HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-06-07, Page 7-tris'E 7, 1872. MMER 1872.. . AHEM MERCHANT TAILOR AND %•` STREEi SEAFORTII tErt CLOTHING, gr31:4Eri. 14,ATS„ SE-MMER- LMER COLLARS AND TIES, Verythillg ehe Satable for Summer wear in endless variety. 4.e Victoria Chemical Company, oprietors and ;NIanufaeturers of the Cele- .`ictoria Carbolic Preparations. Laboratory irks,Iiictoria Hall, Melinda Street, Toronto, 911o' n, Genuine Preparations axe sold by '2:gists. , Be sureantask fur the VicToni.§. LtATioxs, and see that you get them. - ' toria Carbolated Glyee-rine Jelly. !-.1.1.1: is highly recommended to Ladies as a ,rzreeable Prepartiti‘ln for the 'it:net. For Evir,f, the Complexion, and rendering the it White, Cleari.and free from IYryness, it i.L11(41. It will quickly remove all Redness, uess, Tan, Freckles Pimples, and other Un- ions. For Chapped:Hands, Chilblains, Frost nd Si.. 14.5, it cannot be surpassed.. Price ts. i Victoria Carbolic Toilet Soap. ;t.irst-i. So.tr possesses all the well -Imo -len and disinfectilig properties ef Carbolic S agreeably scented, has a healthy action t,n Lit, prevents irritation, r( moves the effects- Lpiration. and should be re -:alai -1y Imes/ by ;s. Cholera, Sivallpox and Fever- Patients - be washed with this Soap; and it: use by ES liable to infection will materially prevent rcad s.if diseases Price 15 cents per Tabbit. Victoria Carbolic Salve:: ' rarqd cure for fill Skin Diseases. ounds, Brinaes, Burns, Sor,s, 1. i' r, Erit:11..a,Sea11 lient4 1730.11:17Y Ab'.- -th.ith, Pilliple'g, &e. It possesses AI tho- mg mid heitling virtues of Carbolic Acid, ,.!lias beenfound by Physicians everywhera se.,scurativ'e qualities not diacover(!d in any 'chemical preparation. Price 25 cents. Victoria_ Carbolic Gazo-arysma. q FiArturx Li tit O =Fel reliable caul efficacious • k in all eases of Sore Throat, lIoarseness, L:ezia, Bronchitis, Irzitation of the Bronchial IS so common in this changeable elimate, ha, Offensive Breto.h, rice -rates' (rums, and _:`11-..e5 of tho Mouth. - For Public Speakers .szt_e.:, is is iu,aluaole. The ingredients en - r;1 into this Gargle are us, -.1 by all Physicians,. :yr the enre of the above disoiders are ilow, ill,tedly, the Inost popular in the .1,1.;:rtata .k,!.1. l'iiee 25 cents. i Victoria Carbolic Disinfectant. ilmsr.,..a r.crA.NT is a sure preventive of Typlin& LI .1.141f,i1 Fevers, Cholera, Smallpox, and isu in-- - -J•is dise:sses. It will prtf:ent Contaon, in .:-. It is also inveillIable for Disinft-cting Wa- lgt.zefA. Drains, Ces).nools, Stttbic-F Slaughter - 1: -A., C....'".., tuld for (1,1royi11g nansjous (Alluvia - whate7er equs- arisiirc it Will drive away II:itoes. Moths, Fliee, Cw.kroaeItes, L!'zc. 111cat,-• . ;c., earl be priservf.,I from putrefaction by its i Carbolic Acid vs.a,i selectcd by Her Idajesty's 1,1 Coi.ilob.siontnrss id pfen..rence to all other hicts.. as rise lie.;t, Disinfeetant for tb.c pram - :At infectious diseases. Price 25 cents, :torisa Sharpening and Polishing Paste. - t1 T0 is unequalled ii. its rapiclibr sliarpetthig and PolishiLg Cutlery. Table 514 Ss.t Kuive-;, 1:41-fo14, Sintisc.c1 Instrinnents, Shoe- L:er:-.* Knive,.. Plane Bits and ('iii.cis, &C. NOtil:" •-; hag, ever been discovered -which has sprung r..PoPut•rily more quickly, or becoro.c of so value in ever1 ..iouieholcl and wciiksbop for 2,30 "end u,efucness. Price2..,5 cents. ITOVES„. TINWARE AND , COAL OIL. FILF;. V.7.1ITNEY has ja, t rec:sived a large stock L of Co!.king, Parlor and Box Stoves, of the -best nnf let ore, which she can sell as chet.p as any shs Ls:1,s , r IN WARE, of e4.-ery deseriztioia, . Lept com-t autly au hand and matte to orcler. :so, stove Pipes, Ea„ve :Toughing, etc- itora-work proreptly attended to, and. outsider ,ek will receive every attention. . COAL& 011fe. A. large stock a the very best Coal Oil kept cone ently on hand, and will be fend -wholesale and - jeemember the place,. Carmichaers 33lock, Iflaill esil. reets Seaferth. Partiei: indebted by note or book out e.re ree Lested to settle immediately.' Itags, w(iol-pielings, old iron, brass, copper, eto-p... k.en in exchange for goods. 