HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-06-28, Page 1,
',VAIL." • •
A'TE 2L 1872.
The bride and bridegroom
;cot& reel, and the oldegerttle-
-" V. -ad na gie my am wife
ite 1 see."—Cor. &arm
Zestern Pair for 1872.
.ze List of the London Western;
just been issued from the press
let form. The Secretart, Mt._
isle, will shortly start ottt upon
1, travels, circulating all neees-
rmation concerning tlifI Fair.
be borne in mind that the Fair
i on Tuesday, Sth of -October,
our days ; that sio,00a are of -
}remittals. The followingis the
ac Alimagement for attys of
lorses—Mesars. Dreamy, Mc-
---Massrs- Nixon, Tooley,
and Pigs—a,lossrs. Wheaton,.
nt..4 Little.
J . B. Smyth,, J.
-Roots, Dairy Produce, Garden
les, Fruit, flants and Floters-
s. Partridge, 8. McBride, Pope,.
auts—Messrs. Cousins, Canaer-
s, McKellar.
(satires, Fine Arts amd Ladies'
Messrs. Griffiths, Williams,,
COmmitte s are named for eacla
ent, every Member of the Ward-
rea(ly to aid. exhibitors..
•vocrym. 5, NO. 30. I I
WillOILE NO. 23S. )
subscribers will offer fon sale abont one'
ntlrel Village and Park Lots, beautifully sitan;
th e rise ef ground a short distance East
of the principal street.
Win be mode
And can be seen at the Law Office of '
:ending purchasers' in Wartnilaara will do we1l-
ic.e. advantage of this sale,' ea this property is -
lolly the best situated of arty -within miles ca
Most of the Village Lots will be
t ever/ea:lug lit at, an elevation of twenty-frvv
bitty feet.,
P -third cash down on. dmdf Sale, and the bal.-
ce the First a November, 1873, with baterest
ver cent,. A discount 3ot 10 per cent. 071 two-
kila of the purchase. 'Money will be made to,.
'rties paying all cash.
he vendors reserve one bid.
Further partictflars may_ be obtained ft'?
-Auctioneer, Goderich.
Win gh am -
East Wawanosb.
2.35 -td.
Winim1 lune G, 1872.
14 sTAuFFEB:
of the Two Bureaus -
9"7 -5:3
JrE V,
Is baying wad paying fall prices for
In any quantities. Also
Brou.girt to towii,
Gocrie5t., SCSlorth, Jaue 1S72.
IficLEA N lEiROT11/1/47.13S,
0. 50 •a Year, in mil-
QIt. SNALE, 111.13., Physician., Surgeon
Graduatfa of Toronto Universityi Asseci-
ate coroner for thn 'County a Huron, Wroxeter,
Ontario. 23543o
TIAVID MITCHELL, M. D., Gradnato of trieto-
-1-r ria Ctaege, Physieitm„ Sul:neon'etc.,
1C-Clax, One
N'r.—Cornr of the Ot'ounty o•f Mum.
Offteb and residence, at Thompson &-Sttinley's.
TIR. W. U. SMITH, Paysician, Surgeon, etc,
Office—Opposite Acott Robertson's Grocery,
Slain street, Settiorth. •53
"FAMES STEWART, M. D., 0: M., Graduate of
u McGill, Gnivers,ity, Montreal, Physician, Sur-
geon, etc. Office and Residence—LIueefield.
L. VER0013, M. D., 0. M.', Physician, Sur-
-Li-. goon, eta. Office and Residence, oorner of
Tilarket aud High streets, next to the Planing Mill.
jj.OpIPBELL, Coroner for the County. Office
and .Residence, over Corby's corner store% Main
street, Staforth. Office hours, from 11 to 4, each
day, and. all day Saturd150
CPO the inhabitants of- Seaforth and surrounding
country. Dr. S. BULL having been eanta
through sicicuess in his family, to suspend basiness
for some time in this has pleasure in an-
3romuting to the public, that through a kind Pro-
vidence he has been permitted to return to the
rooms formerly occupied by him, over Mr. A. G.
151cDongas Store, Main street, where he intends
vermauently to remain, and wkll be pleased to see
his oltl patrons and as many neW ones as limy favor
him with a call. All operldinus performe I accord-
ing to the latest approved style, and fees as low as
to be found elsewhere.
Office hours from 8 A.. M. to 5 P. M. 224
- • ^
T LEF_T, Solicitor'Wingham, has been ap-
• oiuted Agent for the Colonial Seettrities Core --
1)44 of England, he is also Agent for several pri-
vate Capitalists of Toronto,
who loan Money at
very reasonable rates. Tnterest payable yearly.
Charges -1 moderate.
Winghtun, Dec. 15f 1871. 213
. -
MoCAUGlitl & 110LMESTED; Btu-Aster:6, At-
torneys at Law, Solicitors iu Chancery aud.
