HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-06-28, Page 5juNE 8, 1872. Sentril217-EVOITVIS- LE RAILWAY ACCIDENT. t serious and shocking aeen. ever ()centred on the Grand Iteate, since it has been ire. oole piece Saturdat morning,. at ot Shanuonville station, ea east of Belleville, and. a ;nee west of Salmon River he rtight ex -press, whieh Ieft ; haif-past seen on Friday lted Belleville ebortly before When it proceeded eat minntee late, arid tlxiS time Jelin I-libbert, a very steady iencetl man, determined to t between here and. Kingston, ing in excellent emulation, _perinittinz of rapid runnijg. beeitles the engine and tender, an express and baggage car, a. •-ss passenger car, a smoiting anI ear, two tireteclass pezsenger :a Pullman sleeping car—six idler, four (if which were filled ingere. After. passing Shan - lie train being on a down grade wheele on the bogie truck- a broke, and the reault was at and terrible.. The locomatie-e qj off the ttacte down an era - six feet high, aid turning o -ver phingett intothe ealth ree. The tender was. driven 4eted round,. And OVerthrolim ite side of the traek. The fei-- ;bage;Wte ear passed the enclitics m in ..e-t.fety, but was thrown across the rails and there r- liie passenger car but unfortnnatety it came ith the engine arid. .tore away ievalve, and thus gave vent to; ')tly of steam, whieh immediate- ithe car, scalding the poor with which it was crowded - r and post -office car came econd-class ear with. terrible -coprng it almost from end to 'Ft:clueing the greater part ot it es. The smokieg-car end wa.s t -the engine, and it as coin- 11ed with the debris of - the ear, '1heWere several in it at the time, all of whone te or less injured. In the post- : of tlie car were Mess's. Joseph d Carruthers, poet -office clerks, Uost by a miracle, escaped un- tie rirst-ehiss car behind was ef the tneek, but remaiued unni- cept about the trucks. The evae also forced off the rails., bnt. a short distance, while the Pull -- remained_ onithe tra.ek iim -in these three ears the passett- aped with a. fewl slight bruises jeussiens„ In the second -Class seine -cars, however; an awful IS preserited: to those passengers tied forward as- soon as they t out of the care. The engine-- -„errilily mangled, lay beside the and the fiteman; a, than -named r . 40, had jumped ct, was lying some- '? away, with one :leg broken awl iejilred. Of an the passengers tee:Ad-class car 4earce13.- one es- . The poor cteattines who inhaled 11a:a steam suffered fearful tor - ad some of than no longer bow ff.ihmee of immanilty. he eteritymen ani doctort, with the lakiies of Belleville, and were soon on. tAe spot and at • ti the injured in .the freight shed, everything in their power to' in their dreadful Sufferings, • qt`...NIEN'T OF AN EIVE WITNESS.: M. Roddy riselde the following lett- of the attair : 1 nide at entli and am Manager. for Mr. -who hen the cataract for bend- ': Dominion Telegraph Line front 4tee to Barrie. On the night of :last 1 took the train from Port Brockville, hiving with me 11 40 had been. -working- for me, and. in I had granted, four days leave nee te allow of their visiting their s, all of whom. lived in the -Lower They were ell steady, hard- te men1 wes m the einokintt g after remaining a short titne it( the seco-id cless and asked my to come with jute nito the tirstt nrt of the train ; but he decline,d ee, 1 tine" retutned there alone • down upon the 'peat, when I end - 'eat a, jar, as if sOtne of the Cars m at part of the train were tipping I tried to open the Window of the .eae in, but it apt eared to be jam- ', 1 got out ot the door tenl ran what was the matter, but for a hne could not do so for the dense eteann After a moment or two, eed to eet to the ftant of the tram, eut there into the uppermost eide second-class ear. I tried to open iitlows ;. but, _finding ifs could not 1 LX ietund to t:ae pla,tfoi m. side a akitnecan, and got a crow -bar out -aber which, -belonged to our men. that the twa cars were " tetes- " 1 then commen,1 to break the we of the second-class car, and !ti of the men got out throuttle them.. !elted, in lite door, arid as the steam ret,-ty Well dispersed.; 1 went in and some of the item sitting in their apparently stunned and uneari- Conductor Nelson, the Pialiman iductor, end two velunteers from. Lope.