197 , : , • ,TTINE 7, 1872. •_ o , THE HURON EXPOSITOR _ 111171E921,9NEffiger" 70i The Butter Trade. The Ingersoll Chronicle concludes - It series of excellent articles on but- ter making and the Canadian butter trade, by strongly recommending the - :adoption of the cheese factory system, which has hitherto worked so well that branch, incorporating with it the French method, or so much of it as eould be mad O available. That Canadiafl dairylnen are enterprising is fully exemplified iuthe rank whith their cheese holds in the Eng- lish market, being only a trifle low- er than the finest States. We feel satisfied that if Canadian butter makers wotid4estabiisb butter facto - .ries and make a fine article they would be amply rewarded. By Adopting such a plan the vstem of forcing butter 'jut° the storAkeepers' lands would soon work its own cure. instead of being stored in impure .cellars it Would be taken to the fad - tory, where it would be properly cared for by people who are experts_ im the trade, and _would have their own interests as well .as their p,a- irons to spar them up to make the most of this very perishable article. Finest Nornaanclv. butter realizes 30cper lb. -and upwards in the , London market. And why cannot Canadians send an article home which would realize within 40. of -4 Normandy'? They have tne talent and the ground to work upon. A large quantity of our butter* pres- ent stored in England is only Ni orth 8c. This state of things should bring the blush to every lover of his -country, if only for pride's sake. When such a waste is allowed .it not only impoverishes theindividuals direetly interested, but the country at large. This is in a great measure 4Aving to the ruinous system now in vogue of manipulating our butter. If this system were clone away with, butter -making would be the most lu- . crative branch of industry for , our farmers to pay their attention to, for we eau never overdo either the home or foreign market with fine butter. Who would not rather go entirely without than eat bad butter, .even if it could be, obtained for the taking of it away 1? of doors in a well -littered yard rath- er than under cover, and thrive bet- ter in doing so.—Veath, and Home. Mental Constitution of Animals. It is the impression that ax-iimals have no conditions of mind entitling them to our consideration. A worse mistake -never gained credence, since they certainly have memory, form strong attachments and act in a var- iety of ways under the promptings of reason, though it may be elemen- tary. Dogs, by association with men, acquire a meaning of Words, and may be taught a variety of perfcrinan.ces which demand thought and reflec- tion. Horses, mules and donkies have acquired such knowledge as to net in obedience to commands given by masters who happen to speak two or three languages. Dreaming is considered the unre- strained activity of mind during a suSpension of consciousness in sleep. Do not dogs dream and go through all motions of pursuing game, yelp- ing, etc., while reposing ? They have a sense, too, of moral sentiment, for they manifest shame when re- proved for a mean act, and express unbounded gratification on 'being praised. _Every animal unquestionably has a hinited range of thought,' and they certainly communicate their intent - ,ions to each other, aswolves on a manacling expedition, horses on a stampede, buffaloes on a foraging journey, or birds in all their inter- course with each other in reference to their enemies. Large or Small Hogs. One of the last things we would consider in discussing the compara- tive merit of the breed of hogs, would be the mere size. The in- - terest ofthe farmer is: not the great size to which the hog is fed, but what pays the greatest profit on in- vestment and labor. This is a plain. common-sense view of the matter. We should not serld to market hogs weighing less than 200 or 250 pounds. Hogs of less weight are not in so good demand for packing, - and not so saleable. Hogs of 260 or 250 pounds always demand a good - market. We should, in selecting hogs for the farm, keep those weights in mind. If we find a breed, of bogs that will reach . these weights, with a oonsumption of less food than other breeds, this is " the breed we should prefer, though other breeds might grow larger and heavier. This is a simple question : not what will grow the largest, but what will pay the ,best. In other words, we would