Insolvency, Notaries Publie aucl Conveyancers.
Solicitors for the It. G. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for
the Canada Life Assurance Company,
N. 13.--30,000 to lend at 8 per cent. -Farms,
lionses and Lots for sale.
'RENON & MEYER, Barristers and A4orneys
-L.' at Law. Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency,
Cenveyancers, Notaries- Pablic, etc. Offines—Sea-
"forth and Wroxeter. $2:3,000 of Private Ftinds to
invest at ouue, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable
Jas. 11. fr1.$so14. Tr.. W. C. )m.
.She G-ocs to the- Scaffold Cheerfully,
- Dies Professing • Penitence, and
Turns Pions 'Exhorter at the lEAtast
Moment. •
'AVM the London. Free Press.
The annals- -of -crime afford no record
of fiercer human.passion than was shown
in the butchery of Crearge Campbell, in
the repose of his domestic hearth, in last
July ; and certainly no martyr taince the
iinmolation: of Cranmer has displayed a
more saint -like spirit, than was thanifest-
ed, by his murderess in her latest mo-
ments on this earth. The scene . Of the
fatal night, which she described so mi-
nutely in her written confession, in con-
trast with that of yesterday, exhibits a
marvel of human frailty and human for-
titude. The, murderess that at- midnight
buried, the ,cruel axe in her 'husband's
head, walked to the scaffal.d to expiate
hercriine in an.., ecstacy of repentant
grace,a spirit :of almost divine. charity,
with a mind at perfect peace and a heart
full of brightest hope. lu scorn of
worldly clemency, with unfaltering nerve,
and step as light as that of her bridal,
Plicebe Campbell passed out of the
world. •;
.A1 an earlhour, on Thursday, June
20, people. gathered • from • all parts- of
London, near to the jail, Crowding the
vestibule, and clamoring for admittance,
or selecting positions for observation out
side the walls, On Thames street, west
of the jail, was a long line of Men,
'women and children, eagerly watching
every movement; while. a large willow
tree in the middle of the road. was laden
in every branch -with boys. The scaf-
fold, however, was • so walled up with
beaeds, as to shut the Victim from their
prying eyesi`o4d the act of " taking off"
was done as -privately as circumstanpes
permitted. Some twenty or thirty persons
were adinitted by taild from the Sheriff
and attended during the final prepara-
tions. Every one seemed oppressed with
a sense .of mingled shame and pity. in
the main corridor they conversed in low
tones or paced to and fro casting an oc-
casional look upou the woman whose
condition seemed to lay them under a
spell. A tall, square -shouldered man.
his head and. face covered by a black
mask lounged among them. He was
over six feet ip height; -walked .with an
ambling gait, and seemed to be a very
Common kind of -individual altogether.
Re spoke to no one but glanced quickly,
and sharply about him - with his leaden
gray eyes, which,- appearing through
holes cut in the mask, gave him a ghast-
ly and spectral leek.
• in a large cell -four clergymen sit ab-
sorbed in _meditation: They have .been
unceasing in their ministrations and now
but little remains for them to do. in
an adjoining and smaller Cell, the con
derailed. sits Surrounded by, sympathetic
ladies, who are offering last conselations.
Her figure is full, and cheeks ruddy with
health: No dread, no tears, yet no de-.
fianceor seemingpride of resolution.
Her eyes expres-a a state of mind
so happy; and. hopefully exultant
as to realize the most exalted teachings
of th,e saintand the philosopher. Now
and. then a smile comes into her face; ex-
pressing .coafidence and repose, good will7
and resignatien.
There can be no donbt of this woman's
absolute -conversion ; and • although her
written statements, which have been
sent to the Attorney -General, contain
matters irreconcilable- with other testi-
mony, her dying and positive assurance
of their truth cannot well be gainsaid.
All night long she remained up, in
company with the ladies alluded, to, and
preserved a cheerful spirit -throughout.
At an early hour he clergymen came,
and at seven o'clock Rev: G. M. Innes
prayed with her, until overcome With
emotion; when she began, in a clear,
calm, strong Voice, and continued long
and fervently. Her utterances were so
earnest, intelligent and well connected,.
as to cause mneh and agreeable surprise.
She then had. an interview with her
counsel, , Mr. E. Merideth, in course of
which she begged to be forgiven for.
having told him so many falsehoods. tre
asked her what Coyle had said atthe in-
teryievi on Tuesday.. She replied. that
be 'said he would not confess any thing,
that he had nothing to confess, and had.
taken_ no part in the affair whatever.
She implored him to tell all he knew,
bi he steadily and clogebndly refused. •
Shb then said she -hoped he would repent
ef ibis sins and -make nis peade with God.
A few days_ agoshe called in Mr.
