HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-06-07, Page 5truNE 7,- 1872. meswessammesslimumlatooloommensweaseee„ tion of Section 63 -of the Uniork t was not necessary either te to the harsh step of disIllow- e act, or to amend the constitn„ This subsection, which seems ,e been entirely overlooked by etinister of Justice, gives the aim Parliament power to enact lid legislation in ease the con - ion has in anv way been over, ed by a Local Legislature. The ion then was, had the New wick Legislature transgressed mstitutian On this point Mr. 3- did not wish to give a dedded an, and he proposed that this au of Law Officers of the Crc-wn tgland be obtained on the point, - affirmative ansv,3-er was return- . 'Len clearly it would be the duty Dominion Parliament to enact ti remedied legislation as the spirit Le constitution required. -Mr. es suggestion was agreed to, the proposition that finally pass- - 'te, House was as follows 7, hat this House regrets that the )•1 Act recently passed iu New - swick ts unsatfactory to a portion, a inhabitants of that Province, eau" that it may be So ruoclified during - aext Session of the Legislature of Brunswick as to remove any lust ads of discontent that now exist ; rihat this House deems it ex.pedient the opinion of the Law Officers of :Frown in England, and, if possible, pinion of the Judicial Committee of ?rivy Council, should be obtained as te right of the New Brunswick Legis - :e• to make such changes in the i el Law as deprived the Roman Ca- s iqif the privileges they enjoyed at rime of the Union in respect of re- ts edneaeion in the Common School's, the View of ascertaining whether' case comes within the terms of the subsection of the 93rd. Clause of the ish North America Act, 1867, which Lorizes the Parliament of Canada to: t remedial Laws for the due execu- 'Of the provisions respecting educa- . in the saicl Act." Porriac. (0 EwS OF THE WEEK Vashint.,oton Treaty negotiations 'flat yet closed, and the prospect hat the treaty will fail. England l not accept the Supplementary ay as amended by the -United tes Senate. fames Gordon Bennett, peoprietor I founder of the New York ffera' • died on Saturday Iast, 1st June, ‘--el 77 years. Aarles Lever, the well-known crIish novelist7 died in Trieste, jai - '2- Gard year of his age. In the House of Lords, on Mon - the Marquis of Hartford in- .- ired whether it was true that the ad of the Grenadier Guards 'had Ella ordered to the United State% attend the Boston Julyilee. The arquis of Landsdowne replied that ch. orders had been issued with e sanction of the Queen and the )-raman der -in -Chief. The Duke of ichmond declared that a more -egular proceeding had never been nctioned. Earl Granville defend- . the act, saving it was proper to ow the good will of the country wards America while the Treaty as hanging in the balance. ussiaAustria, and other powers, sitniiar acts of courtesy, had done Le same. , The Grancl Lodge of Free Masons, • New York State, met Tuesday, L New York, Representatives were resent from the Grand Lodges of Iland Ireland Scotland, Prussia rigand, 1$ 'ermany, Hungary, Italy, Nova, coda, New- Brunswick, Canada, 1(1 every State and Territory of ie United States. The new con-- aution is to be acted_ on, also, Iteration of the present ritual bolishing all sectarian references. BI FOE& OLIJNS. --In Seaforth„ on Sunday, the 22m1 ult., the wife of Robert Coilina, ! of a SU- KaVENLOCIt.-in.-L4eKinop, On_ Sunday, the 22nd ult., the wife . of Andrevt Govealock, of a son. Foca:T.