The Huron Expositor, 1872-08-02, Page 6ICiesing at Easter, cerrespondent, writing from St, Petersirurg, sas s Of all Russians perhaps the only one who does not look forvvaisl to the pi Ospeut of an: Easter morning with any degree of pleasure is the Emperor himself; for it must be remembered that this is the great kissing season. Among real unsophisdeated Russians at Easter the practice is universal be- tween masters and servants It still holds good at court, and on Sunday, from about half -past one till three, the Emperor mighthave been seen in the chapel of the Winter Palace goihg through an ordeal which, Spite of Ms perseverence ante good humor, must have sorely -tried his , patience.. Think of the number of kisses he has bestowed during that hour and a half la There were, first, all the bfficiating priests, then the --members of the ,Council of State; next 'the Senators; then all the gen- eral officers in St. Petersburg. 'whose name is Legion' • then the of- ficers of the ImperialGuard above the rank 'of Major. Of the officers of lower rank only a certain number are Sent by each regiment. These are followed by those of the fieeu, the same distinction being made be- tween the supeeior and inferior ranks as in the army, while lastly come the officers of the imperial household. To each individual of this multitude ;the Emperor gives two kisses, one oa -each cheek ---three being the canon-, -foal numbee according , to Russian etiquette ----but that would take too -much time in the present instance. In ordinary Russian society the custom is. to present an egg to a -friend the lira time you meet him or her—roost generally her—after 12 o'clock on Easter night The one who presents the egg. exclaims, Christ is risen I' the other one an- swers, Is He risen, indeed stncl. -three kisses follow. Of course the second one has generally an egg to present in return. Timid swains eagerly take advantage of this .cus- tom to obtain -Ole prhilege of em- bracing some fond object whom they would otherwise be too bashful to approach. The eggs are of aIlkin.cls —some simple hens' eggs, gilded or silvered or colored ;' red, blue or violet.; some sugar eggs, embellish- -ed with all lsindi of fanciful ctsigns There are also diminutive -gold, marble, or simple wooden eggs,( others are large enough to serve as - ladies' travelling bags; or they may be placed on stands to serve as a useful ornament hens may sit on a nest of bon bon eggs, and some may - be fitted up inside with a set of child ren' 3 toys. There are eggs, in fact, in every imaginable material. -On this day hundreds of thousands of these cnange hands in Petersburg ItIone, and the SUM spent i their ;purchase must be prodigious. , % "Woman for the Penitentiary. A few days, ago Sheriff Deeds an 'constable Bray, of Sinicoe, ,pasee- through this place en route for th ,Peniticar tiary, hasing i -charge a young lady named Derain of prepossessing appearance and ex tremely good looking; and who ha „just received a son tence of twoyear penal servitude. The elic.amstance of the case are as fellows.; Th youn,g woman had resided at Por Rowan, -and on Monday mornin hat she drove hut° Port Dover wit a -stolen horse, -which sbe endeavore to trade ol at that place. The fac .-ber wishing to disopose of the horse excited the suspicion df the authorities, and she was arrested and foathe time being conveyea to jail to await her trial. In dne time her trial.ca me off, and of such an.. over- a/laming nature was the evidence called up against he, that spe was sentencsel to two years ih the ;Pro- vincial Peni ten tiary. VVisen she was arrested she wae dressed in the garb tat should belons4 to her -more etern protector; but after being con- veyed to Risen, it was onlv discover- ed that she belonged LO tie gehtic-;r. se, betthat she was enc. case is -a nine days' wonder for the people of rOrt, Doer and the ad- jacent rani. sections, -and- one ;that can scarcely but call up syinpathy.