HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-06-14, Page 7lelearEttlak. 0 JUNE 14, -1872. the victorta Chemical Company, h-oprietors Saad Manufacturers a the Cole. Victoria Catbolie Preparations. Laboratory !orke,Yiertoria. Rail, Melinda Street, Tetrenao following Genuine Preparations are Rola by aggiStS Be sure and ask for the Vurreeer4 ares, and see that you get them. Letoria carboiated Glycerine 1ET,tvF highly -recommended to Ladies ea a afert eable Preparation for the Toilet. For ng the C,uMplexien, and rendering the 300,, White,. Claw, and free from Dryneae, it Walled. It 'still quickly remove ell Redoes% mess, Ten, x‘reeklee, IIIreples, and other ine, lions, Foe Chaneed iIrt1 ChUblaine, Frot and Sore Lipe, eannot be surpassed. price VietOrle, Carbolio Toilet Soap. TomET Soar possesses all tha well-known. Tele- and disinfecting properties of Carhou is agreeably scented, has a healthy action on thi p/events irritation, removes the effeeta eenra` i don and should be regularly used by -1. :es. Cholera, Smallpox_ and Fever Patients. I be waelied with this Soap, waa its use by as liable to inleetion- will materially pi•event :read of diseage. Price 15 cents, pe.r Tablet. V16-tOridk Carbone Salve. 5,a..vxi mpid elite for all Skin Diseases,. 1Wetti1ds. Bruises, Burns, Sores, -Ulcers, Ring - Totter, Eczema, Sefild Head, Sentry, A.bar Beile, Pimples, &e. It possesses all the --mg and healing virtues of Carbolic/ Acid, hee been found by Physieiens everywhere ses.si Curative qttalities not discovered in aniy chemical nreparation. Price 25 cents: ' Vietariar carrbOliO CiargarySMa. GABtIrTrr is the most reliable and eflleacion* ly in all cases of Sore Throat, Hoarseness, exial Bronchitis, Irritation of the Bronchial e so common itt this changeable elimater eve OlIeneive Breath,. Ulcerated Grime, and seases of the Mouth. For Pnblic Spealtene ingere it is invaluable. The ingredients en - e into this Gargle are nsed by all Physicians, or the cure of the shave disorders are abtedly, the most popular in the AlaTenia l'xiee 25 cents. viotoria Carbolic Disinfeotant. PISINFECTANT iS a Mae preventive of Typhua ryphoid Fevers-, Clio-Ieta, SmanTox, and. all in - ins diseases. It will prevent Contagion in e.. it is also invaluable for Disinfectieg Wa °sets, Drains, Cesspools, Stables,. Slaughter- & (te., and for destroying nauseous effluvia whatever cause arising. It will drive away slims, :troths, Flies. Cockroaches, &e. Meat,. r &Tama be preserved from putrefaction 11-1-4 Carbolic Acid was selected by Ror ittfajestfie COMMiedealere, in preference to all othifr acts, as the best Disinfectant for the proven - Of infectious diSeaSeS. Price 25 cents. - ;Oda Sharpening and Polishing paste 6 Patkananeet is nnequalled in it rapidity harpening goad Pcdishing Cutlery. Table and tetEnive&Itazors, Surgical Instruments, Shoers* linives Plena Bits and Chisels, &o Noth- lets ever been discovered whieh has sprung :popularity more, pickly, or became of se e value in every household and workshop for pal usefulness. Price 25 cents. 230- mALoo-ivi7s REAT EGO DEPOT BIAR.K.EN SQUARA: Mir ORM. Le subscriber begs to inform the public that as greatly extended; his, prenaises and. is pre -- 1 as hitherto to pay the highest price for any eity GOOD F RES H EGGS, ierea.at his place of businesa. Market Fees on EGGS. WM. Al A LOOM. !at-c;rth, March 25, 1871 225 EGG EMPORITTAI. CIE subscriber hereby thanks bi numerome friends in town and country for their liberal .eintige during the past five years, and. hopes • iniet attention to business to merit their con - :lee and trade in the future. Be also wishee enounee thet he is still prepared to pay TUE HIGHEST CA811 PRICE For any quantity of good 'RESH EGGS ! Delivered at the - 1 EGG EimroramNr, 4.1111T STREET, SEA1FORTH; D.D.WILSON. CLINTON ,11$:_.1.6 •EMPeRIUM.