HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-06-28, Page 8se
amehheemesieseeenesseer .....vticizircam!amincra'azzignmazi
%mon expo-itov.
CALL at Beatty & Co.' t and examine
their choice stock of black histres,' dress
goods, prints,parasols, ladieS' corsets,
Ladies' lace collars and sleeves, grey and
white cottene, the best value in Seaforth;
beep and shoes, alpaca and linen sum-
mer, coats, hats, caps, etc.; cotton
tWeeds in great variety; for groceries
and liquors they are hard -bob -eat.
" Carmichael's Block, 8eaforth.
Arong & Fairley have now on hand
. about four tone of splendid dried pork,
which they will sell cheap, either whole -
Bale or retail. This is an excellent op-
portunity for country dealerand private
individuals to get a bahgain, as they have
purchased cheap, and the article for
quality cannot be surpassed. Remember
• .15trone & Fairley's, Seaforth, is
• the pace.
Loore Gut -for green peas at Strong-&
Fairley's on Saturday. Strawberties a,r-
riving daily. Granges, lemons, and all
kinds of fruit kept in. its season.
eveningebefore the stages reached these
villages that no inail matter could be de-
livered from the poet -offices until the
next naorning4ow, however, the
stages will rea,Ch most of them in time
for -the delivery of letters and papers the
same evening.
for the re -erection of the Silver Creek
bridge.oh the Huron Road, east of Sea -
forth, was let on Saturday last, to Mr.
Dmiald McKinnon, of Tuckersmith, for
the sum of $90: We ,believe there were
a large number of tenders for the work,
and that the various tenders -ranged, in
arnounts frora $90 to as high as $300.
The party who Was successful must
either have taken the job at a ruinously
low price or -some person wanted a fat
POSTPONED. —The concert of the Cana-
da Presbyterian Church has been post-
poned until Monday evening, July 8th.
HAY FOR SLE. --Mr. J., P. Brine will
sell, on. Tuesday, th4 2nd July, several
fields of growing hay, as it stands, on the
farin of the late Alexander cameron,
Huron Road, .McKillop.
-EARLY •VEGETABLES. — Mr. • Samuel
Harris, of this village, has green peas fit
for table use, Mr. Hugh Robb, of
Harpurhey, has new potatoes levier thau
a hen's egg. This is pretty good for this
cold country of ours.
To Conntsheximers,—Now that the
hot -weather season is on, and we have
no necessity for fire4ighters, we wish
• people would stop sending- Ile correspond-
enee and. original peal v and. moral dis-
quisitions and. compusiti"Ses without their
eiames- accompanying them.
great deal of excitement Was
'ceased at Port Hope by the shooting of
Mr. R. H. Read, auctioneer, at the
Queen's Hotel, on Saturday night, by a
man named M. H. Ita.yman, a Germau
hichire pedlar. It appears there was
some dispute as to the commission clia,rg-
ed oa some pictures solcl, which led to
blows, When Hayman pulled out a re-
volver and fired two. shots at Mr. Read,
both balls taking effi=et—one in the left
breast, ancl near theheart, and the other
near the kidneys, Where they still re-
main. Mr. Read lies in -a- very critical
state; the doctors give very little hopes.
Hayenarewas immediately arrested, and
after a preliminary examination was sent
to Cobourg jail to await his trial. • Mr.
Read was at one time well known in
this county. He resided in Clinton for
many years, and was for some time clerk -
of the Division Court. there. He is a,
son-in-law of Mr. • RattenbUry, late of
ltattenbury's Retch Clinton.
FOR BOSTON.—Messrs. B. Shantz and-
M. R. Counter, of this village, left yes.-
terday morning to attend. the Peace
Jubilee at i Boston. We believe they
also intend remaining in Uncle Satn!s
domains until after the 'fourth of July;
in order to partioipate in the celebratien
of that clay:
judge for themselves_ as to which are
competent to do the best work. We
learn that many of the leadingmaaufac-
i county
ready promised to have their ma -
present for competition, and we
tident that _there -will be a very I
large lepresentation of our farmers from
all parts of the county.
turers who do business n this
have a
feel c
STRAWBERRIEs. --We were showntlast
week by Mr. Thos. Downie, qu.antity of
very fine ripe serawberries, grown M his
garden the open air. Last year Mr.
