HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-07-19, Page 22.
eTlY Y 19, 1872.
We were in disgrace, we boys,
and the reeson .of it vitas this: we
bad laughed out in meeting -time!'
To be sure the occasion was a try-
ing one, pven to /lune disciplined
ner*Ps. arson Lothrop had ests
changed p lpits with Person Surn-
rneral, of orth Virearem. Now,
Parson Stun ieral was a man in the
very outeet likely to -provoke the
risibles of unspiritualized)uieniles.
He was a thin, wiry, frisky little
man, in a powdered, white wig,
black tights, aad silk stockings; with
bright knee -b uckl es and ell oe-buckles,
with roupd, dark, snapping eyes,
and a curious, high, cracked, squeak-
• ingvoice, the very first tones of
whieli macie all the children stare
and giggle. The news that. Parsee/
Sumraeral was aoing to pl'each in
our Village spread abroad //thong us
• as a prelude to something funny. It
had a flavor like the charm of circus
acting, and on the Sunday morning
of our story we went to the hone. of
God in a very hilarious state, all
ready to set off in a laugh on the
slightest provocation.
The occasion ,was not long want-
ing. Parson Lathrop had a favorite
dog yclept Trip, whose behavior in
meeting was notoriously fer from,
that edifying pattern which befits
minister's doge. on Sundaya,Tup
was a nervous dog, aid 'a clog that
never could be taught to eonceal bis
emotions or to respect con.vention-
elides. If anything about the per-
formance in. the singers' seat did not
please him, he was apt to express
himself in a lugubrious howl. If
the sermon was longer than suited
him, he would gape with such a loud
creak -of his jaws as would arouse
everybody's attention. If the flies
dieturbed his afternoon's _nap he
would. give sudden snarls or snaps;
or, if anything troubled his, dreams,
• he would bark out in his sleep in a
manner not only to dispel his own
'slumbers, but those of certain
worthy deacons and old ladies, whose
sanctuary repose was thereby sorely
broken and troubled.• For all
these reasons, Madam Lathrop had
been forced, as a general thing, to
deny Trip the - usual sanctuary.
privileges of good family dogs in
that age, and shut him up on Sun-
• days to private. meditation. Trip,
of course, was only- the more set on
attendance, and would hicle behind
doots, jump out.of windows, sneak
through by -ways and alleys, and lie
hid till. the second bell had done tol-
ling, when suddenly- he would ap-
pear in the broad aisle, inn_ocent and
happy, and take his seat as eompos-
• edly as anyl member of the congrega-
• Imagine us youngsters on a qui
vive with excitement at seeing Par-
son Summeral frisk up into the pul-
pit with all the -vivacity .of a bfack.
• grasshopper. We looked at • each,
other and giggled very' cautiously,
with dee respect to Aunt Lois'
sharp observation.- . ' 4
At first,' there was only a mild,
quiet simme/ing of.giggleicompressed
decorously within the *Inds of pro-
priety, and We pulsed our muscles
up with stringent resolution when-
ever we caught the apprehensive
eye of Our elders.
Bat when ditectIy after the clos-
• ing notes of the tolling _second bell,
Master Trip walked gravely up' the
front aisle, aucl seating himself
squarely in front of the pulpet, rais-
ed his nose with a critical air to-
ward the scene of the. forthcoming
performance, it was too much for us
—the repression was almost convula
e. Trip wore an alert, attentive
air, befitting a sound, orthodox dog,
• who smells a possible heresy, and
• deems it his duty to watch the per-
formance narrowly.
Evidently he felt calliid upon to
see who and what were to occupy
that pulpit in his master'abeence.
Up rose `Parson. Surameral, and
up went Trip's nose, vibrating with
• intense attention.
• The Parson "began in his high -
cracked voice to intone the hymn:
Sing to the Lord aloud,'
• when Trip broke into a dismal howl.
The Parson went on to give- di-
rections to the Deacon, in the same
voice in which. he had been reading,
so that the whole effect of the per-
formance was somewhat as follows:
"Sing to the Lord. aloud,'
'(Please turn out that dog)___
"Andmake a joyful noise.' '
The dog was turned out andi the
choir did their best to make a joy-
• ful noise, but we boys were upset
• for the day, delivered over to the
• temptations of Satan, and plunged
in waves and billows of hysterical
giggle, from. which neither winks
nor frowns from Aunt Louis; nor
, the awful fear of the tithing -man,
nor the comforting bits of fennel and.
orange -peel, passed us by grand-
mother, could recover us. .