---oue of them was named came in, and we went to- . eid(le ef the case and saw that the vas completely smashed, and there niany of thw passengers bulled e the ruins. We immediately corn- ett lifting them out, and, as I was eireateel, 1 found ttea little Children rat trie 1r:)ttoni of the ear quite dead. clotheof all those touched were that 1 could hardly bear to handle One woman, who I believe to be Callender, died just as she wan lift It The safety -valve of th.e engine rucled right into the car, and I da think th`tire was a Ilea -tide of water ielnutes after the engine went over te side. \Viten all the passengers :Leen got out, I Went to took at the tee and saw Hilibert, the driver, lying tsen the en:fine and the broken truck ee• of the ears, quite deadfive of ..t.iisrs died, Lefore they could. be re - The sieht -..va4 an awful one. as the men (,ot into the cool they leeetu to suffer dreaelfulitt sheir enee were frightful to hear. • tere tl:eir eft, and. many of . ." tenneed the fence and fled wtrc}ss chrea. eryine all the time most pit1- te. enie man et /t away at least a iter of a enle-befere 1. could catcll anot:ter wee° half a mite off • ne was found. Belleville Was co•ra- tieattel with, zied a train as eGe-en , itiu :pot ; hut before it arrived. the 1 te ople beean to comidain wi tie seme of tile loose planks " fele iiree, and rieeed up shelters e tilet1 The people were then ...eel on the train, aud talwa to Belle- StTNE 28, 1872. •Ville. Most of my men had. considerable sitree of money with them. The damage Zone was Strictly confmed to the two ears mentioned,—the second. class and smoking. The. post -office attached, we with its occupants, escaped by something al of the employees of the road, the The first-class -medical men and Mr. C. J. Brydges little short of a miracle . 11 an cars (though the former- were examined. After hearing the evidence, the jury rendered the follow- ing verdict • . That Jahn Ribbert and William Mc- Cormack carne to their death by injuries received by the running off the track of No. express goingteast, abeut one mile east of Shannonviller on the morning of Saturday, 22nd. June, instant t that Ali Tremblay, Jean 13. Nareisse, •Boursimo Cote, Ba.ptiste Benalso, Joseph Malette, Maurice Chabot, Pierre Lomm, Odellas Lucas, O. Montpelier, Olean (2reoirn, Joseph Tremblay, Mrs. Lavvic, Wm, McCormack T. Hardy; Win. Callender, Mrs. Call.enhan, Mary Callender, Arch. McNair, J. Hibbert, Mr. Nelson, Mrs. Mary Nelson, and. D, Cameron, oike wo- man, one girl, one 'baby.boy, and two men, names unknown, came to their death- from inhaling steelin, and from scalds on the bo4y, causectby the break- ing cf the .ValVe of the boiler of engine No. 198, and. the escape of steam and water therefrom ; that from the evidence we have heard and from personal inspec- tion of the wreck of the engine and the railway tra,ek, we are of opinion that the accident was caused by the breaking of E HURON EXPOSITOR. is it done that it is impossible to pick it "off with the blade of a penkhife. THE INQUEST AND VERDICT. On Monday, an inquest was held, at which a number of the passengers, sever - got off the trent() and. their passengers sustained no injury. It is a most singu- lar thing that, among all the number 'killed and wounded, with but two ex- ceptions, viz., the driver and another -man, those injured did. not sustain the slightest contusions ; but the scalds -were something beyond all description. .a FEARFUL SCENE. A visit to the Belleville freight shed. on Saturda,y evening Was sufficient to un- string the strongest nerves, and create a feeling- of pity in the hardest .heart. There, stretched. out upon trestle beds .or mattresses laid upon the floor artiOngst the goods, Were scene 50 fearful -looking .objects, some writhing about in the acatest agony. Others, exhausted by the •pain they were suffering from the -scalds and the steam. they had inhaled, Jay perfectly passive While some kind fe- male or man dressed their hurts with • .cooling lotions, or kept a current of air about them with fans. The poor crea, tures, with their swollen and bandaged 'features and limbs, presented. an. appear- ce which can never be effaced from the memories of those who saw them. The LL..... aeony passed atvay, without excep- truck wheel otengine Xo. 198, and that patients whom death early released from the -ilange ef the right hard forward it was purely accidental; that in our tion, M the Quietest manner. No strug- gle, no painful gasping for breath; but they seemed to sink into a -doze which gradually changed into a sleep- of death. A ! stemma -a ESCAPE. As soon as the cars came to a halt- the passengers who were uninjured ran for- wardi to see what damage hail been done and to render aide They describe the Beene as harroWing biyond all conception. 