HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-07-05, Page 8-
JULY' .15, 1871,1
Lee announces great indite eats inthe
grocery and proVision 'line, at his store.
He has also on hand a large stock of
shingles and cedar posts. Who vt-ants
them ? .
THE Coetre..-an P.RIZE. —The Company
prize forthe SeaforthVolunteer Company,
-at the shooting match at Windsor last
week, was won by Mr. John Haggitt, of
BECOVERED,—We are happy to observe
that Dr. Cernpbell, of this village, has so
far recovered. as to be able to_ attend to
his practice again. We hope he may
have good. he4..._ th in the future.
(r •
posits in the -Seaforth, Post -Office Sav-
ings Bank for the six Months ending the
.30tleof June, amounted to $26,128, being
an.increase of $13,623 over the corms -
pending period of last year.
Seaforth and. Gerrie 'Volunteer Companies
returned from Windsor on Tuesday last.
They all appear -pretty well Scorched
with the sun, but speak in the highest
ternas of the treatment received from.
their commanding oft Gas.
- BOUGHT Our.—Messrs.. McIntyre &
Willis have purchased from Mr. Sp irr
his entire plant of boots, leather, &c.,
and. have added it to their already com-
plete stock. We believe Mr. Spurr in-
tends removing to London, where he hae
obtained a situation.
PROLIFIC BEES. — Mr. Robert Goven-
lock, of McKillop, informs us that one of
lis,hives of bees, a short time. ago, made
45 pounds of honey in. six clays. The
-bees were young and not an extra large
hive. The comb had beextgiven to them,
ao that they had. to make no conib. tMr.
.Goarenlock thieksthis pretty good, sad
would liketo know who can beat it. -
Itloae Bio. Fix.—Mr. Barnet Burns,
elf Lot 18, lst Concession, McKillop,
-showed us on Tuesday last a fevy stalks,
of flax which measuied- three feet foua
and a half inches. -This flax had been
pulled. on Saturday last. Mr. Burns has
18 acres under flax, and states that the
talks shown us are a fair -specimen of the
orop. He expecte it will average about
three tons to the.acre. -
We have pleasure in directing the atten-
tion of our readers to the i card of the
Misses Pritchard, late of London, which
ean be seen in another column. " These
ladies come here bringing high teatimon-
ials as to their proficiency in, and ability
to teach the various branehes 'specified
in their card.
treat Telegraph Company are constantly
increasing their. facilities for the
accommodation of the public. An office
1123 DOW been opened in the village of
'Lunch, and we learn that next week an-
other new office will be opened in Gerrie.
This wilt be a great convenienee to the
business men of these villages, and will
no doubt be remunerative to thecompany.
EARLY POTATOES. —Mr. Samuel Harris,
of this village, long noted aa being the
best potate grower M this neighborhood,
yesterday presented us with a fine sample
of his Early Rose variety. They are
already quite large and fit for table use,
and are the furthest advaeeed we have
seen this season. --1-Ire have also to thank
Mr. Allan Hobson, of Hullett, for a
liberal" donation" of green peas.
BIG Weceaa.---The Clinton _Yew Era
.f yesterday .sayst "On - Monday .1ast
Mr, Wm....Smithson, of lot 23; eighth
concession of Hallett, brought te Our of-
fice several stalks of wheat, of theTreade
well variety, that stood about five feet
six filches on the ground. The heads
were six inches longs • Ma. Smithson in
- formed us the. ground was well covered
and promises a very geed crop," .
VILLAGE CouNere:—Ameeting of Sea,
fortb Cottecil Was held on July 2, • Min-
utes of last meettute were feed and
-- adopted. The following sidewalks
were authorized to be made : -1-st—On
. :Railway street, from Jarvis itreet to
Sperling's line, near salt well. 2c1—
From D. D. Wilson's attire- imeth„ earos-s
tIemes street 3d—On James street,
from Main street to Church :street. The
petition: of E. Hiekson and others was.
-received and laidsover till next meeting.
ThOpetition of Jahn -Mueray and others
was received and referreill-to Street Com-
mittee-. . The following accounts .were
received and ordered. to be paid: *Dr..
