The Huron Expositor, 1872-05-17, Page 1AY 10, 1872. 1 CONTRAOTORS, ,TDERS ha, received at this, Departmew titil noon, tut XILVItSDAY, the 23rd instant undeimentioned works -„ AT TORONTO FOit THE INSANE,. LU , Stable, Cow -house, Cottage and Fencing. aRNiakit ACA0014 BUILDINGS,. ering walls of Model Sehoola, Desks and Seats- chool and Plass Rooms, (according to patterrt company tender), slating and galvanized irorx, roof a Normal School, gr,dvanized iron to deck roofs of Edneation Office. - AT LONDON: YLIJA/ FOR THE INSANE,. 3ottaaes for the attendants, and Fencing. AT BELLEV I LLE f and 1)unibt Instituter. oR and addition to Xtoheri,. Houses for 'er arid engineer. parte tenders for the brickWCtr.n. and' plaster-- - e e quired. AT B R A NTFOR D IN -D INSTITUTE rkahop, Store -room, Drain and Water-pipos. .s and specificetions for the respective works.- se„ea, thin Department, at. tb.e City Hall,. and at the institutes at Belleville and witere printed forms of Tender can be On application. lowest or any tender not necessarily ae- z.d., gactuD„ area KrrLER, COTY1,1Yri$siorker„,. trtmout-of Pnblie Works, rozonto,Ifey 6, 1872', 241-a Bolvent Act of 1869- :FQUNDRY,. FOR SA T.E. AT SEAFORTE.• ze undersigned offers for sale the Foundry aroW Seaforth belonging to the bankrupt estate, • APFE & CARTEB, le property consists of two lots on the Main, et, having a frontage of fifty-seven and_ a depth- ao hundred and six.t„y feet., buiblinge are of brick, the front one on the ft, 3040 feet, of two stories, and the moultlina- r iirettr qthz.60 of one story, with wooden axed; ear of ip, and small dwelling of frame on. lot. m machinery cortaists of Bailer and Engine of ve-horse power ; iron Lathe, wooden Lather . Cutter, Upright Drill„ Vicea, Upright and Cir - r Saa-s, Boring laitighaink e, Shafting and Belt- Fiasks, Patterna, &c. atforth one of the most prosperous tovnea ?uteri°, surrounded by a first-rate agricultural itry, and this offers a fine °ht. -tame for an enter- ing mechanic with some capital. he side will take place at Knom's Hotel, Sea - h. on FRIDAX, the 21st day of June next, at ages and conditions of sale made known on dead= to .A.LEX. DAVIDSON,. Offidal Aa -- Lee, Hamilton. he property can be seen on apolication to Mr..-. 1) Laiti, Seaforth, ADAILECOPE, Assiznee. :a.Tnittou, 11priI, lam 226-10 -.-ATNLEYIVILLE D IX Subscriber having establialted an Agency' for the Sale of Farm and -Village Lots, Nyhioh. w ill advertise (weekly) and sell on Commission. !aims of Commission or any particulars con-- qing- lots advertised will be made known, on iication., if by letter prepaid, and enclosing, ap, addressed C. R -COOPER, 1Dingle P. 0. FOR SALE. Eage lots Nos. 44 and 39 Ainleyville, (?orris;la r large frame cottage and frame stable - 22,. Con. 4, N. A, Morris; 100 acres, 50 cleared 7. log house; 2 miles off gravel road. - t 29, Con. 7, N 4 MoiTiS; 100 acres, 60 cleared a. good log house and frame barn. 2, and 3, West side of Howick-street, Wrox- eter, containing, 1 acres of land, two new fraine houses; stables, &a. llitge Lots 49 and 50, Ainleyville, with, good Me house awl stable, and log tannery in good ridng order. t 26, Con. 3, S 4 Morris, 100 aeres, 60 cleared, frame barn, iog-house, good bearing orehard. Rage Lots, ...112, 213, 221, Ainleyville, (Grey.) ere, Storehorme and Stable,1 acres of Land witla. orchard, etc., ha village- of Craubrook. C. R. COOPER, Dingle P. 0. NOTICE. - TIM CLIIIRT OF REVISION OR the Municipality of Seaforth will be hela O . WEaNEsDAY, May 15, 1872. In the Council Room, at 7:30 o'clock. W. ELLIOTT, Clerk_ Seafortla April 24, 1872. 228-3 • FOR SALE 4'sT EGIWONDVILLE.- oir. SALE, CHEAP, a 'desirable briek cottager in Egmaaalville, alma five millrace' walk froua %forth Railway Station ; contains four rooms - a -kitchen ; gt.o.1 well and all other conve-- tames; also a good, garden containing, bearing hit-treta. 'Terms eawv. .A.pplv at ExrosITelr- ,nea, Seirfortla, or to the undersigned. 229. Egmondville. Divisions Courte--4872. Divhion Courts will be heitl as follows raoratar,.. . . .. :Wednesday, 10th jnly. ioo,b,Ten, . ... Tuesday, 23rd. " kFt /Tag s Wednesday, 24113. " xT3. 1 Theraday, 25th " atxroa,... .. 26th " \( 's'0\ ..... — Saturday, sea -tlowilly, 51h " cs 111i1 u; Weduesda.y, 7ta The Coarta open at 10 o'clock, a. M., °eat dea'a P. EF:. 1 Ey IC,F.N.;111> AYCTIONF,ER tor the County or -4 Huron. Sakai attended in all parts of the, ixtry. All ordt-ra left at TILt EXPesIToR Mee 1. b.ipautriptly attendedlo. 198e The (cat Female It en' tedy. S' I'M:to/AM piLT.S. inatvinai&! MohEmedicine it.; unfailing- in the- • et).rt: of all. thoae painful and daugerous diseases the fcret-le constitution is subiect. ialerat. s all excess and rentoves all obstructionsa ept:t.,iY cure Ilmy bi.. rvlietl on. 111111 laalea, it ia pecnliarly suited. It Win - .1 a short thee, hring on tha moutbly period with: ean'arrhata These "Pills should not be taken by Fernales - tulag the Erst thn e months of Premiacy, as they eure to -bring 011 Misearriage, but at any other dem they are safe, C3.61',.' Of Nerrona and Spinal Affections; • ,airia in the back and limbs, fittiene on slight ex- ation, palpitation of the. hearC hysteries„ and ;Tido a, these pills will effect a cure when all etb,..