- r. _ f -k - • " 1110:!'!! Pill IN; • 1,E FRANK, PALTRIDGE, Agent for Searforth and vicinity. PALTRIDGE, thorouehly understanding all Is et re,/,d instrumente, the public can depend gettiug, any kind ef instrument of the best sical excellence and durability,—as fule and '"eet ae gate, or as load as ae,.00a nanipps. !EMOV ED. I? E.M OVE ROBV,TZTSON, et -maker and ;Undertaker, [AS REMO 4rD hs ware-roonas to .10,1111SOIT'S OLD STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, fiere he heti on hand a superior stock of Furrde ture a every de.ecription. CALL AND SEE IT. UNVERTAXIITG. rrtle rnreliesed Mr; Thomas Bell's HEARSE/ pk'opareci to attendfunerals cm the shorteas tree, either in town or country. Coffins, MI, SiZes, pt constantly on hand. SIIIOUDS1 STIIWUDS11 - t ! t, AL ROBERTSON, cADINET vris-K-FR AND UNDERTA.R.Et, Johnson's Ohl Stand, atreet, Seat orth, has now on hand a good assortment of : SPITIRetptip S . laich he, eau furnish cheaper than they can hw• got elsewheze. w 205 JUNE- 14, 1872. lermdilmismommonotormammense. • The Short Hours Movement. The steadiness with which the "eight hour movement" is advan- cing toward itsiconsummation is one of the notable signsof the tiraeS. 'The employers are almost universal- jyayielding to the demands of the laborers, Even the staunchest and most independent employers seeM to fight against the movement with-, out the slightest hope that resistance will be effectual. They submit pas- sively to the inevitable, and are.al- • ready adjusting themselves to the new condition of affairs. Looking on the eight hour rao4 meat as a virtually accomplis'aed • revolution, what will be the resu10 The first and mos • that the prices which labor is a advance.- There may be a few men who will do as m eh work in eight hours as in ten, at they will be the rare exceptionS. As a rule, the toductive value of a, day's work will besbut four-fifths of what it has been. Necessarily, building will be- come more expensive, manufactured articles will be dearer ,and the cost of living will increase. - Capital will very quickly adjust itself to the altered situation; but will the laborers be materially bene - 1 have to pay en - all that they eat ear, as well as for only benefit they shortening their • hours of labor will be in the oppor- tunity they gain for improving them- selves, iatellectually and otherwise. They will fiat' that the law of supply and demand and the inevitable reci- procity between labor and` capital will settle the labor problem, after all. If they give less work they will get less for it—no matter what their wages may' be. There is no magic that will make eight hours' work worth as Ouch as ten, and when the experi ent shall be fully tried it will be f bur laborers ha themselves of might have been important will bib of. everything in- ain element will • fitted/ They wi hanced prices fo and drink and their rent. The will derive' fro and that the eight e simply deprived he comforts that earned in the extra whose coat comes up behind so far as almost to touch the curly brim of hi,s high crOwned hat The coat has alur collar; it is long in the waist a,nd. long in the skirts, plumped out in front like the breast of a pigeon or a pantomime Prince. I suppose that coat was in fashion. when George ,the Fourth was Regent here. See here a tall old Commoner in a blue coat with gilt buttons, a buff waist- coat and tight, grey trousers. Look at another, who wears White "ducks," as they used to be called in the days of 'our fathers, tightly strapped down - over his boots—that man, I suppose, began to dress after the fashion of the Duke of 'Wellington, and has not noticed any change since then. Talk of thej costume of Horace Greeley, .Why, that gentleman would be a - glass of fashion and a mould of form .when compared with some of these aegislative eccentricities._ As a mat- ter of fact, hardly any of our lead- ing statesmen ever dress well.