HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-06-14, Page 3ns - DUNE 14, 1872. counsel on this Jour. resisted all attempts at :.ion- on; the part of his .fel- ;low,,: even to a mild inquiry eary looking woman with Ilreen as to what time the aid reach *Blankville. ass over his reception on his sole, and the account he lis adventures. It may be o remark, however, that week he subscrioed for a ricultural paper, his aura per and a city daily, He keep posted hereafter in re - lie progress aiid.doings, tl,e and snares of this; wicked "40 el. r AAT.-.-EPPS's C_ oeoA.-GRAI L , OItTINO.—E Ry a thorough ;e of the natural laws which ie operations of digestion and and by a careful appliea- the fine properties of well - cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro- r breakfast-tableswith a deli ivored beverage which may save - doctors' bills."—G7 Service —Made simply with boiling wa- ilk- Each packet is labelled-- EPrs & Co.., Homoeopathic , London." Also, makers of .ilky Cocoa (Cocoa and Con- 4iilk) seaseeamessesolssesumemon ;PEGIAT NGTICE.. €ihnsou's Anode-uze liniment m to advantage whew . any Pain_ desirable. In` cases of severe and pains in the storsraoh, it is; redly the best article that can be abitual constipation leads to the Lg results : Inflammation of the sick and nervous headache, Less, dyspepsia, indigestion, piles, ippetite and strength; ill of which. avoided by being regular M. your and taking, say one of Parsons' Eve Pills nightly, for four or six Ile first approaches of eonsnmp- e so insidious that thousands re- nconscious of its presence until it ought them to the verge of the The immediate use of Bryan's aic-Wafers" upon the first appear- ; a cough, pain or soreness of thea or chest, would generally preclude result; therefore, when you take use Bryan's .Pulmonic Wafers, and: lrevent the necessity for taking %n more dangerous complaints. To aimed of all clruggiate and country s.. Price 25 cents per box.. DE G . Q MARX en's celebrated medicines are now in most all of the stores of deal - medicines.. The attention of the is called to the faet that over 120, - /ckages have been sold during the ew years in a portion of the Pro- of Ontario alone,, and more is re - as the demandis steadilyncreas :- Thia of their curative powers is ien.t proof.. They are warranted to e. regunlate,and strengthen the human system not to cure any and every thing, but to be benefiei= most all cases and hntrtful in none. consist of pills, powders, relievors, ointments for the human system liniments and powders for horses, c and other animals. Sold in Sea- by R. Lumsden and J. Seatter. GEORGES"; & SONS, Baieie, *whole na,nufaeturers. 216-6m. Thomas' Eclectrie 011., Er TEN TIXES ITS WEIGHT IN' GOLD'-. DO Yon SNO A. D:RING OP rT ? IE ;ivy, IT IS TIME YOU DID. re are but few preparations of medicine: :have withstood the impartial jud went of Eople for any great len;'th of time.. One of is Tisanes' Er ueentIC OIL, purely a prepay - of six of some of thebest oils that are known, }ne possessi' gvirtues of its own. Scientific dans brow that medicines may be formed of ingredients in certain fixed proportions of ar power, and producing effects which cobd result from the use of any one of them, Orin ant caTabinatiores. Thus in the preparation s oil a chemical change takes place, forming pound which could not by any possibility be -from any other combination or proportions e same ingredients, or any other ingredients sutia:ely different from anything ever before one -which produces the most astonishing re - and haring: a. wider range of application. [any medicine ever before discovered. It oou no alcohol or other volatile liquids, cense- tly loses nothing by evaporation. Wherever ed yon get the benefit of every drop ; whereas other preparations nearly all the alcohol is a- . that way, and you get only the small quint- et ua•aet oils which they may contain. S. N. TROM AS, Priers, N. Y d NOR1 HRGP & tyar N, Newcastle, Ont., Agouti for the Dominion. TE.