HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-06-07, Page 6• smissammasso rt THE HURON �APOS�i' Q�.. LL TThEAPERS & MOWERS. Doubts' as to tile- Lubbock- Theory. BY PROF.Ct. E. STOWS, C D.D. The theory of Sir John Lubbock understand to be this, to wit, that ali the races of men, even the earli- est and ,those who have made the greatest advances, were originally savages of the lowest grade, like the Digger Indians, and scarcely, not perceptibly, superior to the baboons ,and gorillas. How does this theory correspond with the well-known • facts of history l a The old Egyptians were one of the original races, and became one of the most civilized and most highly culti- vated. The remains and proofs of their civilization, being. constructed- of onstructedof materials in their naturealmost in/perishable, continue in. great abundance and' perfection to this day, in the •shape of temples and obelisks, sphinxes, pyrardids, •hieroglyphics, etc., etc. Now, if the Egyptians began as Digger Indians, and worked up to their ultimate civilization by the: Blow process, of natural develop went, always inhabiting the same }country and having thesame ma- terial to work upon, how happens it that we find no traces of this grade- al development in their works of art?, Why do we not find a rude, imperfectsphinx, rudely cut heiro gyP l hics, ll -proportioned and shape- • i less obelisks, clumsy stone structures like the Stonehenge in England ; and °thence progressive, gradual im- provement to the highest perfection of their art? Why. do not the re- mains of',their civilization indicate`a oprogressive history of civilization 1 This certainly is what we should naturally expect if the Lubbock theorybe true ; and it is certain that there are no traces of a progress fromthe lowest to the highest -in visa, we now find in Egvpt. . Again, we always find that a low Sir John - Lubbock'a and in much better -accordance with the actual facts of history, so far as the specula- tions of science apparently come . in conflict with _ the truth of, religion. There can be really no conflict .be tween the two. Whatever ap- pears to be such must be the result of misunderstanding, and not of ac- curate knowledge. I heard some men, the other day, who were going to a horse rade, dis- cussing the discrepancies between science and the Bible,, and one of them exclaimed, "Well, I'll bet, my money on the Bible, anyhow." So will I wheu,all is well understood. That discussion' much enlivened my idea of the extent to which free- dom of thought, or at least fceerlom of talk, has grown among, us. Very well, let us meet just here, where it is .Savage race, where it comes in con- tact with. a superior civilization, even if it- accepts the imported civi- lization, and lives. for a while under its influence, shows no capac- ity for permanent progressiveness, but gradually dies out, till no trace of it is left. Were the original savages of so different a nature from the -savages of modern times, that they had a susceptibility to indefi site improvement, while these .have_ `•♦ Silent Men. Washingtolrnever made a speech. In the zenith of his facie he - once attempted it, failed, and gave it up, confused. and abashed. In framing'. the constitution of the United States the labor was almost - wholly per- formed in committee of the whole, of which George .Washington was, day after clay, chairman, and he made but two speeches during the convention, of a few words each, something like one of 'Grant's speeches. The convention, however, acknowledged the master spirit, _and historians affirm that had it not been for his personal popularity and the thirty words of his first speech, pro- nouncing it the best that could be united upon, `the constitution would have been rejected by the people. Thomas Jefferson never" made. a speech. He couldn't do it.' _ Na- poleon, whose executive ability is almost without a parallel said that his greatest difficulty was in finding men of deeds rather than words. When asked how he maintained This influence over.Ms. superiors in age and experience when commander-in- chief of an army in Italy, he said, by reserve. The greatness of a man is 'not measured by the length of his speeches and their number.