'All in the secon(1 class car who had any strength left.had got out in some way.or other, and were crawliug to aplace of safety. But by far the greater nuMber were unable to get out, and rent the air - with their agoinzing cries. Of all in the car, not more than a dozen were able to move without assistance. Of these,- one youn g man from S ea, forth , named Thomson Morrison, escape(l scaldingin a most un- accountable manner. He was sitting near the middle of the can and was thrown to the ftoor by the crashing in nphia him of the end of the smoking car. • Of what oc- curred afterwards he remembers nothing, until he foetid himself scrambling over • the boiler, eihich Ise felt hot beneath him.. He thinks he was thrown there by the The*rearn was then escapieg, but he got away 'without being sealded In the least, and with only a few slight bniises on the right leg. His escape is naarvellons. The others who were able on the fa,ce and hands ;but as they its- participate in. the events of the day, hated none of the, steam their .iujuries , . also Mr. Homan the Vice -President _ opinien the teack was ill good condition; that the engineer, who was a sober, ef- ficient, ad careful officer, died. at his post. W e cannot conclude our painful taile without bearmg testimony to the anxiety of the Geand .Teunk officials to place all the evidenCe it possible to procure before us, and to their zealous • and unwearied exertions to procure everything that forethought and sym- pathy eould suggest to alleviate the suf- ferings of the injured passengers. Signed. by the Coroner, and 13 out of 14 Jury- men. ties a feat that has but kew paral- 4 lels in ,the annals of railroad con- strueldon, and the Jast length of one and an eighth miles was laid in five hours. Paislqqs reached at six o'clock, and the party are met at the statiOn by the Warden of the County of Bruce, John Gillies Esq.. a staunch friend of the road, and the principle men of Paisley, Avho tender the 11„ party a dinner at B tes' Hotel. The invitation is accept cl, and the din- ing room of the hotel is crammed with an audience of two hundred people, ,all there to do honor to their distinguished g motel's of th graciously hon their presence. es were made nests and1 to the pro- line ; :the ladies ring the lparty with Appropiiate speech - y Sir ThoMas Dakin, Col ,McGivern and the contractor, wh6 are eulog&d in a lay showing 1 the heartyapprciation i f their ac- tion, and doings by the people of Paisley, and the party breaks up at an early hour. Sir Th.oinas Dakin and Mr. Homan expressed their de- light at the appearance of the line and the excellent mann r in which it was built. Railway Opening to Paisley. The 7th of June was the day fix- ecl in the Bruce Bonus By-law for the opening -of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway to Paisley,. and although many in the past expressed their doubts as to the fulfillment of the contract to a day, yet the people of that enterprising villaige were gratified with the sight of the iron horse at their dooi. on the evening of that day, and they duly honored the occasion. Fortunately, Sir Thomas Dakin, President of the Great West to move unaided. weft pa.rtially scald.ed. country and able to ern, was in the were not da,ngerons. Two or three of of the Company. At 9 A. M. on.the them subsequently proceeded on their 7th a merry and influential party joureey, and others returned to Toronto on the next trainleft Hamilton for Paisley, making . . addisions to the oinpairy at Guelph, THE INJURED, AND KILLED. Elora -,and Fergus, and -reached -the iNlost of the men who were injured, latter place at 6 P. 1\-1. -At Clifford were raftsmen rettirnine to their families after the teason's work. All of them were well supplied eeith money, and about S7,000 bank.note were committed. to the care if ?'Jr. Lynskey, the Belleville station -master, b37 those who apprehend- ed death. Some of men ha.d worked. north.of Toronto during the spring • Conapany .c.,rave them for shipping, others on the Bay .of Quinte. Besides f ' f - or the energy an oresicrlit displ ay - these there was a tang of telegra„ph. re- . . ed in the -construction of the line. pairers, most all of whom were more 'or les.s see-erelv scalded. There were three Sir Thomas Dakin responded in an MARRIAGE'S. . O'SunetrAie — O'FARRELL/. Mb- Killop, on June 18th, byl Rev, Father - Murphy, John O'Sullivan, Esq., Town- ship Clerk,. td Sarah O'Far- rell, of Stratfind. BATHS. Cenerocliene.