—Electric=-Selected and Eleetrized.. Id in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co. snail. ;sden- The Great Female Rense€dg., 3€01 MOSES' PErtIODICAL, PILLS. IS invaluable medicine is unfailing in filo; cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases hien the female constitution is subject_ It crates all eeoess and removes all obstructions„ a speedy cure may be relied on. imarried ladies, it is peculiarly suited. It will short time, bring on the monthly period with qty`Female8' nese Pills` should not be taken by g th6 first three months of Pregnacy, a 0 they ire t`te,,bring on Miscarriage, but at any ther e they eke safe.. a all case of Nervone and_ Spinal Affections,: is in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight eY-: on, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and tes, these pills will effeota cure when all other iris have failed; and although a powerful' Eedy, do antimony,otjcontain iron, calomel, antimony, ec thing lair. ato the constitution. 'rill dir€ctiens in the pamphlet around each nage, which should be carefully preserved._ - ob Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1.00 and cents for postage, enclosed to Northop & Lynsiols aeastle, Ont., general agents for the Dominion insure a bottle;, contei i g over Gd pig by �.rn mail. _res" Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co.,5na ,Lu.rasden. 197-8 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Trains leave the Seaforth station as flows :— GOING WEST. Exl=ress. Mixed. 2.37 P. M,. 1.40 P. es. GOING EAST - Express Mixed. fl -5€1 A.1::; 1.40 P. M. lwail, 8.40 P. els Mali. 8, 00 A. f. tit. 1r, a EE its E COMPOUND Ems: fir of Phosphates and Calisaya.—Thera is no aced condition of the body in which 1)re heeler's Compound Elixir of Phosphates and nsaya'gray not be used. with positive beneq. em a. Chemical rood and Nutr tine Tonic, it t.. p54 srdobc ally in the same manner as our et. It perfects Izigestion, Aesimilatron and the; rrrsatiou of healthy blood. It sustains the vital ree by supplying the waste constantly going on nerve and muscle, as the result of mental and ix sie€:1 Exertion, enabling the mind and body_ to mierf o great labor -without fatigue. Its atstl a building up constitutions broken ownd wags aetin„ cl,.ren ie diseases, by fast stelivui being ;bits is truly extraordinary, szos- aelliate in ez.ergizing all the organs of the b 'hosphates, being absolutely essential.must} for all l foxe dation and the growth of tissues, dta= irne be Nature'; great restorative an ia1d by all -di uggist at $1. - Jug 14, 1872. G;AIETIEs. ars., what is a green `grocer r ane who trusts, my boy. Remem- ber it." o A letter was received not long ago: at Portsmouth, . New Hamp- shire, directed as follows " Patrick Flynn?work; in the mill of the same ' game of the steamer that - sunk the Alabama --- I forget the name 'United States of America." It reach - ea the right man, —According to the Glens Falls epublaan; that village is now over, Wicked with handsome young ladies, ifand young men from a distance, of good character, and with a capital of five dollars apiece to pay the min- ister, could be made awful ,happy, by calling round some of these' d ays." .�« Charley, have you been doing anything to the piano whileI was. 'out? Some of the keys won't work at all," " No, ma, I didn't do any - thing to it ;; but Tom said there was a mouse in it, so I got hint to hold up the top while I put the cat and dog - in to catch =it, and they made such an awful row, I thought sure the mouse was a goner ; but if the old thing won't work, perhaps the ;House is in there yet." • A grocer had. a pound of sugar returned with a note stating, ca too Minch sand for table use, and not enough for building purposes." ---Two friends from two different chrrches, but of one denomination, met the other day,, and discussed the preaching of their respective pastors. "Your minister uses the ideas of other men," said one. "Don't you wish your pastor would do the Bather' was the significant response. —" Ma, has your tongue got legs 1" "Got what, child 1" " Got leas, mai" "Certainly not ; but why do you ask such a silly question 1" "0, no - thin', only I heard pa say that it runs from morning till night, and I Vae• wondering how it could run without legs, that's all, rca." -- A country clergy -man, paying a professional visit to a dying neigh- bor, who was a very churlish and universally unpopular man; put the usual questions, " Are you willing -- to go, my friend " Oh, yes," said. the