The Huron Expositor, 1872-05-17, Page 31872. FLO v (1 purchased and thoroughly refitted nallla formerly owned by the Messrs. SC(n sm eow prepared to iurnish. FAMILY FLOUR, econd to NONE IN SEATO T' And that will ompare favorably with any in the , Tmtni3On, Hyou want A 1 VI'OI)1 , go tothefollo sealers and ask for MAIiSH:�T:r,'g: — EL,RSFt &r z.'S FLOUF.: W: SCOTT ROBERTSON, J. WHITESIDE, SIMON POWELL, JOHN CAVANAGH, Or at W. MARSHALL'S Mills. Orders left with W, S. ROBERTSON SON win he eomptl«1 attended to, Parties who wish to Exchange Wheat for Flour, t re certain to receive proper quantity, and as .le that will defy competition. W. MARSHALL, M PORTANT To HOUSEKEEPERS. GOOD FLOUR AT ALL TIMES.. A SHEARSON & CC, Proprietors of the SEAFORTH MILLS Are nowrgnnfactgthe best 'AL PASTRY FLOURS In the Dominion. Intending purchasers an Seaforth and vicinity MI rely upon _getting onrPamily and PastryFlouis from the following Dealers, ONLY Thos. Lee, A. 3i- Strong, John. Walsh, James C: Laidlaw, Alex's Ault, Thomas Kidd. j- McGinnis, ,William Alt% G. S.; H. Jackson, and W. Thompson, Egmondville, and at the Seaforth Mills, Orders left et our office, Market; Sangre, will receive prompt attention. Paters desiring to exchange their Wheat for Flour, at. the Mill, May always rely upon getting our best FamiTy or Pastry Flour n exchange, in vantities according to the value their wheat_ w. A. SHARSON k 00. 184-tf. HURRAH FOR 1872. ;g g W�z M.. ATILT, Iira tlgSTR EZ sssu iiss,TU, -etas ex HAND.:z superior stock of FAMjrz GROCERIES, embracing Teas of the best brands, Sugars, Raisins, etc. Also, Crockery and Glassware, and every other article usually kept in a first-class Grocery Store. PROVISIONS, Sneh as Flour, Oat and Cornmeal, Potatoes, Pork, etc., also, every description of EEE1},. Such as Oats,. Peas,: Bran and Shorts, all of whieli will be sold cheaper �than the ehooapest. FARM 1 P3i 0»UC s'• . The h iehest market price paid for all kinds es' Farm Produce. Remember the place, Main street, East side,. opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. SIS WM. AULT. REMOVED. REMOVED. M. ROBERTSON, et -maker and Undertaker, • HAS REMOVED his ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, Where he has on hand a superior stock of Funk. I • ture of every description. CALL AND SEE IT UNDERTAKIlsid. Having purchased Mi. Thomas Bell's HF,ABSZ I am prepared to attend funerals- on the shortest notice, either in town or country. Coffins, All Sizes, Kept constantly on hand. SHROUDS ! SHROU 'S li M. ROBERTSON, CABINET MAKER AND -u DEBTAI ER, Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortment of SPITtat.713 S Which he can furnish cheaper than they can ba got elsewhere. 205 MOULDING & PAPER. TH e, undersigned has on hand a splendid lot of ROSEWOOD AND GILT MOTILBING. Alio, a Fine Lot of Straw ` WRAPPING. PAPER, FOR:. SALE, CHEAP. Now is the time to bay as it C. on the rise.; ((�� - ARl 'TRONCE,. -22L Main Street, Seaforth_. WHO WANTS A. GOOD SiiBSTANTIg' WAGON, ora nice STYLISE( BUGGY 1 WILLIAM GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, AS on hand and for sale a number of handsoni8 aa single and double BUGGIES, all well finished and m:.anufactured of the very best material. Alsua LUMBER WAGONS, Which, for excellence of build, and ease in runic cannot be surpassed by any manufacturer in the Province. A few DEMOC$AT WAGONS on liana, ata more making WXr LTA14"'f GRASSIE sells as cheap: as anY of estabtiehment in the County. CLACRSMITRINC And General Job Work attended to prompt' -AY III 1872. GAIETIES. "If all the world were tlihd," said an Irish clef gyman, r r What a melancholy aightwould e.'of the --It is saidthat many -tee engines in San e Francisco ;won't work. They were only made ep play. — The storm signalman on the top of Mount Washington holds the 0highest office in the gift of the na- tion," The most bashful article of -furniture ' is said to be a clock ; it keeps its hands continually before its face- -- Come out here, and I'll lick the whole lot of you," said an urchin. },o some sticks of peppermint in a - window. ..