Colemea and. G., H. Jackson, 850, and J.-
11. Benson, $25.40 for expenebs attend.-
. ing railaety meetiegs at London and„
. Hamilton. • The Council then adjourned
until Tuesday, Jaly
Havract., Several fainters in this vi.
Oinity have already commenced to cut
their hay. -Next week _haying will be
general among our bafflers, the late warm
weather ha,vieg breu,gat this crop to ma-
turity very rapidly. We are glad to
. learn that- the yield this year will be
very satisfactory.. In some parts old •
meadows are:a little light, but new mea-
dows are generally very heavy. If the
weather is such as to permit of the safe
baryesting of the crop, we may safely an-
ticipate a bountiful supply of hay
throughoutthe Waling season. Farmers
generally complain loudly of the scarcity
of labor. It is almost impossible to hire
labor at any price, ' and. cat this ea -count
many farmers Will no (ioubt be VUry
mucli delayed and inconvenieuced rn
their operations (tering the approaching
baying and harvesting season.
PA NORAMA — Ni. Ho tvo rth 's grand.
panorama was exhibited ht the Town
Hall, on Thursdayand.Friday evenings,
elime 27th and. 28th. The paintings re-
present Ireland as it is, and France and
kternaany during the Franco-Prussiae
war. The paintings which represenathe
principal places in Irelaud are part of
acEiroy's panorama of Ireland, and are
'very correct. The transforrnation scene
was beautiful, and added greatly to the
en joym ent of the audience: The Mitch ell
Advocate finds fault with the "local
hits," and says -that it cannot recommend
the performance to the public. The only
reason that the editor of that paper had
Lor denouncing the performance is, we
;believe, that tlie audience enjoyed a 1 o
laugh at his expense. The songs and.
dances Were good, also "Barney's
Cenewr IN THE ACT.--Ou Friday last,
wlaile the clerk in. Mr. Thomas Lee's
grocery store, in this village, was engag-
ed in the cellar filling up a bag of pota-
toes for a customer, he heard the alarm -
bell of the cash drawer ring. As he had
left nO person in -the store he suspected
that all was not. right, and accordingly
made his way quietly up to the store.
:Upon arriving there, he found a man
leaning over the counter, and trying to
open the drawer. The clerk took the
man a prisoner to the cellar, and after
frightening him pretty badly allowed
halite go on his way, with a caution not
to return again upon pain of more serious
consequences. We understand the
would-be thief is.a Fienchman, who re-
sides in the township of McKillop.
TURE. —As has previously been announc-
ed, the musical entertainthent under the
auspices of - the Canada Presbyterian
Church of this village -will take place ma
the evening of .Mondat next. In addi-
tion to Mr. Dalziel, of whom mention
has already been made, the services of
the Misses McTavish and Bay, of Clin-
ton, have been secured for the occasion.
Mr. Dalziel will also deliver a lecture ou
"Burns, and the Ballad Writers of Scot-
land," and Mr. Paltridge has consented
to allow the use of his organette. We
can promise all who will attend on this
occasion a rare musical andintellectual
treat, and we would specially recommend
as- many of our Scottish friends as can -
possibly make it convenient to -be present,
not to miss this opportunity of listening
to the " guid auld songs," which, above
all things else, can lighten the heart of a
Scotsman, and make him teel as if he
" were a boy again,"
regular meeting of idefity Lodge, No,
55, I. 0. 0. Fe. held on Wednesday even-
ing last, the following officers were in-
stalled : -
Brother A. G. McDougall, P. G.
Brother John Campbell,. N. G.
• Brother James I. Carter, V. Qt..
Brother Harry Taylor, R. S.
Brother James Cline r
Brother James Beattie, T.
Brother john Williams, W. .
Brother Robert Jamieson, C.
. Brother Frank Paltridge, fl. 'S. N. G.
Brother James Sperling, L. S". N. G.
Brother George &blister, R. S. V. G.
Brother Matthew Morrison, L.S.V.G.
Brother David Baird, R. S. 6.
Brother John Rossie,,L. S. S.
Brother Robert Wiffi, I. G. •
Brother Wm. Grant, 0. 0.
Brother John M. Martin, Chaplain..
