The Huron Expositor, 1872-05-10, Page 3MAY 1tEDIVAJj --r-- te inhabitants of Seraforth and mermen intrv. Dr. J. G. BULL having been ease& h, ;dames in hie fa.mily, to suapend lenient* ale tirae iu tide place, has pleasure in. wee o to the public, that, through a kiwi Pee. e has been permitted to intirn. eo the eriy Ocetipied by him, over Mr. A. G. 's Store, Main street, sehere he intend/4 to remain, and will bo pleased, to see ana as Remy new ones. as May favor , cell. All operations perforraed Recant_ atest approved style, and foes as lOW as lsewhere, hnura eons $ A.. M. to 5 P. 1kIs egt MITCHELLM. De Graduate a vialsa Coilege, Pleveseian, Surgeon, etcen etnv ;/..tw; r„ -Coroner a the Connty of Huron. Peel residence, at 'Ilhompeou & Stanley's. ae 1 -t sa, saran; Ps/eine Surgeon, dee 'ffice-Opposite Scott Robertson's Grocery, • teet, Settfortl. ea 1.;$ sn-watT, m c. X, Graduate of :Sill, University, Montreal, Physician, Sue. 4.1e. Mee aad Residence-Brimefield. - VERC011, M. De C- Ph.Yeleian, Sur - mon„ etc. OMNI and Residence, coiner et is =a Beal streets, next to the Planing mill.. - CAMPBELL, Coroner for the County. Ofteee nd Iteselthice, over Corby's corner store, Mahe Seafinth. Office hours, from 11 to 4, eaeav al all day Saturday, . - 'LEGAL. _ nen'T, Solicitor, Wingharo, has beeu al). ointol Agent for the Colonial Seel-La/ft Cant- ed Eteland, he is also Agent for several, pre- eapitalists a Termite, who loan 'Money at eseasenable lutes. . Interest payable_ yearly., 'ekes moderate - hat -a, Dee, 15, last jg - - ssseaaase EGLIVESTED, Barristers, At- toraeysat Lew,. Solicitors in Chencery sea lveacy Notaries Public and Conveyancera. item ior the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agents_ ler linsadeel_ ere Aseurance Company, ,se,--etsee,000 to lend at 8 per tent, Farms, ies and Lots for sale. sox a; emenEjr._ , Darristers and attenma 4 Lae; Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency,. ayancers, Notaries Pablic, etc. Oflices-Seae and Wroxeter. Se:28,000.0f Private Thendsifee d at once, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable [ee ▪ nwssozi.0R W CRRYEn. MOTELS. MMERCIAL HOTEL, Ainleyville, Out., WM., ANNETT, Vroprietor., Tins Hotel is undere tely new management and has been thoron'gly teL The Bar is supplied with the best - I ors and Cigars. Good Stabling and attentive :eters. A First-class Livery in commotion- 22S NOX'S HOTTele, (Late Sharps.): The tinders signed begs to thank the public for the liberal oleasn- awarded to, him rn times past in the besinese, and also to inform them that he hat n resumed busirtess in the above stand, where - 'Fill be happy to have a call from old friende, :Many new ones- TD.Oet A S KNOX- eINCE OF WALES surrEa, Olhiton, Ont., . e, McCUTGIIEON, Proprietor. First-clasa neertodation for. travellers. The Bar is sup - with the very best lice:tars and cigars. Good., being attached. The stage leaves -this- House' ry day for Whighain, Melt RITISH EiCliANGE HOTEL, Godetich, Ont,, J, CALLAWAV,:etoprietor, ; I. S. WTraa SetS, Oatet. emerietta Hotel, Weeraw, Y.,) Manager. This hats recently been newly tarnished, and re- tL and is now one of the most cone; edge and commodious in the Province. Good .aple Itoome for Commercial Ten -yellers. Terms liberal. 1211 ' ssa ay. A. SEEARVS LIVERY AND SALT', 8TA31-4-ES'.- e elerrae-'s Hotel, Seaforth. Good 'trses and first-elase Conveyances always =him& illfeel SON'S LIVEItY,CLINT ON. . OFEICE,-AT COISIMERCIA.t. 1102EL. Good. wt Horses tied First -Class Vel.ieles always hand. Ccarseyanees famished to, Com -meld -al neeliera on reasenehle rat( -221 JOHN THOMSON- YELL'S LIVERY STABlerS, SEA,FORTEC, Ont. ) Good Ileirses and Comfortable Vfthides, always letwL Favorable Arrangements matle with enmercial Travellers. All orders left at Knoxett oven, will be promptly attended to - 1 STAla..Es ..---Tbird door North of tiox'e Hotel, Main Street, :red THOMAS BELL, Proprietor- ellteleleifelineeei Ears**. ETERINARY SURGEON. -D. McNAUGHT, V- S., begs to ennounce to the inhabitants ee eittorth an 1. surrouraling country that he has ten awarded the diploma of the Ontario Veteein- ry Cellege, and is new pripared to treat diseases t liorsss seel Cattle and all domestic animals. He en,opetted. aa. office ini cormection with his horse- Loeing shop, Whero he will be found. ready to at- , nal to cells. Diseases of the feet speeially at- teele.1 to. Residence, ofd.ce and shop ia the rear Killoran Iteraree new store. All kinds of Vet- iiretry Metlieines kept constantly on bend. etarges retanhable. 