Merideth and made -her will, appointing
her fathertuardian of her children; and
Custodian of her property. Old McWain
• was in the. city on Wednesday,evening,
and Jeft for the west at fiveto'clock yes-
terday. morning. It is said he has pur-
chased land in. Michigan; ancl intends to
remove there.. One of the °brothers of
enors tChaemeixtedlultritohne. in,ur der ed Man. at-
etAt a qoafter after eighto'clock, the
1 proestsion formed, and marched with
solemn. steps to the Place of execution;
At the 'door the culprit took an affection-
ate farewell of the ladies who acornpani-
ecl her, and when sht turned to resume
her.journey to -death they hurried away.
Here ti4eculprit was resigned by the
Sheriff to the man in. the mask who pro-
ceeded M brisk. haste to pinion her arms
with'strew',c'cord. Meanwhile Rev.
Mr. Innes by her previous request, read
the following letter which she had -writ-
ten, to the. people assembled :—
OOMMEDCIA.L HOTEL, 4inleyville, Ont., WM.
N-1 AIsTNETT, Propfietor.. This Hotel is miller
entirely new management and.has been thorougly
renovated. The Bar is supplied with the best
Liquors and Cigars. Good Stabling- and attentive
.Hostners. ATirst-class Livery in commotion. 228
'ROTEL, (Late Sharp's.) The under-
signed begs to thank the publie for the liberal
patronage awarded to him iu times past in the
hotel business, and also to inform them that he has
again resumed_ ousiness in, the above stand, where
be will be happy to have a call from obi friends,
and many new ones.
126 FI
110RINCE OF WALF,S HOTEL, Clinton, Ont.,
JLC. 3. MeCUTCHEON, Proprietor. Fix:At-class_
accommodation for ttrayellers. The Bar is sup-
plied with the very best liquors and cigars. Good
stabling attaehed. The stage leaves this House
every day for Wingbem. 204n4t
-1--• Good liorss and Comfortable Vehicles, always
on hand. Favorable - Arraneements, made • With
COnunercial Travellers. All orders mit at KNOX'S
HOTEL, will be promptly attended to,
OFFICE- AND STticr,ns :—Third door North c
Knox's Hotel, Main Street.
221 TI103IAS DELL, Proprietor.
• (Member of the Ontario Vetcrinary College,)
begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth
and surnnunting country, that he has opened an
Office in &ft -forth, where he may be consulted per-
sonally or by letter, en the Diseases of Horsos, Cat-
tle, eta. Having received a regular and. prattical
education and having been awarded the Diploma
of the Veterinary College of Ontario, T. I. Churchill
has every confidence of giving satisfaction to all
who may employ him.
1E7211ENCES—A. Staitii., V. S., Principal Onta-
rio Veterinary College; Professor 13tickland, Dr.
Thorbum, Dr. Rowel, [kind -'-Well5, 11. D., & -V. S.
Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. -
All calls prom.ptlY attended to.
Oftlee--Carmicluter sjiotel, Seaforth. 182-2m
V. S., bn
egs to annouce to the inhabitants of
Seatorth and surroantling country that he has
been awarded the diploma of the Ontario Veterin-
aryCollege, and is now prepared to treg diSeRSCS
of Horses and Cattle and all domestic animals. He
has opened en. office in connection with his horse -
shoeing shop, where he will be found ready to at-
tend ti,eel's. Diseases 'of the feet specially at-
tended to. Rffi
Residence, oce and shop in the rear
of Killoran & Ryan's new store. All kinds of 'Vet-
erinary Medicines kept constantly on • hand.
Charges reasonable. 229
great many dear Christian friends that
called to see the and gave the good adideee
the same as all others, and 1 thank thein
for all their kindness, and. Miss Mercer
lg hrao,,a••
bdoduiThe_ United Counties of Lanark and
length determined to
has visited. me over since I was her, and. at
done all that lay in her power for me, — At the late Quarter Seseionsheld
and. I am so thankful to her for her kind- Stratford, Mr. Hugh Kennedy .Junk, of
Mitchell, get la verdict .for damages
nese, an trust that I will meet them till in
Heaven. I now thank Mr. Kelly for his against theGrand Trunk Railway for a
number of pigs 'which had strayed upon
kindne,se and his kind manner to me.
thetrack and had been killed by a train.
peer unfortunate woman I be, and Mr.