Downie had ripe strawlerries as early
as the 10th of June, but this season the
- backwardness of the weatlillr rendered
them a couple of weeks later. .
berry festival will be giveu :in the
Wthedist Episcopal Church, on the
eve-ning, of the First of Saly. counec-
--tiTln with. the festival, there :will be
musical selections by =excellent choir,
aael a lecture by Rev.. Mr. Benson, of
London, who is well known' as an inter-
esting and popular speaker. Rev. Mr.
Benson will also preach on Sunday even-
ing at the usual hour.
Roxnette :Mmes.—We learn that Mr.
Adam ,Mulhollaud, late of Mitchell, has
purchased the Roxboro mills, and in-
tends running them himself hereafter.
• We know Mr. Mulholland to be a good
miller, • and a thoroughly honest and re-
- liable man, and have pleasure in reeom-
domplimentary Supper.
The friends.of Mr. R. B Moodie, late
agent of the Grand. Trunk Railway at
Seaforth; entertained. him at a compli-
m.entary supper at Knox's Hotel, on the
evening of Wednesday last, on the eve
of his departure for Toronto: About 9
any, ninabering between
red '
o'clock the co
forty and r
best pre
pa,sts w aye
sion of the ' k
. .
country,. Afte
bounteous spre,
ed and Mr. Edward Cash took MI place
as chairman, and Mr. David D.. Wilson
as vice-chairmau., Toast, song and sen-
tithent followed each other in rapid sue -
cession until the toast of .the evening,
" Our Guest," wasree,ched. The chair-
man prefaced this toaet with ae neat
speech highly, complimentary to . Mr.
Moodie, and called -upon Mr. Kendall to
read the following address, which was
accompanied by a hurse containing $180,
which had been contributed. :by Mr.
Moodie's - friends in Seaforth, and his
fellow.emplOyees : 1VIcKillop. •
To 1?. .B. _Moodie, En., Agent Grand -
NORTH CAROLIN A.. —Mr. 1,J. C. McKay, '
'Trunk Railwav, ,S'eaforth. .
ofl McKillop, has just returned from a
We, the undersigned, all of whom are
tear of inepeetion to North Carolina.
your personal friends, anal many of Whom
have had business transactions with you Mr. McKay speaksinthe highest terms
of the country and the climate. He
while agent of the Grand Trunk Rail-
s that ethe Canadians Who are there
way here, _whose aterests have been 80 sa
hztve goolfarms, and are all doing well.
long under your ch. rge, desire to -make°
Hp has purchased 231 .acres in Warren
an .expression of -the favorable opinion
Cininty. On this farui -there is a good
ewe entertain towards you, both as a
-ru and dwelling house with other out -
business man and a gentleman, on the • b
b ildings, and is well watered.. It is also
oceasiori of your retiring from the 'agency
ev'thin conaVenient reach of markets and
liere to,enter ppm: a new sphere of duty
elsewhere. 'Most of us have had frc- is
- b
quent oppertunities iu the past of reeog- r 4
nizing and appreciating your invariable '
desire to please and accommodate the
businees. men of this vicinity, combined
with the higher qualities of uprightness
and fidelity, and. feel assured that your
able management of the affairs of the
-company here must have. been itrofitable
,and satisfactory. th them. We therefore
sat down to one of the
hid • most sumptuous re-
een provided. for an occa-
id. . in this part of the
11 had partaken of the
a the ta,bles were clear-
Coortn, Alnleyville Agent for the Ex.-
POSITOlt Newspaper and Job Printing Ofilce]
DOMINION' D.A.Y. —A good time may be
expected on Dominion 'Day. Tb,e com-
mittee. have been very successful with restcd and brought before Squire
their Subscription list, and every arrange- and. Moony, on Monday last t
meat is being made 1 or a good time in inst. Below will be found the
general, as given before the magistrates.