- Glad - stone's clothes seem to be thrown on with a pitchfork, as the old phrase was.. Disrae•li looks like an ancient picture of a dandy from a book of mouldy fashions. Bright • dresses like a plain country manu- facturer. The Marquis of Salisbury is as shabby -looking as an 'old clothes -man. Earl Granville and the Duke of Argyle alone seem to care much about maintaining the sartorial dignity of British states- manship.--Engbish etter. LOUR! FI,OHR! • -TTAVING purchased and tb.oranghly refitted the formerly owned by the Messrs. SCOBIE, I am now prepared to iurnish • FAMILY FLOUR Second to NONE IN SEAFORTH, And that will Compare favorably with any in. the Do- '. minion, If you want A 1 FLOUR, go to the following t wo hours of worl .—.New York Mail. Destleg_ ailatitsifsiir MAR. STIALT,IS—Bemember ) b6H A FL° • • olt 9 or J. WHITESIDE, A California paper pu.blishes the SIMON POWE.LL, 1 following ; The little card transac- JOHN CAVANAGH, , tion between, Ah Sin and Mr. Wil- Or at W. lyIARSHALL'S Mills. liam Nye, which has gained so much • celebrity, owing to the graphic man- ner in which it has been described by Bret Harte may posaibly have been • an actual occurrence. Gana: bling is a passion with the Chinese. For thousands of years they have studied and practiced 01 manner of • sinful games, and .they are adepts • at all the tricks by which gamsters • circumvent the laws of chance. In • the Chinese quartet of the town, on the Pacific slop4, a Icoupe of smart young, men recently 'encouraged some Mongolians m • draw poker. • they could .com • received a cor ently the innoce ' began to swee alarming rate. This did- not meet their views at all, so they tried on the simple heathen two or three of • the sharpest tricks known to Ameri- can ganablers. The Celestials ap- peared to be 6ntirely ' oblivious to • the advantage 0 they. were taking) i: and permitted hem to bet on their sure thing to , , he extent of thbir funds, when, n a call, the Ameri- • can sharpers fo ind that they were • nowhere, and had the mortification of -seeing their antagonists rake in their stakes with a most aggravating • expression of artless indifference. The Chinamen had seen thrOugh their tricks at a glance and beat .%. them by inetho s yet unnaturanzed • r in this country As the outwitted • visitors withcljr w one Of the China, • Al Sin. W. SCOTT ROBERTSON, • he Reiman game of Che boys asked if into the game, and al welcorne. Pres ab looking Chinamen in their coin at an 1 'nen with! a sna.le of sweet simplicity, invitedmthe, to call again. Said John, " &pose you next time like to play mme poke, you come see me." • Bat the invit ion was not acccept- ed, and at th present. time there are not to be found on the Pacific • coast any more ardent opponents of Chinese emigration than the young • men who tindertock to show poor • John some new wrinkles in the popular American game which they supposed he did not _understand. • --se, 4. The NV y the Lords Dress. It is a ingular thing, .. by the • way, that to see genuine curiosities • of olcl-fashioned costumes, there is np place do 4rood as the House of Lords or, perhaps, the House of • Commons. Tliere are prenty of old men. in. either House who seem to • have permanently adopted some fa- vorite fashion of their youth and Clung to it fondly and faithfully through all time and change as more romantic souls cling to, the memory of a lost love. Stand -any day about ' half past four o'clock at the rear en- trance of Westminster Hall and note some of the costumes which pass you; the younger men of course, and many of the