HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-06-21, Page 88.
-1f4113,0M eN1/06t0):.
BIATTY- & Co. are now selling off para-
sols, dress -goods, prthts, hosiery, gloves,
sun -hats, cotton tweeds, linen drills,
boots and shoes, ready-made clothing,
hatiand caps, and all kinds of thy
goods at very low figures. .Pure wines
and liquors on hand. BEATTY & CO.,
Cartnie,haers Bloek, Seaforth.
LOOE. OUT for Win. Robertson & Co.'s
advertisement next week, an.d in the
meantime if you want anything in the
hardware line give them a all, as they
have an. extra, large stock bought at low
PERSON.A.L. ---If Mr. J. II. Buchanan
tree -peddler, nursery agent, &c., will.
eornmunicate with this office, he ina,y
hear \something to his advantage; if not,
the result may be to his disadvantage.
Thomas Coventry and Mrs. COventry, of
-this village, left ou Tuesday morning
Jt, for Boston, to be present tat the
great International Peace ,Tubilee.
• Treasurer, which is costing the munici-
pality good interest, a,ncl tor which we
receive little, it might be well to expend
it in works of this kind which would. be
a tautual benefit to all. Hoping these
few lines may be the means of setting the
matter agoin.g, I am ,fours,
Eneseatto C as it.
Seaforth, June 20, 1872.
County Court and. General Ses-
This Court opened at Goderich on
Tuesday, the llth June, before Deputy
Judge Davidson. The following gentle-
men couiposeci the 0 -rand Jury,:
Robert Armstrong, foreman; John
'Copeland, Jas. Campbell, T. R. Foster,
Wm. Grant, Thos. Houston, Alexander.
Hatiten, Jas. Lea:sun-1, Robert Logan,
Hugh Me:Millen,. John S. Northcott,
James Pickard, Alex. Reid, Thomas
Robertson, Joseph Shaw, George Watt,
The following cases were tried:
DR. CAMPBELL. —Since our last issue
Dr. Campbell has had a relapse and. for
some days was in a critical condi-
tion. Although yet very weak, and suf-
fering severely, we believe that his con-
dition. is slightly improved, and although
not yet out of danger, hopes are enter-
tain.ed. of his recovery. -
Ilrefiarigart vs. ..3foffatt.--Ast10n on a
promissory note. Undefended.. Verdict
for plaintiff for $125.93 With immediate
execution. Malcomson for plaintiff.
Deilor vs. limars.—Actiop. to recover
balance due .on a. promissory note. A
number of pleas were Set up in defence,
but the jury rendered a verdict for plain-
tiff for i $77..52, being less than half the
amount claimed.
Campbell vs. Wilson.—The partiet
this suit were Mr. William ,Canipbelt, of
Seaforth, and Mr. John Wilsons of the
township of Morris. The ,action was
brought to • recover the amount of a
promissory note, given by the defendant
to Messrs. Zapfe &- Carter for a threshing
e and afterwards assigned by
south west of this place. There ivere 12
clergymen present; and on -Sunday last
there must have. been over 4,000 people
on the ground. The ptoceedings lasted.
ovei a week, and came to a termination
on. Monday forenoon last. The services
were mainly conducted in German.
[C.IL deepen, Ainleyville, Agent for theEx..
POSIT011, Newspaper and Job Printing Oftlee.] •
AMUSEMENTS.—Captain Thomas, the
great illusionist, gave three entertain-
ments here last week. The audiences
were not very large, the public having
been so often taken in by this class of
performers that travel the countly, but
we .must say that Captain Thomas is an
exceptionto this class. His exhibitions •
were really excellent. As an elogutionist
it would be hard. to find. his equal, and.
we hope that wherever he ma exhibit
he may be well patronized, for ie is no
many orders from there. In proof of the
high estimation in which- their instru-
ments are held even in the States, where
there are so many celebrated makers, we
ina,y mention that they have received an
order for a large organ with two banks
of keys, for the Conservatory of Music,
New Haven, , Conn. Such evidence of
appreciation must be gratifying to the
manufacturers and to their fell ow citizens.
Frank Paltridge, agent for Seaforth and
vicinity. t
LoNoots B.A.C23. —Among . the horses 7
C B h 1 -
entered for the London RaCes. We no- 1 them to Mr. Campbell. It seems that
lice the following names ey
°alto thschild," Beatty's "Nettie Moore,"
'and Mark's "Limerick." ' All these
'horses are well known in Seafolth and
CONcERT. —The concert under the aus-
pices of the Canada Presbyterian Church,
• of this village, of which we made men-
tion last week, will take place on the
evening of Thursday, the 4th of July, in
the Town Hall. Full particulars will be
given by hand -bills and programmes in
due time. ,
some" tirae during la.st summer,
; THE, VOLUNTEERS.:—TI)e Seaforth and
Gorrie volunteer companies left ,here
Monday last, for the camp at Windsor.
