HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-06-21, Page 3THE BEST E' INO MACFIINES Mace can be had at. I. N. WATSON'S SEW Mg MACHINE DEPOT, SEAFORTH. "THE GENUINE HO WE," .Sawing Machines, in all styles and sizes-, a ssf " TUB OSBO N " machine in ail styles. The subscriber has received a splendid supply t both these. Machines,: which are prononncedby ee . perienced hands to be superior to any others =edit. For strength, simplicity and perfection of cots. struction.; for range of work, from light, sense to '.leaver and leather ; for beauty and exactness d stitch, owing to the tension being perfect and -ways equal on both upper and lower threads, a uat for durability these machined are unrivalled. Every machine warranted and instructions gid gratis. Machines sent out on trial, or rented by the month to responsible parties. WM. N. WATSON, Seaforth GG I ..you WANT-. TO SE S OMETHING NICE.? ? TIIOMAS BELL, Main -street, Seaforth, Can show you something worth looking at in the FURNITURE Fine- He has just received. a large quantity of hEW FURNITURE. Of every description, which; for CHEAPNESS,. BET A UT Y, and QUALITY; Is really worth going to see - W arrrooms— Opposite Robertson's Hardware Store= 217 CL1NTCN 10;..E PORI UM. • <<iEr l'i (11EII.1111il1M Rik! FRANK PALTRIDGE, Agent for Seaforth and vicinity. litr. P' LTRIDLE, thoroughly understanding' en l in'Ts of reed instruments, the public can depend on getting any kind of in5triunent of the best' aux iettl excellence and durability,—as fine fact sweet as a flute, or as loud as 10,000 THUNI ERS. • IN:K. J.S E ATTE it, X.CHAN GE BROKER, And dealer in Pure R_l1tzS [{EM:ICALS ANBD i YE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, FANGYAN D TOI LET ARTICLE Agent for Sewing Machines. Money to leiid on easy terms. T. SEATTER�,� Seaforth, NOV. 3, 1S70. SHOPS FOR SALE. -,opt SALE. two shop and forts -four feet front- age On Main Street, Seaforth, opposite .O inieha l's Hotel. Apply to 19 .-L- J'.;' rSrr7EAT`!'E EE i EXTRACTED Yt� 1 I 1�T i'AIN. pis;ee-es_ eTsigzessf T. 1 neon I}entist, Gt C iii f yW'ItTGTHT. L. D. S., Sur '• extracts teeth t�•ithc,rrt pain by the use of ti�- v Nitron tj•cilc Gat. (shill•—Over the Fountain' of ' r F.., hi<.n, Mr.I ,ir: to _ s :tore, on the ;s1arkot Sq , Attendaire e in +ef.forth at Iinox'sHotel, Clinton, . Tut las- and Wednesday of each month; in at thy. (einir ends.' Ilotel. on the following Thura- s days and Fridays. 'rhe remainder of the tun e 4 ., his Stratford office. ; Parties requiring new teeth are requestedto f l if at Seaforth and Clinton, on the first dike tend -rice. Over 54.000 patients have had teeth extracted by i the uf-ti of the Gas. at Dr. Conitoiz's offices, 1 York. 203 -- JUNE 21, -"1872. a GAIETIES. The advertisement of a Western stonecutter readd :- " Those who buy m;'Istones of ills, look with pride and Satisfaction on the graves of. their friends." ..._.A German deliver a. box as xpressrnan tried to follows : Ringing the bell, he said to Bridget : " I have got one srlall pox, and if you like I vill pring slammed. ._ A eorresjx ing instance of i found a cockr bowl of water. shell for a boat. and gave him picks foi oars next morning I put a piece of on one of the t• toothpick up a He hada hai pick, and there that cockroach sat a fishing. Thet0 � b ockroaceP. h, exhausted, bad gone sl , The sight melt- ed .ed me to tears, I never had to chaw leather t( get a soul. I° was born with . on . I took the cock- roach out, gaff e m a h'lspoonful of gruel, and he never forgot t1 house is chock — The peop most suecessfu him in." The door dent gives a touch - sect instinct : " I ch wriggling in a I took a half peanut I put him into it two wooden tooth - nil left. him. The visited him and he hite cotton thread otlipicks, and set the a signal of distress. on the other tooth - i 150, which have lately been sold at auction for upwards of $20,000. Among them were rare old speei- mens of the handiwork of Stradu- arius, Guarnerius and other famous makers. - One of the consequences of ad- vertising for correspondence " with a view . to matrimony," and of an- swering such foolish advertisements, has been that a brother and sister belongin in Louisville lately fell in love with each other by this •episto• lary