HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-08-09, Page 1-,••••.*. • •-••••,....,
urivsT 2.
eMea'reqattleZettre -'efealeadiee
a2ld failing on tap of him,
bones between the shoulder
'ood's friends endeavered
at the arm wile irof broken,
ajcan. (t. Coderich, having
Tuesday found that lt
• accident happeaed to
ESscu. .He was driving in
with -another pereon who en-
() itass it team iu front of them,
Esson, fearing their vehicle
• jumped, out while the
c going very feet, and failing.
head and shoulder violent13.-
md, breaking his collar helm.
.d to learn that he is recover-
wn to :vo1i th. my' Addrese
some- ten or twelve days before the
rt. on the 24th inst., at Seaforth.
i- at the solicitation of many of your
eete of the County and reform I was
ttalt.lk to that Convention, arld
d was to be fairly and honestly treet-
eted to abide by it decision.
I have been credibly infcumed that
the Convention was not what it
nn if the delegatesluld been chosen,
n as one that lute served you
fully, and who Las acted to the
elity for your best int&ests, and the
=te.f the country,. to give me simply
kezeumeed that Z have not been Inste
a am in the ffeld, and, if eleeted,
;interesta with the same elity that
rod shortie., an1 I will then. explain
I am, rt yours,
27, let•"72, 243
oi‘ THE •
eilt! lintrntOnt.-
egent solicitation of many of my
: :Winne I am indueed to preitent
ndistate for einar suffragee, tb.e
'et, for the House a Connnons,
von thnt haee had some Experie
eiffaire. For the last five year% I
winee to represent you in the Parlia-
mini-ern It eprtears nty ecirulttet met
1 of- those through, whose influence I
Zarat a recent C011renti(fa of the
f the then North Riding of Miran,•
.4e- yam standard-bearer at the ap-
era not aware that I hays
:since that Convention to forn it the
the ehe toeS. On the eentrery, I
emir me out in stating tient I LaTe
!.1.tett �nd pr011tOted ycear ittbereste,
of Parliament, to the ntemst of my
--..eearee your representative. As to
eentlenten that 1 liore stead-
!.) the priociples I profeened and to-
rty that. supported me, tiering the
'my Parllementary servloe. I 'Voted
inedleadera4,f, the Reform party on
pertanee. In only oue ease did
lee to follow them, viz.: on the
to the Washiegtort Treaty; and
t-nd myself in company -with Mr.
Ieeding: Reformerin the Hotme.
rad,5, lam told, complain of this
aeettre them that I never voted
:eretugh con,viction tha 1 Ives right,
emir and my country demanded it
an early opportunity of ex -
ally ray re•Xj(}1111 tor SuiTarting-
Queernand ImeteriaI Parliament
and a?: the 111.02Ltieilaa 1 am pc -
will to- exteud to me tha
lye SO lung- erjoyed, ane :tenni 1
atleaYered to merit.
. • , gee
.atet. at.
Tz. ROMs'
e ived the unanimous vote of th,a
en Iteld at Seeforth, on Weduese
Lerniueting me to represent you in
'onions. a this Dominion.-
_ s one
is nomination, gentlemen, I ho
that, havnig been a- resident in
'Ixt! past thirty-nine e -ear -., ray pa-
a cietent Reformer are well
fee:era/1y known. If elected as
ri•see I viii record. niy vote.; tor the
'Zillt, country, eouscioutiousIy, rte-
,, •jueement„ and as near ae
1 e with. your views_ ,
a -e the earne gencrone surport
elready been acetuded me
1 et ei. , gentlemen,
Yonrs triey.
or Tint
bit alciiit jPI
nt,:eineftelirvthe Defor:n Colt-
knei late et -the curt:beg 1:!ect1pli
r. and Itevir hettrt1T7 rye pted
eeeie be;ere yon icing your
tit -a ettleie ne -thee;
f: F
,.. fintt tit'. if.tatiwatf yenr
"tee:it'll, the 4ereption by the
ef the n ereetettetivee, the
!Zen:et-ley the T;tetty t,f
tenrevreenee ef the
end eseh 01. :nave will al -
F t by oppoeititnt, tewee
it/eatery, tees:vette from stlient
On nee coedial ezipeten„ and to
1. one iutereete %ill be
or to he
1st obedient se-ref:at,
4, 872. 242
VO LITRE 5, NO. 36. )
VirIKOIL E NO.'244. j
s are tietAlleat, Physician, Surgeon
an., Graduate of Toronto Uh eniity, _Associ-
ate Coroner for the County of IIurout, 12V8r5o_xic8toor,
tstredfittne M, De Graduate of Vito.ria CoIlegd, Physician, Surgeon, etc.. etc.,
liEgnuRN. ONT.-Coroner of the Comity of Huron.
mace aua residence, at Thompson & Stanley's.
'nit. W. E. SMITH, Phyeieian, Surgeon, ote,
*L" Offiee--Opposito Scott Robertson's Grocery,
Main, street, Seaford. '
_TAXIES STEWART, M. D.; C. M., Graduate of
MeGill, University-, Ifontreel, Physieian, Stir-
geon, etc. Office and Ileteidenee-Brucefield.
