The Huron Expositor, 1872-08-02, Page 3• AtkgisT 2, 1B72 500 tents will be erected, ance is expeeted than last 00 people will take part xve been received from a tents„ kuid also for posit ete. Several families are st who will assist in the 1 remain here until the rkmen are already eneagt tents and stands wEere hold forth. It is cuetoin_ lilies to provide their own s they can purchase pool- . fruits at moderate rates teaPle, who always make ring these products into, eurants will also_ be es- onvenieuce of those who. ie European plate The Will he kept by er oilarge tents will elect stierSe W110 cart seem e -very average of $3 per day. ts have been imtde fur ,seit'et means of refteuting am the ttranches,or at - of the tree& on of the committee of 1-t.e it a success, act they bst distinguished 111. and Brooklyn to take es, beside other clergy - and neighboring cities, aot so &wilier to the 'Ler somexhat frOTII the is being held at Sea Lionel affair, while this tthering, and therefore will be presided over vn, the presiding elder ict of New York, but Le religious exercises has et. The Bedford Street be Fourth Street M. E. iy representedL, he regular stemboata eg the clay, twa or three ett on, affording an easy he village, from which itt waiting to earry au& The sail up the 1 that the boats will the traffic to thie place, tleasanter than the ds -. the boats -will be put at account of the cona- eengers, and will prob. et year when it WitS IV. H. Os Osaer se for Rum- or by the State ftlriliSheS many re- ts, which help to make and thirsty land. At her day, a resolute of- neething and took it then the following in - took place he prisoner asked the it was liquer. Be re - drank some of it.' nen, wee called. liquor in your house ble called theie ?' ra jar? u had it?' t sale t' liquor? this rum for ?' .he ted the baby in this 'sec' to turn the rum ; baby in it and then tr-7 [a the court, and the ri that lie would seize # a jar. Sen,threl- 1 n Pompeii that !interest 1» to me than ✓ of old Rome dis- eIity. The fatal day the feet of which into an eruption that kl torrents of lava i ' discharged, amidst handers, such clouds prodec4 a dark- cand struck such at men thought not e.• world had come at the gods them< 1. that night a sen- ate which looleed . Amidet unimag- ehrieks of terror, f the volcano and lost their children habitants Red the ashes, loading the ating every place, they covered the -age of the city but eath which it lay ied for near13' 1, - order the sentinel 1 -gotten;: and as els, happen what till relieved by y by their officers, death and dishon- he stood by his the ashes rise an 'y reach his breast, e, they choke his " faithful into • centuries thev t g erect in a mar- ruior, the helmet 's betty fingers still, ••• ,• IT UST 2, 1872. • GAIETIES. Josh Billings says very truly : You had better not know so much thanto know so many thing's that ain't 80. -- Two Hibernians were passim, - a stable which had a rooster on it ; for a weather -vane, when one ad- dressed the other thus Pat, what's the reason they didn't put a bin up there instead of a rooster -An' sure,' replied fleet's easy enough; don't you see, it would be -inconvenient to go for the eggs?' - Do you make any reduction to a miuisterr said a young woman at Boston, last weeketo •salesman with whorn she was talking about buying a sewing machine. 'Ale, are you a minister's wife Ob no, at not married,' said the lade t blushing. Daegliter, then 'I' 'No.' 9 this books, It is ix blished in .-English antl German sold b ubscriptioii only, and agents are wante I in every county. % SPECJIA.L BREANFAST—EPPS. AND COMFORTING. knowledge of the n govern the operation nutrition, and by a c the fine properties of Mr. Epps has prdvide Ules With a delicatel. ich.may save us ni AS"ereke iaate with boiling water or is labelled—"Jeeres opathic (Jhemists, Lox ers of Epps' Milky Condensed Milk): IT- A want has be ed by-phYsicians for pnrgative, Such a w in Parsons' Purgative Or Henry K. Bind, of Jefferson, OTICES. 