HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-06-21, Page 1-
JuNt 4, 1872.
14 ILL'S
itannia llouse,,
Tt it. yr'
ey Cottons,
Grey Sheetiugs,
White Cottons,
White Sheetium
ipe Shirting's,
Cheek Shirtings,
In Plain Ana Figured.
Ti k()PLINS,
± and Coloreel Silks. _
Met:lame Moths in colors.
LL good asSortment of. Fancy Goods,
Sewed Muslins.
(radar the charge of Miss Brent, from Mr. ;ohm
EaI Toronto)• is especially attractive, being:
supplied with stock of the latest styles, and the
Utmost attention rimy be relied on in fdlingordem-
"Persian Stripa Sliawr
And the neWed patterns- in
The supply of Clotho and Tweeds ig largo, svf
all orders for clothing- will be satisfactorilly Diouf'
The usual assortment in
df Shirts, Drawers, T1e1
s Collars, Fronts, Glovol'
Hosiery, ote.
Fult, Cloth, Silk, Straw, Leghorn and rall#11/5.7
Caps in Cloth, Oil, Silk, eta.
A good supply a Groceries always on bait
Special value in Teas will be given. A good ste_fro:
to choose trona, good value for the raoney", gws:4„..
Marked in plain figures, and, only one Price,
the principles closely a411ered Tre
VOLIME 5, NO. f2 9.
Wilf[011.E NO. 437.
Qj.S1111.1;13, .113., Physician, Surgeon
1-3• &c., Graduate of T -wont° UniTersity,,Assoei-
ate Coroner for the Co nty of Huron, Wroxeter,
pANID MITCHELL. , M. D., Graduate of Vict.§-
ri9, college, Phys tan, Surgeon, etc.. °CC
tiNsunn, ONT.—Coren r of. the County of Hurogi.,
hompsOn Stanley's.
Once and residence, at
t1L W.
B. SMITH Physician, Surgeon, 'etc.
Ofilce—Opposito cott Iivbertson's G_roce_ry,
Stain street, Sealer*.
TAXES STEWART, M. D., C. 5T., Graduate of
go McGill, University, Montreal, Physician, Sur-
geon, etc.. Cede° and I esidence—Brucefiekl.
T1" L. VERCOB, it. D., C. M., Ph-ysician,
• geon, to.: 011ie and Residence, corner of
blarket and High stree s, next to the Planing Will
imp, CAMPBELL, Croner for the County. Office
and -Residence, over Corby's corner store, Main
atreet, Seaforth. 011ie° hours, from 11 to 4, each
Aay, and au day Saturday. 159
. TO the inhabitants oi Seaforth and surrounding
country. Dr. J. Q. BULL having been called
through sickness in hill; family, to suspend business
lor some time in thiq place, has pleasure in an- .
nouncing to the public, that threnigh a kind Pro-
vidence he has boon Ipermitted to return to the
rooms formerly occupied by him, over Mr. A. G.
-11 street, where he intends
, and will be pleased to see
many 110W ones as may favor
perations performed, accord-
ing to thalatest appr ved style and fees as low as
le he found elscwherer
Ofalce boars fipm 8 A. M. to 5 r. 224
T tEET, Sone tor, Winghani, bas been ap-
t/ • pointed Agent fo • the Colonial SeonritieS Coin-
s also Agent for 'several pri-
orouto, who loan Money at
s. Interest payable yearly.
1871. 213
Corresiionclenceof the kttr011 EXPOSitar.
4sine 8, 1872. - 1
When I wrote You last, 11 intended to
.have written you again long ere this
time, but we are hustled. and. jostled
lieDougairs Store,
permanently to roma
-.bis old patrons and as
bira with a call. All
pony of England, he
vate Capitalists of
_very reasonable rat
Charges moderate.
Wjurheni, Dec. 15
McCAUGHEY & oi_ArEsTE'D, Barristers, At-
around so continuously. in the tempestu-
ous and flactuatiug battle, of life and
" struggle fOr existence," that it is only
at intervals of, relaxation, avhile the
wheels of life "gang doon hill wi' skirl-
ing glee," that we have time to think of,
and much less -hold Communion with, old
friends, consequently many are lost sight
of in life's changes ,and fortune's vicissi-
tudes; hence it we did. not keep fresh con-
quests in that discordant empire of the
affections, dropping alike the smalls
Smiled. and soulless, the small -hearted
and heartless, and retaining only those
who have souls large enou,gW to prove a
ancl ,not another " ofigin," and.
hearts that beat in unison with the "big
heart Of humanity," there would be many
a Robinson Ciusoe in this world of ours.
