HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-06-28, Page 7c,•••••••- TUNE 21,4872. TUNE 28, 1872. it gaunt expoitor .rs nnrstesna EVERY rituals's sniassusee E SEAFORTE. ,--41.50' per year in advance, or at the. year. dYertiAan; nntes.- TRA XSIENT. ksOrtion, per Une 8 cents; siabsequeeke Scents each timeyper iuie eoserfue'r nerns. me one yr.r•it • 4t4-4,4••••, ••`• .40,46,44,4-•• • $60 00 • half - - - 85 00 8 months 20 o& one year -• ss oa •-•••••#•.•••••••'•e•-•Fee.it 20 sXt. S months 44,40-4.4•44•‘. 12 00 - atone year -- 20 00i - half ' 12041 Smooths • Mom year ..12 es, half " 8t» (• mortthe ... • e 4{,c • -• ft 4f e •• let 0116 year 8 Og- k. belt .. 5, 00 S menthe - . . op, ; Cards, (ti lines tuelTunder, 14- year.. 4 oo, iserlients of Strayed, Lost, Found, ease eding 10 liees-first mouth, $1; after eisei 50 cents each month. tisemente of FARMS map -Bali ESTATE Tiot eaceetling 1514ms-first month, i',1 50 Lisequent mouth, 75 cents. S. Marriages, Deeths-Gratis. tiseraeute without specific direetienewjj eadtill forbid, and charged. aceordingly. MoLEAN BROTHERS, sieLeste Pablishers. MeLsaNs I DWA-R0 CASH s buying was paying full prices for )D DAIRY BUTTER, Ia buy quantities. .1.30o r ODD LOTS OF WOOL erielest„ Seaforth,. Z-tane 20,1872, • Brought to town, Fars. ONE MONTH. • Sae 4. iTCELERRATED TROTTING STALLION, ROYAL REVEI411GE, _ LL ems. for waxes during the season of. 1372, commencing 29th April, at the followings ts in the County of Hazon, viz.: 5NDAX morning, he will leave his own stables. :ay' a Hotel, Seaforth, amigo to Clinton,where ill stay at MeCuteheou's Hotel, mita nooa elay. SDAY he will go toBracelield, andremain Lt at Dison'e BoteL EDNESDAY morning, he will go to Redgerville ft' re he will stay until noon, anti from therms ta; ter at Drew's Hotel, restraining all night. Les:4 SeAsnas he will seturn, stopping 1st Kippen rtoonond theme in the. afternoon to his own ae Hurrays Seeforth, where he -will ain until Monday morning. e- route -will be continued until let Stay. DIGRER.-R0y8.1 Revenge was bred by Mr.- ir, in the CantyO± Welland, Ont, by Old To- to Chief,he by Old Royal George - Loyal Re. ge.e dam by Hambletonian. Reis tau brother out Jefferson, the fastest trotting stallion in United States at the present day. Royal Re., stand.e i5 -8l high.; is beautiful rich bay e black points:. weighs about 1,150. aFon.lunags.-When, 4. years old, he trotted.- -Whitby, beating Batteteby's "Billy Button,' onest .Tolni,”11Sana Patch." and othera, winning Wirth heat and. the race in 2:45. Has been. 'n.d.bag for mares since, until last summer, when - was put into training for three weeks, an t-te.ti at Hamilton, lapping Caledonia Chief, who - n the heat in 2:39. Ile has proved himself the- tertof trottees; six of his colts have beaten S- kuntes„ and. three of them better then 2:40. senses -To- insure, $1.5; setiaons $10; single ;le v.; groom's fee, 50 cents. Insuredree.reste, = paid 1st February 1878; season mares and gie leaps -to be paid at time of service. Maree na a distance can be sent to Murray's Hotel, kid -- be provided with pasture or stabling at sea, able charges. All accidents and. escapes at the - Ws risk. • Ssaveu Cuent the value a $20 will be pre ted to the owner of the best colt, end a silver p of the value of 410 will be presented to the- ner of the second-best colt, bred front Royal venge, and exhibited at the. Fall Show of thil 'uth Huron Agricultural Society, to be held in aforth in 1853. These prizes are offeredthat the lts may be brought together, with a view to pur- rasing the best of them. For further particulars apply to & P. ,larrays.,• aforth. CHAS. I. DOUGLAS, Proprietor, Oalasidges P. 0. ann Sus..n.eux4Nn, Groom. LIME LIME. LIME. HE Subscribers, having leased the lime Quar- ry belongints to Mr; A. Wilson, Silver Creeks earth, and heaving. built a splendid new Kiln, on e most approved principle, cepabIe of turning oat '0 bushels per day, are prepared to furnish any lity of The Rest Quality of Lianr„ ‘t Pik 1:FRX CETCTS a bushel. air -,slaked Liine kept or sold. SLATE -it tFr, BRO., f5C#13 Huron Read, Seafortls. SEALED TENDERS ATILT., be received by the undersigned tap to - MONDAY, the Eighth day of :Tuly next, for the. mesa of frame School -house in School Section 2. tosvnship of Hay, from the N:ortheatest cor- er Of Lot 10, First COILOSELSiOni to the Soutb.