sick man, " I am." " Well," said the simple-minded minister, " • am glad you are, for the neighb ars Are willing." - - An officer, who was more dis- tinb ished for gallantry in the field than for the care he lavished upon his person, complainingon a certain occasion, to an Irish judge, of the seferings he endured from rheuma- tism, the judge undertook to pre- scribe a remedy. "You .must de - lire your servants," be said, " to - place every morning by your bed- side a tub three -parts filled - with warm water. You will then get' into the tub, and having pr.evioualy provided yourself with a pound of yellow soap, you must rub your whole body with it, immersing your- self occasionally in the water, and at the -end of a quarter .of an hour the process concludes by wiping your- self dry with towels, and scrubbing your person with a flesh brush." " Why," said the officer, after reflect- ing fol a minute or two, " this seems to be neither more nor less than washing one's _ elf." " Well," I must confess," 'joined the judge, " it is open to that objection." of $1,100 to he expended 'in improving the roads and bridges in this township, for the year 1872, as follows, viz : In ward No. 1, the sum of $200 ; in, ward No 2, $250 , in ward No. 3, $250 , in ward NO. 4, $200; in ward No. 5, $200. 'Henry Young was appointed collector of taxes for the current year at a salary of $70, The Council adjourned to meet again at Cook's Hotel, Holmesville, on the second Monday in July next. T. B.. STOKES, Clerk, Stephen. COUNCIL MEETING.—This Council met on 1st of June, 1872. All the members present ; Reeve presiding. ` Minutes of former meeting were read .and signed. The Reeve to procure the requesite num- ber of scrapers delivered at :Devon. A11 pathmaeters to bo held responsible for all _scrapers received by them. Mr. Fulton lo attend to the following jobs : Bridge on A. and B Concession, repairing culverts near. J. Reagan's and p. Ryan's. Mr. Manning to see to the r pairing of bridge near J. Snell's. Mr. Stahls to attend to the opening of a ditch near E. Chambers'. The following accounts were granted : To various persons for charity, $28 ; putting up notices of drainage meetingg, $4; C. Mollard, land for Mad, $110 ; M. Winer, work on 4th -Concession, $20 ;. — Fitzgerald, work on South boundary, $2; R. Fulton; part payment of chopping contract, $30. Total, $194. Next meet- ing of Council to be two weeks from this date, commencing at 2 P. M. I- C. `C. PSou, Clerk. Grey. • COUNCIL MEETING.—Council met at Dame's Hotel, Craubrook, on May 22. Present—Councillors McDonald, Slem- mon, Strachan.. John Leckie, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. " Petition of Mabee & Mc- Donald and 72 others, praying to have the crossing covered on sideroad 25 and 26, from lath to 16th Concessions. Pe- titiou of Ferguson and - Edgar and nine others, tohave roads opened up leading to new school house, in School Section No. 9. The following accounts were then presented Dr. Graham, examina- tion of John McKay.- $5 ; Dr! Scott, ex- amination andtravelling expense, -$8 Dr. Holmes, examination John McKay, $5 ; Martin - Moore, keeping McKay, $1:25 Commissioner Map, Cranbrook, $5 ; John Leckie, charities, &c., $32.12 ; Widow Moore, charity, $10 ; R. Mc- Naughton, salary, $100, . Moved by S. Slemmon, seconded by Archibald. Mc- Donald, That the foregoing accounts presented be paid, and that the Reeve issue debentures for the same.—Carried. The Council then resolved itself into a Court of Revision, whenthe following al- terations were made in the assessment. of the present year : -Jabez Daniel, Con- cession 11-, Lot 23. reduced,. personal, $100 ; Samuel McGeorge, Concession 1, no change ; James Reid, Concession 1, no change ; James McCracken, Conces- sion 2, no change ; Thomas. Pierce, Con- cession 10, reduced ten acres cleared Henry Greene, Concession 10, no change ; Adam Shaffer, Concesson 11, reduced $320 ; James Armstrong, Cranbrook, re- duced $18 ; Hartnell .Spieran, - Conces- sion 15, reduced $50 ; William R. Wil- son, Ainleyville, reduced $200 ; William. Grant, Ainleyville, reduced x$100. The Roll having been amended as above, it was moved by Archibald McDonald, seconded by John Strachan, That the Assessment Roll for 1872 as amended, be now received and -adopted,— Carried. The committee appointed to report con- dition df and. probable cost of crossway- ine Side Raods, Concessions 16 and 17, having examined the same are of opinion that the Side Roads between lot 5 and 6 will cost $200 and the Side Road be- tween Lots 15 and 16 will cost from four to five hundred dollars to put them in a passable state for traffic. Moved by J. Strachan, seconded by Archibald Me Donald, That the Council now adjourn to meet again on the 13th of June next, at Tuck's hotel.