HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-07-26, Page 88. THE HURON' EXPOSITOR. JULY feet or' Sara, for he's as livelfas 4v or. �onod by the Cumberland and taken to mbr than thirty years, but never knew PARM AND PROT &V 1100 ifor. And our assistant. p6stmastefi, M Frei�- Dul4thi, The Bebty-8,' with commend- a case that failed where it was properly SALE. erick Powell,'who bad to vesiii his abla eiiergy. as Soon s the news of the ;�tbniniatered,, Amon other -,Eases Sale, Lot No. 29, Com 7, township ofAlorlis, --a short time. .aocount of ill (lisili duties f oi b FO -R. Oil ster canic, endeavored to charter mentioued, was oue 11here a. num ber of �ontaltdng 100 acres) 710 of whieh are cinared D i sar' healthy has returned, looking much bet ftud M a, state of good cultivation. Tho Ivholo is RICT MATTEIRS., another boat to take the place of the coivs had been bitten �y a mad dov; to ter front a I ain Il- fenced. - There are on the promises a good 0 fe%v weeks' relaxation. We AT itoba, but have hitbertu been unsuc- half the'utimbor they administered this frame barn and bewail log -house, alao, two Wells fincerely hop6'a imilar c c �4 i e may not DS ill. If, however, they- should sue- remedy, to the other half, not; the lat- and a young bertrinq, orc4ard. This farm is wit.11- CAPT. A- W. TuoxAs will exhibi call lifir off a�grain. ce i riis4ighortLudplacint,,I)eroAtlie ter all died'with hydrophobia, -while one mme ol Ainloy-ville, a thriving iiinage, where a 0 the Town Hall, Seftforth, on Fridpy and tj 0 station of the Wellington, Gray and Bruce Railwa Saturday it' ain as soon a -y anticipate, those that took the eleoampane and milk will be opened this fail also the breadth of a -evellings,July 26th find 27th. We olip the foil To e. 8 the from ow- ver little loss or inconven lot Ing Ainleyville. the 1181-riston TluzuNz Capt. �&, 11r, ience will be showed no sigps of didense. from�thde.Northorn 5r"47;l Bond. - Also foi, sale, Thomas exhibited ii� Wrox'eter on Monday and ent t on the public by the mishap,— Tnesday evenings ot this eek. wahadthepla,g 0100PER, AjuleyviUe, Agent Ypr the Ex., (a welling-honme, with thoupper�artjltte V;OSITOR I( FOWSPaper and Job Pinting Ofa�oj if, ial.`� up as a Photograph Gallory. There in ure of hearing. Captain Thi . at this villap on er Bumss for tile I -Lett from Miesourl. andstabloon the pemisesoalso, a goo gorden. tile above-named eveuings. He commenced by ast week has been a oporty is situated near the basim,-sa Cop litical Meetings in South Con-epcildellet, of theHvron Vlxpositor. This In gi= trilling -narratives of his remarkable it&. i(111 11, farinersall being busy. Some of the Village of Wroxoter, throghwhich tha To- I-Iuron.: WELLSVILLB, Mo., July 19, 1 ronto, Gray slid Bruce Railway Will I)fj yannjng ve a and hair -breadth escapes -while noting as have already commenced their fallvvJaeat, 872., Ili the folloin I shall confine my at- on easy R SPY dilling the late American war. Many of his adventures seem almost incredible, -but gre hich promises to be a Piro))?, the Within 0110 year. The whole -%Vill be' sold woll V good crop in this Godericli Signal. authenticated by the history of the war. 'section. I�Vo were this week shown "he meatillgs ad . vorLised tention to Northeastell! Kissouri, or terms. r4orpartieularsaplyto The am- ing ax1oftheenterbainment consisting of many soin' R. COOP,–,r,, well) Gre Ninaville P. 0. e sts p of fall wheat (Tread by Mr. that part of the -State 13411c, between the 286-18 Land a'ntl General Agent Way coimenced at 11, ed that he had broqgbt the Art of Pre McLachln, Twelfth In Missouri ,Ind Mississippi O�ivers, Tha fea gerdemain or Slight -of -had Work pro,� 9 Mr. lob n 1 the Town Hall of Us borne, on -uhe even- stidigitation -0the hirlitst extra On asured eight ing of the 16th Inst. Albhow,11 this is t me of perfection. As a Ven- cessim, Grey, that Lae' surface is beautifully diversified with FARIA FOR -SALE ttriloquizit he co4 a I not� be exiiellad by any,,we baye inches in letigh. prairie nd woodland. The prairie is one of Greenway's strongliolcls, a, d 1 00 acres, 80 clearod, under good cul.,ivation; heard. Iristrotible'l with th' bees roonned i a frame house, log barn and stable; good our tL* glently undulating, wbile the timber, bOvhOod days in the 01LI meadow, and t�ls Person R C T fo NS i ---'t I i, e main dhere only 'he can expect to poll ally -, d bearing orchard; wall watered; tovm.14ip of Stan- must indeed have stro land is generally very hilly and ill some ley, about one and a half miles parent majority. I Sevaral of the fi'.1x_ eky. 