McIntosh for his kindness, and I now Tb was proven that the fenee along the
thank dear Mrs. Doyle fur her kimbiess track had not been in proper repair, and
and goodnessto me in my long confine- that tek
tneh.ags had got through it on to
ment She has been a mother to me th
when mine was far away; and 4 friend. to •—• Mr. R. A.. Harrison has iesued In
the friendless when mine wasfar, from valedictory to the electors of West To-
me, and God will open the door of 'onto. He does not care again to fac
Heaveu for her. I say nothing about the the electors at the polls after the vote
jailer's kindness; but I pray that God which he ha -s given during the late seS
will forgive all T have, and I knew He sion. •
will too. I thank the prisonets all for --Thototal increase of qualified- vo
their kindness, 'and pray for -Gad to bless ert M -Stratford this Year over last, is as
then; and. giveHis Holy Spirit te them certarned by official returns to be 171.
to teach them good and direct them, and There is a large increase in each ward
my prayers have been for them that iny This is gratifying evidence of the -iu
great and loving God will awake them to creasing -prosperity , of that thrivin
a sense of their danger, and I hope God town:
will bless them and guide them forever. A. few days ago, a conductor of
I now thank the jury -kir bringing me in freight train an the Grand Trunk, named
guilty, and hope I will not them in Martin, while on the road betwee
Heaven. And. I thank the Judge for Petersburg and Berlin, had occasion t
my right sentence, and say for a truth go on the top of one of the cars, and. whe
they done what was right -in the sight of pear the end of the car, fell down a dis
God andinan. ..And.1-thank the Qneen's tance of nearly 12 feet on the couplin
liitekiVness, add hope to irons, injuring' his spine so as to calls
en. They all done complete pal alysis of the lower ilimbs.
their best to find out the naurderer, and Strange to say, although only supporte(
I say it would have been Wrpg to let me by the coupling irons, across which h
free after thatdreadful crime. I deserve must have fallen on his back, he Was ye
more than I am. gettiog. To think my balanced while the train moved*its whol
poor husband was launched into eternity length. e
- ALEXANDER HUNTER', LicenSed Auetioneer,
Cranbrook. Grey P. O. iSates attended en
_moderate terms. Commissioner in Queen's Bench,
Conveyancer, Land, Loan and Geneial Agent.—
Also, Agent for the feLlowing Companies, viz.:
Hilton and Eric Loan Socinty, London ; Farmers'
anOE Mechanics' Savings and Loan Col Toron-
to ; Royal Insurance Cbmpany of Liverpool and
London, Fire and Life ; Ontario Mutual Fire In-
snrance Company and. the Agricultural Insurance
Company. Any amount (If Malley to loan at low'
rates of intorest. Several good Farm's for sale,
oheap. 224-6m
11 R. cOoPER, Conveyancer, Commissiorterili
`-'• Queen's Ileuela, Insurance and General Agent,
Agent for the Freehold Permanent Building and
Savings Soen-ty of 'Toronto, whose rates are as low
as any Company doing business in Canada. Appli-
cations for 1,0turs promptly attended to.
OFFR-..s.--Opposite Ross' Tailor Shop,
18641 TN LE VILLE .
JOHN RRIGHAll, Exchange Broker, and Rail:
way Ticket Agent, Houghton's Hotel, opposite
G. T. Railway Station,' Seaforth, Ont. Through
Tiekets issued to all points in the Western States,
California anal Red River, at redneed rates, affording
the greatet facilities to Emigrants. All necessary
information 'given respecting Laud Agencies, etc.
Greenbaeks. Bonds, Coupons and =current Money,
Gold and Sih Cohn bought and. sold at bestrates.
Oftiee—At Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. Crood
Eforses and first-class Couveyances always on hlt.nd.
quiet lIoves al First-ebtse Vehicles always
on hand. Conneyenoea -furnished • to Coremerdal
Travellers on reasonable rates.
COLLAbAl has leased th.e large and. emu-
• modiens house, on the Salt 'Works Grounds,
without a, moment's Nvarning, while Coil -- A most (-taring burglary took plac
has spared. me to repent and prepare for at Barrie, on Sunday night last, the saf
death. 0, raty deaa• friends, I hope you at the ,,Station being blown open an
will take warning by what you see and 5200 alpstracted. '..Che .explosion mu t
hear. It i8 a solemn thing to (lie if not have been terrific, as the door WAS Col -
prepaied. The judgment box ' of God is pletely bloadi off and threWil through
dreadful to face if our sins are not for- partition, but no one appears to hat e
given but if your sins are forgiven the heard it. Rowdies who had been attent -
thoughts of dying are sweet to the be- in the races are supposed to have been
hever's ear. How sweet the name of . the perpetrators. . ..
Jesues.ounds in a believer's ear ; it soothee —Mrs. Walsh, relict Of the late Jo
his sorrow, 'heals his Wounds and drives Walsh, Esq., of the Gore of Downi
away his _ fears. 0, 'my dear fellow- died on the 1 1th inst. She was one
creatures, I pray seek the • Lord while the oldest and most respected residen
lie mmna
may be found. Remember my last of that section of country. - She was
wishes to you fa].. If you are not saved native of the County Ken d; y, Irelana
it is your own fault ForHeis ready to had- attained the adyanced age of
Save to the utmost, vile and wickedness. years. -
. .