It is now about a year since I came
"West" and the judgmentI first form-
ed and opinion I expressed of my ftist
impressions of this country, I have not
changed. it is destined yet to be the
home of teeming millions, and although
I ani now in what we call the "Far
West " in Canada, the people here talk
of• going "West" of the "Far West" the
same as when 1_ started., and one thous-
and miles farther West they do the same,
till the golden rays of old Sol are lostin
the coral -crested waves of that ocean of
fable, tradition and wealth.
There is territory, agricultural, miner-
al and other.resources here to make a
dozen first-class empires, either ancient
or modern, and posterity, I presume,
will witness another 'political convulsion
in this country, ere the traces of the last
have been effacecl or erased, that .will
shake her to her eternal foundations,
and from whiCh half-a-clozert empires,
republics or kingdoms may be born. in a
day, for the elements of -combustion still
slumber,are generating, and are sedu-
lously cultivated here, and only require
time for the accumulating forces to Ma-
ture and focus on some national- subjecla
of importance enotigh to break party
lines and sever party interests, when, if
those demands are not granted, what-
ever they May be, the Ameriaans as a
-people willnnsheath the sword to obtain
them, for there is too little respect for
the central power and chief magistrate,
and the central power not powerful
and arbitrary enough to Oyerawe sedition
till it has again, with banners, taken the
field.. The elements of revolution shun-
ber in any people who do not respect the
central power, and when one "figure-
head" is put up by one "in" to -day
and another by another "ring " to -mor-
row, for eVerythin,g pertaining to Ameri-
can politics is , wrought by rings, ,ancl
when that " figure -head " is itoalay the
man who saved the nation from dismem-
berment, to -morrow the man who advo-
cated peaceful dismemberment, next day
a statesmtn and next again a knave is
on the " pole ;" and. lastly; a negro in
the person of Fred. Douglass is well up
the flagstaff, with Victoria C. Woodheill,
screeching piteously at the bottoin, it
is easY to iina,gine that such changes keep
the people in a continual turmoil, and
thA without a brazen serpent on the
and wet and plan
backward,- consid
plant—June 1st.
tomeys at Lam , Solieitors in Chancery- and
insolvencv Netari
Solieiters for the R.
the CanadaLife As
N.B.-4)30,000 to
- Souses and, Lots fo
s Public and Conveyancers.
. Bank, Seaforth. gentsAo
once Company,
lend at 8 per cent. Farms,
sale. 53
izmisoN & la R, Barristers and Attorneys
2-' at Law, Sancho •s in Chancery and Insolvency,
'es Public, etc. OtliceS— e
$23,000 of Private Funds to-
ght per cent. Interest, payable
ii: w. c. TTIEVElt.
Conveyancers, .1..ota
ferth and WroXeter.
invest at once, at E
The country
from every State
try in the old W()
POMMERCI.AL OTEL, Abaleyville, Ont., WU.
• ‘1 ANNETT, Pr. prietor. This Hotel is under
Blithely new mann rement and has been thorongly
.renovated. The Lar is supplied -with the best
Liquors and Cigar . - Good Stabliug and atbeuthie
llostlers. A First class Livery in connection. 228
TE-NOX'S HOTEL, (tate Sharp's.) The under-
signed. begs te thank the gublie for the liberal
patronage awardeld-to him in times past in the
hotel business, and also inform theta that he has
again resumed buSiness in the above stand, where
lie will be happy t have a call from old friends,
and many n.aw on s.
126 TEE0111AS KNOX.
C., J. McCUT •
accommodation f
RTH, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1872.
ing and vegetation is
rabic corn is yet to
settled with peo , e
n the union and coal-,
la andthe new, and all
alike seem to hay, partaken of the same
mov ing chspositi
ing continually 01
there is such a
choose from and
temperature and
it is little woode
State best, the n
is the meanest pi
SO on. You not
men who have
ent States and c
such ; not a day
waggons loaded
goods, cattle am
pass on to Kau
"bursted," and
souti or Iowa:
that those peopl
amount of Worl
schooner "---Whi
ture and goods,
HT•ION, Proprietor. Firs ss
r travellers. The Bar is sup -
best liquors and eigars. Good
The stage haves this Reuse
•rham. - 204-41
plied with the ver
stabling' attached
every day for W"
-L.' Good Horses" nd. Comfortable 'Vehicles, always
on hand. Pavel able Arrangements made with
ors. All orders left 1-ktXriox's
omptly attended to.
TABLES 1—Third door North_ of
in Street.