Delegates to Grand Lodge, Brothers
Kendall end McDougall.
was circulated on Tuesday last, and,
largely signed by the business men along
Main street, praying the Council to have
that street regularly watered so- as to
prevent the dust annoying the business
men and parties doing business thereon.
This petition was presented to the Coun-
cil at its last meeting, but that body re-
fused to take action, on it, as they have
not the power to levy a special rate on
the property along Maiii street for that
purpose, and thought it niejust to .use
the general funds -of the village for the
benefit principally of but a portion of the
inhabitants. We do net say but the
view taken .by the Council is 'a correct
Dee, hut we do certainly think that the
;silkiness Men along. Main street Should
take some steps to have this abominable
nuisance abated. For the past few days
the dust on this street has, at times,
been .fearful. Every time a vehicle
passes along, a, gust -of -wind blows,
vast cloud of dust Hue up, and is hurled
into every door and window. It not only
causes great damage to the business men
themselves by destroying their goods,
but is most unpleasant and offensive to
every perton who may lieve to pass.
along the street. A yery • tritling sub-
scription weekly from eaeh business mart
would create a fund sufficieetly large to
keep the street regularly and properly
follbwing horses were entered: Wm.
VanEgm.ond's Shoo Fly, D. McNaught's
Longfellow, and R. Grieves' Harry
Bassett. ].n this race Shoo Fly took two
straight heats,' winning the race, with
Hailer Bassett following closely behind
each heat. Longfellow was withdrawn
we the second. heat.
The third and last race wet a matched
trot between T. Bell.'s Gray Eagle, J.
Su.therland's Nettie, and Mr. MoLeod.'s
Captain Ewing, for a saddle and bridle.
This race was closely contested, and was
by far the most interesting of the day.
Nettie tr tted, by agreemeutei▪ n a skele-
ton wage , and the other two horses in
sulkies. 'he first heat was won by
Nettie, C' ptain Ewing coming in second
and Gray Eagle.third. The second heat
was ver closely contested. between
Nettie an Gray Eagle, Nettie passing
the line s ghtly in ad.vance- of her an-
tagonist This heat was declared void,
however. n account of Nettie's driver
having sh. uted, breaking up Gray Eagle,
and Gray agle's driver afterwarde run-
ning acres Nettie's track in front ofher.
The third heat was won also by Nettie,
Gray Eag e making a good second, and
Ca,ptain .E ving taking third place. This
closed the sports of the day.
In the fternooe a pic-nic under the
auspices the various temperance or-
ganization of the village was held in Mr.
James Be. ttie's Fete, to the North of
the villag . A very pleasantand sociable
afternoon Was spent •by those present.
The juveniles, of whom there were a
large number present, seemed to enjoy
themsel+e inunensely. After refresh-
ments tvar erved and got through with,
those Fresnit gathered around the plat-
form. Th chair was taken by Mr. Jas.
Beattie, Who called upon the choir to
giv6 a se ection of mesic. After this,
eloquent cldresses in the interests of
the tetnpe ance cause Were delivered by
Mr. Parro t, lecturer for the Independ-
ent Order of Good Templars, and 'Rev.
Mr. Benso , of Bothwell. At the con-
clusion of the addresses, amusements
were agai resumed, and were kept up
until a lat hour in the afternoon.
In the e ening a strawberry festival
was given in the Methodist Episcopal
Church: fair attendance was preteut,
the neat li tle church being nearly filled..
After several pieces of mimic had been
given by Mr. Cline, Mr. Paltridge, Miss
Macd.onald. Miss Robertson and others,
Rev. Mr. 1 enson, of Bothwell, was intro-
duced and lelivered a lecthre. Mr. Ben-
son's remade -a were well suited to the oc-
casion and he day, were brief and point-
ed, and he d the attention of the audi-
ence durin their delivery. Following
the addres came more music, then the
strawberri s were circulated, then music
again, and the assembly dispersed.
[C. R. Coo nu, Ainlerville, Agent for the Ex-
POSITOR Newspaper and Sob Printing Office.]
budget of our Aiuleyville correspondent
has gone astray this week. We received
a teleeram ieformiug us that it had been
mailed m_ ime for Thursday morning's
mail, but u to the time of going to press
we have be n unable to get any trace
of it.
