HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-08-02, Page 8E. Avairslt 21872. funwc ‘ts-i Cr4. c-t- 0• ••••,, memit, m flhi BRST. IARD CLIIP7 2, _11.4 URED BY ex SONS, ew Hampshire. eeidedly the best an cheeped offered to the Canadian "public. works eneily, and makes rite best eiraple and dee:able. N.RAIERS NO SUIT -NO SALE. satiefactorily it cart be re - • be seen at any time at_ joha- ware Stere, Seaford. ct. WILSON, aeitarat Implement Agent. TAKE NOTICE. $2.- 00 per hundred,. - -$1 50 p r hundred, IT nue rORT;--di AL MILLS. SEEGMILLRB. 1A HALL" led a new HOTEL and ], Main -stria t, Senforth, of Greed Trunk Depot. hours ; geei mon-anode- 4,Ft litlaOrS lwaes en hand. thie head there is a hand- EAM PAitfa. 'It, with suitable atal gentlemen. C. M. DUNLOP. _TED WITHOUT A S., Surgeon Dentiet, " - ;;TE !):" thtt 11.4t: ei the fle —1), - AV! Fotnitain of te:se ea. the Market Stymie Hotel. fleet • I f te.eh. efeetit ; f j:/11E.0 : real:find, r the time at, v teeth el:. :wing -ape to can, ..en, on tea day:: of at- ve' lir 11 t tra act] by be. Coulfon'e offices, New 20l.; TO LET. )omS in Meyer s Block to rms. Apply -to BENSON & MEYER. • :41. UST 2, 1872. Bppertdorf and the- Emperor. -GothelfEppendorf, a superannimt,- ed soldier who had fought bravely ia.many battles, was now, 'with the weight of years upon hien, in. sore distress. His wife loid died, leav- ing; him with six e.hildren to feed, and he worked hard, and often tar into the night, upon the small patch of ground from which be derived his sustenance. His humble cot was not many miles from Vienna, and on•ce he had the temerity to send a petition for it to the Xtuperor ,Theeph ; but he hardly dared to hope for fe..verable notice. Time passed on, and Gothelf, in his busy. and trying *state, had almost for - (rotten that he had ever dared to lift an appeal to the monarch. One day a horseman, dressed in Minting garb, drew up before Ep- pendorfs cot; and having dismount- ed, and thrown. his bridle -rein over a stake, he entered without cere- mony, The old soldier bade him welcome,' and offered him meat and drink: 'Row is this?' said the staange looking around. g I heard that yo had six children, but here fs eight. Have you been ashamed confess the true number ?' (Nay, not so,' replied . Clothe' ..These six are my own, teft me b my wife. This, she 7th, is the chi] of a poor widow, who died not lon since in a wretched hovelby th Trentsclaen. I, could not see th peor thing cast otte homeless, and too it in. This, the 8th, is a ail left to my care by a lerotheioldie who died beneath nay roof, where had given him shelter and nursing I siniglit the abodes of those mor opulent than 'myself, and tried t find a home for the poor waif, bit without avail ;. so I keep the littl one to myself providing for it as bes I can.' . 'You must find it very hard, said the stranger, thus to be fore ed ta give a home to children to r myself, good sir,' replied the old eoldier ; but I think cf th need of these poor orphans, -which I in my lowly state, may not proper ly supply. For theca I sometimes regret, but not for myself. I is but a few more .hours of work a clay On my part, and the k.nowledge that I am doing good in my humble way is a sufficient re- compense. .And then the smiles and the gratitude of the little ones! *Ah, sir, I have my reward !' Gothelf," said the stranger, f do you know. me ?' The old soldier looked up with a start, and the truth flashed upon him. It was the Emperor joseeh. He remembered the face now, -de- spite the hunter's garb, though. it had been yews since he had seen it before ; and he would have thrown. m IiSelf upon his knees, but the monarch restrained him. Henceforth,' said Joseph, 'not only these two orphans, but the children of your own, shall be my pensioners. TO-ruorrow my treasur- er shall settle upon. each of these little ones a 100 florins a "ear,- and