t e Undersigned, Lot No. 13; Fifth Cencession, . R. S., Tack- ersnaith, about the first of June 1 st, two EWES and one LAMB. The owner is requested to call, prove propel ty, pay charges,land take them away. 943,4JA.CIOB McGEE. • ESTRAY cOLT. ” /IAMB into the enclosare. of the subscriber, Lot 18, Third Concession, oro dork-brown COLT, with a white faee. The ONVI1 r can, have the same by proving property and 13a4181.1110rnsi• ROAT. Tuckersmith„ July 29nd, 1872. • 242*3 ESTRAV' STEERS. - CAIrv• into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 20, Thames road- Usborne, First Concession, onor about theniidelle of Maa,1872, two STEERS. The owner is rot -masted to cisme, prove property, pay charges and take them ai4 ay. 242/s3 • AMES TOWERS. • PURSE F UND. VOUND, a pins° with a 4mall sum of money. 1- The owner can have it n paying for this no- tice, by applying to W. B. WARD, 242 Baker, Seaforth. • , APPRENTICE WANTED. WANTED immediately, a stout, active lad to learn the 0abinet-1=1in business. Apply to • SPARL NG & SCOTT, 238 , Seaforth. CHAIN FOUND. VOUND, on the 1st of July, on the Second Con- 1- cession of Tuekersmith, near the Brick School- hnuee, East of Brumfield, along chain with a grab hook on ono end. The owner 'can have the HOMO by applying at the EXPOSIT E office Seaforth, after proving property and pay lig charges. 240-41 A NOTICE JS hereby given, that applica iou will be made to the Legislature of Ontario at its,:next sitting, for an Act to separate, for nunicipal purposes, Lots Nos. 26, fro 28, 29, 30, 1, 82, 33, 84 and 35, in the 'Seventeenth Concession, and Lots Nos. 26, 27, 28, 29, 80, 31, 82, 83, 81 4n0 85, iA the Eigh- teonth Concession, of the T wnship of Grey, in the County of Huron, from he said Township, Perth. and to unite the same for the purposes aforesaid, with with the Township of Loge, the County of Dated July 18, A. D.1872. _ TO ALL WIIOM IT MA,Y CONCERN. 'FAKE NOTICE.—The und 1- apply to the Council of the at their next regular meeting, foe siruple, of a portion of Cot portion of said street is the sv Village of Ainleyville, towns that portion of Alexander s root which rano in front of lots 112 and 113, Village of Ainleyvillo, township of Monis. JOILN 0 OVENLOCIi. Dated at Ainleyville, July lq, 1872. 240-4 •signed ',intends to township of Morris for the purchale, in Grine street, which ole depth of lot 118, 'p of Morris; also MUSIC TEACHING. MISS C. H. PRITCHARD, • rnos-ssion os. Ailltiie, -flEGS to inform the inhabitapt, of Seaforth that ..„ she has settled here, and is prepared to give instruction in 'vocal and instriu ientalmusie, bring- ing high testimonials as to ah' ity and aptitude in teaching. . c ',MISS PItITCHUtD, ,l'eacher of oil painting, pe ening, crayon and watercolors. . • RisfnEamE—Main-st., over Mr. Griffith Davies' old stand, second door south of' the Post -Office. P 239-13 H04SEAND LOT FOR SALE IN SE:AFORTH ------- VOR SALE, a house and l'ot on Godericia street. 1-. For further particulars, anp5,y to 240-44 ' M. R. 0613 'NITER, Seaforth. HOTEL FOR SALE IN NLEYVILLE. trECE Hotel at present occopi cl by James Leon- arcl, will be sold cheap for clash. Buildings all new. Possession given immediately. Apply to J. LECKIE. Ainleyville, May 23, 1872. • 283 SC.11.