Everybody felt, to be sure, that
• here was,a trial that called for soine
.indulgence. Hard faces, .even
among the stoniest saints; betrayed
a transient quiver of , the risible
muscles, old ladies put up their fans,
youths and maidens in the singers'
seat latighecl ' outright, and ftit the
moment .0. general snicker among
the children was pardoned. But .1
was one of that luckless kind whloso.
nerves once set in villratiote'could:
-not, be composed -, When the reign:
of geisity and decorum hail return-
ed, Harry and I sat-ty each other,
shaking with suppressed laughter.
Everything iu the subsequent exer-
cises took. a funny turn, Land in the
long prayer, when, everYbody else
was still and decorous,sthe whole
scene came over me with'such over-
powering force that I exploded with
laughter and had to be taken out of
meetipg and marched home by Aunt
Lois, as a:convicted criminal. What
especially moved. herindignatioa
was that the ,more she rebuked and
upbraided, the more I laughed, till
the tears rolled down my cheeks.
Which Aunt • Lois construed into
wilful disrespect to 6r authority,
and resented accordirigly.
By Sunday evening, as we gather-
ed around the fire, the reaction fi!ont
undue gayety to sobriety had taken
place,and we were in a pensive and
penitent state. Grandmother was
gracious and forgiVing, but Aunt"
Lois still preserved that .frosty air
of reprobration which she held to be
a salutary means of quickening our
consciences for the future. It was,
therefpre, with unusual delight that
we saw our old friend Sam come in
and sit himself quietly down on the
block in the chimney corner. With
Sam we felt assured of indulgence
and .pa.tronage, - for though always
rigidly moral and instructive in his
turn of mind, he had. that fellow -
feeling for :transgressors- which is
characteristic of the loese-jointed,
easy-going style of hisindivicluality.
Lordy messy,, boys—yis,' said
Sam, virtaously in view of some of
Aunt Lois' thrusts, ye ought never
to laugh no cut up in meetin', that
are's so, tnit then there is times
.when the best on us gets took down.
We g4took unawares, 'ye sae—
even ministers does. Yis, natur'
will git the upper hand afore they
know it.'
'Why Sam, ministers don't ever
laugh in meetin', do they?'
We put the question with wide
eyes. Stash a supposition bordered
on profanity, we thought; it was
approaching the sat of 13zzah, who
unwarily toached the aSk of he
Lord. s_
Laws, yes. Why, haven't you.
never heird howther&was a counsel
,held to try Parson Morrel for lautih-
beg. out in prayer -time?' "
'Laughing in. prayer:time !' we
both repeated, with uplifted bands
and •
My grandfather's mild face be-
came lminous with a suppressed
smile which brightened it as the
moon.does a cloud, but he said no-
'Yes'yes,' said my grandmother,
'that affair did make a" dreadful
scandal in the time On't. But Par-
son Morrel was a good man, and I'm
glad the counsel wasn't hard on bina.'
Wal," said Sam Lawson, after
all, it was more Ike Babbit's fault
than 'twas anybody's. • Ye see, Ike
he was alleri for gettin' what he
could out o' the towneand he would
feed his sheep on the meetin' house
green. Somehow or other, Ike's
fences allers contrived to give out,
come Sunday, and up would. come
his sheep, and:Ike was too pious to
drive 'em back, Sunday, and so there
they was. He was talked to eneugh
about it, 'Cause ye see, to have sheep
andlambs a ba -a -an' and a blatin'
all prayer and • sermon time, wa'n't
the thing. 'Member that are old
meetinChouse up to the north end,
down under Blueberry. Hill, the
land sort o' sloped down, so as a
body hed to come into the meetin'-
house steppin down instead o up.
Fact was, they said 'twas Put
there 'cause the land wa'n't good for
nothin' else and the folks thoeght
puttin' a meetin'-house on't would
be a clear sayin'--but Parson Mor -
rel he didn't like it—and was free
to tell 'em his mind on't, that 'twag.
like bringin' the lame and the blind
to the Lord's service—but. there
'There wasn't a better minister
nor one more set by in all the State
that Parson 'Harrel, His doctrines
was right up and down good and
sharp, and he give saints.and sinners
their meat in due season, and for
eonsblin' an.cl'comfortin' widders and
orphans Parson Morrel hadn't his
match. The women sot lots by him
and he was allus' ready to take tea
round, and, make things pleasant
andcomfortable, a.nd he had a good
story for every one and a word for
the children, and may be an . apple
or a cookey in his pocket, for 'era.