-seest -miler of the. North -half of Lot 8, Second Conceit-, ., Further particulars can be obtained by ape eying to the Trustees. Tenders will be opened at °tie o'clock p.m., en. the Eighth of July next. Th Trustee. do trot bind themselves to aceept tlus lowest or any tender. DANIET, MeCOLL, PETER HENDERSON, Trustees. JOHN MelLSHON, SEALED TENDERS \ATILT. be receive(' by the undersigned. up to t r MONDAY. the Eighth day of July next, for the erection of FiNCE, enclosing School premises, in School Section No. 2, township t,f Hay. Furthe-t" rata:mini:a can be obtained by applying to Dania McColi, Lot 11, Second Coneession, Ilay, (Rodger - P. O. The Trustees do not bind theraselveS • to aeeept the lowest or any tender. • 1)ANIEL AleCOLL. FETES. HENDERSON', Trustees.. JOHN MOLIPION, 237-8 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNBRSICEP. partnersbip heretofore existing Liikeletr I is the townehip of Ilowick, between James fef?- Fr11•E Donald. and Henry Torrance, Dlaeksrniths, is this. clay tlAved. by mutual consent. The debts of the lima are to be: paid by Jaraee McDonald, and • the account; clue to the firm are to bo paid to ths James McDonald. Dated this 33th day of , May, 1372. JAMES Mt:DONALD. 'HENRY TORRANCZ Witness : W. ItuxT. 2s6-3 FORLiVERPael AND IlEENSTOWN. LINE OF MAIL STEMERS SOWN° -1= from New York, EV-2.R.Y THURSDAY AND EVrgY' SATURDAY, Tiekets sold to and /rem England, Ireland, sea the Continent, at as low rates fie by any other lino, JOHN G. DAT, Agent, les" Broaaway, N, or X011.;:t SEITTED; 2.1:0 Seefortle J. P. BRI,Firi, T ICENSE1) Al-CTIONEER for the coeste:0- e Illtron. Stilea attended in all parts of J1°. Country- Ail ova* re /oft at TILE EVOSITOI.I Office 1991 ill be promptly attended to. Divisions 0ourts---1872- 1 f Division Courts will be ; 1.1rxxon.km, Wa.OXETER, ....... .. . . gle.AFOILTH . . .......... Ex . .. — 1)1.7NO-ANDLON, held as follows -Wednesday, 1011' TV -- ...Tuesday, 23rd -.Wednesday, 24th -Thursday, 25th . -Feidey, 20th " Saturday; gra .isss- ,ssaaaass 5th ..-Wednesdays 7t11. 46 o'clock, a. ra.,.eacbr-dg-e Q.ALIFORINTIA SKETCHES. _ • _ • T• HE HURON EXPOSITOR- men give. him a, good name for liber- ality land kindness to them, and to ' ,Ceerespoticieme of New York Tribune. ,- all workingmen ; and I belieye there VisAx.1,1,. Tulare Co., Cal., May 1. is no doubt that he is an uncommonly TBE PENct 9UESTION. ' able business matt. He -began, lite. When you cross Bear Creek, tear poor, 1 in this State, less than .18 liercecl, you come at once into a new -years ago, and has made his fortune .and thinly settled country. Instead' in cattle. . . ei -wheat, you see,. cattle and sheep, THEIR WAYS AND WORK.. :and not only these, but herds of. The next morning I had opportu- •antelope feeding contentedly among nity to study a little the manners the cattle. Three Intelopes ran a and customs of these men. .They do :race with the hand -car on which 1 everythbg on horseback ; and .the de part of my journey to the San lasso --4 riata, as it is more corn - Joaquin River ; said kept up with mostly called here, lasso being pro- w for Pearly two miles, at so short perly a verb, I find, is a sort of third .a distance that if there had been ;LS ivrm to then). It was desired to rifle at hand we should have dined single. out half a dozen horses from n antelope steak, which is very.