'rho pr irie land is itd seven from Olinton or Scaforth, Reawlis for his dog-fight Nrithout involuntarily looking round cub in t by the al) ' I ug nerves who can listen to ':topib at present. Amleyville has been coils derable vote'in T-Tsborne, he. had no from Brucetleld, elll� places very ro foracudgel. His enjire audi new division of the selling, ill health. Apply to 9nrON ROACI eco, united in pro- r people came out to sw Use'd for County, one half being in the Centre ete iltural purposes and nOnnuiug.-tha exhibition a splendid� treat. A6 -%Yo I I on the premises, or to ANDRE W CALLANDER, ell his Until have had the pfiasare of hearing Captain Thomas Ilidi ' and the other in the South. be beig ree from stones, rs, but ii0tWithSt3ll(`iillg this Mr. roots &c.11 24-4 linton. Iis 'We can au to the excellence of the entertain-' very ca�sily cultivated. The timber is -_ -anent, Cicu-Rca Orr.,.,NiNc-%—Tbe new Presby- eron had. strong nd elithusistic sup* kept for fuel, building terian Ch arch is to be � opened for Divine port.�. Mr. Greenway's speech oil this The soil- 01 fencing, etc. FARM FOR SALE. ery -UAP.V.E.,3T.—Harv�b;tingopt,-ratioiis have ice On. Sundaynoxt, July 28, when occasion was very different to what it is generally light sandy loam, For" SALE, ong hundred acres ?f - land, 'being except in the valleys uf the 14rge rivers part, of Lot 27, F Ifth Conc(!.qs .0 -now fairly commenced in this vicinity. Rev. INIr. afterwards.- He was there strollo, on of Tucker- cDoualil$ of Elora, late of was smith, L. R. S., seventy 'T he fall wheat. barle iud Conservative, and whereib is ablackloam. and ver y Said that he id y rich, acres cleared and in a peas are ready Plintou, ,vill preach ii�orning and eveh- but where the soil is o good state of cultivation; thirty acres bush; hewn f a light color it is tfor the sickle, never given a Reform vote in his life, and a considerable breadth Ing. A collection In. 6 log barn, framo driving.honse, st ible, Aheep-house of the add of �he building That niay be quife true, but.ho so fertile, although with � proper na the front of the former has already been ci fund W111 be taken up a both services. -forgot to And sheds, a good sprhig crook > -it, down. - - --------------- an lot, and a spring inthe rear; as good land as any The weather is most favorable for bar tell the' peoplehow Strongly and zealous- manaement, agricultural pursuits c, M < ions, and the grain which McKillojp. forth three from Brucefteld: Terms, onei-thira sting operat ly he supported Mr. icl:soll, tile Re- be carrie.d on successfullv'. The farmer in tile township; four and a hall iniles from &&_ xcellen k1r. Green- cis a great deal to contend with, in cash,' the remainder i yearly installincill.q. Apply is a0w xip�e is of e form candidate, while lie (1 re h he We regret le the shape of insects and severe' in the proipi§es to FIRE.— arn that the brick way) W-18 living t Bet -vie, in the County ALE,X. XcCA, Quality andt 0) the heads are well'filled. drouths I 2,37 Brucefteld P. 0. residence :)f .Mr. Richard Cluff, about a of Bruce, in 1861. Oil the nex during the summer Season. This year mile north of Seafo Z 0 TirR SC, t evening the wheat crop was in Some places com. ,ilo _BUMD rth, was completely there was meetina t OL de'stroyed by ng of FARM FOR SALE. > U. being push The fire originated in a t the corn- crop is f.-%st falling befol% 10ifth Concession of the townshi Ii Public school building IS Th rsday last. e mew W1119 tooi fire oil the morni I t ly destroyed, and in the same dis- le, ed forward rapidly 13y Iric SOUTH HALF of the South halt of LotN, > in. Usbor.lie. Here Mi. Greenway made the ravrtes of the same insect. frame kitchen adjoinibg the house, and it z Fisher, the contractor, . The brick worl.: ;. 0 0 of 31017in, I& liregpllar and irr The in. containing 5o , acres, 85 cleared; well wittered Iky a supposei 1'was caused by a �Spark from a lo clovant speech. sect is called the chilich Bug. The drier spring creek; good log house anil frame stable. 