Wal, you know there an't no pleas -
in' everybody, and ef Gabeiel
seif, right down Out o' Heaven, was
to come and be a minister I expect
they'd be a pickin' at his wings, and
sort o' fault .finclin', Now Aunt
Jerushy 'Scran and Aunt Polly
Hokum they sed Parson Morrel wa'
n't solemn enough. • Ye see there's
them that thinksqthat a minister
ought to he jest like'the'toweiliearse,
SO- that ye think of aleath, judgment
and eternity, and nothin' else, when
ye see hint round; and ef they see a
man ros and chipper and having a
pretty njice solie We sort of a time,
twhy thy say he an't spiritooal
!winded,. But in. my times I've seen
minierb that the most awakenin'
kui in Ithe pulpit was the liveliest
when they' was oat on't. _ There is a
time to laugh, Sciiptue say, tho'-
some fo ks .119Ver Wm to remember
that are
'But RID) how came you to sa
it NNT4k.,,., ke Babbit's fault? Wha
was it a out the sheep e _
• ' Oh val, yis-1'm a comin' t
that ante It was all about them
sheep—I expect they was the in
strument the devil sot to work, t
tempt Plarson Morrel to laugh i
prayer -time. s_
, 'Ye tobe there was old Dick, Ike'
bell -wether, WaS the fightin'est 01
crittur that ever yer see. Wh
Dick would butt at his own shadde
and evetybody said it was a sham
the old crittur should be left ru
loose, 'cause he run at the childre
and scared the women half out o
their Wits. . Wal, I used. to live ou
in that 'parish in them days, ant
Lem Sudoc and I used to go on
sparkin' Ounday nights to see th
• Larkin ls—and we
we had to ge ris
'cross th lot where Dick was—s
we Ted o go arid stand at the fenc
and call nd Dick would see us anc
put clow • his head and run at u
full chise and come bunt again th
fence an thenI'd ketch him by the
horns anc bold him while Lem run
and got ver the fence t'other side
the lot, a d then I'd let go and Lem
would ho ler and shake a stick a
him and way he'd go full butt a
Lem, an Lein would ketch his
horns and hold him till I came ove
—that ye s the way we managed
Dick—b t ef he come sudden up
behind a ellow, he'dgive him a but
in the Sal 11 of his back that would
make him run en all fours one while
—he wa a *great rogue Dick Was.
Wal, thae summer I remember they
had old eacon Titkins for tithing
man and tell yon he giSe it to the
boys lively. Theie warn't no sleep -
iii' nor fao playin.', for the deacon had
eyeslike 'a ginablet, and he was quick
as a cats nd the youngsters bed to
look out for themselves. It did
really see as if the deacon was like
them four beasts in the Revelations
that was ull 9' eyes behind and be-
fore for ;ahich ever way he was
standin' you gave only a -wink he
was down oni you and hit you a tap
with his tick. I know once Lem
Sudoc jis wrote two worels in the
psalm -boo - and passed to .1Kesial
Larkin, nd the deacon give him
such a tee that Lem grew red as a
beet and owed he'd be up with him
some clay or that.
'Well, ordy Massy, folks that is
so chippei and high steppini has to
have their corms downs, :old the dea-
con he ha to hev his.
'That re Sunday I remember if
now jet e well as if 'twas yester-
day'. Th Parson be give us his
great seri on, reconcilin decrees and
free agency, --everybody said that
are serroon as a masterpiece. He
slreached it up at Cam-oridge at com-
mencement, but it so happened it was
one o' the bilin' hotdays that come
in Augus , when you cart faidy hear
the huckl berries a sizzlipg and cook -
in' on t e bushes) and, the locusts
keeps a'g tan' like a id hot Saw.
Wal, sue, times, decrees or no de-
crees, the best'on us will get sleepy:
The old eetief-house stood right
down at he foot :of a. hill that kep'
off all the wind, /Ind the sun blazed
away at tl em geet west winders, and
there was pretty sleepy times there.
