HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-08-02, Page 7!, AUGUST, 2, 1872. F.! cr esie 0.4 crt _ ct 0 CD CO' Nar-4. zeN 0 ta:it r 'HE BEST. ARD Ate'17 CTUREfe BY 'ealteirt "r"JARD & 5MS, krd, New Hampshire.: !decidedly the best and cheapest Oa offered to the Canadian publle. works erretly, and makes. the best ire simple and durable. , rARMERS r NO SLIT NO SALL. [work satisfactorily it can be re - be seen at nay time at john- rdware Stere, Seaforth. 0. a WILSON, Agricultural Implement Agent. TAKE NOTICE. 00 per hundred, 50 per hundred, AT THE ,AFORTH 'AL WILLS,. F. SEEGIITT,LER. QR:AALL. Ji e ripened a new HOTEL and Ilain-street, Seaforth, -th of Grailel Trunk Depot. t 1 hours; gaud accommoda- . the beet Ur:Jure:4 :shears en hand. :h this hetel there is a hand- -REA:4' Pelt Dell, with suitable ;lee a..ert gentlemen. C. IL DUNLOP- - I.Z.:kt !TED WITHOUT PAIN. Smesoon Dentist, e:" ; les the wee a the —(h -f -f•• Fountaia of t, ere 61i tire Market Square. ; rees..'e !feed, the firht lay seteli meet' : in Clinton, ti (et fee:, es, ieg are remainhe r ref the time at w teeth ere reeve -reed to call, • I. „t (lave of at- ithave heft teeth eerraeted hv ;a Lee Coultun's offices, New -s laa, TO LET. ouats in Meyer a Mock to Is. Apply to BENSON & MUM AUGUST 2, 1872. Sppendorf and the Emperor. • GethelfEppendorf, asuperannua ea soldier who had fought .bravel in many battles, was now, with th weight of years upon him, iu sor &stress. His wife had died, leav- ing hiM with six children. "to feed, and he worked 1krd, and oftenla into the night, upon the Small pato . of ground from which he derived his sastenance. His humble cot was not many miles from Vienna, an once he had the temerity to send petition for aid to the Empero Joseph ; but he hardly dared to hope for fav3rable notice. Time passed on, and Gothelf, in his bus and trying 'state, had almost for (rotten that he had ever dared to lif an appeal to the monarch. One day a horseman, dressed in Minting garb„ dresi,e up before EP pendorf's cot ; and having dismount- ed, and thio we his bridle -rein. over a stake, he entered 'without cere monT The old soldier bade him welcome, and offered him meat and think: How is thisr said the staanger, looking around. heard that you had six children ; but here 1 see eight. Have you been ashamed '.10 confess the true number r Nay, not so,' replied Gothelf. .These six are my own, left me by ray wife. This, the ilth, is the _child of poor widow, who died not Jong since in a wretched hovel by the Trentschen. I could not; see the poor thing cast out homelesS, and I too it in. This, the 8-th, is a chil4 left to my care by a brother soldier who died beneath my root where I had given him shelter and nursing. I sought the abodes of those more opulent than *myself, and tried to find a home for the poor waif, but without avail;. so I keep the little one to myself pioviding for it as best cam.' You must find it very hard,' said the strange, thus to be forc- ed ta give a home to children not vvou own." Not for myself, 'Rood sir,' replied the old soldier, bat 1 think cf the need of these poor orphans, whicb.I, in imy lowly state, may not proper- ly supply. For them I sometimes regret, but not for myself. It is but a few more hours of work a day ou my part, and the. knowledge that I am doing good in my humble- way is a sufficient re- compense. And then the smiles and the gratitude of the 'Ade -ones ! Ah, ' sir, I have my reward 1' • Gothelf,' said the stranger, do yon know me ?' The eld soldier looked up with a start, and the truth flashed upon him.