---Piila- delpi&'ia Ledger. so*► Neglected Opportunities. With all the characteristic energy of the people of this country, it' is a ! remarkable and lamentable fact that no such susceptibility l It so, then the children of those who have rais7 the ancient savages were not savages at all, as we.undetstand savagedom. The Bible theory -is the ieverse of Sir John Lubbock's. It- represents the original races as beginning with civilization. The first pair were. -horticulturists, and observers of -nature. They gave' names to the .inferior anneals; they. had a spiritual religion, and talked with •God. Their children and,grandchild- ren set up the worship of God ; they isvere farmers and shepherds ; they were miners --they -smelted iron and copper, and :wrought them into use- ful implements; ; the yy even cultiva,ed p the fine .arts, invented instruments of music, both stringed instrureu s and wind instruments,' and weije .never Digger Indians, nor anything of the kind. .I eacl the fourth chapter of Genesis, and.. then take a verse " 1' Dryden When Jubal struck the corded shell His listening brethren stood around ; .And, woncl'ring, on their faces fell To worship that celestial sound. Less than a God, they thought, there could not dwell. Within the hollow of that shell, That spoke -so sweetly and so well. I have no:obJ ection whatever . to the most thorough scientific investi- gation; I would.: not attempt to dis- turb any man in his• sttidies by throwing the Bible at his head ; but let us have 'well ascertained and clearly-defined facts, acid let us re- ,member everywhere and: always that a hypothesis in seienre _is no anore a..uthoritive than a specttiiation dr must �n theology. Scientific men m est be willing . to submit to as rigid tests as .those which they apply to theo- _l_ logians ; and when this is thorough ly clone, I thinkit will be found found that this generation is very much such an era iu science as the middle ages were in theology and that the theology of the• schoolmen ed themselves to social position and influence by their` personal efforts, almost invariably waste what their parents accu m ulated. With superior advantages and a bright prospect before them to occupy a higher place than :their prudent, persevertfig f:.thers, they fall by vice and dis- sipation into neglect and absolute nothingness. Neglected opportunities is the sin of those who imagine themselve something when, at the end of a useless life, they discover themselves to be nobodies. s It is natural for parents to hope, pray, and labor for their children; l . y� with an ambition to leave them use_ ful and, prominent among Hien. But necessity alone' develops 'power, and honest devotion in the steady pur- suit of reputation: above ;reproach, Secureswhat those who waste their o ,ori- unities never obtain—a good name;-- .a • a. Youn America in Bngland. The °London Tinzes closes a long tt t"'"°14, tcal co UQ CD p w 0 c� b 17 O O 0 CD cD C cg CD• • 0 .G' 0 rd t-� VL m m `Q) 0 0 article on the causes tf. English and American misunderstanding, by the following • solemn allusion to Miss Nellie Grant, who was just about that: time looking at the suit; of armor and the wooden horses in the Tower : " We welcome.. the visits of Americans, who, like the 'resi- dent's daughter, have the power of tina- better system ystem of 'mutual a up dei standin 0." Nov Nellie Grant, we understand, is -a bright little lady,- who, a few weeks ago, was a pupil in a Northern boarding - school, but, like most other bright erls -preferred to resign. the charms pf Gould �'and d' Brown and Greenleaf, oul }v t i"ke a trip to Europe. All 1}l -ie President's cllldi,ea are there ngw, and we have no reason to doubt represent- to the • � r re they willfai y p l the 'Youthful trailslfa,ntlG world and the science of thenineteenth Ameirca, that eternal e nl ma to the ' .century will be found to stand on very much the same footing ; that is to say, it will be found that the con- clusions have generally rim far be- yond theremises, and that the aI- eIeged fact' in all their length and breadth, have oftener been discarded by the imagination than by the per- _ ceptive faculties. I would not be impatient of in- vestigation, in any direction. Let every roan have full swing, and say out, unhindered, all that he has got to say. Noah could build . an immense ship that could float in safety,. heavily laclen, for twelve months, on a. shoeless ocemat His immedi- ate neighbors could burn brick and turn bitu.men into mortar, and con- struct a tower, imperishable as the primitive rocks, .and the remains of which will never be decomposed. I cannot help thinking that the Bible theory of the origin of civili- 241m s much more agreeable than European mind. But the Times' talk abut "the power of inaugurat- ing," &c., &c., is too ridiculous. Those slow fellows over there can - ;not be got to understaed that -a .President's children are not all princes and princesses.