not. regard as the great thing to be desired, the num- bei of pounds the hog 'would weigh, but on the contrary, would select as most profitable the hog that repre- sented in every pound of pork the least cost in fool Rural Life. Statistics teach us that farmers live longer than any other class who perform labor of a mechanical kind, and that they are excelled in longevity only by those who work with the brain occasionally, as preachers, orators and public speak- ers, and the probability is that con- sidering the heaithfulness of their eraploynient and the general freedom from annoying cares and anxieties -which they enjoy, their lives might become relatively the most enduring, did they exercise care in choosing 'their diet and in preserving them- selves from sudden chills during the most trying season of their labor, that of harvest. It is _then that most farmers contract diseases which are sooner or later fatal to them. A Description of Greeley's Farm at Chappaqua. Mr. Greeley's Chappaqua farm, of which so much has been saici, and which has been misrepresented', con- sists of 75 acres of low and upland, lying alone", the railroad, and. has been bough! in bits from 1854 until the present date, at an average of between- $130 and $140- per acre. It was inferior quality as al whole, the low land being boggy and the rest stony and rough. Neglect and bad cultivation had enhanced its original poverty and the soil had beett exhausted as elsewhere throughout Westchester, by these cases. Greeley has drained the bog at considerable expense, so that it is now worth three tunes its cost per acre. Valuable crops of corn, oats and hay have been raised from it, and the reclaimed land is now de- cidedly the best part. He has culti- vated other portions with success. Trees have been planted in large numbers, so that while an abundant -supply of good timber has been ob- tained, the natural features of • the farm have been much improved. Mr. G-reeley says he doesn't pretend the farm has been profitable, bur of late -years it has paid expenses, and but for certain sentimental notions it might have clone better still: Rather Fine.. This is the way the burning of a grocer's shop is recounted by a eon - temporary : The steam and hand engines rushed to the scene of the conflagration, bilt it was too late. The- flames enveloped the entire strutture, the Doric columns were tottering to their fall," the iron balconies were melting, the noble buttresses were a heap of reins, and the French plate glass in the magnificent windows was cracked and twisted by the fervent heat. The blaze roared through the halls, and the mauresque ceilings, the jewelled chandeliers, the purple velvet tapectry,1 succumbed to the furious element, and at last the roof fell in, the heavy walls fell out, and nothing was left of the majestic pile tait its ruins reniiiidine" the be- . holder of the ancient palaces that line the banks of, the Tigris, the Euphrates, or the Nile. — Sheep require abundance of fresh air, as in fact all stock do, but sheep especially. Close pens are very injurious, causing, first, run - rang at the nose and colds, which finally result in a'eott,s,"11 and inflam- _ illation of the lungs. The greatest need is to keep them chy under foot . and protected from now and rain etorms ; sheep will choose to lie oat 9 HURRAH_FOR 1872. , WM.. ATJLT, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, • THE OELEBEA ROYA WILL stand fo T 1872, common placesin tho OCILD Moienex mornin Murray's Ilotel„Se he 'will stay at M Tuesday. TUESDAY he will night at Dieon's TROTTrNG• STALLION, REVENGE, mares during the season Of lig 29th April, at the following Of Huron, viz.: , ho will leave his own stable, forth, and go to Clinton where Cutchoon's Hotel, until noon go to Brticefield, and remain all otel. WEnenesnet morining, he -will go to Rodgerville, where he wW stay Unetl noon and from thence to Exeter, at Drew's rfotie, remhning all night. TnunsnA.y he will return, stopping at Kippen for noon' and thenqe hi the afternoon to his own stable atMurray's Motel, Seaforth, where he will remain until Mouthy morning. Thie route will be continued until lat PEDIOREE.