- It was the Emperor Joseph. He remembered the face now, de- spite the hunter's garb, though it had been years since he had seen it before; and he would have thrown himself upon his knees, but the monarch restrained him. , • Henceforth,' said Joseph, not only these two orphans, but the six children of your own, shall be my pensioners. To-rnOITOw my treasur- er shall settle upon each dof these little ones a. 100 florins a year, and. upon yourself he shall settle 200 florins. Continue to. be the tutor of the children,_ and I will be their father.' The veteran and his little ones threw themselves down hefot.e the Emperor, and bedewed his feet with their grateful tears; and the mon- areli himself wept freely. 'I thank God for the favor He hath this day vouchsafed,' said Joseph. He .hath led me to -discov- er a virtuous man in obscurity, _ and such men are jewels in my do- minions l' Experience of .axiiinals. The intelligence is mot remark- able when experience seems to prompt a plan of action, or where the animal devises a connected scheme to effect some desirable ob- ject; as: in he case of thescow, that, having strayed into an open granary, continued her visits by drawing the* bolt with her horn. The Arctio . wolves hunt together in companies, and if they meet an animal which they have not the coinage to attack openly they form' into a semi -circle Or crescent and rush down upon it, until the creature, terrified by the • number .of its enemies, hurries 9Ver a preseipi4 and -is dashed to -pieces, when they search out the body and enjoy the feast. Halliday ID entions a mason -bee, which had built its nest close to a window, generally fastened with a shutter, but- which, -when thrown back, lay so clae to the wall that its nest was completely shut in. To prevent this occurrence it formed a little lump of 1e-laY,' -which hindered the shutter from fit- ting close to the wail, and left roo n for its own ingress and egress.' Jesse recounts the circumstances of some rats destroying the bladder fastened over the nose of an oil -bot- tle, and making free with the oil by dipping their tails into it and kk ing it off. Dr.- Pelican saw some • rats engaged in the same manner around the bund -hole of a cask of wine, into which, had the hole been large enough, they would doubtless have fallen from intoxication.The l less than knteirates. TIL tame principle was ther, and with an edge of the law whi occupancy -of the ss. _bodies at the eatne t Who threw ston.es in the fox who droppe neck of a 'pitoher,' iii the water. Degraill key to the proof by 1 ble an open bottle of from -which the m with his fingers as ml manage to rea,cl), an sand into the bottle ran oyer, • • arrie.d stilt flit- (rVi dent knowl- h prohibits the te mace by two 'me, by the dog • the well, and them into the order to get et re put a mon-• aving on a ta niseed bkandy, nkey extracted ich as he could then poured ntil the :liquor Jesus of Na Probably many o have seen the lett Leutalusto the giving an account of pearaece ' of the - SaV Matter, it will •bear than once, or.even a and therefore. we wil Was the custem of ti ernors, when anythi or Of great public int in their provinces, to mation before the Se itigay, when' the mini the humble Nazarene tract general attentio vince of Judea, Pub governor of that prov have written the .follo the Senate of Rome; that Bonaparte, when . imperial city, obtaine public records. Whe statement is correct or ment itself is general' be genuine : There appeared in, tli nian of great virttie,-nam who is yet living among Gentiles is accepted fo trath, but his own discip Son of God. --,-he raiseth cureth all manner of dis of stature som.ewhat ta with a very reverend- con as_the beholders both lo his. hair of the color of. a ripe, plain to his ears, wh i it s rnore orient, curlin about his shoulders. In his head is a seam or hair, _after the manner of His forehead plain and 3/ His face withdut spot or fied with a lovely red month so formed„ as noth prehendsd—Ilis beard thi like his hair, not ver Y lon Hialook innecent and ma grey, clear and quick. In is terrible—in aamonishi and fair spoken—pleasan. -tion, mixed with gravity. ,remembered that any „1.1 laugh—but many „have se In proportion of body .ino His arms and