— The prisoner has a very smooth, countenance." Yes, he was ironed just before be was brought in. That accounts for it." - A Boston paper suggests that when the Coliseunn blew down the 2Tew York Press might have done good service by " blowing it up." A damsel of: only seventeen says that twenty-four springs have passed overher head, It is supposed to be a mysterious allusion to the hoop skirt. —Dont trouble yourself to stretch your mouth any wider,"`said a dentist to a man who wanted a todth pulled, -'as I intend to stand on the outside during the performance."' -- A lady entered a drug store and asked for a bottle of rr Jane's Experience. The clerk informed h,er that Jane hadn't bottled her ex- perience yet, hat they could furnish do Jayne's Expectorant." • - — "Be you good I" asked a bright little chap of Miss Bud, bis Sabbath school teacher, t ther da`y. " Oh, no," was the beco f i ig reply. "You ain't ! Well, I knew yofl wasn't you ght pretty, but I always thofitb were good." t St es like thea great. gorilla, of which y n are a stunted. copy. Wheal goy are eaptured alive, one finds th surprise that their uncouth jabbering- sounds `like articulate lan- guage. They turn up a human face to gaze at their captors, and fe- males show :instincts of modesty , and, in fine, these wretched beings Are men. o Stipaulus The Lav ii ( All orthe all agents which we call stimulus, may be used as spurs to ieffort, or as helpers to rest and recuperation. Horsemen know that. the whip which ncakes a spirit-- ed horse crazy 'with a touch is a, great help toward quieting him _When he has been made crazy by a steam whistle or a sudden scare. Now there is a belt around the globe, a belt of soil , and ;climate along which men seem to need no stimulus. It is along this zone, that men grow large -headed, long headed, strong and earnest --earnest, not by flashes of passion, but with a. ;steady. heat. - This is the belt of :civilization, great achievement, hum- ming business and—of drunkenness. We . are living within that belt. I doubt that we need much stimulus. We, are excited enough,'. and easily enough, already. But when we are crazy and worn with the cares and pleasures of this fast age, I suspect that .some of you, after your work is done, will find great quietness and benefit from tea or coffee, tobacco or beer. But beware of enslavement. If these agents are of any general use, it will be as the whip that quiets craziness and ,not the whip that lashes the steed into fret and foam and - prancing. In making these confessedly din- gerous" yet necessary experiments, I would suggest that none of you venture alone. Woe unto him that is alone when he falleth 1 _ Sir Humphrey Davy, when experiment- ing xperimen-ing upon the properties of'the gases that he discovered; several times fell senseless . in his laboratory and needed the help of his assistant. Yet he continued his researches and discovered. manY, most profitable facts. We need, in like manner, when feeling our way along into the highest and best habits of life, to have near and dear and trusted friends. We need to' give great weight to their testimony, for the eye of love will often discern danger which the endangered man'•fails to see. - "v•! *. There are subtle qualitiea of temper, tricks of the ap- petite,' habits of .sleeping, uncon- scious twitches of the muscles, and many other symptoms of whish the man himself is not usually conscious. Let no 'man tamper with any stimu- lus whatever upon his own responsi- bility and by , himself.