TE0mAs BELL, Proprietor-.
Commercial Tray
.HorEL, will bo p
linor's Hotel, M
11, a), large portion be-.
this!sinove, and where.
extent of country to
80hyaried. quality of
cettery -to choose, from,•
ed. one man thinks one
xt you speak to saye it
ce be Over lived in, and
infreqnently meet with
ed in..26‘ancl 30 differ -
n give yen a history of
asses but • a number of
with all the worldly
a box full of chickens,
as or are coming back
going to settle in Mis-
It is needless to say
never possess any great
lly goods. A "prairie
e canvass covered wag -
olds wife, family, furni-
nd even the inclemency
of winter does not stop this raigratien ;
'hey :will .g.o al
waggon and sto‘
the roof, and cce
side, never stop
nada. Those p
mice and some
ness, have no -i
home and tip
which wealth'
They are con
a crop in- each
Relent. Nor
confined to thef
all 4sses part
one 'branch. of
morrow he is a
ot which neit
and next wee
and both bet
fresh field, or o
in Albany but
1. came here, o
-L.' (Member of the Ontario Veterinary College,)
begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth
and surrounding country, that he has opened an
Office in Seaforth,_where he may be consulted per-
sonally or by letter, on the Diseases- of Horses, Cat-
tle, et.I. Having received a regular and practical
education and having been awarded the Diploma
of the Veterinary College a Ontario, T. J. Churchill
has every confidence ,of giving satisfaction to all
who may eraploYhnn
REFERENCES-r:A. Smith, V. S., Principal Onta-
rio Veterinm-v College; Professor Buckland., Dr.
Therhurn, liowd, and — M. D., V. S.
Veterinary Medicines constantly ou hand. -
All calls promptlpatteuded to.
OftIce—CarrnichAel's Hotel, Seaforth. 182-2in
v V. S., begs to announce to the inhabitants of
Seatorth and . urrounding country that he has
been awarded t e diploma of the Ontario Voterin-
aryOullege, an is now prepared to treat diseases
of Horses and rttle au& all domestic animals. He
has opened_ on. tlice connection with his horse -
shoeing shop, whore he win _be 'found ready to at-
tend to cans. Diseases of the feet specially at-
tended to. netidence, office and shop in the roar
of Killoran yiva's new store. All kinds of Vet-
erinary Medic' -es kept- constantly on hand.
Charges raaii0 ' 229
ALEXI‘ND 11 HUNTER, Licensed Auetioneer,
. Commissioner in queen's Bench,
and, Loan and G.eneral Agent.—
or the following Compardes, -viz.:
Cranbrook Grey P.O, Sales attended on.
moderate term
Also, Agent i
Huron and Er' e laoan Society, London ; Farmeib
and Mechanic. 3 SavingS and Loan Company, Toren- .
to; Loyal In. nrance Company of Liverpool and
. Lonclon,-Fire and Life; Ontario Mutual Fire In-
surance Comp my and the -Agricultural Insurance
Company. Any amount of money to locen-ut, low
rates of interest. Several good FFins for 'Sal -
cheap. , 224-6m
— - - ---------
fl R. COOPE'R, Conveyancer, Commissioner in
= `-'• Queen's Bench, Insurance and General Agent,
Agent for the Freeh.old Permanent. 131tilding and
Savings Socie y of Toronto, whose rates are as 1ONv
as any Canape y doing business in Canada. Appli-
cations for I. ans promptly attended to.
OFFICE.. opposite Ross' Tailor Shop,
ng with a stove in the
e pipe standing throfigh
k and eat by the fire -
sing at taverns as in Ca-
‘ople, from their appear-
imes wretched -
lea of the comforts a a
unperceived manner in
nd property accumulate.
mually on the mtive,
tate generally being suf.
this continuous change
rming community alone;.
ke of it. A man is in
industry to -day and to-
partn,er in a new pursuits,
er party know anything,
the firm is bursted"
ke themselves to Some
cupation. Scarcely a firm
as changed bands ince
e year ago.