[Gnonoa. E -yea, Wroxeter, Agent for the Ea-
aOsnon News aper and JolaPrinting Office.] ,
EARLY )EAS Days,. ot the
Queen's H tel, had green peas fit foe-
utie last We k. Fler garden is the fiu.eet
in . thie ne ghborhood, and as for her
sttawberriee, if we are any judge, they
are A No. 1.
Hone FROM WINDSOR. —The Gerrie
and Behnere volunteers pissed through
this place on Tuesday evening, on -their
Way from the Windsor Camp. The boys
aro pretty tanned.: _ •
HEAT.—The - the ma t h this
red 95 and 96 degrees in the
re wore showers of rain on
1 Wedhesdata which consid-
d the attnoephere Ana, ro-
tation.' -..
IPLE. - Good .Teniplars
e. intend holding an open
eek from next Monday even-
wil be speeches, music,
rainctic performances, &c.
re c rdially invited.
week regist
shade. Th
Tuesday an
erably • cool
freshed. veg
of s p
mectine a w
watered. ing. fher
1 readieg,s
\Dominion Day in Seaforth.
Dominion Day passed off rather quiet-
ly here: All the places of business were,
of course, closed, and the day was ob-
served as a geneial holiday. The attend-
ance of, country people Was not very
large, and all the people of the village
who could possibly get anything in the
shape of a " rig" to carry thern away,
availed themselves of the opportunity
whieh the holiday afforded, of leaving
our ddsty and heated streets behind, and
taking a- dee 'a enjoyment in the country.
For these, Bayfield seemed to be the fa-
vorite resort, awl inany of our citizens on
.Alonilay, repaired thence, and inhaled to
their pleasure and satisfaction the fresh
and cooling breezes. of Lake Huron. In
the vintage the peincipal attraction was
the races and athletic sports which took
place on the
At about twelve o'clock, the gates of
the park were opened to -Visitors, -and
nctwithstanding the rather slim attend-
ance and the intense heet, of the day,
the games and ra,ces were vigorously con-
tested and crested considerable- amuse-
ment : • 'The first on the programme was
the athletie sports, and. in these con-
tests ensued with the 'following results :
Pool. Race-100yarde ; three entries;
1st, John Lamb; 2nd, Joseph Whiteley;
John Grieves. -
Foot Race -200 yards; three entries;
1st, John Lamb : .2nd, Joaeph 1Vbitcley ;
3rd, Joseph Stevens.
Standing Jump—Three 'entries ; 1st
Dennis Hogan ; and, C" has, Cute -tight.
Three iS'tantlioy . entries ;
lsteB at. Latimer ; 2ncl, S.•Lanab.
_Razintne Jarep—Four entries ; ist, J.
Lama ; 2ucl, Wm. Ritchie..
1101155 RACES.
The first race was a trotting purse,
open to farm horses that never won
money, mile heats, best two lin three, go
as they pleased. For this race the fol-
lowiett horses were entered:
T. Sharp's Fanny Fern, T. Lapslie's
Bay Nancie, Thos. Henderson's Dexter,
and air. Steel's Fanny. The first heat
was taken by Nencie, Fanny Tern com-
ing in eecoud, Dexter third, and Fanny
having become frightened and breaking
badly, a considerable distance behind.
The secord an.d third heatst were won by
Fanny Fern, Nancie coming in second in
the last heat, and Dexter in the third.
Fanny was. withdrawn on the second
The nextrace was for a running purse,
pen to three-year-old colts only. The
The public
SOLD. --N eun
of the firm f 1-1
chased the tali
as a store by
Gof ton.
1 r
etstand thatMr. Hood,
od & Couboy, has pur-
ng at present 'occupied
Air. Inglis from Mr..
i. Itite oLrardi iee s. ,
Aid Society of
on the evening of Dominion Day, in the
this place gave a very successful concert
Wesleyan Hall. The building teas well
'filled and the programme, both. musical
and literary, well eartied out. The
Wroxeter Glee • Chib gave some , choice
pieces, - both *voc 'I and instrumental,
Messrs. Gray and Hilbert, of Bluevale,
gave some gvod songs in first-class style.
