The Huron Expositor, 1872-06-28, Page 3JUNE 28, 1812. isentramwelogillossentelsereasiameteessmelne Af I EYViLLE .,,AN NG a MILL, R no WFACTORY bsodber havlr; g bought out the stboye the good- ill of the late firm, is now. to frit all orde*a in his lisle of business Doors 'an d Moulding: ON HAND AND DE TO ORDER Oa the shortest notice. -STOM PLANING Strictly attended to. JAMES BENNETT; vine, May 16, 2.S72. 2W1-47 AFORTH 'INNING MILL, i I DOOR AHD BLIND FACTORY abseriber begs leave to thank his numeren »ers for the liberal patronage extended to borerueiteing business in Sertforth, and lathe may be favored with a continuance xnre. is intending- to}build: would do well to g 211, ns he Will Continue to keep on hand ea of ell kiaae of DRY PINE LUMBEIt,. S.4“41.1 DRS, BLINDS, MOULD INNS, :SHINGLES, LATH,. ETC.keis co.dent of giving satisfaction to those iy favour hirci rich their patronage,as nen& class workmen are employed. ;crtieular attention paid to Custom Plsniflg Ju H< .BROADFOOT... SEAFORTH SOV L .Y WORKS. MARTMhavinn purchased the premises- a Goderich Street, in rear of the Manliest Seaforth, intends hereafter carrying on :ss there in the follotiviug lases. LUMBER DRESSING, Ia all its branches. gash nN o ha � and'Vindrrgashk€pt constantly n , sr and Window Frames made to girder, of tha :Iateriel and at the shortest notice. hidings, of all patterns, kept on hand: and to order. Carrot, Beet and Manure Drills, Land es, Wagon Racks, Horse= Hay -rakes, aiid'. ar by of other Farming Implements, of the most. }vett patterns,: kept constantly on. hand or to order. STENT PORTABLE FEN:0ES, ,lanufactnred when required. TO WAGON MAKERS. Lie undersigned would also beg to inform Wag- uti Carriage Makers that he keeps constantly and, all kinds of Bent Stuff.: suitable for their fy, repenters, Builders, Farmers, and the public =ally in need of any of the above articles la do well to favor me with their patronage, as ay new premises, I hate facilities for doing this fresh of work -winch cannot be surpassed. ,101111 M. MARTEN. forth Novelty Works, Goderich Street. 228 10 WANTS A GOOD SUBSTANTIAL 4VAG0N,. or a nice STYLISH BUGGY WILLIAM GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, AS on hand and for sale e number of handsome L single and double BUGGIES, allswell finished d manufactured of the very best material. Also, L. -UMBER WAGONS, Melt, for excellence of build, and ease in running isnot Le surpassed by any manufacturer in the c}rinee. A few DEMOCRAT WAGONS on land, an ore making. V, IT -JAM GIRASSI;E sells as cheap- as any oth eIN BLACKSMITii$NC And General Job Work attended to promptly. GET THE BEST. ;tablishnzen.t in the County. niE BLANCHARD R SIA -CF AC'TCRED DY BLIVgirtiARD & SDKS, Concord, New 1lampslAre; This. Churn is decidedly the best and cheapest that has ever been offerer. to the Canadian p It (11 iu s rarid't, wt rl s Easily, and makes the best butter.. It is alio si,aple aired durable. FARMERS TRY ONE, NO Sly IT NO SALE If it does not work satisfactorily it can be re. nrned- .pkiese Churns can be seen at any tune at Sem son Brothers' hardware Store, Seaforth. 0... 0. WILSON, e ;4 Agricultural Implemen t Agent tii THE BEST SEWING MACHINES . ?:Sade can be had at- WM. tW '.. N. WATSON'S SEWING ! AG I E DEPOT �denO SE A.tRT "THE GE_ UISE IIOW Sewing :lachines, in all styles andsues, and c c THE O,S`IJ 01 -RN' Machine in an styles. The subscriber has received a splendid ire a by e both these Machin which are p ronouPK-let-wed le, tele to be satperiortoy others m For strewth, simplicity and perfection. e. et:ti,n for range of work, folight gary }beautyrrid o ts etch,ocng to the being perfect and furl ways y equal on both upper mud lower threads, fr r durability tht•se iunnehines~ are unrivalled. teti Every Ztrel it0 n rranted and inetructions giv etati:�.