England with more wisdom and prudence
hesitates to commit the act of suicide
that was demanded at her hands by the
authoritieS at Washington. He believed,
in short, that we had yielded to an in-
tolerant political spirit towards this conn -
try on the part of the United States to
an extent- that we ought not to have
dome , The course we had taken would
bring upon us disrespect instead of re-
apect as a people, and our `yielding so
Much Would -only result before long in
our beirte called Upon to yield something
more. I He might be wrong in these
views, but they were conscientiously
held. With these few words regarding
the two great measures of, the session,
measures which gave the session an im-
-portance -above
Railways ale being pushed. eas and
west in everi direction and. Many of
them sivindle he people hugely; lin still
railways are n w a necessity, and aeople
Will have th at any price. taxes
are high and olitics too. The i.iesent
Presidential =test. will _prove: -.A very
exciting one. The Canadians of the
"Dominion" are all well and ,doing
well. Dr. II rable has comraenced prac-
tice again ,in 'hetopa, Labette cannty,
Kansas. go anon. • 0. Pi Q.
other sessions since
would appeal in sup -
to those who would
clecisioa in their hands.
j incl.* AN Bit OTIIKE.11 S, P abiishers.
Si 50 a Year, -in advance.
asmasswena awais
weeks ago of the same disease. His on search being made she was -blind sus -
widow is now suffering from the same
-- A naeeting of the Conservative _As-
sociation of South Huron will be held.
at Dixon's- Hotel, Bruceheld, on Moe, ay,
June 24, at 12 o'clock noon.
—A yearling ewe belonging to George
McQuirm, of Nissouri, gave birth to one
lamb on the 1st cif May, and one week
after gave birth two more.
-- An attempt will be made by some
enterprisiag residents Of New Ilambur,g,
Ont. to establish a carpet inkrinfactery
iu that village.
—Rev. Mr. Benson, one of the dele-
gates of the M. E. Church of Canada to
all the General Conforence of the lifethodist
Confederation, he Episcopal Church of the United States,
port of his views lately closed at Brooklyn, was offered.
soon have the $6,000 to become pastor of one of their
churches, bat 'refused. Mr. Benson is
presiding eiderofthe London District.
It iastated in Ministerial journals that
Sir JOhn Macdonald, Sir Francis Hinck -s,
and Dr. Tupper intend. stamping the <
Province diiring the approaching elector-
al campaign. .
—A machine for milking cows has now
been invented, and is advertised for sale
in the Woodstock and Ingersoll papers.
It is claimed for this machine that a cow
can be milked with it effectually, in four
or five minutes. it is self acting, easy
of application, and can be used by any
person, however ignorant of milking.
pole the gaze of the people. will never
be steady nor their wounds healed.
Bat excuse this political digression,
for there will soon be nothing but politics
on the American brain, and we are apt to
--The body of a man minus one hand
and with a fractured skull was exhumed
some distance in the rear of Spencer's
brewery, Brantford, on the llth inst. A.
laborer noticed from the a.ppearance of
the ground. that a grave had evidently
been made at a comparatively recent date,
and upon removing a thin portion of earth
discovered a rude box containing the
partially decomposed, body. By many
the remains are supposed to be those of
the miasieg man Sword, who disappeared
from Burford so mysteriously some time
The estimated expenditure for the
County of iHuron, for County purposes,
for the current, year is but $23,060,
while that of the County of Perth is set
down at $78,908.60.
—Mr. Hacking, late of the Listowel
Banner, has purchased the Guelph
Ackaertiser, and takes possession on July
The Reporter says the potato bugs
are in high glee in Galt, and. are "going
for" the young vines in an exceedingly
lively manner.
—Money must be scarce in INTsliaa.o.
The corner stone of the new church was
raiSed few days ago, and the coins de-
poSited beneath, amounting to 80 cents,
stolen. -
—, The splendid farm of Mr. James
Callin, lot 26, Sth colacession, North
Factsthope, County of Perth, 100 acres,
was sold by him a few clays since to his
brother, Mr. John Galina for the hand-
some sum of $6,000.
Mr. Mack nzie's Last Speech.
011 the, las day but one of the late
Parliament, Ir. Mackenzie, in a brief
speech, reviel ed the salient, features of
the session. : .
Hon. Mr. IACKENZIE said he had in-
tended to na ke some remarks upon the
policy of the overnment during the ses-
sion, but at this late hour of the clay,
and with SO N cry few members present,
he ; would net make any extended re-
marks. The were on the eve of a gener-
al election, nd .his impression was that
he could. se ure, at fill events. a much
more apprec ative audience, and a ni.uch
larger =diet.
say, withont
in his view,
\he could. pos
I ter. ) He k
passing a go
the House b
marks now•
fore, that h
the session
important i
country ; i
penditure. NA
ed; import,
from tho
which that
tioned by t
what he be
large major ty of the House decided in a
ie case -;
manner he
and from.
was about
be more or less affected by the tempests
that -whirl, eddy, and howl around us;
but to return to practical issues, I will
first speak of
it would. be bard to .find a finer tract
of countl.y than that which. lies north of
the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad
and south of the Burlington and Missou-
ri River Railroad. It is well watered,
not with wells but strea,ms,and there is
plenty of timber for present require-
ments at least. The prairies are gener-
ally high and•rolling, with the exception
-of the bottom lands, softened by the al-
hivialdenosits en the banks of the rivers.