— Culcaigtie, I la,ncl, John Robert H. a, 19 years and. The decease smith, in Nove ithe hive of reg voyage and. eh expectation w• a large circle of friends by whom he is deeply and. justly regretted. _THE INIARETS. n Sunday 2nd inet.,. at irkeudbrig, tshire, Scot - Ross, youngest son of d Ann 'Caruochan, aged ight months. left his helrne, in Tucker- ber last fOr -Scotland, in Ming health by the sea nge of -climate, but this not realized. He leaves SEAFORTII, June 27, 1872. The market this week is exceedingly dull. There has been but little produce of any kind delivered. Spring and. fall wheaVand. oats have still further declined in price, but there is none of any conse- quence offering, and last year's stock seems .to be nearly exhausted. - The streetti of tanbark teams from the North is daily on the increase, and. prices for this article are slightlY on the rise. Butter still -continues dull •as before, but with a decreased. supply. We quote : Fantve.Oet.- el 80 to 1 35 Spring. Wheat . 1 25 to 1 30 Barley 0 50 to 0 52 0 28 to 080 0 50 to 0 52 0 12ito 0 14 0 11 to 11 8 50 to 000 0 80 to 085 - 10 00 to 12 00 6 00 to 700 1 00 to 150 0 10 to 010 1 00 to 000 0 50 to 052 0 07 to 0 08 008 to 0- 09 3 25 to 3.75 station a deputation fionh the village . ,• nutter presenteci attdress to Sir Thomas Dakin and Col. MeGivern, which Flour li,oatyatoes .. they admitted the gr,eat advantages that the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Riaes Sheep Skins. Calf Skin' s, (veal) Per lb., - • Salt (retail) per barrel. Others at Trenton for GilMOre, and &e. and thanked both companies women in the car—Mrs. Callender, Mrs. Inen.ie, and Mrs. Nelson --and four children. All of these are among the dead. It is not possible in all cases to ascertain the names of tho-se who are dead. In some cases they can. only be _ascertained when the bodies are recogniz- ed. by the friends of the deceased. At this writing none of them have yet been forwarded except Hibbert's, although all are coffined andswill be settaway &trinte e the day. • p t THE LAST SCENE. • - h It WU a' sad. sight on Monday to see the wagon. loads of coffi.ns containing the killed moving ,,a-wa-y from. the station t� the Roman Catholic burial ground ; but still sadder was it when the train from the east arrived, brining the relations of the injured or the dead. Many were the inquities made, and in meny M - stances We awful word. f` dead" was the response given. At nine o'clock on :Monday night several coffined corpses were conveyed to Montreal by the ex-- prCss. The vacant building, formerly ueed by the ladies cf Loretto asan edu- cationel esta,blishment, but genereusly placed at the disposal of the Grand Trunk authorities by Vicar General Farrelly for use a,s an hospital still pre- sents a sad. sight. Thirty poor creatures hardly distingeisheble from one another on account oftheir severe injuries, oc-- cupy it One. bright feature in connec- tion is the. presence df a number of young ladies of the first fandlies of Belleville, who quietly move about from room te: - room, bathing and fanning the faces of their patients. It is not until the poor wretches are within a few hours of dis- selution that they lose their conscious- n. . . n se and -while un able to do no more than Quermg to sir 'hornas.) 