They took the 'train to Goderich, and
• proceedecl from. thence by the Govern-
ment gun boat to Windsor. 'The men
all looked neat andt clean and presented.
A very line, soldierly appearance.
FLAX.—We • are informed. by Mr,
Shantz, of the Seaforth flax mill, that a
very large breacIth ot flax has been sown
in this neighborhood this season, and we
are pleased. to learn that the prospects of
an abundant yield are most -promising.
-Many farmers whe only Sowed a _very
small patch lost year, have gone into it
much more extensively this year, and
judging from present appearances, their
profits will be even greater than last year.
PRIzE CUPS. —We understand that Mr.
W. J. Bailey, of Egmonclville, proprietor
,Saf ,the fine thoroughbred stallion, Sir
*Arcliy, intends giving, three silver cups,
at', the fall show a the Tuckersnaitb.
Branch Agriculttual Society, to be held
in Seaforth this fall, for the three best
colts sired by his 'seise, Sir Amity. We
believe there are a number of splendid
colts from this horse in thiS vicinity, and
the special prizes offered by Mr. Bailey,
will, no doubt, have the effect of bring-
ing them out.
fel:Lomat, Wilson, purchased from the
above named firm, a threshing machine,
giving in payment therefor his note.
After, giving the note an.d testing the
machine, he found that it did not work
to hid satisfaction. He accordingly re-
turned. the .machine and demanded his
note. , Zapfe & Carter refused to take
the machine off his hand -s, and also re-
fused:to give up the note. Wilson then •
left the machine in the foundry yard,
where it has been ever since, and a,clver-
tised, cautioning parties not to purchase
or negotiate the note, as he had. received
no value for it. It was proven in court,
however, that the note had been trans-
ferred. to Campbell before Wilson's ad-
vertisement was publish Verdict
was given for ealaintiff. T. olniested for
An aus Lemont,
concession, Grey,liad a frame
the 7th
aarn. dee
stroyed by fire battuclay eve ing last,
about 0 o'clock. The family had. just
gone to bed, when the fire was discover-
ed. It is supposed to be the work of an
incendiary: The bulletin wat insured
in the Agricultural of London.
Tun SuavEat--The engineers Com-
pleted the survey to Ainleyville of
the' London Railway, via Seaforth,
Wednesday afternoon. The engineer in
• charge had no hesitation in saying that
the route Via Seaforth and Ainleyville
had great advantages over the Central
DomiNtoN DY.—A good meeting wae
held. at Hall's Hotel, Wednesday evenl•
ing, to arrange matters for the Ist July.
A good programme was arranged.. For
•further particulars see posters.
appear in the Auditor's report. The fol-
lowing orders • were granted on the
Treasurer George Smith, 836.35, Pay-
ment in full for bis jobs on the lilac be-
tween the 6th and 7th concei3sions, and
also $1.50 for repairs on road. scraper.
Thos. Halliday, $20 charitygto be given
by George Elliott in provisions. Wm.
Clegg, $20, part of Clerk's salary. The
adjourned. Court of Revision was then
ope-ned., and the following changes and
alterations made in. the roll Lot No. 3,
Walton, taken from thenon-resident roll
and. placed. on the resident roll to F.
Smith ; D. McDonald. assessed as ten-
ant for south half lot 4, concesston 5;
Orange hall, Belgrave, put on resident
roll to Robert McCrea Thomas Wilson
in place of Mrs. Moore; the north half
of lot 7, concession 3, taken from non-
resident roll and put on resident roll to
M. C. Patterson. at $400; D. Ross put
on for 2t acres, part of north half of
lot 30, concession 6 • John Govenlock,
21 acres, part same lot;'the south half
lot 9, concession 6, taken from non-resi-
dent roll and put on resident roll to R.
Young, $200. The Court of Revision
was then closed, and the roll, as finally
revised, was confirmed and. established
as the Assessment Roll for 1872. The
Council adjourned to meet again at the
Township Hall, on the 2nd of July next.
WM. CLEGG, Clerk.
We have much pleasure in n.otioing that
Mr. John Gibson, sou of Rev. H. Gibson,
of Bayfield, and- a -pupil of the Clinton
High School, on Friday last, received
the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the
'University of Toronto, after the usual
course of study in college. It may not
be uninteresting to our readers to give a
brief sketch. ofhisscholastic career after
leaving the High School to enter college.