TT L. VE•RCOli, M. D., C. M., Physician,
geon, etc. Office find Resit -twice, conic): of
Market and Higli streets, next to the Planing
rill. CAMPBELL, Coroner for the County.: CIRCO
1-/ awl ineeidence, over Corby's corner store, Main
street, Seaforth. Oftice hours, from. 11 to 4, each
day, and all day Sattuday. 159
the inhabitants of _Seaforth and surrounding
conntry. Dr. G. BULL haring been'ealled
through sickness in his family, to suspend business
for some time in this piece, has. pleasure in an-
nouncing to the public, that through a litid Pro-
vidence he 1La3 beeu permitted to return tO the
rooms formerly occupied by him, over Mr. A. G.
McDcragell'e Store., Main street, where he intends "
permanantly to remain, and will be pleased to see
his old patrons and as many new ones as may favor
him with a call. All operations -performed accord-
ion to the latest approved style, and fees as low as
to be fortud elsewhere.
Office home; iromS A.. M. to 5 P. M. 224,
LEET, Solicitor, Winghtun, hi been ap-
tfl pointed Agent for the Colonial Securities Com-
pany of England, he is aleo Agent for several pri-
vate Capitelists ,,of Toronto, who loan Money at
vei7 reasonable ratea Interest payable yearly.
Chargue moderate.
Whigheon, Doe. 15, 1871. 213
CA,13G1L9-1: & IIOLMESTED, Barrist6s, At-
torueys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and
Ineolvency, Notaaies Public and conveyancers.
" Solicitors Lor die R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for
the Canaan. Life A.ssnrance Corrtpany,
B.-ee30,000 to lentl at 8 per cent. Earms,
Houses and Lots for sale. 53
-1Jee ENSON 3,IETER. BnrriAters and Attorneys
at Law, Solicitorin Chancery and Insolvency,
Conveyancers, Notaries Public. ete. Oftlees---Seto
forth and Wroxeter. S233000 of Private Ftmds to
.invest e.,t once,. at night per cent,. Interest, payable
Yt4t1i.1% 53
Jes. 1. nreseern. It. C. MEYEI.C.
Call',lEUCIAT, IfOTY.L, Ainlerville, Ont., 1711.
ANN T‘.1.1 A , Proprietor. This Hotel is ender
entirely new lattnatennent and has been ,thoronedy
renovated. The Dar, is supplied witlz the bent
Liquors and Cigars. Crood Stabling aud attentive
lEostlers. A Eirst-class Live..ry in connection. 228 b
n _ - . •
A. Story of .171isfortunelielief-Geo
graphical A el leVenlent14 -. Livlug
one Will Remain in Africa.
Irmr, ()a TAN ;ANyrN.A, AvarcA, 1
Noveniber, 1871. f
James Gordon Bennat, Jr., Esq.
My Diu,: It is in general sonie
what difficult to a rite to one we hav
never seen---eit fee1s. so much like address
ing an abstracticlea-but the presence°
your representative, Mr. H. M. Stanley
M this distant region takes away th
-strangeness I should otb,erwise have felt
and in writing to t aank you for the e*treme kindness that prompted you
send him, 1 feel Tete at home. -
If I explain the forlorn -condition in
which he fouud me you will easily per
mine that I have good reason to use very
strong expreaeiens of gratitude. I came
to Ujiji off a tramp of between 400 and
500 miles, beneath .1 blazing vertical sun,
having been baffled, worried, defeated,
and forced to 'return, when almost in
sight of the end of the geographical part
of my mission, by a nunaher of half-caste
Moslem slaves sent to me from Zanzibar,
insteod of Men. The sore heart, made
still sorer by the woeful sights I had seen
Of ma,n'e inhumanity to man, reached and
told on the bodily femme and depressed
it beyond measore.' I thought that I was
dying on my feet. It is not too much to
say that almost every step of the weary,
sultry way was in _pain, and I reached
Ujiji a mere " ruelele" of bones,
There .1 found that some five hundred
pounds sterling ivor!;h of .goods which I
had ordered from Zanzibar had unac-
countably been intimated to a _druaken
half-caste, Moslem -tailor, who, after
squandering thilin -for 16 menthe on the
way to Ujiji, finished up by selling off all
that remained for slaves and ivory for
himself. lie had "divined" en. the
Koran and foundethat I .wae dead. He
had. also written to the -Governer of'
Unyanyembe that he had. sent slaves
after me to Manyerna, 'rho returned and
reported my decease, and begged permis-
sion to sell off the few goods that his
drunken appetite had spared.
He, however, knew perfectly well,
from men who had`teen me, that I was
alive, and waiting for the goods and men;
but as fee morality, he is evidently an
idiot, and there being no law here except
that of the daggor. ninsket, I had to
sit down in great 'weakness, destitute of
everything save a fele barter cloths and
eaos, which 1 had taken the precaution
o leave here in case of extreme need.
The near prospect of beggary among
any time of the year. Two western
drains, the Lupira, or Bartle Freres Riv-
- er, flow into it at Lake Kamolondo.
- Then the great - River Lomaine flows
through Lake Lincoln. into it too, an.d;
seems to forro 'the Weetern arm of the.
