HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-06-21, Page 5JUNE- 21, 1872. d there is very httie cause for cora- Et. Brigade dull is postponed week to Know- commanding rs of regiments to put their through a course of preliminary Cauteens are all doing a )erous trade, as the first day or a little relaxation is allowed -Om The surrounding stables are aken by the oilicers for their as, and the greed exhibited by milers is only excelled W their Edence ; $25 rent for an old for sixteen days.? Wood is aIso xorbitant figure ; $6.60. per cot.d mixture of hickory, rotten limbs and a sprinkliug of te 6-uards from the Tth have posted at the Great Western 7 and other ferries. in Windsor, revent -volunteers going over to Ftht in uniform. Two or three - were arrested in that city cn clay night, having become bl- eated, and not able to take care Leruselves. The Great Jubilee. le great jubilee musical festival sOSt011 opened on Monday, aud has been a great success. All expected musical accessions ar- d, and people from all parts of '-United States and British Pray- s have gathered to be present at unprecedented entertainment. IntOrnational Peace Meeting, kinainary to the Musical Festival, held at the Music Hall Sunday it, and an 1 Ty) Meuse audience was ressed by Rev. J. B. Miles, ,sident of the Bunker Hill Am - ion, Hon. E. S. Tobey, Elihn mitt ana Hon. George B. Loring, nificance was given to the _fact t the occasion was the anniver- F of the battle of Bunker Hill, allusions were made to the ice Jubilee. Mr. Loring con -- led his snirited address by ref- ace to the arbitration pending at neva, and expressed confidence in resat of the approaching Con - _tam. He was followed by Rev. Burns, of London, who was 'eDed with enthusiasm, andwho ured the American people that im Ghis generation could war cc- - between tha two nations. The ious addresses were interspersed appropriate music by the Handel .1 Haydn Society, and by the Igregational singers, led Prof. urjee. One of the grandest, events the Jubilee will be the grand in - national Jubilee ball at the Col- um, Wednesday evening, June It will be under the direction Oa Wm. V. Hutchings and rps of thirty marshals and two mdred floor managers. Johann rauss (who :las not heard of the rauss waltzes lead the or- estra. Everything will be pre - red on a grand sOale for this ball which all 'Boston, and much of arywhere else will, clamor for ati- ttance. The Orgam in the Church. The agitation for the introduction i-rrstrumental music in the Pres- rteriark Churches has apparently 'acrie to an end, and has. resulted in ivor of the friends of the oigan. it the General Assembly of the resbyterian Church, held last week Hamilton, the following motion is carried by a large majority The General Assembly declines to act any law on the subject of the of instrumental music in the k,,rship of God, but judges that the, Latter is not one in which uniform, y of usage should be longer ex - ted in this church, especially in , iew of the general expression of church's mind in favor of ex- mdinc, liberty to connarecrations - erein ; nevertheless, in agreeing to Lis deliverance, the General `A sseUl y deems it seasonable to enjoin iie reaard to the simplicity of. Wor- ap7d the peace Ot congregations L -connection with any changes 71iich may b.e1 introduced!' Rev: ar. ROSS, of BrucedeId, with thirty - even others, entered a dissent to his resolution. The Persia Famine. The famine in Persia, which now eems to be drawing near its e,lose, ,as been ptoductive of an amount - misery almost unparalleled in nodem times. Captain Pier:Si:al, an ..n.glishman, who has recently travel - !