—Christian Union. MALCOM'S AT ECC DEPOT, BET SQUARE, SL-AFORTH. WE WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of the Farmers of the Counties of Huron and Perth Johnson. Self -Rabe Reaper, and to our Cayuga ` J r. Mower, For the Season of 1872. ear» one by,and would say we have made some We have introduced a few into your Counties s We received the valuable improvements for the coming FIRST PRIZE ON THE JOHNSTON SELF -RAKE BEAPER At the Provincial Exhibition in the Fail of 1870. The Johnston Machine was also Awarded the First Prize atKingstonof t371n 1871. Also, the First Prize at the Groat Reaper Trial at Paris In :the Harvest THE CAYUGA %JR. MOWER Was awarded the First Prize at the Paris oTrial.Trial owas held. under the auspices of the Pro- • UNE SUMMER L' 4 _ 70 9 .• The nb-Briber begs to inform the public that ho has greatly extended his premises and is pro - pared as hi horto to pay the highest price for any quantity of G t OD FRESH EGGS, Delivered -ash •l Brief Market Report.—New milk •'is unchanged ; brogans are heavy, but - dealers. generally are ficin ; . wheat is a grain. better than. oats ; wines and liquors generally have .a downward tendency ;" yeast - cakes are rising. . — The practiceof swindling emigrants by giving them; 20 -cent pieces' instead of 25 cents Is becoming very prevalentlin Montreal, and much indignation is ex- pressed by the public. On Saturday. afternoon while a man named Trayner, of St. Marys, was ex- amining the target on the Stratford rifle range, .it Jell upon him, so seriously in- juring hien that he .died from the effects' on Tuesday morning. Another man named Mcer ata was slightly Burt. t his place of business. No Market Fees on EGGS. l . MALCOM. Seaforih; March 25, 18'4 225 We can with all confidence recommef'd these two machines: to the public; knowing that they cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by any other. two Machines ramie in Canada. It is a source of much satisfaction to ns to now that emany of competing ing a betterManufacturers of edeothe superiority of our machines, and are willing to give us t turningout a superior class of work, as regards accuracy of fitting, eT aa�9 thof adjustment jjuT mentand and high degree of finish than is practiced by themselves. And whilePP we senti- ments which thus actuate them in giving an honest express on to forgeteir the coprinvictions, which cannot ,natehon- re- gret that there are others so lost to all sense of propriety ith then fellows, and have, for the sake of • t and upright men in their dealings and intercourse notoriety, resorted to the dishonest practice of REPAINT 0tour robbing use and noasmanufacture, s •t y gaining popularity of a • rep the name, and wehaventering acquiredtheat by yearsnoofThonest, honorable and patient toil, and which to of a reputation which have yeas us is of more value than any money consideration. good sense and such parties, as their, own It is needless for us to warn the farmers to beware of s .better judgment will. teach them that there is no safety in dealing with men who will descend; to such low trickery, in order to gain a selfish and mercenary end. Repairs for machines will at'all times be found at WM. ROBERTSON & CO.'S Hardware Store, Seaforth. 3. C. WOODS, General Travelling Agent. W. J. McCUTCHEON, Local Agent, Clinton.. WM. GRIEVE, Local .Agent, Seaforth, PATTERSON BRO., Patterson, Ont. MAY, 1872. G EMPORIUM. THE _ subscriber hereby thanks his numerous friends in, town and country for their liberal patronage during the past five years, and hopes. by strict attention to bnsiuese to merit their con- fidence and trade m the future. He also wishes ito a I nounee that he is still prepared to pay THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good. F R E}S H EGGS Delivered at the EgGG 'EMPORIUM, t11.1IiY STREET, SEAFORTII. 227 D. D. WILSON. CLINTON MUSIC EMPORIUIVI.. 