HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-08-09, Page 3S test, T1Y O $J,N. cfl cad• p ;: rqa .rota OS s`tIE iO j !SRAFOR,Tri YARD. IVAODO-N ALD public that they have opened Seaforth, near Shearson's Oa -mealy used as a Lmsaber 'Lee. *ably OR hand a good aaaorte : OF LUMBER, dressed and LET AND strEaGra:s,all of a/ to sell at the Isswest possi- . • will And it to their advant- oelt, and aacertain our prices ghost, as we are in a position 'rite to cash purchasers. ,CARRT1 ec; MACDONALD. woridae-Goed News >r AU, R MAWS , ,711-4ziowls-Er. • ;DESTRO-YE 'far snperior to anything aset - Rata, Mice, Insecta on Pont - bathes, Black Beetlea, Fleas inects on Plants, Moths in 8hesp or Goats, also on Cat- bi PACKETS, ; or, ,six packets for $1 25. ted free from all bad amell 'direate. It may be spread -. as it is quite hanaless to , will not eat each packet. Lane, Houndsditch, City - has gained for Professor edal at the Intercolanial Australia, f Lax, aesiaea W. ROBERTSON & CO. IVINGSTONE. 240-12 d Liner Oit elution, of Iodide of Iron Coa Liver Oil. It may be e the simple Oil is ordered, oaf superior to it. This ficial in Pulmonary Con- oraplaiuts, Chronic Skin onac disorders arising from ,imilation, or nutrition. It • Chronie Rheumatism and ;of AtaNPOPrit)ApilitC1*.r Preparation, containing the 'Limes Soda, Potash and phospitorous" Acid. This etty for General Debility, s Diseenes and Scrofulous uaefol iu diSeaseis of infautsi and Ingipient ris are of httuadant medical n no secret ingredients, pgisaieians without hesita- JOHN 'WILLIAMS, London, Ontario-, rlatea. Seaforth; .it. Grant, dl, Wronster, and Druggists 235 SALE. ;eke:Lain; to the Estate of F SEAFURTHI 4tirtery is for Kale. It con - 1•37, en Main street. The and the znachinera in good Ser can ruake a beginning- at ,ittettal in one of the most ilOrttarie, there is seldom a rand to an enterprising me - 45„ such a favorable chalice a suitable partfor partiea roffered. ADAM HOPE, Aasignee. ;08-4 AUGUST 9, 1872. - GAIETIES. A Connecticut sheriff' says: If any man doubts the doctrine ,of hu- man depravit:P, I only ask that he be sheriff of this county for one year." - —For Men Of Mettle.—An 11 cn n it silvery voice, plenty of brass, and a, little din, are sure to meet with golden opinions. -- Cure for a Blind Man.—Get married, that &ill be sure to open your eyes. — An Odd Sort of Ship.—Court- ship, whichhas too mates and no captain. . - — What relation is a leaf of bread to a steam-engine A steam-engine Pa an invention, and bread a necessi- ty; therefore necessity is the mother of invention.' -- What species of bats fly with- out wings Brickbats. — Good intentions are like faint- inn- ladies—all they want' is carrying out. — A honey -comb is _made up of many cells—a honey -moon of one sell a good big.one sometimes. — Why is the tread -mill like a true convertl Because its turning is the result of conviction. —Single and Married. --When_ you see two young persons seated in the centre of a pew in churoh, you may make up your mind -they are engaged, or going to be ; but when one is at the head and the other at the foot of the pew, you can im- mediately determine that they are married, —They have "Dolly Varden " • chills in sGeorgia. The sufferer turns all sorts of colors, and is terribly humped up. -- A comical instance of a man playing upon his own name sprang ont of absentmindedness. Sir Thom- as Strange, calling at a friend'a hOIxse, was desired to leave his name. Why,' says he, tellathe truth, I have forgotten it t' That'estrange, Sir,' exclaimeci the servaat. • So it is, my inn; you've hit it,' replied the judge, as he walked away, leav- ing the servant as ignorant as before. Peter. 'Aleanin', scanire ! You be up early. Squire. Gbod morn- ing, Peter ; I'm obliged to be Up and out early to get an appetite for mut breakfast. But what brings yoni out?' Peter. Well, I be tryin4 to get a brea_kfus for my appetite !" -- A lad arrested for theft, when taken befoie the magistrate and asked what - his occupation was, frankly answered, Stealing.' 