229 LEIYANDER HUNTER, Licensed Auetioneer, - Cranbrook„ Grey P. 0. Sales attended. on melentte Urine,- Commissioner in Qtte.ea's Ilen.ch, 'set-se:saucer, Land, Loan and General Agent.-- Lieo, Agent for the _following Cempardee, Iann azol Elie Loan Society-, London ; Farmed eltithanics" Savinge end Loan.Corctpany, Toren- ; Itenal Ineurance Company of Liverpool and. ention, Fire and Life, Ontario Mutual Fire In - =mice Cempany and the Agrieultural Insuzancer :',4eueany. Any amount (if money to loan at low ;Ina a interest. Several good Foams for sale, heap, 221-6m. X. COOPeele'Conveyancer, Commissioner 'in (Seem's Bench, Insurance and General Ageekt, art for the Freehold Permanent Building au& ge Seeley of Toronto, whose rates are as leer any Cerupany doing business in Canada. Anil- ettione for Loans promptly attended, to. Omee.-Opposite Ross' Tailor Shop, -85-tf AINLEY VILLE. OHN ItItIGIIAM, Exchange Broker, and Rail- way Tie,ket Agent, ..:Heugliton's Hotel, opposite . T. Railway Stations Seaforth„ Outs Through 'ickets issued to all points in the Western Statea, eallfornia and. Red Laver, atteducel rates, affording the gleeatest facilities to Emigrants. All necessary' informatiou given respectiog Land Agencies, ete. tereenhacks, Bonds; Coupons and. tomarrent Mon.ar, Gold and Silver Coin, bought, and sold at bestrates. - - j, CHURCHILL, VETERINARY SURGEON s (Mc -rater of the Ontario Veterinary College') btge to iutimete to the inhabitants of Seafortls and. sarroundieg emmtry, that he has opened all neice in Seaforth, where he ratty be coneelted. pee-' -.wildly or by letter, on the Diseases of Horses, Cats tie, ete. Having rsceived a regular and, practice titivation, and hissing been awarded the Diploma ,of the Vetetiz a ry College a Outexio, T.3 Churchill leee every etetfidenea cd giving satisfaction to all wito may employ him. Smith, V. S., Principal Onta- 'rio Veterinary College- Professor Bosseeod„ Dr- "Tborbern, Dr. Rowel, a'xid - Wells, M. D., & S. Veteeinars lit 1C. constently On hand. All tulle promptly attended to. Office--Carmichaers Hotel, Seaforth. .182-21tq szosismacig•a- IC. VC" Ent,: xiL comvo ti ND EIiI of Phoephates uieICalisnya.-There is nes eiet-ased coneition (If the body in wbich Deese Ve el'-r'Geeponnd Elixir of Pb.osphatee flea re eaaya may not be used with positive benefits -eine a (..Feaa and Nutritive Tonic, it ts neyeioleeically in the slime reaneer es our diet. It perfeets Digestitee Assimilation and tIse e neaten of healthy blued. It sustains -the vital 1' ene he :tumefying the waste constantly going all f tve 1,11.1 I1,l1ii, 114 tilt. result of mental and le,ye ‚4 14 enabling the naiad and body te wee- reo ;neat leiter svirleett fatigue. Its aetion 131 leul,:inst eli etaistitutieee broken down witeill u teting eill'43r113 diS(•alitS, by fttst livieg and 1)"' ' :eete ie truly rtr:;o erdinary, its effect being ine- 'rr-ate ere.reisine an the organs of the body. Pheepinten bellie absolutely essential to cell for - widen and the- growth of tisanes, must, forj11 , teat 1.4.` Naturt.'s ereat restorative and vitaliz. Sted by all dr,tists at *1. 225-52 ROOMS TO LET. ciEVEILS.L GOOD ItOOM8 in Meyer s Meek t° }-J- 14501]. reasonable terms, APPIY to !ha BENSON & ara-reB. ROOMS TO LET. To LET, in Scott's Block, two commefil°11° 11.1111116 on the second flat. Apply to 1P.5. McCestGlIEY & 1.10LAISTBIY- - 1VIAY 10,1872._ irmsassimasorms*minagis - Nesisames GAIETIES. In In one of Lord Broirgliitnes last speeChes, his upper teeth fell out, and there was an embarrassing silence until they vere restored, when he remarked that • his teeth lad given him a good deal of trouble ever since he cut them. That festor- ecIthe equilibrium - A drunken Seotchmanreturn- _ jug frOM a fair, fell asleep by the roadside, when a pig found hire, and began licking his mouth. , Sawney - roared : " Wha's kissing- me noo ? Ye see what it is tb be weel liked amang the lasses." -A Good joke is told of a young man who attended a social circle. The conversation turned on Cali- fornia and .getting rich. Tom -re- marked that if he was in California, he would, instead of working in the mina* waylay some rieh man. who hada bag full of gold, knock out Jus brains, gather up the gold, and skedaddle. One of the young ladies quietly replied that he had •better gather up the brains as he evidently stood more in need of that 'article than gold. Tom subsided. Old Farmer Grufl was one morning tugging away with all his might and main at a barrel of ap-' pies, which he was endeavoring a.