1f6V completed, and the roof on. L, Iit t'hQ' stove -pipe He tepoilliced the Ontario C The above farm 1H oni) presents a very handsome appe' i'esting o e season, the e the insects arb, road from the riging village of lf on a good n the roof and i 4overnment tb a mile aild a, h rance wors �f niting the d-ry boards. "Ille fire was R and' all its balongin s; but he failed to so Ainleyvillo, where a M o the com- di are and besides adding materiallyt- rst 9 it frequently happons that crops station of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce nail- cc of the children, ire failures. Heavy taxes are another Ifort and convenien scor'ere(d about two, o'clock in the sh6w �nythinty on -which to f, F or price and terms morn ound his ent vill be opened this fail. charge. inquire (if by letter, prepaid) of M cn the inmates� were al in bed lad eVidelitly swallowed great Obstacle to the success of the far - when completed, will be c. B. COOPER, 0 z the. village. an ornament to, rge 'dose of � Sir John Macdonalds nier. Government officials are pother 335 Aizileyrflle Land Agency, Dinkgle P. 0. ;A an When first noticed it had t poter orough speech, ])lit had not grof. it grie burnt throturb. the back door leading to the kitch( d. Mr. Greenwy.here ma(fe vance4o be bome*,. as they are gen- > CD N, Fw Ill,' and had also effected the orally a pack of swindlers de FARM FOR SALE IN McRILLO, New Sidewalks an entrance to the n of rein. p. -are being 19id dowli on several+ of the up -stairs portio ark, which of course Cannot be coil-, public at every opportunity, 9 subscriber, being about to leaveanada, of- consequent- si! ly involving municipalities in debt As house 'Was so far advanced that do egot THE 0 back streets of th d that friend of his fem for sale his FARM, Easthalf Lot179, z 0 village, mue1needed improvement an iIs a spite zill-the efforts made to s had once said to him that h6 Fourth Concession, MaKill OPP consisting of 50 I ave the was or- -all instan'ce County Judg,es frequently I acres, 82 cle - d one for buildi�g the whole iiiteri' ed'b3 Providjance to46 ared, the remainder good hit rd timber - dain which: 0* Ili citizens yi�ill be du ly tila-1.1kful or who com- a public ina�a issue and sell County bonds for' laFge I t a farin i's in good cultiTation, the land eleau and h bort time. A ill( hat. lie thought so- hinielf., free from thistles and weeds; half a wil . a from a fe f was gr has been very defieb, lothin church and a good chool-house; four miles from to the Council for. pletely 6on suined i 'This amounts, �vrithout the people knowing oret0fore Seaforth . w afticles o furniture and eeted with loud langliter. - M r. anything abolit it. (It requiresa, two- t in Sidewalk a.,- - 01 -Ay were I 11 Cameron enforth; gravel road )-4 com' E aved. The here sP')1Ke 10,19 ald exhaus- thirds Passes the door. I wiii sell e > Principal part of mjority to make it legal.) A the farm alone, or t0aether with the crops,iiii ic- !4 modation, but -villon. the walks wearng pi tival ''and so c.-ttivied bi - audie�nce with case of tbab kind I 10 bedding, &c., beloagin y a , P which re at present projected, ar tely n an 0 c 00111- to the,fiinil being up stairs, was lo hit),, ments and farm stock, rks itill best sitit the Par- —4 -we will be tolerably Y, 0 that -at the close of the meeting lie adjoining chaser. Twenty-one acrea tinder crop, which w SUP- There a so slim of money ani� OUIItY, but the defaulters M was had a ma pro co other valudbles in the h 3 to 1. The no -engence. They 238 ------------- oriby of supporters of at least met with summary v inbles well. Apply to J01IN 0. Arclay, ouse at the Xt mectinf, was held at were taken from the crs and shot' with- time. Senforth P. 0. 0 CD A CuRlosm.