'Your candor =tstonishes me,' replied the judge. I thought it would; re- plied the lad,seeiner how many big 'tins there are in thbusiness and ashamed to own it!' — A little five year-old bov was being instructed in morale tijr his grandmother. The old lady told him that all such terms as by golly,' by jingo,' by thunder,' etc., were only little oaths, and but little bet- ter than other profanities. In fact, she said, he could tell a ptofane oath • by the prefix ,‘ by.' All such were oaths. Well, then, grandmother,' said - the little hopeful,. 'is by tele, graph,' which I see in thene wspap• ers, swearing No,' said the old lady, that's only lying:* • A 'Hint Worth Heeding. went into Swa.ropscot's tool - house yesterday to get out of the rain. His grass is cut, and he will have no further use for his mower. The orthodox way of doing with a mower on many farms is to unhitch • from it where the last hay cutting is done, • and leave it in the field. Swampscot must be a heretic. • i found his mower paeked .away in oae corner of his tool house as snug- ly as if it had been there- when the tool -house was built, and hail never cut any grass. I noticed it had been thoroughly cleaned and the bearings oiled, I rather liked the idea. I soa S wain pscot said, Why, that's= 'the way I make .mon:ey. I've used that mower six summers, and its a better mower to -day than 'Toe Peet's, that he bought last year; his lay in the field until NoV-Atilbeti and was then put into an open shed, where the sheep ran and the hens roosted; It was a nice looking object this spring, and I know he expended $15 Upon it before he could make it run. Why, Sir, he never took the sickle out of it from the time be quit :using it un til he wanted to use it again.; nor 41id he oil it:" I notioed the hes, iriVatO f 8, harrows, pl OW8, etca etc., were all snugly put away by S waillpscot. 1 mention these little things that you may know why he lias the reputationof being a thrifty, thorough, liberal farmer.—Moore's - • • Rulaz-,, for Getting. Out of Bed. Dr. :aall says Itis a great. and mischievous mistake for persons, old or youag—especially -childien and feeble or sedentary persons — to bourice out of bed the moment they wake, ;up ; allsour instincts shrink: from it, arid fiercely kick against it. Fifteen or twenty minutes spent in graduallY waking up, after the eyes are opened, and in turning over and stretching the limbs, doas much good a3 sound sleep; because these 0 r ti t the blood in motion by degrees, tendi circUlation ; for, blood tinds o st beets feebly and, the system by p.ji stoat and sending whelruiug quant. causing it assu the instant befor is the grea test u stantancOus poun ass soon as the ey followed by wea ifoon. g to equalize' the during sleep, the gnation, the heart low; and to shock ming up in an in - the blood in Over- ies to the heart, e a gallop, when it was in a creep, aurdity. This in- ing out of the bed s are open will be inesa long before vork Mr. Greeley's Handwriting. Postmaster4o tells a good • ca Horace Greeley. one Norton, cashi turned out a d • United States - down upon his whom was Horac Bible to the exten Greeley was very , obligation, and fear ofdebt that 1 to give his cheek to get it off- his meeting of the i and Mr. Greeley cies, took up his 'read over the c say I write an int said Greeley,." bt plainly enough w of then things." es, of New York, paign story for Some time ago of the Poitoffice, efaulter, and the overnment mini() ecurities; among Greeley, -respon- of about $30,000. estless iunder -thi3 e is so much in e actually wanted for the Whole stim mind. Finally a dorsers was held, ut onhis specta- ond, and dolefully nditiOns. ." They malty bad hand," t they can read it en is gets on one 'Horne, S This populan written in the pla Maid of Milan,' Payne, of Marti eight lines'. Mr. London, in 1831, ing additional ,ver them to an Amer of an eminent ba To us, in despite of How sweet the re still appears; From allurements a ter the eye, The unsatisfied he with a sigh: om e, home, There is There is eet Home." ng, as origin ly of " Clari,. or he by John Howard re, contained only Payne, while in wrote the follow - es, and presented can lady, the wife ker : he absence of ,rears. embrince of home road -which but Hat - a turns, and says, sweet, sweet home ! o place like home !