--Tentpercence Lecture'by Ren. Thos. K. Beecher. E NURon. , EXPOSITOR. who can afford it, add tobacco to the lime. A morbid craving for either betel nut or tobacco . are sources of im- mense revenue to many govern- ments.. Neither reasonings nor ap- peals to the intelligence of chewers, who are shortening their days by an excessive indulgence, have ever had the slightest infhience in convincing them that: they were violating a law of organic life. Science fails to explain the cause of our intense morbid craving for vegetable narcotics so potent as to- bacco and; betel. Mists. —"What is your hurry, Jimmie 4" asked a kind lady of a precious urchin who had called, on his way to `School the other day. " Oh, I dust: •cam go," "Where are you goiagJimmier With a heavy .sigh, and pointing to the school -house, "Into the house of correction, -ma am. —Ina recent debate a member' .of ..the California '`Legislature ex- claimed "The , honorable gentle- man of Calaveras county -is undoubt- edlya person of great ,abilities—a ;man of talent—a natural born genius; bat there is one thing I defy him to do, and that is, to bite the bottom, out P, f a frying -pan without smutting his 2zOSe." GET TkE BEST. THE BIANCHARD .CHURN, ass .other View of Rights." A " fair" paper in Troy, New York, concludes an editorial on sc Woman's Rights" thus :—`r Truly, there's a good time coming, - boys. -We shall have our ' thirds' in our wives' " property,' and they will be hound to support us andour chil- slren and pay our debts. There was but one drop of bitter in the pros- pective cup. It grinds us to confess it, but the l'uniiliating concession must be maclo woman will CARRY the LATCH KEY. She will go out after supper ..1P er to rr see a woman'. or to the ' post -office,' or to serve on . a .committee.' After meiiding the stockings, and canvassing the char- acter of all the other men . in our parish, • with our clergywcman, who bas dropped in, we go to bed. We Iie awake between the measles and the whooping -cough, and late, hear our wife stumbling over the door mat and fumbling about thea,,key- dole, and coming up stairs a 1st Ne- buchadnezzar, and experience the sensation of a corner ' grocery en- tering our chamber. The picture becomes painful, and we drop the curtain." "'Woman's MANUFACTURED BY • PORTER, BLANCHARD & SONS, Coicord, New Hampshire. This Churn is decidedly 'the best and cheapest that has eve been offered to the Canadian public. It churns raiidly, works easily, and makes the best butter. It 's also simple and durable. FARMERS SOMETHING INTERESTING. TO - CARRIAGE -MAKERS AND BLACKSMITHS. WM. ROBERTSON ttc CO., HARDWARE MERCIIANTS, SE_:PCDT T , Have on hand 200 Tons of Iron. 299 Sets of Carriage Axles. TRY ONE, NO SUIT NO SALE. If it does not work satisfactorily it can be re- turned. These Churns can be seen at any time at ,John- son Brothers' Hardware Store, Seaforth. O. C. WILSON, ° 280 Agricultural Implement Agent. 301 Sets of Springs. 449 Sets Seamless Thimble Skeins. Also, a tali and well -selected Stock of Carriage Trimmings and Hardware, Of every description, Which they had bought before the recent great advance in price of that material, and they will not be UNDERSOLD BY ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. Blacksmiths and Carriage -Makers will do well ti call and examine our stook before purchasing elsewhere. A large assortment of WHY ARE LAZARUS, MORRIS & CO'S . Chewing Betel Nut. There is a fascination in betel nut more extraordinary than a tobacco passion. .The; consumption of the latter in chewing alone, .in the United States, is a modern pheno- menon. ' An inveterate chewer may have moral resolution enough to break off the habit, though it rarely happens that a n effort is made to do so, as an apology is found for con- tinuing a practice that: is positively destroying,the foundations of health. Once addicted to chewing tobacco, to abandon. it is an achievement.few have the happiness to overcome, notwithstanding • the melancholy mortality of men in the meridian of t life who are constantly being des- troyed by the subtle influence of that strange plant on the nervous system. Thus sudden palsy of the heart, palsy of a limb, palsy of one half the tongue, and even instanta neons death , are traceable by phy- sicians to excessive use of tobacco. But the vice of betel nut chewing, however, is still more remarkable. When the habit is established, there seems no'retreat. Each victim wears nut his. teeth, gums, digestion, and dies with - an unsatisfied longing for