0600A—GRATEPUL By a thorough tural2 laws • which O f digestion and refui application of ell -selected cocoa, ou r breakfast-ta- flavored beveragemy dMade bus."" simply ilk. Each packet pp s &Co., Horace - don." Also, mak- Cocoa (C000a and 1 felt and express - a safe and -reliable rit is now supplied Pills. The salesman looked ptizzled. ,I; ilainea,uttvaswdexaircendqLf s fitttregstldoinoadc,hs:Drbe; ness .1 1 am engaged tea 'theological student"; she said. The reduction. was made: — A man enjoying the euphonious name of Pigg# married a lady named youna. A few days since a child 'was btorn to them, and a rich uncle . of the young one, whorlike Gilpin, 'loves a timely joke,' promised to heavily endow the boy the parents .t would christen him with the mater- nal name. The fond but tb tifty pa- • rents consented, and the youth will hereafter be known to hisfriends as Yetine Pigg. to make a slow horse fast—don't feed him. Row does*that look, ehi' said Mr. Cramp, holding out his brawny hand. That,' said AMOS, 'looks as if you were out Of soap.' Mrs. Miffin; said a visitor, Emma has your features; but I think she has got her father's hah Oh, now I see,' said the dear little Emma, 'it's because that I have father's hair that he has to wear a • wig.' • Barber,' saitl a farmer to Ms ton- sor, now corn's cheap, you ought to shave for half price.' Can't, Mr. Jon* tlaid the TI of razors, really ought to charge more, for when, corn. is down, farmers make such long faces that I have -.twice the ereand to go over.' —In one of thecourts recently, a • woman was testifying on behalf (A- ber son, and swore that he had worked on a farm ever since be was born. The le NV yer Who cross•exam- ined - her said—' You assert that your SOU has Worked on a farm ever since he was born?' do.' 'What did he do the first yeal 7' He milked,' she replied. The whole coert laughed heartily, and the wit- ness was questioned no- further. THE EIC4HT-11 OUR MOVEMENT.— ' Village Schoolmaster—' How -many minutes in the hour?' Nide of the School:--' Sixty, sir.' V. Se—"And how many hours to the day? P. Nine, sir, and father says it b tight to be eight.' -.111. • 0.". - Lights and Shadows. " Lights and Shadows of New York Life ; or, the Sights and Sensations of the Great City." A work descriptive of NewYerk City Mall its various phases, Its 8plendors and Wretchedness ; Its High and Low Life; Its Marble Palaces and Dark Dens; Its Attra,c--- • tions and Dangers ; lts Rings and Frauds; Its Leading Men and Politic, ians ; Its Adventurers: Its Msteries and Crimes. By -James D. IS:fcCabe, Jr. • What Paris is to the Frenchman, or London to the Briton, New York is to • the American. It is not only the Metro- • polis, but it is the thief attraction upon •this continent, the great centre to which men and women resortfor both business and pleasure, and as such is a source of never -failing interest. Of late years sexeral attempts hare been. made to re- produce its varied attractions in book form. The most successful result .of these efforts is the boa .now before as. The author has had -unusual facilities to see every feature of the great city, and has written the work with an enthusiasm which is apparent in every page. He has • not merely produced a sensational story, but has given us a record of actual faets, • of which he is personally cognizant. The book is as fascinating and absorb- • ing as a novel, and were it hot for the evidence he furnishes, we should -be tempted to believe that he has carried us into the realm of fiction. • He sells us the ' history of the great city which has grown the the most remarkable in Am- erica, and relates its old traditiOns with zest and humor.