-At Varna,. on the 24th ult., the • wife of Mr. James Foote„ of a daugh- ter. ),Imsa.1‘.,r..--At Clifford, on. Wednesday', the 5th inst.,- the wife of R. EL Dick- son, Esq., of a daughter. ' MARRIAGES1E R&STALL.-Iu . r•mcardine, on the 29th ult., at the residence of the e bride's father, byll.'ev. Wm. Hayhurst, I Mr. J. J. Crabbe, of the 8-t. Marys Argus, to Miss Emily Pauline, eldest daughter of Win.. Rasta.11 Esq., Kin- • cardine. Kippen, on the 30th ult., by Rev. 3. S. Eakin, B. A., Mr. William Kirk, of TUseCtia COUTItYr I Michigan, U. 8., to Miss Elizabeth- ; Drysdale, of the Township of Stanley, County of Huron, Ont.. ' PnasiN-HosiKTars.--On Ma.v- 28th, in Mitchell, at the residence of the bride's - father, by Rev. Mr. Hawke, William Dinrtin, of Lumley, -to Miss Grace - Hoskins. DEATHS. iFoOTE-At Varna, on Wednesday, the- - 28th nit, Mary Jane, wife of James Foote, merchant, and only daughter of James Keys, Esq.,: of StanleY. aged 22 years. KE' --In Stanley, on the Oth nIt Alfred Edinund„ youngest son of ham Keys, oared two years two months a and 11 days. ""-a• MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. A GT.:NERAL MEETING of the members will a he held on MON SS antra 10, for the purivoau f• of revising the list of books about- to be purchasav 1- and selecting auch a list aa may fulfil the requt.rf i merit of the Government grant a sloo. I is PI- ticcurly dealt' that every raeMber should ettaltaa JUNE 7,1872. 4it,4449,9,•49.1444.•-49 ' THE HURON EXPOSITOR,. TilE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Jame 6, 1872. The market for the past week has been -tolerably brisk, and a vast amount of _produce of various kinds has found its way into our market. Wheat is in good aleino,ncl at old prices. A very large quantity, for this season of the year, has been purchased jwithin the past week. ,.Oats are dull and not much enquired for. Pototoes, also, are in poor demand; the -supply now seems to be considerably in excess ofthe demand. W ol is the great staple just now, awl. an 91 wise amount has been purchased. The quoted figures r °present the regialar market price, al- though in time of a "run" on the Market a higher fiaaire 'might be got. Several' days dunng this week, foe a short tune, as high. as 58 cents has been 'paid, but this can not be relied on. Farmers who have wool to sell should • bring it in at once, as the prices cannot long remain at such high figures. The outside figure which can be got for the article whole - NEW YORK HORSE MARKET. TussDAY,'Jurie 4, 1872. The horse trade his been character- ized by a very -fair, degree of activity. For business purposes heavy truck homes continue to sell at *firm prices, bringing an average of $250 to $350 per *head, while common draft 'horses--auch as are used for city railroad cars, stages, etc. -a --have somewhat cleclinta in value, the average per head being from $140. to $165. There has been a good demand for fine carriage horses; transactions ranged at from $1-,200 to $2,000 per pair. Sales of road horses have been less numerous, partly on .account of the present being the trotting season, which d:raws those intereste.d in speed out of town and part on account of several large sales of high bred steck held during the latter part of the 'week and the ,prospecta for the com- ing one. Five trotters, thrproperty of a private gentleman, were sold yesterday for $16,415, or an average of $3,283 per head. sale is 55 cents. We 'quote : rallwheat .. . ... .$1 85 to 1 88. .Spring Wheat. . • . • , 1 80 to -1 30 Barley. - • ............... ... . 