HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-06-07, Page 3fl" JUNE 7, 1872. 1-1ILLIS Iritannia ilo OPPOSITE KNOX'S HOTEL,. A FULL STO 'krey Cottons, Grey Sheetings, White Cottons, • White Sheeti ;tripe Shirtings, Check Shirtings, Jeans, Prints, Gi,nghants, K. OF GOODS. In Plain anti Figured 'CK AND .LITSTRE BROCADES,: SATTE E NSt Muslin STRIPE POPLINS, BROCADE POPLINS, Black and Colored Silks. .HE "YcKoHA Costume Cloths in. colors. A good assortment of Fancy Goods, Ribb011S, - Laces, Veils, Gloves, _Hosiery, I Parasols, Ties, Collars, Chemisettes; Sewed Muslins. Or s, ad str :or THE MILUNERY ENT, (Under the eharge of Miss Btent, from Mr. las Fay'ss Toronto,) is especially attractive, being supplied with_ stock of the latest styles, spittle utmost attention nosy be relied on in filling ordrkt The 'Persian Stripe Shawl" And the newest patterna in 1.1(g. • CLOTH- & VELVETEEN MANTLES. • The aappiy of Cloths azta Tweeds is large,' aid *11 otdera for elotlaing will he satisfactorilly Mums The Inuit], assortment in E TS' FURNISHINGS Of Marta, Draw, Ties, Caere, Fronts, mate Regime., eta. Et S I Felt, Cloth, Silk, Straw, Leghorn and Fool* Caps in'Cloth, Oil, Bilk, eta. EADY -MADE CLOTHING-. BOOTS AND SPIGES. A good supply of Groceries ewftr!. co balla" Special value in. Teas will be given. A geed stook, -1 to choose front, gooci value for the meneis 6°1Aw ' masked in plain figures, and only one price, all : the priwiples closely adbe..red. txt F 1 HLLS BRITANNIA HOUSL ••••••,-r • JprE 7, 1872., - 1 • , THE HURO G.A.IrtIES. '. Can, a little girl weetioing be called ' criesis i - ' --In what suit does a man neVer eel comfortable 3 In a law-euit. —When doee a man sneeze three times? When he can't hap it. , —" No wegeutlemen," said a pe- - ripatetic lecturer to a 'somewhat , 'noisy crowd who hafi gathered at •ime of his seances in an Eastern vil- lage, "bow would you like a good - blackguard -tory-1" , Nine -tenths of the dexter paws present instantly went up, and there was a sudden 'hush of all noisy, demonstrations. , The lecturer went on with his or- iginal. subject for a few minutes, When some incautious individual broke out with; " Say, where's. that Beery 1,'' "Bless you, was the reply, "1 did not intend to tell you any such story, I only. vitiated, to. know how many - blackguards were present?' You m-ight hare heat'd a • 'An drop any time during the lecture after that. -- A certain presiding elder, who was noted Tor beingseldom up to time, seldom very •animated, and seldom very brief, once kept a con- gregation waiting a long time for kid appearance, and whenat le* he did come,- he preached , a vett prosy. sermon of unusual length, on the text, "Feed my lambs." He had not yet finished when that original tild minister known as "Camp meet- ing John," rose from a seat in the congregation, -and said—" Brother, 1 have had some experience in 'rais- ing lambs myself, and I have .found that the .collowing rues are absolute- ly essential to successful lamb rais- ing :--First, give them their feed in ieason ; second, give them a little ata time ; and third, give it to them IV:tern:17:R TSHIP. --..—ITWRS a carm still nite in Joon. All nater was husht snd nary zeifer disturbed the sereen Iiilens. I sot with Betsey Jane on the Muse- of her father's pastur. Iii'Vsee'd been rom pin threw the woods, iullin fiowers '-cii driviu the wood: chuck from his Nativ .Lair (so to speak) with long sticks. Wall we • set thar on the fense, a swingin our feet two and , fro, blushiu- as red as the Baldinsville skool house when it was,fust painted, and lookia very simple, I make no dotibt. My left arm Was ockepied in ballunsin my- self on the felase, while my rite was woundid luvinly round her waste. ' 1 cleared my threat and tremblin- ly sed, "Betsy, yolfee a Gazelle:" 1 thOughtc-that air putty fine. I waited to see what effeck it' would bay upon her It evidently , didn't fetch her, forsheup and Sed. "You're atsheep 1" Sez I, "Betsy, I think very much- . ly of you." • "1• don't b'leave a word you say —so there now cum I" •with which observashun she hitched away from • me. , "I wish ther wer winders, to my Sole," sed 1, "so that youecouldIee some of my- feelins. There's fire snuff in here,"„ sez I, strikin my • buzzum with my fisc, ".to bile all • the corn beef and turuips in the na- berhood. Versoovius and the Crit: t ter ain't a Circurristans. 