My dear friends, come, there is room --Mr. Parrott, one of the lecture
enough for all who will obey His call. 0, employed by the Grand Lodge of the
1 ant so happy. This morning is the hap- 0. - of a; T., is now lecturing in ti
piest morning I think I ever spent, for I Northltictina of Huron, on the sa
am a day's march nearer home. 0, my ,jecti of intemperance. He appears
dear friends, listen to his calls, and His ihave the cueheart,
sat and to lab
outstretched arms to fold you to Has earnestly for the .suppression of intone
breast. Come just as you are, Witlhout perauce. Any persons - wishing to bane
the fact that orders reach them from such
distant parts of the Dominion. .
—A contemporary remarks that; "For
a man of cool impudence arid ertism,
commend ns to the late proprietor of the
Clinton _Yew Era. In assuming the edi-
torial management of the St Catharines
TimeA last week, he praised himself in
the most laudatory terms, not forgetting
to tell his reados that he graduated with
honors at the Toronto University. Com-
ment is unnecessary." ,
— At a meeting of the teachers of
Blenheim, held at Drumbo 011 the 8th
inst., the following resolution was name-
imously carried: That aftd. due con-
sideration of the subject, the teachers of
Blenheim would prefer receiving their
moneys through the hands of the Town-
ship -Treasurer.
---- The Chatham Banner says: St.
Thomas, the great Tory stronghold in
Elgin e,onnty, is now thoroughly Referro.
We shall in consequence have some hcpe
for the prosperity. of the town hereafter.
The most enterprising towns and cities
in Ontario are those 'which are Reform in
.politios. • I
-- There are now in camp at Niagara
about 6,000 men, who daily consume,
5,840 lbs. of beef, 8,760 lbs. of bread,
100 bushels of potatoes, 750 lbs. of sngar,
125 lbs. .of coffee, 125 lbs. of tea; 750 lbs.
of cheese, 200 lbs. of salt, 370 lbs. of
barley, and 10 lbs. of pepper. There
are about 600 horses in camp, and they
consume 11,000 lbs. of hay and 6,000 lbs.
of oats each day, and between 15 and. 20
cords of wood are burned daily.
— The corner stone of the new brick
hall, being erected. by the Odd Fellows
of Stratford, was laid. with. all due cere-
mony on Monday of. last week. The
ceremony was performed by Rieht
Worthy , Grand Master Brother John
Gibson, assis, ed. by other dignitaries of
the order.
--- Last week, in six days of 11 hours
each, Mr. Ratz's saw mill at Gadshill,
in the County of Perth, with fai men
eniployed, cut and delivered out the en-
OTMOUS quantity of 112,000 feet of pine
luniber, without cutting the blither into
thick stuff or large pieces, and without
any culling of logs.
—Professor White, the lion tamer,
who was set on and. badly injured by -61'e
lions of 'Van Aniburgh's 117enagerie at
Petrolia; on the 16th May, we are glad
to say, has so far recovered as to join
the Company. Ho willresume hi.s old
may be able to keep the supply equal to
the demand.
— The Synods of the Church of Scot-
land, the Canada Presbyterian Claurth,
the Wesleyan Methodist Coaference, the
Congregational Ueion and Bible Cnris-
tian Conference, have arced to observe
the 14th day of Novemb r next as a
day of thanksgiving. It i thought th
Government will also proelenn the same
day for public, thanksgiving l
Temperance C'Onvention.
The Independent Order of uood Tem -
'tiara of the County of Huron held.their
semi-annu.al Cennty Convention. in the
Wesleyan Meth.odist (nu:a at Spring
Hill, township of liowick, on Thursday
the 13th. July, inst. Brother P. Hepin- '
-stall, President, and Brother B: S. Cook,
Secretary, pro tem.
The church was beautifully decorated
with evergreens, and the walls bung
with mottoes. Four Temples of the
county were represented 'by delegates,
and, doubtless, many others iwould have
been but for the rain which fell heavily
during most of the day.
Many important matters telating to
the temperance Movement were discuseed
with energy and intelligence, some of
which veere : The political aspect of the
temperance question ; the evils resulting
from the use of so eallei temperance
drunks; the benefit of holding open
Temples often, &c., &c.
It was resolved to take active meas-
ures in relation to the poli,`,ical question,
and committees were a,ptiointed to en-
deavor to elect members of Parliament
for this county, 'who will g' rethen voices -
in faver of prohibition. 1 he use of tem-
perance drinks ,was .lo
against. Good remarks
many of the delegates c
Water Temples for the
were highly recommended
decided to try and imp
Templars the propriety
Canada Casket, the organ
anof endeavoring to mc ease its circu-
lation. There was also s me discussion
on, the propriety of for mg, a County
Temple. -
The next Convention w is appointed to
beheld in Sezdorth, on rrhursday, January
30,f 1873, to begin at 10 31 a.m. Brother
WIlliams, President, a d Brother J.