- a herd of 25 or 30 confined in a stood meat. Below Bear reek, you -e. stable -yard. So the horses were let eater Fresno Cohnty, ich has, out of the yard, '; cornered -by two through the bitter art nscrupulons horsemen in a fence corner and then _opposition of the cattle -owners, a one man, fixing his eyes on the horse fence law) and suffels great injursv he wanted, dashed into the herd, 'from it. The question of ".fencIed flung his ricact, and unfailingly se - or " no fence" is an exciting_one in cured the prize. In one case, the this State ; some of the great, - and •horse, used probably to the opera- , All the little cattle -owners, re-a1i,lY tion—for these animals were broken use all their• influence to maintain a —saw when he was "'wanted," and law under which the farmers are actually stood still to be caught. A obliged to fence their farms. In vaquero came in, • after a night's Merced County, as in. many others,watch over cattle, slipped off . his this law has been repealed, and the horse at the door, tied the animal, result is an enormous saving to the and in a minute was fast asleep, farmers, who build no fences. y. standing up and leaning his head on Fresno, a. man must pay more for the saddle. His nap lasted half an fencing 160 acres than the land costs hour, and was not broken apparent- him,or else see his crop eaten up by S'iy bv- the Poise about him. A horse other man's cattle. The peo- The Courts open at 1(1 Bku Hear IS RECEIVING NEW SPING GOODS • TO BE SOLD :seine plc in what is called the "Alabama' Spttlesnetit," near the San 'Joaquin, .have actually to hire vaqueros,: at their own expense, to keep other .people's cattle out of their wheat folds. They cannot afford to fenc•e their farms. The "no fence" re- gulation cannot be much longer put. off, and the more sensible/ cattle - owners 3.nee already setting their • ) houses ', order. Before 12 months, I am told, the whole state will have a "no fence" law, and farmers who come hereIwill be, relieved from one • of the worst and most expensive worries of country life, the care- of - fences. _ A ziax-iciLiaos ACRE F.A.P.MER. Miller & Lux own 40 miles of land ou the westbrn side of the San Joaquin, California; and other per- sons own almost equally great tracts. It is said that Mr. Miller is the pos- sessor of half a million of acres in this State. He has nearly 100,000 cattle ; 'and being a shrewd business man, he is fencing, in his greatr estate, to reserve it for his own cat- tle. He is repaeious for more land ; and is said to have determined that he will not rest until 'he can -drive his cattle over his own land from Los Angeles to the Sacramento. Two men in. San Francisco saw hire sit- ting somewhere, lost in thought, and . one asked '1 -wonder what Miller is planning now 7' The other replied, ' he is making a little plan to bey not thoroughly broken had attached to its headstall a broad leather -band ; when the owner wanted to mount, he slipped this band over the horse's eyes, and removed it as soon as he was securely e in the' saddle. The cattle range is divided. into ranchos, each of which has a foreman, re- sponsible to the -proprietor for -the cattle on the place. These men re- ceive, I 'ans told, from $1,000 to $1,- 800 per annum; awl their food apd necessary travelling expenses. Un- der them are vaqueros. The cattle range as they please over an enor- mous extent of land.; ,when market cattle are wanted, or when it is thought expedient to irive a band to new pastures, a foreman sets 'oitt with from 12 to 18 men, accom- panied by a wagon which bears pro- visions and the blankets of the men, as well as a coals:.• Three horses are taken along. -for each man, for the business is not easy. They separate and hunt up the cattle they want— each rancho has its distinct brand— and all (drive toward one point. Meeting there, Which may be 100 or 150 miles from their destination, they combine forces to drive the whole herd slowly to the place where they are wanted. This demands watchfulness both night ndqday ; and men are up from 12 'o'clock at night until. 6 the next night, one .half keeping watch all night ; and all, of course, being Ol1 horseback all day. The -men receive $30 per AT •,OLD PRICES. This is the Spo to buy. heap for Cash r Butter. Bea in mind, /77, MAIN .ST EET, SEAFORTH. A. G. McDOUGALL. F RIVIERS SELL OUR, EGGS TO I WNI.i THOMSON, • OF THE MOND ILLE GROCERY ( Who will pay th the rest of the State. 