—lioyal Revenge was bred. by Mx. Weir, in the County of Welland, Ont., by -Old To- ronto Chief, he by Old Royal George; Royal Re - Tonga's dam by Harabletoniare Reiff half brother to Tom Jeffersen, the fastest trotting stallion in the lJnited States at the present day. Royal Re- venge stands 15.81 high'; is a beautiful rich bay with black points; weighs about 1450. Pnneonefeezats.—Wheni 4 yea -re old;he trotted at -Whitby, beating Battersby's "Billy Button," "Honest John," "Sam Patch" and others, winning the sixth heat and the race in 2:45. Has been standing for mares since, until last summer, when he was put into trainiug for throe weeks, and trotted at Hamilton, lapping Caledonia Chief, who won the heal in 2:39. He has proved himself the getter of trotters ; six of his colts have beaten 8 minutes, and three Of them better than 2:40. Tnners2—To insure, 15;$season, $10; single leap, $7; groom's foe, 50 cents. Insured mares to be paid lst February, 1878; season mares and eingle leaps to be paid at time of service. Maros from it distance can.lbe sent to Murray's Hotel, and will be provided with pasture or stabling at rea- sonable charges. All aceidents and escapes at the owner's risk. . A SILVER CuP of the value of $20 will be pre- sented to the owner of tile beet colt, and a silver cup of the value of owner of the sec° Revenge, and exhib South Huron Agrie, Seaforth in 1878. These prizes aro offered that the colts may be brought together, with a view to pur- chasing the best of them. • For further partieulare apply to j. & P. Murray, Seaforth. • I. • CHAS.. j. DOUGLAS, Proprietor, Oakridges P. 0. jOHIT SLITIrEEL NO, GIOOTO.. $10 will . be presented to the id -best pelt, -bred from Royal ted at the. Fall Show of the Mural Soeiety, to be hod in NEW PLOW:FACTORY IH SEAFORIE THE SUBSCRIBERS beg to inform the farmers , in the vicinity of Seaforth and the publics generally that they have opened a NEW PLOW FACTORY In the premises formerly occupied by D. Mc Naught, North of 3/array's Hotel, Main -street, Seaforth. }JAS ON ILeND a superior stock of FAMILY crROCERIES, embracing Teas of the best brands, Sugars, Raisins, etc. Also, Crockery and Glassware'and every other article usually kept in a first-class Grocery StoTe. PROVASIONS, Such as Flour, Oat and Corn -Meal; Potatoes, Pork, etc., also, every description of FEED, Such as Oats, Peas, Bran and Shorts, all of which will be mild cheaper than the cheapest. 1. FARM PRODUCE. The hnehest market price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. Remember the place, Main- street, East side, opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. 213 WM. AULT. HARNESS, HARNESS. _ Great Variety AT WILSON'S SEAFORTH. TRUNKS of all kinds, VALISES—not a fevr, WHIPS—of all sorts, COLLARS—all sine. • Brushes, Curry -Combs, Cards. All prices—from 10 cents up. Bens, BIa.nlrets, Circingles, Saddles, And in fact everything usually found. in a first- . I All kinds of Iron, and Wrought -beam, and Wooden: - Handled PLOWS Kept on hand 'and made to order. Having had long exzerience in this braneh of business, we feel confident wo will be able to tuna oat Plowof the above descriptions equal te those of nay other establishment in the Provincei and at prices to defy competition. REPAIRIAirG promptly attendect to. t MUNROE & HOGAN, 223-13 New Plow Factory, Seaforth. class Saddler's Shop, and ae prices extremely low. JAMES WILSON Takes this oppertwaity of thanking his n.urnerons Mends and customers for the liberal support ex- tended toward him for the past year and hopes by strict attention to business and manufacturing raollrnasgte-colaisths eraartiley.to merit a fair share, of th‘i Pat - Remember the Sign. of the 64 6oLDati sADDLE." 1115 WHO WANTS A GOOD SUBSTANTIAL WAGON, or a nice STYIJSH BUGGY? WILLIAM GRASSIE SEAFORTH, TTAS on hand and for sale a number of handsome `1-1- single and dnuble BUGGIES, all well finished and. manufactured of the very best material. Also, LUMBER WAGONS, Which, for excellonce of build, and ease in running cannot be surpassed by any manufacturer in the Prov ince. I • - A. few DEMOCRA.I<VAGONS on hand, and more making4 VirILLikef `GRASS sells as cheap as any other establishment in the County. BLIWKSMITHING And General xob Work attended to promptly. NOTICE. - NTOTICE is hereby given that the plootion of a -LI representative in the Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, fOr