HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-07-05, Page 5tTurriy 5, 1gt72. bs, strongly contrasting with L sunburnt faces, e. hale loaking7 -bearded white man, -wearing a. cap with faded gold beau aud: woolen, Shirt. Preserving_ se eanor of calmnese before efie ies, 1 enquired, "Dr. Liring- e, L presume ?" He, smiling etea, "ye" He informed me , he etarted in March, 1866, *aide Eve Sepoys, nine Jehazine men - seven libeiated slaves., ep the bank of te Poh - e svurnar. men got frightened,. deserted reported Livingsteue dead aaan Ise for desertion. He encased -Charribezi, end found it not the :Meese Zembesi„ but a wholly mate river. He traced it, and ad that it was called further on Oaba. He exploreo 'TOO ! found that the Chambeei ibtless the source of the Niee,, met t the length of the Nile is 2,600 It is not supplied by the He reached within, miles of the explored ground, Dtd, he was obliged to return to destitute. He here met me. both left on the 16th of Octo- and areseed at Unyanyembe at end Of November. - We spent. Siity-eight days exploring the dia- 't toeether. We spent Obrist reas I arrived on the coast a -oh 14ihe leaving Livingstone at tyanYembe to explore the -north tanjanyik lake, and the remain - one heindred and eighty miles. the Lualatia fiver. This will oe- the next two yens'. A New Epoch. Count Selepis, the President of Court of Arbitration at Geneva, er the settIeraeut of the indirece Lims, congratulated- his associates the euccess of their sessions thus [. and said The assemblage of tribunal signifies that a new di- Ction has been given to the impulee ; the ideas ire -venting the policy of nations most advanced in the t1.1 of civilization ----a direction for -e control of which an elevated heie aud ranee of politics prevails er the tendencies of the ancient 'stem of routine, which induced to ,sastrons waes, and thus place's, the terests of our common hamanity- )ove that of a mere tempoiary The accomplishment of 'ark such as this will be hailed by rery generous heart on earth as te act of fulfi:!ment of the wishes 'hich Were expressed in the Con- ;,-ess of Paris in, the year 1856 s. tt Aer points of difference arising be- eeen friendly nations in the future s arbitraeion for adjustments aanksto the initiative which has: eea tat -ea bv the statesmen of Bugs -'rnd end the United State:3, of Ameri- %, this grand idea bears ft eit to day, aid history will tell to posterity how, vest amid the excitement produced V the utterance of continued recri- ;illation, both sideseven when ens aged in argument, may sliver. 'irve left opeu a means of settlement f an international dispute peaceful - Ta have produced this happy 'esult must. have required the pos- ession of a rare degree of firmness 'if neiad and of devotion to she in- erests of humanity." Up in a Balloon - The Boston Trareirer gives the ir.l.iostviag heI account of a voyage ;Itrough the upper air made by one :A7 its reporters. Ihe danger of a journey through' the clouds in company with twe Wriaties as experienced by the writee last eveeingat ale hour past chtiock. In company with a friend he took passage in the balloon CI:tale ill; the Air," under the tharebe of Prof. Allen, of Providence, !R. l. The passenger list comprised the Prefessor hiraselfthe two parties above alluded to, is pair of thick- „skulled, diunken Irishmen with a _bottle of whiskey. The faet that 'these men were.drank and the pres- „else° of their bottle of liquor, how- ever, was not known until after the ascension had commenced. At tirst one of the men,a burly fellow of 180, pounds weight, ref ed to obey the orders of the aeron--- ,aut, insisting upon sitting at one end — of the basket, where his weight !catised the load to cereen in a veil dangerOUS manner. Not satisfied ! With this, he opened the bottle of liquor and draiued its contents at a ; draught, throwing the vessel at the crowd one thousand feet below. Ile next attempted i.o daece a jiff, and tried to gain poss-ession of the cola attached to- the safety valve, but was 't finally induced to sit still for a mo - The wind was hlowing.strong- le at that time, and it WO,S at the best a difficult task to ineserve the , proper equilierium. Prof. 