- o place like home! Your exile is blest 't ith all fate can be- stow, But mine has been ci eckered with many a woe ! Yet though differe t our fortune, our . thoughts are th same,. And both, as we th k of Colurcbia, ex- claim : • Home, home, sweet, sweet home ! There is o place like home ! • There is no place like home! Catrs' Tail and Heels. A correspondent tells The _Maine Fa:ruler how he ,manages these some- times unruly members: I bowed wy kieking cow 1 -fixed a piece of across the, stall,, about six inches al two inches forwar She. soon found tb .plank, was injur shins, and after a ed her bad habit' another cow whic switching of her milked,' I placed the• top of the sta a board near the ring though it, through' the ring, hung about two f at the side of t 'leg: She cap pou ad the board with her caudal appen age all she pleases 'without inconveninee to her milker. The ring slides • the pole, and the board can be shov d aside when not needed. Fastidioti Neatness. has seen much of n thrown among p in a horse stall, hard -wood plank so that it rested eve the floor, and of her hind feet. •sharp edge of the d less than her ew trials abandon - f kicking. I bad t kept a continual tail while being smallaole across I bored a hole in tad, placed a wire slipped' • the pole so that the board ;et. from the floor, b cow's near hind A traveller wh the world, and he all classes of peol.le, is apt to take things easy, and grow careless in dress and lial3;iis. But George Whitefield, the fail ous field -preach- er, who was in lis glory when ad- dressing thousan la of coal-rniners covered with soot was fastidious in the minutest detals of dress and fur- niture. Any thi ti g out of order in his clothing, or o it of place in his . . room, gave ham tense annoyance. He could not eat in comfort if the table -cloth was s -read uneven; nor sleep -in quiet if a article' of furni- ture was out of p ace. .His writing shared in the exttetue neatness, and blots or erasures ade him nervous. It seems curious bat a man knock- ed aboat the worl 'so roughly as he, and without a set led home, should have retained th s fastidious 4at- ncss till death. TO Boil Ne « Potatoes. These shOuld b; out of the ground but a short tun before cooking._ Wash them well, alb off their.skins with a coarse c1oti, and put in boil- ing water. Wile' perfectly tender, pour the water fi tit them, and let them stand by- t le side of the fire, with the lid of th saucepan partial- ly remoVed. • W en the potatoes are thoroughly dr, -put them in a hot vegetable-dis with piece, of butter ti esize of t walnut-; pile the' potatees over this ind serve. if the potatoes are too ld tp have their skins rubbed.off b fore boiling, they should be eooked i i their "jackets;' drain, peel, and serve them as above. THE HURON EXPO8IT6R. ▪ 446 3. LOUR! FLOUR! TTAVING purchased and thoroughly refitted the 'JL't mills forinerly oWned by the Messrs. SCOREE; I am now prepared td, iurnish FAIIILY FLOUR, • Second to NONE IN-SEAFORTH, And that Will I Compare favorably with any in the Do- minion, • If you want A 1 IFJ.0131, go to theiollowing mIDealRerssiT,AarndTAs ytk for BM:ARSRATireS—Remember W. SCOTT ROBERT8OF, • J. WHITESIIDE, - SIMON` PONVELL, Or at W. MARSHALL'S Mills. Orders left with W. S. ROBERTSON will be premptly attended to. i Parties who wish to Exchange EWheat for Flour, Are certain to receive proper quantity, and an arti- cle that will defy competition. •_ I W. MARSHALL. 