oldsters, are made Up to the lioUr by Poole, the fashion- able tailor, who cuts the clothes and • sometimes backs the bills of the ar- istocracy. But neve k mind these commonplace correct ones. Look at that stooping peer, the collar of Orders loft -with W. S. ROBERTSON will be promptly attended to. Parties who wislito Exchange Wheat for Flour, er quantity, and an artl- Are certain to receive pr de that will defy compet • 186-tf , ,. EXECLI ORS' NOTI . NoTnoE is here Erkien to all parties R. re'da,Eforagthe st he estate of the late G or of -Wright & Ross, of - ey- villa, in the Count of Huron, to hand the same o the undersigned.E. ecutors or to Geo. H. Wriglab, on or before the le day of 'July next, as, after that date the affairs of the estate will be closed up and no fierther claims paid. Also, all parties ndebted to the above estateel! either by note or book account, are requested to/ - maenad settle the setae forthwith. Payment Of niites or -accounts may be made to George E1 Wright or to the n dersigned executors. ' I J HN -1-XIONITI, - Ii. . G ARAM, Ee cuter J HN FERGUSON, /Unleyville, Ap • 24, 872. - - Lots 104 and 10 , Ain)ey's Survey, in ,the villa of Ainleyville, este. e of the late George R. Ross, for sale. Terms, c sh. .. 229 1. • PUBL C;SCHOOL TE QHERS' EXA ATION. Half.Yearly x ation of- Candidates for Second and T d 01+58 Certifieates will be held In the Town of Goderic , commeueing On TUESI6.A.Y, 6th JULY NEXT, At 9 o' lock A. M. The Examination for • st Class Certificated will, be hold in the sal pla o, commencing I On T ESDAY, 28d U.LY, r At9 o'clock A. M., ' But all candidates for First Class Certificatee who do not already p sees Secon.d. Class Provincial Certificates will b reuqired to first pass the Ex- amination for ouch Second Class Certificate. The Presiding Inspector, A. DEWAR, Esq., requests candidates to tran 3mit to the Secretary, Godericb P. 0., notlateelhan the 25th of June next, a notice, stating the class o certificate for which he is a candidate, the des ription of Certificate he already possesses, if . an , and also farnieh satisfactory proof of tempera habits, good moral character, and the number o years ha has successfully taug t sehool. W. MARSHALL Ni PORTANT HOUSEKEEPERS. GOOD FLOUR 1 AT ALL TIMES. 1N. A. SHEARSON & Propiietors of the SEAFORTH MILLS! • Are now Manufacturing the best FAMILY & PASTRY 'FLOURS In the Dominion. Intending purchasers in Seaforth and vicinity can. rely upon getting our Family and Pastry Flours from the following Dealers, ONLY :—Thos. Lee, A. M. Strong, John Walsh, James C. Lericllariv, Alex. Ault, Thomas Kidd. L MeGinnie, William Ault, G. &H. Jaekson, and W. Thompsore Egmondville, and at the Seaforth Mills. Orders left at our office, Market Wirier°, -will receive -prompt attention. Farmers desiring to exchange theirWheat • for Flour, at the Mill, • May always rely upon getting our best 'Fatally or Pastry Flour n exchange, in quantities according to the value • their wheat. PETER ADAMSON, Seq. Board Examiners. Goderich, May 7, 1872. •234-3 NEW I PLOW FACTORY IH SEAFORIII. • '11.13..er SUBSCRIBERS beg to inform -the farmers -A- in the vicinity of Seaforth and the public generelly that they have opened a NEW PLOW FACTORY In the premises formerly 'occupied by D. Mc ' Naught, North of Murray's Hotel, Main -street, Seaforth. All kinds of Iron and WrOught-beam, and Wooden- . I Handled 11 W. A. SHEARSON & •CO.