113. u.ter a, few words, they dictate to their ally happy *ay. Sir Thomas replied lend nurses messages of farewell to their in an eloquen' manner thankin eloquent 'Speech—and -he is well able to give one—in which he thank- ed the people of Clifford for their kindness, and' bore willing testi- mony to the prompt and energetic manner in which the promoters of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce line had taken hold of the scheme that they were -to-clay in a measure to consummate. He alluded in. most complimentary terms to Col. McGivern, Adam Brown, Dr. Ham- ilton and the directors of the.Wel- lington, Grey and -Bruce; and the officers of the Great Western Rail- way, for the part they had taken in the building of the line: The train then procee'cled its"wayto Paisley. At Mildmay a sur.prise was in wait- ing for thdni. A Mrs. -Murray had prepared a beautiful boquet of flow- ers to .present to Sir Thomas Dakin, bat her timidity all d bashfulness had got the better of her, and her hus- band was waiting at the station to take her place. Col. McGivern alighted, and -being informed of the stale. of the case gallantly offer- ed to Ifing Mrs.. Murray to the 'station, and be would make the presentation in her name. Mrs. Murray was dnly found, and the gallmt 'Colonel escorted her to the top of a, flat car, where he made the Wool, per . 'Dried Pork—Bacon 1 C 0110r foi her beautiful present, a. 'c .'prnd yishing h1er on0- f os- Te and '• ering. Weikel. ton is reached ne relatives. What a heart-rending scene the the -1 • receipt of a telegram, containing the. woras, iDear father, I am dying; come np, for Gods sake," umst be yet such have been frequently- sent d'uring . the five o'clock, and a large WV. It is a hard tidies to evrite, CO1100111' se Dried Ptirk—Ham Tau Bark Fall Meet . Spring Wheat. " Peas AINLEYVILLE, June 19, 1872. 30 (4.1e-21 35 1 95 a 1 30 50-60 238 BarleY Oats Butter, Eggs Flour. . 9 cn ` ai11no 31.x.91 HJ `SNOOdS 310H-1SOd aIIZ 30 I.DIS DON'T FORGET THAT DENT'S creat Clearing' Sale of Summer Dry Goods' Xot Begins on TT; jESDAr, July 2d. Or Cheap Goods—the Whole WV/ be Olvareil Out at Once. The Best Canadian COTTON TARN tm hand. ORG.,,,LATS AND iliELODEOITS. AlirR. DENT is now agent for two of the best =kers of these instruments, and can shpply every eine and quality ou the very best terms, and keeps a few constantly on hand. 'Mr. DENT has been a practical musician for 20 years past, undtostends things thoroughly, an wt4M't turn out a poor instrument. e would solicit a call from ell interfding purehasere. 0 2 Cn 0 0 ud eatncemenal.5".""eimuawamum" GIRL WANTED. ANTED. immediately, a to do general housework. Apply at the ExPosrron Office. Seaforth. 234 I BOY WANTED. WANTED, nt THE EXPOSITOR Office, Sea.- ‚ forth, a mart stead.y lad as tin apprentice to I the Printing Business. One from. the Village pre- ferred. APPRENTICE WANTED. wx.!,.TTED imnTiiitteay,.1-1, stout, active lad to I learn the eatinet-neenne business. Apply to • SP.A.RLING & SCOTT, Seaforth. 35 87 12 et 13 10 Insolvent Act of 18691 ° 6 50 01. 7 00 '5u 40 14 00 In the matter of W. SPWIR & SON, Insolvents- ? 8 Creditors of the Insolvent are Ratified to S@) 10 700 003 00 10 ott 15 Calf -Ski -me ct-, /b. . . .. . ... . . • 8 eO) !: 10 Wool. . .......... . . .. Jr.• &lap, ‘.•V Uhl.. ...... . . ... . 1 20 e. Potatoes; . . Hay Dried Bacon Dried Hem Green Hides Pelts meet at the office cif the undersigned, no the cn 3 of London, on MONDAY the 15th July, 1872, tat 9 o'cloek m. for the public- examination of th' Insolvent, and for the ordering of the affairs of th ' • " Estate generally. THOMAS CHURCHJ.=.:R, BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. Thursday, June 27, 1872. The following shows the receipts and' shipments of live stock at the 'Cattle Yards for the week thus far, beginnine with Sunday : Receipt& Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Horses. head. head. head. head. .... 765 1,400 3;000 8 Tniles from the London Road, in a most pros - 'Sunday rich teeey one mile otenetetine, a thriving volege, where a Monday ....... e 3,349 2,400 3 600 48 peroue locality. Land rolling and . : station cif the Welling on, Grey und Bruce -Railway loara, well watered. The cleared part has been in Tuesday ..... .. 782 600 100 32 London, Ontario, June 26, 1872. OCIW ST RAY E D. QTIIATED froin the premises of the 'Undersigned. • Seaforth, about the lirst of Jtme, an aged COW of red color, white heed, belly and thinks grey, with turned -in horns, a oloiag bushy. tail and clroopee. beck. Any person giving such information as will lend to the recovery of the above nnimal will be suit -Ably rewarded. DAVID MoNAUGHT. 