0 50 to 0 52 •Oats........ ...... 0 88, to 0 88 " .. . . . .. .. . . .. 0 58'to 0 58 , 0 12.to 0 14 Eggs... - . ..... 0 11 to 011 Flour ..... ... 8 50 to 0 00 Potatoes ........ . . .. . . 0 30 to 0 35 ay • .12 00 to 14 00 5 00 to 750 Sheep Skins ... • 1 50 to 2 50 -Calf Skins, (veal) per lb., . -....... 0 10 to 0 10 salt (retail) per barrel........... 1 00 to 0 00 Beef.- ••• ...... .......... . . 0 06 to 0 08 Mutton .. . .. .. .......... 0 06 to. 008 Wool, .. . -.a 050 to 0 54 Dried, Pork -Bacon....:.......... 0 07 to 008 I Dried. Pork--Ifaxa 0 09 to 0 10 OLMTON, Tune 6, 1872 Fall Wheat. . . .$1 33.6 188 -Spring Wheat 1 23 6 1 30 Oats .... 0 88 ® 0 85 Barley-. . • , 0 50 6 0 50 Peas ....... .... 0 58 0 60 Butter... 0 14 6 0 14 Eggs . 0 11 011 Hay, per ton,.......... ........ 10 00 (2) 10 00 Wool, per lb . 0 53 0 55 Loi(noif,June 6, 1872. W11E...tr. hite, $1 37 to, $1 40; red, -$1 30, to 1 35 spring, $1 ,35 to $1 37, -oats, 33c to 3Lic ; barley, ,50c to 53c, hay $10 to 13;$wool, 55c to 61e. MONTREAL, june 5. WHoLss,.ths.-Flour-Receipts, 2,545 barrels; market dull and lower. No re- ported sales of extra or fancy. 100 - bar- rels ordinary super sold. at $6 15. Medimnistrong at $6 37i. Ordinary No. 2, offered at $5 75 to $5 80, and. fine $5 40 withoilt takers. 200 barrels choice No. 2 were placed, at $6. Wheat -No recent tiaaisactions. Peas -Quiet at 91c to 92c per 66 lbs. .TORONTO, June 6,' 1872... WITOLE'SALE. -English markets today showecta fall of ldm red wheat, of 3a. 111 corn, and of 6din peas. Flour, fancy $6 45 f o. c., and $6 35 at Rockwood. Extra held at $6 75. Wheat was very dull and prices very weak. The only sale reported was that of a car of No. 1 Treadwell at $1 45 on the track. No. 1 fall would not be likely to go above $1 55, or spring over $1 40 to $1 42. Oats at 41c. Barley at 65c f o. c. e RETAm.-Prices were rather lower. Fall sold at $1 50-;._ to $1 52; Treadwell at $1 '45 to $1 48, 'and. spring at $1 33 to $1 10. One load. of -oats sold. at 43c, ancl another:1. at 44c. About 200 •bushels of barley brought 62c. One load. of peas sold at 70e. Hay was very plentiful and. prices slightly lower, ranging from $18 to -$22. Wool -----Receipts to -clay were pretty. large and prices lower. One lot o4, 000 pounds sold at 53c., and several lots of .500 to 1,000 pounds at the same price. We believe that in one or two cases a little more was paid, but the general im- pression is that it will not be repeated. • BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. Thursday, June 6, 1872. The following 'shows the receipts and -shipments of live stock at the Cattle - Yards for the week thus far, beginning - with Sunday : , .Receipts. , Cattle, Sheep, Hoge, Horses. head. head. head. head. Sunday.... .. 833 .... 5,700 112 Monclay........2,499 1,000 4,800 64 Tuesday ... .....1,122 1,000'4 1,100 .... IMPORTANT SALE -OF- ILLA AND PARK LOTS, -AT--- INGHAM, -ON- , FRIDAY, 5TH JULY NEXT, AT TWO O'CLOCK P. M. TRAY OOLT. STRAYED fr m the proMises of the subscriber, about the la of May last, a black yearling COLT. - Any poison; returning the' said- Colt, or giving such infOrmation as will lead to ite recovery will be suitably rewarded. PATRICK 0 NEILL, 2854* Lot 14, Con. 1, lifeKillop. ST RAY E ID COLT. (NAME into the premises of the undersigned, 011 or about the Oth of May, a sorrel COLT, two years old. The owner is requested to prove pro- perty, pay charges andtake it away. • JOIThi HARRISON, 234-0 Lot 18, Coin 18, Howick. ah subseribers will offer for sitle about one P hundred Village and Park Lots, beautifully situ- ated on the rise of ground a short distance East of the principal street, • A MAP OF THE .PROPERTY _ Will be made' • ON THE FIFTEENTH OF ,JUNE, And can be seen at the Law Office of Total..a... -3,451 2,600 11,600 176 Same time last - week .........5,801 2,600 10,800 .... Shiintents. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Horses. olaead. head. heaii. head, Sunday._ ...... 731 800 3,600 128 Monday.- , 306 600 2,800 96 Tuesday........2,074 .... 2,200 16 Total 3,111 1,400 8,600 240 Same time last week .. 3,524 4,500 8,000 .... CATTLE. The receipts for to -day, inclnding re- ported arrivals, 1,122 head. The market, notwithstanding the drenching rain, opened. rimand active. The quality- of the stock was superior to that of last week, and. the transaetions were lively. Prices for good cattle were from to lc better than the same time last -week ; common sold. at about the Same rates, Sales comprise(' over 2,000 head. and all offerings on the market found ready pur- chasers. Some of the leading transac- tions were as follows No. of Average Weight. Price. 1119 $6 00 1033 575 1102494 6 8 0 0. . 600 J. M. LEET ESQ., WINGtilA M. Intending purchasers in Wingham will do well to take advantage of tale sale,' as this property is debidedly the st situated of any within miles of Wingham, STRAYED COLTS. STRAYED from the premises of the nubscriber, , Lot No. 86, Third Concession, Tnekersraith, L. R. S., on or about the 24th bf April last, TWO COLTS, one two years old and the other a year old past; the two-year old is all bay, with a heavy black mime and tail; the year old iS of black color, with two white hind legs, and part of the off fore leg white, also a white, star on forehead, with a heavy IMMO parted in the centre. Any person giving such information as will load to the recovery of the above will be suitably re warded. JOHN COLDWELL, Brucefiehl P. 0. Tuelioremith, May 29, 1872'. 2344* Head. 96 Ill. steers 17 " : " 17 " 18 " 4 • FOR PRIVATE RESIVENCES Most of the Village Lots will be WITHIN FORTY RODS :OF THE PRINCIPAL STREET,. And overlookiug it at an elevation of twenty-five or thirty feet. N. B. ----THE CONDITIONS OF TB& SALE ARE HORSES STRAYED. STRAIT iD from Lot 10, Fourth Concession of Hallett., on Saturday evening, May 18, a span of Working HORSES; they are dark brown ha col- or; one a little smaller than the other; ono has one white hind foot; the other a white star en his face. Information. respecting them will be mita ably rewarded by WILLIAM BURNS, 233-4 Clinton P.O. c Ono -third cash down on day of Saln, and. the bal- ance the First of November, 1873, with interest at 6 per cent. A discount of 10 per cent. on two- thirds of the purchase money will be made to parties paying all cash. a The vendors reserve one bid. Further particulars may be obtained from 102 1247 p. t. 109 " " 1239 - 6 80 110 Ohio, " 1234 6 75 . And 23 others. SHEEP. - Receipts to -day, including reported . rivals, 1,000 head. The market has not yet opened for toe week; but few iota in the pens. Quotations norninaL Twos. Dull. Receipts to -day 1,000 head, with 12 to 15 car loads on the market. No sales worth recording, Prices may be_quoted at $4 to $4. 25. 'The receipts of live stock by the L. 8. & M. S. Railway for the month of May foot up 2,324 cars of cattle, 196 cars of .sheep, 806 cars °flogs and. 162 gars of -horses. GOLD. -The price of Gold in New York is quoted at 1142- to 1141. Or G. W. TRUENIAN, Auctioneer, Goderich. J. M. LEET, Wingham. GEORGE McKAY, • Eat Wawansah. Wingham, June 6, 1872. 