(.1 in that unhappy country, descrilies ,ie last stage of the famine as -worse the firit. On his journey- from Lhiraz to Teherztn he found the cizitl strewn with half -eaten corpses; was x eiv prevalent, and itarvation had aro sed the usually 5c-aceable inhabitants to despair, and 41.1,ande,fe and other crimes of -kio- ; eiice were rife 3111 along the roads. fn. the czipital alone, out of a popu- ation of eighty thousand, at least twenty thousand had fallen victim's :to the famine and is attendant dis- (7ases. price of Gold in NeW Y'nriai tien ,ted. at • GIRL WANTED. TANTED, .tIL:_le-liatoy, a geed GIRL, to do neral heneewsak. Apply at the Exaosiroet 234 BOY WANTED., NTED. et T112, EXP•0,41TOP. (Mee. Sew' s'n-ael'a11 an arlFriqltiec tene frew the lye - 'THE HURON EXPOSITOR: B RTHS. LAWRIE. —111 St Catharines on the 13th inst., the wife f Mr. John M. Lawrie, -of a son, MARRIAGES. Es.aanes IthwiT r. — At St. Thomas Church, Seafo h on Tuesday, the 19th inst., by Rev.Mr. Starr, Mr. John Rands, of flullett, to Miss Martha Hewit , of Walton. • EterilE—Ci,END 10..rING.—At his resid- ence, McKillo by Rev. Mr. Barr, on Wednesday, t e 19th inst.. Mr. Wm., Ritchie, of Mc "Mop, to Miss Margaret Cle.ndeiming, e f the some place. - JoH5s—O'Ne1re On 3tonday, the 17th -inst., at the residenee of the bride's mother, Clint n, by Rev, 11. Gibson. Bayfield, und of the bride, assisted. by Itev. F. C. McCuai„e•'Thomas Johns, Esq., o Clinton, to Kate, ;eldest daughter of he late John O'Neil, - Dublin, Irelan . THE There is not in these days.. Th produCe has no only at occasio ARKETS. EAFORTH, June 20,1872. eh doing on the Market great bulk of lastyear's been sold, and there is al stray load to be seen 'ordinary offered in quantities at $6.35, with $6.25 to $6.30 bid. Wheat—The declining tendency in the • West has causea buyers to withdraw and rates are purely nominal. Peas—Car and cargo lots sold at 85e per 66 pounds. ' Butter—Latest sales of old were at The to,9e for choice; new dairy taken. at 15c. RUFFALO LIVE '',STOCK. Thursday, June 19, 1872. The following shows the receipts and shipments of live stock at the Cattle Yards for the week thus far, beginning with Siinday : Receipts: CatMe, Sheep, Hogs, Horses. - head. hea,c1, head. head. .. 1,445 2,800 6,300 112 .. 2,533 800 700 64 .. 1,190 3,600 2,200 16_ 5,168 7,200 9,200-- 192 Sunday Monday. • Tuesday .:. Total.. . Same time h week...... . tst ... 4,8623,80O 10,200 .. Shipments. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Horses. head. head. head. lead: Sunday:- 799 2,600-2,500 80 Monday.„ 85 400 2,400 112 Tuesday. 1,275 3,000 96 2,159 3,000 7,900 288 'the Market. For Wheat prices are Some time last - the clemarkris week • 3,230 1,800 8,000 .... ' slightly in ad.:mace, and cood, vith butlittle e g. s .still dal, and price declining. Peas are not so much i been, and buy touching them. Barley offering, ible to say what the figures quo as can be ascer much enquired be well stocke ing. A consid now being bro ight in, but buyers are he prospects for a heavY growing crop-e,re so -good not care about laying in of the. olcl than is really them going until the new The Wool season is now (nigh theie is still a little ool is not -nearly in such it was a couple of Weeks arkets are.' declining, and rs are careless about buy- ases local dealers can not their stocks the figures which they ha, re paid farmers, and many i of them wil e apt to get " nipped.', The supply of Batter is still large, but the demand is not active; local buyers are now pa,.ying more for it than thyn eca offrin Oat ire eA.Tran. demand as they".have rs seem careless about -There is scarcely any and. it is almost imposs- the exactprice really is.; ed, however, are as near allied. Potatoes are not ter, as dealers seem to and. careless about buy- rable amount of Hay is not anxious; yield from the that buyers do a larger stook needed to keep is harvested. about °vet, alt coming in. good. demand. a ago; foreign wholesale deal ing ; in Many 710117 realize fo sell for atwholesale, and many are hold. - in', it over on s eculation, in the hope that the market rn. y yet become inore favor- able ; 121 ce t per poimd is the very highest cash gmc paid, but some deal- ers give as igh as 11 cents in trade. The supply of Eggs is gradually falling off, but eve yet there is an iraraense business bein done. Tan -bark is be- coming the st ple article of trade now— large quantiti s being daily brought in from the No h ; the prevailing. price is $3.25 per co -r , although $3.50 is being paid for the very best, but this latter „figure cannot e relied on.1..Ne quote : $ 35 to 1 88 Fall Wheat Spring Wheat.. . .. ... . .. 