- He introduces us to all cla,sses of people, and initiates us into their ways and manner of life.1 He brings us face to face with greathner- chants aud. bankers, actoi-s, editors-, 'working women, ballet gills-. thiel -3s, gamblers, sailors, quacks, firemen, and a host of others. delights us with his sketches of the better and brighter side of city life, of the genius, enterprise, • charity and humanity of the great city; and appah us witkhis accounts of the darker and more terrible side of the life he is delineating. A truthful picture of New York lite cannot be otherwise than deeply interest- • ing'. Our author has suCceeded admir- ably in his task, and we predict for hus,. book a large sale. • It is.brim full of use- ful iefortnati=m, and fascinating, wad au emphatic warning against the vices of the city.. It is pure and lofty in tone, and while it• discusses fully many the use of Johnson's ,•odyne Liniment. iNIr. Henry Ma , sley says: The full and 'healthy deve opment of all the lower natural forces are indispensably pre -requisite to thci istence of a sound and vigorous mind." ust SO. Humanity requires the full equiv, lent of vital force, in order for the free an potent manifesta- tions of the mind. Ve consider that Fellows' Compound S. nip of Hypophos- ph ites supplies the defi ieney to unheaithy blood, restores the ne vous element, and produces healthy action to the various organs and forces of t • e body necessary to sound mind, we w•nder at the imbe- cility everrvhere app rent. As a deficiency of healthy blood, or a direct loss of this fit id, are causes for disorders of the sens s, and . also of the nervous system gener lly, we can safely calculate on the disa pearance of such unpleasant and clang rous disturbances the condition of the blood improves. as Thomas Ecle tric Oil, WORTH TEN TIMES ITS WEI TIT IN GOLD. DO 'YOU KNOW ANYTHING OF I ? 'rim, XIS TIME YOU DID. There aro but few pre 'aratione of medicine which have withstood the upartial judgment of the people for any great 1 ugth of tine. One of these is Titomas' Enneasue Ons purely a ,prepar- ation of six of some of the b st oils that are known, each one possessing virtuee 1 its own. Scientific physicians; know that medi ines may be formed of several ingreclients in cut _fixed proportions of • greater power, arelproducin effects which could never result from. the use of ny ono of them, or in different earebinationa. Th s in the preparation of this oil a cheruioul cluing takes place, Ilbrming a, eompound which could no by any possibility be made from any other combi • ation or proportions • of the same ingredients, or any other ingredients, and entirely diffesent from anything eVer before • made, one which productes t e most astomslung re- sults, and having a wider range Of applicsation than any 'medicine ever halo o discovered. It con- tains no alcohol or other ()ladle liquids, conse- quently loses nothing by ev poration. • Wherever applied Ton got the benefit o every drop; whereas with other preparations any all the alcohol is lost in that way, and you ge only the small quan- tity of oils -a-hich they may ontain, S. N. THO_ TA% PirEnps, N.Y. And NORTHROP & Lis. IAN, Newcastle, Ont., Sole Agents for the Domini . • NoTias-Electsic---Selectei• and Electrized. ' Sold in Seaforth by E. 