285 -td ' FARM FOR SALE IN MoHILLOF. VOR. SALE, Lot 18, Twelfth Concession, McKil- -I: lop, consisting of 100 acres; 35 to 45 acres clear- ed; good hard -wood; good running creek on front of farm; 13i miles from Soaforth, 4 miles fronirWalton; a mile and a half from gravel road. Terns easy. For further particulars apply to • THOMAS WALLACE, 285-4* Westfield P.O., West Wawanosh T'p. GIRL WANTED. WANTED, immediately, a good GIRL,' to do " general housework. Apply at the ExPosrroa Office. Seaforth. 234 FARM FOR SALE. 8• OUTH RALF of the South half of Lot No. 24, : Fifth Concession of the township of Morris, containing 50 acres, 35 cloand ; well watered by a spring oreelt; good log house and frame stable. The above ferm is only a mile and a half on a good roast from the Tieing village of Ainleyville, where a station of t e Welltugton, Grey and Bruce Rail- way will be penekthis fall. For price and terms inquire (if b letter, prepaid) cif C. 11. COOPER, 885 Ainleyville Land Agency, Dingle P. 0. THOMSON & WILLIAMS' Agricultural Implements and Engine Works Oiarr_ ; .-:. • • " - aaara. aza-a‘aa- aa'ar,--"a--"alaaaa IARM FOR SALE: FS.Arile, one hundred acres of land, being -12 part of 1Lot 27, Fifth Concession of Tucker - smith, L. It. S., seventy acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation, thirty acres bush; hewn log barn, frame driving house, stable, sheep - house and sheds; a good spring -creek in the front of the lot, ancka spring in the rear; as good land. as any in the township; four miles ancl a half from Seaforth, three from Brucefiold. Terms. ene-third, cash, the remainder in yearly instalments. Apply on the premises to ALEX. MeCAA, 232-4* Brncefield P.O. Iodized iDod Liver Oil. THIS Preparation is a solution of Iodide of Iron In perfectly_pure Cod Liter Oil. It may be used in all cases where the simple Oil is ordered, and will be found greatly superior to it. This preparation is highly beneficial in Pulmonary Con- sumption, Scrofulous Complaints, phronic Skin Diseased, and. for all chronic disorders arising from defective digestion assinailation or nutrition. It is otri alae.o. hipghlee$ y useful in Rhouinatisra and sa Compound Syrup of dffnmphomphitem. THIS is an agreeable Preparation containing the Hypophosphitea of Lime, Sohn, Potash and -Iron, with free Hypophosphorous Acid. This Syrup is a certain remedy for General Debility, from any cause, Nervous Diseases and. Scrofulous Complaints. It is also highly useful in diseases of the bones (especially in infiuits) and Incipient Consumption. Price $1. The above Preparations are of standard medical reputation, and containing no 'secret ingredients, may be prescribed by physicians without hesita- tion. Prepared by JOHN WILLIAMS, London, Ontario. For sale by -R. Lumsden, Seaforth; J.R. Grant, Ainleyville; G. A. Powell, Wroxeter, and Druggists generally. • • • 235 Insolvent .Act of 1869 In the mattex of WILLIAM SPURR & SON In solvents. T THE undersig,ned, THOS. CHURCHER, have been appointed Assignee in this matter, and require claims to be filed with me within on month from this date. THOMAS C111711CHER, Official Assignee. London, Ont., June 3rd 1872. 