hand's racist behold. In speaking. ve imudm,i), wise, A marr beauty, surpassin4r, the chi PUBLIUS areth. our _readers r of Punlius orna.n Senate, ..he Personal ap- our. But no reading more dozen time; copy it. It e Ronan. ft..ov- etresit.enOICIkab • lirreide lay _the infor ate, Ac9ord- Ltry of -Jesus, began to at - ,in' the pro- ius LentuluS, nce; is said to ving letter to nd it ie state,d he rifled the it from the her this last not, the docl believed tib e our days a d. 3 MS Christ, s,and of the a prophet of es call him the Re dead., and ases. A man 1 and comely, tenance, such e and fear,- -ch.estnut lice downward and waving the 'midst .of artition of • his he Nazarites— ery delicate— inkle, beauti- His nose and ng. can be re- lash,.in color , but forked— ure—His eyes reproving he g, courteous conversa- caamot be ve Seen him n him _weep. t excellent -- delectable to y teinp--"; dren.of men. LENTUL17S. DANIEL' McG EOR, Bookbinder,Harpurhe Seaforth, HA'S islet received rielerge Stoc of the materials ed tritee edlltthelmginesesliiAe 'u(se os ow fully prepar- ed and in the latest styles, 'oiiall orders he may re favonted with. .REGISTERS, LEDGERS & B X BOOKS, oF ANY KIND, - Ruled, Printed and made to orde notice, and at prices which def Ladies' Work- Boxes- of; - Made to order. OLD AND. NEW Bound and repaired at ei Persons residing at a distance books at the "Signal" Book Stor the "Expositor" office, Seaforth, Ainleyville, stating style, may being well bound. All commUnications addressed ed, will receive prompt attention. DANIEL 31,109 Scalar ou the shortest competition. coley Cases BOOKS by leaving their , Goderich, or, at r at J. R. Grant's 'ay upon them o the undersigra- EGOR, (Harpnrhey.) STOVES, T1NWA E AND COAL 01. 1 S. WHITNEY has just rose ved e large stock -L3 of Cooking, Poaior and I3ox Stoves, of the best ..manufacture, which she can sell in the trade. 4; TINWARE, of even' ( kept constantlY mfhand.and Also, stoye Pipes, Ea,ve Tr. , Custom -work promptly attende vsork will receive every attention. cOlti. A largo stock of the very best 0 stantly on hand, and -will be sol retail. - It%meniber the place, Ciermicha street, Seaforth. - Parties indebted by note or boo quested to settle iramedfately. Rags, wool -pickings, old iron, b taken in 03:e/range for goods. s cheap as any eseriptionf ade to order. ugbing, etc. to, -and outside • al Oil kept con - wholesale and 's Block, Main account are re - ss, copper, etc. *101 -ET J. PEATTgRI EXCHANGE BROKER, And dealer in Pure MRUCS CHEMICALS AND DYESTUFFS, PERFUMERY _ FANCYAND TOi LET ARTICLES Agent for Sewing Machines. Mpnoy to lenc1 on easy terms. SE.ITTER, Sealorth, Nov. 3, 1870. • 59-tf- • SHOPS FOR SALE. VOR SALEetwo shops and forty four feet front- on Main Street, Seaforth, opposite Car- michael's Hotel. Apply to 3. SEA.TTER. BOARDING. ,Jj•COLLADAY has leased the large and com- • niodious house, on the Stilt Works Grounds, adjoining the Railway Station, and has fitted it up as a boarding-house. Good table and comfortable rooms. Persons ;wishing a pleasant boarding- house should apply, as there are at present a few vacancies. Transient boarders asconamodated at 228 ►��.i1i CD 0) 0 1-1 t-4 ON LLS3AUVM 0 aiadmop pam4. tee- NOSNHCP 0 so TEX SF A VORTH 11,D MABEE & MODONALD -REG to inform the public that they have opened a Lumber Yard in Seaforth, near Shearson's MiU,ou the ground formerly used as a Luraber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. - , They will keep constantly on hand a. good assort- ment of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and • undresded. Also;LATH AND SHINGLES, all of which they are prepared. to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. . Builders and. others will find it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, and ascertain our prices before pnrchasing elsewhere, ea we are in a position to offer good inclueleinents to cash purchasers. 