At. the Matriculation or entrance ex-
amination he stood at the head of all the
students from the High Schools in On-
tario in classics, besides occupying an
honorable position in the other subjects
required. In the' first and second years
he succeeded. in taking first-class honors
in classics. In the third year in college
he won three prizes in Natural Science,
and in the University he carried off the
scholarship (value $120) in the same sub-
jeCt. In the fourth year he obtained
two prizes in college, and finally in the
University examination for degrees he
carried off the gold. medal in Natinal
'Science, against strong competition. He
also obtained. the AlcM urrich medal giv-
en for the best essay on some subject
connected with Natural Science, thus
ending his collegiate course by securing
the highest honor which, the University
has to bettow. The gentlemen! who
(laboring under the difficulties incident
to such an undertaking) founds d the
Clinton High School, and who have ex-
erted themselves so strenuously to pro-
mote its best interests, will feel some-
what rewarded in the successful close of
the University course of this the first
grad.uate of the school. '41, e congratulate
Mr. Gibson upon the distieguished posi-
tion which he now occupies as a gold
medalist and a graduate of our National
University, and trust that hiwsuccess in
the past may only be the prelude to still
greater achievements in the future.—
New Era, 13th, June:
Queen vs. Nee/antis. —The prisoner
being put on his trial, pleaded not guilty.
He was cha•rgefl with having, on the
night of the 31st of May last, stolen
money to the extent of aboirt 8100, from
Mr. James Ross, hotel -keeper, Seaforth.
From the eyidence it ,eappetexed that
.Neelands had been sfoppmg arouud.
Ross' tavern that day, and appe red to
be short of money. When Ross retired.
up stairs about half -past nine o'clock, he
left his pocket -book, containiri about
$85,, in the bar till. In the ti 1 there
was also some $5 or $6 in bus, also
the • same amount of silver. ' When
Winters, the bar -tender, closed the bar,
he took out Neelands to the kitchen and
left him there. A Mr. Nevin, an old inan
stopping around. the hotel, swore that
heating a noise in the night he came
down the stairs and found Neelancls be-
linO. the bar, drinking, but did. not
knoW how he had obtained access to it.
Re easwi a quantity of bills in his hands,
which Ise shoved into his pocket. -In the
motning, When Ross was informed of the
circumaaneer he found his pocket -book
where he had. left it, but with only 86 in
it. - The ch
diange which had been left in
PHOTOGRAPH-Y.—Mr. D. Stewart has
just opened his new photograph rooms,
opposite the new brick church. Mr.
Stewart is a good artist, and we ca,n re-
commend parties wanting anything in
his line to give him a call.
say is the clergyman appointed by the
Bishop of Huron to take charge of the
Ainley-ville and Walton Church of Eng-
land Mission. He preached his first
sermon on- Sundaylast, and, until further
notice will hold. Divine Service at
Ainleyville at 11 A. M., and Walton at
2:30 P. M.
Stauffer, furniture dealer a,ncl manuface
turer, has just opened -out a shop in the
large Welt store near the south end of
the village. Mr. Stauffer is a good
woekinan. We hope he may receive a
share of the public patr nage. For
further particulars see poste s,—also his
advertisement in this issue; he believes
in 'printers' ink.
the rection of the ehief eneincer of the I
0 the,till was also gone, For the c e ene ,
. —A eurveying party, lint er
Great Western Railway, have been en- 1, it Was contended that all the parties had
gaged for the past week in snaking a I been drinking .heavily —in fact, were all
reliminary survey of the Eastern Route in a'
• 1 what they were doing ; .also that
state or intoxication, and did not.
the man Nevin could not have seen
Neelands behind the bar, as there was
no more means of access to it for him
than for -the prisoner. Verdict, 'not
guilty." Lewis for, the prown; Benson
ir for the prisoner.
een vs. "Milt Johstson.—This is
hich has now beconae known as
their clothing, ' &c., had not
Wednesday evening.
of the London, Huron and Bruce Rail-
way. They creased the Huron Road at
Seaforth, on Monday last, and by this
time will have the survey nearly com-
pleted. The line is run directly through
from Kippen, passing to the west of Leg-
mondvilte, and along immediately 1,13
rear of Grey, Spading & Co.'s salt works.