This land is very rich, but there is gen-
erally a good deal of siekness Spring and.
Fall M thoseplaces. The chief produets
way Tiek t Agent, Houghton's Hotel, opposite
G. T. Railway Station, Sea:forth, Ont. Through
Til-ets issued to all points in the Western States,
California aud Red River, at. reduced, rates, affording
the greatest facilities to Emigrants. All necessary
information given respeeting Land _A.geneies, 'ole.
Greenbacks, Coupons and uncurrent
Gold, and SU\ er Coin, bought and seld at bestrates. •
HAM, Exehange Broker, and Rail:
of the colmtry are COM, OutS and pota-
toes, a,nd in the stoc4 line, hogs and
cattle. Wheat does not appear to be a
sure crop in those counties, although
some farmers always get &good crop. In
the fruit line, Northern Missouri is al-'
most equal to Southern Illinois. Apples,
Owns, -pears, peaches, grapes, cherries,
gooseberries, currants, strawberries'etc.,
thrive anA grow maanificently with those
who have taste and energy enough to
cultivate them, whiela few of the native
-Missourians have, but eastern people and•
'anaclians are honorable exceptions. They
.0 -her ideas of life and life's com-
corn " dodgers," pork and
crops are not much cul-
nently, it is not •
Horses anced—
quiet Hors
kt, Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. Good
rst-claSs Conve.yances always on hand.
and First -Class Vehicles aways
on ham'. C knveyanoes furnished to Commercial
Travellers reasonable rates.
TT comaiDAY has leased the largo and corn-
'-`•• reoclio- s house, on the Salt Works Grounds,
adjoiniug thus a ppardin
Railway Station, and has fitted it up
-house. Good table and comfortable
rooms. Pt. sons wishing a pleasant boarding-
house shoulc apply, as there are at present a few
TacauzieH. ransient boarders acconamodated at
less than hotel rates.
forts tha
molasses. , Ito
tivated, and, _ con
known whether they'0J1d do well or
not; but I have seen and Noiged water
and musk melons 40, 50 and6QI lbs.
weight, grown hi Gentry 0ouutya d
pumpkins and. squashes .are generally
limited to the SlZe of the field ad
the streneth of the enclosure.
The heat in summer is very debilitat-
ing, and during the months of June,
July and August the people here live,
move and. have a being and that is about
all that can be said of them. The languid
• and oppressed expression is depicted on
every countenance, ancl as a natural con -j -
sequence .the tendency is to stimulation,
which makes matters worse. The rainy
season is a very unpleasant one, and the
reads then become very bad and almost
impassable, but they dry about as
quick as they get muddy. We had one
week's sleighing between Christmas ancl
New Years, and various flurries of snow
with afiercucg cold winds during the
winter, with bard frost. The ground
being frozen to the depth of several feet.
This spring has been fully a month later
than usual, the weather continuing cold
ce ;• and, perhaps, he might
any disrespect tc the House,
mach better audience than
ibly have to -day. (Laugh-
iew that- he would be tres-
d deal upon the patienceof
making • any extended re -
he would merely say, there-.
looked upon the catenta of
as exceedingly imp
the coming results
portant in the enorn
--The eatiniated expenditure in
Guelph this year is $45,429.20, and. the
estimated reventie on a levy of 15 mills
on the dollar $39,150.07, leaving a de -
licit of $6,270.13, Guelph as a town
has been considered prosperous, but this
exhibit must be very far from satisfac-
— M. Da Costa, of the firm of Da
Costa & arbadoes, is on a visit to
Canada. Co.,He has made a heavy purchase
of Canadian cloth from D. McInnes
& Co., of Hamilton, for the Barbadoes
pended from a sapling in .the bush. by
means of her apron, life being exthict,
—It is rumored that Sir A. T. Galt
and fainity intend spending a few of the
summer months G-oderich.
— A new mail route has been establish-
ed between Goderich and the Post Offices
on Lake Superior. The first mail left by
the Manitoba on Saturday morning last.
Tivh:ydawyisll. bp despatched regularly every
— The Waterloo CountyJail is tenant-
less and. the Jailor idle. At the County
Court, Beilin, last week, not a single
case was •entered for trial.