11-1.iller ' month, and oWn their saddles and Lux have now about 125 miles of 1 accoutrements. fence built-, and will build 100 miles more this .year. Some • other great land, owners have nearly as enuch. Fenang- costs them- from $500 to $650 rer mile. Of course these ale not the men. who oppose a no fence' law. • THE CATTLE HERDS. Who drives- wild cattle must hims • self be wild, I suppose. In found my- self in thevening in a large room, used as e2 store and shop, whei e eighteen or twenty vaqueros or cat- tle -herds sat about an. open tire, and smoked, and • chewed, and swore, and spat, eatgravity and de- corum. Some Were Americans, from Missouri or Texas — the persons t,e'ealled 'Pike, in this State; some were Mexicns, who come in with jingling spurs, and with. riding troasers made of calf skin with the hair left on, which gave them quite. a startling and disgusting satyr -like look. There is ,nothing picturesque about the Pike. He is a creature. for use and not for ornament. As I sat among these men, after supper, I began to think I should have to take some care net to be spit on ; but the accuracy, neatness, and 'pre- cision of their aim presently reas- sured me. One fellow; lounging on - the counLer behind me, vat over my hat ; ia vigorous cross-fire has kept up by two others, across the toes of ray shoes;. -scattered but uninter- mitting rain fell upon the center of the floor; and occasionally the file • received a douche ; but I believe 1 may safely say that no accident oc- curred in the whole course of the evening. It happened that My. Mil- ler himself Was present, that even- ing. He is a German by birth, short, alert in his movements, neatly dressed, and with a good nose, a low forehead, but .a remarkablYiexPres- sive claim tem -ince. He busied him_ v1* Canad Thistle Cure. A correspondent says : I had almost forgotten the miseries of binding Can.ada thistles in thin shirt • sleeves.. But I once realized it uR les Broome County, N. Y., and 1 laId no difficulty in destroying them in every ease. I -cut them.with a scythe gan's Old Stand,) HIGHEST PRICE in CASH, 1 r any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGaS, De 'yered. at his store. Groceries&Provisions FLOU of every &script cludin Co the 1 about the time they began to, blos- Soniy and allowed none to go to seed. This kills the crop ; hut there is Crop of yeung plants in the ground for'next year's growth, Let these be IHOW11 the next year about blos- soming , time, and before any seed are ripe enough to grow, and as tlaere were RO seeds ripened on the last- year's crop, .there are now no plants \in the ground to grow the next year. Of course the crop ceases. nlees they have learnecitobe,more ugly than -they used to be, any patch can,be destroyed in two years. But care must he taken that none goes to seed either year. and as. these roots only grow one year, their entire destruction is certain. I have thus exterminated them on rich bottom lands, and know whereof I speak." self with iustructions to his fareman, smoking meanwhile, and. I was .amused to see that when once he got up qrom his chair, a vaquero slipped into it—and as there were more people than chairs, after wan- dering about the room for a while, exposed to a battery of tobacco - juice, the owner of half a million cf acres,' finally squatted down in the woodbox, at the side of the fire, and pudently took care not to get 117. SALE CHEAP. AND FEED, on, kept constantly on hand, in - Shearson &Co.'s No. 1." • • . , • • A ..S.••• •••• • • - CALL AND GET SOME OF LAIDIHAW S 50 CM1s11` Equal to any 75 c nt Tea in Town. Great Inducements to Pae ties Buying a Quantity. • Try les FRESH GROUND COF.rls.E. no One, Coke All, with your Eggs and get ash. . VM. THOMSON, . Egraondyille Grocery. G eat Variety AT ATILSON' SEAFORTH. TRUNKS of VALISE 0 Brush . All Bells, B2 And. in fact e class Saddler' -- GerlOralEihiPs' Rufus Stephenson owns the Chat- ham Reenet. Rufus Stephenson is M. P. for Kent. The , M. P. for Kent being about to - return from Ottawa, Rufus, the editor, announc- ed that Rufus the member, would reach Chatham at sada an hour, and intimated that. Rufus' friends ought to go out on this auspicious occasiora and welcome him home. Accordingly, Rufus was , met and welcomed, and Rutus was carried on the shoulders of his admirers to a place- where he spoke a piece and theu asked his friends to