30 to 1 30 Barley ...... 0 50 to 0. 52 Oats . . . . . ................. 0 30 to t 32 Peas. ..... 0 50 to =0 55 Batter.e • ............. 0 12ato 0 14 Eggs A.0 11 to 0 11 Flour . .. 3 50 to 0 00 ; Potatoes ....... ................. 0 30 to 035 Hay............ • .................10 00 to 12 00 Hides .. 5 00 to 7 00 Sheep Skins. 1 00 to 150 Calf Skins, (veal per .. 0 1,0 to 0 10 Salt (retail) pex barrel, ..... 1 00 to 0 00 Wed, per 0 50 to 0 52 Dried Pork -Bacon.. ..... . 0 07 to 0 08 Dried .. . . ........ 0 09 .to 0 ia Tan Bark 3 25 to 850 CLINTON, Sumil 20, 1872 „ Fall 35rat 1 38 Spring Wheat.. Oats . . Barley Peas-- .. Batter Eggs - Hay, per to,. Wool, per lb ..... Fell Wheat Spring Wacat. Peas............ Barley. Oath . . Butter ..... Eggs Flour. Potetoes.... Dried Bacon. Dried. liam Green Hides Pelts ............. ... . . '0 80 g 32 0 50 @ 050 ....... -50 @, 0 55 ....... .... . . 14c 014 011 Receipts to -day, ineluding 58 cars re- ported to 'arrive, 1,190 head, making the supply of. the week thus far 5,168 head, against 4,862 head. for the same time last week. The market, notevith- o standing the advance reported in New York, opened cliill and slow, at about Ize decline on last week's prices. It was thought, at -first, that the anticipated strike of the workmen on the roads here would prevent shipments and. Ihave a tendency t� retard trade. It 1.*ing evi- dent, however, that no strike would in- tercept the shipment of cattle from here, business became more active. Bllyers not having realized any profit froth last week's operations"; were unwilling to operate at former rates, and- stood ic to ie apart from. .,owners. Transactions were as follows: Nd. of • Average Weight 1320 1216. 1128 . 13s4 1375 (1144 Head. 90 Ill. steers, • ... . ..... 12 00 .......... ...... 0 50 ea 052 AINLE VILLE, June 19,1872. . .....$1 30 Gad 40 ....... ....... .... . 1 9...) I 30 60 - 50 34© .......... ........ 14c 15 6 5100 7 06 35 18 t 6 C id I 32 C 4 4 17 " ". 1.7 4 '‘C ' And 16 others. / HOGS. FA M FOR SALE. The ond mimed offers for sale a van' able farn hi the township of Hay, Co. of Huron ontaining 100 acres of excell- eut laar wood laud, 60 cleared and nearly free Irom etaimps. The farm is within three miles of laketer, and ono and a quarter ranee from the London Road, in a most proe- porous locality'. Land rolling and richsaudy loam, well wateeed. The cleared part has been in pasture for seseral years. Torras, half down or the whole. Apply to ROBERT MOWLDS, proprietor, Lot 7, Second Con. Hay. D. MoPHAIL, Mitchell. Or to '287*4 FARM VOR SALE, n teenth Cone ss of. Huron, con ails cleared and in go is on theYprem'ses It; is situated o e the thriving vujiage Wellington, Gi ey a hag. There is t go other suitable, uil( apply to the pr pri 287-4 Price. $7 00 6 75 650 7. 30 . 7 00 6 37 & Receipts to -4,y, nickeling reported arrivals, 2,200 head. Market steady at an advance of 10c per cwt. on last week's prices. Demand good ; all offerings sold. Sales. No. of Head. 131 Ohio, 82 Indiana., 250 Indiana, ..... ..15 00 7 6 8 • 8 (41 10 ... . ...... . . ........ 7 00 ce4 7 00 10 aa15 Calf -Skins, ta 1 . .. . . ..... 8e4 10 Wool. .. ... ... 17 «i. 49 Salt, ta .. . ... . ....... 1 25 LIVEAPOOL. j. ./".; Average Weight. Price. 