—The Goderich Signal is intOmecl. by
parties who visited the lake pbore on
Sunday last, that the drift woiid which
was driven in ,by the wind on that day,
was covered. with Myriads of Colorado
beetles, -which are so destruetive to the
The Ala,bama claims Diffliculty
ni a Nutshell.
hich the House had s
ortant ;
to the.
ous ex-
, above all, in his View,
meonstitutional maaner in
expenditure had been 'Baile-
e Reuse. He ha,d, himself -
as far as ,he could, to 'check.
ieved conecientiously to be a
rom sound principlee of Par,
Goverument ; but a very
tile to his view of t
hat decision of the
o appeal to the cot
th those who agreed.
at appeal would b
The Stratford iBeacon says: Rev,
Charles Leven, ,A., from whom
Stratford Will be scirry indeed to part,
has been set doam in the report of the
stationing committee for Seaforth. In
M. Leven the neighboring town will
have a scholarly, Christian gentleman.'
-- The congregation of the Presbyter-
ian Church at Port Dover have introduc-
ed an elegant Cabinet organ into their
churchawhicli has greatly increased the
interest in the religious services.1
• --In the report of the Waterloo Rouse
of Industry for the past year it is stated
that the average number of inmates has
been 59, and that the cost of their sup-
port has: been $2,397, exclusive of in-
terest or outlay in purchase of farm and
outbuildings, viz : $1,648, whish makes
the totalcost $4,045.
—Wm. Pierce, of Delaware, was killed
on Thursday evening, about three miles
from London, on the Wharncliffe road.
Heiwas drawing a load of goods for a
storekeeper in Delaware, and slipped
from the boxes under the wagon, the
wheel passing over his head and killing
him instantly. Ile was intoxicated. Ile
leaves a wife and six children totally un•
provided for.
— The London Free Press says: -The
currant worm ries with the Golorado
bug in. 'keeping the farmers around this
section in perspiration. The clrouth of
last montb, the profuse rains of the past
week or two, and other minor troubles,
are causing considerable growling aniong
those who never have anything to suit
them in this world. The only thing that
prevents a general revolt among this
croaking class is the present price they
receive for their wool.
A sad accident occurred near Wat-
ford, in the township of Warwick, on
Friday last, resulting in the death of-
Williamason of James Stewart.
drawing gravel, some of them had been
racing. and he slipped from the wagon,
his head going between the spokes of one
of the hind. wheels, is which .position he
was dragged round for about 80 rods,
breakine his necks, He only survived a
short time.
The folloWina ioorrespondence shows
the present condition of a long dispute
between two neighbors :
- Dear Bull : Some time ago your wagon
ran into my buzgy, at the,turnpiko gate,
and broke one shaft and knocked. four
spokes out of the left wheel. What are
you going to 'do about it ? Truly yours,
. JoNsin-Laar Sagas.
Dear Smith : I don't see that I ought
to pay the damage done by the wagon.
In facts I had. lent it to a relation of
yours. But, as You say I ani responsible,
I agree to leave it to Hans .Breitmana
who keeps the toll -gate, to say whether
I ought to pay the danaages. Yours truly,
' Dear Bull : agree to kaareit to Breh-
m= Truly yours, -
common. as
views. T
upon withi
was contei
the issue
that they
to the caa
ment by tl
regard. to s
believed a
try like.oi
ituatecl to
louse he
utry, in
with his
, a very short time, and he
t to rest the whole case, upon
of that appeal. He believed
ad done incale,ulabl§ damage
se of constitutional! Govern -
e course they' had p irsued in
veral matters this sesision. Ho
the same time that .11 a exam-
rs, where the peoplel are hab-
self-government, t ey would
generally appreciate morefully the
"reasons p t forth by the Opposition for
the course they had been pleased to take
upon son e of these matters. It had
been chaa (Tod against them -that they
certain motions in regard to
acific Railway in a plait hos-
undertaking itself. That he
denied. During the whole of
entary life, especially during
since the discussion of their
der of political exis ence first
had made
the great
tile to th
his Parlia
the perioc
sent o
speech o
that it w
to the pr
dicl not
to procee
hacl chos
against t
--The Toronto Grey and Bruce 00131 -
pally have comple'ted the work of pur-
phasing the right of .way for their yoad
between Mount Forest and Harriston,
—The Canada Presbyterian Qhurch
Assembly, which. met this year in* Ham-
ilton, adjourned on Friday, to meet in
Toronto on the first Tuessla.y in June
next year.
Mr. Henry Volker, of the town-
ship of Downie, in the County of Perth,
has it field. of ilax the average length of
which is two feet'.