—On tllo,__l&l1 ins, all -of -hich were �ost- There was no Duncan regor,. of INIc 'insurance. Mr. Cluff isjoss will be very quite frequentl out further dQliberation. Lynch law is CHOICE FAR&OR, M Killop, took to Here -IN-1r. -Greeilway wa 8 Y employed in this State. OT No.' 7'r r i Sixth Coneessiont TnvnbC'rlT John Tlis Should a warning to ority. Ili 9 The reason is the Judges L ing Of V conslst� r7i -NValker, Of ROXbOro, to be heavy. in a sail mill- itt are specimen bf 'a bird which =Ilot to -leave t -e out lit YO acres. nearly 100 being cleared and �strfffed, a r f* , wei are Ili mail heir buildin y in R good otate of cultivation. There is a good s un force, bUt it w1s of ijo vail cases corrupt, arid it is di cult he had shot very. triflill The good 1fi somic- frame barn 55x86 a 1�r e shed 80xW. 0 This bird, -in. appearance aunualiy.i 9. sum invested men of Hay'amid Usborne were in such times to secure the conviction all a go( There is irance would render them b isbinent of a man -with money no matter all respects, G.x-cept '60 or, n insi d )d �Lari�g orcMrl Will be solil on easy z 1r+ I I nP I abave been very dis- terms. Apply on the promis I to like t all such disaste 'it iB Pure white. crane. But its al safe agailis c0101 ra. Several It g o Mr. Greanwy. bow great a criminal y be. AME 8 HE measures three age and s M. I people from tlid Vill, If ere Mr. he M, Wroxetar, July s, 1872. fer,'two inches fron, were preseu ome� of the Grcenwy waUnable to proceed r1 is the Stple crop. The soil i at .15 the POi of the bill with to the tip of ill e at -,the burning his spe�ch for the reson as h awell a(lapted to the growth of the fine Wings. - From appearances it is ju. �11 ding, axid reade�d every assist r FARM FOR SALE IN ance that holwas sUffel RAY. be a this year's bird. ill Sav articles that 21, Ninth Conces.sion, dged ring froni'a coli.l. grains, but insects and dry weather 3: iDg th, 0 .0 were taken SALE, south part Lot 'der it hard to raise them. All comin 2! froin the flamea- Cameroh Spoke telling effect, and FOR ---------------- on Hay, known as the "Troyer one-half rg audience was enthusiasti illile from Zurich, on the GraTel Road - 70 acres SEFORT13i FACTOlty, the la ' ' I of f ruit 11ourish here - the grape 7 0) 0 F ri,lz�y the olec,ors he c " arn; good*.Totmg his favo'�. inand peach do best. T 50 cleared; dwell house and b -lowi n ountry i.3 well hearing orchrd; SRobertsQu, proprietor of the tre lund.iii in a good state 0 %tbereill a lapted for stock-rafiging, but little is tivation g, in immenenumbers at of cul- Seaforth- Cheese Factory. has no%v got it L thoro 'POLITICAL, —The ctml)alr and well faneed. For furtbf!r particulars z 11 r' has open- done toward improvillrr the stock and a apply to 0 o--, -Ilsl' ret deal of i * 240*4 Ls N Y cO mPleted, both inside and ed -in this tom )11),:and from all we Can oil t 9 ItIs very infe W. G. WI 'Out. Itisone6fthelrgest, rior in q'iijality. 7,11rich, Out. he line between Hay nd Ste- Cattle, horses: mo t hand- gather, the polii�,,�, bere will be sbecp� etc:j gencrall very 1) ion was the about Yub, oil- tile prairie for best Politic, and- most Convehletly Atted estb- J,elose, neither party can reckon ;c PROPERTY FOR -ALE. h Tohis on but seen for a long time. scvelT -lisments of this Iiind, -in this part of FORSIL, on reasonable term, a riarm, being 119% very -small i ai' r. months ill the year, then they req very large -bubines tbi- V Oriky, and the prospect Grcenw# led o to Lot TNo. 17, in the EleventhCO3lC06fli0UiOf the -country. Ri,obertson -is doince a uire 0 S ay ho ii -in mer an so whatever it May be. The Reformers are only one' -hey can live oil the a all. the ye Yffliage of Seaforth Apply to d, ff "with. a speecti of an be hand ied, ah.holloli in some parts Xm()P. Also. eligillo building lots ill the 8 that V1r. 8 )mer iilc receive thaf hour's (hira ti011. and tiango to s far as we can ]:earn, his patrons' it p referrt pralril very lucky in Securing a gentiew le Ontario Gov- I round, but no good stock can be raised satisfied with the treatment they receivt are well �d to tl ar 7i: of ernmenit-� At previous meetings this , 228 JAMES BEATTIE,, entorth. wit,, that Mr. 8omerville's 'Standing and b'lility, peared tO *be his treatment. The w4wt of U2 and the Inalluor in which -thektctOrY is as their s chief stock in calidneed. t1udard.!bearer trade. good water is severely felt. FARIK FOR SALFiN GREY. n the coming Mr. Cattieron Spoke for bout the sahle very scarce, anl in so ings are T.OT No 5, Concession. i5, town, Spri contest. The foll 1lip of 0 W n, takeu from an time, an(l 1) -the time be me, districts the Grey., con- y