• isatt. DRUGS DRUGS. PURIFY the Blood - to resist . Summer Diseases, 3:3Y • Ayer's Sarsapairill • -Radway's Sarsapa9 - ShOshonees 'Remedy, • -• Syrup of Hypophosphites, • Peruvian Syrup, • • Cantpbell's Cod Liver Oil, Allen,' s Lung Balsam. Hyatt's Balsam of Life, • Aegi-Consumptive Syrup, d. Strengthen the System, Complaints and other SING - Dandelion, _Remedy for ..r -fiver Co9n,pkilin,t. • For sale by . R. IUMSDEN ( 5 283 • Corner Drug Store, Seaforth. • PLOWS Kept on hand and made to order. Having haat long eXperience in this branch of business, we feel confident wa will be able to turn out Plows of the above descriptions equal to those of any other establishment' in the Provinee, and at prices to defy competition. REPAIRING 'promptly attended to. MUNROE & HOGAN, 223-13 New Plow Factory, Seaforth. REAPERS & OWERS. VeTE WOULD CALL TICE ATTENTION of the Farmers of the Counties of Huron and Perth •" toour ana - Johnson SeIf-Rake ReapeF,. and - Cayuga Jr. Mower, For the Season, of 1872. /We have introduced a few into your Counties in years gone by, and would say we have made some valuable improvements for thio coming harvest. We received the FIRST PRIZE ON THE JOHNSTON SELF -RAKE REAPER At the Provincial Exhibition in the Fall of 1870. ,The Johnstoniarachine was also Altiarded the First Prize at Kingston, iiJ 1871. Alsoi,the First Prize at, the Great Reaper Trial at Paris in the Harvest of 1871i THE !CAYUGA JR. MOWER Was awarded the First Prize at the Paris Trial. This Trial was held under the auspices of the Pro- , vincial Agricultural Society. • • - WHO 'WANTS A GOOD SUBSTANTIAL WAGON, or a nice STYLISH BUCrGY ? WILLIAM GRASSIEI SEIAFOli,TH, • TTAS on hand and f4 sale sale a number of handsome --1--1-• single and doub13 BUGGIES, all well finished and manufactured of the very best material. Also, LUMBER WAGONS, - , Which, for excellencof build, and ease in running elr, cannot be surpassed y any manufacturer in the Province. A few DEMOCRAT WAGONS on hand, and more making. • ; WILLIAM GRASSI-1S sells as cheap_as any other establishment in. the County. -. , BLACKSMITHINC ' And General Job ork attended to promptly. HURRAH FOR 1872. WM. AULT, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, _ }JASON lIAND a superior stock of FAMILY GROCEItIES, embraeing Teas of the beat brands, Sugars, Raieins, etc. Also, Crockery and Glassware, and. every othar article asnellar kept in a firet-class Grocery Storel. PROVISIONS, GET HE BEST. THE BLANHARD CHURN, Such as Fides, ea, said Corn -meal, Potatoes, Pork, etc., also, every deseaiption of - FEED, . Bach as Oats, Peas, Bran and Shorts, all of which • will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. FARrti PRODUCE. The highest inerket price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. Remember the place, Main street, t ast side, opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. 213 WN. AULT.$ lef.ANUrACTURED BY PORTER, BLOC HARD & SON Concord, New Hampshire. This Churn is de that has ever been o It chums rapidly, w butter. It is also s We Call with all confidence recommend these two machines to the public; imowbig that they cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by any other two Machines made in Canada, . It is a source of ranch satisfaction to us to know that many competing Manufacturers concede the superiority of our machines and are willing to give us the credit of 'using a better quality of material and. turning out a superior Class of work, as regards arrearacy of fitting, exactness of adjustreent and hip degree of finish than is practiced by themselves. And while we appreciate the honorable senti- ments wllieh thus actuate them in giyiiig an honest expression to their convictions, we cannot but re- gret that there ao others so lost to all sense of propriety as to forget the principles which actuate hon- est and upright men in their dealings and intercourse with their fellows,and have, for the sake of gaining popularity and notoriety, resorted to the dishonest praetide of ii.tiekrerianer our machines, covering the name and entering them pit Fairs and 'Trials as their own manufacture thus robbing ns