npon yourself he shall settle 200 florins. Continue to be the tutor of the children, and I will be their father.' The veteran and his little ones threw themselves down before the Emperor, and bedewed his feet with their errateful teats ; and the mon- areh wept freely 'I thank God for the favor He hath this day vouchsafed,' said Joseph. He hath led me to discov- er a virtuous man in obscurity, ; and such men are jewels in my. do- minions !' Experience of .animals. The intelligence is mot remark able when experience seems to prompt a plan of action, or where the animal devises a connected scheme to effect some desirable ob- ject,- as in the Caee of the.cowe that, havieg strayed into an open ganary, continued her visits by drawing the bolt with her horn. The Arctic wolves hunt together in companies, and if they meet an animal which they have not the cotnage to Attack Openly they form into a semi -circle or crescent and rush down upon, it, until the creature, terrified by the number of its enemies, hurries .over a Drescipice and is dashed to pieces, when they search out the body and enjoy the feast. Halliday 113entions a mason -bee, which had built its nest close to a window, generally. fastened 'with a shutter, but which, whlen thrown back, lay so close to the wall that its nest was completely shut in. To prevent this occurrence it formed a little lump of clay, • hieh- hindered the shutter from fi t- tingcloee to the N,vall, and left room for its own ingress and egress. Jesse recounts the circumstances of some rats destroying the bladder fastened over the nose of an oil -bot- tle, and making free with the oil by dipping their tails in to it and lick- ing it off. Dr. Pelican saw some rats engaged in the same manner around the bung -hole Of a cask of wine, into which, had the hole been large enough, they would doubtless have fallen from intoxication. The same 'prineiple.was carried stilt „fut. -ther, and with an evident knowl- edge of the law whico :prohibits the occapaney of the same mace byr two bodies at the same time, by the dog Who threw stones into the well, and the fox who dropped -them into the neek of a, pitcher, in Order to get at the waterliegranpre- put a mon- key to the proof- by leeVing on a: ta tale an open bottle of anisE3ed bandy; from which the monkey extracted with his fingers as much as ho could manage to reach, .and then Poured sand into the bottle until the liquor ran oyer, • - -- Jesus of Nazareth.' Probably many of our readers have seen the -letter of Publiue, Leutulus At° the Roman Senate, giving an account of the iSersonal ap- pearance of the Saviour. But no matter, it will .bar reading more than once, or even a lozen times; and therefore .we wili copy it. • ft was the custom of the Roman goy- ernzs, when anyuhin reniaakable or Of great public inte 'est Oecurred in. their provinces, to 1 y. the infor- mation befove the Sen. te. Accord-. ingty, when the minis ry of Jesus, the humble Nazarene, egan to at- tract general attention in' the pro- vince of Judea, Publi s .LenttiluS, govetmor- of that province', is said to have written the followi'ng letter to the Senate of Rome; -aid it is stated) that Bonaparte; when. e rifted the imperial city, obtained it feom the -public records. Whet er this last statement is correct or a-Ot, the docti-' !flea itself is generally believed to be genuine ; There appeared in tlies our days a niaaa of great virtue, name ;Jesus Christ, who is yet living among u and of the Gentiles is accepted for prophet of truth, but his own disciple call him the Son of God -,--he raiseth + c dead, and. clireth all manner of `dise ses. A man of stature somewhat tall and comely, with a ver3Freverend coun enaii9e, such as the bPholders both lov and fear,— his hair of the color of. a hestnut ripe, plainto his ears, whe ce downward it is more orient, curling aid waving about- his shoulders. In he midst of his head is a seam or pa tition of his hair, after the manner of th Nazarites--- His forehead. plain and ve 'y delicate— His face without spot or wr beauti- fied with ,a lovely red.