'ckson & Co. and R. Lumsden. • The Girtistt Fein 3033 330SES' PERIO ICL FILLS. THIS invaluable medical is unfailing in the 3-- cure of all those painful ml dangerous diseases to which. the female consti ution is subjeot. It moderates all excess Andre Loves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be re 'ed on. To married ladies, it is pe taliarly milted. It will in'a short. time, bring on th monthly period with regularity. These Pills should not e taken by Femalee during the drat three mout a of Pregnaey, as they are sure to . bring on Misca age, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Ner'emis a Id Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limb. , fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitatton of the heart, hysterias, and whites, these pills will effee a sure when other means have failed; and although a pdwerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the con itution. Full directions .in the p packaeo, which should be e Job Moses, New York, Sol 12i cents fox postage, onelose Nowcftstle; Ont., general age will insure a bottle, omit return snail. tz-tc" Sold in Setsforth by E R. Lum,eclen. le Remedy. raphlet around each efully preserved. Proprietor. $1.00 and 1 to Northop &Lyman, ts for the Dominion, •ing oves 50 pills by • HiCkS011 1.% go., and RAILWAY TI E TABLE. 'Trains leave the S &forth , station- as follows - . GOING W ST. E:erpree4. • Mix d. • Mail. • 1. 02 P. M. 3.35 P. m. • 8.45 r. m. • GOING E. ST. Express. - 10.50.A. M. 2.20 r lc 8.00 A. M. StenailaCISSMGEMer.,--e• .Insolvent. A In Met -Matter of ANNIE .1, Insolvent. Tiundersigned,• Lewis -1- pointed Assignee in tine requested to fild their claims L. R. •Seaforth, 26th july, 1872. t of 1869 VALLN ERWIN, an . Corbey, has been ap- natter. Creditors aro veithiu one month. 012BEY, ASSig1.100. 24214 =7"-7,17-1747res_ZW:3 t LFIC ...-M-.. 'tseviette ,nettt.,1 Al. .. e.r.e,„;...: • TIIE ST SEWING M CHINES ;trade eau he 1 at W.M. N. W T80:1° -T'S. SEWING ffiACH BFPOT •SEAF0111; H. U "TB GENUIN V dslicacy ;z,r d elm dor. An interest, ct , . ., ' .t. C .. -.1, HO WE' . . • . C A TT' r: r- PI ie. . ,_,._ , a the darker sides of city life, it does so iner feattn.,, of the hook is a powerfully . or, we .-:...Incleale., in all: st des and sizes, and A CATTLE r_tI.11, will be held -hereafter at • " THE 0,5730./LIT" - Mashies in all styles. • • LOYD'S :HOTEL, SEAFORTH, The suhscriber has recea splendid supply of , - .(Oppoeite the Station,) - . . buil tle•ee Machines, wheel'. a o pronounced by 'ex . • to any others made, " . On thelirst -.11on day. in each month, 7 - E 'HURON FLOUR! „viva. purchased and thoroughly refitted the milis foemerly owned by the Messrs. SCOBIE, I ani now prepared to Millis's • FAMILY FLOUR; - Second to -NONE IN SEAFORTH; And, that wiR . Compare favorably with any in the Do- minion, . mikiit-3-80.Fra Aw.ratnttisAyL31.0t1.4:1)UR,,,o to the following Dealers and ask for MARSTr S --Remember W. SCOTT 1t0611T8ON, WHITES! DE, •- IMON POWELL, ' - Or at W. MARSHALL'S kills. - Orders lab -with S. ROBEETSgN will be promptly attended to, 1 „ . Parties who wieltto* - . Exchange Wheat, for -Flour, Aro certain to receive proper quantity, and an arti- cle that will defy competition. ' W. :MARSFIALL. 18641 HURRAH -FOR 1872 . • - -, 'WM. A.ITLT, - , . MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, - WAS ON IIAND a superior steak of FAMILY .-1-1s GROCEIIIES, embracing Tea e . of the best brands, Sugare, lleieins, etc. Also, Crockery and Glassware, and every other article usually kept in a first-elass Grocery Store. . : - PUOVITIOINS,•' - , Such as Plata, Oat and Corn -meal, Potatoes, Pork, eta., also, ev ire, description at .it• - LP ililD, r' Snell as Oats, Pees, Bran and Shorts, all of which will be sold.cheaper than the cheapest. • FAR iVI 'le'lt oiteuer : The highent market price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. Remember the place, Main street, East side, opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. 218 WM. AULT. DO YOU WANT TO SEE SOMETHING NICE? THOM.AS BELL, Main -street, Seaforth, can:show yon something worth. looking at in the FURNITURE ! line. He hrta just received a large quantity of wz-vv FURNITURE Of evety description, which, for ClIBAPNESS BEA UT 1' I • and Q, trALITY Is really worth going to see. Wareroome—Oppoeito Robertson's Hardware Store. 