of a reputation which we have acquired by years of honest, honorable and. !patient toil, and which to us is of more value than any money consideration. It is needless for no to warn the farmers to beware of such parties, as their own good sense and better judgment will teach them that there is no safety in dealing with men who -will descend to sucb low trickery, in order to gain it selfieh and. mercenary end. Repairs for machines will at all times be found at WM. ROBERTSON & CO.'S Hardware Store, Seaforth. J. C. WOODS, General Travelling Agent. W. J. MeCUTCHEON, Local Agent, Clinton. WM. GRIEVE, Local Agent, Seaforth. 'd.edly the best and cheapest ered to the Canadian pablie. rks easily, and nia,kes theibest ple and durable. • 11 F RMERS TRY ONE, - JO SUIT NO SALE. PATTERSON & BRO., Patterson, Ont. MAY, 1872. THOMSON & WILLIAMS' Agricultural xnplements and Engine Works If it, does not wo It satisfactorily it can bo ro-' turneil. Th. se Churns can be seen at any time at John- son Brothers' Hard vare Store, Seaforth. O. C. WILSON, • 2301 STOVES iViRS. WHITN-E -13-1- of Codling, P manufactine, whic in the trade. . • TINWARE Of every- deicriptiou, Agricultural Implement Agent. TINWARE AND AL OIL. has just received a large stock rlor and Box Stoves, of the best she can Bell as cheap as any INfIrrO1-1 \ 4' 1..:"...::::`-L--1%.... : .-`:::.-. -,—........."_,- ,_............ -44 •-•-'1:n:7 'ilL .--.::- -:------:'' :".--:---..-' ' 4 4.4. 1, ^ •_ , - “r -f I ../e7:;-./- -e-ernena.3-1. ,alieePer,r • kept constantl on hand and made to order. • Also, Stove Pi es, Eave Troughing, etc. Custom -work pr mptly attended to, and outside work will receive every attention. COAL 0114. Joinso2z's Se?fRaking Single Reaper. recontmend-the above celebrated sell -raking Reaper and tbe QAXUGA jn. MO W_IeR, as the best harvesting maebinee new menufectured. We guarantee these two sinehe machines, costing bat ..200, to outwear any two combirted reachines, co sting $300, and with less than one quarter the cost in repairs. We also guarantee each machine to do its work better, faster, and. with much elighter draught, than any combined machine. These two machines have not only a perfect lifting ap- paratus for the table and bar, but have also the,.only perfect tilting table and bar. We oiler any trial the purehaser may desire of either or both thee° machines. We also build the Ohio Combined ilfachine,:lvith 'Johnson's Self:Rake, Mich we patentee equal to the best combined raticbines made in Canada, and we offer a trial to in- tendinepurchnsere. We also build Two -horse Wood Sawing Machines, and all kinds of agricultural implements, and machinery for mills and factories. Steam engines a speciality. Address rClarge stock of e very beet Coal Oil kept con- stantlyon hand, id will, be sold.' wholesale and retail. stre .t, Seaforth. PImo:tabor the lace, Carnlichaelis Block, Main rties indebted by note or book account aro re- quested to settle i • ediately. Rags, -wool-pie 1 gs, old iron, brass, copper, etc. taken in exchange for goods. ' 19i MOULD NG & PAPER. THE undersign ROSE MO Also, WRAP FOR Now is the t. d has on hand a splendid lot OOD AND, GILT LDING. Fine Lot of Straw IND PAPER, f SALE, CFI -RAP. o to buy as 11 18 on the rise. C. ARMSTRONG. 221. Main StreetaS &forth. 235 THOSISON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ontario. 