'Alien therefere decided to descend and made the tested signal to the en eer. The lunatic, for such it would be charitable to call him, counter - e mended the orders of the Professor to the crowd belosv. and did all 1-e , could not °tile to endanger his own' worthless life, but to imperil the mfety f ail the pessengere in :the - basket. A thrill rif horror ren through the taterg as thee- teesin to realfze the horrers cX the satiation. Tha JuLY .5,1872. r basket swayed_hither and thither at the mercy of a drunken idiot, and it ' -was apparent to all that sudden death was imminent to the unfor- tunate balloonists.. Professor Allen himself fully realized the dangers of the position in which we were plac- ed, and it was difficult for him to presecve the necessary coolness with which to superintend the workings .of the balloonFinally he manag- sed,to convey his orders to the at- tendants below, and the balloon was • slowly drawn down through a calm- .er region of air to the ground. The - occupants disembarked unharmed, _and were showered with greetings by the eager beowd; who had, many ;.times, given up all hopes of ever . seeing them alive. the London •sale now in progress, and above all the probability that any con- siderable .number of - buyers entering the market for liberal supplies just now. . would cause a reaction price and enhance the cost of the new clip. --.. - BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. - Thursday, July 4, 1872. Beef Cattle—The total receipts for to- day, ineluding 99 Cara reported to arrive, have been 1,700 head, making the sup- ply for the week thus far 4,539 head, again' 4,869 - head, for the same time last week. The market - opened slow and dull, ate,bout 12ic advance on gooc1 cattle over last week's prides. Uonamon sto .k remains unchanged_ The stock was the most inferior of the season, there being but fvw good lots on the market, and they find ready purchasers ,at the advance. -On common grades buyers and sellers are 25c apart ; few buyers. About P,000 head were disposed . of. Sales.: 614 Illinois steers, raaiging from 1,088 to 1,377 lbs., at $5.90 to $6.50 ; 54 head Ohio steers, averaging 1,313 lbs., at $6.50; 21 head. Ohio.roixed, averaging 985 lbs., at $5.25 ;- 66 Iowa; steees, . averaging 1,- 254 t lbs.; at 6.35;$ 30 :head Missouri steers, averaging 1,456 lbs., at $6.75. -- Sheep and Lambs—The total receipts of elieeP and lambs for the matket this week have been 1,600 head, • against 4,- 400 last eveek. No sheep in the yard. ancl no sales. Market not opened. Hogs—The feceipts for the week thus far have been 10,200 head, against 10,-- 200 head for the seine time last week. The market is flat and dull, and. -there are about 30 cars in the pens td -day. prices fell off fully 37ifrem last week's rates, and buyers and sellers are about 25c apart. . -Sales to day : 361 heed Michigan hogs, averaging .179 lbs., at $4.061. NEW YORK HORSE MARKET The Heated Term.” / • It is a proverbial fact that peoe .pie like bet to have told them what they already know. lf a man has. 