the second Territorial Division, constituted by Alia dot Vie. 82, Oap. 45 (Statutes of Ontario), 1vM be held on Wednesday, the 12th day of Juneext. There will 11 be no nominations. The votes ev'll be taken by "voting papers," which will be se t from this of- fice to each registered practitioner. The voting Papers will bo ppened by the Rau ning Officer of the Terrztoria Divieiori, on the dar above named, at the following place: 3elalahide tnd Tecurnseth, London. The name of the Rotiuxbing Officer will be fnrnished on a printed envelope to be enclosed to each practitioner. • MEDICAL REG-ISTEATIOIT 1. H. STRA.NGE, M. D., OFFICE, I Registrar of Connell. e Hamilton, May 6, 1872 281 -td EXECUTORS' -NOTICE. NoTIcE is hereby given to all parties having claims against the estate of the late George R. Ross, or the firm ef Wright & Ross, of Ainley- ville, in the County of Huron, to hand. the same to the undersigned Executors, or to Geo. II. Wright, on or before the let day of july next, as, after that date the affairs of the estate will be closed up and no fnrther claims paid. Also, rill parties indebted to the above estates, either by note or book account, are requested to , call and. settle the same forthwith. Payment of notes or accounte may be made to George H. Wright or to the undersigned executors. JOHN LECKIE, WM. GRAHAM, Executors. • JOHN FERGUSON, Ainleyville, April 24, 1872. Lots 104 and 105, Ainley'e Survey, in the village of Ainleyville, estate of the late George R. Ross, for sale. Terms, cash. 229 GET THE BEST. THE BLANCHARD CHURN, PORTER, BLANCHARD & SONS, Concord,. New Hampshire. This Churn i,s ,decidedly the best and cheapest that has ever been offered to the Canadian public. It churns rapidly, works easily, and makes the best butter. It is also simple and durable. • • FARMERS TRY ONE, NO SUIT NO SALE. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. TIED Half.Yearly Examination of Candidates for -1-Seeond and Third Class Certificates -will be held in. the Town. of Goderich, conimeneing On TUESDAY, 1.6th JULY NEXT, At 9 o'clock A. M. The Examination for First Class Certificates will be held in the same place, commencing On TUESDA.Y, 23d JULY, At 9 o'elock A. M., But all candidates for First Class Certificates who do not already possess Second Class Provincial Certificates will be roughed to first pass the Ex- amination for snoh Second Class Certificate. The Presiding Inspector, A. DEWAR, Esq., requests candidates to transmit to the Secretary, Goderich P. 0., notlater than the 25th of June next, a notice, stating the class of certificate for which he is a candidate., the description of Certifioate he already peasessee, if any, and mho furnish satisfactory proof of temperate habite, good moral character, and the number of years ho has eticcessfully taught school. • 11 11 does not work satisfactorily it can be re- turned. These Churns can be seen at any time at John- son Brothers' Hardware Store, Seaforth. 0. C. WILSON, 230 To Crickters and Base -Ball Players. CRICKET AND BASE BALL. Agricultural Implement Agent. CRICKET BATS, BAMS, GLOVES, , LEG' GUARDS, 'WICKETS. ALSO, Base Balls and Clubs For Men and Boys, AT R. LUMSDEN'S DRUG ,STORE- . SEAFORTH. PETER ADAMSON, Secy. Board Examiners. Goderisch, May 27,1872. 234-3 REMOVED. REMOVED. • M. ROBERTSON, - et -maker and Undertaker, HAS REMOVED his evare-roomsp JOHNSON'S OLD ,STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, When3 he has on hand a superior stock of Furni- ture of every description. CALL AND SEE IT. - UNDERTAKING. Having purchased Mr. Thomas Bell's HEARSE, lam prepared to -attend funerals on. the shortest netice, either in town or country. Collins, All Sizes, Kept constantly 031 band. ' Insolliet Act of 1869 In the matter of JOHN OBITS: an Insolvent. T TUN UNDERkGNED, Thomas Kidd, of the 'Al village of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Merchant, have been appointed Assignee in this matter. Creditors aro requested to file their claims be- fore me within one month. BOARDING. an TT COLLAD Y 1las leased the large d come -4--2,- modious house, on the 'Salt Works Grounds, adjoining the Railway Station, and has fitted it up as a boarding-house. Good table and comfortable rooms. Persons wishing a. pleasant boarding- house ehould atply, as there are at present a few vacanciee. Transient boarders neeemrnodated at less than hotel ros. .228 - - 1 i THOMAS KIDD, Assigur. Seaforth, May 9, 1872. 