„er ,aenits hive failea ; and although a paweritOC " antedv, do not contain iron, calomel, aritimalIp litudidi to the constitution. airections in the pamphlet around each package, whicb chou14 be carefelly preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1.00 au& centfor pottage, enclosed to NorthoP &1'P:111114 , tracastie, Ont., general agents for the Donainioay will insure a bottle, containing over 50 Pills bt Kola Seaforth by E. Idlers= & return mail. 1l. liumuden. 191-6' VOLUME 5; NO. 23. vflOLEN:O.23. j- SEAFORTII, FRIPAY, MAY 17 1872. 111kEDICAL. fro the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding,' a- country. eDr. J. G. BULL having been called tlaough sickness in his family, to suspend business for some time in this place, has- pleasure in in- nowicing to the public, that through a kind Pro- vidence he has been permitted to return to the rooms formerly oecupied by him, over Mr. A.G. McDougall's Store, Main street, *here he intends permanently to remain, mad will be pleased to see oldpatrons and as many new ones as may favor um with a 011. All operations performed accord- ing to the latest approved, style, and fees as low as to be found. elsewhere. Office hours froni 8 A.. 31. to 5 P. M. 224 TIAVID 31TICIIELL„M.. D., Graduate of Viet°. ria College, Physician, Surgeon'etc.. etc., ErNnume, Oaa.-r—Coroner qf the -County of EnrOn. Mee and residence, at Thompson & Stanley's. DR. W. R. SMITH, Physician, Surgeon, etc. 'Office—Opposite Scott Robertson's Grocery, Main street, Senior*. 63 YTAMES STEWART, M. D., C. M, Graduate of Gill,. University, Montreal, Physician, Star - ran, etc. Office and Residence—Bracefielcl. 11Cr L. VEItC0B, AL D., C. M., Physician, Sur - -3-1-• goon, ere. Office and Residence, corner of Market and Iligh streets, -next to the Planing Mill. CAMPBELL, Coroner for the County. Office and.Besidence, over Corby's corner store, Main eine, geitferth.` OftiCe hours, from 1,1 to 4, each day, and. all day Saturday. 159 LEGAL. T laRET, Solicitor, Wingham, has been ap- t' • pointed Agent for the Colonial Securities Com - of England, he is also Agent for several p* ate Capitalists of Toronto, who loan Money at very ressona.ble rates. Interest payable yearly. Charges Decelerate. Vingham, Deo. 15, 1871. 213 VroCA_UGHEY & HOLMESTED, Barristers, At - ILL at Law, Solicitors ha Chancery and Insolvency, Notaries Public and Conveyancers. iSolicitors for 'the R. C. Bank, Seaforbh. Agents for .he Canada Life Assurance Corepany, N. B.—$30,000 to lend -at 8 per cent. Farms, Rouses, and Lots for sale. 53 TeRNBON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorneys -1-1 at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Sea- forth and Wroxeter. $28,000 of Private Funds to Invest at once, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable 63 JAS. H. BENSON. •w. c. MEYER. MOTELS.. VOMMERCIAL HOTEL, Ainleyville, Ont., W.M. N-1 ANNETT, Proprietor. This Hotel is under ontirely new management and has been thorougly renovated. The Bar is supplied with the best Liquors. and Cigars. Good Stabling and attentive nostlers. A First-class Livery in connection. 228 • Ziltt 4urou gxpogitov IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY k1ORNING, IN SEAFORTH. • TNR15S.—$1.50 per year in advance, or $2 at the end of the year. Advertising Rates. TRANSIENT. First insertion, per line, 8 cants; subsequent in eartions, 2 cents each time, per line. CONTRACT BATES. One cohurni one year $60 00 - 85 00 3 months 20 00 Half one year 441 hall cg KNOX'S HOTEI;, (Late Sharp's.) The under- signed begs to thank the public for the liberal patronage awarded to him in times petit in the -hotel business, and, also to inform bhem that he has again resumed business in the above" stand, where he will be happy to have a call from old friends, •and many new one& 126 THOMAS ENOX. 1.1 BINGE OF War.ES HOTEL, Clinton, Ont., C., J. McCUTCHEON, Proprietor. -First-class se,comraodation, for travellers. The Bar is sup- plied with the very best diquors and cigars. Good stabling attached. The, stage leaves this House every day for Wirtgham. 204-41 Ai ! hall it ' :8500 , 20 00 " " 3 months 12 00 44 t1 tt Ono -fourth one year • . 20 00 12 00 " " . 8 months 8 00 One-eighth one year 12 00 800 " " 8 months 5 00 One -twelfth one year 8 00 " " half " 600 3 months 3 00 Business Cards, (6 lines and. under, year.. 4 00 • Adeertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, tte., not exceeding 10 lines—first month, $1 ; after first month, 60 cents each month. -Advertisements of FARMS and REAL ESTATE for pale, not exceeding 15 linea—first month, $1 50; eaeh subsequent month, 75 cents. Births, Marriagiii, Deaths—Gratis. Advertisements without spedfio directione will be inserted till forbid;aud charged accordingly. MeLEAN BROTpuelebatuers. Musino Y. McLEAN, 1 *jki.r.Att McIta-AN. -- it 44 half {II leg RITISIE EXCHANGE HOTEL, Goderich, Ont., CALLaaa'AY, Proprietor; F. S. WILLIAMS, (late of American Hotel, Warsaw, 'N. y"„) Manager. This, hotel has recently been newly furnished, and re- fitted throughout, and is now one of the most com- fortable and commodious in the Proyince. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. . Terms liberal. •'1123 1.1VE.11-14-. TA. SHARP'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. • Office --At Murray's Hotel, Seaforth. Good • Horses and first-class Conveyances-alwayson hand. THOMSON'S LIVERY, CLINTON., OFFICE,—AT COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Good • quiet Horses and First -Class Vehicles always on hand. Conveyances furnished to Commercial Travellers on reasonable rates. •221 JOHN THOMSON. Insolvent Act of 1869 IRON . FOUNDRY FoR -• SALE AT SEAFORTH. The undersigned offers for sale the Foundry and stook at Seaforth belonging to the bankrupt estate of %A PFE & CARTER. The property consists of two lots on the Main street, having a frontage of fifty-seven and a depth of two hundred and sixty feet. The buildingsare of brick, the front ono on the street, 80x30 feet, of two stories, and the moulding shop in rear 30x60 of one story, with wooden sheds in rear 91 it, and small dwelling of frame on back lot. The machinery consists of Boiler and Engine of twelve -horse power; iron Lathe, wooden Lathe, Bolt Crttter, Upright Drill, Vices, Upright and Cir- cular Saws, Boring MachineaShafting and Belt- ing, Fliisks, Patterns, &c., &c. Seaforth is one of the most prosperous towns in Ontario, surrounded by a futt-rate agricultural country, and this offers a fine chance. for an enter- prising mechanic with some capital. The sale will take place at Knox's Hotel, Sea - forth, on FRIDAY the 21s1 day of Juno iaext, at 11A. Me • - Terms and conditions of sale made known OIL application to A L'FIX. DAVIDSON, Official As- signee, Hamilton. The pioperty ean be seen on applicationto Mr. W. 0. Reid, Seaferth. - ADAM HOPE, Assignee- Hamiltora llth April, 1872. 228-10 BELL'S LIVERY STABLES, SEIFORTH, Ont. Good Horses and Comfortable Vehieles, always en. hand. Favorable+ Arrangements made with. Commercial Travellers. All orders left at KNOX'S HOTEL, will be promptly attended to. OFFICE AND STABLES :—Third door North of Knor's Hotel, Main Street. 221 THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. VETERINART SURGEON.—D. ArcNAUGHT, Y. S., begs to announce to the inhabitants of Seatorth and surrounding country that ho has been awarded'the diploma of the Ontario 'Veterin- gay College, arid is now prepared to treat diseases of Horses and Cattle and alt doraestie animals. He • has opened an office in connection with his horse - shoeing shop, where he will be found ready to at- tend. to calls. Diseases of the feet apecially at- tended to. Residence, °Mee and shop in the rear .01 Killoran & Ryan's new store. All kinds of Vet- erinary MedieineS - ept constantlyon hand. -Charges reasonable, - 229 ALEILL WDER HUNTER, Liceitse& Auctioneer, Cranbrook, Grey P. 0. Sales attended on moderate terms. Commissioner in Queen's Bench, Conveyancer, Land, Loan and General • Agent:— Also, Agent for the following Companies, via. : Enron and Erie Loan Society, London; Farmers' sind.Mechartics? Savings and Loan Company, Toron- to ; Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool' and London., Fire and Life; Ontario Mutual Fire In- surance Company and the Agricultural Insurance •Coraparay. Any amount of money to loan at low aates of interest. Several good Farms for sale, ,eheap. . 224-6m 7 R. COOPER, Conveyancer, CoramissiOner in Queen's B %nth, Insurance and General Agent, Agent for the -Freehold Permanent Building and Aavings Society of Toronto, whose rates are as low * any Company d'oing busidess in Cauada. Appli- iteltiema for Loans aromptly attended tO, OIrICE —0 -tiosite Ross' Tailor Shop, 1864f A tNLEYVILLE. • • AINLEYVILLE LAND AGENCY, SONC OF THE FARMER'S WIFE. Gentle May! how can you play Thus with savage winter? Prythee send him on his way, With a gentle hint; or • Not an apple will be left, Nor a single cherry; • Scarcely now is there alive Plum or poor strawberry. • Daily he has seemed to take Leave of thee and. thine, all -- Daily -we have hoped he'd. make • His departure final; . But he nightly reappears • With his frosty speeches ; And, we'll have to buy our pears, And import our peaches. Gentle May! do not delay Till the Graybeard fool thee, Fling his fetters now away, - Or for life he'll rule thee; Take a line from woman's pa e— • Love the latest, comer; Send old *int et to his caves, And coquet with summer. _ —E. R. S. " A MAWS A MAN FOR A' THAT." Who shall judge man from his manners? Who shall know him by his dress? Paupers May be fit for princes, Prince§ fit for something less. , Crumpled shirt and dirty jacket • May beclothe the golden ore i Of the deepest thoughts and feelings- - Satin vest can do no more. There are streams of crystal fiectar Ever &Wing out of stone; There are purple beds and golden, 'Hidden, crushed, and overthrown. God, who counts by souls, not dresses, _Loves and prospers you and me, While he values thrones the highest BUt as pebbles in the sea. Man upraised above his fellows, • Oft forgets his fellows then; Masters—rulers—lords, remember • That your meaneet hinds are men! Men of labor, men. of feeling, Men of thoughts, and men of fame, Claiming equal rights to