Beattie, Secretary. -
An open temperance in 'ting was held e,
position M the Company as soon as he in the evening after th convention in
hts recuperated sufficiently to: warrant the same place. The hou e as comfort-
ably tilled, and those pre
ly eptertained and. intere
.ses delivered by Brother
C. T., of Spring Hill,
rich; and E. E. Parrott
agent for the Order. Br(
stall was chosen Chairm n of the ineet-
ing. 1 After singing on of the Good
Templars' odes, the C lairman caned
upon Brother H. Johnst n to open with
prayer. Brother 0. li ines was -first
called upon to address
whicb he did in a gene
temperance speech. BrO
rott delivered an able ao
dress, to which it won
to do justice in a report.
appreciated by all who h
hepe to see much fruit
dly spoken
(-:re Made by
neerning Cold
young; they
It was also
ess•upon Geed
f taking the
of •the Order,
his doing so with safety.
— At the Tate annualmeeting of 6rand
r Trunk Railway M England, the 'Chair-
man, Mr. Potter, stated that instruc-
tions had been given that hereafter there
should be no interference by the road in
Cauadian politics as against either politi-
cal -party. We understand that Mr.
Brydges is disposed to carry out these
—Mr. G.. Calder, gardener for Drinstructions in good faith.
Henderson of Allen, Craig, has ?new po- -- One day last week as Mr. Ladeldan
McDougall, of .the fitet concession of
tatoes of considerable size, and &ten n -
here seven inches long. Huron, was coming to Kincardine with a
— Ph (ebe Campbell's in terriew wi ah
Coyle on -the Wednesday previous to her
execution, was entirely private. e
One plea; 0 Lamb of God, I come., ?are -
well, my dear and grieving friends. Re-
member na dying woinan's last w via.
Prepare to meet me in Heaven wh re 1
ani going. . Good bye to all, and God.
bless yen, ail- i
The culprit, during these opera ions,
Continually repeated wordi of cloy tion
in a low tone of voic.e. She knelt
on the fatal trap, and the executioner
secured het totter limbs and dress, vhich crafty youth refused to speak to his c- &reek at the foot of the hill, The load
was of black and quite :long, with eneer above a whisper, and not a ward was upset into the creek, and a great
A. Nirhite cap was placed over her of the -convetsation has reached the ears deal of the grain destroyed. }lis horses,
the ,rope Was adjusted, and at a of °there. Coyle W ears the same air of . however. escaped Nvithout receiving any
sianal; the drop fell . - nonchalawe that he ha,s maintained since . tejelete
''Death was instantaneous. ---1\1-t., brP.g. his arrest, and still denies all knowledge
t- — The veteran, editor of the Sate
of the horrible crime in- thiPb Mkda
Or tremor of the suspended body gave Olmerver writes as followS on the crop
adjoining the Railway Station, and has fitted it up
es a boarding-itonse. Good table and. comfortable
.roosis. Persons wiibing -a pleasant boarding- 1
hortse should appkv, as there are at present a few
'wades. Transient hoarders accommodated at
Jess aim hetet tutus. 228
a lodge org.auized, or, to have a lectu
front Mr. Parrott during his stay in t
locality can do so by applying to E. N
Leech, Gerrie.
load. of grain. he met with a somewhat
singular accident. On ascending, a steep
bill his horses slipped down, the waggon
immune backwards until it came to a
jUNE 19th, 1872.
My dear friends, I now repeat to let
you knotir how thoughtful I be to you for
your kindness. The Sheriff has been
very kind. to me, - and Mr. Samuel Glass
has been very kind, and Mr. Innes, I
will say that he has labored very harrl
for me, and done all that lay in. -his power,
and_ with the help of God to save my
soul. And I now thank him for it. And
Mr. Richardson he. attended me very
close end done Wliathe could, and 1 thank
him for his kindness. And. Mr. Nash
was very kind to me and done what he
could, and I thank him for his goodness.
Anti Mr. Cooper done what he could for
me, and I thank him. ..And there was a
el ts.
token that life endured for even a, mo- Campbell so _ emphatically -declared ic
ment. The release *as immediate and took an active part.
perfect.- The band retained the hand- '
--e A gang, of burglars were prospecfnCr
kerchief at naturally as 'when iit life.
throrigh Parahill on Sunday night I f.
True, the drop was an inansuallY hieh
Several stores, •iucluding the Post- 011i e, of which, with the, exception of winter .
one., about- eight or nine feet, and. the
were attempted to be entered, but failed. Wheat, look remarkably well. The lat-
skirts touched the greund. The .execu-
One of the gang was followed and aiTejst- ter crop, in most cases, presents a very
tioner, therefore, drew up the rope and
ed, on information laid by Mr. }V. irregidar appearance, some portion?, of
hitched the slack over a post, Jait thdre
Noble,- that he saw him attemptinglto the fields being much farther advanced
canot be said to have been any buitt'le .