pfocess and the day had been named for their marriage. They had been separated for some years and though photographs were ex- changed they did not recognize each other until they finally ,exchanged their real names. Of course there was much disappointment when the precious pair found they had been wasting their affections on each other. —The army worm is on the march in Tennesee and carries every- thing before it. No mortal enginery is sufficient to stay the course pf the phalanx of vermin when once on its course of destruction, Near Nash- ville, Tenn., they crossed a river and left. That animal invaded a field of rye and swept it. at act, and now my to the ground. The man who own - full of cockroaches." ed grain fields beyond mustered his !e of the West are the men and tried to stay ,the horrid in the world in mak-- host. He dug a deep ditch and �.-filled � it with water, and scattered . ing sport of rhrlr misfortunes: One straw along the bank. and set it, on of their severest arfilictions at this 11 s season is a vs.tation of potato. bug , snd yet they rack jokes on the vil- lainous insects as though their pota- danger. T'he vermin, bears the cracking of ably well. One day at the noble army of s pitched its tents -on Kansas, and is on short s -for the esculent root HI Britan toes were in nc by the way, jokes remark we are told tl potato bugs h the plains of 1 rations waitin to put forth itsa.sprouts. Then we get the announcement that in Wis- consin the potato bugs are sitting around on the fences offering 75 tents a bushe a day for me we hear the poll a full vo poses to ado] tem. Then jw teresting creatures are holding a ioint conve ation, at Council Bluffs, the One term principle. deices are to the effect bugs are loafing about - t corners in Dubuque tardy growth of their • table. Surely the po- ot witty himself, is the in others. TEW ROSS JOCKEYS.— hosses with a deacon— elong tew the church. as u hav dot a boss that for potatoes and $1.50 to plant them. Next t the potato bug will te in Indiana. and rro- the cumulative sys- e hear that these in - and repudiat The latest that potato on the stre awaiting •t'h`• favorite veg tato bug, if cause of wi ADV1GEs. Never swo not if yu he duz. you ask 1200 for, and are offered 75 dollars for him, sell him ; don't split a good hoss trade for 125 dol- lars. If i€u should, bi acksident, get hold ov; a Round hoss, git shut I fire, and yet straggling mi ions o the worms got safely through his lines and •mustered for a flesh onset. — The Idaho World says : " Sail- ing kites appears to be the princi- pal. occupation followed by many of our Chinese residents, as well as by the boys. The Celestials carry off the palm, as they appear to be adepts in the sport. During the past few days theyhave had several monster kitessailing, which in shape resembled huge spideis, legs and all, and after reaching`'a considerable height, messengers, in the shape of butterflies and paper birds, were sent up on the string.. Attached to the heads of these kited is some kind of an Aolian instrument which gives forth. a buzzing sound continu- ally, that can be heard no matter how high it goes. The Peculiar People Again. OPPOSITE- S M PPOSITE SM HE HURON- EXPOSITORS LL'S 1 Hous , :NOX,s HOTEL, A FUL: Grey Cotton Grey S Whi i of him az wont be h swopping .and kant li til next da, buya hoss therefore, i he loses on —Josh _Bir SHORT o ing to dine after sermon, with one of his ileac ns, came upon the hired boy of his host, digging at a, wood- chuck's h was unkn his rein, a1 4'E Well,. ing there Diggi raid the b "Why, it is ver; you won' STOCK OF C1S, heetings, te Cottons, White Sheetings, Stripe Shirtings,: Check Shirtings, Weans, Prints, Ginghams, soon az yu kan, for yu ppy "with him. If, ° in losses, a git kornered, le, postpone the trade un - y. Nobcddy expekts tew without getting cheated ; f a hose jockey, don't lie, e ov his blessed privileges. Zings. MEAT.