sunshine In a man's ennobling name. There are foam -embroidered oceans, There are little wood -clad -rills ; There are feeble inch -high saplings, There are cedars on the hills. God, who cOunts by souls, not statiens, • Loves ancl prospers you and me; For to him all vain distinctions Are as pebbles in the sea. THE Subscriber having established an Agency for the Sale of -Farm and Village. Lots, which he will advertise (weekly) and sell OR Commission. Timms of Commission or any particulars con- cerning lots advertised will be made known on application if by letter prepaid, and enclosing stamp, addressed C. R. COOPER, Dingle P. O. JOHN BRIGIBM, Exchange Broker, and Rail- way Ticket Agent, Houghton's Hotel, opposite G. T. Railway Statii 1fl Setifortan Out. Through Tickets issued to all pt tags in the Western States, California and Red Rah er, at reduced rates, affording the greatestfacilities to Emigrants. All necessary information giY011 respt toting Land Agencies, etc. Greenbacks, Bonds, Cou4 ,ons and uneurrentMon.ey, Gold and. Silver Coin, boa ght and sold at bestrates. qi Jr. CHURCHILL, VEraTERINARY S taltGEON • (rember of the Cute rio Veterinary College,) begs to intimate to the ir habitants of Seaforth tentsurreunding country, a -at he has opened All Office it% Seaforth, where he may be consulted per- • itiget. Havingallorbyletreter, coevnitedhe aDirt-cemiases of Horses, Cat- ar and practical education, and having been an arded the Diploma of the Veterinary College of Cute rio T. J. Churchill hahsora evry eracopnftiodr heime.of giving satisfaction to all lr REPERENCES--A- Smith, V. S., _Prin' eipal Onta- rio Veterinary College; Professer Buckland, Dr• 1 Tkorburn, Dr. Rowel, and — Wells, 11. 8:, V. S•i Veterinary Medicines Constantly oil band. . • All Calls promptly attended ._‘43. Giftee—Cannichael's Hotel, Seaforth. 1.82-2111 /Mar ARCH ITECT U R E. • uudersigned is prepared to furnish Plans' Specifieations, &c., of Public and Private Build- ings, and also to superintend the _erection of the 5*2130. ,Calpenters', Plasterers' and lifasons'N.TPTk =Bemired and. valued. ' • ADAM GRAY, Lot 27, Second Concession, McKillop, 227-13* near Seaforth. FOR SALE, Village Lots 64 and 65 Aieleyville, (Morris.) . village lots Nos,"44-and 39 Ainleyville, (Morris;) large frame wattage and. frame stable. Lot 22, Con. 4, N. 4, Morris; 100 acres 50 cleared; log house; 2 nailes off gravel road!. Lot 29, Con. 7, N. 4, Morris; 100 acres, 60 cleared; good log house and frame barn. Lots 2 and 3, West -side of Howick-street, Wrox- e der, containing acres of land; two new frame houses ; etables,_ Village Lots 49 and 50, Ainleyville, with good frame house and stable, and log tannery in good working order. Lot 26, Con. 3, S. 4, Morris, 100 acres, 60 cleared. frame barn, log -house, good bearing orchard, Tillage Lots, 212, 213, 221, Ainleyville, (Grey.) Store, Storehouse and Stable 14 acres of Land with orehard, etc., in village Cranbrook. C. R. COOPER, 224 Dingle I'. 0. • Divisions '5ourts-4872. Division Courts will be held ail follows,: ' Wm -mum, ' • Wednesday, 10th July. WRO3..ETER.,....1,....: .... ........ .. .. Tuesda31 23rd " SEAPORTII ..... . . .. . . .....Wednesday, 24th " Thursday, 25th Orawroa,• " Ekeran, , DUNGANNON, Friday, 26th " Saturday, 8rd Aug. Berrien, Monday, 51h 1` GODERICR, .......... .. . Wednesday, 7th 4 The Courts open at 10 o'clook, a. m.„ each day. points and ' catches the breeZe that left the old man's sails all shivering. By and by the congregation will get ahead of him, and then it must have another new skipper. The priest holds his own pretty well; the minister is coming down every generation nearer and nearer to the conimon level ot the useful citizen—no oracle at a , but a man of more than aver- t age moral i stincts, who, if he knows any - thine, kno s how little he knows. The ministers are good. talkers, only the struggle between nature and grace makes some of 'em a little awkward occasional- ly. The women do their best to spoil 'em, as they do the poets ; you find it very it very pleasant to be spoiled, no doubt; so do they. Now and then one them goes oyer the dam.: no wonder, they're always in the rapids. . By tlais time our three ladies had their faces all turned toward the speaker, like the weathercocks in a northeaster, and I thought it best to switch off the talk on to another rail. . How about the doctors f—I said. • Theirs is the least learned of the .pro- fessions, in this country at least. They have not half the general culture Of the - lawyers, nor a quarter of that of the min- isters. 