— Nwiyaoi6.nrees. -.A Figirt; with a Cow. �nrhetarn of Jacob Hitti-teser , Esq., the well'Inown ice, dealer; on Sunday, occu r reel one of the rnost desperate streggLes with a mad tow -that has -ever bedn knoxt n. WhiLe Ma Thsones Elit-tinger, his eldest son, was W.Ltlici112 -Sir so 1 tgh -she field, diu-ing the ferehuort, he discovered a Strange now .ainung Ulu sqpisheR, to- matoes; etc, and attempted to drive ; her off. At best the cow started to I go, but in an inpt!Int tamed upon: Min' and, -with •eves flab shinn fire, tail 1 i. - in the air, and head down, acuorao palsied with feaiftil belia,wings, she : t sprang towards 11 im. ?Jr. Hittinefer r iz a young man of about .'n, a tine 1 Specimen of a strum,- i:-,.1andidly- ' built man., and weighing 220 pound Finding his only chance of es -Jane was a_close fight, he stood: still and ' I waited the attack, and, just as infuriated beast would .have go r ed c the him through, be seized her 1.)y the 1).0x4s, yawl Oen began the struggle. I In iastant, young r frittingers sssas down and uricie the cow, but still clinging to her by the horn; which was his only chane fur Safelty. lekrr a space of 50 feet square the groan was deeply torn and ploughed up by the str Iggle. In the desperate efforts to get away the beast actual- ly raised 'Ettinger to his .feet, aid then, for the first moment, did he have any control of the animal, which he used effectually, and drove her from the field. While under, .the cow, Mr. Efittisager says he once attempted get his hand into his pocket for his knife; meaning to cat her throat, but even then. 1.; had re, very narrow escape from instant death, as she raked' her horns -from his stomach to his .breast but he was forbunaely lying a little on one side, and the horn which he grasped so firmly was the only one 'that touched him.. The animal was irn- mediatelyisecured, and will probab- ly be killEd. Mr. Hittinser was very much exhausted after the strugr gle was over, but in An hour or two WAS entirely recovered.- He owes his life to the fact that he is &strong,. powerful, cool, courageous man, and - his many friends will conga tulate him on his successful fight with an enraged Cow.—Boston, Globe. A Remarkable Trade. There' an, now annually exported 1 - to England thousands of barrels of flour, which return again ie the shape of fancy. crackers and biscuits. Every well -regulated grocery has them for sale, and the extent to which this trade has grown ia some- what remarkable. In. 1870 a. sail)* case of certain English crackers was imported to New York as an expel"- ruent, .and the resat iS that the year- ly 'average is now about 300,000 pounds, representing a value of near- ly $1,00,000. The great access at- tending this venture led other Eng- lish cracker surnaufacturers to send their productiondl to the United_ States, and in 1871 the importations of all kinds of crackhrg' ainoun ted to nearly half a million dollars. Owing to. imita,tions and competition the profit on these goods is very small, but manurocers sell gem simply as a card, ntinino=wrommum AIN LEYVILLE PLANING MILL, SASH; DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY The subscriber having bought out the above Mill, also -Cie good -ill of the late firm, is tiow prepared twill' all orders itt his line of business. Sash Doors And Moulding ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER ‘Gr at Variety °Alto shortest notice. THE fitr110 Black Bear 18 RECEIVING NEW SPRING GOODS TO BE SOLD AT OLD P.RICES. This is the Spot to buy Ch or Batter. ap for Cash Bear in mind, 777, MAI STREET, SEAFORTH. A. G. 1VIcDOUGALL. FARMERS SELL YOUR EGGS TO THOIVISON, OF TED, EGiniDVILLE GROCERY (Logan's Old Stand,) Who will pay the HIGH MST PRICE in CASH, for any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS, belivered at his store. Groceries&Provisions FOR. SALE CHEAP: . FLOUR AND FERO, of every descrinition, kept constantly on hand, in - clad: ft, Shearson & Co.'s No. 1. Como One, the Cash. me All, with your Eggs and get WM. THOMSON; Egmondville Grocery. HARNESS HARNESS. AT WILSON'S CUSTOM PLANING • Strict: y attendedte. HOUSE 1BLOCICING ALWAYS .,ON HAND. AND Promptly supplied.. TRU, vNALKSisoEf 80_1 nkinottlas,few, JAMS . BENNETT. . A itneynile, May 16, ans. 282-47 WITIPS—of all aorta, COLLARS --all sizes. Brushes, .earry-Cfontbs, Cards. prices—from 10 cents up. Bells, Blankets, CIrcingles, Saddles, And in fact everylthing usually found in a first- class Saddler's Shp, _and at prices. extremely low. JAMES WILSON Takes this opPor ty of thanking hts numerous friends and easterners for the liberal support ex- tended toward hink for the past year and hopes by strict it ten tRat to business and 