282-18* WHO WANTS SEED POTATOES? STROKG- & FAIRLEY HAVE just received a largo quantity. of SEED POTATOES, OTATOES, of the best and earliest varieties, ouch Climax, :Excelsior, Prolific 11STlllard Seedling, PEEFLES, KING OF EARLIES, EARLY ROSE, And many other favorite varieties. Iii III`lllllilD'! ordi1 j IIllilf�i j lfl!11Id11111Ii1 , l 111ia.1.iI!t tI,i!s . I 1l i 1{3� t!,! s! I!! orirF, ' l 'I -!,11 ii FRANK PALTRIDGE, Agent for Seaforth and vicinity. . PAfTRIDGE, thoroughly understanding all kin of xeed instruments, the public can depend on ettinif any lana of instrument' of the best musical excellence and durability,—as fine and swe t as a flute, or as loud as ' 10,000 T$UNDERS. SHROUDS ! SHROUDS ! M. ROBERTSON, ' 0A_BINET MAKER AND UNDEF.TANER, Johlason's Old Stand,. Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortment of STt T 1:3S which he can Burnish cheaper than they can be got elsewhere. - 205 FAMILY CROCERIES1 . As usual, of -the choicest and nest quality. FOR GARDN DRS A quantity of Guano, and,Robiuson's Garden Manure. Call early and get the beat. ORANGES, ML ONS, and all kinds of Fruit kept in its Season, a STRONG & FAIRLEY'S Cheap Grocery and Seed Store, Main Street, Seaforth. ORINIIMMMI ANDERSON T. K. , MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTIIIER, MAIN ATTR, .ET, SEAIORTIL- SLMMER CLOTHING, SUMMER HATS, SITAMER CAPS.r. S MMER COLLARS AND TIES, -The best teas in the market are to be TEA , WILSON S Grocery, Seaforth.. found at CHARLES Good.: worth Young TrI sap at from 50 cts. to 7 0 cts � Hy son. 00. Tryit, and its qualities. from 75 cts, to $1prove Hotel -keepers O H TEL K'EEPE . TO Wines and Liquors, for the leastmoney, can find the best �W q ': opposite the at CHARLES WILSON'S Grocery, Man- sion Hotelr Seaforth. ALE.Carling's. Spencer's and. Dean's Ales, m —Carling's, - uarter-casks. at CHARLES casks half casks, and q , ' WILSON'S Grocery, Seaforth. Good inducements ndce ents given to the wholesale buyer. BUTTER AND EGGS. — Farmers can get a bet- ter market, and better value for their Butter and Eggs, at CHARLES WILSON'S, than at any other hoitse in Seaforth. verything else suitable for Summer wear in endless variety. The Victoria chemical Company, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the Cele- brated victoria Carbolic Prepnrations. Laboratory and Works, Vittoria Hall, Melinda Street, Toronto, Ont. The following Genuine Prepai-stions are sold by all Druggists_ Be sure and ask for the VXc ORI Pnn 1U.TIONS, curl see that you get them. Victoria Carbolated Glycerine Jelly. This JELLY is highly recommended to Ladies as ah most agreeable 1-acperation for the Toilet. For Beautifying, the Complexion, and rendering the Skin Soft, White, Clear, and free from Dryness, it is unrivalled. It will quickly remove all Redness, Roughness, Tan, Freckles, Pimples, and other im- perfections. ForChappedHands, Chilblains, Frost Bites Hud Sore Lips, it cannot be surpassed. Price 25 cents. Victoria Carbolic Toilet soap. This Tori.= SoAr possesses all the well -blown antiseptic and disinfecting properties of Carbolic, Acid is agreesbly scented, has a healthy action al; the skin, .devencs irritation, ren3ovds the effects of perspiration, and "should be re;uiarly tised by families- cholera, Smallpox and Fever Patients- shonid be washed with this Soap ; and rte use by persons liable to infection will materially prevent the spread of disease. price 15 emits per Tabidat- SEED POTATOES. S eed Potatoes- of the best Varieties on hand and for sale cheap.. Warranted to grow, and (not) bug -proof. PURCHASERS.—Remember CHARLES WIL SON'S, opposite the Mansion Hotel, Seaforth, is the lace. P_ MOULDING & PAPER. THr, undersigned has on hand a splendid lot of ROSEWOOD AND GILT MOTTLDING. Also, a Fine Lot of Straw WRAPPING PAPER, FOR SALE, CHEAP. Now is the time to buy as it is on the rise. C. ARMSTRONG. 221. • Main Street, Seaforth. ROOMS TO LET® po LET, in Scott's Block, two commodious Booms on the second flat. Apply to 1I5 McCAUGHEY & HoL , W. H. OL IVER SIGN OF THE uu A a) ce SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy harness, whips, bells, horse clothing, etc., kept constantly on hand. Repairingpromptly attended to, and charges moerate. Remember the place ! sign of the Scotch Collar, Main Street, Seaforth. 