160 MABEE & MACDONALD._ The Wonder of the World ---Good News for All. PROF. HORIVIAN'S WOELD-REitawNED VERMIN DESTROYER Which is known to be far guporior to anything yet discovered for Xining Rats,; Mice, Insects on Poul- try Ants Bugs Cookroaches, Black Beetles, Fleas on Dogs, Blight and. Insects on Rlants, Moths in Fars, Tick or Scab en Sheep or Goats, also, on Cat- tle, &a. SOLD IN PACKETS, At 25 cents per packet; or,, six packets for $1 25. The Powder is warranted free from all bad smell and will keep in any climate. It may be spread anywhere without risk, as it is quite harmless to Cats and Dogs, as they will not eat it. Directions for use on will packet. kanufaetory—Gravels Lone, Houndeditch„ City of London, England. The above discovery has gained for Professor Herman a silver prize medal at the Intercolonial Exhibition of Victoria, Australia, ot 1866, besides numerous testimonials. Agent for Seaforth, W. ROBERTSON ;Ss CO. Ainleyville—N. M. LIVIN'GSTONE. Walton—T. SMITH. • 240-12 Iodized Cod Liver OIL THIS Preparation is a solntion of Iodide of Ixon in perfectly pure Cod Liver Oil. • It may be used in all oases where the simple Oil is ordered, and will be found greatly Isnferior to it. This preparation is highly benelleinl i,i Pulmouruy Con- sumption, Serofulous Complaints, Chronic Skin Diseases, and. for all chronic disorders arising from defective digestion, assimiletion or nutrition. It is also highly useful in Chronic Rheumatism and Gout. Price $1. Compound Syrup of nypophosphiteo. 'HIS is an agreeable Preparation, containing the Hypdphoaphites of Limo, Soda, Potash and Iron, with free Hypophosphorons Add. • This Syrup is a certain remedy for General ' Debility, from any cause, Nervous Diseases and Scrofulous complaints. It is also highly useful in diseases of the bones (especially in infants) and Incipient •Consumption. Price $1. - The above Preparations are of standard medical refutation, and containing no secret ingredients, may be prescribed by physiciaus without hesita- • tion. • Prepared by JOHN WILLIAMS, London,Ontario. • For sale by—R. Lumsden, Seaforth; J -.1t. Grant, Ainleyville; G. A. Powell, Wroxeter, and Druggists generally.• 235 • PUBLIC NOTICE. -cATHEREAS my husband. THOMPSON MOB.- • BISON, advertised that I; Ins wife, had left hini without just cause or provocation, and cau- tioned the public against trusting me, this is to give notice that that assertion was untrue; that I was compelled to lease my husband on account of his conduct toward me; and that, now, at his re- • quest, and on his apologizing to me, and forbid- ding the said advertisement, and after 1SI paying $20 law expenses, I have returned to hie house, where I am living now. MARGARET ivoRnisoN. Dated MoKillop, July 24, 1872. 242'13 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. VOTIGE is hereby given- that the partnership I heretofore existing between us, the under- • signed, as potash manufacturers, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said. partnerehip are to be paid to William Marshall at Ainleyville, and all claims against the - said partnership are to be presented to the said. Wm. Marshall, by whom the Same,. will be settled, 'and who wili also carry on the above business. • Dated at: A inlevvillo, this 26th day of jam 1872. F. D. COATES'. • Witness WM. MARSHALL. • C. R. COOFEni •242-4 SIT TWART,-.THOMPSON., •- IS THE PLACE TO GET THE BEST 'VALUE AND LARGEST SELECTION OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, -HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, IN AINLEYVILLE. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF, READY -MADE C L 0 T •OR SPRING AND SUMMER, IMPORTED DIRECT FROM ENG -LAND, Which will be sold 15 per cent. less than usual prices. ING, 'STEWART, THOMPSON & 00 AINLEYV1LLE, May 22, 1872. 