—Carried. ,J. R. GRANT, Clerk. e 'THE -IIJi411Y EXPOSITOR: SOMETHING INTERESTING TO CARRIAGE -MAKERS AND BLACKSMITHS, wm. RoERTSQN & CO., HARDWARE M ERORANTS, Have on hand 200 Tons of Iron. 299 Sets of Carriage Axles. 301 Sets of Springs. 449 Sets Seamless Thimble Skeins. Also, a full and well -selected Stook of Carriage Trimmings and Hardware, •Of every description, Which they had bodght, before the recent great advance in price of that material; and they will not be UNDERSOLD BY ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. arriage-Makers will do well to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. A large assortment of HUBS, SPOKES AND BENT STUFF on hand. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Blacksmlthsi and 224 'I` T i =:STERD I CT OF THE PEOPLE L _ GARDNER DSEWINT TUS - MACHINE Is superior to any - now in the Market. Having been a ined and tried by the most skilful mechanics and best judges the country =produce, and byn them a tied Prizes at ah the principal nMhinesbw re arrayed ag Hist it, the GARDNER PAThout the Dominion ENT the present•year ; a#id although all the leading ha been declared VICTORIOUS OVER ALL C0MPETITOR6 Dat's de Way de White Folks Does. Sam Johnston, of Ne ry Orleans, was a great authority among - his fellows, and one day - he called his , - satellites together. "Niggers," said he, " if-yer - wants to get rich yer must sabe yer money. Yer must hab a bank. Dat's de way de white folks does." The project was swiftly put into execution, and the earnings of the week were' promptly' forth- coming.. " Niggers," said Sam, " I will be the cashier,- yer must 'posit de money wid me, and when yer want any, yer can, draw on to it. Dot's de way de white'folks does."All went - merrily for a while, but by -an -by there began to be trouble. It was found easie r to get funds in to this model institution than to o get them out again.. " It's all right," said Sam, " de bank is only suspend- ed, and in. a few days she will again resume ; dat's de way de white folks does." This expedient lasted but a little while, however, and the storm was about to burst upon the head of the great operator, when be found it advisable to gather once more his infuriated depositors. " Niggers," said he, „ dar ain't no use nlovin' 'bout it! De money's spent, and de bank's broke ; dats de way de white folks does I" - Black Bear JS RECEIVING NEW SPRING- GO( S. TO BE SOLD AT OLD PRICES. - • upon every teat, and now stands foremost in the rank of sewers. S1I E TUE LIST OF PRIZES FOIL 1871; First Prize at Toronto. First Prize at London—the great western Fair. First Prize at Guelph—the great Central Fair. First Prize at St. Catharines, County of Lincoln. First Prize at Chatham, County of Kent. First Prize at Waterloo, County of Waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, County of Simcoe. First Prize in Mono, County of PeeL First Prize in Caledon, County of Sinicoo. First Prize at Wel- landport, Connfy'of Welland. First Prize at Otterrille, County of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial Fair, Kingston, Diploma at Hamilton, and various County Shows. This beautiful specimen of mechanical ability is a purely Canadian invention, surpassing in simplicity, durability, and usefulness any other Sowing Machine now in the market whether of Canadian, American, or English manufacture. . It will hem; cord, braid, tuck, gather, guilt, fell, and do all and every kindSand of FET a fly Sowing light ManufactnringWork, using all kinds of throad. It has a complete S. BUY NO OT H KR. If the price is a little higher than some others, it is the cheapest in the end. Send for Circulars tied Samples. HAMILTON,ONT. GARDNER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, r Companies, es who foto o h , P. S.