taiiiing ninety-six acres; soreticres cleared. editori closed his fe- TO TH E E 'not be found. at all. Runnin LEOTORS 4rristoli 1ribune, pit g �trems I Apply t lVf . AlcDE 11MID' %' uof in 0WITA-ty Engincer lislied in Weilii� t b- hlla'feeling of the meeting was de- car, v 0 y N al of the Ly on county, will are T -has and teanis elil- in his f L117 11carce. a person niny ride or to JOHN SITILEII�, Gray. OF THE lshow cidedly avor. There were here from. sunrise to Bull' ployed in gravolillr the -Mill bow outsiders NV190--a-re 'a6quainted it',' at least tell to one in set and never see.a, Brucefield and bim his candidature. "We Mr. Grbenway� water. The L> wad, 1.)e- wi tween , look tipcu ror of Cni ron. itream of This is,,generally, about o' Egm,ondvi people get water HOTEL FOR SALE IN AMEYVILL-Z. zoads in, ibe Coulity, 1111 e of the best 4-11 hl awake to the important in. force of even t.s, stock by digging lrge hollows ri tie, bOl' veAhe '!North Riding of lffliron� is first time beg,an to feel the 'in the prairie which aro filled with ,a- THE Hotel at prement Oecul)10d by James Leon- MNG OF a SUP16-bers now for the for their — N O T I although tile S yecu _ and th6i failing fortunes to ard, will be sold choAp for cash. Btul11iu,,,F ew ta -a true and trus0y'orfiby .1 of q t 1 0 1 ; all GENTLE=, N - it -diiaggrceablv during spring thaws and rains, and new. Possession giTen immoiliately. dziyc� rept esentativ many of if these poilds are du7 Apply to Having been nominated by the ver far a time, yet whdn it 0 in the -House of Commons tho;.`"w0s1hq!'cau" 6ibbo- large enough ,Ind Ainleyville, 3ray-on, is7,% CRIE. R f i6 for the ne opposed Mt. e 01711 Coll thorough] trcked do xt.five years us in 1871 iii proly..r wposition, they supply -033 VelltiOn as their candidate at the ca=.,ba, ent Such a repre- are and Unitedly support- of. water during the dry seas plenty for th Election I al. 6ver. ame "'rn' it i_s ative will be found'. y ii ow ce that the 1�,,o 0 Common-;' and kav'ug heartily uceepted -it in better condition th , 8 Sower- .1 On -L 117e the "eforin candidate ve-111119 w3tOrfor do.thestic purposes is on- The ROUSE AND L6TOR SALE 1N SEApop noti 1.1 uncif bf Tucker- for tbt.Rid. tile electovs met at obtained TH the il-`nlinatiOn, I -Come befGra you soliciting your Ing.' He is a g&tleiilai b3'collectinz rin ALI-3, a house and lot on Goderich street. r""Jlrages- are havin- th two in' a who holds sound, water from their build. FOR half of niqd ro iles and a m, oderate o For furth& particulars, apply to leding irx4,.o 1,Cippeu terling uni nd, in cae that fails thell As it j my intention to hoia�public meetings ni- peacable hitcqrit of In this, of plac6s in tile 1-,.idillg, get their water from the rivers and put 119hout the niding to fta�v explain my, I turnpiked and gravel C a, tb ey 240-ff -P e urpose,. a sound -R- CdtNITER, Senforth. thro This is certain- je Only ly a reasoner spl'an Speak* r. Greenway have been stl.oD,r. 11 it into their deep wells where it is cooled. s there er and all able -In a It Ji witi�e C HAI tote here tha:t the kiagan of 94 D. -is an t Of travel over tl 'd 611 t kro or three oc The road N FOU, your wo the very Man that a- C onfederation, 'will bring bonor-ju the Honse to �iomq the !success les and a Xoad which exce, ;w � two mi the con s. bee to On the 1.9t of July, on the Second C6jt. the assumption bythe "ir. Green -way ill very little ]I i dne cession of T"keramith, near tbe Brie), �&ho,l Ex= -01 of "re 'lot to SY good, for Fou­N�_ eucy* whi reti�rlls' him Y) miprove ihem. houge, 11 -lye of the duties of the represent afies, the -red to, always in excellent wiA man. C6 The To Ill some parts, course, durin hook on Ono 0 afer -repair. 