1 • SpRING GOODS. I. IIICKS0::\ & CO. are now receiving .their ne-w Spring Goods,• the best assortment, ever offered i Seaforth an -1 with very few exceptions, at -Old Prices. Call at once and see, at HICKSON'S EMPORIUM 111 AO a , • 1..1 v. '!".. • r -t"._ „se. • zee/u cue 1A) oe found at CHARLES WILSON'S Grocery, Seaforth. G-ood Young Hyson at from 50 cts. to 75 ets., worth fr m.75 cts,. to 1 00 Try it, and prove its qualities. TO HOTEL—KEEPERS. 119tel-keepers can find the best Wines and Liquors, for the least money, at CHARLES WILSON'S Grocery, opposite the Man- sion Hotel, Seaford]. ALE --Carlipg's, Spencer's and Dean's Ales, in casks, haff-ccask, and quarter -casks, at CHARLES WILSON'S Grocery', Seaforth. •Good inducements given to the wholesale buyer. • BUTTER AND EG -GS. -- Farmers can get a bet- ter market, and better value for their Butter and Eggs, at CHA'RLES WILSON'S, than at any _other house in Seaforth. • SEED POTATOES. Seed Potatoes of the best varieties, on hand and for sale cheap. Warranted_ to grow, and .(not) bug -proof. PURCHASERS.—Remember CHARLES WIL- SON'S, opposite the Mansion Hotel, Seaforth, is the place. IC R. COUNTER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Seaforth, Has just received a large stock of 1\T S _ On hand, also, an Extensive Assortment of PIPES, Briar Root Piped—the latest styles and patterns; Meerschaum Pipes, &e. • LATELY REM NieD, • -- A LARGE STOCK OF RUSSEL WATCHES, Made expressly to order. Repairing, in all its branches, as usual. DRUGS, DRUGS: PIIRIFY the Blood and Strengthen the System, to resist Saner= Complaints and other Diseases, J3 -5r- T_TSII\TC4- Ayer's )garsaparilla, - Radiofey's Sarsaparilla, Shoshonees Remedy, - Syrup of Hypopkospliites, Peruvian Syrup, Campbas Cod Liver Oil, Allen's Limy Balsam. Hyatt's Balsam, of Life, Anti -Consumptive Syrup, Dandelion _Remedy for Liver •Complaint. For sale by R. LUMSDEN$ 238 Corner Drug Store, Seaforth. H. MUSTARD'S KING OF OILS, The best external rem- edy fax Rheuniatiem, Sprains, Wounds, Brisis- eeke, es. and every conceitable ,\rt sore'old ornew. Give it triaL Also, try the N PAIN VICTOR , Fax all internal pains, &e.; and if you want a genuine VEGETABLE FILL To remove all obstruc- tions of the Liver, Stom- Bowels, Dyspepsia, Headache, Costiveness, Mustard's Anti -Bilious Fills, Or if you require a safe and sure remedy for Worms USE MUSTARD'S DOMINION WORM CANT. If you have Catarrh, Cold in the Head, Neuralgia, or Nervous Headache, use Mustard's Catarrh Specific, vaicb will secure relief at once. Full directions accompany each of the above pr2ep u_armations. Sold by druggists and dealers in medicine ,generally. Manufactured by E. MUSTARD, Theersoll, Ont. ch ;unit &c., try The Victoria chemical Company, Sole Proprietore and Manufacturers of the Cele- brated Vietoria Carbolic Preparations. Labeittaq and Works, Victoria Hall, Melinda Street, Toronto, Ont. • The following Genuine Preparations ere Rola by all Druggists. Be Bore and ask for the V/CT0111.4. PnE1)..inATIONS, and see that you get them. , Victoria, Carboiated Glyeeline Jelly. This XELLy is highly reeonamended to Ladies as a most agreeable Preparation fax the Toilet. For Beautifying the Connllexien, and Tendering the Skin Soft, White Clear, and free from Dryness, it is unn'vaflJ. It will quiekly remove air itednesfq Itoeghness, Tan, Freckles, Pimples, and other ime perfections. For Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Frost Bites and Sore Lips, it cannot be surpassed. Peice 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Toilet Soap. • This TosereT So le poStieSses an tile well-lmown antiseptic and disinfecting properties of Carbolic Acid, is agreeably scented, has a healthy action en the skin, prevents irritation, removes the effects of perspiration, and should be regularly used by families. Cholera, Smellpox and Fever Patients should be -washed With this Soup; and its use by • peuons liable to infection will materially prevent the spread of disease. Price 15 cents per