166 $430 213 430 193 :435 SHEEP: Receipts to4lay,. inckeling reported, arrivals, 3,600 head. .Market not yet opened. No sales to record. About .12 loads held over from last week on ac- count of low prices prevailing in the East. BOSTON WOOL MARKET. From the. Boston Bulktin. SALE IN HOWICK. easonable tenns, Lot 16, Fif- n, township of Howiek, County ug 1,00 acres, 50 of whith are d state of cultivation. There a good well anif young orchard. e from Lakelet, and five from of Clifford, throngh which the d Bruce Railway is noev runn- d dwelling house, 20%30, and 'ngs. For further particulars Lor, JOHN ARNEIL, akelet P.O., Co. Huron, Ont. - F VOR SALE, Conceseio Perth, (foisted' which are cle good aultivatic balance is tint and elm. Th There is a go then; a frame with good ou young orchard fruit trege. - arid a uever-fa Tins farm. is lege of Senior further partic Prietor on the Ryan, Seafert 237*4 - In the wool market we note a fair de - Mend for immediate use; but the sales are Mostly.in small lots, and manufac- turers manifest. no disposition to antici- pate their wants, in view of possible con- tingencies touchingthe future of both the wool and the goods market. They always operate sparingly and with great caution at this season of the year, when the new domestic clip is about to come upon the market; and this season they appear to exercise greater care than usual, owing probably tothe downward tendency of prices and the stagnant con- dition of trade in their manufactured products. in fact, wool buyers are very indiffer- ent, notwithstanding the article is clown to lower figures than, but a short'time ago, it was thought possible for it to touch at any time during the present seaSon. They are not at all anxious to take hohl of the new clip, since there is an ample sufficiencrof choice and com- paratively cheap foreign wool here in the Eastern markets for them to fall back upon, no matter. how long the former may be held. back. The scarcity which prevailed early in the, year has given place to abundance, owing to the unex- pectedly large influx of these fine foreign wools, stimulated by the high prices which rureel here, at that time, and the reduced cost of importation. But the turn which matters have taken was not anticipated, -as it could not have been foreseen, by the most sagacious operators. Rql FORSALE. on aeasonable terms Lot No. 30, 12, ownship of Hibbert, County of Mg one hundred, acres, eighty of weli fenced,. and in a state of n az d free from 1ou1 weeds. Tho ore • principallywith beech, maple bu his all fenced and seeded down. d h 3wed log house, with back kit - bane 8860.; a. frame stable 30x40, -bu Mange. There is also a good co taining various kind e of bearing goo well convenient to the house, ne creek running through the farm. 'tented within nine miles of the v11 - h, 'end on a good gravel road. For ars apply to the nnitersigned pro- preaniges, or to Messrs. Killorau& MICHAEL KEEFE, • Proprietor. FARM FOR SALE. FOR SALE, one hruidred acres of land, being part of smith, L. R. good state of log barn, fra and sheds, a lot, audit apt in the towns forth, three cash, the re on the prenn 287 ot 27, Fifth Concession of Tucker - S., seventy acres. cleared and in a ultivation; thirty acres bush; hewn e deiving house, stable, sheep -house ood spring °reek in the front of the g in the rear; as good land as any 'p ; four and n,half miles from Sea- •om Tereus, one-third minder in yearly installments. Apply es to ALEX. McCAA, Brucefield P. 0. V011 SALE Rowick, c well fenced a good buildin s, plenty of water and. a good young orchard, just commencieg to boar • it is situated within about two miles of the thriving village of the same distance from the village or further particulars apply to the or to M. YOUNG-, on the prordses. N. H. YOTJ.NG, Senforth. RM FOR SALE: Lot No. 1, Seventh Concession of ntaining 100 tierce, about 70 cleared, d a good state of /cultivation; Wroxeter an of Genie. undersigned, 236-4* " THE MARCH OF THE BUG." FARMERS, SAVE YOUR POTATOES By parchasing sonic of - MCDOUGALL'S DISINFECTING POWDER, A sure kill for the Potato Bag and Currant -bush Worms, to be had at STRONG & FAIRLEY'S, Mein street, Seaforth. FAMILY GROCERIES. 