. Nile, on which Petherick traded. _
Now I know about 600 miles of the
_ watershed, and unfor t u irately the seventh
e hundred is the most interesting of the
iwhole; for in it, if I am not mistaken,
• four fountains arise from - an earthen
emound, and the last of the four becomes,
at no great diStance off,- a large river. ,
, Two of thesp rim itiorth` to Egypt,
a Lupera,, and Leoraine, and two run south,
o into inner Ethiopia, -as . the Liambal, or
upper Zambezi, on the liefneare.
. These aro not the smirces: of the Nile
mentioned by the Secretary of Minerva,
in the city of Sais, to Herodetus..
I have heard of them so often, and at
great distance off, that . I, cannot doubt
their existence, and in spite of the sore
longing .for home that seizes inc every
time I think of my - family, I wish to
finish up by their rediscovery.
Five hundred pounds sterling worth of
goods have agaie unaccountably been in-
trusted, to slave, and have been over a
year on the way, instead of four months.
I must go where they.lie at your expeose
ere I can put the natural completion to
And. if my , iselosuree negardiug the Subject to the following conditions :
my work.
terrible .Ujijian lavery should lead to the 1, To be open_ to competition by Of
of t e east coast slave trade, ficers, Non-commiesioned Oflicers! and.
men of the active militia of the respec-
1 shall regard tl at as a greater. matter ti Provinces only, who are now bona
by far than, the discovery of all the Nile fide members of the force, and have been
sources together. Now that you have so for at least one year previous to the
done with domettic slavery for ever, lend . it July, 1871, and who can be certified
us your powerful aid.toward this great ob- to as having performed the annual drill
ject. This fine country is blighted. as for that year, and who have alsO passed
with a mune from :above, in order. that through the prescribed course of target
the slavery privileges of the petty. Sultan practice. Also, to such as were bona -
of Zanzibar, may not be infrine.,,eci ; and tide members of the active militia for the
the rights, of the Crown of Por-tugal, year 1870, and have since retired there -
abeyance till some future time when! Af- from
Snider rifres only to be used in this
which m-6. mythical, should be kept in
. rico will hecenie another India to Portu- • competition, Ranges to be 200, 500 and.
guese slave traders. - 600 yards, 5' shots at eaell range. -
I cenclude by 4gain. tha-uking you most Returns Of naine,'8 of wieners with de -
cordially for you great generosity, and tail scores of each to :be sent to the Ad-
am,•gratefully yours, jutant General -at head -quarters, at the
DAVID LinnsGSTONE, terniination of each competition.
IWO 0. '
, 0 -al. --
- July 24, 1872.. ) year _be held. at Haruilnin on Mondtiy
The Provincial Exhibition will this
HENDETISON, Crrenville Co., N. Cf., 1
Tuesday,' Wednesday, Thursday arid
In. giving my. obeervations of an exten- Friday, September! '23, ! 24, 26, 26 and
stye tour through the State of•North Caro- 27. - Entries for horses, cattle, ! ,sheep,
lima I shall aim at entire truthfulness swine, poultry, agrieultural implements,
• I'
in treating the su ) jec ts which carneunder must be made on Or before Saturday
my notice. leo erect the south on the August 24th, grain; field roots, and oth
morning of II tare .19t1T, 1872. I reached er farm products, machinery and inanu-
Norfolk by stezia er. This town has irn- 'factures . generally, , •Saturday, Angus
proved immensely in trade and popula- 31st e horbicfaltural productt3, ladies
ton since the war . • !Grim earthworks -car work; the fine arts, 'etc. Santrday,--Sep
every hand remain. monuments of - the tember; 14th. -Entry blanks and other
deadly strug4e. The land here is ric1e. iufor.mation may be had by addreee-
ancl flat and eoriti.nues ab until we reach f ing the, ;tecretary of the' ' 4gricultura
Weldon. The lands erear the sea coast and Arts A sSOeiatiOn of Ontario, Torou-
are loae flat, and rich and mor.n or less to. The prize -list can be seen at the
at all acla,pted to, fresh arrivals from a
infested: tvith fev r and ague and are not 1. Exeoseron office: . !
---- Early ! in the !week Mrs. Robert
Douglas. daughter of Mr. Fn G. Burgess,
of East Zorra, was. thrown from a horse
and. so severely injured by the concussion
rent Franklin arid Itralte Counties, and,
1111)DINCE OP WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Ont.,
-A, G. J. Meet:W-11E0N, Proprietor. First-class
accommodeeloa for travellers. The Bar is ;sup-
plied with the very' best liquors and cigars-. Good
stabling atteehed. The stage leaves this House
every day tor NS Ingham. 20-14t
Ujijians ma,de me miserable. •
1 could not despair, because I laughed
o much at a friend who; on reaching the
mouth of the Zembe ., said that he was
temptedlo despair o i breaking the pho-
tograph of his wife, We' conld have no
rumens after that. terWard the idea
f aesiiairthad to me uch a strong smack
1 the ludicrous thre it was out b of the
uestion. ! -
Well, when I had ot to about th.e low -
.est verge, vague rumors of an English
i' visitor reaehed me. ' th.ought of myself
as the man who wen down from Jeru-
salem to Jericho, b it • neither Priest,
ILevite, nor Samarita could possibly pees
myoway. Yet theac od Samaritan lirfis
close at hand, and on of my people nosh-
ed up at the top of ris speed, and, in
great excitement, isped cut, `` An
ltriglinliman coming • 1 see him !" and
off he darted to nieet im. -, .