= • AINLEYV, ILLE LAND AGENCY. rpst al Subscriber having estalilished an Agency -L• for the Sale of Fermi and V age Lae, which he will advertise, (weekly) and s 11 on Commission. TERMS of Commission or an particulars con- cerning lots advertised b made known on application, if by letter prep 'd, and enclosing stamp, addressed C. It COOPER, Dingle P. 0. FOR SALE. S. l'�f S. of Lot 24, Con. 5, Morris; 50 acres • 9 miles "from Ainleyville. Village Lobs64 and 65 Ainleyville, (Morris.) Village lots- Nos. 44 and 39 Aieleyville, (Morris ;) large frame cottage and frarhe stable. Lot 22, Con. 4, N. :I, Morris; 100 acres, 50 cleared; log house; 2 miles off gravel road. Lot 29, Con. 7, N. Mends; 100 acres, CO cleared; good log house and frame hem. Lots 2 and 3, West side of Ildsvick-street, Wrox- eter, containing if acres of land; two new franae houses; stables, &c. , Village tots 49 and 50, Ainlavville, with good frame house and stable, and log tannery in good working order. Village Lots 60 and 61, Alines -vine, township of Morris.' Village Lots, 212, 213, 221, Ainleyville, (Grey.) Store, Storehouse and Stable, 13 acres of Land with • orchard, etc., in village of Oranbrook. 224• C. R. COOPER, Dingle 2.0. • MONEY TOI. LOAN. HE subscriber has MONEY to loan to any amount on good farm property. Interest, SIX per cent. per annum, when the interest and prin- ciple are paid yearly, and 8 per cent- per annum when the interest only -is paid. A G. cDOUG_T•Ta 227-52 At cheap cash Stoic, sign of the Bear. MONEY TO 'LEND. I rp, undersigned has $3,000 and upward, piivate , i fonds, to loan, at 8 per cent. per annurai on 1 Farm property. Charges moderate. Marriage Licences issued. Apply to 1 - •W. G. WILSON, Zurich.. 227-52- DUNCA & DUNCAN, L ATE HICKSON 84 GO,, Having purchased the Stock of Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishings, 4nd. Boots and Shoes, of E. Hickson & Co., are now carry- ing on business m their old, stand, and will coninue to sell Goods at OLD PRICES. CLOTHE\ G MADE TO ORDER, AS USUAL. LOOK OUT FOR ADVERTISEMENT • - ANNOUNCING JITL1TJS DITNCAN. NEW STOCK. DUNCA & DUNCAN. THOMAS W. DUNCAN. FARM AND -PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS FOR SALE. OR Sale, tot No. 29, Con. 7, township of Morris, 1-• containing 100 acres, 70 of which are cleared and in a state of good cultivation. The whole is , well fenced. There are on the premises a good frame barn and. hewed: log -house, also, two wells and a arming bearing orchard. This farm is withiu ono mile of Ainleyville a thriving village, wild.° a station of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway will be opened this fall, also the breadth of a lot from the Northern Gravel Road. Also, for sale, a frame dwelling-houeo -with the upper part fitted up as a Photograph Gallery. There is a good well and stable on the premises, also a good garden. This property is situated near the business centre of the village of WroXeter, through which the To- ronto, Grey and Bruce' Is!ailway will be running within one year. The whole will be sold on easy terms. For particulars apply to . C. R. COOPED, 28643 Land and General Agent, Dingle P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. 1fin acres, 80 -cleared, under good cultivation; -frame house, log barn and stable ; good healing orchard; watered ; township of Stan- ley, about one and a half miles from Brucefield, and seven from Clinton or Seaforth. Reasons for selling, ill health. Apply to SIMON ROACHE, Jr., on the premises, or to ANDREW CALLANDER, mai • • Clinton. FARM FOR SALE. FOR SALE, one hundred acres of laud, being part of Lot 27, Fifth Concession of Tacker - smith, L. Rs S., seventy acres cleared. and in a good state of cultivation; thirty acres bush; hewn log barn, frame this -big house, atable, sheep -house and sheds, a good spring creek in the front of the lot, and a spring in the rear; as good land as any in the township; four and a half miles from Sea- orth, throe from