—A minister go • If a grown-up man or woman were F. ill and refused .to have either phy- sicians or medicine, no one would think 9f invoking the law to force them to have medical aid. What a father thinks best for himself he may reasonably think best for his children, but if he thinks it best not to have doctors for them, he is, it appears,, liable to be fined and im- prisoned therefor. He thinks it would he useless in point of health, and a direct sin against God, to em- ploy them ; yet, because his neigh- bors think differently, be must do ao or be punished. Few will con- tend that a man with small -pox in his family should -nett be forced to use. theordinary means of cure- the good of the whole community DIES A nice point of conscience.. has .arisen irl England. It .will be re- membered that the " Peculiar Peo- ple " there hold it to be sinful to employ a doctor in case of illness, or use any means save am elder of the church, prayer, and- anointing with oil—the scriptural plan. This does not always end in cure, although doctors and physic do not do so either, for that matter. Some of the F. P's. bad small -pox in their families a short time ago : no phy- sicians were employed. Some of their childen died of the disease, whereupon the parents were brought before magistrates and. fined for ne- glect of duty. The question now is, has the State any moral right to forcea man `to employ a doctor either for himself or his family when he does not think that doctors can do any good—when, in fact, he thinks it is a sin to employ them. GOODS, In P1 in and Figured BLACK AND LUT z 3 Plain Questions and 3 Plain Answers. lraTHY do the people all go to DENT'S for Parasols 2 Because he :sells the cheapest and has the v greateb`t variety in town. WILY do the people all go to DENT'S for Dress Goods and Fancy Dry Goods generally? Because he eau show the largest and choicest lot West of Toronto. Wki.Y ought the people all to go to DENT'S for anything they want in Staple or Fancy Dry Goods, Millinery, &e, 7 13ecense he knows how to buy in order to got the best vALUE, and as a consequence enabled to give the best value. COLORED LUSTCES, E BROCADES, TTEENS, • ole. The f parson, who own to the boy, checked id accosted him with, ray son, what are you do- „ Ig out a woodchuck,. sir," )y. but don't you know that. wicked And besides, get him if you dig for him on S inday." "Git 'im !" said the boy. "Thun- got- to git 'im ; the _ram- ming to our house , to i d . we ain't got any meat." der ! I've ister's c( dinner, a BRIEF NOTES. Since the death of the prince - <.consort, the queen has appointed_ none bub widows to the offices of honorary ladies of the bed -chamber. The em6lument is four thousand dollars a year, and they are each in waiting :bout two months annually. In London they do not reside -at the palace, l at their from th 500,000 lbs. of Butter, and 1,000,000 Doz. Eggs wanted, AT DENT'S CHEAP STORE, SEAFORTH• obes, STPD PE POPLINS, BROCADE POPLINS, Black and Colored Silks. THE "YOKOHAMA' ut a royal carriage is placed disposal to convey there it residence to the palace as occasion.s m'ay iequire. In the country they live in the palace ;. and of,late the queen has scarcely ever been resident for more, than a day or two .in London. hese ladies are generally, but by no means in- variably, selected from among those to who hi money is an object. — I1ltost men have a peculiar fancy of their own which they will gratify Ito an extent that seems ab- surd to other people, proviled they have 1•lenty of money. Ono may indulgi to an inordinate extent in race hrses though he take no part in racing, another Vinay accumulate works Of art enough to furnish forth a museum, while a third will fill his house with musical instruments. Joseph Gillott, the famous steel pen maker, left a collection of violins, violoncellos and other stringed in - Coanme Cloths in colors. A good assortment of Fancy Goods, Ribbons Lacs., . Veils, __Gloves, j. Hosiery, Paras Tie Sewed demands it. The case, however, shows how very little. personal liberty the law allows individuals when the interests of the State are at issue with it. . A Great Lumbering Country. Collars, Chemisettes, uslins. THE MILLINERY M. R. COUNTER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Seaforth, Has just received a large stock of PANS_ On hand also, an Extensive Assortment of PIPES, Briar Root Pipes—the latost stylus and patterns; Meerschaum Pipes, &a. - A LATELY RECEIVED, LARGE STOCK OF RUSSEL WATCHES, Made expressly to order. Repairing, in all its branches, as usual. The Victoria Chemical