9 Ef'st Of Brucefield, a long chain with it grab sUrzender of y ur rights by the Treaty 01 such a chAr e one we 11 toil. sibs here, nil the (Illd- The owner call have the 96 passable road as the prairie, after irovin Property and y g forth, strnngly� con. emn, "d such mea ----------- 'w-vixt,. and by a bearty uni�ed effort re here held. From early Ali. I, getting , by applying at the F acter is just- th in I summer sciason, there is no trouble tot a Washin elections a in xrogTon 021ce, Soo nd the �eneralxtray�,gauceof the _A�,rinjstr I � 9 d Fy Sur hr _es su-ccessis certaill. Let ever� On be 'Iff )rds few impedinie llch�rgcs, the eveni 2140-tt n Until. lom, fter the mcoti�g its to travel, butin Ways be met on nlyptirt og amt woring. commenced the ele 4 the woodv khout the country iti tild vie.init d vigilaitice is t cto,118 elline Pouring in. by OPPOsition,hilehose hil y price of liberty P'trts Of the country, where NOTICE for the good of the country, ,Of aqaforth a considel-,able portion. -,hv. ther It'was evid the, suifa'ce is r IS hereby given, that applicatioll man ate from -whom ef0ro, let Vigilance '-tit from, the first til' - ough, hilly at &I r. ingilready USed. 'T. A. the roads are rocky will be me to I -been pulled., 'Tliere has been Glreenway was iii tile The very poor, s no the Lqgislitture of Ontario, they ma.T,'Wln receive at its bext itting, my c0r(lial Biro ort, andto- a l*ge breadth sow, 18 for an Act to separnte, for munici and promote your ' _h turdy. Gt advocate it'is ud*the I 15,tanl ,rhialls who hd been wheedled done to le el t em. Lots Nos. 26, pill ptirposes, Yi6W, we are cylad to leiri, 207 28, 9, 3a, 81, .12, W, 84 d ('305, C0118tilut care., ey, Iot . ']'he country is in the Seventeen ]to voting �for Mr. 1867 and op tied tip with th Concession, and Lot.; isfaetor , cc, 0 erl .3 1871. are wit], fe,%jr N a.,;. 2 6 Y. 00UN-CIL Tl,,N(�--The ) ptiolls, railroads, and, I 27, 28, 29, 8o 31 3, 3-4 and 85, in the 1,,�l - I have the honor to be who last Counc�li mef I_ voting ik, -with tile c yearwg_F_pw­ this crop and sowe for Mr Ca 0111- teenth Con advant cession, of the Township of n 0 will roceive no, -more d fall NybCat a"Otel, 0 11 nd, y the ges wbich the -State 0 -Pon the ground which It, 15th hist. ll t ly .111 111�e I'L f the County of H 'Your most obedient s_,r .1 possesses, it will become one of for the I vote i Mi3soul uron, trom the ad been used he members present, n and to injite the same chair. well as ill The good luell from tho firsb States ill tile Union. It Coll- Perth.. nl.v �Of Lucknow, a-fectly satisfied with the Minutes of last Aith the Towlitibip of Lo- n, �n 'the Con for flax are pe the ITAM-8 OMERVILLE. &B the wheat th ti s scmrli is trnillcy meetin the Limeri �;z tains the city of 8 b. L red'and adoptea. A eti-tion came it' for-'eb, the ni,njority o out 'is well &B the most of that f rom'Win. P oilis, -which is the Datk.-a July 14, A. 1). 1872. b beel" sow"' upon fllOw ground. This -'I'd t rough wiliel TO THE ELECTORS Brew(r. patlirmister f whom are �itronrr -tercial capital of the Southwest w1iich lins Turrac�c,,prayinp for aid to improve the 1, at Prcscnt, the bulk' of. Dilisley conin eeins to Tenle TO ALL WHOM IT Ing elni�ed lhte MAY coNC.E.Alf. oil -Ile which cut tip b those th iich is badly ta -day night, and, ealtward bound trade passes, AUF,- NOTICE C5 ]y IV . I great. mally arni-ers have to flax-6rowii a M - it i _N besides its rilrod fac and, T to gravel. Ljo y Greenitiy .—The into 11; ed by Geo. Castle to theCoandil of the toffnshi the la,11 t -nded by Dt presented .1 Itch. Ill( at . their next retn it 911,11(l otiLers it has the THE CEHTRE -9 .1 seco I trade of the finest co I o such an Woods, -ha the Sum ip- OF iiii, niecting,, tor exten -that uo otlier crop will minercial rive r ill fee simple, of t f 2 0 b th4li- the dt E" vill tigrow 01.1 Pellt -under tile direction of hill OF T ie on the World. it portion of daithe ately. on. v y Gilbert the previotio Tuesdy. hey fp portion of said s-,trcot is rlle street, which 11 on tile Elcept it, thle vicinity of tl the wholt� depth of lot 11's Vill-19C of AinleyAqUc, to,- Dinsley Terrace, fo' In the game is! ill) with COUNTY -pose of i1n. Al iSSOUri M I he also der street which the pill tbeiii, kind .nless r!Ve *8, Cly that Portion of Alexan OF Hunor proviii., the stion ey;er indicitioll of s said to be front of lots 112 and sto. be be. ez, thy, but iiear the rivers fever and 113, 'VillAgo of Ainlevv TuGh 'eor-6 Castle, s conded b the is 110 loil-or Uncertain I 1-gue are prevalent. GO 7r,,2NL0CJj -arsmith. lied,y tonship of �Iori GE, NTLExE, N: popul, Woods, nerod wif-,, have The 1ti aAin­`viUG, uly 10, 1872. etor be required to stlell it support 01, is mixed. n the older tl at the tavern Itispe 4r, Oai ill he 0118'vot.e of tkff d',ty It'st wek:k as _A4r. firid out f roin the Tre urer wh 'Ll't -of the P-idint-1 s ts the' 0er egro ele. SERVANT GIRL WANTED. Reform com James DLvy as I have received the l held it Se11fOttl4,01l NVedves_ -ween tavern licenses r and if lie of the town, 1, ether 3I he never I be--wid fro' '-e( -smith, w P, III ibbert ad Tuckei such l6nen '"clits PI . lorniiiate, but in tlip more; re- W&XTED.'