1 rather think, though, they are • more agreeable to the common run of people thin the men with black coats or the men ,with green bags, Peopte can swear before 'em if they want to and. they can't very well before the ministers. • I don't care whether they want to swear or not, they don't want to be on their good. behavior. Besides, the minister has a little smack of the sexton about him; he comes when people are in ex- tremis; but they don't send for him every time they make a slight noral slip,—tell a he for instance'or smuggle a silk dress through the custom house ; but they call in the doctor when a child is cutting a • tooth exegete a splinter in it finger. So it closehit mean much to send. for him, only a pleasant chat about the news of the day; for putting the baby to rights doesn't take long. Besides, everybody doesn't like to talk about next world; people are modest in their desires, and find this world as good as they deserve; but everybody loves to talk physic. Eveiybocly loves to hear of strange cases; people are eager to tell the doctor of the wonderful Car38 they have heard of; they want to know, what is the matter with somebody or other who is said to be suf- fering from "a'complication of diseases," and above all th get a hard name, Greek or Latin, for: some complaint which sounds altogether too commonplace in plain English. If you will only call a headache a Cie' phalalgia. it ,acquires a dignity at once, and a patient 'becomes rather proud of it. So I think doctors are generally w8lconee inmost companies. In old times, when people were more afraid of the devil and. of witches than they arenow, they liked to have a priest or a minister somewhere near to scare 'em off e but nowadays, if you could. find an old woman that wpulde ride round the roora on e. ibroothetick, Barnuin would build an amphitheatre to exhibit her in; and if he could come across a young imp, with hoofs; tail, and budding horns, a lineal- -descendant of one of those " diemons " which. the good people of Gloucester fired at, and were fired. at by "for the best part of a month together" in the year 1692'the great showman would have him at any cost for his muse- um or menagerie. Men are cowards, sir, and are driven by fear as the sovereign motive. Men are idolaters and want something to look at and kiss and hug, and throw themselves down before ; they always did, they always will; and if you don't make it of wood, you must make it of words, which are just as much used for idols as promissory notes are used for values. The ministers ha-ve a hard time of it without bell and. boce and holy water; they are dismounted men 'M armor since Luther cut their ,sad- dle -girths, and. you can see they are quiet- ly taking off one piece of iron after an- • other, until some of the best of 'em are fighting the devil (not the zoological Devil with the big D) with the sword of the Spirit, and precious little else in the way of weapons of offence or defence. But we couldn't get on without the spiri- tual brotherhood, whatever became of ous special creeds. There is a genius for religion, just as there-_ is for painting en. sculpture. It is half-sister to the genius of music, and has some of the features whieh remind us of earthly k ve. But it lifts us all by its mere presence. To see a good man and hear his voice once a week would be reason enough for build- ing churches and pulpits.—Froni "the Poet at the Breakfast Table" in the At- lantic for May. Toiling hands alone are builders Of a nation's wealth and fa de, Titled laziness is oensioned, . Fed and fattened on the same; y the sweat of others' foreheads, - Living only to rejoice, While the poor man's outraged freedom Vainly lifts its feeble.voice. Truth and justice are eternal, Born with loveliness and light; Secret wrongs shall never prosper While there is a sunny -right. God, whose world-wide voice is singing - Boundless love to you and me, Links oppression with its titles But as pebbles in the ida. • EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons in- debted to the estate of given, late Timothy Quinn, in hif.life-time, of the Township of blolTillop, must settle the same on or before the First of October, 1872. All parties having claims against the said estate are also notified that Bach claims must be handed to the undersigned, properly attested, on or before the said First of October, otherwise they will not be honored, as the affairs of the estate Will tb.en. be wound up. ' JOHN HORAN, • E WM. HORAN, Jr., ie 11 ors. McKillop, Apr' 24, 1872. 229-4* M TR -RI subscribe amount on gt pex cent. per inn ciple are paid yel • when the latexes 227-52 At MO EY TO LEND. undersigned has $3,000 and upward., private funds, to loan, at 8 per cent. per annum, on Farm property. Charees moderate. Marriage Liceoces issued. • Applywto 227-52' W. G. WILSON, Zurich. NEY TO LOAN. has MONEY to 1oan to any od farm property. latcrest, SIX , when the ,interest and pin- rly, and 8 per cent! per annum only is paid. A G. McDOUGALL, cap cash Store, sign of the Bear. EGGS, FOR HATCHING. LT AND DARK BRAHMA.S, from Imported Stock, $250 per Dozen. Address J. BUCETS, 2304* Box 48, Clinton. Lawyers, Ministers and Doctors. BY 0. W. HOLMES. The lawyers are a picked lot, "first scholars," and. the like, but their business is as unsympathetic as Jack Ketch's. There is nothing humanizing in their re- lations with their fellow -creatures. They go for the side -that retains them. They defend the man they know to be a rogue, and eot very rarely throw suspicion on the man they know to be innocent. Mind. you, I am not finding fault with them; every side of the case has a right to the best statement it admits of; but I say it does nottend to make them sym- pathetic. Suppose in a ease of Fever vs. Patient, the .doctor