287 FOUNDRY NOW'S TFLE TE TO BUY HEAP BOOTS _AND SH The subscribers having purchased. ES. HE BANKRUPT STOCK BOOTS AND 9110ES Belonging to Estate of Wm. Spurr le Son, are giving • EXTRA GOO:D. B:A.R.:GAINS In all kinds of Boots aiatl Shoes. CALL AT ONCE AND SECURE SOME OF, TF14.1. LOGAN & JAMIESON asoceresesnmoccimicceminc SPECIAL DIDUCEMENTS THIS WEEK — A T — KIDD'S EMPORT IN 0 ANDREW'S' MAILSELLA ROBES, INFANT'S' SEWED ROBES, - WHITE TOILET QUILTS, WHITE TOILET COVERS] LADIES' WHITE A.,.VD COLORED SE TS, 3—CYST' P,O=I7,7"..ED - Another Lot of Choice- Strip -2d Ottoman Shawls. A LARGE STOCK OF LADIES' COLORED KID GLOVES, FRO.31 50 CESTF. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. THOS. K I DD, SEA:FORTH. 1•0••••••.• FARM FOR, SALE IN McKILLOP. rp11 el subscriber, being about to leave Canada, of- -1- fers for sale his FARM, East half Lot 19, Fourth Concession MeKillop, consieting of 50 acres, 82 cleared, the remainder good hard timber; the fluen is in good cultivation, the laud demi and free from thistles and. -weeds; half a mile from a, church and a good school -house; four miles from Seaforth ; gravel road passes the door. I will sell the farm alone, Or together with the crops, imple- ments and farm stock, as it will best suit the pm -- chaser. Twenty-one acres under crop, which promises well. Apply to JOHN C. BIcKAY, 238 S ea forth P. O. FARM FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. T‘OR SALE, one hundred acres, of land, being part of Lot 27, Fifth CouceSidon of Tricker- emith, L. R. S., seventy acres cletued and in a good state of cultivation; thirty aores bash; hewn log barn, friune driving house, stable, sheep -house and sheds, a good spring creek in the front of the lot, and it spring in the rear; as good lanO. as any in the township; Ran and A 'mill miles from Sea - forth, three from Brucellehl. Terms, one -third - cash, the remainder in yearly installmente. Apply on the premises to ALEX. McCA.A, 237 Brueefield 0. PAM AND PHOTOGR,.APII ROOMS FOR - SALE. The und.ersigned offers for sale vain - able farm in the township of Hay, Co. of n Sale, VAN°. 29, Con. 7, township of Morik-, contenting 100 acres, 70 of which are -cleared Huron, containing 100 acree of excell- ent hardwood land, 50. cleared coal nearly free froin stamps. The farm is within three miles of Exeter, end one and a quarter and. in astate of good cultivation. The whole is well fented. There aro on the premises a. gote./ frame barn and hewed log -house, also, twO wells and a youncr bearing orchard. This farm is within FOR SALE. 4,S96 4,400 6,700 SS Same tune 'ast week .. 5,168 7,200 9,200 Shieenteets. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Horses. head: head. head. head. 544 ..... 5,100 64 Sunday.. Monday ..... Tuesday. ... The Iron Foundry belotting to the Estate cf Zapfe Carter, bituated THE TOWN OF SEAFORTHI • with the stock oaid machinery is for Bale. It con- .... .. 1,200 3,000 64 gists of Lots No. 42 and 157, on :Alain street. The . 1,870 2,200 1,900 48 buildings are of brick, and the machinerY in goc . order, so that a purehaser can melee a beginning at once. As Seaforth is satiated in one of the most prosperous seetions- of Ontario, there is seldom a bettee opening offered, and to an enterprising me- chanic withscone means, Ouch a favorable chance is not often found. To imitable party or parties favorable terms will be offered. : epee!' HOPE, - Assignee. 2.93-4 - Hamilton, 24th June, 1872. POUND-KEETiER'S NOTIC NOTICE ,is hereby given, that a sma blaek noire, with one blind eyet wes placect m r Found, at the Village of Zurich, on the 141:1i June, 1872. The owner of the above animal is hereby tilled that unless she is chrimcd within one rdonth, from this clat e aml all expellees for Ler ; Total... • ..... 2,414 3,400 10,000 176 Same time last week . 2,159 3 000-' 9013 .... CATTLE. Receipts to -day, including 34 ears re- ported to arrive, 782 head, making the supply of the week thus far 4,896 head, or 2S8 cars, . against 304- cars for• the same. time last week. The market was very inactive; not sufficient doing :to warrant quotable nrices. The -ye lids 'are well stoelted with caottle, nearly one helf of -which are Texans, for which ne o er to buy can 13e had. The attendance IiI are t iere te wish God speed to :the UJ 'but the fact is "IOW bccomiur, only toCeap- • tarent that of those injured. Seared a, 1-,:trtY, and in answer to -repeated was good, bet no dieposition manifested doeerewill tecover. The fireman; Jomi calls. . . ' th • t to operate • buyets and -sellers standing they had lo t. on last !Week's purQchases, L1,. at e ein a, -• C lc AT •G rn in a nea Kiehl., has had. his leeeamentatcel and is speech • int 'Cid • -- ueed Sir Thomas to widely ftpart ; the latter cleamme keeping, &e., paid, she w' 1.11 be sold without fertLer notice. HART.MAI: IIAPPEL Zurieh, Tune 20, 1872. 