- day, 24th inst noanianting 'lie to xe as Standing finds -that 'any. re kept open. I sliceess. "unlee"a:tely, 01 900(l GIRL to do J.1 lod of A ltlY Settled district gen L ly at the Lixx; 0 10,3-t vithout Ve Illay cc, _ralLbou.sewark. App the 11ouse resent. you in Molt of COMMODS of this Dominion. G -eemray re. The People are generally hos. his balance llp_Ll'or 18-i tbere is more 11,1y th al Credi 0111co. Scaforth. P11 nd fel over -2, that he tke iin accepting tb.Lisn.omil �r cmg his I steps to procure iaviden' ideft, of hih being .1 strong 1, nd n histrio �ktj0n-, 96D tlenion, I have S, t 1611 no do gr Psy who are e7 sbn?)Iv to state that, ce against them coll-wrvati , I's, except the ii head ott a stmie cutti.1g, y, and anj prosec vel but lie Causing ied. The ubt tell indolent been a t in t -%nil useless, nd Re is 110V Ilearly coli'licil revised the by* -laws defining it th, An re -cove -red. �oty ill GOLtorich townsli 13 no w0lider, 'as they are densely ig- Past thirty i differem FA "'i 6 County for the q the a 1P TME NOT o. I -nme 3eftrs, n)V Heliad no fi�-Ult to (1UtieS Of epers, filid- iv;tli fr. Oit- I norant "(1 have Only recently rkeformrare �ouiid-k-�- t opinions as cron a votes. Ile condemned erated fro I fance viewers, been lib- ILI the Clerk was t the 11'ash- tit Slyery undor.400d and generally known. If elected as got thcm. url'apresentatiTe, I will -recaid "O conteated ills Oil r e d it s p f the farmers are Ito racte(l to and conside 111lly o prillted'for (liq- g . . . ro�,-is_"J . _4,l) D I i0l's 11I 3117 votes for he 'If the country, con.,;cieiltious 8ec,m I)ut still colldeniled t ly bYteri&n- Ckucb b.LIULVI& d oil by 'I'll 08. 14.ey's, that this C6 1, it $ g Cameron for peer, .qual to tl] 2 00 per hundred, cor to my best itt,Igment, vnd as no too 8m, do itow djourn., to, meatstV&rna oagainst it. JUrions to of with the coulitry. They vitme here ex- OAT.NLIEA Moved by Oxeo. Castle; S -of th'e ros, I ion r voting 10 glolvin." ar its all i descriptions giN.ell of it 'by the lln*bed, (�!Op may be in accorianco view I See( y accowwodate the to )l1d Mondb -with -Your fEl AL 81 50 per dr NN 11ave .d e "'dud to 1xi il(t 'o. m.—C Cure for ilydrophobi Opertions I tQ'y find i Trit,sting to receiv.0 the same generous 5 el �1 I August at 2 O'clock 1 States land ageutti, but, on hit,, ed nppart VILL - -KET1 a. gallary W,; I P 1, U I I of to ashort t tbe polls tht has been accorded me atis to T A _P0l1llsVlNTa1)ia doctol, (lives their e�..pcctt* mAip Clerk. I wha, he AT THE by the Conyention and as calL n consequence I they complailll for hydropho- e those who iluped them, L�very SEAFORTH oSink-ing, p -t- the Manitoba. bia., of the country, instead of or 11 its drwbacks, P & ose for coly -Should be t r a l, Betty li nd Missouri 1 12 [G).-01tGe Eyl-'FL, lie of b(Ai t folli. ti I 1,110S aS! r, zt�; foi- a 110 exc,U tion, but, HOACE 111011TO.N. A-ent th- e,.ich and tbe tile industriou and 8] illf U f - rule, Lt )ersoll. 8 To tot) l 81 0ould hve' time. beff),.G ueany N, meets —The hoo bpell so uj)f P I'lle Vith fir site OATMEAL I PUzBL10 NOTICE. Ply base _8s. g0- 7;O' th e Ug the nly huN club. of this place sent bot d a ri -tt 1 c's to best firs t dose fur 1penion is. I oz. of WITL 'band ortull CL MILLS nHaYinc and istow-ul club ivvuk, bit tere W11114 ell Of the se it i)l- re, aboit com. 240-4 T t Avc have llot ery ;I Pint 0 I, 11113 'wife had left JULt jUr 't U80 or Pro_'Oeation, , prospect of the� averacre this year. tl1C publie LL, and can- 1); uiis�d., pi f DeNv ; I uted. "The heftt fall below fo one_h'%lf 1) hear:d if,it was acce reduced, boilinc, specillItioll. 'I -n 3 wil turth, me, this is to a reJaIll I n .1 oil C dose abou I be 9i"Onotice that Was lit "v6r190. 