should side with either party according to whether the old mise e or his expectant heir was his em- ployer. Suppose the minister should. side with the Lord or the Devil, according to the salary offered and other incidental advantages, where the soul of a sinner was in question. You can see what a piece of work it would inake of their sympathies. But the lawyers are quick- er witted than either of the other pro- fessiens'and abler men generally. They are good-natured, or, if they quarrel, their quarrels are above board. I don't think they are as accomplished. as the ministers, but they ha-ve a way of cram- ming -with special knowledge for a case which leaves a certain shallow sediment of intelligence in their memories about a good many things. They are apt to talk law in mixed company, and they have e *ay of looking round when they make a point, as if they were addressing -a jury, that is mighty aggrivating, as I once had occasion to see when one of 'em, and a pretty tamous one, put me on the witness - stand at a dinner party once. The ministers come next in point of talent. They are far more curious and widely interested. outside of their own calling than either of the other profes- sions. I like to talk with 'em. They are interesting men, full of good feelings, hard workers, always foremost in good d on the whole the most efficient class, working do-wnwards from e to ignorance, that is, —now upwards, also,—that we have. uble is, that so many of them . J. P. • BRINE, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of -1-4 Huron. Sales • attended in all parts of the Country. All•orders left at THE EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. " 198 BOARDING. 11COLLADAY has leased the large and com- • modious bouso, on theiSalt Works Grounds, adjoining the Rti1way Static' as a boarding-hfispe. Gcod rooms. Persons wishing , an s p able and comforbuble pleasant boarding- house should apply, as there lare at present a few vacancies. Transient boarders accoramodated at DAS than hotel rates. • F 228 1ticLEA.11 stivornions, Pnbits' kera. in 30 a 'Vestry ui ndvanee• cause the man that keeps the hotel charges full price for the children if they sit at the table in the big dining -room. Once my mother let me go down with her, and. I talked a heap at the table, and a gentleman that sat next to us said little girls should be 'seen, and not heard." The mean old thing died last week, and I was real glad, and I told Della so,. and she said if I went and. said things like that I couldn't go to Heaven. Much she knows about it, and I wouldn't want to go there if dirty things like she is went there. Yesterday Mary, our nurse, told. Bessie Nettle's nurse that she heard. Larry Finnegan was going to marry her. Larryis elle ef the waiters, and. he saves -candies for me frora the big dining -room; and, Bessie Nettle's Muse said, " Oh, Lord ! what a lie !". and. Bessie went into her mother's room, and her little brother said she nipped 'him, and Bessie said, :"Ob, Lord *hal a lie !" and you should have heard how her mother did talk to her, and went and. shut her in a dark room where she kept her trunks, and didn't let her have mething but bread and water, and Gus Rogers went and yelled through the key -hole, and. said, "Bessie, the Devil is coming to fetch you," and Bessie screamed and ahnost had a fit, and her mother told Mrs. Rog - s, and got Gus licked, and Gus says he's a mind to set the house on fire, and burn her out. - One day I went into the -pitilor and creeped under the sofa, and. there -wasn't anybody there. They don't let dogs nor children go into the parlor, and. I had to creep under the sofa, so nobody couldeee me; and. Mr. Boyce and Miss Jackson came in and siltecl down on the sofa and he said. "Oh, Louisa, I do love you so much," and then he -kissed her, for I heard. it smack. And. then she said, Oh, Thomas, 1 do wish I could believe you. ; don't yon never kisteanybody else ?" And he said, "No, dearest, and I yell- -ed out, "0b, what a big etory I for I saw him kiss Bessie Nettle's nurse in the hall one night after the gas was turned down." Didn't he jump up; you bet! and he pulled me out and tore my frock, and he said, "Oh, you wicked child, you, where do you expect to go for telling such Aeries ?" And. I told him, " You shut up, I aia't going anywhdee with you," I wish he would die like that other man, so I do and I don't' care whither he goes to Heaven or not. deeds, civilizin kn owlei and th The tr work in harness, and et is pretty sure to chafe sOmewhere. They too often assume principles which would cripple our in- stincts 1O,nd reason and give us a crutch of doct ne. I have talked. with, a great many f 'era of all sorts of belief, and I don't iijhink they have fixed everything in theiaf own minds, or ere as dogmatic in their abits of thought as one would think fo hear 'em lay down the la.win in the ulpit. They used to lead. the in- telligence of their parishes; now they do pretty well if they keep up with it, and they are very apt to lag behinclit Then they must have a colleague. The old Minister thinks he can hold. to his old course, sailing right into the wind's eye of human nature, as