Company, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the Csle- brated Victoria Carbolic Preparations. Laboratory sized Works, Victoria;�Ril, Melinda Street, Toronto, Ont. The following Genuine Preparations are sold by all Druggists. Be sure and ask for the VxcToni PREPARATIONS, and see that you get them. Victoria Carbolated Glycerine Jelly. This-JEZI.X is highly recommended to Ladies se a most agreeable Preparation for the Toilet. For Beautifying the Complexion, and rendering the Skin Soft, White, Clear, and free from Dryness, it is unrivalled. It will quickly remove all Redness, Roughness, Tan, Freckles, Pimples, and other inn- p25erfectionscents. . For Chapped Rands, Chilblains, Frost Bites and Sore Lips, it cannot be surpassed. Free Victoria Carbolic Toilet Soap, This ToreET Soar possesses all the well-known antiseptic and disinfecting properties of Carbolic Acid, is agreeably scented, has a healthy action on the skin, prevents irritatiou, removes the effects of perspiration, and should be regularly used by families. Cholera, Smallpox and Fever Patients should be washed with this Soap ; and its use by persons liable to infection will materially prevent the spread of disease. Price 15 cents per Tablet. Victoria Carbolic Salve. This SALVE is a rapid cure for all Skin Diseases, Cuts, Wounds, Braises, Burns, Sores, Ulcers, Ring- worm, Tetter, Eezema, Scald Head, Scurvy, Abs- cesses, Boils, Pimples, &e. It possesses all the cleansing and healing virtues of Carbolic Acid, which has been found by Physicians everywhere to possess curative qualities not discovered ° in any other 'chemical preparation. Price 25 -cents. Victoria Carbolic Gargarysma. This GARGLE is the most reliable and efficacious Remedy in all cases of Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Diptheria, Bronchitis, Irritation of the Broneb al Tubes so common in this changeable climate, Asthma, Offensive Breath, Ulcerated Gums, and all diseases of the Mouth. For Public Speakers and Singers it is invaluable. The ingredients en- tering into this Gargle are used by all Physicians, and for the cure of the above disorders are now, undoubtedly, the most popular in the MkritaL& MEnnOA. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic DiRinfectant. This DIstrNEECTA;iT is a sure preventive of Typhus and Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, Smallpox, and all in- fectious diseases. It will prevent Contagion in Cattle. It is also invaluable for Disinfecting Wa• ter Closets, Drains, Cesspools, Stables, :Slaughter- houses, &c., and for destroying nauseous effluvia from whatever cause arising. It will drive away at e c s Vic. ly7 Flies Cockroaches, Mosquitoes, Moths, q Fish, &e.,tiLn be preserved from putrefaction by its - use. Carbolie Acid was selected by Her Majesty's Royal Commissioners, in preference to all other products, as the best Disinfectant for the preven- tion of infectious diseases. Price 25 cents. Victoria Sharpening and Polishing Paste This PREPARATION is unequalled in its rapidity for Sharpening and Polishing Cutlery. Table and PocketKnives, Razors, Surgical Instruments, Shoe- makers' Knives, Plane Bits and Chisels, &c. Noth- ing has ever been discovered which has sprang into popularity more quickly, or become of so much value in every household and.' workshop for general usefulness. .'rice 25 cents. 280 STEWART, TIIO1fPSON & C IS THE PLACE TO GET THE BEST VALUE AND LARGEST SELECTION OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, &c., IN AINLEY VILLE. DEPARTMWT,. The whole area of Maine is about 30,000 miles, of which the great primeval northern forest contains about 20,000 square miles. It is largely composed of tall pines. There are about -1,800 lakes in the State, covering nearly 13,000 square miles. Nearly all these lakes lie at the head of the rivers which run to the sea, and their great altitude gives to their descending waters an immense power. Ra,ngely Lake is 1,500 feet, and Lakes Umbagog and Moosehead are each over 1,000 feet above the level of the sea, and the wliiole surface ,of -the State is, on an average, 00 feet in elevation, so that the water of all the lakes and rivers must fall that distance. It is estimated that the total water power . of the State is equal to the combined working energy of 34,000,000 