1 SEEDS SEEDS. SEEDS'i', of4 RO MO LET, in -1- Rooms on th 19i MS TO LET. . cott's Block, two commodiorte second flat. Apply to AloCAVG-ICU 110L315TED, AGRICULTURAL SEED STORE. (ESTABLISH DID 1858.) SEARLE & DAVIS BEG to inform the Agriculturists of Pluton that they have itist received a largo lot of FIELD. AND CARDEN SEEDS. And, as it is the opinion of the best farmers that Seeds should be sown in a different soil and local- ity from that in which they have grown, they have imported their Clover from the Southern part of Canada, Timothy from the Western States, Oar - rots and Turnips and Garden Seeds from England and France. Seeds all fresh and of last season. Those wishing old seed can have it at half priee. A LA_RGE STOCK OF Clover Aiske Cliver, Timothy • -and Flax Seed, Buizgarian Gra88, Buckwheat, : Turnip, Mangel, Field Carrot. All kinds of clan seed bought. • . Top be paid. lst February, 1873; season Mares and A few choice Early Seed Potatoes and e single leaps to be paid at time of service. Mares Onions wanted. from a dietance can be sent to Murray's Hotel; and be rovided ith paeture Or stabling at rea- sugar Kettles and Sap Spiles in Great will pw sonable charges. A.11 aeeidentS and eSeapeS at the Abundance. •owner's risk. Cheap Steel Plows, Gang Plows, A Snevien Cur of the valae of $20 will be pre- seuted to the owner of the best eolt, and a silver Paints, Oils and Tinware. cup of the value of $10 -will be preeented to the owner of the second-best colt, bred from Royal 2,000 Gallons Goal oll, Revenge, and exhibited at the Fall Show of the at low miceSouth Huron Annieralttunl Soeiety, to be held in Wholes Sea forth in 1873. These prizes are offered that the ale and Retail , . colts may be brought together,earith a view to pur- 22-13 LINTO. 5SEARLE & DAVIS, CNFor further particulars apply to J. & P. Murray, ehaving the best of them. Seaforth. CHAS. J. DOUGLAS, Proprietor, Oakridgee .P. 0. JOEN SVTIIRPLAND, Groom. THE CELEBRATED TROTTING STALLION, ROYAL R EVENG Eg 'WILL stand for mares druing the season of Ty 1872, -commencing 29th April, at the following ;places in the County of Huron, viz.: MONDAY morning, he will leave his own stable, Murray's Hotel, Seaforth, and go to Clin'toinwhere he -will stay at McCutcheon's Hotel, -until noon Tuesday. .1 he will go to Brucefield, and remain all T night at Diann's Hotel. Wmannsnay morning, he will go to Ilodgerville; where he will stay until noon, and from thence to Exeter, at Drevv'S Hotel, remaining all night. Tsennsnat he will return, stopping at Kippen for noon' and thence in the afternoon to his own stable atMurray's Hotel, Settiorth, where he will remain until Monday morning. Thie route 'will be continued until 1st July. Pm:Ilea-a.m.—Royal Revenge was bred by Mr. Weir; in the County of 'Welland, Ont., by Old To- ronto Chief, he by Old Royal George; Royal Re- venge's dam by Hambletonian. Hem half brother to Tom Jefferson, the fastest trotting stallion in the United States at the present day. Royal Re- venge stands 15.31 high ; is a bettaiLiful ricb bay with black points; -weighs about 1,150. Psnronmanecns.—When 4 years old, he trotted at Whitby, beating Battersby's "Billy Button," "Honest jolui,"‘`Sam Patch" and others, winning the sixth heat and, the race in 2:45. Ilas been standing for mares since, until last surainer, When he was put into training for three weeks, and trotted at Hamilton, lapping Caledonia, Chief, who wen the heat -in 2:89. He has proved himself the getter of trotters; six of his colts have beaten. 3 minutes, and three of them better than 2:40. Tnnms—To insure, $15; season, $10; single leap A7 • groom's fee, 50 cents. Insaredmares to MIDS-310VC H. XUSTARD'S . - KING OF OILS, The best external !rem- edy for Rheumatism, Sprains, Wounds, Brnis- ->. : . d. es anevery conceivable .