Tablet. Victoria Carbolic Salve. This SALTE is a rapid cure for all Skin Diseases, Cuts, Wounds, 13i -crises, Burns Sores, 'Ulcers, Ring- worm, Tetter, Eezema, Scald 'Head, Scurvy, Abs- cesses, Boils, Pimples, &e. It possesses all the demising and healing virtues of Carbolic Acid, which has been found by Physicians everywhere to possess curative qualities not discovered in any other chemical preparation. Price 25 tents. Victoria Carbolic eargarysnia. This GARriLE is the most reliebla and efficacious Remedy in all cases of Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Diptheria, Bronchitis, Irritation of the Brorichinl Tubes so common in this thangeable elineate, Asthma, Offensive Breath, Ulcerated Gains, and all diseases of the Mouth. For Pablie Speakers and Singers it isdnealuable. The ingredients en- tering into this Gargle are used by all Physicians, and fax the euro of the above disoiders me now, undoubtedly, the most popular in the MATERIa AfrDICA. Price 25 tents. Victoria Carbolic Disinfectant. This DISINFECTANT is a sure preventive of Typhus and Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, Smallpox, and all in- feetious diseases. It will prevent Contagion in Cattle. It is also invaluable for Disinfecting Wa- ter Closets, Drains, Cesspools, Stables, Slaughter- houses, &c., and for destroying nauseous effluvia from whatever cause arising. It -will drive n. -way Mosquitioes, Moths, Flies, Cockroaches, &e. Meat, Fish, rte., emir be preserved from putrefection by its 'use. 'Carbolic ..ecid was selected by Her Majesty'a Royal Commissioners, in preference to alt other produpts, as the beet Disinfectant for .the preven- tion of infectious diseases. Prie 25 cents. Victoria, Sharpening and Polishing,Paste This Pntr.seeereme is liner -polled in its rapidity for Sharpening and Polishing Cutlery. Table and PocketRaivesellazors, Surgical Instruments, Shoe- makers' Knives, Plane Bits and Chisels, &c. Noth- ing has ever been discovered which has sprimg into popularity snore quickly, or become of so much value nee -very hou3ehold and' workshop fax general usefulness. Price 25 cents.. 230 EGG EMPORIUM. subscriber hereby thanks /lig nunierenS • !Kends in town and country for their liberal patronage dining the past five yeftrs, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit their con- fident° and trade an the future. He also wishes to announce that he is still prepared to pay THE HIGHEST CASH ?RICE For any quantity- of good FRESH EGGS Delivered at the' • EGG EMPORIUM, 2,1A.1.117- STREET, BEAFORT11. 227 CHEAT ECG DEPOT,, MARKET SQUARE, SEATORTH. The subscriber begs to inform the public that he has greaely extended his premises am is pre- pared. as hitherto to pay the highest price fax any quantity of GOOD FRESII EGdS, Delivered at his place of business. No Market Fees on EGGS. WM. MALcOM. Seaforth, March 25, 1872. 225 ARTICULAR NOTICE. L CAM Has a Lot of SHAWLS, MANTLES, —AND— C4-001DS' Whieh he is anxioas to Sell. Off, at -Cost, YES, BELOW COST, Or any reasonable price thet a customer may -offer Therefore, Ladies, you -will please call at the Manchester House, MAIN STREET, Soon, and get your pick of the Goods before they are all sold. Seaforth, july 25, 1871. ••3:90 a REMOVED. REMIOVED. M. •ROBERTSON Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, HAs REMOVED his ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main-etreet, Seaforth, Where he has on hand a superior stock of Fund- - tare of every description. CALL AND SEIC IT. "N. UNDERTAKING. Having purchased Mr. Thomas Bell's H KARST:, I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country. offins, Afl Kept consteentleC- gzes' SHROUDS 1 SHROUDS • M. ROBERTSON, CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, Johnson's Old Stand, Main Street, Seafoeth, has now on hand. a good assortment of STL--TIICYLTJDS .Which -Re tan furniela Cheaper than they t an hes got ehiewhere. 205 - A