3 She bcvid her hed down and com- ment chawin the strings tor...her sun, bonnet ' "Ar could you know the• sleeplis • mites I worry threw with on your .account, how yittleshas seized to be :attractiv•',-,o 'me, & how my linas has shrunk up, you wouldn't • dowt me. •Gase on this a -actin form and these 'ere sanken cheeks—" , • I should have continnerecl on this • strane probly for sum' time, but un-. fortnitly I lost my ballunse and fell over into the pastur ' ker smash, tearin my Close ad seveerly'darnag- • -in myself einerally. • Betsy:Jane sprung to my assist- ance in dubble quick time and drag- ged me lth: r Theu drawin herself up to her full hite she sed .. "I won't listen to your Inoncents no longer. Jes say rit strate out what you're driven at. ' ,c f you mean gettin hitched, I'M 1N !" I considered that air eraiff foral • practical purposscs, and we proceed- -ed ilninejitly ta the parsons SZ; 'was made 1 that very•niteif weep. I ' BRIEF NOTES. This pictuai is to be shown fOr a few days, in the painter's studio in Paris, arid to be sent to London for public exhibition. , ' — A French geographersays that • certain cif the islands of the, Pacific constitute a peculiar; - prinacIrclial white raee resembling the Caucasian type, sad c'haraeterized by oval faces, straight' or aqualine.noses, arid. thick sleek hair. This race is represented by the native inhabitants of Borneo, Sumatra, Limon, F6rniosti; and the islands of the South ' Pacific. He proposes that it should be named the Oceanian race, because of its in- sular origiee • ' • — A_ gentleman in New. Yolk gave a. letter of introduction to a student ofmusie about to visit Le- ipsic, who wished to put himself un- der the instruction • of Professor , a famous teacher of music in the latter oity, Upon the stu- dent's return home, the gentleman asked: "]{ow did you like Pro- fessor --t ?" " Ohetfonclerfully. He gave me fine Iessorei ; but he is. a :very singular .man. He kept praying all the time- he was teaching me." , " Praying'? Why, how do you mea.n I" "Well, while ,I was , playing, be clasped his bands, lifted his eyes to the ceiling, and kept say- ing, "Good Lord, what sin have I committed, to deserve this punish- ment 1."—Sintilibus. • --- Some years ago, when mock -- auctions 'were so con-imon in New - York, a gentleman entered one of these establishments, and soon be- came interested in th ' efforts of the. • assembled crowd te..ou bid each oth- er for the possession( of the bras's watches and, bogus jewelry offered for sale. One person, an old coun- tryman, with a long overcoat and a floor at his eet chewing a rubber. rattle. Theintant's head was badly cut, and in the excitement which followed, another young -Purcell managed to tap over the solder, and catch about ti spoonful of it in his little shoe, and added his lusty Yells to the fan3ily chorus. The unhappy Purcell tied up his finger, put stick- • ing plaster on the baby's head, plas- teted ointment on the boy'sfoot, and left the tea -kettle at the,tin shop on his way to the doctor's. v=irtfrISHVISZNEtaliiaareafgaMei AINLEYVILLE PLANING MILL, SASH; D001 AND ai.IND FACTORY white hat, was more anxione than eny of the- other bidders to obtain a geed bargain., Pitying the ignorance of the poor old fellew, a • gentleman stepped up: to him and, informed him. of the Character of the goods, and of the manner in which the sale was conducted, by means of con- federates employed to bid up the goods. But, like most persons who , lope- to get much for little, the old man refused to -he advised, and con- tinued his bids. Ourfriend, how- ever, did not weary in well:doing, and repeated several times his ad- vice and- Warning. Ab last the old fellow seemed to tire of his adrneni- tions, and taking him to one side, whispered "Young man, you might as well keep yoer mouth shut. I'm the