-oo get up the cellar stairs, and cAlling at the top of his lunge for one of nis boys to lend a helping hand, but in vain. When he had, after an in- finite anaount of sweating and tug- ging, accomplished the task, and just when they were not needed, of course, the boys Made their appear- ance. "Where. have you. been, and what have you been about, I'd like to know, that you conld• not hear me call I" inquired the farmer an an angry tone, and addressing the,- " Out in the shop; satin' he saw," replied the youth. "And 4 011) Dick'?" "Out in the barn, set- - the hen." "And yoe, sir !" 'UP in gienty's room, settin' the ' the support of the roof is being con- structed by 'another set of hands. This arch alone is a sight to behold, but it is only the first of the 23 that are reqUisite. • The stt is rapidly becoming a scene of lively mechanical- interest, already about 200 mechanics are on band, and more are being added as fast as the preliminary work opens the way for them. Public interest is beginning,again tb turn Coliseum- -ward, and turnouts and pedestrians wend their way in pilgrimage to- wards this Mecca of the season. Clock." "Aild you, youws n19.111" "Up in. the garret, settin.' the. "And now, Master Fred, where were you, and what were you settin'7" asked the pld farmer ofhis Oungest progeny, the asperity of his temper -being annewhat softened by the am- using category of answere ; come, let's hear it!" "Out on the door- step, settin' still," replied the young hopeful. - A Virginia City man thus des- cribes his method of. conjugal dis- cipline: ‘.'Wheiaever rsee she's got her magi up, if it's a dozen times a day, I just quietly say nothin', but kinder humor her,. and she comes zouncl all right after a while. Then when she throws things at nae, or gives a wild slash for me'with the broom or rollini-pin, a little and she hits time before I get My e let her know I disapprove of such aetion 011 her part. Perhaps I have to leave the 'house to show her this, but she sees the point. Then, by being careful not to irritate her, .and letting, her have her own way, I inan- age to make her do as I please." ••• • • , - A Short Story With a Moral. That night T was out late, I re- turned by the Lee cabin about 11 o'clock, ' As I approached I saw a strange -looking object cowering under • the low eaves. A Loki rain was falling ,_. it was autumn. I drew near, and there was Millie wet to the akin. Her 'father had driven her out some houri before.; she had lairs down to listen :for the heavy snoring of his drunken slumbers, so that she might creep back -to bed. Before she heard it, nature seemed exli ted, and she fell into a troubl- ed's p,, with rain drops pattering upon er. I tried to take her home with ilae ; but nol!true as a martyr to his faith, she striaggled fiom me and returned to the dark and silent calain4s- Thingsawent on in this way for weeks and nionths, but at length Lee grew - less vicdent, even in his drunken fit, to his self-denying child, and One day, when he awoke from a slumber after a drunken be- baue,h, aidr found herreparing a. c.iiia I breakfa.at• for hina, and singing a childish:song, he turne • to her, and avith_ a-,. one salmost tender said, "Millie, 'what makes you stay with • "Because you are my father and I love you." . . "You. love me," .repeated "the wretched man; i" you leve me !" lie looked at his bloated limbs, his soireil and ragged clothes. "Love nae," • he still :murmured; "Millie, what' makes you love me? 1 ath a poor drunkard ; everybody else ciespises me ;:why don't you 7" '" Dear father," 'said the girls, with - swimming -Tye; " my mother taught me to love you, and every niglat she comes from Heaven and stands by my little bed, • and says, "-Millie-, don't leave yourfather ; he will get away from that rum fiend some of these days, Arid then how happy you will be." The quiet, persistent love of -this child was the redemp- tion of this man.