186-tf HURRAH FOR 1872. W. AULT, • MAIN STEEET, SEAPORT, RAS ON HAND,superior stock of FAMILY • GROCERIES, [embracing Teas of the best brands, Sugars, Raisins, etc. Also, Crockery and Glassware, and every other article usually kept in a first-class _Grocery Store. PROVISIONS, • Such as Flour, Oat and Corn-meal,Potatoes, Pork, etc., also, every deecription of rlE1ED, Such as Oats, Peas, Bran and Shorts,fill of which wifll be sold cheaper than the cheapest. FA.11.111 PROMICE. Thelik,thest market price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. Remember the place, Main street, East gide, opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. 213 WM. AULT. DO YOU WANT TO SEE SOMETHING NICE? THOMAS BELL, ' Main -street, Seaforth, Can show you something worth looking at in the FURNITURE line. He has just received a large quantity of NEW FURNITURE 01 every description, which, for CHEAPNESS, BEAUTY, and. QUALITY, • Is really worth going to see. Warerooms— Opposite Robertson's Hardware Store. 217 FOR THE CHEAPEST AND BES'fr FlJRNITURE GOTO JOHN STAUFFER'S AINLEY VILLE . Sign of' the Two Bureaus. JUNE 13, 1872. To Cricketers and Base -Ball Players. - 237-52 CRICKET AHD BOE BALL CRICKET BATS, BALLS, • GLOVES, -; LEG GUARDS, • WICKETS. ALSO, Base Balls and. Clubs For Nen and Boys, , AT R. LUMSDEN'S • DRUG STORE, •-BEAFORTH. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS THIS WEEK —AT— T. K EMPORTUNT. TIN CHILDREN'S MAIISELLX ROBES, INFANTS' SEWED ROBES, WHITE TOILET Q;CTILTS, WHITE TOILET COVERS, WJIT4 AND COLORRD 'SKIRTS, 1 - Another Lot of Choice Striped Ottoman! Shawls. eT1LT'S'11 1-1,MOMI-NT=ID A LARGE STOCK OF LADIES' COLORED KID :GLOVES,- FROX 50 CENTS. STRICTLY ONE PR10E. THOS. KIDD, SEAFORTH. REAP PAIS & MOWERS. E WOULD to our 44,4- • CALL TUR: -ATTENTION of the Farmers of the Counties of Huron and. Perth Johnson Self -Rake Reaper, and Cayuga Jr. Mower, For the Sea,qon of 1872. • We have introduced a few into your Counties in years gone by, and would say we have- made some Valuable hnprovements for the coming harveet. We received the FIRST PRIZE ON THE JOHNSTON SELF -RAKE REAPER At the Provincial Exhibition in the Fall of 1870. The Johnston inehize was also Awarded the First PI ize at Kingston in.1871. Also, the First Prize at the Great Reaper Trial at Paris i the Harvest of 1871. THE CAYUGA JR. MOWER Was awarded the First Prize at the Paris Trial. This Trial was hei under the auspices of the Pro- vincial Agricultural Sooiety. , We can with. all confidence reco3nmend these two machines to the ublie ; knowing that they cannot be surpaesed, if equalled, by any other two Machines made in Canada . t It is a source of much satisfaction to us to know that many corap tirtg Manufacturers concede the superiority of our =dunes, and are willing to give us the credit of a ing a better quality of material fi and turning out% superior class of work, as regards accuracy of fittit g, exactness Aof adjustutent and high degree of finish than is practiced by themselves. And while we appreciate tRe honorable senti- ments which thus actuate them in giving an honest expression to their 9onTictions, we cannot but re- gret that there are others so lost to all sense of propriety as to forget the principles -which actuate hon- est and upright men in their dealings and intercourse -with their fellows, and have, for the sake of gaining popularity and notoriety, resorted to the dishonest practice of REPAINTING our machines, covering the name and entering them at Fairs and Trials as their own manufacture, thus robbing us of a reputatien which we have acquired by years of honest, honorable and patient toll, and which to us is of more value than any money conaitleration. It is needless for us to warn the farmers to beware of such parties, as their own good sense and better judgment will teach them that there is no safety in dealing wit men who will descend to such low trickery, in order to gain a selfish and mercenary end. Repairs for machines will at all tunes be found at 'WM. ROBERT ON & CO.'S Hardware Store, Seaforth. I J.. C. WOODS, G neral Travelling Agent. W. J. McCUTCITEON, ILocal Agent, Clinton. Local Agent, Seaforth. WM. GR1EV PATTERSON & B110., Patterson, Ont. MAY, 1872. 