An Ameridan flag, the first ever seen
in these parts, at the head of a caravan
told Inc the nationali. yef the stranger.
I am as cold and noa-demonstrative as
we islanders are usua ly reputed to be;
but your kindness mi le my. frame thrill.
It was, indeed, ovens,. , eiming, and 1 said
in my.son , "Let th richest blessings
descend f xim the II gliest on you. and
yours-!" .
The news Mr. Stan ey had to tell was
thrilling. The might political changes
on the Continent e th success of the elt-
lanitie cables; the e ection of, General
Grant, and 'other tonic riveted my often,
tion for days together and had an im-
mediate mat benefic al effect on my
health. 1 fitd been 1% iti1011t news froin
- h.oine for years, save 1 hat I could glean
• _ _ _ • __a_ 4
• Oftlee.-?.t Murraynt Hotel, Senforth. Good• ,„ o
Horses and first-class conveyances always on hand.
-7 --
-quiet Horses end First G1' Tehieles always
on hand. -0011Tdy11110t:S fcernitthed to Commercial
Travellers on reasonable rates.
Good Horses told Comfortable Vehieles, elwaye
en hand.. avorable Arrangemente made with
Commercial Trarellers. All orders left at ENex's
'HoTEL, will be promptly attended to. .
OnFecel AND STABLES :-Third door North of
Knox's Hotel, Mehl Street.
221 THOMAS BELL, Prgpiietor.
I •
e (Member (14 the Ontario Voterimuer College,)
hogs to intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth
undsurroundiene country, that he has opened an.
office In Searorth, where he may be consulted per-
sonally or by letter, on the Diseases of Hermes, Cat-
tle, et n .Havitig received a regular and practioal
education, rule hexing been awarded the Diplema
of the Vetei Mary College of Ontario, T. J. Churchill
hes every cot-lade/me a giving satisfaction to all
Who may employ him.
Renteenexees-A. Smith, V. S., Principal Onta-
rio Veterinary College; Professor. Buckland, Dr.
Thorburn, Dr. Rowel, and,- Wells, M. D.1 & V. S.
.VeteriutuT Metheines constantly- on hand.
All yells promptly attended to.
Office-Carmichaers Hotel, Seaforth. 182-2m
V. S., bees to annotmee to the inhabitants of
Seatorth fuel surrounding- country that-- he has
been awarded the diploma of the Ontario Veterin-
arv College and now nreparcd to trent diseesee
of Horsee and Cattle and all domestic animals. He
has opened an tam counection with his horse -
shoeing Ethcp, Arlic.rt, he fauna reaely to at-
tend to cans. Diseases of the feet specially at-
tenden to. Residence, °face and shop in the rear
of Eilloran & Ryan's new store. An kinds of Vet-
erinary' Medicines kept constantly ou hand.
Charges reasonable. 229
Li TM...ANDER HUNTED, Licenscel Auctioneer,
Crauhrook Grey 1'. 0. Sales attended on
moderate terms. Cot nmieeioner in QVICOU'R13013Ch,
Convayancer, Laud, Loan pad General Agent. -
Also, Ageet for the following Companies, viz. :
Huron aml Erie Loan Society, London; Enrinelee
end Mech attics' Se vhtgs and. Loan Company, Toron-
to ; Royal Insurfutee Company of Liverpool- Mel
L-ondoo, Fire awl Life; Ontario Mutual Fire In-
emence Companr and the Agncultural Insurance
Company. Any- amount of money to loau at low
rates of interest. Several good Farms for sale,
Cheap. 2.24-fim
- - - -• - - -
C. re COOPER, Conveyeleer, Commissioner in
Qu teet's Bennie And Gen ern 1 Agent,
Agent fur the Freehold Peeimment Bnibling and
&nines Societe of Toronto, whose nttes an low
as any ComItnity doing business in Conada.- Appli-
cationa far Iranipron-iptl* trentivil to.
Orric:K,-0 p p (wife Ross' Tailor Shop,
_TOXIN J Cr tifa, -Excha !Igo 'Dray; and 11,51-
-ws.y Ticket A.;zunt, Flonliton'Li Hotel, opposite
G. 1 . 1Zalh.,•ay Station, f4,1aforth, (int. Through
Tieketh" isnn,-1 to r11 points th,, -western stott-s,
cal iforl via a nd Red River, t redncel rates. afforaing
tic•fac-ilitic--; to Emigrents. e_11 neeessary
i_nformatieentrieen eeeeeeting Tenni egeneies, eta.