They cross the Huron. Read about a rod
west of Mrs. Spoiling's: residence, pass-
ing through -Mr. Thomas Adams' orch-
:ard, cutting off one row of trees. We
understand that on the whole route
there is not a single engineering difficult),
and. that the cuttings will scarcely be
sufficient to do the necessary grading
sand filling up. In a week or two at
most, we presume the road will be lo-
cated, and the agony ended. •
• _ e I
First of July will this yeae be duly cele-
brated in Seaforth. The following, pro-
gramme of sports and amusements has
been prepared by the Terf Club, and. will,
doubtless, attract a large crowd :
Athletic Ga.—Mai's foot race, one
Inuntred. yards, ist prize 53, 2nd 51;
men's foot race, two hundred. yards, ist
prize 53, 2ncl 51; half mile race, ist prize
56„21acl 53, 3rd 51; three-legged race, five
hundred yards, 1st prize 52, 2nd. $1; hop,
step and jump, 1st prize S2, 2nd 51;
stand jump, 1st prize, t,.;2, 2nwd 51; runn-
ing jump, 1st prize 52, stnd $1; three
standing jumps, ist priie 52, 2nd 51, ,
Horse. 1?acing.—No. 1. A running race
for farmers'. horses; prize, a saddle' and
bridle. No. 2. A trotting race for farm-
ers' horses that never won public money;
prize, a sa,clelle and bridle. No. 3. A
running race for fanners' three-year-old
colt; prize, a saddle and bridle. No. 4.
A trotting race for hack limes used for
driving purposes; to -go in buggies; prize,
a set of harness. No. 5. A running
scrub race- for beaten horses; prize, a
Aacldle and briale.----Entrance fee to the
races, $L A hotse taking any eof the
above prizes will net be entitled to com-
pete for any other prize. Three horSes
co enter and. two to start. All the races
to be mile beats; best two hi three.
Farmers' horses to go to sedelle or hare
Bess. G.aines will counneuce at ten a.m.;
horse. racing one p.m.
Water-ta,nks ltd. Protection
0 to CamP ;
rrived up to
EGEonan ErvEr.., Wroxeter, Ag t for the Ex-
POSIT011 Newspaper and Job Printing 0111ce.]
FOR WINDSOR. --The Gerrie Company
of Volunteers passed through this place
on Alonday morning last, en route for
Windsor. I
MILL BuRNT..—Geramilltz steam saw-
mill in the township of Tt rnberry was
burned to the ground one night last
week. The origin of the fire is unknown,
but it is supposed to be t
incendiary. . Loss about
being but $500 insurance.
21, 1872
hearty. The bride and bridegroom
clamed a Scotch reel, nil the oldggentle-
man sang,—" I wad n gie my am wife
for ony wife 1 ece."-4Yor. Beacon.
and Sind
• The Qt
the case
the "MoKiliop Side -Road. Case with
the particulars of which our feeders are
well acquainted; as both sides have re,
cently been freely discussed in theee.
columns. The proseentor was Mr. &meet
Sinith, of MeKillop, and. the defendant,
Mr. • Irwin Johnson, a neighbor,. 'Be-
tween the farms of these two gentlemen
there runs a side -road..,, The prosecutor.
elairaS that the existing road is located
on his property, and that the defendant
has the proper road allowance fenced
within the bounds of his .farm. The' de-
fendant; on the other hand, ele,inis that
the road as at preeentlocated, is in the
ptepeeplaces; that by th.e orignal survey
the stake laying out the lets, andtappor-
tioning the side -road allowance shows
this to, be the case, and cOnsequentlree-
ftieed to remove hisfence and open the
.stcle Toad. He was, aceordiegly, indict-
ed on the charge of committing a nuis-
ance; by obstructing, and keeping, ob-
structed O. public highway... The case
itese a very long and tedious one, lasting'
for two _days, There were a great num-
ber of witnesses • examined on Clef both
sides. .. The jury- rendered is verdict of
guilty.. The Judge reserved his sentence
for six menthes that the .defenclant may',
have au opportunity to abate the Delis:.
Once-, ot. in other words, open the :reads.
leewis conducted •the - case .on. behalf
The Western Fair for 1872.
The Prize List of the Londoit Western
Fair has just been issued from. the press
in pamphlet form.. The Secretar3, Mr.
W. McBride, will shortly start out upon.
his anima travels, circulating all neces-
sary information conicerning the Fair.
It should be borne in mind that the Fair
will begin on Tuesday, Sth of Oetober,
and last four days ; that $10,000 are of-
fered hi pees/Alms. The following is the
Committee' of 'Management for days of
exhibition :
For Horses—Mesars. Dreaney, Mc-
Cormick, Lane.
RE,FORM MEETING .—In this Township delegates will be elected. to attend.
the Centre Ruling Convention, on Satur-
day eventhg next at 5 o'clock. P. M., in
the villages of Kinlyarn and Lonclesbero.