3nannfacturing first-class article to merit a fair share st the pat- ronage of tho _man _ Remain' ber th 8igit of the "GOLDEN SADDLE!' SEAFORTH. SEAFORTH PLANIZVG MILL. „ SASIii DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY suhaeriber begs leave to thank his muneroua customers for the liberal patronage extended to him since eammencin; business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored .witb. a continuance of the same. -,- Parties intending to build wotild do well to give hinna call, as he will continueato keep on hand a large stotik of allkinds of - DRY PINE LUMBER, S A. • II , ' DOORS, BLIN S, MOULDINGS, SHINGLE-, LATH, ETC. He feelsoonfident of giving satisfaction to those who may favour him their patronage, as none bat first -alas§ workmen are empliked. • l'artieular attenti n paid. te Custem planing. 201 • JOHN H. BROADFOOT: -AJINTI-00 {BINATION. - ',v...., SEAFORTH N VELTY WORKS. WISH -ES friendF for their ga ILTQHNIV to retnna MARTIN anks to his easterners and eroua patronage since au - seining charge pf the a ore Works, and begs tete- quest the attention of ll who may require any- thin„e in his line to the Jllowing list of pricer: at which he isprepared to furnish vork of a quality that. cannet surpasset in the trade: HOBSE .... 5 00 I FARM CiAnS, 3 50 _ WAGON P.A.CKS , ' . 7 00 WHVEL13ARRO LAN17 ROLLERS ..$15 -upwardu. SURFACE DRESSING, per 1000. ,ca 9 FLOORING -Dud beveled °ARDIS per 10004 SCROLL. SAWING d ne by thepiece or set REPAIRING lam prepaaed at all work of reaping and m fact, every other machin lioxea babbited. .MACHINES. iraes- to repair the wood - ming rimohines, and, in that (Ian he mentioned. , LAZARUS MORRIS & CO'S 215 r --I r•••••4 i•-•••1 Cd Cit) (J) CC/ eel A OLIVER, hIGN oF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy narness, whips; bells, horse clothing, etc-, kept- censtantly on hand. }pairingpromptly attended to, Nicl charg-es moderate.: Remember the place! sign d. ti Scotch Collar, :gain 8treet, 163ff Seaforth. V. H. OLIVER_ WHY ARE TO Yir.AGOi IYIAKEUS. ruso bef.-, to inform Wag - at he keeps .aonstInally Staff suitable ler their / The undersigned wouh 1 on and Carriage Makers t ! and, all idruls of Ben' I work. Carpenters, Bni3<lers, armors, and the pnblie genotu113- in need- ef an; of the above tat:tit:lee would. do well to fever roe with their patronage, RS in inyn.,ew premiserk. facilities for doing this branchof work whieh can ot be surpaissed. -11.1.A.RTI.a. Seaford). Novelty Weeks; Goacatell Street. WHO *ANTS A .00 fi:-.Goiror a alas WILLIAM 7RASSIE • SE.AFO TU, • flT_TAS on handful(' for aftle a number of llandsome AS and aonble GILS, ivell finished and neranfattare.1 of the ve best Ion teriil. Also, LT_TATBER A_GONS, 228 D SUBSTANT141, • TYLISFI BUGGY? 7 Which, Car excellence oilm'ld, atul ease in running cannot be suipassed by an: mainifaaturer in ,the Province,' A few pEMOCRAT W GONS 'on hand, and more making, _WILLIAM GliASSIE Se as ebnap as any other stahliskanent in the County BLACKhil HNC And General Job W t ended to promptly. • • 01 .4 • Spectacles LUU B'RIGHAM YOUNG 05.c. TRIAL FOR -MURDER ? NoLtez.—Any person sending the anevar to the above to the Agent, M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, within the next thirty days, will re- . . ceive an order from L. M. tfc Co. for a pair qf their superior now pattern Eye. GlaSaes. 1.1P -BE. 401AE. 2.11ViE. --r--- TSubscribers, hvIngnieesed tho Lime .Quar- ry belonging to 11 r. A. Wilson Silver Creek, Setiforth, and having built a splendid new Kiln, on the most approved principle, capable of turning out 200 bushels per day, are prepared to famish any quantity of - - The Best Quality of Lime, At FIPTEEN CENT S bushel. - .110 nir,-,5)114 Lime k pt or sold. SLATER & BRO., 2361.3 Huron 'load, Seaforth. xppsTroll.„ 1—ra, a AUGUST 2 1872. GREAT ATTRACTIONS IN FRESH GROCERIES AT rOSL '="4, St I . CHEAP FLOUR FEED STORE. Don't forget that THOS. LEE'S is the niece for THE BEST TEAS AT THE LOWEST PRICE. Don't forget to try THOS. LEE'S 00eent Tea. There is nothing to equal it at the price. Faun: of all kinds, fresh and cheap. Don't forget that THOS. LEE keeps Shearson's XXX FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, CRACKED WHEAT, GRAHAM FLOUR, COARSE GRAINS- , and Feed of every kbad. TWO AND A HALF TONS OF THE CHOICEST BACON, ONE DOZEN BARRELS MESS PORK, With a full stock of everything in the general provision line P. S.