Miss Rath'e perfoimancei on the orgi
e1icited1otu applause, and Mrs. George
Gibson is too well known as a successful
pianist to peed any • recommendatiMi
from us. r he Clinton choir also gave
material as istance. and were loudly ap-
plauded. t Ir. John Roberts ..f. -;ave some
beautiful solos on the flute. Mr. A .. W.
Spaulding r, csitteerlde,‘ e' ITC-leini:tanvci°thu e'r' 1aet
(...)E. A.
me, he and his brother gave
Poe) in goo
the progra
l au gh able
his 3Q11 JOI
vale, gave
Stratagem ;
den," anC1
and repairing of roads and bridges, in
conformity with Section 10 Of Section
33 of the Municipal Act of Upper Cana-
da.—Carried. 1
EXAMNAVQ.N.—The examination of
the senior ana. junior departments of the
Wingham school will be held respective-
ly on Wednesd.ay and Thursday, the 1.0th
and llth inst.,—the former on Thursday
and the latter the day preceeding. Ex-
ercises to commence in both departments
at 9:30, A. M, and all who are interest-
ed. in the pregress of the school are cordi-
ally invited the occason.
A gentleman from Port Huron intends,
we believe, to start a fanning mill fac-
tory in Wingham.
THE ground for the Wingham station,
Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway,
has at last been selected, on the east
side of the gravel road running from
Wingham to Teeswater, and not far from
theresidence of Mr. Sadler. The selec-
tion is a good one.
—We did not celebrate Dominion Day
Wingham this year. The reason was
we were all too busy improving and
bnildine up our rapidly rising and go-
ahead town. There are sixty buildings
in course ef erection—stores, dwelling -
houses and so on. Strangers are coining
in every day, and we have scarcely ac-
commodation enough, although our ho-
tel keepers have gone to considerable
expense in enlarging and refitting their
establishments. Mr. William Johnston
baying sold his hotel to Mr. Theobald,
of Blyth, we hear, is about erecting
a new oue. Mr. 13ra,y, late of Ainley-
ville, is at the head of a,, drug establish-
ment which would be 'it credit to any
large town. A large addition has been
made to the Winghain Foundry. Our
Post -Office has also been enlarged from
the small cooped -up place it formerly was
to an area of considerable comnioclious-
ness. We now receive our mail in the
evenings, yvhich is a great improvement
on having to wait for it till next morn-
ing. NEmO.
.ACCIDENT. —About two weeks ago an
accident occurred at a barn raising on
the farm of Mr. Peter Moir, of the town-
ship of Ueborne. While tke men were
engaged i4 raising a heavy bent, "shores"
were placed under it upon which to rest,
and thus take the weight off the men.
When the. bent was about eight feet
from the ground: and preparations were
being made to use the pike poles, the
"shores" which supported it gave way
and it fell to the ground with a fearful
crasb. Although at the time of the fall
the bent was surrounded by men, yet
strange to say all escaped uninjured ex-
cept one person. This person was Mr,
John Emery, of the township of Tuck-
ersmith, who was unable by some means
to escape from the, falling timber as speed-
ily as the others, and who received
severe injuries about the head. Although
he was immediately placed under medi•e
cal care, we regret to learn that his in-
juries are such that but little hopes are
entertained of his recovery.
SHODDY CLOTH. --There is at preesnt
a gang of shoddy cloth awindlers oper-
ating on the farming community of this
and adjoining toweships. They travel
inbuggies enter our houses with blend
smiles, carryiug a small parcel. This
they throw on the floor and open up, at
ethe seine time saying they are only going
'round taking orders, and if the good lady
would juot be kind enough to say what'elle wants the wagon will call around in
about a. week. There are samples of
good carpeting for 35 cents per yard,
cotton for 5 cents per yard, and so on,
everything else being in proportion.
The good. lady says how much of each
piece she will' take when the. wagon
comes round. Sharpy takes it all down,
and is about to leave, when suddenly he
remembers he has got a few pieces in his
buggy,—not anxious to sell, but, just to
accommodate, he will take them he
Now there is sufficient for three suite,
give hien $25 and you can have the
whole, aud as a general thing they talte
'whatever is offered. The cloth is not
worth the mekieg up, except, perhaps,
one piece out of three and the wagoe,
with the cheep carpeting and cottonS,
never comes iround. Farmers, bewail.