• etreenbeelee ilonde. Oorepons and un4irrentmcweY,
,00ld an, -1:, -,liver (Alio, bought end sou at beEtrau-s.
beyieg and pnyiug bill prices for
from a few Scab -day! 'evican-and Punch
of 1868.- The •a,ppetit 'revived, and in a
week I beoah to teel s rano again. 0 0
a most kind and
rom Lord Ultimo -
Mr. Stanley brough
encouraging dispatch
don, whose loss -I sin erely. deplore, ! the
first I have received roar tt e Foreign
Office since 1866, and information that
the British Governmer t had kindly sent
:E1,000 sterling to my id, tfe, to his ar-
rival -I was not aware of any pecuniary
, 1 came unealarie 1, but thin want
is now happily re:paareil, and I am anti-
ous that you and try frietult should
know that though unc eered by letter
have stnea to the task which my friend
Sir Roderick Murchisset inc with
''John B tnaci-y,believing that
all would come right a last.:
The watershed of So ith Central Africii
is over 700 miles in le gth, The feriataine thereon !are almo -t innurnerable--e
thkt is, it would take nazi's lifetime to
count them. From th watershed they
pon verge into four Janie rivers, and thcee
again into two ntiglie; the
great Nile Valley, whit h begins in Illto
sofith latitade. It was long ere light
dawned on the auadent a -01)1 01n and gave
inc a clear idea. of the Irainage. 1 had
;to feel ins way, and 0 rery step of 'the
teat and was oeuerall on-miterin the
dark, foe who cared here the rivers'
ran ? AVe drank oily fill and. let the rest
ruu ine
The Portuguese who visited Cazembe
asked for eaves and iv. ey. and honed of
nothing elec. , 1 ask et1*- Wont the W.11 ers,
questiono4 and croes-qi est ed , 1
vas alenost afraid of be ng set down as
ifilicted with hydroeep aft.
My last week in wh. ch I have beee
•-reativ hinderedfi om vent of suitable
artendanne. was .follo ing the -central ;
line of draimege down tl rough the .couu-
try of the cannibals, ea led Manytiema,
or, shortly, Manyerae This line of
draina.ge has four large ekes in it. The
fourth I was near when obliged to turn.
- It is from Olin to three broad, -and
never can be reached at
- .
in any cplautities. Also '
Brought to town.,
Coder:eh-et., Seaforth, Jane 20, 1872. 237
ItieLZIAN EtrierilHEE11/4., Publisherm.
$11. 50 3.-ettr, in advance.
.* • 'At- t-4.- • g • - • ••••••• • t.
or of London, En land, and a Commit-
tee of clistiiiimished noblemen and gentle-
men during the Mayoralby of Ald erm an
Besley, as a testimonicl "to mark the
feeling entertained toward the Canadian
active militia for the loyalty and valor
displayed by theni in repelling, the Fe-
nian attacks on the Dominion.'
With a view of carrying. out the
wishes of the Committee, as expressed
through the Eight Honorable Lord
Mayor, these Rifles; with the propor-
tion of ammunition, will be offered as
prizes to be competed for by the active
militia in the several Provinces during
the autumnarineetings of the Provincial
- Rifle Associations for 1872, exceptiu so
far as relates to Manitoba and British
Colnrnbia, regarding -wide"' furthee, in-
structions will be given. t •
The distribution *ill b made in the
following proportions
Ontario 6
Quebec . .. 5
New Brunswick. ..... 3
Nova Scetia. ... ..... 3
Manitoba. 1.
British Columbia2
! 500
Total... 90 10,000
north climate Farmers coming from
Canada ehould ot settle further east
than the eastern line orbouudary of War -
for the first few years, nowhere south of Oat her life is despaired of.
. '
the south of Wake county. From these. - •• Jaime Celia . while returning from
counties west health is certain ; a climate w.atering a horse a day or two ago near
Fenelon, was thrown from
that cannot be -excelled, 'and .scenery Bice's taverp,
equal to the -finett iu any part of the the annual, and the horse falling ripen
woeida The middle and western part of . him he received such injuries that he died
tho State is best adapted. to the different ilea few houre afterwards.
kinds 'a grain and orastes, also to stock- - The extensive flan and scatchihe
O 0
raising. I haee bought i11. the cotton mills belonging to !!Dr. Harrison, of St.
growing count i y affirm near Henderson. Marye, Wero ,burnecl tothe ground on
• In all parts of the State lands are &nolo)/ inerniim, together with a laroe
0 .
plenty and cheap, the impoverishments of Stock of dressed flax and seed. Estiniat
the war compelline many of the oreat ed, loss 85,000. No insurance. ,
0 e
land holderto pal r, with estates or par- - Large numbers of people are .being
tions of them. Th -class of f•trmer-11W13t' • . prostrated by typhoid fevM
er in itchell,:
reqiiiind here are ractical farmers with - and the local preee expresses the view
capital ranging' fro i two to tenthousand that unless .- !Speedily checked it will
.dollars. 'North nrolina can furniah , rove 1. - , e.,
homes for one million emigrants, or can .. -- - 0 • ._
!, New fall whera is beginuing to ar-
more delightful homes be found on this
, • in Hamilton Market m saran cmaii-
broad earth. . _taking serenity of cliniate, ! tities. The price i paid is Oe same as
variety: of prodnets and! .certainty of
in every sense of. the word, this that for fali wheat, or - about 81.28 per
health, , bushel. !
State is a " i white man's country. Its .