, : . enter the -Post Offitx,!, and the prisoner than others, caused by the irregularity
in the horrid work. , • . was Sent to London for trial. , The gang with hich the seed germinated, the
lit . due time, the thedical atto dilute
had a team and wagon -with them, and seed in the dry portions of the fields ly-
ptonouncinn hfe extinct, the body .was whoi last seen were (hiving, in the direo- ing a long time before it grew, . On this
cut down, , and a formal inquest held.
tion of Moray. account it will ripen t--ery irregularly,
. •
heriff Glass aud DrHobb.9 -* Mr. Hacking, recently of the Lis- and: rend.r the um
se of the reaping a-
S ' . s crave
mony as to the execution and. vim
to ell Bu liner, was entertatned at a chine impracticable. With, this . excep-
the deceaeed, Pluebe lamp- complimentary supper in that village ,ou toe, however, we think AV e 'lover saw were paesed :- Reeve
prospects: " During a run to Toronto,
via the Great, Western Railway, a few •
days ago, we 'ere gratified with
the appearance of the growing crops; all
ty of
ned, .
ent were bigh-
ted by addres-
0. Vines, NV,
rates, of Gode-
lectnrer and
ther P. Hepin-
the meeting,
al yet eloquent
het E. E. Par-
d affecting ad-
d be imptissible
He is highly
ar him, and. we
from his labor
throughout the Pi ex, lice. Brother
Yates next epoke. He n Ade an effective
appeal to all parties, en he temperance
showing the esponsibility of
all in this matter.
The proceedings of th t day and even -
inn were enlivened by ve cal and instru-
mental nthsic by Mis es Sophia and.
josephine Hollingshead.
We are plea.sed to see en of prinoiple
in Huron county unfur ing the temper-
ance banner, and hope s on to see every
man of intelligence in this Dominion
giving to this cause the attention it de-
serves. ALBERT NV. 'PA-CLDEnG,
Secretary d nvention.
Oil the 13th June, 872.
bers present. The folio
the body, when a verdiet was retu
.Monday evening el last week. le t y 1 1' II so favorably • in- Wetherell, Esq., resin,
bell, was, by Order of the Court,. hiangtul
1 f h less '7 -the verdure of the
this morning until she was deacl:"
At four o'clock Thnreday aft. rnton
the deceased was interred within t ic jail
yard, as p tscribed by law.
itor of the London Advertiser :
standin Cr the abounding ecstae-
leneral lfenisons, and ap tstolic
counsels with which Mrs. Pluebe Caulk;
bell took ter leave of tine lower s there,
we must nonfess still to having
as to the peculitti fitness of the
of murdee to bring its. perpetrate
most •saintly -end. True, her case
To the Et
cies and
s to a
s only
ti 01.11(0
laud: Mr. Manning t
he Connell met
All the mem-
ving resolutions ,
o write to T.
ting a deed of
Iet the job of
the adtac&r of Van A mburgh's inhu- whole country intervening between opening out road on 4th concession nem-
- A firm in Stratford have supplied
agerie, with clothieg to the value of Sarnialand the capital of Ontario, equals te orthern Boundary, alio ex'amine state
that of the Emerald Isle itself.'' of ,elitceell side roa( .
over . one thoneand dollars. The order
was given when. the menagerie was iu — The Torcnto :Vag is reported to be provements are to be
Stratford, and the clothing was mad4 so losing money largely, the paper is ex -
as to permit of its being delivered the pensively got up, the salarfes large, and
1 ,ertisements few. Let the tlfai/
persevere, however, show the same en-
las—t. At t.he last meeting of the Perth terprise it Inis done hith-erto and the .
County Council, an account of $1,588.60 same editorial abilityl but a little more
from the registrar of the Sonth Riding of fairness and truthfulness to its political
that county for copying documents and. opponents, and it Will yet gain a paying;
arid other work rendered necessary by bu_sinTeshse.
Elora Oletetver has just 40 sub -
the division of the county for negistration
scribers who haven't paid a cent for four
years ; and. if they don't settle up before
aemonth Mr. -Smith will send the Bailiff
ing the thing, at least a little tonne, lode. -
farm, Lot N o.' 4, in the 5th Concession, alter them. Any man Nrho. would take
such a lam and good paper as the.. Elora
Downie, County of Perth, ba,s sold. his
ment. Of the.amplitude of Divine orace tainine 08' acres for the sum of
6,400. Mr.• Thomas Orr, of the same
of course believina. fully in the teachine-s
$S,000 cash. These are large figures.