Brucefield. Terms, one-third cash, the remainder in yearly instalbuents. Apply on the premises to • ALEX. McCAA, • 287 • Brucefield P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. QOUTH -RALF of the South half of Lot No. 24, Fifth Concession of the -township of Morris, containing 50 acres'35 cleared.; well watered by a spring creek; geed log house and frame stable. The above farm Is only a mile anda half on a good road from the rising village of Ainleyville, where a station of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Rail- way will be opened this fall. For price and terms inquire (if by letter, prepaid) of C. R. COOPER, 385 Ainleyville Laud Agency, Dingle P. 0. FARM FOR SALE IN IYIcEILLOP. THEI subscriber, being about to leave Canada, of.; fers for sale his FARM, East half Lot 19, Fourth Concession, McKillop, consisting of 50 acres, 32 cleared, the remainder good hard timber; the farm is in good cultivation, the land clean and free from thistles and -weeds; half a mile from a church and a good. school -house ; four miles from • Scaforth ; gravel road passes the door1 will sell the farm alone, or together. with the crops, imple- ments and farm stock, as it willbest suit the pur- chaser. TWEllty-olle-' RUCH under crop, which promises well. Apply to JOHN 0. hicKAY, 238 Seaforth P. Q. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. OT No. 7, Sixth Concerision;Turnberry, consist- -1 -ring of 120 a.eres. nearly 100 being cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There is a good frame barn 55x86, a frame shed 80x60. There is also a good bearing orchard. Will be sold on easy terms. Apply ou the premises to • JAMES HENN11:70 S. Wroxeter, July 8, 1872. 240-4f FARM FOR SALE IN HAY. • VOR SALE, smith part Lot 21,1;iab Coneession, Ray, known as. the 'Troyer Farm ;" one-half mile from Zmich, on the Gravel Road; riff acres; 50 cleared ; dwelling -house and barn; good young Ibearing orehard ; the land is in a good state of cul- tivation and well fenced. For further particulars I apply 40 • " W. 0. WILSON, 1 24044 • Zurich, Ont. FARM FOR SALE IN GREY. 'LOT No 5, Concession 15, township of Grey, con- -1--4 &Lining ninety-six acres; seventy acres cleared. Apply to M. McDERMID, Harpruhey. Or to ' JOHN SILLEllS, Grey. 282 FARM FOR SALE IN Mclau.,OP. AsT half of Lot 24. Eighth Concession, MeKil- ‚- lop, containing 50 acres, 25 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; 5 aeres of a fallow, and the remaining 20 acres good hard -wood land; a new frame house and stable, and a good well; it is situated 5 miles north of Seaforth, and quarter of a mile from the Northern .G -ravel Road. For further particulars apply on the premises to Itt?„F3.-1"1.‘ ALENOEY, 243-4 Winthrop P. 0. • TO SAVE ONEY, BUY FOR CASH, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, AT THE CASH STORE. • LEE 8. SWITZR, ma.Aaw-srr.., 0-4111-1_ CO OATMEAL, 3MEiIFr_icycj-T3,, AND GENERAL PROVISIONS, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT LOG N & JAMIESON'S. ALSO ARRIVED TO -DAY, A FIRST-CLASS -V.A. 00 At Dent's C ROANS A.217 D MELODEONS. eap Dry Goods Store, Seaforth. 4R. DENT is now agent for two of the best makers in the Dominion, is a practical musicians -understands these inatruments thoroughly, and wont sell a poor one. He can sell you an instrument at any price, from thl lowest to the highest, and on the very best terms. lie lze4s nyooZ rarifiy o91 hand to swlect from, at his Cheap Pry Go6ds and 'Millinery Establishment, Seiforth. That is the place if you want a good instrument cheap. Every Inxtrtiment warranted by the maker for firr gears. a