'been to a tire, he turns always in . his` paper to read over again what he already knows more of, likely -enough, than the paper itself. Therefore the proper salutation :these days is—” it's hot." As though everybody didn't know it ! Therefore we write • about the wekther, and ooserve to our readers it's hot." And the worst of it is, that it's likely to be "the hottest day of .the season" every day now for two ..months. We trust that lit0 one will coni- -mit suicide because of that remark. if he does, we can't help it; it's an enfortueate, but equally true, fact. We have before offered our read- -ers the sensible. advice to, " cool'" The question is, Howl The first requisite is a stock of patience.- People who are always fuming at the heat are the hottest folk alive. Take things quietly, and the thernaometer is brow -beaten. it is not wise to consult the weath- er glass too frequently. Nor the .other glass! Fanning is a questionable remedy-. Mathematicians are inclined to be- lieve that the heat generated by the -movements of the arm is rather more than the amount extracted by the breeze thus oreated. Meanwhile, judge for yourself ! This article is the model of Sum- mer conversation—cool. "it's .hot." enesemeenearememosemmag Egmondville, on the 13th ult., the wife of Mr. Thomas Hill, - blacksmith, of a son. WILSON .—In Seaforth, on the lat inst., the wife of Mr. David D. Wilson, of a daughter. THE HURON t(t)O$ITOR. SGI 0,T‘ ri THE BEST SELECTION OF HAYING AND HARVEST TOOLS AigD BUILDERS' HARDWARE e be found in the County of Huron. Call, see and buy the NEW PATENT SOYTHE„ AND THP, IMPROVED ENGLISH METR POL TAN RIM AND MORTICE LOCKS. A large stock of ELEPHANT BRANDI WEBTE LEAD, the best in use. A FEW MORE of those JUSTLY CELEBRATED HORSE RAKES on han TUESDAY,. July 2, 1872, The general horse trade heel been iu very tame condition throughout the week, and, especially in higher -priced ahimals,' Lar from equal to the expectations of dealers, who calculated upon 'profitably disposing of their stook &urine°the fort- night preceding the generaldeparture of our fashionablea for the watering places and Summer resorts. However limited an assortMent of fine and. well- matchecl carriage horses there may be oftered, the willing sellers are certainly out -numbering the ready buyerseemel the market at present is most decidedly in favor of purchasers, not only as regards the inore valuable animals, but also as far as light' harness horses of all kinds are concerned ; among the latter there are a good many of poor _quality, which causes the range in prices to -be so large as to make it hardly passible to give even approximate Market 'values. Only two sales of note hee're been reported during the week. One pair of bays, 16 hands high, solcl for $1,500, ang one pair. of Kentucky -bred geldings for $1,- 550. Common draft and heavy -truck horses were in moderately active •de- mand, .and sold at firm and unchanged figures. GOLD.—The price of Gold. in New York is quoted at 1131. BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES cf all kinds. , WM. ROBERTSON & CO. S. All the above at old prices, at IN CHANCERY. In the matter of Lot No. Twenty-four, in theFirst Concession, Huron Road Survey, of the town- ship of Tuckorsmith, in the County of Huron, excepting two acres thereof, Sold to the Buffalo aud LakeHuron Railway Compare/. DEATHS. _BAILEY. —At his residence, lot 34, 15th concession of the townshin of Gederich, on, the 30th June, Ifenry Parker Bailey, aged 30 years and two months. RA...A-E.