Wells the deacom he flew round a
spell, and woke up the children and
tapped the boys on the head, and
kep' ever thing straight as he could
till the se 'mon was most through,
awhen be railly got mor.it tuckered
out., and h took a chair and he sot
down in ti e door right opposite the
minister a d fairly got • asleep him -
broad aisle) and his wig flew• one
way and beoer, and Dick made
a lunge at it as it flew, and carried
it o'ff.woatti, hyisoihi
may believe, • that
broke up the meetin' for one while,
for Parson Morrel laughed out. and
the gals and boys they stomped' and
roared, and the old deacon, he got up
and begun rubbing his shins—'cause
y be didn't see the joke on'ta -
t '"You don't orter laugh ' says he,
it's no laughing matter-12-it'S a' so -
o lemnthing,' ettys he., might have
been sent into 'turnity by that darn-
- ed crittur,' says he. Then they all
roared and haw -hawed the more to
see the deacon dancin.' sound with
his little shiny head, so smooth a .fly
would trip up on't. I believe, my
dsoul, you'd laugh to see me in my
grave,' says he !
Wal, the truth on't was, 'twas
e jist one of them bustin' up tithes
that esatur has, when there an't
nothin' for it but to give in, 'twas
jist hke the ice breakin' up in the
Charlea Rivees-Lit all Comes,et once
and no whoa to 't. Sunday.or no
Sunday, sin or no sin, the most on
'ern laughed till they cried, andcould-
n't help it.
Butethe deacon he. went home
feelin' pretty sore abent it. • Lem
Sudoc he picked up his wig and
• handed it to him. Says he, 'Old
Dick was playing tithing -man, eva'
is't he, deacon Teach you to make
allowance for other folks that get
Mrs. Titkins she went over
to Aunt Jerusliy Scran's and Alia
Polly Hokum's, and they hed a pot
o' tea over it, and 'geed it was W -
fill of Parson Morrel to set sich an
example. and suthin' had got to be
done about it. _ Miss Hokum aid
she allers knew that Parson- Mo Tel
• hadn't iso spiritooality, and no it
had broke out into open sin, and led
all the rest of 'em into it, and rs.
•Titkins she said such a man wa n't
fit to preaelm and Miss Hoknin said
she couldnrt never heal him ag'in,
and the next Sunday the deacon and
his wife they hitched up and driv
eight mike over to Parson LathrOp's
and took Aunt Polly on the bock
sea'%Vall, the thing growed and
growed, till it seemed as if there
warn't nothin' else talked about,
'cause Aunt Polly and Miss. Titlqns
and Jerushy Scran they dichit do
nothin' but talk about it, and 'that
sot everybody else a-talkin.' !
Finally, it was 'greed they thust
hey' ' a counsel to settlethebah.
• So all/The wimmen they went 1 to
choppiug mince, and neaking up
punkin pies and crambierrv tats,
and doughnuts, gettin.' ready
for the ministers and delegate—.
'cause counsels always eats powerful
--and they had quite a stir, like a
gineral trakninh
'. Te hosses, they
was hitched all up and down the
stalls, a-stompin' and switchin' their
tails, and all the winamen'was a -talk -
in', and they hed up everybody round
for witnesses, and finally Parson
Morrel he • says :-" Brethren," says
he, jest let me tell you the story
Jest as it happened, and if you don't
every one of you laugh as .hard as I
did, why, then, I'll give up."
The parson be- was a master-
laind at settin' off a story, andl afore
he'd done, he got 'em all in sich •a
roar they didn't know where to leave
off. Finally, they give - sentence
that there hadn't no temptation took
him but such ,as is common to man ;
but they aeMsed him afterward
allers to pray with his eyes shet, and
the,parson he confessed he orter 'a
&sae it, and meant to do better in
future, and so they settled it.
So, boys,' said Sam, who always
drew a moral, ye see it l'arns
you must take care what ye look
at, ef ye want to keep from laughin'
in ineetin' '
self, jest ae the minister, got up to
make the last prayer.
Wel, Parson Morrel had a way
o' prayin' with his eyes open. Folks
said it wa'n't the best way, but it
was Parso Morrel's way anyhow,
and so as le was prayin' he couldn't
help seein• that Deacon Titkins was
a noddint nd a bobbin' out tosvarcl
the place here old Dick was feedin'
with the s eep, front o' the meetin'-
house dom..
'Lem a d me we was sittin' where
we could lopk out and we jest sees
old Dick stop feedin' and look at the
deacon. The. deacon had a little
round hea as smooth as an apple,
with a nic powdered wig on it, and
he sot • th re rnakin' bobs and bows
and Dick began to think it was
suthin' sor o'• pussonal. Lein and
me was sittin' jest where we could
look out nd see the hull picter,
and Lem ' as fit to split.
