The Huron Expositor, 1872-05-17, Page 7tat CD CD aC.0 tiw4 P Pen CD rn y 0tsi eNt, 0 c -1- 0 cam- 0 c5 est C 0 cpC . CD CD C'1 CD a rs Fit rn co tit r co HARNESS, HARNESS. Great Variety AT WILSON'S 1:I.FNKS of all kinds, VALISES—nota few, w'IPS—of alis --sorts, COLLARS—all sixes. Brushes, G rry-acmes, Cards'. AU prices- =from 10 -cents up. Bens, Blankets, eircingiess:; addiesf And in fact everything usually found in a ?` class Saddler's Shop, and at priceS'eKtrebielyloW. JAT ES wILSW : Takes this opportnni ty of thanking lie nnmeiosi' friends and customers for the. liberal support ex, tended toward hixa for the past year and h0por by strict attention to .business and man aufactaring : first-class article to merit a fair sof the hare ronage of the many. Remember the Sign of they, " GOLDLN .S':.tiDD14 215 STOVES, TiNWA-.APIP COAL: OEL. .S. �t E1tT\EX has just received alarge sf°eiF ookin : Parlor and Box. Stoves, of the b manufacture, which she can sell as �of C >~+ cheap.. as Sur in the trade. ti�?�, TIMI Ai ll :_ .of evert cleserip kept constantly on han€lra ndmadeto order. Also,. StaveEave Troughing, .etc. - Pip Custom -work prorptly attended to, and oatsid work will receive esery attention. COAL OMS,,. :A large stock of the very best Coal ikept it an stantly on, band, aid Will be sold -wholesaleMyra ik retail. Remember the lace, Carnichael's Block, street, Seaforth. 'Itr- Parties indebted + by note or book account are re quested to settle in4me cid =ran, brass, copP,Q Bags, wool -pickings, taken in exchange for goods. � - DANI E M0GREGO1tt Bookbinder,; Ha"purhey, Seafortlr: alar e-Stockoftherax `AS just received g r prep r- used in the bhsiness, and is now billy thg ed to: execute,. on the shortest notice Sir latest styles, all € n.lora he may befavouzedtisl 'REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK BQt?Pv ! on ASV Tann,the sh°Ttent Ruled, Printed and made to order„ competition• notice, and at prices which defy LaZes Work Boxes cit Fancy COO Made to order. OLD- AND NEW BOOSs. Bound and repaired at city pri-cca Persona residing at a distance by leaving °alel books at the "SignaI" Book Store, God ge , er the "Expositor" ,office, Seaforth, or at J h"a .-... -. Ainleyville, stating style, mai rale° upon being{ well bound. Ancommunications addressed to the dull ed, will receive prompt attention. DANIEL i