232-18* THOMSON & WILLIAMS' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AND ENGINE WORKS. IT CIE3I4, ca\TrrAaR,I0.. JOHNSTON'S SELF -RAKING SI TGLE REAPER. WE E recommend the above celebrated. self -raking Reaper and the CAI GA CatiLF, an.'MOWER, as the best harvesting machines now manufactured. We gunntntee these two single machines, costing but $900, to outwear any two combined machines, costing $300, and with less than ono quarter the cost in repairs. We ale° guarantee each =chine to do its work better, faster, and with Much lighter draught, than any combined machine. These two machines Lave -not only a perfect lifting ap- paratus for the table and liar, but have also the only perfect tilting beide and bar. We offer any trial the purchaser may desiredef either or both these maehine4. We aloe build the QEIIO COMIBIl•TPOD WITH JOHNSTON'S SELF-RA10E. r Which we guarantee equal to the best combined machines made in Canada, and we offer a trial to •in - MACHINES, tendingpurehasers. We also build , TWO -HORSE WOOD -SAWING . And all- kinds . of • ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, A Address 235 ‘1111:211R...,....r1117C+4C1M,~0.27•1+4,..A.1..0.1!.../C,MS• WW. IN EXECUTORS' NOTICE. IOULDiNG R. Ross, or the firm cf 11`right & Ross, of Andean vine, in the Countof Hawn; to hand the ame ta NOTICE is `hereby given to nil parties having i & claims against the estate of the late George TRls undersigned has on hand a splendid lot of the undersigned Executors, or to Geo, II. Wright. I y s on or before the ist ay of July next, as, after that I ROSWOOD AND GILT date, the effaire of the estate will be closed up and ND MACHINERY VOR MILLS AND FACTORIES: STEAM ENGTNES A SPECIALITY. THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ontario. PAPER. no further claims paid. Alan all partiea inaebted to the above estates, either by note or book account, are requested to ; call and settle the sante forthwith. Payment of , n(4ea Or accounts retry be made to George 11., Wright or to the un at:nate:ea executors. ANIS. 1;11CKIE, ) _WM. GRAHAM, r Executois. aCIIN FEP,GUSON, ) Ainleyville, April 24, 1672. 1 Lots 104 and 105, Ainley's Survey, in the village of Ainleysille, estate of the late George. 11. Ross, ; for sale. Terms, cash: • 229 MONEY 70 LOAN. THE subscriber has MONEY to loan to any amount on good farm property. Interest, SIX per cent. per annum, wben the interest and prin- ciple are paid Yetuay, and 8 per ..cent. per annum when the interest only is paid. • A G. McDOUGALL, 227-52 At cheap cash Store, sign of the Bear. • MONEY TO LEND. -- undersignetl lists $3,000 and upward, private • funds, to loan at 8 per cent. per annum, on Perm property. Charges moderate. Marriage Licences issued. Apply to 227-524- • W. 0. WILSON, Zurich. ; MO U AlsoFine Lot of Straw WRAPPING PAPER, FOR SALE, CHEAP. Now is the time to buy as it is on the rise. C. ARMSTRONG. 221. Main Street, Sdaforth. ROOMS TO LET. TO LET, in Scott's Block, two commodious Rooms on the second fiat. Apply to 195 McCAUGH i4Y & BOLMSTED. COOPERS WANTED. - ANTED I MM E ATELY, Eleven good Coopers, tolwork at Salt Barrels. Apply to JOHN G. AMENT. Seaforth, May 22,1872. 283 alit iiron Oxviviitor iS P1733LI5HER EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, IN SEAFORTIL TEM/S.—W.50 per year in advance, o $2 at the end of the year. Advertising Bates. TRANSIENT. Pint insertion, per line, 8 cents, snbsequeat In sertions, 2 cents each time, per line. CONTRACT RATES. One column ono year ........ • • • $60 00 ft half a " 8 months Half one year 44 44 hall 44 One-fou'rt‘ h o8neluyTatrI8 ............ 12 00 64 half One-eighth 8 th onelnyenth year. 44 44, half " " 8 months One -twelfth one year 44 If ludi 44 8 months • 8 Business Cards, (6 lines and under, la year.. 4gg• • ... ... . 