-- The Hamilton Spectator is our aatle. '
treat natural beauty and unlimited re-
- b Ority fee statino that _Mr. Irving, the se-
sources, ifs fridts are Of the variety that Honor of the etreat Western lniiiwa,y
must have 'flourished in. Eden , it gr°" Company, and. the Reform candidate for
. .
num ei o• Clearn i ertens an, s
Spat . mg the city, lein tendered his resignatipu to
springs ot the. very !beet watee ; its great the emnpaey, which has been aceepted.
voter .powers and central pointfor
nanufa,cturing ; its large deposits of opal .- nu' fall
.meeting of the Toronto
and iron of !the Very best quality, all 11111-#1g 11'0 ! -Driving Park Association
will take place on the 12th, 13th„, and
point ,to .the fu trim gretniess of thie 14th days of September next. Two
oun try. Nature has 1 ef oth i n
daye ,he denoted to runnino and- one
clone ; sire has ecattered -every el;ment 0
Lo trotting rapes, and as about 81,000
of success around 111 the gi•eat abundance.
will he offered. in prizes, int interesting
Mau milt needs to understand his inter -
meeting in anticipated.
este and do hie ditty, and skill and capi-
The right of ay for the Sou hem
tal will meet a htrge and sure reward. 1:
Ettension or tae \I ellingtom Grey and
now come to the questien of personal
Bruce eltailway is new being purchased
safety. Oa this point, I will say that
you are as safe iuNorth Carolina as you. between Lacknow and Kincardnue
would be in ant part of the British Do- ; - The fall wheat in the Township of
minions ; that the .uatiee inhabitants East William, County of illiddlesex
will extend to yell in good f;iith the , woe never kniown to be a better :crop
eight hatid of both fellow sum aud friend- than it is this veer.: A. M. tiooin. a
— .
ship, enV1 that w(.1.I. educated, nefined and farmer in that township had a Whole
respectable farmliett becoming farmers, field, the wheat in Willeli measured, on
will tind no trouble in entering the beet el
am average, sie feet hi lenetii.
society in the State. -North Carolina . , -___ Tee mein tine of thi'.; *Wellington,
,. has 1.!''''rga uumbers or tirE't Cla'39 families, ' Grey and .Le uce _hallway was opened to
, ) t. •
I are Of , co tc t u est; ...n toiNi, :01rt.:th:•11111'c'103:111.1r'ft)ollifienty:tiaernii ‘; ' f\ tV. ILI. keexittjUL LI 6' e di. Utrh atT1l1111. ea,
. . . .
incl . an. oled to ea
e o,. real .‘13;_lotieult:tyu;leaeskt;
justly ("iproutil. 1 As: i it wiil be li )(Med to Pa /SIC '
--The flollowing is a eta3t.ement of the
boned for its bonnie lasses, I can iiiform . .
the read ers of this 1 epistle that I have .
arrival of tonignoies at the depot in To- !
seen nothing fit the deportment of the
fair sex ef tNort,11 Otieolina, of that mock i 1-,...)engli°a:ilsa,l.i611:g,5t;liele ellr'i(i'it:litili is, ',14-,.2jpu;Yto:-.JaN1 0_ r: -
modesty the American ladies are acmes- . ,
; 07o ; till of whem went thresigh to till'e-
ed of e in fact, the.y are lively tailkeie
:old *ell. educeted• a id. polished in man- -
, l 'IL: II; C:Itil iShthat6:1:, 11:71 NSV-ta;08teitli17.1:411;01:0iStliZLI.1 '
-9( . I . . i) r . , n . • i
ner. iliat they hm e what is ,pure in
'fbes; ruin:tined ill Ont trio.
orality, lovely in 1, irtne and. sacred. in -1,.470-
. de Last Friihnt 11 iglit ;Iles. Conners, of
. religion is ruy huinble opinion'.
\., M. lNi uSTARD. : Inteati,inae awale »ed by some pers-ons who
had I:whim-fully entered. her house.; on
— - -.0-0 -00.--;--- -
W-11 8tall. 8 to see
A Present to the Canachan,
- Volunteers. , talloti to:111,1111rtgiublirst: to
hue) fo(11(iind her bed room
. . .
. it been fastened from the outside,
His Excellency the Governor General 1,
i\nil she was a mist:nem-the tcliroileivaeres juin
has much pleasuee In directing, the pub -
tee meter time securing ten
lication in 6enera1 Orders of the receipt -
money a,nd nine hanks or woolen yarn.
of 20 ",!\lartini Henry" rifles, with !
.10,000 rounds of ammunition, valued at Dttn-e-Oaini uh;crigdhaotirli_rrarsninsigt,tillil-g-hiline .3,Mirr..
tf!,200 sterling, being the result of a col..
lection made uuder the auspices of. hie 1 „Middlemiss' book -store. leortlikoeeiae 1, i ibt aytlhk ae-
Po al Highness the Duke of Cambridge .:
d the Right Honorable the Lord May- 's isnugiltlteon ail fit, caughtiii(3unthithlleing14.,"aas-aastt ae
any point or at 1an
arms of Mr. Middlemiss. He died al-
most instantaneously. The deceased -was
in. apparently- robust health, and has
been performing his usual duties. He
was at once conveyed home. The doc-
tors seein to differ as to the cause of
death, sonic saying it occurred from ap-
oplexy, others from heart disease.
-We are terry to learn that the fall
wheat in the sicinity of Lucan has been
seriously dariaa,ged by rust, and the
spring wheat is beingattacked by weevil.
The prospect of a large wheat crop ap-
peared much more favorable a few weeks
ago than it (lees now.
- The annual -convention of the On-
tario Teachers' Association opened at
Toronto, ie. the theatre of the Normal
School building on the 6th. •
- A man living in the western part of
Toronto turned his hierse out la,et Satur-
day night on the Bathurst -street com-
mon. On searching for the animal on
Monday morning he found the horse
dead and skinned. The skin he after-
wards found at p, tannery, but could get
no definite intelligence of the knacker.