217 cAirr,ioN To the Public of the 'British Pi:evinced of North Ann. rico, . T BEG- Most respectfully to acquaint the public •-1- of the British North American Provinces that in May, 1871, I caused the basiness at 80 Maiden - Lane, New York, for the stile of Holloway's Pills and Ointment, -which were up to. that timo pre- pared by William Brown, now deceased, to be closed. .r regret to 'say that I have reason to know that the management of the late business had for some years, in many ways, been most cor- rupt, tuicl it may he that the Pills • and Ointment were not prepared with the care I have always de- sired. Those who do. not wish to be deCeiveit by buying spurious medicines, which are now likely to emanate from the Status or elsewhere, to poesess themselves of the genuine Holloway's Pills and Ointment, manuitic.ured by me in London, Eng- land, will do well to see that each Pot and box boars the Brit -deli Government stamp, on which is engraved the words, " Holloway's, Pills and Oint- ment, and Una the addrese on the label is 5'33, Oxford-etreetSI,oudon, where only they are mann- faetured, and in no other part of the World. The retail prices ere on the labels_in British, &Mellen and not dollars and emits. No representative, of mine will ever travel through any part of the British:Prosinces or the United States, either to • sell or to telkorders for my ?Me and Ointment, Demi as have refteon to' believe that attenipts will probably be me de to deveive the public:1u this way by persons callingetpoit inetlitine- vendors, falsely teePrOSelltillg th;li they 71111-71et•hig for mo and with. my knowledge ane toneent, I deem it *advisable to put the public on their getted against any such de- ceptions. I inGst earnestly entreht all those who may reed this. edvertisement that they be Pleased, • inthe public ietevest, tn communicate the purpor• t of the same To their friends that they may not be defrauded of their inuvey by purchasing, perhaps, worthletta imitations of the ften.u.ine Holloway's • that, ehonld it come to the knowledge of siityper- Pills end Ointment. I would ask, as angiiit,dea:-,fia.svooirci, sun that spurirms medicines are being in my name, he be plteteed eo allthe par- ticalers he eau collet ',expecting tb.e same, that is to say, the name and address of talneedeelikenleowri-sachothies • selling the eperious medic:hies, name and address of thct House in the. United States or elsewilt:TOitYhi.1.11 may have supplied theau so as te enabilente, foe the protection ,of the pub- lic, to institute proceediege against such evil- doers, and I engege t.0 remunerate very handsome- ly any person who may 1..;ive me snch information, the informant's mune h ever being . divulged.. Should. env person have Teas= to believe that he has been deceived by Wynne spurious imitations of these inedicinee. be will do well to send ine, in a letter, to the addreen et foot (which he can do at a cost of six cents in postage), one of the books of instruction -which ere affixed to the same. I prom- ise to csamine it end St neev, Stating whether the medicine:: al t, getteitte or not, so that. if sine, rime, leetusy :vele to the. rereon from svhom he . purchased them to Lave his money retell-11dd. . Phemiste andPrneeiste who desire Zo obtain the medicines enn t sateoliSd at the lowest wholesnle prices:, in te tantit 110L leSS :7;;'20 worth— • el.'s, 8e. CA., 2e:e. teed :;.!:e.por deeen boxes of pile,. Or pots of Oh 4--ete1t, net. withoet discount, for 1 ' remitter, eine!: he sent in advance. I have. the honoli: LO bv, MA13 llecl.tiOLLOWAY, • 553, Oxford stet:et, (late Striunl,) London, W.C., - 240-26 Oct. 1, 1871.. written history of the Tananany Ring frauds with sketches of the actort therein. It is comprised in one large octavo nreoaltrre ,c).)if 85,0 e, parres , illustrated with nerienecet &tulle to be serpent, y ...oe tine engravingS of no bed ieor st3;e71til, " Hilupliat.ts an 1 perfection of mis- places, life and scenes in NONV York, and steuetien; for letup of -work, from liglet gauze to 1 CO., of Philadelphia. 