Pa eieNTaThes- TO MRS. JOHNSTON.— The first -witness Meru wa
On. e eve of the departure of Mrs. Lamont, who said I was away from
Bible class of which she was teacher;
has made himself a great manY warm
friends, who are exceedingly serry to
part with him, and who will long re-
member him for bis social qualitits.
Ip.0entliariem in ere. ,
Mr. Angus Lamont, of Grey whose
barn was burned on tho night of the
15th inst., and of which we ma e men-
tion laet week, has since had s old
house, which stands only 15 feet rom the
new one, fired. twice. This oc arrence
gave rise to the suspicion that is hired.
girl, one Nancy McNichol, the
uilty party, and accordingly sh was ar-
le 24th
ton; (wife of Rev. D. A. Johnston). home late on the night o the
Ainleyville, the members of the I worked. in the field on the 15t
tea time, and m the orchard in-
ing ; w prisoner, .Nancy
ler -with the other teachers of the
yan Sabbath School, met at Pro -
Cottage, and surprieecl her by the
ntation of a very handsome gift, ac-
a,nied. by an address expressive of
high and la,stMg esteem and . best wishes
for her welfare. -In a few happy and
well chosen words, Mrs. Johnston re-
sponded. to the address, reciprocati
theirfriendship ,and thanking them
such a pleasant and. tangible expressioi,
of it: The Presentation Was made b
Misses Mories and McIntosh: The ad-
dress was read. by Miss Smith. Then
folloived a couple of hours' conversation
interspersed Is -WI -music and speechmak-
ing, i andOtending with prayer and the
disp rsion of the dompany.—Oan Wile)
we s Thema
i Tuekeremith-
' JOBS TO I../gET. —The Council of the
tow ship of -Teckersmith will meet at
Dal 's Hotel, Eguiondville, on Wecbles-
clayi the 3rd of July, for ehe purpose of
letting a number of jobs of gravelling
ughout the township. Contractors
his line would do well to attend the
ting. . We believe that the mon.ey to
be spent in these im.provercents tne
to-whiship's share of thss County surplus.
ABBATII SCHOOL .—The members of •
M. E. Church .of
nship of Tuckersmith, have rearga-
a their Sabbath School, which had
n discontinued for some time, and it
is now in a prosperous condition under
the superintendence of Mr. James Davey
andMr. James Lattie. The school has
been called the Prospect Union Sabbath
School, which -name it still retains, and
is, free to all. Efforts are now being put
th inst.;
inst. to
he even-
about 6 o'clock, going to the bain with a
pail; eaw her -shortly afterward.
ing ; think BYO had. potatoes in
kept potatoes and grain in t
Mrs. McKay came in in the eve
the prisoner went part of thee
with her; this was about dark
to bed shortly after they went
not hear the .prisoner come ho
went to sleep at once; prise
with inc as hired servant; has li
me for about two years; betw
10 o'clock I was awakened. by
barking round the house; I
brother, told him to get up and
was amiss with the dog; he got
to the door, and gave the alar
the barn was on tire;. I got
the door, patting part of my el
before I finally got my' cloth
prisoner was after me; she c
the direction of. her own bedr
not think she had time to put
th to have a good library connected
th the school,' .. which -will doubtless
ke it one of the best in this vicinity.
v. Mr. Palmer pastor cf this congre-
ion has also cootributed largely by
y of distributing good counsel and ad -
e. --Come
return -
he pail ;
e barn;
ung, and.