235-4 FARM FOR SALE IN GREY. LOT No 5, Concession 15, township of Grey, con- taining ninety-six acres; seventy acres cleared. Apply to • M. MeDERMID, Harpurhoy. Or to JOHN SIT.T.ERS, Grey. 232 FARM FOR SALE. NORTH RALF Lot 5, Seventh Concession, Turnberiy, consisting of 50 acres of choice -wheat-growing land; 35 acres cleared; frame barn and good. log house; a good orchard, jut cora- meneing tabear about 4 acres of the uncleared land consist e of good pine and. cedar, the reraain- der is good hardwood land; there is a steam saw- mill on the next lot. There are also 37 acres for sale on a lotiadjoining the above farm. T01111S- Two-thirds alash, 'balance on time. At) ly on premises to 229-8e THOMAS & T. LIST OF LETTERS 'REMAINING uncalled for on 5th JUNE, 1871 -1-"" Ball, II. W. Leine, Jr., Wm. 131air, James. Mudge, R. C. Baxter, Mrs. M. A. Morrison, M Ballentine; Robt.. McNaughton, Mies M. Campbell, A. McLean, Daniel. MeSpaddcan Mrs. H. Beniamaine, N. S. Connoley, Jos. McDonald, A. Cokes, 3. Cox, W. T. Clendining, Miss M. Cooper, S.B. _ Curtin, W. R. Christy, Peter. Daly Robb. Duncan, Wm Ellis Miss Jane. . - Elliat, W. J. Edgvrorth, Thos. 1E1 -Egon, L. _ Genie, John. • Grant, Hugh. Garvey, Patrick. Goldio, Rev. Mr. Grant, D. Johnston, Mrs -L. 13. Jarvis, L. Jones, Jas. MeLymont, Miss M. McGamegall, Robb. McDenaldaA. Walter. Pickford, C. -Potts, Geo. Robertson, W. M. Robison, Miss Jane. Reynolds, Alex. Stalker & Robertson. Stafford, Jas.' Snarling, 3-09. Stonehouse, Edward. Stephens Mrs. C. Taylor, Geo. Taylor Robt. Tait, lkirs. Geo. Willowby, Mrs. Watson, Miss Jane. • Williaxas, Jno. S. Williams, C S. DICKSON, P. 1!.,Seaforh. 4,41 )1, t,,, • at. • , V.4 s Johnson's Self -Raking Single Reaper. E recommend the above celebrated self -raking Reaper and the CAYUGA CHIEF, Tn., MOWER, as the best harvesting machines now manufactured. We guarantee these two single machines, costing but $200, to outwear any two combined nutehines, costing $300, and with less than one quarter the cost in repairs. We also stuuantee each machine to do its work better, faster, and. laith much lighter draught, than any combined machine. These two machines have not only a perfect lifting ap- paratus ior the .table and bar, but have also the only perfect tilting table and bar. We offei any trial the purchaser may desire of either or both these machines. We also build the Ohio Combined _Machine, with J07171807e 8 Self -Rake Which vre guarantee equal to the best combined machines made in Canada, and we offer a trial to in- tending purchaeors. We also build Two -horse Wood Sawing Machines, and all kinds of agricultural implements, and machinery for mine and factories. Steam engines a speciality. Addrees THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, Ontario. FAR FOR SALE IN MORRIS. • VOR Sale, ot No. 29, Con. 7, township of Morris, containi g 100 acres, 70 of which are cleared and _in a sta e'of good cultivation. .The whole is. well fenced'. There are on the pronifiles a good frame barn and hewed. log -house, also, tato wells and a young bearing orchard. This farra is within one mile of inleyviilc, a thriving village, where a station of the Wellinglon, Grey and Brace Railway will von be located, also the breadth of a lot from the Northern.Gravel Road, For particulars apply to the Propricter. SAMUEL WALTZER, Wroxeter. Or to C. R. COOPEB, ° Land Agent, Dingle P. 0. - 280-12c FARM FOR SALE. V.A.1111 of 182 Acres for Sale, 20 acres in weeds, au good land and good buildings. Six mile's from Clinton and si from Bayfield. 