—In Clinton, on the 30th June, Frederick Rance, son of the late Mr. Thomas Rance, aged. five years and 10 months.. Moo RE. —A t Blyth, on Tuesday, 25th ult:, Bridget Rooney, wife of M. Patrick Moore, r‘ aged 31. years. BUCKL D Bayfield, on Tuesday, the: 2ncl inst., -Hattie Eveline, young- est child of Mr. 5. P. Buckland, aged two years and five months. oscomormaism=ii-auvressalsormismissommiringsms THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, july 4, 1872. There is no business :of any account eloing on the Market these„ days. The supply of botb grain and. wood seems to have become exhausted. The prices of grain have again deelined. Other pro- duce remains firm at old prices. The following are as nearly as pessible the correct quotations: $1 is to 1 80 .Spring Wheat 1 18 to 1 20 Barley ..... . .. . .. 0 45 to 0 50 Oets 0 30 to 0,,32 Peas. ` 0 50 to 052 Butter Eggs0 11 -to 011 Flour 3 50 to 000 Pottutoes •• 0 80 to 0 35 Hay...... . ......... . 00 to 12 00 ..... ....... .............. 5 00 to 700 Sheep Skins... .. . .. . . . ......... 1 00 to 1 50 -Calf Skins, (veal) per 1b.,........•. 0 10 to 0 10 Salt (retail) per barrel ... : .. 1..00 to 0 00 Wool, per lb 0 50 to 0 52 Dried Pork --Bacon0 07 to 0 08 Dried ... 0 08 to 0 09 Ten Bark er A 25 to 3 75 0 ineito 0 13 NOTICE i hereby given tint George M. Ches- ney, of tie township of Tuckersmith, County if Huron, fa mer, has made an application to the Court ef Ch neerv for a certficate of title to he abovennenti fled property, under the Act or Quieting Titles to Real Estate in Upper Canaille" and has produced evideuce -whereby he appears to be the ownenthereof in fee free from all inctuca- brances, except the right to dower of the widow of the lato Alith.ouy J. W. G. Van Egmondi and a mortgage held by one Michael Haas; whbrefore any other person having, or pretending to Ilene, any title to, or interest in tire said land,1 or any part thereof, is required, on or before SATURDAY the Twenty-fourth day of August now next eneu- ing, to We a statement of his claim, verified by af- fidavit, at my chambers in Osgoode Hall, in the City of Toronto and to serve it copy on Francis Hohnested, of 'the village of Seaforth, in -the Comity of Huron, Solicitor for the said George M. Chesney; and in default, every such claim will be barred, and. the title of the said George M. Chesney become absolute and indefeasible at law and in equity, subjeet only to the reservations mentioned in the 17th Section of the said Act, end therein numbered one, two, three and four, the said dower and mortgage. Dated this 20th day of June, 18721 T. W. TAYLOR, 2$972 Referee of Titles. GIRL WANTED. NXTANTED. immediately, a good GIRL, to do " general housework. Apply at the Eneostren (Mee. Seaforth. • ene BOY WANTED. WANTED, at TE1E EXPOSITOR Office See - forth, it smart steady -lad as an apprentice to the Printing Business. Oee from the Village pre- ferred. , APPRENTICE WANTED. IXTANTED immedintely, a stout, (Leave lad to learn the Cabinet -ranking business. Apply to SPARLING & SCOTT, 238 Seaforth. MONEY FOUND. . VOUN'D, on Wednesday the Srd of July, on Main -1- Street, , Seaforth, it parse containing it small sum of money. The owner can have the smile upon enplication to the undersigned, after prov- ing prop orty.and paving charges. MRS. WILLIAM SNELL, 239-4 Oonstance I'. 0. FARMERS ATTENT/ON. W T. Chemist. Winghzim, • puts fin it sure cure'for the Potato BUG. Call at the Apothecaries' Hall end secure a pr.ek.