ay home
; I went
ut ; did
e again,
er lives
ved with
n 9 and
the dog
ailed ray
see whet
up, went
went to
thes.on ;
S on, the
me from
om ; did
er clothes
but not cut; was in the habit of seeing 1
the prisoner nearly every day; never
heard her find fault with Lamont;
supposed they always lived on araicalle
This being the last witness sworn's-and
there being no evidence to ststain. the
merge, the prisoner was therefore dis-
' on from- the time th.e alarm as given-;
she seemed to be greatly alahmect and
made considerable noise; the inside of
the barn was all on fire; we could not,
get within. ten feet of it, on account of
the heat; nothing could be done to t ave
it; about 8:30 a. m., Saturday morning,
my brother got up, went out, and called
me, saying the old house was on fire -;
this is an unoccupied house; I weIet out
at once and got pails and put the fire
out; there was an old kitchen On the
north Ode, and the fire was lit between
the kitchen and the main building; there
were some pieces of rotten timber satur-
ated with coal -oil; the smell o the coal -
oil is there yet ; after brealef st I went
out to see if all was right ab ut the old
house; there was no appearanee of fire;
1 felt uneasy and went over to Robert
.A.IcKay's to have a talk with him about
the matter ; was there about three-quar-
tears of an hour; was going to start home
whe.n some of teldiCay's children have
the alarm that my old house, was on fire
again; I ran home, a distance of about
70 ros ; MclCay and his wife came also;
the fire was -breaking out through the
roof; it was in a different place from
where it was formerly ; the fire did not
reach the roof on the first occasion; I
got up on the roof, tore some of the
gable and some of the roof off and put
the fire out; and. there again was ap-
pearances of Coal oil having been used ;
saw it on the chamber floor, and smelt
it; seemed to have been recently put
there; the prisoner was the only visible
person about the house at that time ; the
prisoner helped us to put -the fire - out
again ; met her when I was running from
McKay's, as if she was coming to (rive
us the . alarm ; in the afternoon, .the
prisoner, after cornmencingto churn, went
out to the pasture with the cows; she
3 :gone .abont 20 minutes when my
brother went out to the field, and met
h her corning in with her han s tied be-
hind her lied; my brother hen called
me; she then told me that .he went to
look at a bird's nest, and vel ile going a
man jumped from behind. a stump and
took hold of her. and -then , tagged her
gether with the best -------.-----------., .
for your future welfare. and happiness, stand. that the -'line. of telegraph from about four or live rods; thre her down,
from your sincere friends. . - this place to Gerrie will be commenced put his -knee on. her beast a d tied ber
hands together tight and ()reed them
. Sgi.FORTH, June 26, q872. this week. - .
over her head ; said_ :she co ild not get
e -
0 ,
i DomraioN Dav.----Gorrie is the greet
them down ; she said he hal a coal oil
Signed by over fifty business men of Sea-
gentre of attra,ction for the people of this
. forth and others.
‘. Mr. Moodie, afterthanking those Pres- art of the country, who wish zo cele-
erit for the highly flattering and compli-, rate Dominion -Day. No less than two
mental) Manner'. in which he had been rand concerts come of in . that little
spoken of by the c lairman, vice chair team on the 1st of July. Mr John Orr's
. ag the eveniam read juvenile sheeting class give one in the
Drill Shed; andtheLadies' Aid Society,
Of Lecchville, give one ie. the Weileyan
Hell. Thoe is lively opposition. among
the canVassers. • !
well waded. The -amount paid for it
Mr. MeK.ay, was, we believe, $2,200.
the land, country, climate and pros-
pects are as -good as Mr. McKay thinks
t ey are he has undoubtedly got a geed
trgain. He advertises his farm in Mo-
ine") for sale and intends removing to
s 11CW home in the fan.
GOOD DAM-ATM.—Mr. R. W. Tuck,
of Cranbrook, is offering great induce-
ments in the dry goods and grocery line.
Mr. Tuck is a thorough business man
who knows how to buy goods to advan-
tage, and. when he offers inducements
his customers may rely upon it that those
inducements are worthy of attention.
nate giving hTits°NnA-liaTrinEieha-s Robinson pass -
AN TINFOR ---A poor unfortu-
ed through Zurich on Monday evening
1a8t. He appeared to be rather light in
his bead, as he feared Borne "dread un-
known was on his pa.th. Dr. Buchan-
d a, few others elucidated from him
an am
a few particulars as to his friends, whom
he says live in Greenock. He was kindly
cared for by Mr. 3'. Prang of the Huron
Rotel, until he was thoutilit lit to take
his departure.