'"Good; now," says he, "that crit-
ter'll pay the deacon off lively,.
pretty soo
'The de con bobbed his head a
spell, and old Dick he shook his
horns and stamped at him sort o'
threatnin'. Finally the deacon he
gave a gre t bow and brought his
head right down at him, and old
Dick he set out full tilt and came
down on him ker chunk, and knock-
ed him had over heels into the.
Care of Horses.
Alt horses must not be fed an. the
. s
same proportions, without regard to
their ages, their constitutions, and
their work, the impropriety of such
a practice is self evident. Yet it is
constantly done, and is the basis of
disease of every kind.
Never use bad hay en account of
its cheapness, because there is no
proper nourishment in it.
Damaged corn is exceedingly in-
jurious, because it brings on inflam-
mation of the bowels and skin. dis-
ease. .
Chaff is better for old horses than
bay, becalm they can chew and di-
gest it better.
Mix chaff with corn and beans,
and do not give the latter alone, be -
because it makes the horse eliew his
food more and digest it better.
Hay orgrass alone will not support a
horse under hard work, because there
is not• sufficient nutritive body in
.either. -
When a horse is worked hard, its
food should be chiefly oats—if not
worked hard its food should be
chiefly hay—because oats supply
more nourishment and flesh -making
material than any other kind of
food; hay ilot so xnuch.
For a saddle or coach horseseha)f
a peck of sound oats and I& pounds
of good hay are suffieient. If the
hay is not good, add a quarter of a
peck more eats. A horse- which
*corks harder may have rather rnore
of each; one that works little ehould
ha-ve less.
Back feeding is wasteful. The
better plan is to feed 'chopped hay,
from a manger, because the food is
not then thrown about, and is more
easily chewed and digested.
Sprinkle the hay with water that
has salt dissolved in it, because it is
pleasing to the animal's taste, and
more easily 'digested. A teaspoon-
ful *pelt in a bucket of water is
sufficient. •
Oats shcaild be bruised for an old
horse, but npt for a young one, be-
cause the former, through age and
defective teeth, cannot chew them
properly; the young horse can do so,
and they are thus properly mixed
with saliva, end turned into 'whole-
some nutrimene. llorse
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irk_ A fact worth reinembering—Five
cents worth. of Sheridan's Cavalry Con-
dition Powders, given to a horse twice a
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er., and every way worth more money
than thoughhe did not have them.
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Pills safe; in small doses, a mild cathar-
tic. They cause no griping pains or
Ow The use of tobacco causes indiges-
tion, palpitation, slowness of intellect, a
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tent pulse; it destroys the vitality of the
blood., produces dizziness, disturbs sleep,
makes a man miserable, and prematurely
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Compound. Syrup of Hypophosphites, as
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glia, builds up the muscles, and induces
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tity of 0112 which they may contain.
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1..02 P. M.
10.50 A. M.
3.35 r. M.
Mixed. Mail.
2.20 P. M. 8.00 A. M.
8.45 P. et.
A CATTLE FAIR will be held hereafter at
(Opposite the Station,)
On the First Monday in each month,
iiiMR 2, 1871,
aniarge d h,lbo.ergg'istoblitt yor Vellsr.'t/af.beteYisatauratt-I
ket prices.
) Ineonnection with Loyd's Hotel (Houghton's
I ge and commodious stables and yards. 198
wiSHES to return thanks to his customers and
V V friends for their generous patronage shire aa-
atinzing charge of the above Works, and begs' to re-
quest the attention of all who may require any-
thing in his line to the following list of jnicei„ at
whith he is prepared to furnish work of a quality
that cannot be surpassedin the trade
HORSE 5 00
FARM GATES, from.— 3 50
LAND ROLLERS .$1.5 and upwards.
smipAcE DRESSING-, per 1000 ...
FLOORING and beveled BOARDING per. 4
SCROLL SAWING done by the piece or set.
I am prepared at all tirnes to repair the wood-
work of reaping and mowing machines, and, in
fact, every other machine that can be mentiona
Boxes babbited.
The undersigned would also beg to inform wag.
on and Carriage Makers that he keeps constantly
on hand, all kinds of Bent Stuff suitable for their
Carpenters, Builders, Farmers, and the pnblic
generally in need of any of the -above art' lea
-would do well to favor me with their patrona„
in my new premises, I have facilities tor doing this
branch of work vlaich cannot be eurpassed.