— Wood is selling in the Hamilton
market at the present time, at $6.50 per
Most -part in Collingwood on luesday •
purposes was passed.
one of very many of the sort to
our scepticism •
— Mr, John Jones, of the township of
, yet we cannot h?) giv-
for the pardon of the greatest guiittlewe
Scripturee-fed queStionipg ; c,on
township has sold a. farm of 112 acres for
we pause when we collie to ask satisfac-
tion touching the reality of the prafessed
repentancn. And we think that serious
flaws aree' generally discoverable; For
instance, it would teem to us far more
likely that the conscience was a
awakened if the confession. Cam_
every hope of . escaping executio
taken away. Then genuine .rep
weuld be apt to produce a humili
would'cause its sabjects to regait
selves as needing undeserved coin
and prayers,. rather than bating
tion to preach us sermous on CI
triumphs and heavenly bliss. 1,
from selfdighteousuess or not,
ourselves more willing to give th
take these. By the way, since
now wisely requires the hiding of the
pinioning and haltering, and chopping,
and struggling of the hanged from gaping
crowds, !perhaps it wduld. be as Well for
the attendant clergymen and the press
to-folloW the example in so far as to let
them unostentatiously take their late -
won piety with .them to a world -where
they may possibly find it serving a bet-
ter purpose than it can here.
Oimerrer r()r four yeal-s and not pay for
it dnserves tbe law's direst extremity,
and we hcpe Mr. Snlith will be relentless.
— Mr. HoldsWorth, a farmei in East
Oxford. Township, this season obtained
from 19 yearling ewes 175 pounds of
cord. :washed wool.
The notorious Francis Evans Cor- — A wonderfully lengthy specimen of
etually nish, late of London, has ma( ep
h s a _ Ito° as L.
before pearance at Fort Garr), where, it i ba-
-vvere lieved he intends taking up his abode in
ntance future.
3' that ' — Mr. John Gordon, President of the
.theM- Toronto,. Grey and Bruce Railway, has
assion left for England, and will be abieent
raina' about a couple ot months.
hether — Of the 148 establishments in Hamil-
ve feel
ton *employing 'workmen, .140 are work -
Mn the ten hours' system, and18 on
e than •
he law the nine hours'.
--r- Last week a large number of farm-
ing implements, such as reapers and
mowers, were shipped from the foundry
of Thoinpson & 'Williams, Mitchell, to
Nova Scbtia, to fill orders received from
farmers in that clista.lt Province.- The
machinery for a new saw -mill was also
forwarded to some point on the' River
St. Clair by the same firm. No better
evidence of the quality of work turned
out by these gentlemen is required, than
1 ft attlieB41 ville
t,"l1iqenc'r office, by a Mr. 13adgely, of
Rawdon. It measures 16 inches, and
was from a sheep which is a cross of the
Leicester and the common Canadian
--Rattlesnakes, thongh at one time
exceedingly plentiful in Ontario, are not
often met with now. On Friday last,
however, a resident of Sidney had an en-
counter with one three feet six inches in
length, which he succeeded in killing,
after it had made several atterapts to
bite m.
ev. Mr. WicI, of Belleville, well
known as a prominent minister of the
Methodist church and as a popular
lecturer has accepted a call from a
church in Brooklyn, N. Y., with a salary
of $5,000 a year. Our American neigh-
bors draw off two or three of our fore-
most divines every year; it is to be hop-
ed, as in the more worldly and teraporal
matters of produce and farm stock, we
Southern Boundary
graveled., under the direetieu of J. Ryan
and T. Hall. Centre r( ad. to be gravel. -
ed to 12th concession
direction of P. Coughlt
Swamp on centre road t
the direction of J. it
Lewis. Centre road -b
20th eoncessiens to be
Pedlars side road to Le
the following nu-
de Hall's hill
ut , down and.
road, under the
n and W. Holt_
be raised under
atheson and J.
tween 12th and
made passable ;
epaired ; 6200 to
be expended on 18th and 10th concession
road ; :::;•;90 to be expel (led on 8th , and
9tb concession road ; 5 to be expended
on 10th and llth cone ssion road ; $150
to be expended on Noi thern Boun'tnry,
providing 11 ay give ai equal amount, ;
Messrs. Fulton and Ye rly to see to the
repairing of first side li e WeSt (4f $litt011'S
rnili ; each of the Au litors to receive
815; the 4th ConneSSioi to be improved ;
. 4
$25 to be expended in avelmg bth con-
cession road. near Crarton ; Mr. Yearly
to make some improve ents on first side
road ; Mr. Snell to eoeive 80.90 fur
eeyering leritlge on 211 concession, and
J. Sims to receive $23 for work on 4th
concession.- Council a( journed. to meet
again in August at cab of Reeve.
)11:01,-T-3.-, Clerk.
a man nanaed. John St
Kirkthn, ontbe Usher
boundary, inet with
resulted in his almost
It appers that Mr. St
with a yoke of oxen i
the bank of the smal
Fish Creek, when one
upon him, catching hi
him down,. and pas
him. After the acci
sat up and. sent -a so
near by, for his moth
the mother and. now
rived he had fallen la
&ton, living near
e and Blanchard
n accident which
inamediate death:
tton was engaged
drawing loge, 011
stream known as
of the logs rolled
feet and throwing
inn entirely over
enc't Mr. Stretton
of his, who was
r, but by the time
widowed wife ar-
k and. was (mite -