DOMINION DAY.—This is intended to
be a fete day in Zurich and preparations
are being naa,cle to celebrate it in the
best style. Zurich so long noted for its
successful sports is deternnned not to be
excelled in giving good. entertainment to
its holiday visitors.
THE TELEGRAPH. — The line from
Brucefielcl to Zurich was completed. to-
day (2Ist). The company of workmen
were photographed by Mr. George Hess
while each was at his several avocation.
The office will be established in Mr.
George Hess's, when that worthy will
be ever ready to accommod.ate any one
in his line of business.
TEMPERANCE Pie-Nto. — A County
Lodge pie-nie will be held at Live and
Let Live Lodge, on the 2nd concession
of the township of Hay; on the 4th of
July next. lithe weath-er proves favor-
able the temperance com.munity from all
parts of the county will be,well repre-
sented, and as the sources of amusement
will be many, a joyous day is expected.
Friends of temperance and the public
generally are cordially invitecl to attend.
mending him to the mernereus patrons of beg, you will accept the acconipanymg [Cf.sonGE EYViL, Wroxeter, Agent for the Ex-
ROXbOr 0 mills. He was One of the oldest ' parse as a testimonial of our esteem, to- P siron NewspIsper ana Joh hregaie oftiaet
residents of the neigh boring village of
Mitahell, anclewe cordially welcome him
to this county_
wishes' TELEoll t.rino EXTEN SION. —We uader-
ABATING A NUISANCE.—A vineete cor-
respondeat writes to us, complaining
that a resident in cleaning out his cellar
deposited the garbage taken therefrom
• eih one 'of the public streets immediately
in front of his residence. AN e would re-
fer our correspondent to the Street In-
spector, whose duty it is..to lotk after
and inquire into cases of this kind. If
• he wili make his gAevatice known :to
"Sam," he'll have the rubbish cleared
off in short order.
How's THIS FOR Feex ?—Mr. James
Dallas, of Tuckersmith, left at this of-
-4ie-6 this week a speehhen of fax, which
-ire think will bear comparrison with,
And perhaps outrneasare any • flax that
tan be procured in Ontario. This speci7
men Was grown by Mr. James Mustard,
; Third Concession,, Teekersmith, L. -E.
S., measures -40 inches in length, and
was taken on the 24th jun e from a field
of eight acres,two-thirds of which aver-
ages the same length. It is expected
that Mr. Mustard's clop will yield from
three to four tons an acre.
LEANING SEAPORTII. -- The: business
- men of the county who have been in the
habit of doing business at the Seaforth
between usAnd, in parting
station will -reel-et-to learit of the resire 1.1 1
tl ° • 11 I offer one and all my sin-
man and others dun
the following:
To the Inhabitants
Fellow Entployee8
f ,S'eaforth and my
of the Grand Trunk
Railway---:- :- . .
Youism my --sincere thanks for your
d address and handsome testie,
menials of which I have been the redep-
ient. It gives ille great pleasure.to. find
that my humble efforts in the capacity
of agent of the Grand Trunk at Seaforth
have proved. worthy of appreciation, not
-only of the business community; but also
-Of the inhabitants of Seaforth, which
appears by the -largely signed address.
When recalineg to mind the period' of lay -
labors _among you it wlbe with feelings.
of gratitude and please" „and also regret .
that circumstances called inc elsewhere.