—Lots of No. 1 SHINGLES and CF,15AR POSTS Constantly on hnn d at the lowest prices. S I I\T 0 F 12 iiT__E-74 THE BEST SELECT10N OF HIAYTING AND HARVEV AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE To be found in the County of Huron. Oall, see and buy the NEW PATENT SCYTHE, AND THE IMPROVED ENGLISH METROPOLITAN RIM AND MORTICE LOCKS. A large stock of ELEPHANT BRAND WHITE LE the beat in rise. A FEW MORE of those JUSTLY CELEBRATED HORSE POKES on hand. BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES cf all kinds. All the above at Old prices, at WM. !ROBERTSON & THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE DECLARES THAT THE GARDNER SEWING MAC Is superior to any —71-7 77: • y_ INE no-vr in the Market. Having been examined and tried by the most skilfulniechanics and best judges the country eanpitOdace, and by them -awarded Prizes at all the principal Exhibitions held thronghonl the Dominion during the present year, and although all the leading Machines were arrayed against it, the GARDNER PA.TENT . * has been declared _ VICTORIOUS OVER ALL COMPETITOR 6 , upon every test, and now stands foremost in the rank of solvers. SEE 13231kIE -*LIST OP PRIZES FO Xt. 1871, First Prize at Toronto. I'irst Prise at London—the great Western Fair. First Prize at Gnelph---the great Central Fair. First Priza at St. Catherines, Comity of Lincohn First Prize at Chatham, County of Kent. First Prize at Waterloo, Comity of Waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, County of Simeoe. First Prize in Mono, Oonnty of Peel. First Prize in Caledon County of Sinteoe. First l'rize at Wel- Jandport, County of Welland. First Prize at Otterville, Comity of Oxford. Secomi Prize at Proyincial Fair, Kingston, Diploma, at Hamilton, and Various County Shows. This beautiful spinlen of mechanical ability's a purely Canadian invention, surpassing in simplicity, durability, and usefulness any other Sewing Machine now in the market whether of Canadian, American, or Englisb. in earafa c ture . . It v;ill here, cord, braid, tack, gather, qt\lit, fell, and to all and over kind of Family Sowing and light ManufacturingI'Veik-, using All idnds of thread. It hae a most complete SET 01? ATTACHMENTS. BUY ND OMER. If the price is a little higher than some others, it is the cheapest in the end. Send for Circulars and. Samples. GARDNER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, IIA.MILTON; ONT. P. S.—Intending pnreintsers ahenld not be misled by unsernpulous agents of other Companies, who keep Machines they do not sell, in a damaged state, to make capital for themselves. GoderIch-street, Seaforth. Agents Wanted. Call and examine the G-6.relner before purchasing any other, at Wimriar Grussru's Wareroorns, . sTI4F adJ& t ►J a ffi GET THE BEST THE BLANCHARD CHURN, MANUFACTURED BY • PORTER, BLANC -ARD & 8CNS, Concord, New Hampshire. This Churn is decidedly the best and cheapest that has ever been offered to the' Canadian public. It chnrns rapidly, works easily, and makes the best butter. It is also simple ana dmnble. FARMERS TRY ONE, NO SUIT NO SLE. If it does not work satisfaetoilly it can be re- turned. These Chinni; can be seen at any, time at john - son 13rothers' Hardware Store, Seaforth. 0. C. WILSON, 230 Aglicultural Triiplernent Agent. FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE, OATMEAL, - $2 00 per hundred, CORNMEAL, - - $1 50 per hundred, -AT THE SEAFORTH OATMEAL M ILLS 240-4 P. SEEGMILTMR. VICTORIA I-IALL. rTITITa Subscriber has opened a new ROTEL and .1-- EATING HOUSE, Main -street, Seafortb, first building North of Grand Trunk Depot. Meals furnished at all _hours; good accommoda- tions, stabling, (1.e.; the best liquors alwa o h d somely fitted. ICE-CRE.:131 PAP.LOR, with suitable apartments for ladies and gentlemen. 3-13 C. M. DUNLOP. -- --- TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN., In connection wfl ith this t ia hand 11 • PETER GRASSIE, 170-52 Seaferth. Th P attention of Ladies is particulorly directed to our stock of -Prunella, Boots and Broadway Ties. I.PRING STOCK_ OP BOOTS AND SHOES.—The Best and Cheapest in the naritet.