— is nose and naouth so formed, as nothin can be re- prehended—His beard thic "sh, in color - like his hair, not varY long, but forked— His look innocent and matu e --His eyes grey, clear and quick. In eproving hs is terrible—in aomonishin! courteous and fair spoken—pleasant i conversa- tion, mixed with gravity. t cannot be remembered that any e jeen laiigh—Tbut many have ,see l,iniweep. In proportion of body M.0§. excellent— His arms ana hands most electable to behold. In speakingver temperate, limp:lest, wise. A man for his singitlar beauty, surpassing the i ehik fen of men. PuBLIUS ENTuLus; DANIEL Mcfa'REGDE., Bookbinder, Harpurhey, eaforth, TTAS just received a large Stock used m the business'said is n ed exeente, on the shortest latest styles, all orders he may b REGISTERS, LEDGERS :St B or -Aire' mem, ' - Ruled, Printed and =pale to op:der, notice, and at prices which. defy Ladies' Work _Boxes & lade to:order. OLD- AND NEW' OOKS Bound and repaired at city rices. Persons_residing at a distance k their books at the Signal" Book Store, ederi. or,at the "Eapositor' office, Seaforth, or It J. R. rant's Ainlepdlle, stating style, ratty xel upon them being woll bound. All communications addressed to he undersign- ed, will receive prompt attention.. DANIEL lareGR • • Seaferth, f the materials w fully prepar- ice and in the favoured with., BOOKS, n the. shortest =petition. ncy Cases GOR, : Herpurhey.) STOVES, TINWAR AND - COAL OIL ]\j-lips. WHITNEY has just receiv d a large stock RS. Cooking, Pallor end Box Sto es of the best mantifa.cture, which. she can sellas cheap as any in the trade. TtriW.411E, of eve,rY de eription, kept constantly oh hand andana e to order. Also, Stove Pipes, Eive Trcin hin.k, etc. Custom -work promptly attended ti, and outside work -trill receive every attention. -COAL A large stock of _the very best Coal Oil kept con- stantly on hand, and will, be sold, retail. . Remember the place,. Carmichael' street, Seafortla. Parties indebted by note or book quested to settle immediately. Rags, wool-piekbags, old ironebra.s taken itt erehangO for goods. " liolesale and Block, Mains. count are re- , -copper, etc. 19i INK. sEATTgR, EXCHANGE ..1jR KER, And dealer in _Pure ERRS CHEMICALS AND DY STUFFS, PERF UMERY,, FANCYAND TOILET4 Agent for Sewing lk.fachin to lend on easy terms. • J.. SEA Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. TICLES . Money TER, 59-tf. SHOPS FOR SA E. VOR SALE, two shops and forty-fo r. feet front,- -a- age on Main Street, Seaforth, pp osite Car- michael's Hotel. • Apply to RATTER. 195-tf- j. BOA,9DENG. TTCOLLADAY has leased the lax e and COM- • modious house, on the Salt Wo Its- Grounds, adjoining the Railway Station, and ha ntted it up as a boarding-house. Good table and Comfortable rooms. Persons wishing a. please t .boarding- house should apply, as there are at p osent a few vacancies. Trausient boarders acco taotlated 228 less than hotel rates 0 to S HUOS )TIOVf 111 1 0.1‘1 qD ase TEX- SEAPORTH JJ M E Y -ARD . MABEE & MAODO14ALD BEG to inform the public -that theyhave -opened a Lumber Yard in Seaford, near Shearson's Mill, on the ground foie:le/ay used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. h . - They -will keep constantly on 4nd a, good assort- ment of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. AlsoaLATH AND SHINGLES, all of 'whitth they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble priceu, for Cash. . Builders and others will find it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, and ascertain our prices before purchasing elsewhere, as We are in a position to offer good inducements to cash purchasers. " 160 MABEE & MACDONALD. The Wonder of the' World ----Good News for All. PROF. HERMAN'S WORLD.RENOWNED VERMIN DESTROYER which is known to be far luperibr to anything yet discovered for killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poul- try, Ants, Bugs, Cockroaches, Black BeetleseFleas on Dogs, Blight and Insects on plants, Moths in Furs, Tick or Scab on Sheep or Goats, alao on Cat- tle, &c. . SOLD IN PACKETS, Al 25 cents per packet; or, six packets for $1 25. The Powder is warranted free from all bad smell and. will keep in any climate. It may be spread anywhere without risk, as it is (mite harmless to Cats and Dogs, as they will not eat it. Directions for ese on each packet. ` Manufactory—Gravel Lane, Ifoundsditch, City of London, England. The above diecovery has geinell for Professor Herman a silver prize medal at the Intereolonial Exhibition of Victoria, Austrelia, of, 1866, besides numerous testimonials. ea Agent fox Seaford, W. ROBERTSON & Cd. Ainleyville —N. M. LIVINGSTONE. Walton—T. SMITH. 240-12 Iodized Cod Liver Oil. , THIS Preparation is a solution of Iodide of lion -L• in perfectly pure Cod Liv,er Oil. It may he used in all oases where the ample Oil is ordered, and will be found greatly superior to it. This preparation is highly beneficial in Pulmonary Con- sumption, Scrofulous Complaints, Clfronie Skin Diseases, and for all chronic disorders arising,from defective dipstioe, assimilation or nutrition. It is also highly useful in Chronic Rheumatism and Gout. Price $L ' Compound Syrup of Eirpopliosphites, rpHIS is an agreeable Preparation, containing the -1- Hypophosphites of Lime, Soda, Potash and Iron, with free HypophosPhorons Acid. This Syrup is a certain remedy for General Debility, from any cause, Nervous Diseases and Scrofulous Complaints. It is also highly useful in diseases of the bones (especially itt infants) and Incipient Consumption. Price $1. The above Preparations are of standard medical refutation, and containing no secret ingredients, may be prescribed by physicians -without hesita- 'tion. Prepared by JOHN WILLIAMS, London Ontario. For sale by—R. Lumsden, Seaforth; j.R. Grant., Ainloyville; G. A. Powell, Wreaeter, and Druggists generally. 235 PUBLIC NOTICE. -uiTHEREAs my husband, THOMPSON MOR - v V BISON, advertised that I, his wife, had left T jure -without jnst cause or provocation, and tinned the public against trusting me, this la to give notice that that assertion was untrue; that I was compelled to leave my husband on account of his coudnet toward me; and that, now, at his re- quest, and on his apologizing to me, and forbid- ding the said advertisement, and after his paying $90 law expenses, I have returned to his house, where I am livingnow. eRGARET MORRISON. Dated McKillop, July 24, 187e. 242v3 7--- DISSOLuTiON OF PARTNERSITTP. voTiCE is hereby . given thet the partnership -LI- heretofore existing between us, the under- - signed, as potash manufacturers, has been this day . dissolved by =tied cense t. All debts 'owing to ci the said. partnership are to be paid to 1Villiata marehell at elute:nine, an ,..fill claims against the said partnership are to be'Presented to th-0 said. WmeMenthall, by whom de same- will be settled, • aud who will also carry on the above business. . Dated at; Ainleyville, this 26th day of jun.e, 1872. • F. D. COATES. Witness: 'WM.. MARSHALL. - C. 11. COOPER: ' 242-4 & IS THE PLACE TO GET THE BEST VALTTE AND LARGEST SELECTION OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES IN AINLEYVILLE. REA JUST RECEIVED, -A LARGE SOCK OF vr Alf .,41 E CLOTHI_N FOR SPRING ANDSTIM1VIER, IMPORTED DIRECT FROM ENGtAND, Which will be sold 15 per cent. less than usual prices. 'STEWART, THOMPSON & Co. AINLEYV1LLE, May 22, 1872. SPRSNG GOODS. E, 'HICKSON & CO. are now receiving .their new Spring a Goods, the best assortment ever offered in Seaforth, and with very few exceptions, at Old Prices. Call at once and see, at HICA;SON'S PMPORMAL AN, o.N.11H.s1 • .I'Ll7:011-14Gzr...IENXINZELIZMUMmanuaztEmw TEA.