044..4 85 130 ....co 20 85 •••OO . 4..144 20 ,00 :..2000 . 12.00 • . 800 • . • 12130 Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, &c., not exceeding 10 lines—first month, $1; after first month, 50 cents each month. Advertisements of FARMS and REAL ESTATE for sale, not exceeding 151ines-13rst month, $1 59; each subsequent irionth, 75 tents. Births, Marriages, Deaths—Gratis. Adyertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. MoLEAN BROTHERS, Munn° Y. McLEast, Publishers. Amin MeLnals. f The Victoria Chemical Company, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the Cele- brated Victoria Carbolic Preparations. Laboratory and Works, Victoria Hall, Melinda Street, Toronto, Ont. • The following Genuine Preparations are sold by all Druggists. Be sure and ask for the VICTORIA PREPARATIONS, and see that you get them. Victoria outdated Glycerine Jelly. This JELLY is highly recommended to Ladies as a most agreeable Preparation for the Toilet. For Beautifying the Complexion, and rendering the Skin Soft, White, Clear, and free from Dryness, it is unrivalled. It will quickly remove all Redness, Roughness, Tan, Freckles, Pimples, and other im- perfections. For Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Frost Bites and Sore Lips, it cannot be surpassed. Priee 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Toilet Soap. This Tonna So VP possesses all the well-known antiseptic and disinfecting properties of Carbolic Acid, is agreeably scented, has a healthy action ou the skin, pie -vents irritation'removes the effects of perspiration, and, should be regularly used. by familleal Cholera, Smallpox and Fever Patients should be washed with this Soap; and its use sby persons liable to infection will materially prevent the spread of disease. Price 15 cents per Tablet. Victoria Carbolic Salye. This Salm: is a rapid cure for all Skin Diseases Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Sores, Ulcers, Ring- worm, Tetter, Eczema, Scald Head, Scurvy, Abs- cesses, Boils, Pimples, &c. It possesses all the cleansing and healing virtues of Carbolic Acid, which has been found by Physicians everywhere to possess curative qualities not discovered in any other chemical preparation. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Gargarysma. This GARGLE is the most reliable and efficacious Remedy in all eaSet3 of Sore Throat, Hoarseness Diptheria, Bronchitis, Irritation of the Bronchial Tubes so common in this changeable climate, Asthma, Offensive Breath Ulcerated Gums, and all diseases of the Month. For Public Speakens and Siugers it is invaluable. The ingredients en- tering into this Gargle are used by ell Physicians, and for the cure of the above disorders STO now, undoubtedly, the most popular in the Maannaa l'innica. Price 25 cents. • Victoria Carbolic Disinfectant. This DISINFECTANT is a sure preventive of Typhtta and Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, Smallpox, and all in- fectious diseases. It will prevent Contagion in Cattle. It is also invaluable for Disinfecting Wa- ter Cloaets, Drains, Cesepools, Stables, Slaughter- houss, &o., and. for 'destroying nauseous effluvia fromrwhatever cause arising. it will drive away Mostinitoes, Moths, Flies, Coekroaches, lac. Meat, Fish, asc., can be preserved from putrefaction by its use. Carbolic Acid was selected by Her Majesty's Royal Commissioners, in preference to all other precincts, as the beat Disinfectant for the preven- tion of infectious diseases. Priee 25 cents. Victoria. Sharpening and Polishing Paste • This PREPARATION is unequallea in its rapidity for Sharpening and Polishing Cutlery. Table and PocketKnives,Razors, Surgical Instruments, Shoe- makers' Knives, Plane Bits and Chisels, &e. Noth- ing has ever been discovered whieh has sprung into popularity more quickly, or become of so much value in every household and workshop for general nsefulness. lades 25 cents: 280 CAUTION To the Public of the British