4lie hest and cheapest Teas. Sugars, all grades. Tobaccos, of the best brands, including the cele- brated htlitTLE NAVY. Fruits of various kinds and of the best quality, always on hand at STRONG & PAIET,1,18. FAR.M AN PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS FOR SALE. TeaOR Silk, Lot No. 29, Con. 7, township of Morris, j- containing 100 acres, 70 of which are cleared well fenced. There are on the premises a good and in a stalof geed ecultivation. The whole is 'frame barn and hewed Tog -house, also, two wells Mad a, younglbearing _erchead. This farm th within one mile of Aieleyvillea thriving -village, where a station of t Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway will bo opend this fall, also the breadth of a lot from the N4 Ahern Gravel Road. Also, for sale, ling -house, with the upper part fitted - °graph Gallery. There is a. good well ; the premises, also a good garden. y is situated near the business eeutre of Wroxeter, through whieh the To - and Bruce Railway Will be ninning • NEW YORK 110.RSE MARKET. a. frame dwe up rts a Pho and stable o This proper of the villag ronto Grey within one :ear. -The whole will be sold on easy atenus. pprtioulars apply to 5 C. R. COOPED, 236-13 e Land and General Agent, Dingle P. 0. • TUESDAY, June 18, 1872. The bulk of the trade remained con- fined to work horses at firm and unchang- ed prices. while therehas been compar- es atively little doing in pleasure horses of - rd any kind. Dealers in the latter class have become anxious to realize, and we repeat that buyers who are in earnest will have but little difficulty in coming to terms. The figures at which fine car- riage teams are held are in many cases exhorbitant, but any fair offer presenting reasonable -profit will, as a rule, be ac- cepted. Among the auction sales of the week the sale held at A. H. Taylor's stock farni in Orange Co. N. Y.. has been the TORONTO, June 20, 1872. most important One. llaJ.or C W . . t, L O. b., $L52 to $1.55, Barker (of Barker & Chase) officiated as . b., $1.45. These prices, auctioneer, and realized $11,120, or 6411 scarcely be realized now, per head for the 27 horses disposed of. quotation was made wheat ail'I'mPiamoommogilmvian.132'111.agmlimeR bea-vy fall in the European COW STRAYED. ats are dull. There are STRAYED from the premises of the undersigned, plenty offer -ng but no buyers. Car lots 8oith, about tho first of Jame an aged COW, on. the tri k- were offered at 38c but i.ifiriaeeeae_inoiori,ioe•rnteqteaholaod, beblluyshanydtilaninsii -ans tiirez,00wpietha quality c were offer° 1 1 • f L lead to the recovery of back. Any pers.' on giving such information agw ill .flound no let yers. For a email lot of No. ana le usee . mutably rewarded D AXID McNAUGHT. the above animn1 will be tins firm at about 5Jc in - • _ ----- — 287 Peas will generally bring . STRAYED COLTS. Wool in round lots of from Lot No. 36, Third Concession, Tnekersmith, Meer Peel Wheat Red Winter. White C0113 Barley Oats........ la as Pork........ Lard. Fall whe spring, f. however, co as since the has taken a markets. S. D. S. D. S.r5D. S. D. 28 6 23 6 28 6 28 .. 12 4 12 4 12 4.,12 8 .. 12 8 12 .8 12 8 12 8° .. 13 0 12 .10 12. 9 12 8 .. 27 6 27 3 27 s 27 a .. 3 8 3 8 3 D 38 29 2 9 2 9 29 37.