'The griin ilirket Lis d Lill 't assertion. -wa A., 'Grali, 4- OauseLd� L*in ' _t f i C TEAC colupplic.d to leaVe my h s Untrile. thatl owl wcek, 111, , , ' I ii;�(, —sto Ck Ili ar- t f , RING 1 usana o2) 3 folmerly teachez, in this Place, bell the- Ile or at ]Last T. G. I very lit 1111est, till, ILI that, now, at his re. ,Le that tbe Alnitob. It,,,d Sunk in Lake u. e 0 severl bou from it& 1, ino lia,ve on hii� to me 'Ind iJ-Foltnes, of 01tuton. Avily from. Duluth FUll th(� The Second do.se C. H. PRITCHARD. a's ,��,Dt"Jthe fter his llnL(Jt;r.&-&ll(L tll,- cN BLACKSMITH t it) tll p Uake two. ()[ITIces of the ret�,trnea to P. not Yet come to* )]ant], root FoUll to! form the L inhabitants of9 -am li-Ting now. L U W A, -WANTEL) I I h ot J,$,ili (,I a war3inith — c), :40ttled here and is prepp to be pt but, f ro I (lo e same a t I,,,, hast, to be it ealorth that I vy as wasat fi Y'. 'ec 6 null 10 acell-stollictl to Fhe has 7 re(l to g,.%- loc. will not be go he '' Th, SeA . )Ated 1, stead 0; c311 tbo 1()ss t, ell every 00�ar B 1cf, P1 as rst fearpd. 01171ty work. .11,e) a g instimetion in 1), uly 21, 1,-31i:3. form, erly. -lie locahly, wh re need be no ing hi- llinsic bring- er3 the accide"t ri-ed h festimonif Off till 'is needod, and tl',4L� J)1ac1Cs]J ds a to ability it, ifithi touti I Tit i -3 1 - k- I o w frorn. lit onee to teachiz". DISSOTuTJO-,i- CF PAPZJ�, 11Jp. U 1113'0w" experi- 0 NN us lie full of rocks and I' 0,nee, 1ud 1 k %v of NY -U. 1". WIL's -Spreral of our uly 17. �Ject to fog b PRITCH.Jr,D, uts the ste 11"Unber .01 o or 2-ji -8 i d v w e e f eet success- I ill; tile under. lay case8 where it as bc Teacher, of- oil painting, the partnership L y COLT. ru tst u, -er, li(f iu*rear of fill -1 - rr cro),on and who bad bm" tellipol or Lot in w k. Those. peo- C to of, pai who has been, )IS Is Ili rru n 'Is Pobish litallujac.,, ho!; tu ed 1, to t*hT �1�, Veen thhs dAy ina fo ei r "ce"s"On 011C drk-broly 1 Old stand, 60cond door South of the Po -it -office. ni llude'_to,were bitten V Of L110 consent, �.Ul debt.4 ON'd-ug t be 1 her, no ,ea OLT protected from. the action Of the- heavy I ;wn rabid dogs, that had been bittell 'I The 01 IV and all r sonic time anived home lagt se& till help rcl:ae 41 it) Avilham. WWI ahito fac 'ter uan ho va th sa Marshall tit Ai 'a I by Pl'ovill,­ pro)erty alue, 11 .1glin.,,t the : ar91 t rbid dots, nd were petiled Up t .1 . ... ............... tnt'I'9111P are to be to the said eulty would be C, -,p rienced if ill bow he likes the couli�ry. Th Shoo : Tuckersini RGE SPROAT. have riot heard 1 they wo' d 8 Pumps q1ld !Id 90 blad they did willbesft ed,, th, July 2:3zid, 187�). Flies will be. Other go niad, Inso' rld wh,) odes te led f roin Collin a- Ill , -1 bito thd persons. This reinedy 9 this 26th InN- ()j jun lad to learn, too, tbat -,Nfr.. ptas 43 lVent ACt of 186 Duted at Ainleyvill samilel Hall has arfain niade his hom p a base." We under -w la EERS. In the tte Of ANNIE _WA "O )(128 soon as the news: came, it 1`8 bcc" Used i'll and about Philadelph ' 9STRAY ST as for fort CA.VE into the premisc,j of Ins y ye _LLN L,, r MARSHALL. ,stand he has also' beezi oxxpoe(eted he -woul(I lie ri V tbo submerlber, Lot alvent. ! C. R. Cool.r.m... lOnger7 with great sue. [in Bed at once, so cess, and'is knui n as tile Goodmano3m. on or abou t the middle of V un over to Yankeedom. Evident1v the only to miss 20t Thaillesroll(l, Usborne 'One trip. The Passen frers edy 118� I -or hasn't had m am -acquainted Lewis T.Y- Corbey, has been npin -C11 ef- i and rvo�rc all. s� with ph..Sicia The owner two STEERs. a is repestod to come, prove property, requested t9 a met, in U113 matter. ved, and Physician. Pointed'Assil ] APPRIENTIOE WAfqTED. toyii are told Inc thzt� he lllows of itg tPay charges and tpkc them a -way. lo their claims -within O Crea! WAINSTE D immediatuly. ,tout, acti-vo lad to, for 1141"3 no nionth. L. 11. COR;D1f; -n theabinot J -i -VES TOWErS eai bnsic,.3s. Y, Scaforth, f -)&h July, 18T.L Apply to SCOTT, 238 Wf e 3 �.o �H VIP 4 ; i f 131 MrjF1io1i.E NO ate corton. Dlia 1, TA,' Xeen, 4, Istreet, TO '11-1 " h IIns Olil in- to thr- the Canpila --n,l 1. Aq for R� B0 inves'. at nt El 1 -he B%r P-�k t n! Tr, Iv begg to to 2.1 .1e, zL at the wbo been �10 telid to calhz. Mso, 'Ai +.O- lit es C A i'4 _-0 wa.-v T� f1he T.. A. T1,01 oE D A GOOD D i P,) I -, WN I Lt. aoacrich-st.,