proprietor of this place." The gentleman left the spot, inter- nally Vowing that he would never again interfere witir the fleecing of ct countrymare—Hearth, and Hon,ze. --- A gang of Qhinese laborers in Lonisia,na, who bad taken umbrage at the conduct of the negro overseer, surprised their 'employer one morn- ing .recently by marching in solemn file up to his mansion, bearing on theirshoulders a dark object. This preyed to. be the-obrioxiops foreman, securely bound • with nany cords, whom they deposited on .the piazza, nearly frightened to death, with the', words, "Too mucbee niggab, too muchee." • - -- A touching incident is reported from Chattanooga:. An -utter stran- ger called on a respectable farmer last week, and asked him if his house had not been robbed' d tiring the war. ; The farmer replied that it had. "I, " said the strange', was 'one of a marauding party that took it. • I took a little silver locket." "That locket," said the farmer, bursting into tears, "had been worn by my dear, dead child, " "Here it i," replied the stranger, visibly affected ; "1 am rich ; let me . make reCtitai- tion'e here are $20 for' your little S011s "•He gave the- farmer a $50 biltand received $0 in change. • Fie then wrung the farmer's- band warm- ly and left. The farmer has since dried his tears and loaded his shot- gun. The $50 bill was bad. The subseribez having -bought out the above Mill, also the good- ill of the tato firm, IR now prepared to'fill all orders in his line of business. Sash Doors and Mouldrngs ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER On the shortest notice. _OTIST,6M PLANING • Strictly attended to. jAlifES BENNETT. Ainleyiille, May 16, 1872. 232-47 • Tad. ,gXPQ-$.1TOR. 9 - SOMETHING INTERESTING TO CARRIAGE—MAKERS AND BLACKSMITHS. SEAFORTH • PLAING MILL, SASH, DOOR, —AND— BLIND FA TORY • ri Mel subscriber bega leave t thank his numerous 'IL • enstorners for the liberakp ttronage extended to 'him since comineneing business in Seaforth, and truste thathe inay be favored with a continuance of the same. 1 Parties intending to build would do well to give him a Cab HU he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of W.OERTSON all' C HARDWARE MERCHANTS, Have on hand 200 Tons of Iron. 299 Sets of Carriage Axles. 301 Sets f Springs. • 449 Sets Seamless Thimble Sieins. o Also, a full and well -selected *Stock of Carriage Trimmings and Hardwares Of every description, Which they had bought before the recent great &datum) in price of that material, and they will not be • O - UNDERSOLD BY ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. Blacksmiths and Carriage -Makers will de well to call and examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. A large assortment of HUBS SPOKES AND BENT STUFF �n hand. DRY PINE LUMBER, SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SELINGLES, LATH, ETC. He feels confident cif giving satisfaetion to those who may favour him with their patronage, as none but first-class workmen are employed. Partioulea attention paid to Cudtom Planing. 201 • JOHN 11. BROADFOOT. EAFORTH NOVELTY WORKS. 224 O SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, • both these Machines, which am pronounced by ere MAIN STREET, SEA]? -' 1 perienced hands to be superior to any others made. THE BEST • SEWING MACHINES Made eau be had at • WM. N. WATSON'S SEWING MACHINE DEPOT SEAFOR=TH. "THE GENUINE 110 WB" Sewing Machines, in all styles and sizes, and • 44 THE OSBORN" • Machine in all styles. The subscriber has received a splendid supply of THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE DECLAIM THAT TE•fh GARDNER SEWING NIACITINE T M. MARTIN having purchased the premises " • on Goderich Street, in rear of the Mansion Hotel, Seaforth, intends hereafter earrybag on business there in the following lines. LUMBER DRESSING, In all its branches:- Is superior to any S7.;TS...Ais!' •ene_aa___ 7:-"%.. 1",777...:, ..._.