- age—only 25 cents. • , 239 ANTI -COMBINATION. SEAFORTH NOVELTY WORKS. JOHN Al; MARTIN FARM FOR SALE IN McICILLOP. Tan. subscriber, being about to leave Canada, fers for sale his FARM, East half Lot 1 Fourth Concession, McKillop, consisting of 0 acres, 32 cleared, the remainder good hard timb the farm is in good cultivation, the land clean it d. free from this es and- weeds; half a mile fro d ood school -house; four miles fro di:Infotv:Ih an; gra el road passes the -door. I will s .11 the num aloi4 or together with the crops, imp e- neents and farm stock, as it will best snit the pi chaser. Twenty -ono acres under crop, whi h promiees-well. Apply to JOHN e. McKAY, 288 Seaforth P. 0 a FARM FOR SALE. The inadersigned offers for sale a valu- able farm in the township of Hay, Co. ef Hiner! - containing 100 acres of excell- ent hardw ood laud 50 cleared and nearly free from stumps. The farra is within three miles of Exeter, and one and it quarter miles -from the Loudon Road, in a most pros- perous locality. Land rolling and rich sandy loon, well watered. The cleftred part has been in pasture for several years. Terms, half down or the whole. Apply to • ROBERT MOWLDS, proprietor, Lot 7, Second Con.. Hay. Or to 1). MePHAM, 237+4 Mitchell. GREAT ATTRACTIONS IN FRESH GROCERIES At mos. LEE'S CHEAP FLOUR & FEED STORR Don't forget that THOS. LEE'S is the plaee for THE BEST TEAS AT THE LOWEST PRICE. FARM FOR SALE IN HOWIOIC. VOR SALE, on reasonable terms, Lot 16, Fif- teenth Concession, township of Howick, County of Huron, containing 10U acres, 50 of which are cleared and in a good *tete of cultivation. There is on the premises a goodwell aod, young orchard. It is situated one mile from Lakelet, and five from the thriving village of Clifford, through whichethe Wellington, (kite- aut113ruce Railway is now runn- ing. There -is a good dwelling house, 20x80, and other suitable buildings. For further particulars apply to the proprietor, JOHN ARNEIL, 287-4 La kelet P.O., Co. Huron, Ont. WISHES to retnrn thanks to his customers and T friends for their generoue patronage since as- suming charge of the above Works, and begs to re- quest the attention of all who may require any- thing in his line to the following list of prices, at whieh he is prepared. to furnish work of a quality that cannot be surpassed in the trade: HORSE RAKES $ 5 00 FARM GATES. from . 8 50 WAGON RACKS . 7 00 TaELB ARE 415 •,2 .$ 2 SURFAC . DRESSING per 1000. FLOORING and beveleu BOARDING per 1000... 4 SCROLL SAWING done by the piece or set. REPAIRING MACHINES. • I am prepared at all times to repair the wood- work of reaping and mowing machines, and,. in fact, every other machine thee Call be mentioned. Boxes babbited. , MONEY FOUND.' TN front of the Grand Trunk Freight -house, Sea- -A- forth, re sraall sum of money. The owner can have the some by proving property and applying to ' 289 LEVI MAYBEE, lumber merchant. CLINTON, June 20, 1872 Fall Wheat... . . .... ........ ..... ...81 27 © 1 30 •Spring1;.‘"heat.......... • .........1 18 0 1 19 Oats........ .. ........ . . . . . 0 30© 032 Baxley. . 0 45 0 0 48 Peas .... . 0 50. 0 050 Butter..... 0 12 00 13 • Eggs.... 0 11 d o 11 Hey, per ton,. ............ ...... 10 00-0 1-O0 Wool, per lb . 0 50 6 052 LoNnoN, Ont., July_ 4, 1872. • Whitefall wheat, $1. 25 to $1.. 27, red winter wheat; 3L12 to $1.20 ; spring wheat, ISI.25 to $1.29 ; barley, -45c to 48c; peas, 55c;.oats, .31c ;beef per quarter, $7 to S mutton per lb., 83 to 9e; lamb per quarter, 81 to $1.75; veal per lb., le to Sc; eggs, fresh, -per dozen, 12c to 14c; roll butter per lb.'PA to 13c ; biitter, retail, 176 to 22c; keg but- ter, 13e ; cheese, factory, 9e to 10e ; wool, 50c to 54c. _ BOSTON .WOJOL MARKET. - July 4;1872. $100 R.EWARD • 1 Wag41,e,A-s DANIEL MORAN was in- carcereted on Tuesday morning the 2nd July, 142, in Seaforth Look -up, by Constable Lusby, for the ed.= of beating his wife, on same morn- ing, he cat his way out with a knife left with him to eat his breeklast with, and escaped to the woods and has not since„ been found or heard of. Any person or persons giving information suffiei- ent to lead to his redovery ane send him to the Penitentiary, will receive the above reward from his forlorn neighbors. 