2374e, mill be 01)02(.4 this fal , also the 'breadth of a lot Pasture for several years. Terins, balf down or the whole. Apply to - from the Northern. C ravel Rona,. Also, for sale a frame dwelling-hou e with the Tipper part fittej ROBERT .1.10wiLDS, proprietor, Lo , con . up as a Photograph Gailety. There is a good well t 7 S d Con Hay Or to and stable on the premise, leo goo t gar en. 21744 - s MePlthL, This property is eituated near the bosiness centre of tne linage of _Wroxeter, through tdrich the- To- ronto, Grey and Bruce Railwayrwill be rennin' g FARM FOR SALE IN IIOWICIC. within one yeer. The whole wilt be sold on easy TOR S_kLE, on reasonable terms, Lot 16, - terms. Forpartienlars apply to teenth Concession, township of Howiek, County of Huron, continuing 100 acres, 50 of which are cleared anti in a good state of cultivation. . There • 236-13 Landand General Agent-, Dingle. P. 0`. FARIYI bia.iX i1' It is situated one mile from Lakelet, and five -from is on the premises a good well and young orchsat . T OT No 5, Concession 15, township of Grey, eon - the thriviug village of Clifford, through which the Wellington, Grey and Bruce -Railway is now num- -1-1,,,,,.,p%'ebt'il:'g ' li31 eLY-H3iXr. a:747)E; ganDb.1}7p1;e1Smieli ja4rey.e4.; ing. There is a, good dwelling bounce 2040, and "'" . 0.r to ' jORN SILLERS, Grey. 232 other suitable lmildings. For further particulars apply to the proprietor JOIIN ARXEIL, 237-4 Lal;elet P.O., Co. Huron, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. AR31 of 1:32 Acres for S r0 acres in. woods, gootl land end we'd linir dogs. Six Miles from •POR SALE, cm reasonable terms, Lot No. 30, Clinton. =dal, from Bavfield. -1" Conceeeion 12, township of Ilibbert, Comity of 224 ALFRED ST ONEHOLISE. Perth, containing one hundred acres, eighty of which are cleared, well fenced and in a state of good cultivation and free from. foul weeds The -balance is timbered principally with beech, maple and ehn. The busilis all fenced and seeded down. There is a eood hewed log house, with back kit- chen a frame barn MAO ; a, frame stable 30x40, *with good wet -buildings. There is also a goo voune oechere containing various kinds of bearing . • , fruit trecia. A good well convenient to the house, and 0 never-faiIing creek numing through the farm. This farm is Situated withir nine nailee of the vil- A.Chentica I Food and Nutritive loam. lege of .'ca . d g d -avel road For • • —The greet popularity of Dr. Wheeler's Cotn- further particulars apply to the undemigned pro - MICHAEL KEEFE, crowCI Cla tS a. Still further break- to its perfect reliability in building up coustiim- Ryan. Seaforth. tions run down with diseases of the Stoma 931'4 ' way •to Paisley, that there imst be their power for the sullerers, le pain- J pound ElNir of .Phosphides and Calieaya is owing prietor on the promisee, or to Messrs. Xilloran & Prot -rusting rilost fa"rahlY• while an the auslidnce who favored thein h th t • in rkets would not - • • witth a few remark,-, The ?,ar is now justify shi t holder's rates and Christiane are doing, whatever rests in • ow - Sales human farm. have been. found robbing th a distarice of sixteen miles. the rails clown in prices to- mo r fel to state that a couple of fiends in depravity of humen nature that at suc.h n ' FARM ViLT AGr PROPERTY FOR SALE. cala nifty, and. in the face Of such herrone neetioin- it would be , of niiterest to compilisecl bout (300 eacl. Transactions • Proprietor. 