STRAYED Hamm—A small chestni4t
mare belonging to Mr. James McNab, 4f
Exeter, strayed from, the enclosure f
Mr.- James Swinarton, of 'Hay, about two
weeks ago and has not since been heard ef
by her owner. Mr. MeNab will liberally
reward any person who will give such
information as will lead to her recovery.
Stanley. ,
FILL SHOW. —The Fall Show of the
Stanley Branch Agriculturel Society will
be held at Bayfield on Wednesday the
2nd of October. The prize liec will l''
issued shortly.
CORRECTION. —in our notice cf ti e
mowing match at Kippen, we last wee
Btated that it would be held on Wedn
day, the llth of July. It should hat e
been \Wednesday, the 10th of July.
dialogue, "John Bull and Cot:wee -111-eeleNG.—Counci1 met o
ahem'? Dr:- Seat, of 13lue- Stine 270; at Dame's hotel, Cranbreo
a readieg, "A Leap Year pursuant to adjournment from last ince
' Mr. 0. E. Henderson, of ing ; members -of Council all presea
ead "Ediulmrgh after Fled- The Reeve in the °hada Minutes of la
Ir. George By -vel, of Wrox- meeting feed and approved: It w
eter, read " Nothing to - Weer." The mea-
tertainent throughout wee excellent,
and we bet eve all who were present
were well 'leased With ib. The ladies
of the socie y certainly deserve .credit for
their exertisne iu getting np the concert.
iatillett. e .
Coragre Merrie'ci. -- The municipal
council of the • township of Hullett met•
at Loudesboro on the a9th ult. ; all the
members present. :The mambos of form-
er meeting were read. and confirmed. It
was moved by A. Stephenson., and sec-
onded by J. Warwick, that the account
of John 8
scrapers, be
J. \ Vet -wick
son, that a
sett, empowe
Liection No:
epp, t,q.10, fbr repaii•ing
aid.- Carried. Moved by
seconded by lieStephent
y -law be prepared. and pas-
-in,g tht trustees ,of School
to borrow the sem of $500
to build a new school -house. said sum to
be paid in fo or annual installmeets_svith
inteiest in ceuformity with their appli-
cation.—Ca-z:kied. Moved by A. Mou-
teith, seconded by H. Snell, that 0., by-
law be prepa ed wad passed, empowering
this corparet on to 'take gravel, timber
erial, for the construction
1 in other
moved by A. McDonald, seconded by ,
Slercinou, That only the interest on t
raaway debt be provided for in the est
mates for thie year in order to place
sum at the disposal ol the Council f
road improvement. — Carried. 'Move
by A. McDonald, secouded by T. Wi
liareson, That a sum of from one to t •
"thousand dollars be placed in the est.
mates for distribution through the towrk
'shiPtfor. road improvement during th s
year. -Carried. In the matter of di
pute inteSchool Section No. 2, as tlo
whether the section be °hanged back tlo
its Original form previous to lateSt
cheep, it LS enoved by T. Williamsou,
seconded by -Seim Strachan, . That -
special meetin of .Council be held - at
Moore's hotel,."Ainleyville, on Weinea-
day next, at three o'clock, for the pita -
pose of receiving contra . petitions froth
said section; and disposing of the matter in
dispute.--eCarried. MoVed'Ity S. Sleml-
Mon, seconded by A. McDoiteld, That
the Clerk. write the Reeve and Council of
Elma inreference to the legalizing of
road between Lots 34 and 33, Concession.
8 and 9, in tide township, in lieu of the
boundary line.—Carried. Moved by sk
Strachan, seconded by Te Williameon,
That the Council do not' adjourn to
meet again 011 eho 8th of. August net
J. R. G -41..Y.14, Clerk.
, Mr. Mills was nonainated by the
Bothwell Reform Convention last Satur-
day. The greatest unaninsity prevailed.
Mr. W. S. Stripp, formerly of North
Dorchester, was the same daynominated
for Kent, Mr. McKeough having declined
to stand.
— A game of base ball isms played on
Monday last at Guelph, Ont, between
the Baltimore club of Baltimore, Mary-
land, and the Maple Leaf club of Guelph,
which resulted. in a victory for the
leuelph club by one run ; score 10 to 9.