0 stitch, owieg to the tensionty and eperfect actneand al - beaver and leather; for boat xss of pillSlislisat by' the National Publishina sueTdi,le 1"r irieP at which the work iiths is-- for durability these machines are unrivalled. waYs equal on both upper an 1 lower threads, and brill os it win the reaeh of all, Everyreachine warranted a d instructioies given te trial, or rented by and no one who wants to know New rhletraiso. nt-lhlatOhirnese;osnesliitbloeuit)al0 les. 'York as it really is should fail to buy 223 WM. N. 1 ATSO/Sr, Seaforth. 1 • • BEGINNINQ 01; ON.11)A11-1 (DCWO113Elt 2, 1671. Large numbers of buyers will be in attendance, and parties having stook may rely on the best mar- ket 'slices. In connection with Loyd's Hotel (Houghton's are large and commodious stables and yards. 198 , -^ EXPOSITOR. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS THIS WEEK -- A T • T. KIDD'S EMPORIUM. IN • CHILDREN'S MARSELLA DOBES, INFNANTS' SEWED ROBES, WHITE TOILET QUILTS, WHITE TOILET CO %%RS, ir LADIES' 'WHITE AND .COLORED SKIRTS, eTT_TS111 1-1,0=I-NT=D - Another Lot of Choice Stripad Ottoman Shawls. A LARGE STOCK OF LADIESCOLORED KID GLOVES, • FROM 50 CEHTS. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. THOS. KIDD, SEAFORTH. _REAP ERS OW ERS. • 'WE WOULD paw, 'TEM ATTENTION of the Farmers of the Counties of Huron and Perth Y to our Johnson Self-Ra.ke Reaper, and • Cayuga Jr. Mower, . • - For the Season of 1872. We have introduced a few into your Counties in years gone by, and would say we have made some valuable improvements for the coming harvest. We received the . FIRST PRIZE ON THE JOHNSTON SELF -RAKE REAPER At the Provinoial Exhibition in the Fella 187.0. The Johnston Machine was also Awarded the _First Prize at Kingston in 871. Also, the First Prize at Use Great Reaper Trial at Paris in the Harvest 011871. , • THE CAYUGA JR. MOWER Was awiuded the First Prize at the Paris Thal. This Trial was hold under the auspices of the Pro- vincial Agricultural Society. • We can with n11 confidence recommend these two machines to the public; knowing that they cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by any other two Machines made in Canada. It is a source of ninch 'satisfaction to us toknow that many competing Manufacturers eoncede the superiority of our machines, and are willing to give us the eredit of using a bettor quality of material and turning out a superior class of work, as regards accusaey of fitting, exactness of adjustment and high degree of finish than is practiced by themselves. And while we appreciate the honorable senti- ments which thee actuate them in giving an honest expression to their convictions, we cannot but re- gret that there 11TO others so lost to all sense of propriety as to forgot the principles -which actuate hon- est and upright men in their dealings and intercourse with their fellows, and have, for the sake of gaining popularity and notoriety, resorted to the dishonest practice of ntr.tIliTING our machines, covering the name, anci entering them at, Fairs and Trials as their own manufacture thus robbingus of a reputation which wo have acquired by years of honest, honorable and patient and -which to- ns is of more value than any money consideration. It is needless for us to warn the farmers to beware of such parties, as their own good sense and better judgment will teach them thet there is no safety in dealing with men who will descend to -such low trickery, in order to gain a, selfish and mercenary end. Repairs for machines will at all times be found at WM. ROBERTSON & CO.'S Hardware Store, Seaforth. J. C. WOODS, General Travelling Agent. W. J. MeOUTCHEON, Local Agent, Clinton. • WM. GRIEVE Local Agent, Seaforth. PATTERSON & BRO., Patterson Ont. MAY, 1872. 