Seaforth Novelty Works,
Goderich Street. • 228
The subi3criber having bought out the above
hill, ilso the good- ill of the .late firna, is now
prepared to fdl all orders in his Inc of business.
Sash, Doors and Mouldings
On the shortest notice.
Strictly attended to.
Ainleyville, May 16, 1872. 292-47
I nisi subseriber begs leave to thank his numerous
-1- customers for the liberal patronage extended to
hint since cominencing business in Seaforth, and
trusts that he may be favored with a -continuance
of the same.
Parties intending.to build would do well to give
him a, c,alli as he will continue to keep en hand a
large stock of all kinds of
13A.SIKE 8,
He feels confident of giving satisfaction to those
who may favour him with their patronage, as none
but first-class worlapen are employed.
Particular attention, paid to Custom Planing,
HAS on hand and for sale a number of handsome
single and double BUGG-1ES, all well finished
and manufactured of the very best rao teriaL Also,
Which., for excellence of build, and ease in running
cannot be suipassed by any manufacturer in the
i'lliviliteewe. DEMOCRAT WAGONS on hand, and
more making.
WILLIAM GRASSIE sells as cheap as any other
establishment in the County.
And General Job Work attended to promptly.
Concord, New.Hampshire.
This Churn is decidedly the best and cheapest
that has ever been offered to the Canadian public.
It churns rapidly, works easily, and makes the best
butter. It is also simplaand durable,. ,
If it does not 'work satisfactorily it can be re-
These Churns can be seen at any time at John-
son Brothers' Hardware Store, Seaforth.
230 Agricultural Implement Agent.
Made can be had at
Sewing Machines, in all styles and sizes, and
Machthe in all styles.
The subscriber has received a splendid supply of
both these Machines, which are pronounced by ex-
perienced hands to be superior to any others made.
For strength, simplicity and perfection of con -
&traction; for range of work, from light gauze t�
beaver and leather ; for beauty and exactness of
stitch, owing to the tension being perfect and al-
ways equal on both upper and lower threads, and
ler dui:ability these machines are umivalled.
Try machine warranted and instructions given
gratis. Machines sent out On trial, or rented by
the nionth to responsible parties.
223 WM N. WATSON, Seaforth.
"\,rbat aro y
asked a kiterer
were digging it
Isioney, sur,'
The man watch
til the joke got
his hair, and th
What sio you ti
the horse, ant
jockey.' Annt
what would
• drawing joekey
George Ab,
drawn him xi
—It is said
and liberal 13a
when going in
years since, to
suggested that
taken out of hi
was the reply,
book baptized,w
know but we us
immersion, if -all
could be persu
poeket-booke al
—The Morin
of Bri
applicangthasTor Ti
of taking a seco
one day, a broth
Character, whe
following dial%
want another NIT
if you please,
4 Well, the s o
that yen eat
can't 1 haIre
nowr saintsthwlo
4 Yes; I should
can't have more
well as the rest:
shall know, the
want ,vyyauhry,raclh
got 130 arried MO
4 Well, aunt jer
of, but I found
all her folks ever
jesegrve them
let the thing Aro
--- M. Prudho
of life, was talki
to whom he reh
youth. But,
claimed the
'My dear bov
struck you mos
—That was a
who, on marryin
was rallied by h'
equality of their
near Me; he re
een." Well, re
the party,
they opened my
There is a plae
the Smoky Valle'
have a- curioas
They do not hj
making a fire ev
they wish to gel
just walk out
coffee-pots, and
need, and cook t
spring.' The woi
deal hatter than
ing water, and all
hang theiikettlel
and their .food
They are- able e
The bread is sit*
pan, and lowesi
flood for an hots
drawn up anoet
witb but "a thin el
it. Meat is cool
whitare the mi
It takes_ bat a ni
or to make a
but if there sls
tween the cup,
wanid be gone bl
Science and
At a recent 1324
technic' Cleb of t
- tate; Mr. Boyle
incident "
lig,hthomse along
Sound an old eta
pointed as keepe
first eveninge
lamp, he iegieet
to draw the curt
-setting sun, shin
the large knees
rays concentrate
•as here the lainp
was sufficient to
ter amazement.
had become so D.
night, that his os
ed him as be s
plate glass of th
-dark ',41cy outsid
day -break he /
when at snihri
again, for the
happened the e
was too inttch for
immediately pae
left, without noti
was only missed
lighthouse remai
found in the neig
declared that the
-witched, that Sat
lamp twice, and
him in. propria
whole night outsi
ing in at hirn. 1