Both meetings take place at the same
time, and three delegates will be chosen
at each. A full attada,nce is particuar-
ly desirable.
COUNCIL MEETING.—The Council met
;at Tuck's Hotel, Craubrook, June 13the
1372, pursuant to adjournment ; the
Council all present, the Rpeve in the
chair. Minutes of last meeting read and.
e* work of an
3,000, there
---QA lecture
passed, except item of $100 reduction on
personal property of Jabez Daniels,
which was not correct. Letter from J.
A. Donaldson, immigration Agent, To-
ronto, relative to imnugtant labor, nay,-
ing been read, the Reeve was instructed
to write. giving the nearest railway sta-
tion, and urging the sending forward. of
at least a portion of those applied for.
A petition from George I), Ferguson,
William Edgar and six others, was read
and laid on the table for further consid-
eration. The follott-ing accounts were
then presented for payment: Thomas
Mitchell, repairing sid.e line, $12 ; Roe
& McQuarrie, contract of 1871, side line,
concession 2nd, 815. itlovedby S, Siem -
mon, seconded by John &sachem., That
the foregoing accounts be paid, and. that
the Reeve make out debentures for the
same.—Carried. Moved by A. McDon-
ald, seconded by S. Slemmon, That the
By-law providing for the reviewing and
amending the existing By-laws of the mu-
nicipality beno-wpasseclandthatthe Clerk
is hereby instructed to have 200 copies
of the 0-eneral By-laws printed in pamph-
let form for distribution aniong of-
ficials and ratepayers. --Carried. Moved
by S. Slemmon, seconded by J. Strachan,
That the Township Clerk is heteby in-
structed. to notify all tavern keepers in
the township who have not yet taken out
their license for the current year, that
proceedings will be taken at_once if the
la,tv is not complied with.—Carried.
Moved by John Strachan, seconded by
A. McDonald, That with reference to
petition of G: D. Ferguson and others,
the Reeve is hereby ins-tructed to appoint
a meeting with the Reeve of McKillop,
and that they jointly examine the boun-
dary line between Grey and McKillop
and report present conclition, cost to
open, etc. --Carried. Moved by S. Slem-
mon; seconded by A. McDoneld, That
the Council do now adjouni to meet
again at Dame's Hotel on Thn.isclay, the'
27th inst., at 100 clock, A. M.—Carried.
J. R. GRANT, Clerk.
LONDESBORO. —On Monday evening,
17th inst., the children in attendance at
the Wesleyan Sabbath School, in Lon-
desboro, presented Mr. John Neelande,
who for some thase has acted as the ef-
ficient and devoted Superintendent of
the school, with a handsome album.
Mr. Neelands is about, to leave the vil-
lage, and the presentation was intended
as e souvenir of the love and respect in
which he -'was held. while residing amolag
Nixon, ToOley, Mc-
Sheep and Pigs —Messrs. Wheaton,.
Armstrong, Little.
Smith, Tamlyn.
Field Roots,
Vegetables, Fru__ ,
—Messrs. Partridge, S. McBride, Pope,.
Implements—Mesers. Cousins, Camer-
on, Stevens, McKellar.
Manufactures, 'Elie Arts and Ladies'.
Work — Messrs. TrrieGhs, Williams,
While Committees are named for each
Department, every Member of the Board.
will De ready to aid exhibitors.
Was give') under the ample s of the I„0.
of G. T., in the:Si:hoot-nem Wroxeter,.
bet Monday evening, by 'Mr. E. E.
Parrott, the lecturer sent, out by the
Grand. Lodge. The audience was not so
large as it should. have been, considering
the excellence of the leettire. Revs., 0-.
Brown and 5. Snider, and the chairman,
Mr. D. Black, also gave short speeches
on the. Same Subject. The re,verend
gentlemen -hoped that the " Star " Lodge
would go OD and prosper, as it has already
done much good inthe comnisinity. This
Society now numbers upwards of 45
members in good. standing, though it has
only been organized some four months.
REFORM 11:TEM-NG. ineetine of the
Reformers Of McKillep Will be held at
Murray's Hotel, Seaforth, on Monday
evening ne-xt, at 6 o'clock, for the pur-
pose of -electing delegates to attend the
Reform Convention to be held on the
following Tuesday. -We -trust OUT Mc-
Killop Refornefriends b ear this meet-
ing hi. mind, and. that it will be
largely attended, so that a .fair repre-
sentation Of the feelings j and interests of
thc'Refermers of the tewnship may be
presented at the Convention.