-Playiner croquet on Sabbath after-
noon is becoming quite fashionable among
the young folks in the vicinity of Wood-
stock. This portion of Her .Majesty's
Dominion would form an excellent field
for the labors of trayelling evangelists of
the Carroll and Russell stamp. These
gentlemen should return to Woodsteck-
at once.
- Rev. William Robertson. M. A..
Pastor-, of the Canada Presbyterian
Church. at Chesterfield, in the County of
Oxford, was presented with a purse con-
taining over two hundred dollars, prior
to his taking his departure on a tour to
Scotland. The presentation was made
by George, Perry, Esq., M. P. P. or
North Oxford, in behalf of the congrega-
- The grain and hay crops in the
township of North Dumfries, County of
Waterloo, are unpreeedentedly
fact almost *a complete_ failure. Many
" wheat' fields will not meet the expentie of
cutting, eight bushels ,to the acre being
quite a common occurrence. Some -far-
mere in the neighborhood will be obliged
to dispose of a number of their cattle for
want.of winter feed. Roots have taken
a fresh start Shine the late rains. The
potato beetle has not been nearly as det
structive a,s was feared,
- The Berlin Telegraph says it has
been proposed to hold a grand inimical
festival in Berlin some time .during the
month of September, when prizes to the
amount of four or fine hendred dollars
will be offered to be competed for by the
d,fferent bands m the Province.
Chief Of the Ingersoll Fire Bri-
gade has received from Hon. Frank
Smith, of Toronto, the -sum _ of. onedittn-
•dred dollars as a donation to the several
brigades for their services in saving the
new block erected last summer by him
in Ingersoll.
- Orand!Wood, second son of Mr. S.
0-, Wood, M. P. P., ot Lindsay, Ont., ac-
cidentally shot himself on Satunlay af-
ternoon, and died a few minutes aftur=
wards. It appears he and. the elder
brother, and a comrade, went out berry-
ing; - taking a gun with them. While
picking berries it begen to rain, and
Oraed -was aboutto plae.e the gun, which
was a ..shorit distance -from the berrying
patch, in a dry place. . In a felt. Minutes
the boys hear the report of ft gun, and
hurrying towards the _spot, called out,
" Orand, what have .you shot." There
being rit) answer, on coming to the spot
they were horrified to find the poor -boy
shot throagh the head. leis thought he
must have stumbled over a leg; causing
the guilt° go off.,
-The town of Woodstock voted a
bonus of 825,000 on Monday last, :to as --
ant in the construction of the Port Dover
and Lake 1Ittron Railway. Onlyseven
votes were east against the By-law. ,
- Hon. john Carling was elected as
the eepresentativein the House of Com -
moos for the _City of London on Tuesday
last by a Majoeity of 303. The conteet .
was th.e most exciting (me whichtbas
taken place in that city for many years.
- Hon. William McDougall has been ,
defeated fa North Lanark by a large
majority. lie only polled 275; Mr.
Rosamond, one of his opponents, polled
417 votes, and Mr. Galbraith, the sue.
eessfal candidate, polled 567 vetes.
is believed that Mr. McDougall will -now
try South Oxford, but his chalices in
this consktueney are even less thou in
North Lanark.
Mr. J. If. Burton, of Port Hope,
late member for East Purhani - in the
I:loose of Commons, died last week. Mr. .
Burton has been ill for some time, and
lue recovery has been considered doubt-
ful. He has ever beea a staunch sup-
per tei• of tbegot eminent of bir John
i\lacd-ouald, and had. he lived, it was
generally coneidcred he would receive a
-pnbilt office as n reward for his eimputt.
e was a Luria socia , good hearted
m am and retained: his popularity in his
cons ti Wen cy inure through his genial
qualities than tin 61.101 ability. Like far
too many of one miblie Mall. ilOWever,
his ueefulneee in the community was
much impaireAl by his intemperate habit&
- At the late examination of public
school teachers in the County of Stor-
mont, only ele,ven out of twenty-nine
applicants retteivol thirciecliee certifi-
cates. ere Were 110 app;icantS for
either first or second class certificates.
- Mr. Samuel fearke, of the township
of West Zorra, k:ounty of Oxford, has a
field of timothy, some of the heads of
Nvhich measure over ten inchee in leugth.
- A. speciel meeting of the Presbytery
of Huron nits liejel' at .-')outtle Kinloss on
the 24th July, for the induction of the
llev. D. Uanieroir into the- pastoral
charge of the congregation of Lucknow.
Rev. Mr. Pritchard, of ,Wingham,
preached- An able aud imprOssive dis-
course from Mark lent and nn, Rev. A.
Leask presided, Rev. A. G ran tioffered the
induction prat-cr. 1.ten. J. Ander-
son addressed the pastor, and Messrs.
Stewart and Leak the people. At the
close of the service the congregation
welcomed their pastor in thensual man-
ner as they passed out of the church.
The salary promised. Mr. Cameron is
$800 andel, manse or free house.
-Farmers in the vicinity of Ottawa
are suffering severely from wet weather.