� 37 037 0570 ▪ .49 9 -49 0 49 0 47 6 89 0 89 6 89 6 40 8 F SOUTH F of the South half of Lot No. 21; Fifth C ncession of the township of Morrie, containing 10 acres, 35 cleared; well -watered by a spring creella good log house and frame stable. The above ferm is only a mile and a hats on a good road from the rising village of Ainleyville, where a station of tie Wellington, Grey and Bruce Rail- way will be ppened tlais fall. For price and terms inquire (if b letter; prepaid) of C. R. COOPER, inIeyaille Land Agency, Dingle P. 0. RM FOR SALE. ' 385 F M FOR SALE IN GREY' T OT No 5 Concession 15, towuship of Grey, C011- -/La tataing hinety-six (Acres; seventy acres clearl. Apply to M. McDERMID, Herptithe Or to JOHN SILLERS, Grey. 232 - Barley i.e quantities. from 70c t the track, 1,000 to 4, 51c. The market se.ems tirna at tbis figure, . old past; the two-vear old is all bay, a i . ° which is probably the highest that Can blaek mane end tail ; the year old ie.; of black color, l).e if.';•ot. Street prices laere as follows : walte hinvdh.lte,,gsg,tanritopnaritoorfelitZ,littorno 4, -ade 1.46 to $1 47 ; spring, $1.40 to 81.41. lec-intINictirtoe, -wheat, $1.52 to €,11.5'4 ; Treadwell, i heley inane partedini'n the centre. Any p‘ereen Oate woull not bring over 40c. rea.s . I giving such information ae \ennead to the recovery i of the abore will be suititbly rewerdech from 63u t 66c. t JOHN COLDWELL,13rneefitld P. O. 72c per bushel in car lots on ST.RILIE 4p from the premises of the subscriber, 00 pounds have been sold at • L. R..5.., on or about the 24th of April last, TWO OLT fs, one two years old and the other a earn 11 la, et 311 Tsaleu,o -03.1h ra also premises t 229-8e TORTH Tunib heat -grow nd good 1 encing to 04 consis er is good ill on the next lot. There are also 37 acres fon adjoining the abeye farm. Terms - cash, balance on time. etpply on THOMAS BOLT. h • PROVISIONS. Flour and Feed of every description delivered in the Tillage free of charge. BUTTER AND EGGS. Tlae highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. REMEMBER, STRONG & FAIRLEY'S. CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH, Cannot be undersold by any other house in the country. The shop is Small, but the geode are A No. 1. ARM -.FOR SALE. HALF Lot 5, Seaenth Concession, ny, consisting of 59 acres of • choice g land; 85 acres cleared; frame barn g house; a good orchard, just corn - bear; about 4 acres of the uncleared s of good pine and 'cedar, the remain - hardwood land; there is a steam saw- Tuckersmith, May 29, 1872. 284-4* 1 VARM of good la Clinton an ene ARM FOR SALE. 132 Acres for Sale, 20 acres inwoods, d and good buildings. Six miles from 31 from Bayfield. ALFRED STONEHOUSE. O.'S THE TIME TO BUY EAP BOOTS AND SHOES. The subscribers having purchased THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES HOTE FOR SALE IN AINLEYVILLE. TRIP, Ho el at presenp occupied by James Leon- -a- ard, w I be sold cheap for eagle. Buildings all new. Pos.nssiou giveil immediately. At ply to J. LECKIE. Ainloyeille; May 23, 1872. . 233 FARIM FOR SALE IN McKILLOP. OR S. E Lot 18 Twelfth Concession, MeKil- lop, ce ed; good h farm; Si a Mlle ail( For furthe 235-4* ' lloNTRE.er.,, 'June 19. I STRAY COLT. _ Plome---:\ larket unsettled and dedin- I- TR YED from the.\premiisets of .itye .tibseriber, i, S about theath i_ng, buyers persisting it holding off for , COLT. Any pLersoonf r-er:Y inale ' L., e ) sa:i'Cl. Y8'saart1,111or'slr. better terms. No `transactions in the i giving suchbffern'iatien tts Will lead to its recovery ill be • ie al- -,-.... dna - higher grat- lots of .c.,....trii • es. TWO or three 100 barrel , PATRICK 0 NEILL, - 30 t 00 enane Lot 1-1 Cen, I, Melisner, :51-tpt..!: sold at :•z5. to.U; thistingsof 100 tteress 35 to 45 acres elear- rd-wood; good running creek on front of lice _from Seaforth, 4 miles from Walton; a half frons /gravel road. Terms easy. particulars'apply to- THOlLaS WALLACE, ' Westfield P.O., West Witwanosh T'p. FARM VILLAGE "PROPERTY FOR SALE. ri OB.8 'E, on reasonable teras, a. Farm, being Lot al(. 