232-13* THOIVISON & WILLIAMS' GRIOULTUR I. IMPLEMENT AND ENGINE WORKS. r_rr 01\TT.A.IR,10_ JOHNSTON'S SELF -RAKING SING -LE REAPER. WE recommeud th.o above celebrated self-raldng Reaper and the CAYUGA. CHIEF, ;Tn. MOWER, as T T the best harvesting ?machines now 'manufactured. We guarantee these two single machines, costing but $200, to outwear any tWo combined machines, costing$300, and with less than one quarter the cost in repairs. We elle' gu.m arantee each achine to do its work better, faster. and with much lig,hter draught, than any combined machine. • Theis two machines have not only a trerfect lifting ap- paratus for the table and bar, but have also the only perfect tilting table and bar. We offer any trial the purchaser may desire of either or both these machines. We also build the 1 1-3:. TO 00 13 I 1\T 11:13 rs, WITH JOHNSTON'S SELF -RAR -E, Which we gnarantee equal to the best combine -A machines =ado in Canada, and we offer a trial to in- , tending purchasers. We also build _ TWO -HORSE WOOD -SAWING MACHINES, And all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMKEKNISI AND WIRCERY Address 235 FOR MILLS AND FACTORIES. STEA)* ENGTNES A SPECIALITY. THOAISON & WILLIAMS, Nom-. Mitchell, Ontario. - EXECUTORS' NOTICE.. MOULDING NOTICE is hereby given to 1111 parties having , -4, 1 chines against the Witte of the late George 1 R. Ross, or the cum ef Wright & Boss, of hinley- ' ville, in the County of flurun, to hand the gime to the undersigned Executers, or to Geo. H. Wright, on or before the let day of Jtily next, as, after that date, the affairs of the estate will be .closed up and no further claints peiel. Aleotall parties in,:tehted to the above estates, AIOUTADING. either ine note or book :nice-ant,requesteel to eall and mettle the selee forth Nitta Payment of notes or (let:omits lime 1:e iraele- 1..o George If. Whig:It er to the runletreiereed eteentors : . Th()11.• LECKIE, ) xecutors. WRAPPING .PAPER J-OHN &1O,) E, Aiiii,ims, .t.pril :A, 1871 1 FER 'WM...GRAHAM, . FOR SALE, CHEAP. Lots 1:et and 105, Aittleyte Surrey, in the village of Ainleyville, estate of the late George It. Ross, for salt*. Terms, ash. !• 229 . Now is the tithe to buy as it is on the rise. c ' Sz, PAPER TTTl undereigned has on hand a splen.did lot of ROSEWOOD A_ND GILT • • Also, a Fine Lot Of Straw moimElt TO LAN. THE subscriber has MONEY to loan to. any Main Street, Seitforth. -L amount on good farm property. Interest, SIX per cent. per annum, when the interest and min - oleic nee paid .yearly. and 8 per cent. per annum when the -interest only is paid. A O. MCDOUGALL, TO LET, in Scott's Block,. two commodious Apple to HOLMSTED. 227-52 At cheap cash Store, sign of the Bear, Rooms on the second flat. 195. McCAUGHEI C. ARMSTRONG. 901. COOPERS WANTED. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Eleven good T T Coopers, to work at Salt Barrels. Apply to JOHN G. AMENT. Seaforth, May 21, 1872. 238 ROCV,IS TO LET. MONEYTO LEND. undersigned his $3,000 and upward, private "I -funds, to loan, at 8 per cent. per =num, on Farm property. Charges moderate. Marriage Licences issued. Apply to 227-52e- W. G. WILSON, Zurich. ,,••••• • ght guron txpAvitor XS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, • IN SEAFORTH. T1ssets.—$1.50 per year in advance, or $2 itt the tea oethe year. •• • Advertisbag • TRANSIENT. First insertion, per line, 8 cents; subsequent in sertions, 2 cents eachtime, per hue. One c4unin one Cy0eNarTRACT. DATES. • . $60 00 es et half ee ........ oe h o8n13133.;enatth8 81• 21 43000°8803 H:11 oneyearoynetallsr Onte' efou'rt‘ 20 00 " " 3 months 8 DO One-eighth ono year.............. 12 00 " " half800 " " 8 months .... . 