239 BY ORDER. MUS 10 TEACHING. miss C. H. PRITCHARD, TQ- WAGON MAKERS. The unlersigned would also beg to inform Wag- on and Carriage /.fakers that he keeps conetantly on hand, all kinds of Bent Stuff suitable for their work. Carpenters, Builders, Farmers, and the publics generally in need of any of the above articles -would do well to fevor me with their patronage, as iii ray new premises, I have facilities for doing this branch of work which cannot be surpassed. ,T M. MAR.T1N. Seaforth Novelty Wo -s, Goderich Street.). 228 PRoEEsSOR OF MUSIC, -REG'S to inform the inhabitants of Seaforth that -1-1 she has settled here, and is prepared to give instraetien in vocal and instrumental music, bring- iug.high testimonials as to ability and aptitude in teaching. • - MISS PRITCHARD, Teacher of oil painting, penciling, crnyonrand Voll ter colors. Remet —Main-ete over Mr. Griffith Davies' ohl stand, secoud duor south of the Post -Office. 239-13 The wool market continues dull, and. saie during the past weak have been small individually and in 'Oe gglebte ..Alanufacturers are very: cautious andein - ;disposed. to operate beyondtheir curreet requir c ents. for several reasons. .Arnoug thee may be men flop e d the dull and de- pressed condition of the goodsmarket, the- change in the tariff rates on wool and -woolens soon to take ffeet, the us.- - settled and downward te.ndeney of pric-es in the countre for the new domestic dip, tin.: pending developments in reg3rd to GREAT AUCTION SALE E' -CT 1R, INT I T "reT D• GASH Den% forget to try THOS. LEE'S 60 cent Tee. There is nothing to equal it at the priee. FRUIT of all kinds, fresh and cheap. Don't forget that THOS. LEE keeps Shearson's XXX FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, CRACKED WHEAT, Gil kiTkM FLOUR, COARSE GB.AINS, andFeed of every kind. TWO 'AND A HALF TONS OF THE CHOICEST BACONi FARM FOR SALE. It SALE, on reasonable terms Lot No' 30, Concession 12, township of Ilibhert, County of Perth, contiduing one hundred acres, eighty of which are cleared, well fenced, and in it state of good. cultivation and. free !rem foul weeds. The balance is timbered principally with beech, maple and elm. The bush is all fenced and seeded down. There is a good hawed log house, with back kit- chen; a frame barn 8860; d frame stable 84)x40, with good out-buildinge. There is also o, ood young orchard,"oontaining various kinds of be ring fruit trees. A good well convenient to the h use, and o, never -failing creek running through the arm. This farm is situated within nine miles of thi vil- lage of Seefortin and on a good gravel road. For futther partioulars apply to the midersigne Inietor on the premises, or to Messrs. Kill° & Ryan, Seaforth. MICHAEL KEEP 2117'4 Proptie or. ere - I Is buying and poying full prim; for GOOD DA13,..Y. BUTTER, 1 iin any 'flantities. Also ANY ODD LOTS OF WOOL Brought to town, F3R ONE MONTH. Godericlest., Seaferth, June 20, 1872. 237 AINLEYVILLE . LAND AGE'NOY THE fo he wil Subscriber the Sale of F advertise (v.. FARM FOR SALE. 01TII HALF of the South brdf of Lot no. 24, 'a) Fifth Concession of the township of orris, by a able. good ere it Rail - terms containing 50 ocres, 35 cleared ; well watere spring creek; good log house and frame The above farm is only it mile and a half, on road. from the rising village of Ainleyville, w station of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce way -will be opened this fall. 1? or price and inquire (if by letter, prepain) of --- • C. R. COOPER, 335 aielereue Lend Agmacy, Dingle ONE DOZEN BARRELS .1ESS PORK, With a full stock of everything in the general provision line P. S.