straight as that famous old skipper John Bunyan; the young minister falls off three or four Canada. Wall a practical, searaing discourse, and. was a.ttentively listened to by the large number in attendance, Rev. Mr. Proud - foot, of Louden., was elected Moderator fur the efuelingyear. B honIta, of McGillivray, notes the prevalencS; 0, the Colorado bug in potato Tits,. On the opening of Mr- &mita •pits the "varmints' walk -ed icmeisaurpaeilwa. y forth, eeady for the simmer —Of J. Ross Robertson, of the Toron- to Telegraph, the Goderich Star truly says "The daily press of Canada dwelt a good deal of its present enterprise to him. He gave it an impetus that has placed. it far ahead of what it was, and. for this he deserves the thanks of the country." W—ateArloellild of Mr o lalsVe4r8lweek,sligehl:tre"; ti fingers badly crushed in ;the run of a sewing -machine whieli its wee -Working. This is a mothers to keep adventurone 'or bilied: ing Youngsters from experinieeitineetith sewing machinery while m na4ion. The St. Lawrence river was never known before to be so TOW at this season of the year. ---titlier McMflion of Fenian Raid extensive emigration and Penitentiary notrie y, died onSatur- day, in Indiana. There is an this' ;ring from the County of Lanark to - maatebes The Fergus News Record claims that James McQueen, of Nichol, is the oldest TowiaShip Clerk in the Province, he hav- ing tilled that position for 34 years. — A.9 young man, aged 15, named William H. Rodgers'sont of the Post- master of Bloomingdalel has been sus- pected for some time of opening money letters in that office. The usual trap was 'set for him by the Post Office In- spector and a marked five dollar bill was found on him. He was immediately arrested and place,1 in jail at Berlin. At the Assizes last week he confessed. his guilt and was eenteiaced to five years imprisonment in the Provincial Peniten- tiary. — Mr. W. K. Muir has generously promised, on behalf of the Great West- ern Railway Company, that .all building material needed in Ingersol shall be car- • ried. by the Great Western at half rates. — Mr. Robert White, a workman in the Victoria Mills, St. Marys, a few days ago fell heir to about $35,000 by the de -- cease of an uncle in Australia. On Tues- day last Mr. John G. Donald, a clerk, also of St. Marys, left for Scotland for the purpose of receiving his share of $500,000 left to him by the will of an uncle in that country. • Mr. if )onald's share amounts to about $50,0041, and arm entirely unexpected. A Little Girl's View. I'm only a little girl, but I think I have as much right to say what I want to about things as a bey. I hate boys; they're so mean; they always grab all the strawberries at the dinner -table, ancl never tell us when they are going to have any fun. Only I like Gus Rogers. The -other day Gus said he was ping to let off -some fireworks, and he let Bessie Nettle and me go and look at them. All of as live in a hotel, and his mother's room has a window with a balcony. His mother was gone out to buy some creme de lis to put on her face, and he'd went and got eleveu boxes of lucifer =etches, and ever so many pieces of castile soap; he steeled them from the housekeeper. Just when she went to put them_ in the closet, Gus went and told her Mrs. Net- tle wanted her a minute, and while she was gone he grabbed the soap and matches, and when she came back he watched. her; and she got real mad, and she scolded Della (that's the chamber- maid), and said she knowed she did. it, and I was real glad, because when I was turning summersets on my mother's bed the other day Della slapped. me, and. said she wasn't going to make the bed twice to please me. Then Bessie and me stick - ed the matches into the soap like ten pins, and Gus fired theta off, and they blazed like anything and they made an awful smell, ancl.Gus went and turned a little gas en so his mother would. think it was that. We get our dinner with the nurses, • —Those farmers who have a goodly -floek of sheep this year will reap a rich harvest, as the price of wool will be al- most imprecedentedly high. Farmers should be in no burry to sell, but wait untilthe season is fairly open, and then brim' g their stock to market. Do not hold the wool until the price fail to one- half of what it now is, and until it has lostmmuch in weight and commercial value. —Fall -wheat in the Lanark district has been so badly winter -killed- that it will be almost a complete failure. — The Kingston Orangemen are mak- ing great preparations for the reception of Mr. Johnston, the Grand Master ef Ireland. He is expected to be with -them next 12th of jnly. —The Strathroy Council lets the job of doctoring the town paupers by tender. —Brantford street boys are in A high state of exh iltaration. Two big circuses are coming to that town withm a fort- night. , • — It is rather early to discount the fruit crop, but a Burford farmer writing to the Brantford Ezpositor says : "Fruit prospects; are exceedingly good.: pears, cherries and the smaller fruits promise, an abuielant yield, peaches, we have none, or but a very, very few, but of apples, which is the standard crop, there is a show of buds which will