5 00 One -twelfth one year 8 00 44 I if half • 5 00 " " mouths 300 Business Canis, (6 lines and. tmder,r year.. 4 00 • Aavertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, &c., not exceeding 10 lines --first month, $1; after first morrth, 50 cents each month. Advertisements of FARMS and REAL ESTATE for sale, not exceeding 15 lines—first inonth, $1 50; each subsegnent month, 75 cents. Births, Marriages, Deaths—Gratis. Advertisements without specifi6 directions will be insertedtill forbid, and, charged accordingly. MeTMAN BROTHERS, MUDD° Y. MeLtaN, A.LLAN MeLEAR. Publishers. .ressseseeme,aseen CC hall 44 14 ft _half CC F 0 R THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FURNITURE„ GO TO JOHN STAUFFER'S AINLEYVILLE. Sign of the Two Bureaus. JUNE 18, 1872. 237-34 To Cricketers and Base -all Players. CRICKET AND BASE BALL, - CRICKET BATS, B • GLOVES, . LEG- GUARDS, WICKETS. ALSO, Base Balls and Clubs For Men and Boys, AT R. LUIVISDEN1S • DRUG STORE; SEAFORTII. - FOUNDRY FOR SALE. The Iron Foundry belonging to the Estate of Zapfe & Carter, situated IN THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH • with the stook and machinery is for sale. It con- sists of Lots No. 42 and 157, on Main street. The buildings are of brick, end the machinery in good order, so that a purchaser can make a beginning at once. • As Seriforth is situated in one_of the Meat prosperous sections of Ontario, ther4 is seldom a better opening offered, and to an enterprising me- chanic with some means, sueli a favorable chance is not often found. To a suitable party or parties favorable terms will be offered. ADAM HOPE, • Aseignee. Haniilton, 24t1i June, 1872. , 238-4 FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. TNMAN LINE OP MATT, sexEmitit8 S 1 -WAG •"A" from New -York, •EVERY THURSDAY AND EVERY SATURDAY, Tickets sold to and from England, Iretend, and the Continent, at as low rates as by any other line. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 15, Broadway, .1s.7. Y., or JOHN SEATTZB, 230 Seaforth. J. P. BRINE, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of • Ilfiron. Sales -attended in all parts of the Country. All orders left at THE EXPGSIT011 Office will be promptly attended to. 198 Divisions Courts ---1872. Division Colitis will be held as follows: Wneoneer, ... 10th July. WROXETER, . Tuesday 213rd E SAFORTH . Wednesday, 24th " Thursdity, .2tith " CLINTON,. Fritiay, 2.5th DUNGANNON,- . .. . 16.3rd Aug. Beyreen, ... .. 511 GODERICH,. Wednesday, 7th " The Courts open at 10 o'clock, a. m., eath day. A ChemicalFood arid Nis trill:re Tonic. -4"A" —The great populaaity of Dr. Wheeler's Com - 'pound Elixir of Phosphates and Calisaya, is owing 1 to its perfect reliability in building ttp constitu- tions run down with Oise:tette of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, which arise from Dyspepsia or Feeble Digestion, end result in poor blood and breaking down of tb.e general health. It cat:etude ly relieves pain or a sense of fullness in the Stom- ach after eating, Ileart-burn, Flatulenee, Constipa- tion from torpid liver, Bilious Headaehrs, Irrita- tion of the llidneys tea Bladdertfrom the red de- posit he the Urine, irritability and restltssness followed. by nervous prostratien. and general debili- ty, -which inevitably arise 'rein the one coramon ce.use--Dyspepsio. or Feeble Digestion. All these delicate constitutions that lack energy, and -vitality, and are tmable to arouse theraselvee to any exer- tion or undergo any fatigue, will be astonished at the ra.pidit3r -with which the whole system is raised out of thio prostrate condition and energized and vitellzed under the use of this preparation. It is harmless, delicious, does not lose its effect, Slid iS not followed by a relapse. Sold at $L' ee_