---,r-- er&TYDr..e , ka wILLIS, Main -street, Seaforth, lov.'e jiDit received. a very fine- stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's ,i iitootNkand t4hoev, aeiteana for spring and summer wear, all of which will be :wild at the OLD PRICE13, fer'Caall.—The v4nT latest styles, and of the best and most substantial kinds of of work repaired, no /natter where made, on the shortest notice. well( of all kinda promptly •atkuded to. -1 neat article and a good fit guaranteed. Repairing—All - i '., , MeIN'fYRE & WILLIS, First door South of John Logan's. el CARTWRIGHT. L. D. S, Surgeon Dentist., ‘-'-• extracts tecth without .1.f.111 by the use of the. Nitrous -Oxide Gas. Office—Oyer ihe Fountain of Fashion, Mr. Powter's store, on the Market Squat*. Attendance in Scaforth, at Knox's Hotel, the first Tuesday andWednesday of eaeli xnonth; in Clinton, at the Cemmercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Frida:vs. The remainder of the time at his Stratford office. Partis requiring, rfeW teeth are requested to call, if at Sevforth and Clinton, on tile _ars:: days of at- tendance. Over 54,000 patients have had teeth extracted by tb.e use of the Gas. at Dr. Couiton's offices,. New York. 203 ROOMS TO LET., .1,?V.E1u.1i GOOD ROOMS in Meyer a Block to let on reasonable ternas. Apply to BENSON & MEYER. 1. 1 ppettesorf and 144 Gothelf Eppendor ea soldier who hadl in. ma.ny battles, wa weight of years rip, distress, His wife bin) with six e and he worked hard into the night, upoi of ground from whie sustenance. His it many miles frou once he had the tem petition for aid to Joseph; but he I hope for fa,verable passed on, and Goth and trying State, ssotten that he had e e, an appeal to the mot One day a horsem hunting garb, drew peedorfs cot, and h- ecl, and thrown his Is a stake, he entered molly,. The old sol welcome, and offered drink How is this r ss. looking around. 4 I it had six children ; eight Have you bet confess the true muni 'Nay, not so,' rep These six are my ow my wife. This, the 7t1 of a poor widow, who since in a wretched I Trentschen. 1 ould poor thing east out hc too it in. Thi; the h' ieft to ray care by a la sfslio died. beneath my had given. hina shelter 1 sought the abodes o opulent than myself, find a home for the -pc without avail ; so 1 ke one to myself providies? can,' 'You must find it said the stranger, tha ed te give a home to yon own.' 'Not for myself; goof the old soldier; but r need of these poor orph in my lowly state, May ly eupply. For them regret, but not for is but a few more work a day on raty the knowledge that I as in my humble way is a - compense. And then th the gratitude of the litrl< sir; 1 have my reward Gothelf,'eaid the st yon know me r The old soldier lookee start, and the truth 11, him. It was the Erni He remembered the fax - spite the hunter's garb, had been years sinee he , before z and he would. ha -himself upon his kneee monarch restrained him, Henceforth,' said e< only these two orphans, I children of -your own, sl pensioners. To -morrow er ehall settle upon eac little ones a 100 florins s upon yourself he shall florins. Continue to be the children, and 1 wii father.' The veteran and his threw themselves down Emperor, and bedewed Ji their grateful :tears; ans areh liin3self wept freely, I thank God for tlit hath this day vouch Joseph. He hath led m er a virtuous naan 111 and such men are jewels minions.? Experience of an The intelligence is ml a_bie when experience - prompt a plan of asetion the animal devises aI scheme to effect some de jeet, as in the ease of thS havieg strayed into an op °continued her visits by 4 bolt with her horn. ' wolves hunt together in ' and if they meet an arai, they have not the comas openly they form into a i or crescent and rush dow until the ereature, teirdi nuraber of its eavnies, h a preseipice and is dashe , -when they search out th enjoy the feast Hallide a in wit -bee, which I nest close to a window fastened with a shutter, when thrown back, lay the wall that ite nest WM SillIt ill. To prevent this it formed a little lumi whieh hindered the shutt ting close to the wall, an for its own ingress Jesse recounts the eire some\ rats destroying ti fasteried over the nose or tie, aid making free with their tails into at ing it off: Dr. Pelican - rats engaged in the seer around the bung -hole of - wiee, into which, had the large enough, they would zh we fallen from intoxicat ,