J. B. Smyth, J.
airy Produce, Garden
t Plants and Flefeers.
us. --Co
NEW P;4ST-OFFICE. —A. new post office,
to be called Harlock, is to be established
at the hdtise of Mr. Thotaas Neelands,
12th concession, Hullett, four miles
north of Kinburn. A post -office was
much needed here, and the establish-
ment of one will supply a want long felt
by the people in the vicinity.
COuNcte 'MEETING .—The council of the
township of Islullett met at Lonclesb'oro on
the 1st June, -1872. All the members
present. Minutes of former meeting, were
read and confirnaed. The Court of Re-
vision was then opened pursuant to ad-
journraent, from May 1. There were no
appeals against assessments. Itwa,s moved
by T. Moon, seconded by H. Snell, That
the assessment roll be now pa,ssed and.
that the Court of Revision be now closed.
—Carried. Business of Council was then
resumed. Moved by A. Monteith,
seconded. by J. Warwick, That the
Clerk- be instructed to notify the County
Treasurer to cancel arrears of taxes
against Lot 20, Concession 14 for the
year 1869, as it appears from the assess-
ment roll of that year, that said lot was
assessed both in the resident and non-re-
sident toll. — Carrie& Moved by R.
Stephenson, seconded by H. Snell, That
a By-law be prepared and. passed to in). -
power the Trustees of School Section No.
7, to borrow the sum of $700 to build a
new School .House in said. section,
said sum of $700 to be paid in
seven equal annual instalments -with
interest, in conformity with their ap-
plieation...— Carried. Moved by J.
Warwick, seconded by A. 1VIoaateith,
That the account of R. Matheson,
824.25 for printing and advertis-
ing be paid. -- Carried.. Movecl
by R. Stephenson. seconded by
J. Warwick, that _Mr. Matthews be ap-
pointed Pathmaster for Divisions No. 16
and 17, instead of Archibald Walker.—
Carried. Moved by H. Snell, seconded
by A. Monteith, that the sum of 5600 be
expended ha. the township, on -roads and
bridges, during the present year, as fol-
lows, viz. : 5200 in the South Road. Die
vision, under the direction of H. Snell.
,and R. Stephenson ; S:200 in the East
Road Division, under the direction of J.
Warwick and T. Moon ; and 5200 in the
West Road Division, under the direction
of A. 'Monteith and. H. Snell; and
that the 'Treasurer pay the 'same on
the orders of the aforesaid Councillors
for their respective divisionsa—Carned.
Moved by A. Monteith, seconded. by H.
Snell, that the petition of Anthony Cock-
erline and .4:Alien praying for a School
seetion of three thousand - acres in the
-vicinity of Londesboro, be not grant-
ed.--Canied. The Council then adjourn-
ed to meet again. Londesboro, on
Tuesday the llth June next. -
The Council met pursuant to motion of
adjournment. All the members peeseut.
Minutes of the former meeting were
read. and. ,confirmed, It was moved by
Warwick, and teconded by R. Ste-
phenson, That a By-law be prepared and
submitted to a vote of the ratepayers of
this municipality,- for the purpose of di-
viding the township into twelve school
Againfit Vire.
To the Editor of the _Huron- Axpalitor.
I think it high time for the 'Village
Fathers to be taking some action th the
ilaatter of water -tanks for the snpply of
water in the event of a fire occurring in
-the village- and also the providing an en-
gine, as the season has eet in when fires are
more dangerous and alarmipg from the
dry and combustible nature 6f all around..
There is as much water descends from the
large buildings, to the annoyance of pe-
kiestrians as would, if utilizedegive good
supply. 'And as, I understand, there, is
si forge surplus fund in the hands of the
of the Crown ; Messrs. J. H. Benson J-.
S. Sinclair, and 1)r. McMichael, for iAt es1)..a.msststraelenats,aalintdarualdl,agibo.ctel;
Prose -enter, Smith, and. Messrs. Ca,met-- '
'the ialleChalfitTilia;oo
old and y o ling , seemed to enjoy th.ern-
on & 0 -arrow for theDefenclant. .
maeste/4 vs. Shaw.—This was fut ap- selves to the fullest extent, ,
peal against a magisterial , coviction, fo
non-payment of wages, both parties con-
cerned -belonging to this -village. C'en.-
victim quashed,. without costs. Benson
and 'Sinclair, for appellant, and F.
Holm ested for respondent. •
. CRUD -way, Appalant, vs. Graham, Re_
'THEsubscribers w
hundred Tillage a
ated on the rise el
of. the
REFORM MEETING. ---A. meeting of Re-
formers will be held in the school -house,
in Section No. 3,. Mill Road., Tucker-
smiab, on Monday, 24th inst., at 6
o'clock Ps M., for the purpose of elect-
ing delegates to atteml the Centre Rid-
ing Convent*, to be held in Seaforth
air Tuesday, 25th inst.