men laboring day and night all -the year round, or, counting that which is available, exceeding the actual working power of all the men in the } United States, England, France and JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF READY-MADE C L 0 THING, (Under the charge of Miss Brent, from Mr. John Kay's, Toronto,) is especially attractive, being supplied with stock of the latost styles, and the utmost a ration may be relied on in filling order's. The 'Persian Stripe Shawl" And the newest patterns in SILK, CLOTH & VELVETEEN MANTLES. FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, IMPORTED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND, Which will be sold 15 per cent. less than usual prices. STEWART, THOMPSON & CO. AINLEYVILLE, May 22, 1872. The uppy of Cloths and Tweeds is large, and all ord+rs_ f r olothing will be satisfactorihy filled. The Usual assortment in GE TS' FURNISHINGS Of Shirts, Hosieiiyy,. e1e. Drawers, Ties, Collars, Fronts, Gloves Atruments, numbering upwards of } Germany. HATS In Felt, Cloth, Silk, Straw, Leghorn and Panama. Gaps in Cloth, Oil, Silk, etc. REA Y - MADE CLOTHING. 1OOTS AND SHOES. SPRING GOODS, E. IIICKSON & CO. are now receiving their new Spring Goods, the best assortment ever offered in Seaforth, and with very few exceptions, at Old Prices. Call at once and see, at HICKSON'S EMPORIUM. MALCOM'S GREAT EGG DEPOT, MARKET SQUARE, SEAPORTS. The subscriber begs to inform the publics that he has greatly extended his premises and is pre- pared as hitherto to pay the highest price for any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS, Delivered at his place of business. No Market Fees on EGGS. WM. IALCOM. Seaforth, March 25, 1872. 225 EGG EMPORIUM. numerous subscriber hereby thanks his numero friends in town and country for their ;liberal patronage during the past five years, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit their con- fidence and trade m the future. He also wishes to announce that he is stili prepared to pay TRE HIGHEST CASH ''RICE For any quantity of good FRESH EGGS _ Delivered at the, EGG EMPORIUM, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTil. 227 _ D. D. WILSON. P ARTICULAR NOTICE JOHN LOGAN TEA. --The best teas in the market are to be found at CHARLES WILSON'S Grocery, Seaforth. Good Young Hyson at from 50 cts. to 75 cts., worth from 75 cts, to $1 00. Try it, and prove its qualities. A good supply of Groceries always onhand. Spe ial value in Teas will be given. A good sto to hoose from, good value for the money, goods ,n ked in plain figures, and only one price, are the principles closely adhered to at TO HOTEL -KEEPERS. — Hotel -keepers can find the best Wines and Liquors, for the least money, at CHARLES WILSON'S Grocery, opposite the Man- sion Hotel, Seaforth.. ALE.—Carling's, Spencer's and Dean's Ales, in casks, half -casks, and quarter -casks, at CHARLES WILSON'S Grocery, Seaforth. Good inducements given to the wholesale buyer. BUTTER AND EGGS. -- Farmers can get a bet- ter market, and better value for their Butter and Eggs, at CHARLES WILSON'S, than at any other house in Seaforth. SEED POTATOES.—Seed Potatoes of the best varieties,on hand and for sale cheap. Warranted to grow, and not) bug -proof. P SON'S, opposite the Mansion' Hotel, Seaforth, URCHASERS.—Remennber CHARLES placed HILL'S BRITANNIA HOUSE. Has a Lot of SHAWLS, MANTLES, —AND— DRESS GOQDS Which he is anxious to Sell Oil, at Cost YES, BELOW COST, Or any reasonable price that a customer may olio - Therefore, Ladies, you will please call at the Manchester House, MAIN STREET, Soon, and get your pick of the Goodsbefore they are all sold. Seaforth, July 25, 1871. 100 REMOVED. REMOVED. M. ROBERTSON, et -maker and Undertaker, HAS REMOVED his ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, where he has one cry ar a eior stock of Fnini- s of CALL AND SEE IT UNDERTAKING; Having purchasedMr. Thoraas Boil's HEARSE, I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country. Coffins, All Sizes, - Kept constantly on hand. SHROUDS 1 SHROUDS WIL is the M. ROBERTSON, CABINET MAKER .AND UI'.`DERTAAER, Johnson's Old Stand, Thin street, Seaforth, has now on hand a !lam assortment of s:IROD S VW& he can, furnish cheaper than they -van be got elsewhere. 205