Fully 4000 persons were present.
—A number of the moneyed men of
the town of Goderich have formed a com-
pany under the " Limited Liability
Act," with a capital of $50,000, under
the name of The Goderich Foundry
and Manufacturing Company." The -
foundry business will be carried on in
Mr. Runcirnan's stand.
• H
114 Ci5
t 1/44
mia House,
CD Ft, T 1-1
Grey Cottons,
Grey Sheetings,
White Cottons,
White Sheetings,
Stripe Shirting's,
Check Shirtings,
In Plain and Figured
Insolvent Act of 1869
In the matter of W. SPURR a SON, Insolvents.
THE Creditors of the la/solve/at are notifiedto
-1- meet at the office of theundersigeed, io the city
of London, on MONDAY the lath July, 1872' at 2
o'clock p. m., for the public examination ofthe
Insolvent, and for the ordering of the effairs of the
Estate generally. THOMAS C.H.CROHER,
Official Assignee.
London, Ontario, Juno 26, 1872. 238
Insolvent Act of 1869
Lathe /natter of AI'S-71IE AVALIN ERWIN, an
In solvent.
THE Insolvent has made an ensign/flea of. her
estate to me, and the creditors are notified to
meet at the place where she lately carried Oil busi-
ness, situated in the village. of Seaforth, in the
Connty of Huron, on
FRIDAY, the 1921' day of JuIy, 1 S73,
at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, to re-
ceive statements of affairs, and to appoint an
Dated at Goderichthis First day of July, 1872.
280-2 Interim Assignee.
REMAINING uncalled
Arbach, Peter
Armstrong, Wm.
Bell, M.
Briton, John
13rentenell, Mrs. E. J.
Bancroft, Rev. C.
Bullard, A.
Clinton, Wm.
Claine, Mrs. 'Wm.
Carpeater, R.
Clark, Robert
Cartwright, 3-13.
Carrie, Mrs. C.
Cameron, A. D.
Davidson, George
Dunn, Thomas.
Evans, Thomas
Ehsley, J.
Eakin, Mr.
Fleshlemer, C. J.
Gray; Rev. John
Graiuger, Alex.
Gennuell, Alex.
Hayward, Mrs. L.
Hart, John
Henderson, MTS. Isabella
Hancock, Miss Jennie
Jackson, Wm.
Irwine, Wm.
Johnaton, Wm.
Jones, Edward
Hester, Sam.
King, Thomaii
Rity, Margaret
Lucas, Robert
Lamb, Mies M.
Lemon, Wm.
for on 2nd JULY, 1872.
Morrison, Miss L. E.
Manley, IL -
Maloney, taeorge - -
Meyer, Miss- A.
Marley, jamcs
MeMnllen, Jame
BleKnight, John
McKay, James
BIcLertn, Hugh
McEwen, H.
MeClay, Mrs.Ellen .
McLean, 1)neacan
McDonald, E.
11.1ceJallurn, Wm.
McLaughlin, Wm -
McDonald, 3.Irs. K. •
NoakeY, Johnston (2)
UTrener, H.
Ain. I.
Redmone Mrs. R,
Rhynord, Miss M. A.
Smith, jaue
Sewell, Ma.
Sheppard, Cooper (2) '
Secord, John
Sellars, WM,
Stenzel, Robert
Stenzel, John
Stoll, C.
Smale, Airs; Sanansi
Thompson, .T.
Taylor, George
Wickham, P.
Walton, M.
Webb, Mr.
Whitehead, Charles
S. DICKSON, P. 31,
Black, and Eiored Silks._
THE 01-1AMIr
Oesturee Cloths in colors.
A good assortment of Fancy Goods,
(Tinder the chit of Miss Brent, from MT. John
Toronto,) is especially attaactive, ben:a/-
supplied •wlth s ock of the latest styles, and tb;
utmost attentio may be relied on in filling orders,
The "Per ian Stripe Shawl?'
And the newest patterns ha
The supply of !Cloths. and Tweeds is large, aud:-
all orders for clo'hing will be satiafactoailly -
T # # usual asi3ortment in
Of Shirts, Din
Hosiery, etc.