—Intending purchasers should not be misled by nnscrnpnlone agentsD keepMaohineslrrthey do not sell, fn a damaged state, to make capital for themselves. • Call and examine the Gardner before purchasing any ether, at WrearAM Gnessre's Warerooms, Goderioh-street, Seaforth. Agents wanted. • 179-52 FOR NEAT BOOTS This is the Spot to buy Cheap for Cash or Butter, Goderich Township. COUNCIL MEETING. —The Council met . on 30th May, pursuant to adjournment. The members all present. The minutes of last meetingwere read and passed. Henry William. Cook was appointed poundkeeper, in pound No. 1. Henry Young was appointed pathrnaster in p of David.,Cantelon. Henry Steep was appointed fence -viewer, in place of Jos h Young. : The following .ccounts were paid John Deeves, for putting in a culvert on the 13th and 14th .- Conces- sion, the sum of $9 ; Dr. Shannon, for balance of account, $4 ; Arthur Knox, for use of house for council purposes, $1.50 ; Joseph Proctor, for - inspecting _Huron Hotel, Holmesville, $2, The stun Bear in mind, 777, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. A. G. McDOUGALL. CHEAP FARMS! CHEAP HOMES! ON THE LINE 01' THE PE'D R GRASSIE, Seaforth. weammalierr C. 12121 The attention of Ladies is particularly directed to our stock of Prunella Boots and Broadway Ties. v Sii HAI° PILING STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES.—The Best and Cheapest in the Market.=MCINTYRE & SWILLIS, Main -street, Seaforth, have just received a very fine stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes, suitable for spring and ismnmer wear, all of which -will be sold at the OLD :cruets, aforlt promptly latestattended sd to. and eat the article best and a good fit most agua guaranteed. tial acR pairing—All work of all kinds promptly attended �` kinds of work repaired, no matter where made, on the shortest noticeM� E YRE & WILLIS, First door South of John Logan's. UNION PACIFIC 'RAILROAD. A LAND GRANT OF - 12.000.000 ACRES Of the Best Farming and _Mineral Lands in America. 3,000,000 .Acres in NEBRASKA, • In the GREAT PLATTE 'VALLEY, . The Garden of the West, NOW FOR SATE. FARMERS SELL YOUR EGGS ;TO WM. THOMSON, OF ,THE ECM N MLLE GROCERY (Logan's Old Stand,) Who will ay the HIGH IST PRICE in CASH, for ay quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS, Delivered at his store. These lands are in the: central portion of the "United States, on the 41stclegree of North latitude, the central line of the great Temperate Zone of the American Continent, and for by any he and stock -raising unsurpasse United States. CH elA.PER IN PRICE, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can be found elsewhere. FREE Homesteads to Actual Settlers,. - THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead of 160 Acres. Free Passes to Purchasers of Land. Send for the new descriptive pamphlet, with new maps, published in English, German, Swed- ish and Danish. Mailed free everywhere. s ' -13 Land Commissioner U.0 uF&, NEB. • O. F. DAVIS, - Gro FL eries &Provisions FOR SALE CHEAP. UR AND FEDD, of every description, kept constantly on hand, in - 1 eluding Shearson & Co.'s No. 1. Come One, Come All, with your Eggs and get the Cash. WM. THOMSON, Egmondville Grocery. WHY ARE LAZARUS, MORRIS & CO'S Spectacles W. Ho OLIVER, - SIG€N OF THE ac SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice .assortment of light and heavy harness, whips, bells, horse clothing, etc., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly ' attenclecl to, and charges moderate. Remember the place ! sign of the Scotch Collar, Main Street, Seaforth. 163tf W. H. OLIVER. MAIN �`TREET, SEAAFORTFH mut tid t:771 ' CD U m a.Tel Cfe 1"1 t:71 c�- 0 -cY- cp o O o CD Zie C4) CD W ttcpct, • 1 1-4 "'M' cp 1-3 D. it 52* tmumrs O f ' y T� CD �C C !'V td r m m y REN1 m m 0 qs m rn co a :1•J 0 THE BEST . SEWING MACHINES Made can be had at - WM. N. WATSON'S SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, SEAFORTH. "THE GENUINE .HO WE" Sewing Machines, in all styles and sizes, and 't THE OSBORA". Machine in all styles. The subscriber has received a splendid supply at both these Machines, which are pronounced by ex- perienced hands to be superior to any others maa. For strength, simplicity and perfection of con- struction ; for range of .work, from light gauze he beaver and leather ;for beauty and exactness of stitch, owing to the tension being perfect and ale ways equal on both upper and lower threads, and for durability these machines are unrivalled. Everymachine warranted and instructions gid gratis. 