Soon clothe the trees in*beauty, and, if no unforeeen event happens, will in autumn load every branch" with golden fruit. • — It is probable that seventy-five cent. of the losses by the Ingersoll fire will fall on the inhabitants, as the insurance was very inadequate. — The Grand Trunk Railway, the GreatVestern Railway and other cor- porations have granted the request of their employees, so far as lessening the hours of labor are concerned, but make a reduction of. wages proportionate to the shorter time. --The Spectator says : "8o far as we have been able to discover, there is scarcely a business man i11 the city of Hamilton in favor of repealing the bank- ruptcy law." • —0. II. Waterous & Co., of Brant- ford, having determined not to counten- ance the nine hours movement, gave no- tice to their men last week that they would -advance their wages five per cent and allow each man to elect -whether he would work Eve and three-quarters or six days to the week, and. pay them re- spectively for the other quarter day's labor, if performed, and make pay day Friday, upon their signing an agreement not to agitate nor support an agitation for the reduction of the hours of labor now constituting a day's work. Eighty- nine men refused to sign, leaving work and. being paid off. • Messrs. Waterons & Co, think they will have sufficient force left to run the shop. — As an illustration of the procloctive capacity of our oil territory it has been stated that from a patch of six acres in the Petrolia district, oil to the value of $800,000 has been obtained within five years. We hear that $80,000 has been offered for a well on this territory. --In the last fiscal year the product of the Dominion fisheries was $7.573,200 being nearly one million dollars in excess of the previous year. About fifteen mil- lions of capital and 87,000 persons are employed in the business —figures which show that the trade in fish takes a pro- minent place among the productive in- dustries of the Dominion.. — A by-law to prohibit street profan- ity has been enacted -by the town Council of Belleville. The provisions of the by- law are very stringent, and. the Young Men's Christian Association a.nnounce that they will enforcethem energetically. —An illicit distillery was seized last week in the village of Waldemar Town- ship of Arthur, by officers Romaine and Gow./ The proprietors -were hotel - keepers in the village, named Hicks and Evans. —Last week the Waterloo test well had reaehed a depth of 1,830 feet, and still nothing found. —An effort is to.be made to establish a collegiate institute half way between Waterloo village and Berlin, to 'ac- comodcite both. — The Synod of London in connection with the Canada Presbyterian Church met London, on the Ith inst. The —A little boy about six years of age, son of Mr. A. McLean, of Ashfield, mis- took a pot of boiling lye for naaple-syrup, a few days ago, and drank a quantity of it. It is doinstfulif he will recover. — The volunteers of the Western Military Districv will this year meet at Windsor, about the 196h of June, The rates of pay for the sixteen -days will be the same for officers and men as last year at Goderich ; the ration allowance has been increased, including among other things the issue of cheese, and the al- lowance for a horse has been Men ased. from 75 cents per day to $1. —The Canada Presbirterian Synod of London will meet next year in Strat- ford. — The " Workingmen's Progressive Political Party" is the name of a newly - formed association in London. —The people of Ingersoll, determined., energetic and. ambitious' • are bound to have the burnt districtrebuilt before next winter. —The Toronto Telegraph finding it- self in the position of a paper without a party is trying to form one of its Own, WhiCh it calls the Young Canadian Party, its motto to be " Canada First." — The St. Thomas Homc Journa/ is now printed by steam power. The local papers are going ahead--sorae of them. -is • 110. FAT 'OR NOT.—An Englishman who cares anything for biz social standing will even diet, in. caseso desperate a ren*d.y is required, rather tha.n grew fat. Byron alwaysi had. a horror of fat. He could bear an allusion to his game leg with a much better grace thanan intima- tion that his waistband Was growing tight. He took violent exercise, curtail- ed his daily potations of gin and wateae turned his back oa pastry, and weighed himself twice a, day until he had arrested the fatal tendency.. Coming across the At antic we find the gaunt Yankee en- terltaahang radically different notions of fat. He covets it. In his Mind, fat is associated with comfort, good humorand an easy conscience. Fat men are approv- ingly spoken of, with a faint trace of envy on the approbation. Fat men stand in the street corners, proudly strok- ing their capacious paunches, and scowl- ing defiantly at the walking ramrods and billiard cues that glide by them, Even the -very fat bear theinfliction of eaarying their load about with them, as they lard the lean earth, with stoical fortitude, content to have too much of a good. thing opening -sermon preached by Rev. 'uiva Ross, of Brueefield, from Acts 9, 15-16, I rather than not enough.