—Lots of No. 1 SHINGLES and CEDAR POSTS Constantly on hand at the lowest prices. FARM FOR SALE: VOR SA.LE, Lot No. 1, Seventh Cancess on of lIowick, containing 100 acres, about 70 c eared, well fenced and in a good state of cultiv ition; good buildings, plenty of water and a good young orchard, jrist comniencieg to bear • it is si uated within about two utiles of the thriviug ell go of Wroxeter and the same distance from the village of Gerrie. For further particulars apply to the undersigned, or to M. YOUNG, on the premises. 236-4* N. H. YOUNG, Seaforth. NOW'S THE TIME CITEAP BOOTS AND SHOES. FARM FOR SALE. T.i'OR SALE, one hunared acres of land; being part of Lot 27, Fifth Concession of Tucker - smith, L. P.. S., seventy acres cleared and in a ,00d state of eultivation; thirty acres bush • hewn log barn, frame driving house, stable, shee and sheds, it good sprite; creek in the fron lot, and it spring in the rear; as good land in the township, tone aud a half miles forth three frora Bracefield. Terms, of the as any m Sea - e -third cash; the remainder in yearly ALEX. llmleinocts 4iAnply on the premises to 287 Bruce.lield P. 0. FARM AND PHOTOGRAPH ROOM FOR SALE. -"POE Sale, Lot No. 29, Con. 1, townehip of Morris, containing 1b0 acres, 70 of which are cleared and in a state nf good cultivation. The -chola is well, fented. There are on the premises a good frame bare and hewed log -house, itlso, t o wells and a young, bearing orehard. This farm within one mile of Ainleyville, a thriving vino ge, here a station et the Wellington, Grey and. Bruce Railway wW be opened this fall, also the breadth of it It. from the Northern Gravel Road. Also, or s e, a frame dtVellingehceive, with the tipper pi rt fitted up as a Photegreph. Gallery. There is a ood well ving established an Agency and stable on the premises, also a good garden. arm and Villege Lots, which This property if; situated near the blesitie s centre eklv) and sell on Commission. of the village of Wroseter, through whit: the To- ronto, Grey and Brined Railway -will be mining within on year. The -.thole will be sol on easy terms. For particulars ine.y to' C. R. COOP .1i, ege_in Land and. Gent -rid Agent, D" gle P. 0. __. • __e__ FARM FOR SALE IN GREY.. a The subscribers having purchased, THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES - Belonging to Estate of Wm. Spurr & Son, are giving TE eis of Corwin siou or any particulars con - corning Tots advertised will be made known on application, if by letter prepaid, and e,nelosing stamp, addressed C. R. COOPER, Dingle P. 0. FOR SALE. S. i of S. i of Lot b4, Con. 5, Morris ; 50 acres ; 2 miles front Ainlerrille. Villttge Lote64 and 44: and (Morrie...) Tillage lots Nos. 44 and 39 einleye-ille, (Morriae). huge frame cot age and frame stable. Lot 22, Con. 4, N. Morris ; 100 acres 50 cleared; log house; 2 'Liles off gravd rod. i Lot 29, Cou. 7, N. 4„ Menes ; 100 acres, 60 cleared; good log house, and frame burn. Lots 2 and 3, Web side of Howick-street, Wrox- eter, containing le't aerea of hind; two new faxue honses ; atables, &c. 1 - , Vil age Lots 40i and 50, Ainleyville, with good fnitu4house and stable, and log tannery in good wor ng order. . I • 1 Tillage Lots 60 and 61, Ainleyville, township of Morrhe , . ' Village Lots, 212, i13,.921, AinleyviL'e, (Grey.) • , Store, Storehouse and Stable. II -acres of Land with . orchard, etc., in tillage of Craubrook. • ' - : 1 Cell. COOPER, , - Dingle P. 0., 2.24 I • TE -O'S AUCTION ROOMS TO -MORROW, -4 • a:iturday, 6th June AT 0E O'CLOCK P. ?L TEBItS, CASH. YEO, STRAYED COLTS. PAYED from the premises of the suhscribe; at, No. 36, Third Concession, Ttwiiersm1th, L. 1. S., on or about the 24th of April last, TWO 5 COLTS, oncd.wo years old Mid the other a eeear , (tin east; the two-year old. ie all bay, with it heavy blq4: mane and tail the yeer old is of Week. color, 1 with two white hind legs, and part cd the off foie leg white, oleo it white. star on forehead; with a heavy mane parted in the centre. Any person giving such information as Wit leacl to tbe roeove.t.y of the above will he suit -MAN rewarded.. JOL1N COLDWELL,Braeeficla P0. -Tackeisraith, May 2U, 1b72. 