step in and " see a man." Rufus, the editor, was pleased ---Rufus, the member, was delighted—and Rufus' friends remarked that whiskey and water was a very invigorating Dundas Banner. kinds, not a few, 5 -of ell sorts, LLABS-all sizes. ' 1 S, Curry-Combs,„(rarcls. rices -from 10 cents up. ets, Cireingles, Saddles, • J. C. LAIDLAW. E & SWITZER. GROCERY D PARTMENT. Best Teas, Tobac os, Canned Fruit, CANNED FISH, PICKLES, RAISINS, PRUNES, COFFEE, SOAP, FLAVORING EXTR4 erything usually famid in II first - Shop, and at prices extremely low. JAMES WILSON Takes this op ortunity of thanking his numerous friend e and et stomers for the liberal support ex- tended towan him for the past year and hopes by strict ate' tion to business and manufacturing isle to inorit a fair share of the pat - AT THE LOWEST PRI AND ONLY ONE PRICE. a first-class ar ronage of the Bone:m.1m any. r the Sigm of the " GOLDEN ADDLE." I 215 Wm Ho OLIVER5 1:4 SIGN OF THE •• SCOTCH COLLAR. A choic assortment of light and heavy harness, N hips, bells, horse clothing, etc., kept cons antly qin hand.. Repairi g promptly attended to, and charges moderate.' Remember the place ! sign of thIe Scotch Collar, Main Street, Seaforth.. I 163tf I H. OLIN/ER. CURRANTS, SPICES, COCOA, STARCH, CTS, &c., &c., _ • NEW AND FRESH, E FOR CASH, E.SWITZER, Main street, Seaforth. THE VERDICT 10F,T.HE PEOPL • DECLARPS THAT THE GARDNER SEWING MACHI Is superior to any altiffinganEM" . _ VICTORIA HALL. TRE Subscriber has opened a new HOTEL and EATING HOUSE, Main -street, Seaforth, first building North! of Grand. Trunk Depot, Meals Ihrnished at ell hours; good neeommoda- • tious, e:c.; th,e best liquors always on hand. Reconnection with this hotel there is hand- somely fitted ICFeCREAM PARLOR, with suitable ' aPartments for ladies and gentlemen. WHY ARE' LAZARUS, MORRIS & ICO'S •Spectacles teass fast rn cr -ffit *rirmacmvo °AA. 111 rn 0 e now in the Market. SUMMER .i872. Having been examined and tried by the most sk Iful mechanics and, best judges the country Can produce, and by them awarded Prizes at all the principal Exhibitions held thronghont the Dominion during the present year e and an oug a g tines were arrayed against it, the C-ARDNER PATENT hal ecu deelared • ALL COM.PETITORS VICTORIOUS OVE upon every test, and now s ands foremost in the rank of sewers. SEE 'VILE LIST OF PRIZES FOR 1S71.; - - First Prize et Toronto. First Prize at Londo -the great Western Fair. First Prize at Guelph -the great Central Fair. First Prize at St. Catherine County of Lincoha. First Prize at Chat airs Cowl y 01 Kent. First Prize at 'Waterloo, County of Waterloo. First Prize at Orang,evilld, County of- Simcoe. First Prize in Mono, County of Peel. First Prifr.e in Caleden, County of Sinicoe. First Prize at Wel- laudport, County of Welland. First Prize at Otterville, County of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial Fair, Kingston, 'Diploma at Hamilton, and vox us County Shows. This beautiful specimen of mechanical abilit is a purely Canadian invention, surpassing in simplicity, durability, and usefulness any other Sewing M. chine now in the market whether of Canadian, American, or English manufacture, R hem eord, braid, tuck, rther, quilt, f11, and do all and every kind of Family sewing and. light It has a most complete SET OF ATTACHMENTS. e higher than some others, it is the cheapest in the end. LIKE BRIGHANI YOUNG ON TRIAL FOR MURDER ? Manisfectilling Work, using all kinds of thread BUY NO OTHER. If the price is a litt Send for Circulars and Samples. GARDNER SEWING MACH NE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. P S. -Intending ptuelinsers should not be $isled by unscrripulone agents of other Conipanies, who tate, to make capital for themselves. teasing any other, at WILLIAM GILASSIE'S flrOYOOMS, PETER GRASSIE, NOTICEL-Any person sending the answer to the above to the Agent, M. R. COUNTER, SEAORTII, within the next thirty days, will re- ceive an order from L. M. & Co. for a pair of their supetior new pattern Bye Glasses. THE SEAFORTH keep Machines they do not sell, in a damage Call and examine the Gardner before pure