—The best teas in the market are to be found at CHARLES WILSON'S Grocery, Seaforth. Good YoUng Hyson at from 50 cts. to 75 cts., worth from 75 cts, to $1 00. Try it, and prove its qualities. TO HOTEL—KEEPERS. -- Hotel -keepers can,find the best Wines and Liquors, for the least money, at CHARLES WILSON'S Grocery, opposite the Man- sion Hotel, Seaforth. A, earg'si'aland Dean's Ales, in casks -casks,iaid q)eunacreterr's-casks, at CHARLES *WILSON'S Grocery, Seaforth. Good inducements given to the wholesale buyer. • 9 The Victoria Chemical Company, Sole Proprietotia and Manufacturers o/ the .Cele- brated Victoria Carbolic Preparations, Laboratory and Works, Victoria Hall, Melinde. Street, TorontO, Ont. The following Genuine Preparations are sold by all Drinegists. Be euro end ask for the -VICTORIA PREPARATIONS, and see that you get them. Victoria carboiatea Glycerine This je LIZ is highly race-nu:needed to Ledies as ef /nest agreeable Preparation for the Toilet. For Beautifying the Complexion, and. rendering the Skin Soft, White' Clear, and tree from Dryness, it is unrivalled. Itwill quickly remove ali Redness, Rotighness, Tau, Freckles, Pimples, end other im- Deflections. For Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Frost Bites and Sore Lips, it cannot be surpassed. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Toilet Soap. This TOILET So upossesses all the well-lettown andueptic and disinfeeting properties of Carboh'e Acid, is agreeably scented, has a healthy attion on the skin, ptevents irritation, removes the effects of perspiration, and should be regularly used by families. Cholera, Smallpox anti Fever Patients should be washed 'with this Soap; and its uee by persons liable to infection win =Acridly prevent the spread of disease. Price la cents per Tablet. Victoria'Ca.rbolie Salve. This SALVE iS a rapid. Cure for all Side Diseases, Cuts, 'Wounds, Bruises, Bumf:'Sores, Meets, Bing - W01111, Tetter, Eezema, Scald Head, Scurvy, Abs- cesses, Boils, Phnples, &c. It possesses all the Cleansing and - healing virtues, of Carbolic Arid, whielt h:s been found by Physicians evcaywhere to possess curatiee qualities not discovered in any other chain -teal preparation. Price 25 tents. Victoria Cazbolic Gargazysma. This GAitGLE is the most reliableend ellecaeieue Bemedy in all cases of Sore Throat, Hoarseness,- Diptheria, Bronchitis, Irritation of the Bronchial Tubes so common in this changeable climate, Asthma, Offensive Breath, Uleerated Gums, and • diseases of the Mouth. For Publle Speakers ani1 Singers it is invaluable. The letp:edients en* tering into this Gargle are used by all. Physicians, and for the cure of the above disorders lue now, undoabtedly, the most popular in the ViTERIA lfRAICA. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Disinfectant. Thia DisEeVECTAXT is a euro preventive of Tnihut and Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, Smallpox, and all in- fections diseases. It will prevent Contagion itt Cattle. It is also invaluable for Disinfecting Wa- ter Closets, Drains, Cesspools, Stables, Slaughter- houses, &c., and for destroying nauseous effluvia from whatever cause arising. It will drive away Mosmaitoee, Moths, Flies, Cockroaches, &c. Meat, Fish, &e. can be preserved from pntrefaction by its Carbolic Acid. was selected by Her Majesty's Boyal Commissioners, in preference to all ether products, as the best Disinfectant for the preven- tion of infections diseases. pAr 25 cents. Victoria Sharpening and Polishing, Paste Tbis PREPAILITIOX iS II/lege:flied in, its rapidity for Sharpening and Polishing Cutlery. Table and PocketKnivesellazors, Surgical Instruments, Shoe- makers' Knives, Plane 33its and Chisels, &c. Noth- ing has ever been discovered %thigh has sprung into popularity more quickly, or become of so much value innvery hormhold and worimhop for general usefulness. Price 25 cents., 280 EGG EMP.ORITIM. rfg subscriber hereby thanks Ids numerous rieeds in town and country for their liberal nairenege during the past five years, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit their ton- Adence mad trade an the futuxe, lafe also wishes to anneunee that he is still prepared to pay 'ITIE HIGHEST CA.SII PRICE For any quantity of pod FRESH EGGS Delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, .8./11?.61ET, SEAFORTII. 