AO, to my fellow ,employees, in parting
with them I tender them my most heart-
felt thanks. for their assistance and co-__
. operation with me at alt -times, and will
ever remember the pleasant relations ex -
nation by Mr. Moodie of his- position as care wist
station master here: Mr. Moodie has miss en
held. the position which he has, just re- a: A her
sieued fer a number -of years, -and. has . cc. tbk 4t-1-"
discharhed hie duties. to the entire satise ag3-
b for yOur success and happh
. R. B. Moo ore.
ending a most pleasant -and
veiling, the eompauy broke
faction of his employers and the public, up by singing " Auld Lang Syne,"
Ever most courteous and obliging, tt was
a pleasure to do busuiesS with ande feel that the Grand 'thank authorities
will have difficulty ia tilling his position
with one Who will give au& general sat-
isfaction as ISIT . 'N:00cliC has done. •
believe that Mr. ?Amalie has resigned his
'position here for the purpose of assuming
a responsible and more profitable positiou
in the forsployineht of Vickers' Express
Company at Toronto. 'The well -wishes
of the community in general go with
CHANGE OF T131E. --- As will be seri
by the railw-ay time table in another
• column, an alteration has been made in
the time foethe arrival and departure of
trains from this station.' The afternoon
express now arrives at this station at I
o'clock, instead of 2:45 as formerly.
Pa.eseugers coming from Toronto, or else-
-where east of Stratford, are not now sub-
jected to a tedious delay at that station
as formerly, as the train comes directly
through. The neiv arrangement will be
,clecide lly favortible to all the stations on
this western sectioniaof the line, as we
'ill now receive all mail _matter two
hours earlier than formerly. It mill also
be g boon to the people of many of the
-villages distant from the railway. Heree
tofate it was- generally so late in the
• can -with- him like a three -
lid on, and a spout on one
took the lid off- and spilt so
011 her dress; My brother,
the, string off her hands;
with her at the -time, and,
lathe' allowed alnyone to t
thiuk she could have got he
behind. her neck if she ha
laughed and talked about
uart pail, a
o • said he
e of the oil
Donald, cut
y dog ,was
-would not
uch her ;
• hands from
I tried; she
he affair ; 1
JUNE 28, 1872.
11 I LLS
ritaunia, Fious
s JE 1' -cz, I-1_
Grey Cbttons,
Grey Sheeting's,
White Cottons)
White Sheeting.
Stripe nr ings,
Cheek Shirtings,
JuvleSTILE TEMPERANCE SOCIF.TY. —A then stintedi1 e to see a
Juveuile Temperance Society, or "Cold.
magistrate, but . could not find one at
Water Temple," has been organized in home, .1 began to suspect her, because
this "lace, by Mr. E. E.- Parrott, the
'she made light. .of what had taken
lecturer sent outbythe, Grand. Lodge I. ice, I have never heard the prisoner
O. ,of G. T. There is every prospect thet
make any threats' to d.o me damaee
the young Temple will go On and in -
but have heard that shea-ea e threats°ta;
crease, and we hope, it will get the en-
couragement it deserves., The following
are the officers elected :
T. W. Gibson, -W. 0..T.
F. V. E Dickson, W. S.
Jessie Brown, W. V. T.
. George F. Gibson, W. 0, G.
Agnes Allen, W. I. G.
Malcolm Allen, W M. from the abuse of the man, but on ex -
Janet Gibson, W.. D. 4. -aniihing her breast could f nd no inark.
Carry Lawrie, W. G. thigh .McKimion testified that he
Superintendent, George Eyvel.
-found a tea cup and- a pudding dish in
The Society meets every Tuesday
the cellar ; the cup smelled strong of
evenmg at 7 P. M., in the school-reont. eeal oil when taken up, a, -so saw marks
of coal oil on the floor.
Argus Lamont recalled : Remember
Nancey McNichol breaking a coal oil
celebrating Dominion Day by having a lamp about four menthe ago.; remember
pic-nic. The weeds selected for the oc- in the whiter the coal oil can wee leak-
casion is near the new lino of railwaying and it was set in a pudding dish to
WinghanaA number of appropriate pieces will be catch' oil ; it was in the old. house the
LAN'D SALE,—We -would direct the ab-.
tention of our readers to the extensive
sale 9f village1 t gin n,
111esstse Leet and McKay, which will
take ilace on Friday, the .5th of July.