224 ALFRED STONEHOUSE. HOTEL FOR SAI th IN AINLEYVILLE. ralla.te Hotel at present occupied by James Leon- at- ard, will be sold cheap for cash. Buildings all new. Possession giaeu immediately. ' Apply toJ. LECKIE. Ainlayville, May 23, 1872. .243 285 Te RENT IN AINLEYVILLE. A FIRS -CLASS Stoxe in the rising village of -"- Ainleyville, whith ls situated on the Southern Branch of the 'Wellington, Grey and Bruce Rail- way, which will be opened to Ainleyville this Fall. The above store is built of brick, with a dwelling above of seven good rooms. Tho shop below is well finished, with an office end two store-roomsa The above property -will be leased for one or more years. Foe further particulars, apply (if by letter post-paid) to C. R. COOPER, Ainleyville Land. Agency Office, , 2324 Dingle P.O. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. VOR SALE, the house and lot in Egraondville, -I- near Rev. Mr. Graham's Chureh, formerly occu- pied by -Mr. William Gerrond; the house is log, but is, well -finished and has good acconanode don ; the lot consists of half an acre, on which is a large nmnber of fruit trees, /currant bushes, &c. A never -failing spring well on the premises and con- venient to the house. For terms and further par- ticelars, apply to 232-4 'MRS. GERROND, on the premises. FARM & VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. VOR SALE, on reasonable terms, a Farm, being Lot No, 17, in the Eleventh Concession of Mc- Rillop. Also. several eligible building lots in the village of Seaforth. Apply B y t 228 9EATTIE, Seaforth. COTTAGE FOR SALE IN EGMONDVILLE. VOR E ALE, ()HEAP, a desirable brick cottage, -a-- in Eglondville, about fiveanainutes' walk from Seaforth ailway Station ;contiains four rooms and a kitchen; a good well and -all other conve- niences; also, a good garden containing bearing fruit-treel.l Terms easy. Apply at Exeosrron Office, Sei4orth, or to the undersigned. 229 G. & H. JACKSON, Egmondville. INLEYVILLE LAND AGENCY. Twra Subscriber having established an Agency for the Sale of Farm and \Tillage Lots, which he will advertise (weekly) and Elell on Commission. Tnnats of Commission or any partioularS con- eerning lots advertised will be made known on application, if by letter prepaid, and enclbsing stamp, addretised c. COOPER, Dingle P. 0. MEM•••••••11111. FOR SALE. CALL AND GET SOME OF LAIDLAW'S 50 0 E 1T FT T Equal to any 75 cent Tea in Town. Great Inducements to Parties Buying a Quantity. ta- Try his FRESII GROUND COFFEE. J. C. LAIDLAW. • LEE & SWITZER. GROCERY DEPpiRTMENT. Best Teas, Tobaccos, Canned Fruit, CANNED FISH PICKLES, RAISINS, PRUNES' COFFEE, SOAP, S. of S. 4ofLot 24, Con. 5, Morris; 50 acres; 2 miles from Ainleyville. -- Village Lots64 and 65 Ainleyville, (Morris.) lotNos. 44 and 89 Ainleyville, (Morris;) large frame cottage and frame syable. . Lot 22, Con. 4, N. 4, Morris; 100 ali-es 50 cleared; log house; 2 miles ciff gravel rpad. Lot 29, Con. 7, N. 4, Morns; 100 acres, 60 cleared; good log house and frame barn. Lots 2 and 3, West side of Howick-street, Wrox-- - eter, icontaining 1/ acres of land; two new frama houses ; stables, &c. Village 1Lots 49 and 50, Ainleyville, with good frame hotiee and. stable, and log tannery in good working order. Lot 26, Con. 8, 8. Morris, 100 acres, 60 bleared. frame barn, log -house, good bearing orchard. Village Lots, 212, 218, 221, Ainleyville, (Grey.) Store, Storehouse and Steble, 1 acre si of Land with orch d; etc., in tillage of Cranbrook. - C. It. Di4giCOOPER,o 224 P. 0. , • -CURRANTS, SPICES, -1 COCOA, STARCH, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, &c.,,.&c., NEW AND -FRESH AT THE LOWEST PRICE FOR CASH, AND ONLY ONE PRICE. LEE & SWITZER, Main street, Seaforth. MILLINERY AND MANTLES, T. KIDD'S EMPORIUM. A large and choiee lot of • TRIMMED HATS, SILK MANTLES, STRIPED OTTOMAN SHAWLS. CkL-1-4 AND E7aNTINE. THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT IS NOW COMPLETE. • ' FANCY TWEEDS, FANCY COATINGS, BLACK BROADCLOTETS AND DOES KINS GOOD FITS GUARANTEED. SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES OUR MOTTOE. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. THOS. KIDD, SEAFORTH. IIMM1111494 IM444111. +NEW DANIEL MeG:REGOR, Bookbinder, Harpurhey, Seaforth, TTAS just received e Stock of the materials used. in the buein and is now fully prepar- ed to execute, on le ktiortest notice and in the latest styles, all ord he may be fivoured with. All communications Tddxesscd to the undersign: ed, will receive prompt attention. DANIEL MeGREGOR, Seaforth, (Harpurhey.) NOSNHOP to 0 Fin • •tt: can Cf2 1-o )mit eic+- tin+ e• Fowl - ,szmatima GNV S3C1VdS 0 I]LLa•o ROIs ..'4111/MONVH SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. ACRICULTURAL SEED STORE. (ESTABLISITPD 1858.) SEARLE & DAVIS- -REG to inform t13. -e Agriculturists of Huron that they have just received a large lot of FIELD AND CARDEN SEEDS. And, as it is the opinion of the best farmers thit Seeds should be sown in a different soil and. local- ity from that in which they linve groan, they have imported their Clover from the Southern part of Canada, Thnothy from the Western States, Car- rots and Turnips and Garden Seeds from England and France. Seeds all fresh and of last season. Those wishing old seed can have it at half price. A LARGE ST0011 OF Clover, .Als.ke Cl7ver, Tinwtky and Flax Seed, Tares, Ilungariav Grass, Buckwheat, • Jirct I? yel, Field Carrot. All kinds of clean seed. bottglit. A. few choice Early Seed Potatees and Top Onions wanted. Sugar Kettles and Sap Sriles in Great Abundance. Cheap Steel Plows, Gang Plows, Paints, Oils and Tinware. 2,000 Gallons Goal Oil, 'Wholesale sad Retail, at low priee. SEARLE & DAVIS, 225-13 .01,17.4TON. Divisions Courts ---1872. Division Courts will be held as follows: *INGRAM, .Wednesday, 10th Jaly. WROXETER, Tuesday, 23rd " stApeirrn Wednesday, 24th " EXETER, Thursday, 25th " CLINTON, :Friday, . ' 26th " DUNGANNON, , •Saturday, 8ird Aug. B avrann, . Monday, 5th " GODEItICII, Wednesday, 7th " The Comte open at 10 o'clock, a. m.; each day. II. MUSTARD'S KING OF OILS, The best external rem- edy for Rheumatism, ..Sprains, `Wounds, 3301.28 - • es and every conceivable laka` sore, -old or new. Give it ,`•`aies•a.'.aa trial Also, try the -a • •,1 , PAIN- VICTOR I\ • ; 1 For all internal .pains, &ca and if you want a genuine at' VEGETA-ME PILL VAVi' / To remave all obstrtie- 'qtii*/ ;4'a tions of the Liver, Stom- ach and Bowels, Dyspepsia, Headache, Costiveness, &c.., try Mustard's Anti-Bllions Pills, Or if you require a safe and sure remedy for Worms USE 'MUSTARD'S DOMINION worm CANDY: If you have Catarrh, Cold in the Head, Neuralgia, or Nervous Headache, use 3-fmtardis Catarrh Speeifle, Which win scoff° relief at once. Full directions aeconapany each of the above preparations. Sold by druggists and dealers in naedicine generally. Manufactexed by 284-26 ' H. MUSTARD, Ingersoll, Ont. THE AGRICULTURAL tilLITUAL - ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. READ OFFICE, LONDON, ONT. Licensed by the Domirion Government. CAPITAL,, FIRST OF IAN-UARY„ 1871, $31,242 25. Cash and Cash Items, $72,289 55. This Company eontinues to gmw in the publie confidenee. On the let Jemmy, 1871, it had in force 34,528 Policies, having, during the a -ear 1870, issued the innnense Lumber of 12,319 Polities, \ 1. Farmers patronize y•our own Canattars' Company that Ilse done such good service amongst you. For Insuranee apply to CHARLES MORROW, 203 Agent -Clinton P. O.