'Machines sent out ou trial; or rented lay the month to responsible parties. 223 WM. N. WATSON, Seaford LIKE BRIGHAM YOUNG ON TRIAL FOR MURDER ? NOTICE. --Any person sending the answer to the above to the Agent, M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, within the next thirty days, will re- ceive an order from L. M. & Co. for a pair of their superior new pattern Bye pumice. HARNESS, HARNESS. Great Variety AT VVILS01'S SEAFORTH. SUMMER 1872. DO YOU WANT TO SEE S OMETHING NICE THOMAS BELL, Main -street, Seaforth, Can show you something worth looking at in the FURNITURE line. He has just received a large quantity of EW tuitN1TURE Of every description, which, for CHEAPNESS, BEAUTY, and Q U.ALIT Y, Is really worth going to see. Warerooms — Opposite Robertson's Hardy Store. TRUNKS of all kinds, VALISES—not a few, WHIPS --of all sorts, COLLARS—all sizes. Brushes, Curry -Combs, Cards. All prices --from 10 cents up. Bells, Blankets, Circingles, Saddles, And in fact everything usually found in a first- class Saddler's Shop, and at prices extremely low. JAMES WILSON Takes this opportunity of thanldng his numerous friends and customers for the liberal support ex- tended toward him for the past year and hopes by strict attention to business and manufacturing a first-class article to merit a fair share of the pat- ronage of the many. Remember the Sign of the_ "00L1Th:a 13eDDIE.9 215 T. K. ANDERSON MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. J. SEATTERs EXCHANGE BROKER, And dealer in Pure DRUGS CHEMICALS AND DYESTUFFS, PERFUMERY, FANOVAND T®i LET ARTICLES Agent for Sewing Machines. Mommy to lend on easy terms. J. SEATTER, - Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. 59 -t - SHOPS FOR SALE. 'OR SALE, two shops anal forty-four feet front-- - age on Main Street, Seaforth, opposite eta- miehacPs Hotel. Apply to - 195-tI• a. SEATTER. Insolvent Act of 186.9 IRON FOUNDRY FOR SALE AT SEAFORTH. The undersigned offers for sale the Foundry and stock at Seaforth belonging to the bankrupt estate of ZAPPE :& CAI TE1i. - The property consists of two lots on the Main street, having a frontage of fifty-seven And a depth of two hundred and sixty feet. The buildings are of brick, the front one on the • street, 30x30 feet, of two stories, and the moulding shop fn rear S0x6U of one story, with wooden sheds in rear of it, and small; dwelling of frame on back lot. The machinery consists of Boiler and Engine of twelve -horse power; iron Lathe, wooden Lathe,, Bolt Cutter, Upright Drill, Vices, Upright and Cir- cular Saws, Boring Machine, Shafting and Belt- ing, elting, Flasks, Patterns, &c., &c. Seaforth is one of the most prosperous towns in Ontario, surrounded by a first-rate agricultural country, aid this offers a fine chance for an enter- prising mechanic with some capital. Tho sale will take place at Knox's Hotel, Sea- forth, on FRIDAY, the 21st day of June neat, at 1I M. TermA.s and conditions of sale made known en application to ATE,$- DAVIDSON, Official As- signee, Hamilton. The property can be seen on application to Mr. W. O. Reid, Seaforth. ADAM HO, AssigPEnee.. Hamilton, lith April, 1872. - 228-10 SUMMER CLOTHING, SUMMER HATS, SUMMER CAPS, SUMMER COLLARS AND TIES, s and everything else suitabil for winner wear in endless variety. TEETH EXTRACTED TITHOUT PAIN. ri CART W 1tIGHT. L. D. S„ Surgeon Dentist, j✓- extracts teeth without pain by the nee of the Nitrous -Oxide Gas: Office --Over the Fountain of Fashion, Mr. Pewter's store, on the Market Square, , Attendance in Seaforth, at Knox's Hotel, the first Tuesday andwectnesdayof each month; in Clinton, at the Commercial rho re lathe followingr the Thurs- days and Friday's fame a his Stratford office. Parties requiring new teeth are requested to if at Seaforth and Clinton, on the first days of 'at- tendance. by Over 54,E patients have had teeth the use of the Gas, gat Dr. Coultou'e ate. Neee 203 �ark.-