*:. . il BaTill g been exainined and tried by the most skilful mechanics and best judges the eonntry canprodriee, and by them awarded Prizes at all the prineipalExlaibitions held throughout the Dominion during the present year; and although all the leading Machines were arrayed against it, the GARDNER PATENT has been declared VICTORIOUS OVER ALL COMPETITOR6 2 upon every test, and now stands foremost in the rank of sewers. • SEE TUE LIST OF PRIZES FOR 1871; . First Prize at Toronto. First Prize at London --the great Wotan Fair. First Prize at Guelph --the great Central Fair. First Prize at St, Cathorines, County of Lincoln. First Pri,ze at Chatham, County of Kent. First Prize at Waterloo, County of 'Waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, County of Simeoe. First Prize in Mono County of Peel. First Prize in Caledon, County of Simcoe. First Prize at Wel- landport, County of Welland. Firat Prize at Otterville, County of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial Fair, Kingston, Diploma at Hamilton, and various County Shows. This beautiful specimen of mechanical ability ism purely Canadian invention, surpassing in simplicity, durability, and usefuluess any other Sewing Machine now in the market whether of Canadian, American, -It will hem, cord, braid, tuck, gather, quilt, fell, and do all and every kind of Faraily Sewing "and light or Englieh manufacture. -Manufacturing Woi k, using all kinds of thread. It has it most aomplete SET OF &TTACILMENTS. BUY NO OTHER, 11 the price is a little higher than some others, it is the cheapest in the end. Send for Circulars and Samples. • , ARDNER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. P. S.—Intending purchasers should not he misled by unscrupulous agents of other Companies, who keep Mac • es th�y dO not seU, in a danaged state, to make capital for themselves. Call and examine the Gardner before purchasing any other, at WIT.T.TAN GRASS/X.8 Warerooras, Goderich-street, Seaforth. Agents wanted. now in the Market. For strength, simplicity* and perfection of con- struction; for range of work, from light gauze to beaver and leather a for beauty and exiterness of stitch, owing to the tension being perfect and ways equal on both upper and leaver threads, and for durability these machines are unrivalled.. Every machine warranted and inetraetions given gratis. Machinea sent out on tidal, or rented by the month to responsible parties. 228 N. WATSON, Seaforth. Doors and Window Sash kept constantly on hand. • Door and Window Frames made to order, of the best material and at the shortest notice. MouldinO, of all patterhs, kept on hand and made to order. Turnip, Carrot, Beet and. Manure Drills, Land Rollers, Wagon, Racks, Horse Hay -rakes, and it variety of other Farnsiug Implements, of the most approved patterns kept constantly on hand or made to order. PATENT PORTABLE FENCES, One of the largest hotels in San Francisco is entirely under the man- , - gement of women. From the Fro- prietress to the hall girls, from the bar-tenaurs to the bootblacks, all connected with the establishment are of the fair sex. Muscular Ger- man lasses shoulder the trunks, and clerks with bright eyes and lovely ringlets welcome the coming and speed the departing guests, The ho- tel is very popular. The landlady ita.S received over 100 offers of mar- riegefrom her Patrons. • I --- According to the London Ar- chitect, M.. Gustave Dore is about to Challenge the opinion of the world of sit On a grand scale. He has jug, finished a picture thirty feet long by twenty feet wide, at which he has been working verity con- stantly for_four years. The subject of this large composition is Christ Leaving the Temple," and it -con- tains abut four hundred figure& - • . -- A correspondent of the ,avan- nab, Ga.,e1Republican writes tis fol- lows off' the wonderful . Spring in Florida: "One of the greatest natural curiosities in the South is the Wak-ulla Sprint', which is the source of. a beautiful river of the same name. The Spring is between four and five hundred feet in diameter, and on a bright and calm day, to pass over it in a boat, you feel as though you were suspend- ed in mid Sir, the water being so limpid and transparent At the depth. of one hundred and sixty feet a dime can be its distinctly seen as though