The tots are beautifully situated and.
woulc make most eligible sites upon.
whicl to erect private residences. The
passe eer station of the Wellington,.
Qhey aud- Bruce Railway will be located
within .a few yards of this property, and
the freight house will be on the property.
The advertisernent giving fdll. particulars
Will be founcl in another column.
THE subscribers will offer for stile about one
-1- hundred Village and Park Lots, beautiful13- situ-
ated on the rise of ground a short distance East
of the principal street.
Will be Made _
And can be seen at the Law Office of
other parties ; I have beard that she said.
if I did not marry her. w uld be sorry
fot it; have never had ause to find
much_ fault with her ; sh was a good
Worker and steady except hen she got
out :of temper.
.Mary Atm Hall testified hat prisoner.
told her she hacl a mark on her breast
Ire -Plain and Figured
111 sli Robes
. Intending purchasers in Winghain will do well
to take ad. -vantage of this sale, as this property is
decidedly the best Situated of any • within miles of
Ethel. .
Pie-Nee.—The people of Ethel purpose
1.Moevrso-MeereH.—The twelfth annual
ino-wing match of the Huron Farmers' As-
seeiation will be held at Kippen, on the
farm of Mr. Peter Cooper; on Wed.nesday,
the llth of July next, ou which occasion
-the following prizes will be awarded :
Combined machines, -1st prize, $5; 2nd,
$3; 3rd, $2. Single inowers.—lst prize,
S4; 2nd, $3; 3rch, $1. This match will
afford manufactureb an excellent oppor-
tunity of exinbiting their implements to
the ot Huron, it will also afford
for thefarmers a fine chance to see the
'machines ot various manufacturers work-
ing, and will place them in a position to
L11 by the school children,. under the oil can . was kept when iu the pucleline
management of Air. Wti. Spence, whose diel • this was before we moved. into the
musical talents are well kuown to the new Luse.
Robert Pease testified as to having
seen the tires, but saw nothing suspicious.
Helen McKay, sworn: On the night
of -15th inst., I went down to Lament's ;
was one of the first at the fire, saw
- DOMINION Dev.---A great many of our
prieoner sitting on a land roller crying;
villagers are talkiug of going, up to Leech • -
esked her if she knew how the fire °o-
vine, to attend N r. Orr's concert. Mr.
curred ; she said. she did not, about
Orr -is making great preparations and
three quarters of au hour before the barn
sparing no expense, and. judgincs from
the flourishing bills spread around, it was discovered. on fire, the prisoner event
with inc from Lamont's -hciuse to the gate
at the concession road; I Went across to
my own house, and she turned and went
homewards; salt nothinglpeculiar in her
conduct; never heard. li.er make any
,threats against Lamont ; eat with
Black-. and Colored Silks.
Most of the Tillage Lots will be
And overlooking.. it at an elevation of twenty-ilve
or thirty feet. I
Costnme Cloths in colors.
A good assortment of Fancy Goods,
Sewed Muslins. *
One-third cash down on day of Sale, and the bal-
ance the First of November, 1573, with interest at
6 per cent. A discount of 10 per cent. on two-
thirds of the purchase money will bt made to
parties paying all cash.
The vendors reserve one bid.
People of thiavicinity. If the weather
is favorable a eood-time, is expected.
Will be a grand affair.
• CONVENTION .—The Liberal Conserva-
tives hold their convention at Winghean
on the, 29th inst.
We:ea-Hem—The weather during the
past few weeks has been very warm and prisoner yesterday to the l field, and she
sultry; but, notwithstanding, the Crops showed me where she said. the Man took
look exceedingly well: Fall wheat is hold of her as refereed to in the former
t capital, and the hay crop good. evidence; I saw no marks Of a struggle
Peiheatrerms,--e0n Monday 'evening having taken place; I do not think 1
Rev. George: A. Schram, the young could have got over the fence that she
Wesleyan Alethodist minister, of Blue. had to cress with rny heads tiecl as hers
siale, was presented with a purse con-
taining $22 by his friends in this village,
in token of their appreciation of his
services during the past year. The
reverend gentleman during his pastorate
were ; saw a small spot of coal oil on her
dress • saw the prisoner shortly after her
hands cut loose ; ler wrists were
discolored as if a string had. been tied
tightly around them; they were bruised
Farther particulars may be obtained from
Auctioneer, Goderich.