17; in the Eleventh Concession of Me- Killop. Iso. several eligible building lots in the village of caforth. Apply to 298 - JAMES BEATTIE, Seaforth. INLEY VILLE LAND AGENCY. Belonging to Estate of Win. Spurr & Son, are giving EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS - In all kinds of Boots ancl Shoes. . CALL AT ON -CE AND SECURE SOME OF THEM. LOGAN 8L. JAIVIIESON. rratiE Subscriber having eetabliehed an Agency -I- for tht Sale of Farm end Village Lots, which he -will adeertthe (weekly) and sell on Commiesion. TERMS bf Commission or any particulars icon- cerning lets eadvertieed will be made known 'on applica.tion, if by letter prepaid, and enclosing stamp, adinressecl C. R. COOPER, Dingle P. O. FOR SALE. B. of S. a of Lot ,;24, Con. 5, Monis; 50 acres; 2 miles -from Ainlee-ville. • Village I4ts&4 and 65 Aiuleyville, (Morris.) Vmage lo s .Nos. 44 and 39 Ainleyville, (Monts t) lnngofran.ie cottage and fraine stable. Lot 22, Cj,n. 4, N;, Morris; 100 acres, 50 cleared; log h use; 2 miles off gravcd road. Lot 29, C u. 7, N. Monis; 100 acres, 60 clea.red ; good. log house and frame barn. Lots 2 aic1 3, West side of H.owiclastreet, Wrox- eter, containing la acres of land; two now frare houses; stables, &c. Village! Lots 49 and 50, Ainleyville, with good frame ho ee and stable, and log tannery in good working rder. ots 60 and 61, Ainleyville, township of Mo is. Villege Lots, 212, 213, 221, Ainleyville, (Grey.) Store, StOrehoese and Stable, 1 acres of Land with orchind, etc., in village of Craabrook. C. It. COOPER, 2.24. Dingle P. 0- ikaargarmagesenicammgmawograt •'POUND -KEEPER'S NOTICE. INIILLINERY AND MANTLES, — A T T. KI D'S EMPORIUM. A large and clacioe lot of TRIMMED ° HATS, SILK MANTLES,. STRIPED OTTOMAN SHAWLS. CkT,T, AND E7,ori.N.-E. THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT IS NOW COMPLETE. FANCY TWEEDS, FANCY COATINGS, BLACK BROADCLOTEIS AND DOESKIN GOOD FITS GUARANTEED. SMALL PROFITS AND WICK SALES OTTR MOTTOE. • STRICTLY ONE PRICE. yorricE is hereby given, that a smell black snare o with one blind eye, was placed in my Pound, at the Village al Zurich, on the 14th June, la72. The owner of the above animal is hereby notified, that -unlces she is claimed within one month from this date, and all eapenses for her keeping, S.c., paid, she will be sold without fnrther tea ice. . HUTMAN ' :L. Zaeicla june 20, 187 2.74 THOS KIDD, SEAFORTII. SEALED TENDERS "(IT'LL be receive(' by the undersigned rip to V v MONDAY, the Eighth day of July next, for the removal of franie Scheol-house in School Section No. 2, township of Hay, from the North-west cor- ner of Lot 10, Firstdoncebsion' to the South-west corner of the North -half of Lot8, Second Conces- sion. Further particialare cen be obtaindd by ap- plying to the Tnistees. Tenders will be opened at dile o'clock p.m., on the Eighth of jaly next. The Trusteea do not bind themselyes to accept the lowest or any tender. DANIEL licCOLL, PETER WENDERSON, Trustees. JOHN Mc:MAHON, SEAI_ED TENDERS WILL be received by the undersigned up to Y MONDAY, the Eighth (lay of July next, for the erection of FENCE, enclosing School premises, in School Section No. 2 township of Hay. Further particulars can be oblained by applying to Daniel McColl, Lot 11, Second Conceseion, Hay, (Roager- ville P. 0.) The Trustees do not bind themselves to accept the lowest; or any tender. DANIEL l'Iz-COLL, ) FETED 11 .aN'DERSON, Trnetees. WOHN Meal kTTON, 937-2 TO CONTRACTORS. LIME. LIME. LIME. HILL'S ritannia llouse„ OPPOSITE KNOX'S HOTEL, S Fe 0 It r_r A FULL STOCK OF Grey Cottons, Grey Sheetings, White Cottons, White Sheetings, Stripe Shirtings, Check Shirtings, Jeans, Prints, Ginghams, .1).11K$S.i. GO01)S,. In Plain -and Figured BLACK AND COLORED MITES, LUSTRE BROCADES, SATTEE NS, 1 uslin ob Subscribers, having leased the Lime Quar- ry belonging to Mr. A. Wilson, Silver Creek, Sertforth, and having built a splendid new Kiln, on the most approved principle, capable oftunaing out 200 bushels per day, are prepared to furnish any quantity of The Best Quality of Lime, At FIFTEEN CENTS a busheL No air -slaked Lime kept or sold. SLATER & BRO., 236*13 Huron Road, Seaforth. COOPERS WANTED: WANTED I 3111IE DIA TEL Y, Elee;an good v Coopers, to work at Salt Barrels. Apply to JOHN G. AMENT. Se•aforth, May 22, 1872. 