another quid. - Betel nut trees thrive in most parts of tropical India, the Indian Archipelago and the Philip- pine Islands.W They grow sip grace- fully about thirty feet, rarely more than eight inches in diameter. It is a pains, areoa catechu. Penang is the universal name of the nut in those places where it is produced, hence Pulo Penang means a betel nut island. At six years of age the tree commences bearing nuts the size"of a small pullet's egg, of a bright yellow color, inclosed in. a husk similar :to the cocoanut ; with- in .is a spherical nut very much, like a nutmeg. Broken, a bit of it is wrapped -up with a piece of unslack- ed lime in a peculiar leaf, the airi betel --piper, extensively cultivated for that purpose. The - gums and mucus membrane of the mouth are quickly stained a brick red, the teeth crumble to a level with the gums, and in that con- dition an inveterate betel chewer is wretched without a supply. • There are large plantations of betel nut trees in Java :to meet demand for home consumption and distant prov- inces. To augment the Aeasure, those The Press. The following is from a speech de liverep by Dr. Chapin :=- r I love to hear the rumbling of the steam power press better than the rattle and roar of artillery. It is silently attacking and vanishing . the Mala- koffs of vice -and the Redans of evil ; and its parallels and approaches, can- not be resisted, I like the click` of the type in the composing stick of the compositor better than the click of the musket in the hands of the sol- dier. It bears a leaden messenger of deadlier power, of sublimer force, and of a surer aim, which will hit its mark, though it is a thousand miles ahead." Spectacles LIKE BRIGHAM YOUNG ON TRIAL FOR MURDER ? NOTICE.—Any person sending the answer to the above to the Agent, 31. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, within the next thirty days, will re- ceive an order from L. M. & Co. for a pair of their superior new pattern Eye. Glasses. 224 SPOKES AND BENT STUFF on hand. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. DO YOU 'WANT TO SEE SOMETHING NICE THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE DECLARES THAT TIM GA-pl�DNER SEWING MACHINE THE OIS,,ORN oak ,SEWING .MACHINE CO. Is superior to any now in the Market. THOMAS BELL, Main -street, Seaforth, Can show you something worth looking at In the FURNITURE line. He has just received a large quantity of NEW rinuartraz Of every description, which, for UIEAPIYESS, BEAUTY, and Q UALIT Y, Is really worth going to see. Warerooms -- Opposite Robertson's Store. Hardware Having been examined and tried by the most skilful mechanics and best judges the country can produce, and by them awarded Prizes at all the principal Exhibitions held throughofit the Dominion during the present year; •and although x.11 the leading Machines were arrayed .against it, the GARDNER PATENT has been declared VICTORIOUS OVER ALL COMPETITOR, S, upon every test, and now stands foremoet in the rank of sewers. SEE rir1itE LIST OF PRIZES FO1t 18'71; First Prize at Toronto. First Prize at London—the great Western Far. First at riize et t Gael h— e great Central Fair. First Prize at St. Catherines, County of L c of Waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, Count of Simco of Tient. First Moe at 1 of'Peell.. tFirst Prize in Caledon County of Simone. First Prize at Wel- First Prize in toy of County land ort County of Welland. Fi.'at Prize at Otterville, County of Oxford. Second. Prize at Provincial p holt Fair, Kingston, Diplome at Hamilton, and virions County Shaws. surpassing in simplicity, y, This beautiful specimen anyof other Sewing Mnical acihins a e now in urely tae market whether of Canadian, American, durability, and usefulness or English manufacture. It will hem, cord, braid, tuck, gather, quilt, Fult, fell`, and do all and every kind of Family Sewing and light Manufacturing Work, using all kinds of thread. It has a most eomplete SET OF ATTACHMENTS. BUY NO OT i i HIR. If the price is a little higher than some others, it is the cheapest in the end. Send for Circulars and Samples. LION, ONT. GAI-RDNER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, HAM . P. S.