Pic-Nik—The Sabbath School of the
Egmonclville Presbyterian Church held
a pic-nic in Payne''s grove, on Wedues-
day last.' A large numbee of the child-
reu, theit parents, and friends were pros-
ent. Short and appropriate addresses
were delivered. by -Rev. Mr, Graham,
pastor of the congregation, and Rev. Mr.
McDiarmia, of the McKillop Presbyter-
spontlent.—A.ppeal hem a conviction
made by II. Hutton, Mayor of Coderich,
and P. Adamsen, Esq, on a complaint
made by the` license inspector for selling
liquor on Sunday. After hearing the
evidence the Judge adjourned the case
till 1st July to consider legal points -
raised.. J.. T. Gamow and I. F. Toms
for Appellant, J. S. -Sinclair for Re-
spondent. -
This case terminated the business of
the Court, which closed on Saturday
CAMP MEETING.—One of the largest
and most numerously attended cathp
meetings that has ever been held in this
section of the country was held during
1aet week, in a grove about five miles
LECTURE. -.--Rev . Mr. Inglis ; of Ayr,
father-in-law of Rev. Mr. 'McLean.
the reSpected pastor the Myth
Canada Presbyterian., Church, lec-
ture here on the evening of July 1. -Mr.
RIO& Subject will be "South Africa'
offer for sale about one.
a PArk Lots, beautifully sita-
round a short distance East
rincipal street.
be made
And can be seen at tlae Law Office of
Intending purchasers in Winghara will do weg
to take advantage of this sale, as this property is.
decidedly the best situated of any within miles -01-
COUNCIL MEETING. —The Morris Coun-
cil met on Tuesday, June 11, ' at the
Township Hall, pursuant to adjourn-
ment. All the members present; the
Reeye in the chair. The minutes of last
meeting were read and passed. The
ClerkiWas instructed to notify the path-
s:nester to have the obstructions removed
ftom the side reed between lots 25 and
26s concession 2, immediately. George
Coulter, J. Coulter, and John Garniss
were allowed to commute their statute
labor on lots Nos. 22, south half, end.
concession, and 23, north half, rd con- seCtions,. and adopting the map of said_
a seetions now submitted to this Council,
C( for four years, by digging
ditch on the concession line accordine said vote to be taken at Londesboro
and Kinburu, on the 20th day of June,
1872; and. that said By-law be advertis-
ed ; and that one copy of said map of
school sections -referred. to in the By-law,
and adopted. thereby, be left for inspec-
tion by the ratepayers at each of the
nine school houses in this municipality.
—Carried. The Council then adjourned
Most of t
And overlooking i
or thirty feet.
B -1---T
e Tillage Lots will be
at an -elevation of twenty-fivs-
. -
Ono -third cash do it on day of Sale'„.and. theebal-
once the First of November,1673, with interest 4_
6 per cent. A di •count of 3.13 per cent. on two=
thirds of the p rchaso money will be 11111416
parties paying all cash.
erve on4 Md.
a subject of which he is fully competent
to, treat, as he was for a long time mis-
sionary in that region. The proceeds of
the Lecture will be devoted to the as-
sistance of the library fund. of the church.
Oneass Fort EN( LAN 1) . —The Messrs._Bell & Co., thipped a few dap ago
one of their superior cabinet organs to
England, to be used by Mr. S. Capper,
the well known temperance :lecturer, in
his travels through the old. country. It
was made expressly for him, is a very
handsome full toned instrument, with
seven stops, and is far superior to any-
thing of the kind made at home. We
have no doubt that as soon as the Messrs.
Bell's instru.ments become known and
tested in England, that they will receive
to the -description given to them by the.
Council. The petition of Adam Scott
and others, for the improvement of the
side road betweeqots 15 and 16, conces-
sion 5, laid over for ,further considera-
tion. The petition of Wm. Harris, ask-
in,- to be allowed. to perform his statute
labor on Mill street and. Charlotte street,
village of Bodmin -was not granted, as to ineet again at Londesboro, on Satur-
the Uou-ncil werele'd to believe said streets day the 29th inst.