• .. aa,a sore, old or new. Give it 1 ; •• a trial. • Also, try the 9,anion, r Al)t: PALY VICTOR ye-, ,.., -2 ,, /Y.' „' For all internal pains, , &e.; and if you want a ' / i- genuine- IILVETABLE PILL &s'iv -,1,1 To remave all obstrue- .X.0 „keaneel dole of the Liver, Stom- ach and ilowele, Dyspepsia, Headache, Costivenese, &c., try - - , Mustard's Anti -Bilious' Pills, Or if you require a safe and sure remedy forWonns tr'S'E MUSTARD'S DOMINION WORM CANDY. If you have Catarrh, Cold in the Head, Neuralgia, or Nervous Headache, use Mustard's Catarrh Specif&c, Which will secure relief at once. Full directions accompany each of the above preparations. Sold by druggists and dealers -in raedicane generally. ManuIactllrcd by Al0 1-2.4.1 11, Nvaiaa, laacizttili Qat, k V5 THE AGRICULTURAL MUT& 4r, ASSURANCE ASSOOIATTON OF CANADA. 0 0 fin e+ S.12 13•••i Liza *rod riZ )1t irn•ol too ielmi • (ID r.0 • ,suaarima V13AOHS ONV S3OVdS AINLEYVILLE PLANING MILL; SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY The subscriber having bought out the above Mill, also the good- ill of the late firm, is now prepared to fill ell orders in his line of business. - Sash, Doors and Mouldings ON HAND AND. MADE TO ORDER On the shortest notice. CUSTOM PLANING Strictly attended to. JAMES BENNETT. Ainleyville, May 16, 1872. a 28247 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY Mei Le subscriber begs leave to thank his numerous customers for pie liberal patronage extended to hini since commenting business in Seaforth, ant/ trusts that he may be favored witIi a continuance' of the same. • Parties intending to build -would. do -well to give bira a call, tea he will continue to keep on hand a large steak of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, kTC. He feels confident of trivintr, satisfaetiOn to those who may favour him with their patronage, as none but hrst-elbss workmen are employed. Particular attention paid to CaStOM Planing. 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. • SEAFORTH NOVELTY - WORKS. M. MARTIN having purchased the promisee " onGoderich Street, in rear of the Marition Hotel, Seafortle intends hereafter carrying on business there en the following lineS. LUMBER DRESSING In all its branches. Doors and Window Sash kept constantly on hartd. Door and Window Frames made to order, of the best material and at the shortest notice. Mouldines, of all patterns, kept on hand and made to order. MEAD 0FFICE, LONDoN, ONT. Licensed by the Dominion Goverement. CAPITAL, FIRST OF JANUARY, 1871, $231,242 25. Cash and Cash Items, $72,289 C5. This Comptmy continue s to grow in the pnblie conlidenee. On the lst January, 1871, it had in force 84,529 Policies, having, 11111.11i2 the year lb'70, issued the immense number of 12,310 Farmers, patronize your ONVII CANADIAN Company that has done such good service amongst you. Fax Insurance apply to CHARLES MORROW, 1..;i•ent Clinton R. O. ••••••.. Turnip, Carkot, Beet and Manure Drills, Land Rollers, Wagon Racks, Horse Hay -rakes, and a variety of otherFarming Implements, of the most approved patterns, kept . eimstantly on hand or made to order. PATENT PORTABLE, FENCES, Manufactured wiben required. TO WAGON MAK- ERR. The undersigned wordel also beg to inform Wag- on and Carriage Makers that he keeps constantly on hand, all kinds of Bent Stuff suitable for their work. Carpenters, Builders, Farmers, and the pnblie generally in need of any of the above "-articles would do well to favor me with their patronage, as ID my new premises, I have facilities for doing this branch of work which cannot be surpaseed. JOHN M. MARTEN. Seaforth Novelty Works, Goderich Street. 1 228 ivioNav TO L04N- TIr7subscriber has MONEY to loan to any amount on good farm property, Interest, SIX per cent. per annum, when the interest and pine ciple are paid yearly, aud 8 per erent. per annum when the interest only is paid,. A G. McDOITGALL, 227-52 At cheap canil. Store, sign of the Bear. MONEY TO LEND. THE undersigned has $8,000 and upward, private funds, to loan, at 8 per cent. per annum, ni Farm property. Chartres moderate. Marriage Licences issued. Applyto 227-52t wil-isoN, Zurich. -....4C-CATC•wf