-- The equalized value of the tosvn of
Stratfoid is $500,000, of Mitchell $140,-
000, and of Listowel $50,000.
--Lord and Lady Lisgar have left Ot-
tawa for good. They_ have gone to
Montreal, where they propose spending
a few weeks -with friends prior to taking
their departure for England.
Dear Smith : I went , to Breitman's
this morning and he showed me the bill
sent in by Mr. Shads. your attorney. He
says that by the injury to your buggy
you were stopped from going to tolin,
where you might have made $500,000 by
a speculation in mess pork. Lle has put
in a bill for $500,007.50. I ivould. not
object to tht $7.50 for repeals to the
buggy, but the rest of the claim is ri
diculous. Yours,
Ita some portions of the townships
surrouudiug Strathroy there has been
rather too much rairt, but on the whole
the late showers have had rather a favor-
able effect. The fall wheat is very good
Msome places, and in others very poor;
on the whole indications are that it wil
not be up to the average; The Sprine
crops are exceedingly promising, and the
meadows magnificent. The prospects of
a plentiful- crop of fruit were never better
than this summer.
— On Sunday evening a most disgrace-
ful outratee was committed in the town-
ship of t)Pilkington. It ,appears that
soine four or five young, men -with masks
on, drove a flock of sheep into the garden
of: Mr. Daniel Cornish. lie hearing the
sheep in the garden came down to drive
them out, when he was :seized, beaten,
and a liberal coat of tar applied. Ms
wife, hearing his cries, came out, and
she was treated in a similar manner.
—The election of members of the
Medical Council of .Ontario took place on
Wednesday of last week. The election
is by means of voting. papers sent in by
the regularly qualified practitioners. In
this territorial division composed of the
counties of i‘lidillesex, 'Elgin, the city of
London and the counties of Huron and
• — Mr, Lewis Ross, a wealthy mer-
chant of Port Hope, has been chosen as
the Reform candidate for East Disrham.
Mr. Kirchoffer, a lawyer, of the same
town, has been nominated. as the Con-
servative candidate for the same con-
Two young. lads, one 10 and the
other eight years of age. sons of - Rev.
John Brown, Presbyterian minister, of
Newmarket, while bathing on Monday
last got into the water beyond their
depth and before assistance arrived one
was cl'rownecl, and the other was taken
he had taken the N lONV, as his from the water in -an insensible condition.
Confederation woUld show,
— Thepo a 0 t t buo. has already. become
9 1 )ortant to haVe a Pacific very- troublesome in the vicinity of
Hebb-ved it wS essential
country, but he Strathroy, and it is feared. that the crop
sperity of a.
)elic:ve it was a
in the way the
n to proceed, and in t
cl by Parliament; It was o
at course that he had propose('
JoiaN Bum,.
.Dear Lir: It don't make- any differ-
ence about the amount in the bill. We
have laft its to Breitman to say what's
right. Yours,
Dear -Sr.' I will not leave any such
claim to Breitman ; he cannot wider -
stand it ; indeed, he hardly understands
English and might give a smashing
aw$rd aaain.st moon your ridiculous
cla --i-ours truly,
Dear Bull : Don't lets us lquaerel about
it. My attorney's claim does seem to be
a little ridiculous. AB. My friends tell
me so. Let us both say ,to Brehm=
that it is ridiculous, and then leave the
matter to him. Yours truly,
Dear Sir : Since yon admit it is ri-
diculous, you had better withdraw it. I
will pay anything that Brehm= says
for repairing the buggy, but will not put
it in any fellow's power to bankrupt
Yours, etc.,
Sir : If I were to withdiaw my claim,
people would laugh at me.i I stick to it,
if it is ridiculous. the buggy;
will lose the money onit Not
at all
jONAT &num
—Philatlelpliia Age.
"Wesleyan Metkodi
The following shows'
ministers of the NA. 4 11.,
Goderich District, as arranged at the
late Conference:
t ApPoint-
he stations of
inarch, in. the
Godericb—Wan. Blackstoek.
Perth, the choice of the profession again Clinton—J. Graham. I
reelected almost -unanimously, only one
who was Holmesville—Wm.SmJltl
fell on Dr. Hyde, of Stratford,
vote being cast against him—a proof of .Senafeoartyh, M.I ; D. Ken-
11 necessary
his amen talents and had spoken. ith
regard t
early in
and he h
the cou
He belie
would. f
tain wh.
had do
That de
We wer
the other great matter of the
he Treaty, he took the view
he summer that be took now,
(1,no'reason whatever to regret
se he had taken in the House.