22'7 areti:815t. MALCOM'S CHEAT ECG DEPOT MARKET SQUARE, SEAFORTH. The subscriber begs to inform the public that he has greatly extended his ‘premises and is pre - as hitherto to pay the highest price kr any quantity of GOOD 11?..giSfil'INGS Delivered aa h:is place of busiuess. NO Market Fees on EGGS. "WM. 2IALCOM. Seaforth, ali.reb. 25, 1872. 225 7- PA.RTICULAR NOTICE. BUTTER AND EGGS. --- Farmerscan get a bet. ter market, and better value for their Butter and Eggs, j at CHALES WILSON'S, than at any_other house in Seaforth. SEED POTATOES.' Seed Potatoes of the best varieties, on hand and for sale cheap., Warranted to grow, and (not) bug -proof. PURCHASERS.—Remember CHARLES WIL- SON'S, opposite the Mansion Hotel, Seaforth, is the, place. Ma R. COUNTER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Seaforth, Has just received a large stock of On hand, also, an Extensive Assortment of PIPES, Briar Root Pipes—the latest styles and patterns; Meerschaum Pipes,. &e. - LATELY MGM.% .E.D, A LARGE STOCK OF RUSSEL WATCHES, Made expressly to order. Repairing, in sa1 its branches, as usual. DRUGS, , DRUGS. -punabl. the Blood. and Strengthen the System, to resist Summer Complaints and other Disease% 73-cZ" Ter SIINT01-• Ayer's ,Sarsaparilla, Baclway's Sarsaparilla, Shoskonees Remaly, Syrup of Elypophospkites, Pentviam Syrup, Campbell's Cod _Liver Oil, Allen'S Lyng Balsam. -Hyates Balsam of Lift, Anti -Consumptive Syrup, Dandelion Remedy for Liver Complaint. For sale by R. LUMSDEN, 288 REPEAT Corner Drug Store, Seaforth. H. MUSTARD'S KINC OF OILS, The best external rem- edy for Rheumatism, Sprains, Wounds, Bruis- es and evelyconeeivable eft sore old oxnew. Give it tese a thl. Also, try the PAIX VICTOR For all interne] pains, &c.; and if you want a refie•#/., genuine Adefirie VEGETABLE PILL rr'34' To remove all obstrac- ,, 4.70•Ite" tions of the Liver, Stom- ch and Bowels, Dyspepsia, Headache, Costiveness, &c., try Mustard's An.ti-Bilious Pills, Or if you require a safeand sureremedy forWorms IUSE Ii1USTARD'S DOMINION WORM CANDY. you have Catarrh, Cbld itt he Head, Neuralgia, r Nervous Headache, use astard's Catctrrh Specific, Which will secure relief at onee- T Fall directions accompany each of the above preparateone. Sold by druggists and dealers in medicine generally. Manufactured by 284-25 II. MUSTARD, Ingersoll, Out teLl gik Has a Lot of CAN SHAWLS, MANTLES, _AND_ TD-J.Ess Goops 11Thich he is anxioaa to Sell Off, YES, BELOW COST, t Cost, s Or any reasonable price thet n. customer may offer Therefore, Indies, yonwill please call at the Manchester House, MAIN STREET, Soon, and get your pick of the Goo ate all sold. before they Seaford, .Tuly 25,1871. 100 REMOVED. REMOVED.. M. ROBERTSON, Cabinet-maker and. Undertaker, e I.IAS REMOVED hit.: ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, Where he has on hand a snperior stock of Furni- ture of every description. CALL AYD SEE 177. UNDERTAKING, Having purchased Mr. Thomas Bell's HEARSE, I am prepared to attend funeral:31 on the shortest notice, either in town or country!' Coffins, All sizes, Kept constantly on hand. SHROUDS SHROUDS- 1 M. ROBERTSON, CABINET as -AR -FM AND "UNDERTARER; Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, hes now on hand a good assortment of s-FaraztoT3IDS Which he cu /unite cheaper than they can be- got elsewhere. 206