- Marhiue sent out on trial, or r• month to rel eeeitnle pantie' Seafol ` ''Ji.N.'iArS0 , GAIETIES. •A, drover who `sells his cattle by live weight always gives them as much water as they ,will drink be- fore driving tllelu on the scales. That is his way of watering stock. _•-. Douglas Jerrold one day met a Scotch gentleman whose name was Leitch, and who explained that he vas not the popular caricaturist, John Leech. "Iam aware of that," r ` 'replied the wit . you are the Scotch Leitch, with the i -t -o -h." A clergyman said' to a man burying bis fourth wife : " The Lord has afflicted you." The mourn- er, sobbing, replied . Yes, yes, e has ;" and pausing a moment, and wiping his nose continued : " But I don't think the' Lord got *much ahead of me, for as fast as he took one I took another." —" How many regular boarders have you, madam `l" asked a census - taker of a lady. " \\Te11, really, I can't say aSany of 'em is very regul- ar, They stay out." `.' I-. mean, madam, bow many steady boarders have youi" ." Welt, really, out of 19, there's not more'n two that I'd call steady. will be less seen and heard T' " Tak' a back seat!" said John ; na, nap I'll never quat my cozie corner. My greatgriudfather, my grand- father, awl illy father, a' sat there, and there John will sit, come o't what will !" The elders, with heavy hearte, returned to the minister, and reported the stubborn, trucu- lent, and unehristian-like behaviour of the •incorrigible drowsy wabster. Let him alone," replied the worthy man,; " I think the best way to cure him of his sinful malady is to affront him. He is a poor, but proud crea- ture ; I'll rebuke hien before the whole congregation." " Next Sab- bath, the text was hardly given out, when, as usual, ;down sinks John, and begins to s renade his neigh- bdrs if pooole, �s� more than his with accustomed berry. " Sit up, John Thomson'1" cried the minister, with a Loud and ear spitting voice. " no sleepin', sir," quoth John. " 0, John, John, can you tell me what I said last `1" " 0u ay; sir ; ye said Sit up, John. Thanson 1" Baby m the Gallery. $a � An old woman having . heard an advertisement read from a news- paper, which ended with this intima- tion," not to be repeated," exclaim- ed, ? ed, "Hoch, sirs, that mann be a great secret l" - --- A maiden lady being asked w• 1 ied -'d ie ver married, p had never she h s y that she had never, seen the man for whom she waswilling to ,get up. - three meals a day for 40 years. Rev. Mr. A., a Methodist sin- ister in a Western village, observed, one hot Sunday, that his congrega- tion, with few exceptions, were Sud - wrapped in placid slumber. denly pausing in his sermon, he re- quested Deacon S. to pass around the plate. The .deacon,' thusaccost- ed, rose to his feet, and with a very red face, said : " The collection has bas already been taken up." "Never mind, Brother S.," replied the minister ; `"take up another, for -I intend -to make the congregation 1.pay_ for .lodgings, as well ;as for spiritual food- When the second' collection had been taken up, the congregation was very wide-awake indeed. _ A gentleman brought to the Pity a mummy which he had procur- ed in Egypt; and as soon as. the :coroner heard of it he summoned a -jury and held an inquest upon the mummy, and decided that its Clea th was produced by causes unknown," and then collected his fee with in- terest from the time of the mummy's death, about three thousand years two. - Well, that very same coroner has been at it again. Last week some laborers, while digging a cellar, discovered a dozen bones. They ap- peared to be the.bones of a horse ; .but the coroner seized them, threw away the large ones,.laid .them upon ,the floor in something like the shape ,of a man -one bone, however, a leg ::bone, running up what represented the back --and held. an inquest., =$e.had the same old jury that sat on the mummy, and in about ten minutes they handed in averdict that "deceased cavae to his death ap- parently from torpidity of the liver." 'hen they went for the fees and di- vided them.= Intellectual Creature—"No it's rV utterly impossible for a- fellah to stand this disgusting weather. I feel ag if my Bwains were going to the dogs." .Lady—" Dear, dear !' I'oor dogs !" A LUXURY IF YOU LIKE. --Sandy I say, Jock, roon,'di