,ed it was one that the country
Lly sustain. It was yet uncer-
her Entfland would. humiliate
s we had been asked. to do and
,in order to get the Treaty.
ended on events now proceeding.
in haste to humiliate ourselves;
will pe entirely destroyed by tne pests.
The crops are being nipped off as rapidly
.as they make their appearance above
—Mr. Edward Blake, Preinier of On-
o is at present suffering from ill
heat For this reason he has declined
a very pre ing invitation from the peo-
ple of North a2nark, to visit. Perth and
deliver an addre'as on the political af-
fairs of the conntr His Physicians
have'forbidden him to Ice any exer-
tions in any way that are ne absolutely'
the confidence reposed m him by his
medical brethren.
—The close of the Wesleyan Confer-
ence has been marred by a painful event.
Rev. E. White died in the General Hos-
pital, Montreal, of malignant small pox,
and waS buried the same day. He came
back to Ontario from British Columbia
a feW months ago. He went to England
in March or April for the benefit of his
health. He returned very recently via
New York, and came direct to Montreal.
Ilia wife joined him front Ontario in
time to minister comfort to him in his
dying hours. The chil lien have not
seen their father since h left for Eng-
land. The disease was no doubt con-
tracthd on board the steamer.
—Rev. Mr. Punshon declined re-nomi- The following shows the appointments
London First --James Hannon; Ben-
jamin). Keefer; J. Latimer,
London Second—Alex. eLongford ; R.
—Mr. Henry \\Ilion, respec
farmer of the township of Whitchurch;
and three of his children died on Satur-
day of small -pox. One child died, four
Mitchell—S. Wilson ; J,
Stratford—Wm. Hensler
Harmony--JOhn Fisher.
Bayfield—J. Tallman,
Dungannon—C. Bristol.
Kincardine—G. Mitchel10 B. A.
_Bervie—A. Milliken; L.Illices -
Tiverton—One to be sent.
TeesVater—J. McCartney;
Ainleyville-11. Davy ; J. McCarron.,
D. Johnston.
Trowbridge—J. Hangla
Howick—Wm. Hawiae s S. Sellery.
Winghana--G. Komedy ; R. Burns.
Lucknow-11. Kellem.
C. LAVELL, M. A., Chairman.
Wm. 11.A.wicn, Financial Sec.
Hughes ; A.
'on, M. A.
nation to the Chairma,nship of the Wes-
leyan Conference. Mr. Punshon propos-
es returning to England this year. Rev-.
Dr. Rice was cleated Ghairman of t e
for the London District
— Mr. John Stevens, of London Town. 1 London South--:\' . F. English.
.ship, grew in his garden this year, a Loudon,Nortia--eJ. lIarris
rhubarb stalk: 61- inches in thickness St. Thomas—Geol N. Dickson.
and 21 inches in length, and from the Yarmouth—T. Hadavin,,
root to the tip of the leaf is 34 inches, Ingersoll—Dr, Freshman ; KcInnedy.
Salford—T. Crews.
St. Marys—WT. Jeffers, D. .
Kirls.ton—C. Stringfellow; J. 7.NIcNair.
Aylmer—Wm. Aymes ; A. Edwards.
Fingal---L-Andrew Edwards.
Tyrconnell--Edward Cragg.
Westminster—David. Clapison.
Port Stanley—P. Gernaan ; Robt. Hall.
Mount Brydges—Henry Reid.
Exeter—Wm. Lund; Wm. Kettlewell.
Kippen—James Hobby.
Lucan—james E. Dyer;
Ailsa Craig—Richard Williams.
Nissouri—C. Cookman ; J. Turner.
Belmont—H. M. Lean; G. Calvert.
Dorchester—J. Kennedy.
Muncey—E. Evans, D. D.; A. Salt.
Oneida—W. Cross. ; -
E. Eveais, Chairman,
A. LANGFORD, Financial SOC.
and the width of the leaf is 52 inches.
This is the champion ihubarb of the
season' ; one of these stalks alone would
make a pie almost sufficient for a, volunteer
—Rev. Dr. Proudfoot, of London has
been appointed. Lecturer in Homiletics
in Knox College for next session, at a
salary of 5500; and. Rev. Wine Cochrane,
M.A., of Brantford, has receWed the ap-
pointment of Home and Foreign Mission
Agent of the Canada Presbyterian
Church, at a salary of $1,600 a year, ex-
clusive of expenses.
— Last Monday morning the wife of
Mr. Alexander lOth concession,
Kinloss, went out to the woods in search
mows. When her husband. return-
ed to -his dinner she was missing, and. ,