Many of the grain and grass fields are
covered with water, and hay which has
been cut is rotting on the ground. The
grain crops are also going to ruin, there
being no sun or dry weather to ripen
them. A little of this moisture would
be most acceptalA to farmers in this
region. The ground is dryer here now
than it was at this time lent year.
Mn William Johnston, M. P.
for Belfast, arrived it London on
Friday. last. A large procession, Com-
posed of over 2000 Orangemen paraded,
the streets, headed by bands of music,
and a beautifully decorated. carriage, in
whieh was Mr. Johnston. A grand
banquet -was given in the evening in his
- The Indians. in Manitoba are any-
thing but quiet. A Chippewa squaw
was ledIed by some Sioux Indiaris near
the Portage. It is doubtful whether the
surveying party out west will be allowed
to proceed.
-The first- train on the Canada
Southern Railway, consisting of an
engine and four platform ears, loaded
with steel rails passed throngb St.
Thomas, en Wednesday of last week.
-.Rev. James Robertson, pastor
of the River Street Presbyterian Church,
Paris, was recently presented with a
gold watch and chain by his congrega-
tion, on his completion of " ten years'
ministry" among them.
-A young lawyer, of Chatham, nam-
ed Atkinson is opposing :Mr. Mills in
Bothwell, Atkinson,
expects defeat, but wants
ltiozed7ili notoriety. His expectatiom as
well as his desire will no doubt be rea-
-Lord Dufferin, Governor General of !
Canada, has pur`chased a piece of ground
at Tadonsam- near Quebec, and intends -
II:miring it his yachting station during
his residence in Canada,- -well-known„
firm having received instruction to build
an elegant cottagp on the site. ",
- Mr. Jos. Trotman, of Ancaster,
this season picked at one gathering from
one tree, fourteen quarts of goo:marries,
weighing 1 lbamid° oz. per quart mak-
ing 22 lbs. 12 oz. This tree is also an
English variety, closely resembling “The
- Reformers in Brantford are confi-
dent that the vote in thaz town will be
about a tie between Sir Francis Bineks
and. Mr. Patterson. In that ease the
election of the latter is beyond. perad-
- A fine .fr-antof hay horses, owned by
Mr. Wood, of Huntingdon, were drown-
ed ae Stirling on the 30t1r July. It ap-
pears that Mr. Wood had driven into
the pond at a point where it is usual to
give teams a drink, and when he had.
driven through on to the side again, got on
the tongue to check np tbe horses. He
slipped, and the horses started, ran into
the pond again and were drowned before
they could be got out.
-- A. most horrifying and sickening
accident occurred on tionday last •on the •
farm of Mr. Geo. Mitchell, proprietor of
the "Dog's Nest" tavern, in the Town-
ship of Woodhouse. Mr. Mitchell had a,
threshing machine at work in one'of his
fields threshing wheat, when a poor,
simple man who went by the name of
"Crazy Alec," (real name Alexander
McCammon,) met with a most horrid
death. He was passing over the machine
while it was in motion, and fell into the '
thresher, which tore one of his legs off
and his bowelout. Strong men fainted
at the sickening sight and. every one
present was horrified.
Mr. -John Wilson, of the town line
of Stephen and McGillivray, had one
heed of wheat this year which contained.
84 grains.
- The condition of the ,Great 'Western
Railway is undergoing COnEtant improve-
ment. Many miles of steel mile have
bien placed in .position, and by the year
1874 it is expected that the iron rails
will have been entirely removed and the
more desirable ones substituted. Owing .
to the excellent state of the road:the
time on the Chieago night express. from
Suspension Bridge to Detroit, has been
reduced to eight hours and five minutes.
- Grace Marks, who has been in the
Provincial Penitentiary for about twen-
ty-five years, was liberated on Wednes-
day last, and she left for the States tire
same afternoon. She is forty-three years
of age, and looks remarkably Neil. She
has occupied mauy pOeitions of confidence
shine her iniprieonment.
-0» Saturday eveningea:s the accent-
znodation train on the Great -Western
Railway was going west, .between Dun-
das and Copetown, the driver discovered
at a. short distance in advance, a freight
train, which was apparently not in mo-
tion. Brakes were inlinediately whistled
on, and, • luckily, the speed was not
gine& and the train was stepped before
it reached the other. The freight train,
WaS stopped by the bursting of a cylinder
of the engine. Had they collided the
consequence mutt have been dreadful, as
the embankment at this point is fully
forty feet high.
ivorty teanhers competed for first-
claes certificates at the examinations
held in the County town e throughout On-
tario, on the 23rd, 24th, 2ttli, 243th and
27th of July. The examinations' were
conducted itt the presence of the County
Inspectors, on papers furnished by the
Central Committee. The papers having
been returned to Toronto fonexamina-
tion by the Committee, the following can-
didates were recommended, and were
awarded certificates on the 2nd inst., by
the Council of Public: Instruetion :-
First-class, grade A, Messrs. Wm. J.
Carson, Samuel Emerson, Clarke Moses.
First-class, grade 13, Al cesrs. Isaac, J.
Birchard, John W. Cooley, John Dixn
Alfred Goodbow, John Macdonald
Mackie, Win. R. Pelford, and Miss
Phoebe J. Johnston. Of the ten success-
ful candidates, seven were trained in the
Normal &heel, Toronto.