233 FOR. LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. TN/MAN LINE OF MATT, STEMERS SAILING Iran' New York, EVERY THURSDAY AND EVERY SATURDAY, Tickete Bold to and from England. Ireland, and STRIPE POPLMS, BROCADE POPLINS Black Iliad Colored Silks. THE 'YOKOHAMA?' the Continent, at ae low rates tee by ally other lines EALED TENDERS will be received by either jOHN G. DALE, Agent, S of the undersigned until. SATURDAY, the 22(1 Li, Broadway, N. Y., or day of June, 1872, for the erection of a WOODEN JOHN SEATTER, BRIDGE over Silver 'Creek,' on the Huron Road,. 2,30 ' ' CREq-SWN'LL d Cod Liver oil:et-forth. east of Seeferth. The bridge to be the same in every respect as that at present in nee, except t the door inust be of theee-inch sawn hemlock. The Preparation is a solution of Iodide of Iron Iodize tenders 'ail] be opened at blarrav's hotel, in Sea- THI19 in perfectly pure Cod Liver OiL It tlay be . four o'clock p.ra. - The work to be ernlirleted With- used in all cases where the simPle Oil is oraerel, forth, on the above-raentionedelaie, at the hour of in one month after the conned, is entered into. ; and will be found greatly euperior to it. This 1 preparation is highly beneficial in Pulmonary Con - Cash will be paid upon completion of work. I -SUM ition Scrofuleue Com -plaints, Chronie mall Costume Cloths in ool A geod assortment of Vaney Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, Ties, Collars, Chemisettes, Sewed Muslins. Pi MILLINERY D HPART ENT • Reeve of Tnekeremith. DiSeases, mad for .all chronic disorders erasing from WM. J. SHANNON, defective digestion, assimilation or nutrition. It Beeve of MeKillela' also highly usefnl in Chronic Ithetmeatil= and Seaforth, June 10, 1872. 2,30-2 G -out. Price $1. Cdnapound al yr up of if ypoph °spit t as. 'DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. TITIS is an agreeable Preparation coot:lining the TR' partnership heretofore existing at Lakelet, laypophosphites of Lime, Steict, Petash in the township of Howick, between Janice Mo- Iron, with free IIypopbosplennus Acid. This Deland and Henry Torrance, 131ackesniths, ie this ;syrup is a certain remedy for General Debility, (Under the Charge of Miss Brent, from Mr. 3.01112 Toronton is espeeially attractive, being eupplied with stock of the latest styles, and tbe ntmost attention may be relied an filling orders. • The "Persian Stripe Shawl?' Axid the neweet peat/arias in 8,11 -it, CLOTH & VELVETEEN day tlisselved by manual coneent. The debts of from any cause, atereene enseaees and scree/Ilene the finn are te be paid by James McDonald, and Complaints. It 1 aie 'delay usefulin da al the accounts. due to the than are to be paid. to the the hence (esp(cially' in infinite) and Incipient said Jamee McDonall. Dined this 80th day of Consumption. Price $1. May, 1e72. . JAMES Mc -DONALD. The above Preparatiens are of stan(lard inedical ' TTENI.CY TORRWitness : U. W. Hii7NT. 23ANC• 6-3 repetition, and -enntaining no secret inecediente, may be prescribea physieinus withent liesitae E. ton. l'repared by JOHN WILLIAMS,. ROOMS TO LET. London, Ontano. QEVERAL GOOD ROOMS in Meyer s Block to For sale by -R. Lurneden, Seaforth; J.R. Grant, ki lotion reasouable terms, Apply to - Airdeaaillee G. A. Powell, Wm:etc; are]. Dm:0,a8 227 & MEYER. genetally. 235 :AIANTLES. The supply of Cloths and TWeeds is large, and _ ail orders for clothing will be satisfactmilly The usual assortment in GENTS' FURNISHINGS Of Shirts, Drawers, Ties, Colinas, Fronts Gimes Hosiery, eta. iIrS In Fat, Cloth, Silk. Straw, Leehorn and Panama.. Caps in Chitin 011, Silk, etc. READY - MADE qLOTHINC. BOOTS AMD SHOES A geed1,-Iipp1y of Greeeries alwaye on band. Speeial valne in Teas will be given. A good stock to choose from, good valne, far the money, goods marked plsin figures, and telly one price, are tb.e arinciplee closely adhered to at MIL'S BRITANNIA HOUSE.