4 NEW STORE AT WALTON. THOMAS WILSON Has just opened out it new DRY GOODS, GROCERY AND LIQUOR, STORE IN TILE VILLAGE OI` WALTON, Where3 he intends to keep on hand the best qual- ity of &oils, which he will sell as low as any in the,business. He will be happy to be patronized by all residents in this locality. THOMAS WILSON. Walton, May 17, 1872. 232-4 „ Mg Rs COUNTER, Watchmaker and Jeweler Seaforth, - Has just received a large stock of F_Aa\Ts.. On hand, also, an Extensive Assortment of PIPES, Briax Root Pipes—the latest stylefi ate patterns; Yeerseinvam Pipes, &e. LATELY RECElne.rD, A LARGE STOCK Oi` RUSSEL WATCHES, Made expressly to order. Repairing, in all its branches, as usual. 3 Plain Questions and 3 Plain Answers. WHY do the people all go to DENT'S for Parasols? Because he sells the cheapest and. has tilit- T T greatest vaiety in town. Well do the people all go to DENT'S for Dress Goods and Fancy Dry Goods generally ? Because ho can show the largest and choicest lot 'West of Toronto. WHY ought the people all to go to DENT'S for anything they want in Staple or Fancy Dry Goodtte Millinery, &c,? Because he knows how to buy in order to get the best vAne-z, and as a consequence is enabled to give the best value. FLOUR! FLOUR! 500,000 lbs. of Butter, and 1,000,000 Doz. Eggs wanted, AT DENT'S CHEAP STORE, -SEAFORTH, 11AVING purchased and thoroughly refitted the TilillS formerly owned by the Messrs. SCOBIE, I am now prepared to iurnish FAMILY FLOUR, Second to NONE IN SEAFORTH, And tbet will Compare favorably with any iu the Do- . If you want A 1 FleOlglit, go to the following Dealers and ask for MARSTIALT,'S—Remeraber M.E.RS-RAT.Te'S FLOUR: W. SCOTT ROBERTSON, J. WHITESIDE, SIMON POWELL, .TOIIN CAVANAGH, Or at W. MARSHALL'S Mills. ,Orders left with W. S. ROBERTSON will be promptly attended to. Parties who wish to r Exchange Wheat for Flour, Are certain to receive proper quantity, and. an arti- cle that will defy competition. W. r MARSHALL. 18(1 -if DRUGS, DRUGS. 110-URIFY the Blood and Strengthen the System, to resist Summer Complaints and other Diseases, TYSII\TC4- Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Raclway's 'Sarsaparilla, Shoshonees Remedy, Syrup of Hypophosphites, Peruvian Syrup, Campbell's Cod Liver Oil, Allen's Lung Balsam,. Hyatt's Balsam of Life, Anti -Consumptive Syrup; Dandelion Remedy for Liver Complaint. For sale by R. LUMSDEN, lee Corner Drag Store, Seaforth.. SPRING GOODS. E. HICKSON & CO. are now receiving their new Spring Goods, the best assortmentever offered in Seaforth, mid with very - few exceptions, at Old Prices. Call at once and see, at HICKSoirs EMPORIUM: r. TORONTO MILLINERY. SPRING CIRCULAR NEW COODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, 4 ivrISS A. ERWIN wishes to announce that she bee received a very complete stock of New Millinery, which she will sell Veiy Low.. Miss Erwin has also still left a, small portion of former stocks, which she will sell at and under cost. READ THE FOLLOWING LIST OF PRICES. DRESS CAPS, LADIES' TRIMMED HATS, . 040 CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS,. 0 25 LADIES' TRIMMED BONNETS, ............ ... 1 00 And. other Goods proportionately cheap. The Stock is all new aud in good order. Also, on hand, a number of MADAME BRIGGS' IMPROVED DIAGRAM, FOR CUTTING LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES,. BASQUES, BOYS' COATS, ETC. Price for each Diagram, with full Instructions, $1. 50. UNDERCLOTHING, Of every description, kept constantly on hand. Kid Gloves and Ostrich Feathers cleaned and nende as goodas new for Fifteen Cents. STORES,—First door North of Fosmit's HOTEL, and centre store MeGEsieres" BLOCX, 6000114. door North of the Station. 4. A. ERWIN. STEWART, THOMPSON_ &00,s IS THE PLACE TO GET THE BEST VALUE AND LARGEST SELECTION OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, &e., IN AINLEYVILLE. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF , READY --MADE CLOT II I N FOR SPRING AND STIVMER, •••,. IMPORTEli DIRECT FROM ENGLAND, -Which will be sold 15 per cent. less than usual prin. AINLEYVILLE, May 22, 1872. • STEWART, THOMPSON