it were at your feet. • On gazing into the -depths of this won- derful spring it shows all the pris- matic hues of the rainbow, and near its bottom can be seen fish of differ- ent varieties, crabs, teriapins, and now anti. then an alligator. ' • —An ingenious but over -conceited man undertook eto mend a tin tea-, kettle the other night. He had teen tinners do the thing, and he knew he could do, it too. In prodding• abent the bottom I -of the kettle for weak places he foancl one where he least eiipeated it, and ran the 'brad- awl clear through his finger. Where- upon be howled with anguish, and dropped the kettle on the head' of his infant son, lying prone en the Manufactured when required. TO WAGON MAKERS. The amdersigned would also beg to inform Wag- on and (tinge Makers that he keeps constantly P ARTICULAR NOTICE Carpenters, Builders, Farmers, and the public, generally in need of any of the above artieleS svould do well to layer ine with their pabronige, as in my new preinises, I have faeilities for doing this branch of work which cannot be stupassecl. joHN oc JOHN M. IMART IN. Goderich Street. , 228 Has a Lot of on hand, •kinds of Bent Stuff suitable for their work. I PETER GRASSIE, 179-59• Seaforth. • • ri) 0 Pr -4 The attention of Ladies is particularly directed to our stock of • Prunella Boots and Broadway Ties. •rxvilm v sa ffAID DO YOU WANT TO SEE SOMETHING NICE? • ikilailfAS BELL, ., Main -street, Seaforth, Can show you. something worth looking at in the FURNITURE I line. He has just received a large quantity of NEW FURNITURE , • Of every description, which, for CHEAPSESS, • BEAUTY, and. QUALITY, Is really -worth going to see. Warerooms— Opposite Robertson's Therdavare Store. 211 QPRING STOCK OF BOOTS AND' SHOES.—The B est and Cheapest in the Market.—Mc1NTYRE & . .. k-' WILLIS, Main -street, Seaforth, have just received a very fine stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes, suitable for spring and summer wear, all of which will be sold. at the OLD m Plus, for ctieh.— The very latest styles, and of the best and most aubstantiul inanufacttire.—Cuttean work of all kinds promptly attended to —A neat article and a good fit guaranteed. Bey:thing—AU kinds of work repaired, no matter -where made, on the shortest notice. MeINTYRE-&- WILLIS, First door South of Sohn Logan's. Seaforth velty Vorks,^ THE SEAFORTH - LTJMBER YARD. MABEE & 11,1 A CDON ALD 'REG to inform thelniblic that they have opened it Lun,tber Yard in Seaforth, near Shearson's Mill, on the ground formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by lila. Thomas Lee. , They will keep constantly on hand a good assort- 1 ment of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undriisseds Also, LATH AND SIUNGLES, all of • whiph they are prepared to sell at the lowest posii- hie prices, for Cash. Builders and others will find it to their advant- age to inspect our stock, and ascertitin our prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we are in it position to offer good inducements to cash puntasers. 160 • AtABEE a- MACDONALD. - • CHEAP FARMS 1. • CHEAP HOMES ON TUE LINE OF TtiE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. • A LAND GRANT OP • SHAWLS, MANTLES, 3:3fle c-:. --AND- • Which he is anxioa to Se11.0ff, at Cost, YES, BETMW COST, Or any reasonable price that It customer may off() Therefore, Ladies, you willplease call at the Manchester House, EtftAIM STREET, Soon, and get your pick of the Goods are all sold. • Seaforth, July. 25, 1871. before they 100 • 12.000.000. ACRES CATTLE FAIR. Best Farming and- Mineral Lands is •••• Of the t. • America. A CATTTY, FAIR will be held hereafter at 3,000,000 A cret.z in NEBRA.SICA, In the • • • GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, The Garden of the West, NOW FOR S These lands are in the central portion of the United States, on the dlst degree of Northlatitude, the central line of the greatTemperate Zone of the American. Continent, and for grain -growing and stock -raising unsurpassed by any in the United States!. CHE.A.PER,IIN PRICE, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can be fonnd elsewhere. yRtE Homesteads to Actual Settlers. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. Soldienit Entitled to a Homestead of 160 Acres. Free Passes to Purchasers of Land. Send for the new deseriptive pamphlet, with new maps, published in English, German, Swed- ish and Danish. Mailed free everywhere. Address • O. F. DAVIS, • LOYD'S HOTEL, SEAFOB.TH, (Opposite the Station,) On the First Monday in each month, eEtr'INNING - O ITIOND..41.3C, 0 VICOBER. 2, IS71. FARMERS ELL YOUR EGGS TO WM. THOMSON, Trilt EGMONDVILLE • CROCERY J. -SEATTER3 • EX.CHANGE BROKER, And dealer in Pure DRUGS CHENNAIS AND DYESTUFFS, PERFUMERY, . 'FAN C'Y AN D TOILET ARTICLES Agent for Sew-hig Machines. Money to lend on easy terms. SEATTER, Seaforth, Nov. 3, r870. (Logan's Old Stand,) Who will pay the HIGH b ST PRICE in CASH, • Large numbers of borers will be in attendance, and parties lutving, stock may rely on the best mar- ket prices. In connectiort -with Loyd's Hotel (Houghton's are large and commodious stables and yards. 198 BUILDING LOTS • FOE SALE. for any quantity of .Goon, FRESH EGGS, . Delivered at his store. Groceries &Provisions FOR SALE CHEAP. • FLOUR AND REED, of every description, kept constantly on hand, ha - eluding Shearson ft Co.'s No. 1. • Come One, Corae All, with your Eggs and get the Cash. O AIMS. A. SPARLING has annmberof first-class -0-k Building Lots for Sale, aalbining her present residenee, on Goderich street. Also, a two-story BRICIC. COTTAGE_ For Sale in said street. Terms reasonable. Place of Lots can be seen at Gray, Sperling 0o,'s Store, or at Tun Urnesiron. Land Commissioner 11. P. R. R. Co., Office. 223-0 OMAHA, NF.J3. 223 MRS. ANN SPARLING. • WM. THOMSON, Egmondville Grocery. WHY ARE LAZARTTS, MORRIS & CO'S Spectacles SHOPS FOR SALE VOR -SALE, two shotis and orty-four feet front- age on Main Street, ;Seaman opposite Car- michaers Hotel. Apply to SEATTER. LIKE BRIGHAM YOUNG ON TRIAL FOR MURVER? Insolvent Act of 1869 IRON FOUNDRY Nor's-E.—Any person sending the answer to the above to the Agent, M. P.. COUNTER, f3EAFORTH, within the next thirty days, will re- ceive an order from L. M. a Co. for pair of their superior new pattern Bp; Muse& FOE, SALE AT SEAFORTH. • The 'undersigned offers for sale the Foundry and stocksat Seaforth belonging to the bankrupt estate of Z.A.,Pritl.a CATER. The property consists of two lots on the Main street, having it frontage of fifty-aevenid a depth pf two harelred and sixty feet. / The buililings are of brick, the front one -on the street, 30x80 feet, of two stories, and the moulding shop= rear80x60 one story, with wooden sheds - in rear of it, an.d small dwelling -of frame on back lot. • The machinery consists of Boiler and Engine of •twelve -horse power; iron Lathe, wooden Lathe, Bolt Cutter, -Upright Inill, Vices, I.Tpright and Cir- cube- Saws, 33oring Machine, Shafting and Belt- ing, Fhtske, Patterris, ac., Sse. Sesiorth is •one of the most prosperous towns in Ontario, surrounded by it first-rate aserieultural country, and this offers a, fine chance for an enter- prising mechanic with some capital, The sale will take place Itt Knox's Hotel, Elea- forthaon FRIDAY, the 21st day of June next, at 11A. M. Terms and conditions of sale made known on application to ALEX. DAVIDSON, Official As- signee, Haritilton. The property can be seen en applicatiort lttr. W. 0, Reid, Seaferth. •ADAM HOPE; Assignes Hamilton, llth April, 1872. , 228-10 TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. • ceARTWitIOLti, L. D. 5,, Surgeon. -Dentist, • eatinctis teeth without pain by the use of the Nitrous-exide Gas. - Offiee--Over the Fountain of Fashion, Mr* Pewter's store, on the Market Square. TuAesdattenydaananeewint=ortyhjoitevt Knit °L.'s:ft:tell; taintahe firsnt at the Comnaercial Hotel, on the following Thters- daps and Fridays. The rerattinder of the titan at - his Strattford office, ables requiring' new p imit are iquested e • i Fal, if at Seated& and Qin.' texas= ttes 0.rst dara Ittl -tPwiallOvere'::4,. 000 patientahavehed teeth extracted.sy thense of the Gas. at Dr. Coultosn's °Mods, New York. 303