BRAITE.W.'..ITE, Clerk.S
were private property. The clerk tvas J.A.ME.
instructed. to write to David Henderson,
if it his iritention to take.
asking was
care of Bella, infant child of the late Jane
Hill. It was resolved. that the Clerk
write to Mr. Harrison, Toronto, asking
legal advice concerning lot 104, Haiti-
datpy's survey, Ainleyville. Resolved,
That Councilors Johnston and Miller
let the job of improving Gallagher's hill
as soonsas convenient. Resolved, That
the Clerk notify John Cloakey, path -
master, to open up the side road hetween
lots 5 and. 6, concession 6, immediately.
Resolved, That John A. SlIcEeren and
Donald. McLean be appointed. fencevie-w-
ers, and John Jackson poundkeeper.
Resolved, That the Clerk notify the
Treasurer to attend before the Council at
its next meeting, in order to give the
necessary bonds and sureties required
for his office, and. that he also prepare a
statement of his books, and have said
books present for the inspection of the
Council, so that they (the Council) may
understand the reason why certain sums
paid into the Treasurer's hands do not
Tho vendors re
Further partic
simay be obtained from
Auctioneer, eoatssee...
East Wawanosh._
3-11 e 6, 1872.
Robinson, who resides in the vicinity of
Monckton, is now in the neighborhood of
Newry, erecting frame barns. He raised
one for the Messrs. J. & R. Gray, On
Saturday, in such a way as for quickness
and neatness could not be surpassed.
The men arrivecl on the ground. about 2
o'clock, when the sills were not laid and
the timber was lying scattered over the
ground. But under the direction of Mr.
Robinson they went to work and the
rafters were on the building at five min-
utes to five o'clock. Repairing to the
house, Mrs. Gray had a sumptuous
spread. for the occasion. After full jus-
tice was done to the viands,
the young
folks enjoyed. a few hours tripping the
light fantastic toe. About 10 o'clock
the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Gray was celebrated, the old couple hav-
ing been married for the long period, of
fifty years. The bridegroom ii 80 years
of age, and, the bride 76, both hale and
.rc-sE 18
b -in g and pa3-1ng fall prices for
In any quantities. Also
ANY 01'0) LOTS 0$ WO
Brought to town,
0 0 TO
f the Two Bureaus,
Godori 1 bst., Scalortb, Julie 20, 18124
Ssc., Graana...
ste Coroner for the
ria Opslege,
Diftee and residence,
VIP,. W.
Main strect, Seafl)rt.
MMES sTm.v.A.r.
McGill, Culver-,
seen, act (Mee an,
L..TERCOE1, - •
gem-, etc. t
21trket end High s
rill. CAMPBELL,:
:-11-7 and la.,i,lenee
day, and ail 1.s.y Sot
To -the ii habita.
county. 1)r.
through siekness in:
for eguse :jute in
aouneing-, to the pia
videuce lie has bee
-towns for:Jelly oe
permanently to rez
his old pat fon,: awl
binl with4L tan.
lug to the ia:tastap
to be torn),
Oilice hours
M. LEET, .
pointei't Agent
,any of England, 13)
vete Capitalists of
very reasonaMe ra
Charges modvrate.
Wingham, Dec.
torneys at '1.a.
Insolvency Notar^
Solicitors fr the R
the Canada Life As
N. t
Houses and. tots fo
-.1-7 at LOAN% SOliCit
COnVeY'Ant'Przi, it
'forth and WroIeter
invest at once, at 1;
, ZILS•--
entirely nevi manag
tenovated. The El
Liquois and Cigars,
Hostders. A Fir -St --4
.4-3- signed begs to I
patronage awardeS
hotel Int '
iness anal
again resumd
be looppy te
and many -ew one
liDaliNcE OF IT
C.. .3'. MeCUVC
plied -with the very
stabling attach( d;
every day for 'Wing
-iffitt, -Kra:8 Livrit-
.1-P Good Hoists
en hand. Few)
Commercial Tray
HoTnx., mhe pr
-43ITICE t"-`,"
liflOX'S Hotel Ma -
:r. cirratorr
Member of
begs to intimate
and suxronntit'og
011ice 113. S-2aforth,
senally or by late
tie, et.1... Haviur. •
education, and ha
-of the Tettainary
131133 33Very eti4114
who may euleploy
tle Veterinary • Cri
2horburn, Dr, Bo
Veterinary Mta
been a-wardi.1 tlitL
stryColl(:ge. and 4.;
-of Horst s an I Cat
tab opened .01 tilt
:fte:teardel to itesi,,-
Company. Sae:
Tates OT
catjous D)r Oalt
kirea ejuande'batekstillitt.rm
ir A. SHARP`
llorses and rirk
tern Ilona- Con
r -A
1314.10inin., the
*14 a boaAin,
„roam,. i,e7.13,
hense should dm
Jess than Loki