163tf W. 11. OLIVER. MAIN STREET, Victoria Carbolic Salve; - This SALVE is a rapid eure for all Skin Diseases, Cut;;, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Sores,.l,. icers,3 ing- w or3n, Tetter, Eczema, Scald Hued, ScurvF, A -ba, cense13, Boils, Pimples, &c. It possesses sill the cleansing and healing virtues of Carbolic Acid, which has been folund by Physicians everpwhere to'possess curativequalities not discovered. in any other chcrnieal preparation. Piiee'.25 cents. Victoria Carbone Gar• , arysma• This GABGLJ is the most reliable and efiicaciorts Remedy in all cases of Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Diptheria, Bronchitis, Irritation of the Bronchia - Tubes so -common in this changeable cli3fe " Asthaua, Offensive Breath, Clcexated -ti eras, and a11 .disaasos of the Mouth. For Public Speakers and Singers it is invaluable. The ingredients en - toting into this Gargle are used by all Physician$, and for the cure of the above "disorders are now, undoubtedly, the most popular in the. Aa.TB EIA MIn fes. Price 25 cents. • _ Victoria Carbolic Disinfectant This Da,iNr;;•:oTa.T is a sure preventive of Typhus and Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, Smallpox, and all hes fectious diseases. It -will prevent Contagion in Cattle. Itis also invaluable for Disinfecting 15'..41 - ter Closets, Drains, Cesspools, Staines, Slaughter- houses, d`.e,, and for destroying nauseous effluvia -a from. whatever cause raising. It 'will drw8 away Mosquitoes,' Moth.,, Plies, Cockroaches, &c. Meet,-' Fish Pte. can bepreserved from putrefaction tr ef acth on byits use. Carbolic Acid was selected by Her Maje tfiv Royal Commissioners, in ;preference to all products, as the beat Disinfectant for the preyen- tion of infectious diseases. Priee25 cents. nit+ and PGlisli>hig Paste-: Victoria Sharpe g This PuErAuATIo c is unequalled in its magi tY for ;sharpening and Polishing Cutlers. Table a - Pocket Knives Razors Surgical Int;tru meats, Shoe- makers' Iinives, Plane Bits and Chisels, &c..Soth- ing has ever been discovered whish has sprung into d:rity shoqu, or become of muchpopul-•slue in every re househoicklyld Hud-wori;shop general usefulness. Price 25 cents. 280 fsoor STOVES, TINWARE AND COAL OIL. MRS. WMITNEY has just received a large stock L of Cooking, Parlor nnii Bos Sto; es, of thae est manufacture, which she can sell as chelip in the trade. TINWARE, of every € eseri,,flon,; kept constantly en handand made to order. Also, Stove Pipes, Lave Trough, etc. Custom -work proniptly attend to, and outside work -will receive avers attention.de COQ O1lL. A large stock of the •very best Coal t?il kept coup scantly on hand, and will be sold wholesale " retail Remember the place, Carmichaei's Brock, Man street, Seaforth. Parties indebted by note or book account thre m' quested to settle immediately. r tts. Rags, wool -pickings, old iron, brass, copper, taken in exahauge for goons. Ingerso f ex+ a trade by strop s,.d option of the .litvh ha�3 lilt. in that brand it the French it as could be Oma& ian dair is fully exem which their cb jj b. market b. ,,r than the fi .satisfied that ,makers would rigs and. nlak1 would. lee a n' .aeopting stick forchi g butter .hc.rids would se instead of be'. .eel•'lars it would tory, where it .cared for by p in the ,:rade, own interests tions to,spur .Most of tIIIS -vt' Finest Norma Cle, per lb, ,ondon. marke Canadians se/ which ' would N rniandy .and the grow large Tux. Ent storedjiri j $c, Thhs sta bring the biusl Vcountry, if o Then such al not only impov .c'irectly intere at Targe Thr. owing to the r vogue of ma If this system batter -making; -erative branch' farmers to pa, for we can n.ei Lome or forei butter. Who; .entirely withot •even if it caul taking of it Large c One of the cconsider in Edi.; tie merit of would be the terest of the fa size to which what pays the vestment and common-sense We should no weighing less pounds. Hog not in so good and not so sal or 250 pounds market. We hogs for the weights in rr kif hogs . the: weights, with food than otlu breed we 01 Other breeds heavier. Ten not what will what will pad words, we vcl great thing to ber of pounds but on the col most profitab rented in eve: least cost i 1i A Descritl ate Mr. Greer which so um which- has bei gists of .75 ac lying along been bought the present between i • It was inferi the low land rest stony an_ .d eultivat original W.I. been exba throughout cases. Greet at considers t now worth tt :acre. Valu and hay haw and the reel cidedly the voted other Trees have numbers, so :supply of rained, the farin have Mr. Greeley) the farm hat late years it but for cert it night havi — Sheep fresh air, tls'; sheep espee very inj11ric "Aug at the finally result oration of tl need is to k and protect ,storms ; shei