Provinces of North • America, • BEG most respectfully to acquaint the Dahlia • of the larititi North American Provinces that in May, 1871, I caused the business at 80 Maiden - Lane, New York, for the sale of Holloway's Pills and Ointment, which were 'up to that time pro- I pared by William Brown now deceased, to be closed. I regret to say tliat I hare reason to know that the management of the late buainess land for sorne years, in many ways, been most ow - rapt, and it spay be that the Pills and Ointment were not prepared with the care I hays always de- sired. Those who do not 'Wish to be deeeived by buying spuriousmedicines, 'which are now likely to emanate from the States or elsewhere, to POSSCSB themselves of the genuine Holloway's Pills and • Ointment, manufactured by nte in London, Eng- land, will do well to see that each pot and la bears the British Government stamp, on which is ` engraaed the words,'" Holloway's Pills and Oint- ment, and. that the addr,ns on the label is 58.3, • Oxford -street, London, whore only they are mann- faetuaed, and in no otheepart of the 'world. The retail pnces are on the labels in 13ritisla -cutrenaYs and not in dollars and cents. No repreeentative of mine will ever travel through any part of the British ProYinces or the TJnited States'either to Bell or to take orders for my Pills and Ointment, and as I have reason to believe that attempts will probably be made to deceive the public in this way by persons calling upon medicine vendors, falsely representing that they are acting for inc and with my knowledge and consent, 1 deem it advisable to put the public on their guard against may such ae- ceptiona. I most earnestly entreat all thee° who May read this advertisement that they be pleased, in the public interest, to communicate the purport of the same to their friends that they inay not be defrauded of their motley by purchasing, perhaps, worthless imitations of the genuine Rollaway's Pills and Ointment. I would ask, Ali a great favor, that, should it come to the knowledge of any per- son that amnions medicines are being suede or sold in my name, he be pleased Wsend me all the par- ticulars he can collect respecting the sarae, that is to Fay, the name and taldreen of the vendor who is selling the spurious medicines, and likewise the name and address of the House in the United States or elacwhere,whieh may have supplied them so as to enable me, for the protection of the pab- iic, to institute proceedings against such evil- doent, and I engage to remunerate very handsome - purci88. 61, 22s. and 34s. per dozen boxes of Pills tsell them to bean his money returned. Pe to examine it anasena a reply, stating whethet the medicines are oenuine or not, so that, if spu- rious, can be supplied at the lowest wholesale rious may apply to the pereon from WhOM he. instrnetion whieh are affixed to theeame. I prom winch remittance must be sent in as -Iva -nee. ae any Ipeharsvoents.lievlhyohitonhuoiagTair'.enatntiott)vbxirecni;; e such information hag been deceived by bnying spa:lions imitations o. letter, to the address at foot (which. he eon. aa at Kites, in quantities of not less than n20 worth -e - the informant's name never being divulged: Should any person have reason to believe that he of these medicines, he will do Welito send me, in a cost of six cents in rootage), one of the books of or pots of Ointment, net. -without disaennt, for Chemists anti Dniggists who desire to obtain the Par ..111'1')LL01 VAY, 553, Oxford street, (late 244 Strand,) London, W.C., Oct. 1, 1871. 249-26 CATTLE FAIR. A CATTLE PAIR will be held hereafter at - LOYD'S HOTEL, ORTIL (Opposite the Station,)` On the First Monday in each 3110litbi BEOLKNING ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, ISM Large numbers of buyers will be in attendance, and parties lutving stoek may rely on the best mats ]tet psiees. In connection with Loyd's Hotel (Houghtort's are large and commodious stables and yards. 198