—Intending purchasers should not be misled by unscrupulous agents of other Companies, who keep Machines they do not sell, in a damaged state, to make capital for themselves. . Call and examine the Gardner before urchasing any ether, at Tian ieni GRLssru'S Warerooms, Goderich-street, Seaforth. Agents wanted. The Lowest Type ok Humanity. On the Island of Borneo has been found a 41ertain race of wild crea- tures, off which kindred varieties have been discovered in the Philip- pine Islands, in Terra del Fuego, and in South America. They walk- ed unusually, almost erect on two legs, and in that attitude measure about four feet in height. 'hey are dark, wrinkled and 'hairy. They construct no habitations, form no families, scarcely -associate together, sleep in caves and trees, - feed on snakes and vermin, on ants, eggs and on each other. They cannot be tamed or forced to any labor, and are hunted and shot among the • Lack -Stitch Severing Th ' now been the sides ° MACHINE. - usands throughout Canada are sing' these machines. They have tested beyond all question, make avorite lock -stitch, alike on both and are pr .pounced superior to y any other machine_ offered the public. For `wide . range of work, perfection, beauty and excellence of mechanism. adaptability, strength and durability, T'he:Osborn- Sewing Machine ,Has No Rival. PETER. GRASSIE, Seaforth. 179-52 INEMOIM- 015111111111111.001 F Improvements have lately been made, enabling the manufacturers to elaixii it as the ne plus ultra of Sewing machines. Hiundreds of testimonials are being received daily from old. as well as new operat'ars attesting its ` wonderful capabilities. Will do all kinds' of 'do- mes is sewing, from the finest cambric to t e coarsest overcoat or upper leather. GII R U TEED TO BE AS REPRESLtN rED, OR NO SALE, WARRANTED FOR THREE •YEARS. he Osborn Outfit is complete and readily comprehended. Is sold at one- half the price hitherto charged for ma - Chines doing a like range of work, the ma ufacturers being determined to place it ie reach 'of every family in th thin t countr�t. �i TRIAL FEFOTRE P vine all hat our equaled. TILE GI Is fire -emir Machine o: marvelous URCHASE Will con- machiT.es\ are un - O0 (a ea The attention of Ladies is particularly directed to our stock of-Prunella Boots and Broadway Ties. ' IVI�s V Sa tAIO THE BEST SEWING MACHINES Made eau. be had at WM. N. WATSON' SEWING MACE .DEPOT, SEAFORTH.. "THE GENUINE HOWE" Sewing Machines, in all styles and sizes, and rx THE OSBORN " - Machine bi all styles. The subscriber has received'a splendid suppI1 of both these Machines, which are prononneed. y nri- perienced hands to be superior to any others made. For strength, simplicity and perfection of {son: struetion; for range a work, from light gauze tin beaver and leather ; for beauty end exactness of stitch, owing to the tension being perfect and al- ways equal on both upper and lower threads, and for dnrabiiity these machines are unrivalled. Everymachine warranted and instructions k#ve-TX i grats. Machines sent out on trial, or rentea by the month to responsible parties. 223 WM. N. WATSON, Seaforth PIIING STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES.—The Best and Cheapeste tckie M et. n 1a t men e WILLIS, Main -street, Seaforth, have just received very ea Boohcand Shoes, suitable for spring and summer wear, all of which will be sold at the OLD PI1I010, far cash. --The very latest styles, and of bet and a good fitand most agnaran anufaeture.—ngstgm ll work of a kinds promptly attended to. A neat art kinds of Work rep d the shortest notice. k aired no matter where made, TELPH REVERSIBLE eptly the best). Single -Thread erec. to the public—hence its success Will do all varieties of _dourest c sewing. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. Hand A acbine, with fulloutfit, 12ie Treadle do., `$17.' Each guaranteed. -, A gents wanted everywhere. Splen - dict inducements to make, money. ApGUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO., on NTYBE & WILLIS, First door South of John Logan's. P A.RTICULA.R NOTICE. - GUELPH, CANADA. W. Na WATSON, Agent, 180-1y, SEAFORTH. 1 Stitch in Time saves 9 JOH J01.111 LO -GAN, Hasa Lot of SHAWLS, MANTLES, —AND— DRBSS GOODS • Which he is anxious to Sell Off, at Cost, IPYou want to get the best Family Sewing Machine in the Province of Ontario, o t GEORGE MILLIN,- yho is Agent for the celebrated ® 33ORINT .F EW NG MACHINE. YES, BELOW COST, Or any reasonable .price that a customer may offe Therefore, Ladies, you will please gall at the Manchester House, MAIN STREET, - Soon, and get your pick of the Goods before they aro all sold. ' Seaforth, July 25, 1871. 100 N. B. ewing Machine ind or sal all kinds, ways kept e. Also, A ENT FOR, E. R. SHOREY'S ROYAL CANADIAN CL THES-WRINGER- Office at Miss Miiiin'n Fashionable Dress -making Establi: , .. - 3, directly opposite the Post Office, Wroxeter.' FARMERS SELL YOU -R EGGS TO WM. THOMSO•N, OF THE ECMO}DYILLE GROCERY (Logan's Old Stand,) Who will pay the 311Gt t,ST PRICE in CASH, for any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS, Delivered at his store. CATTLE FAIR. ACATTLE FAIR will be held hereafter at LOYD'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, (Opposite the Station,) On the First Monday in each month, BEGINNING ON i1ION»JLY, OCTOBER, 2, 1871.6' Large numbers of buyers will bo in attendance, and parties having stock may rely on the best mar- ket prices. . In connection with Loyd's Hotel (Houghton's are large and commodious stables and yards. 198 Groceries&Provisions FOR SALE CHEAP. FLOUR AND FEED J. SEATTER, EXCHANGE - . 3ROKEE, And dealer in Pure DRU CS CHEMICALS AND DYE STLIW, PERFUMERY, FANOYAN D TOILET ARTIOI -E Agent for Sewing Machines. Money - to lend on easy . terms. J. SEATTER, Seaforth, Nov. 3,1 070. 59-tf. SHOPS FOR -SALE � `OR SALE, two shops and forty-four feet front- age on Main Street, Seaforth, opposite Car- miehael's Hotel. Apply to 195-tI- J. SEAP. • CHEAP FARMS! -CHEAP HOMES' - ON -TUB LINE Or TICE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A LAND ANT OF 2.poo coo A GR ES Of the Best Fanning and Mineral LavelsLandsti t America. 3,goo coo Acres in NEBRAASK,A, Intim GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, The Garden of the West, NOW FOR SALE. - of every description, cing Shearson & Co.s1No.1. in- cluding Come One, Come All, with your Eggs and get the Cash. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. S. A. SPARLING has a number of er lli Building Lots for Sale, adjoiningher presentr residence, on Goderichh street. Also, BRICK COTTAGE For Sale in said street. Terms reasonable. Place of Lots can be seen at Gray, Sperling & Co.'s Store, or at pre EarosrToi Office. MRS. ANN SPABLING. WM. THOMSON, Egmondville Grocery. W. H. OLIVER. SIGN OT' THE SCOTC$ -COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy harness, whips, bells, horse clothing, etc., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and Amember the place i lar, Main Street' W. H. OLIVER. MAIN 0 These hands are in the central porti n of the United States, on the alstdegree of Nort Zonelatitudeof" the central line of ,the greatTempera the, American - Continent, and for gra -growing and stock -raising unsurpassed by y to tie United States. CHEAPER IN PRICE, more favo bre terra given, and more convenient to market ncut be found elsewhere. FREE Homesteads to Actual Sutlers. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead of 160 Ash. Free Passes to Purchasers ofLand. . Send for the new descriptive . pa n, fit, with new maps, published in English, , Swed German sh and Danish. Mailed freeAddzas fl. F D.9.1 L, B, Land Commissioner 1J. P. B. B. -Co., 228-18 . - OMA"' charges moderate. sign of the Scotch Seaforth. • PULMONARY BALSAM - iti8£D 'A D AMY MENDE#3 sY-Tt3 mc:03T EMIAi1=t71 $13Y (CIAT S IN NE':dl� ENG TS E L sT45Y Fs "NOTHING -a ER CUTLER-BROS. S. . CG.. 22 j- y.S�,yO�T-08 yi. - . GE.. •. rli. a3 : Lal,