Godericlestreet, Seaforth. Agents wanted. LIT1VIIVER YARD. M EE & MACDON ALD BEGIo inform the public that they have opened -1--' a Lureber Yti in Seaforth, near Shearson's Mill, on e grou d formerly used as a Lumber $ Yard, by a Thomas Lee. . They v, keep constantly on hand a good stssorte ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and men undressed. Also, LATH AND SIMCGLES, all of which. thus- are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble prices for Cash. Builders and others will find it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, and ascertain our prices before puechasing,ebuswhere, as we are in a position Sea forth. The -attention of Ladies is particularly directed to our stock of Prunella Boots and Broadway Ties. ase QPRINd STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOE. LJ WILLIS, Main -street, Senforth, have j 1300iS Skews, suiteble for spring puicgal, for aisle -The very lateet styles, a work of all kinds promptly attended to. -A. kinds of work repaired, no matter where m to offer good inducemente to cash purchasers. again until he went off to bed. His sassas 0. sr: DU:CLOP. 160 • .-The Best and Cheapest in the Market.-McINTYRE st received a very line stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's smninernd wear, all of which will be sold at the ores d of the best and most substantial maiinfeetnre.-Custom eat article and a good lit guaranteed. Repairing -All de, on the shortest notiee. 11,1cINTYRE & WILLIS, First door South of John Logan's. DANIEL McGREG Bookbinder, Harpurlieg, Seaiort , 1.TAS just receive(' a large Stock of the m ed 0 execute, on the shortest noace and. , latest styles, all orders he Tully be favoured. with. Diseases, and for all chrome disorders .aaseene 1 defective digestion assimilation or nutrition. It - is also highly useful in Chronic Itheuxhatism and REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK EOOKS, Gout. Price $1. Compound Syrup of Illypophais. pkites. 'PHIS is an agreeable Prepanttion, containine the, Ilypophosphites: of Lime, Soda, Potesht'and thioourtes. t Iron, with free IIypophosphorous Acid. This Syrup is a certain remedy for General Debility, from any cuse, Nervous Diseases and Scrofulous Cfases1":, Complaints. It is else highly useful in diseases of the bones (especially in infats) and Incipient 1 Consumption. Prioe $1. used in the business, and is now fully odizedi Cod Liver Oil. THIS Preparation is a solution of Iodide of Iron in perfectly pure Cod 'Liver Oil. It may be steed in all cases where the simple Oil is orderel, terials and will be found greatly superior to it. This repar- 3 Preparation Is highly beneficial in Pulmonary Con- ' thesuniption, Scrofulons Csimplaints, Chronie Skin OE ANY KID, Ruled, Printed aud made to order, on the notice, and at enices which defy compet Ladies' Work Boxes Fancy. • laslts to order. OLD AND NEW 1300 CS The above Preparations are of standard metlical Botind and repaired at city prices. • Persons residing at a distance by leavi books at the " Signe]." Book Stens Gotleri the "Expositor" office, eelortb, (a- at J. R Ainleyville, stating style, may rely up being well bound. wiklIEE 6.; MA.CDONAl.D. • - • .••,..........e.e=-1,,C,••26,.....••••••••••••-.-aa••••....,•0••••••1...c•ic,......*•••••4•4•••.4,••••.••••,1•,•••4•4-4444.,..,..• - • ' reputation, and contaiiiieg no secret ingredients, luny be preecribed by- physicians without hesita-, time .Prepared by JOHN 'WILLIAMS, g their London, Ontario. h, or, at For sale by -R. Lumsden, Senforth; J.R. Grant, Grance Aieleyville; G. A. Powell, Wroxeter, and Druggists n them ' generally. • 285 All communications tl(lresed to the dersign- etl, will _receive prompt atentiou- . DANIEL Mer'SP.EGOR Seaforth, (lie.rpurhey.) ••••••••••••..44.44,4=44,,,-••••4*-ac,•...4•4.0044••• ROOMS TO LET. SEAL GOOD ROOMS in Meyer s Block to let on reasonable terms. ' Apply to 2i7 -BENSON Sc MEYER. • T.' K. AliDElidOtli -MERCHAT TAILOR. AND CLOTHIER, slisfriV STREET, SEAFORTIL SILIIMER c-connaNG, SUMMER HATS, SUMMER CAPS, SUMMER COLLARS AND TIES, and everything else suitable for Summer Tit -AT in endless variety. +.3