2n4.-8 LOT No 5, Concession 15, township of taining ainety-eix eree ; seeenty acr APIA)" to M. 'nfeDERM11), Hi Or to JOHN SILLERS, Gr rey, eon- s cleared. urhey. 222 in woods, s from FARM FOR SALE. VARM of 132' Acres for Sale, nO acres ,,,,cod land and pod builiiings. Six n Clinton and 3? from Bayfirld. 294 A_LPIIED STONE OUSE. HOTEL FOR, SALE IN AINLE TriE Hotel at present ioccupiod by Janee Leon- ard, will he sold cheap for cash. B ell new. • l'Ossession given immediately. J. ECKIE. r, Ainle1%--iiile)lyetfoey 23,1872. 233 FARM FOR SALE IN McM 1. OP. - R SALE, Lot IS. Twelfth Concese en,11cRil- - lop, tonal; ting of 100 cores; 35 to 45 cree clear- ed; good hard -wood; g. keel naming creek on froaf of ferin: 8)4 miles irwn beaforth. 4 miles fr ru Walton; a mile and. a half from gravel road. Terms easy. For further particulars, apply to ' ?)YAS WALL tee, EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS In all kinds of Boots and Shoes. CALL AT ONCE AND ECURE sp-mE O' THEM. - LOGAN & JAMIESON ..••••••••=masniOneemmileaMMONIONIr SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS THIS WEEK T. KIDD'S FAM ORIUM. IN ANDREWS' MARSELLA, ROBES, I-NFANTS' SEWED ROBES, WHITE TOILET QUILTS, WHITE TOILET COVERS, LADIES'. WHITE AND COLORED SKIRTS, JT.TSrE i-RMC=:-N7=D Another Lot of Choice Strip3d Ottoman Shawls, A LARGE STOCK OF LADIES' COLORED KID GLOVES, FROM- 50 CBATTS STRICTLY ONE PAICE. THOS. -KDP, SEAFORTH. DON'T FORGET THAT DENT'S Great Clearing Sale of Summer Dry Goods 235-4* Westfield P.O., Weet Wawa osh Tip. . F eRiff& vr.uraor, PROPERTY E. SALE. 1 FOR HALE, on reasonable terms, a arm, being Lot' No. 17, in the Eleventh Conceesion of Me- Nil'op. Also. several tligible building lots in the villege of Seaforth. Apply to 228 TAMES BEATTIE Seaforth. 1 i ROW/IS TO czENT.RAL GOOD ROOMS in Meyq. s Block to '-'ht oil reasonable terms.. .A.penv 22.i BENntiN t MEYER. I Begins on TUESDAY, Jnit Aron:for Cheap Go0ds-7-the Whole e Cleared Out at Once. The Best Canadian C0TT0f1YA3IC on hand, ORGAN'S ASD MEL DEONS. B. DENT is now agent for two of the beat makers of these inetrumenta1 and eon stptily every and quality on the very best terms, and keeps a few gonstantly on lulu& Mr. DENT has been it practical ninsici511 for 20 years pest, understands things thoroughly, tend 'won't turn Out it poor instrument. Ile wonlil solicit a call from all intending purchasers. se•snereennnerlse _ _ _ „ - - -- - COW STRAYED. A-OTI QTRAYED from the premnies 01 tbe nfl(l51f/neat Seaforth, about the first of June. an aged CO V, 20und, lit the 'Village of Zurich, on the 14tla une, kn -with I 1872. 'he owner of- the above -animal is hereby POUND-RTRPER'S NOTICE. 'E is hereby given, that a mall black -eith. one blind eve, was placed in my of red color. whitc-• head, belly and Ben gr , d ithin one 11 and (heaped notified that unless dee is elaixne s for her betk. Any person giving Ruch informatioo as will month from this dee. and td1 .expense . turned -in Yonne a long bushy tail load to the recereny ef the .above nninial :will be keeping!, &e., paid, she will be sold witliont further eaitably rewa.eled. DA.VID McNACGIIT. 2:-Y7 nothen IIA.11.1.31AN