1 Kidneys which eriee from. T)yepepsiit or -- • - ------------ g 1 tra of the eenertel health. It effeett.al- OITTFI HALF of the South half of Lot • Feeble DigestiOn, end result in poor blood rode FARM Li ta ant FOR SALE HOTEL FOR SALE IN AINLEYVILLE... rpIrE Hotid et preetnt occophid. by jamee Leon - 13r31, will be sold cheap for tail'. Buil 'thew all new. Possession given immediately- ' J. LECTOLgetn3 Ai/31er Aillpleil,y3tolay 23, 1872. FARM FOR SALE IN MeltILLOP. "p011 SALE, Lot 18. Twelfth -Ci Si -31 McKile -I: lop, eensisting of Behteres; 135 to 45 nen et clear- ed- tee -el hfirfl-wood; g.;od rannit4 creel: on frontof farm; ttl, miles from Seel:forth, 4 mile- iron) Niralton, a mile and a hell from. gravel tote. Tetras easy. For further particulars, evilly to THOMAS WALLACE, 1- 235-44., West fle111).0., West, 'Wireenitiel). Tp. . - detel. It is an..awful commentary on the of which have. some of them been a time. and in v tew of such a 'rightful only laid a, few houis. In this con- . were as foll NO. of • Head. - eepable of such inhuman deeds. -A man, 214S ste, st2enes, men could be found:Who are state the rapid • manner in whieh whose name has, not been aseertained ,. te. adt,Lie h. ad. dope the track- ,.•) -was diecavered, but upon threats ofpro- laying? on; Lys, portion . of the line. 53 n 4 ecut ion he disgon±ed his plunder. It . On. acconnt, Rn accident , to one of 4S And 6 ot c CC 18 said that thlre are others who are'knoten the lioats bringing out the iron frum 36 • 1 to he gUilty of a similar offence-. A England. the company had fowl( strnn:4-e inoident demonstrating the force thews -elves. short of on about 230 boilQr was ditcovered. I ------------ kine tone-a"--enougli to cover two and a t with which the steam eecaped from the l•ty ear where the ereNetbos had his.. papers, .1 half e mile§ of road., On Tuesc , lend of tee ea.r. bears the imprint of a • 413 inst., this quantity tiruyedin - the • newspaper, it havme been eauelit by the I H • 1 i hours it, was (piked in the Q ;tm;ltOn the propeller Indian, blast of sttsm emit actually Crivete into . - the pores of the wood. So th an( • - A ,• eira Lee :telt after eating, lietIrt-hurn., Fiatnoinee, Cenetl contahiing 50 aceees, :35 cleared ; wc11 Watc•rea by a ly relieees 'lain or it ftense of fullness ti•t mrs -Weieht tien from, torpid •liver, 13ilious Headaches, Irrt a- spring creek; 14( val log house and freme stable. on rt "o terms, a Faiert, being 1,14 ;••I‘ tee. Eitehoth. Ceuceeeiten if Me- e -inlet! Seaforto. AnAe- to h tete fth Concession of the 'U'. 1.' op _ • • I Also. etere lraildie„ee lots in the .1) lneya and Biat1der front the red de- The above fain only a enle and - half on a !roodwhere 0 t 1 in 1287 - 0-- 1222 1420 1162 1253 1009 CM. SHEEP.. Receipts for to-dav 600 head. taill and n t N et tat -- - ed. are as follows : 01 poeit in the l'rine anti it :Li f,,/1.14 load froxn the rising -all:we of 1, D I 6 '25 ley nervens3prte tretion, lout genoral statiem of the WI:llingt(,n, Grey Bruce Bail- _ • • ' -;v f tho one eomrton. wav will he opened this fall. Fer price end terms I NS cf - 6 20 nsieentonstitreiong that lae----------- i , C. R. coorim,. e lind are unitble to arense thceilie.lvee to any erer- eeee Iiingle P. 0. 1 0 au • thin or undergo any firtigne, will lie astouished • t, inquire (if by letter, prepaid! ot 6 10 canee—Dretelieia- or Foeble Di,4estion. All tl c:•e the nieieity with -which the whole eyeteut is raised -FAR NI FOR SALE; . t i FOR SAIJI, Let. eut of this en-ostrate 1.111c1 cut•rgized and. IT °wit.), veil tinning 3 a('r0'. vitelizetl under the nee of the; preparetion. e omelette • delleione, does net lose itra effect, -and- is well ft need. fl;:tal r. eood tate of cultivation, ; larket - n )enec " 1 , .t llr wed liy a ielapse. 5/.1 at :el. £1 Average .ROOMS TO LET. Head. Weight. • Price. Fet 75 473 tlel7 136 Ohio Clipped, 90 205 IN1iSsoini czEvERAL Goon Booms in Meyer s Block kJ let on railsouable terms. Ateply to &„ 7SIEYER. good b;alling,c, of N. Ittl-r ,„0 I no orcherd., just tetienieneieg beare it is eitnated within ebnut two milt s of the thriving village of • Wroeeter arid the sante distenee from the villeea of Gerrie. For fettle r paiticulurv api.ly to the er to M. 1-.01,7NG, en the premisee. I 2:.;Otele Ii: YOUNG,. Seeforth. 29,3 JA:1.111S 31F.,‘TTIE, Si•a STRAYED 0 LTS. STRAYED &ern the premise. of the subeeriber, Lot No. 31$, Third Ceneeilsion, Teel rseeith, L. R. S., on or alient the 9;th. iof April lest, TWO COLTS, tme two yeare Oirl a1 the ether zar old pert ; the to -le ee 3,131 ot ill bee w'eli a heavy bleek inane tied ; the yeckr 43131 of llitclt eelor, i with two white bind ))'J, vola pat 471-tlit! el fere lee white, alet) a white star heevy mane parted in the ;=jvine seich informatien 114 of the abeeto will be eeiteoly r JoHN ci)L3reNE1 T mike:seal-1n -..-11hy :0, 1172. fereht el,o. itre. Any teereori tie the recovery war; tel. .Bro.e.e.iell P. 0. • 231-9 14