Tloe, Cellars, Fronts, Glevey-
In Felt, Cloth; Silk. Straw, Leghorn and Panama.
Caps in Cloth, Oil, Silk, eta.
A good Rupp', of Groceries always on hand.
Special value in Teas will be giV011. A good stock"
to choose front, jood value for the money, goods
marked in pbsin figures, and only one price, an"
the princ pies closely atilaered to at
S iL
ttc, Onaleate01 I'
lac -Coroner for the C.
VOntArIO. "
Ilaha street, Seaforti.
Ageozt,e• t.c
ti ;
geon, ete. Mee
lv-IATket and Bighttrto
-1-, and Residence, ova
stmet, Stalanth.
day, and all day Saterij
O the inhabitant
eonntry. Dr. J..
through hie:bless in him,
los some time in thie?
mon/Icing to the publie
videnee he has been .
• .rooms formerly occopi
.peran1"°aagnenflit.11; Ilttt;rirees‘
Jiis old patrons and as
binlwo itriaeeap
ctalli All
ing tar;
•to be foonfadelrarselirelro.
" %pointed Agent kr
pant of -England, he la:
sate Cal/Italian; of To
very rim/wilt/Me rates
Charges moderate.
167Thebtaan, Dec. 1.5,
— . —
1‘{cC.A.UGH_EY &
torneve at Law, ,
Insolvency, Notaries
SOlicitors for the R.C.
the -Canada Life ..A.ssnr
N. 13.-0,0W to le
Idolises 0.-na Lots tor sl
-'411•5 at Law, Solicitors]
Omveyancere, Noteriel
forth_ and Wroxeter.
invest at once, at Big
JAE. R. 13E5tS0'..N4
outirely new managen _
renovated. The Bar
Liquors and Cigars.
It ostlers. A I'irst-011/S
T(NOX'S rforr.L.
signed bege to t'
patronage 'awarded to
hotel baldness, and als
/again resit/fled Inasinee
Ito will be happy to ha
4,./ad really' new ones. -
C. J. MeCUTC1U3-1.
accommodation for II
ante with the very Wei
-Stabling -attathed. TI
13very day for Winghen
ea -e 000d. Horses awl t
on hand. Favorable -
Conunercial Travellers
Iftrrna., will be promai
OFFICE an Sean:
.11noz's Ilotel, 31ain SI
21 •
rp ,011tECTIILL.
Member of the
begs to intimate to
-end suarounding cow;
CrIce in Seaforth, whA
venally ov by letter, ‘n
tle, eta. Having race
education, and having
stf the Tete/Wary Wilt
has every eel/Ade/lee
who may employ hien
ilaarnaaazcas—A. $
*to Vete/int-1-17 Collat
Thorbura, Dr. Rowel,
Veterinary lleditiza
All tails ne
1' V. -S., begs -to an,
Seatorth and same
. teen awarded the dip"
aolHoraes and Cattle a
has openedan alto
shoeing shop, V. -hem I
tend to tails.
tended to. 1ksidant4,
erinny Medicines
Cannes reasonable.
LL ,Cranbrook Grea
moderat-e terms. tkm
Conveynneer, Land,
Also, Agent for the
Huron and Brie Loaa
endMetbaaire fidNiu
to; Royal Insnrane-
Zotadon„ Fire and I I,
surartce Company ara,
Compene. Any anitn
"rates of interust. 84
"ala Qaeen'e Bere
Agent for the Freebl
Savings Society of Ta"
as torv Company del
.ea.tiona for Loans pro
186-tf AIN;
_TORN R1iIG-11..01,
'ray -way Tieket Ag arta
O. T. Railway StitiV
Tickets issueil fo altf
California, and Red
403.e.gre,somt facilities
Information given re
lareettbatite, Bonds, O
kleidand Sliver Coin,
• Otnee- At 3tnI7
lloases and 1irataele0
arjalyalSa4N`S LIVE
atule.t Iloreas and 1
ion hand. 'Canvey:we
Travellers on reasons
modious house,'
adjolelng the Rail% a)
ao a boarding-house.
rooms. Persona Ni
toeuse should apply,
vacancies. Transifti
ket than Lotea rtttts