East Wawsuosh.
283 -td
Wingham, :Tune 6, 1872.
F 0 It
Sign of the Two Bureaus.
•Milder the charge of Miss Brent, from Mr. 7;bn,
Kufs, Toronto,) especially attractive, being'
sapplied with sto4 of the latest styles, and the'
utmost attention -may be relied on in filling orders.-
The "Persian Stripe Shawl'
And the nesvest patterns in
Tile supply of Cloths and Tweeds is Wrget
all,orders for clothing will be satisfactorilly
The usiral assortment in
Of Shirts, Drawers, T Cellars, Fronts, Glova
Ilosiery, etc.
In Felt, Cloth, Silk, Straw, Lerdiorn and FaIlayaa,
Caps in Cloth, Oil, Silk, etc.
A good supply of Groceries always OII 1111 -
Special value ea Teas be given. A g(olgt°..A.°1‘
to choose from, good value for the xaoueyt
marked in plain figures, and only one price', Axe
the principles closely sdberoa to
ikc., Graduate of I:
eM3-Coroner for the Conn
xis. College
Office and residence, at *I;
Wt. W. U. SMITH,:
-1-7 Office—Opposite So
%sin street, Sesiorth.
31eGin, University,
gem, etc. Office:
WL:arket and 11.101, street!
said IteAdenee, ir;e1
street, Seaforth. -Offscq
1141,0.-na all -day Satan',
0 the inhabitant's of,
•country. Dr -
L ti
tIrrough. sickness in
ter some time in this,
13101131Cing to the puhlb-r,
sidence he has been
-rooms formerly oosnipi
111c.Dougall's Store, 311
-permanently to rem.*
old patrons and as:
bim with a call. MI •C
tug to the Wiest awn)
to be found elsewheni
Office hours In
)1. LET, Sohi
pointed Agent to
4 of Xxigls.ad., bo -
vete Cap#alists of
mar/ reasonahlo rat(
Cb•srges moderate..
Wingbam, Dee.
tornevs at La
Insolvency, Not.sri
Solicitors for the
the cameo. Life Ar.v.
V.,..4uses sod Lots $
iglitEN SON 11E
'A"' at Lsw, Solid
CToavoyon.zers, No
forth sad Wroster_
incest at once, nt E
JAN. 51. VENSe'S.
‘-1 ANNnia;
entirely ena
renovated. The
1.41quele Ana Ci
3lost1er5. First
lierttox'S 110%'-v
tishea beet t
botel broc'n•ese,
Afigaba 1Vtillinesi_
tie will be happ
said kanny 11.00"
ja.J. 1.1cOUT
sailed 'with ..au.; rei
Airtahring ettach1/41
every day for
Good Son•e
-on hand.
Cannuprtial Tra
Uo,will be
Onacr. NIC.0
1[110X''3 Motel,
2A.1 -
431-ernber .
begs :to intim
And. sorroarol
Office in Seslo
eon1 r br it
- Otr3. BXi
-sdnestion, an T
of the Vetoinn
bas every to
Who ,1134.T enipl
rio Voterinail
Thin -horn, 3))..
been swarAel
AollEfouzes uutc
*lboehtv, aiwp
-ten3 to trollti
I:ended-to. I
4novrges reai
moderate fxsi
Also, Agen1
alarm and 7.
and xectsx
to; Boy:a
Loudon, Fit
zates of in.1
„Agent for 1
Savings So
a.s -any On:
A-7 -a-av Tit
Tickets ,iss!
,Gold and -
ion hand.
TT cot
SS abona- 1ie