-Sernrom of Robert Collor, of Chicago. , - ••,". just dodges e the third s on her and FLOUR! HAVING purehased end thoroughly refitted the rrens formerly mined by Abe Messrs. SCOBIE, I am now prepared k i TAMIL FLOUR, Second to NONE N SEA.FORTTI, Andj that will Compare favorabl with any in the Do - inion, If you want A 1 IF 40i31t, go to the following mlisn.A Denierstaer.deusriu ask for MARSITAT,T4'S---Remember ...W. SCOTT RO43ERTON, J. WHITES' E, SIMON POW ILL, JOHN CAV AG -FI, Orat W. IVIAR'HA.LL'S Mills. . S. ROBERTSON will Orders left with promptly attended to. Parties who wish to Exchange Are certain to receive ole that will defy corn ,1S8-tf heat for Flour, roper giantity, and an arti- etition. MARSH LL. be , Japanese Shoes. Three kinds of shoes are worn in Japan, a brief description.- ofwhich may interest the reader': 1. There - is the straw shoe. This consists of a strong mat of straw, made to fit the bottom of the foot, and fastened by means of strings going through the mat, and round ihe,e-nkles. The Jatianese horses, what few they have, are, shod with straw, in pre- cisely the same way. The mat, be- ing made to fit the bottom of the horse's foot, a.nci turned up a little at the sides, is fastened on by means ofetrings going round the- leg. above the hoof. 2. The4'Second kind of shoe is made of cloth for the upper part, and this is attached to a sole,of felt an inch thick. This is. the most common shoe of the 'Chinese also. Then, instead of our gum overshoes, the Japanese construct a rude sand- al of wood, the bottom of whieh fits the shape of the foot, and across the bottom are two t9ans'verse sections, one -near the toe and another near the heel, forming two huge corks -a toe -cork and a heel-eork-esof wood, four inches long and ..an inch thick. The whole is constructed of one*Ilid piece of wood, and kept on the fopt by means of a strong rope or string fastened to the top of the sandal: like the bail of a kettle, under which the foot is thrust, to the in-, step, and the pedestrian is enabled to move "high anel dry" over a mud - alp road. The tracks of :seh a traveller look queer enough. Two impressions in the soft earth, foiii inches long and one inch wide, and four or five inches apart, are all you An. Amusing Artillery Experi- ment. Out in a Western fort, some time ago, the major conceived the idea that artillery might be used effec- tively in fighting with the Indians by dispensing with gun carriages and. fastening the cannon upon the backs of mules. So he explained his views to the commandant, and it was de- termined to try the experiment. A howitzer was .selected and strapped upon an ambulance mule, with the muzzle pointed towards the tail. When .they had soured the gun and loaded it with ball cartridge, they led that calm and steadfast mule out on the bluff and set up a target in the middle of the river to practice at. The rear of the mule was turned to- ward -the target, and he was backed gently up to the edge of the bluff, The officers stood round in semi- circle which the major went rip and inserted a time fuse in the touchhole of the howitzer. When the fuse was ready the major 'lit it and re- tired. In a minute or two the hitherto unruffled Mule heard the fizzing back there on his neck, and it .rmaCle him uneasy. He- turned his head around to see what was go- ing on, and as be did so, his body turned and the howitzer began to weep around the horizon*. The mule at last became excited and his ousiositY--- grdw more and more intense, and in a second or two he was standing with his four legs in a bench„ malinge six revolu- tions a minute, and the howitzer, understand, threatening death to every xnan within half a mile. The commandant was observed to climb suddenly up a tree, the lieutenants were seensliding e,ver a bluff into the river, as if they_didn't care at all about the high price ef uniforms; the adjutant made good tine toward the fort; the sergeant began to throw up breastworks with his bayonef, and the major rolled over - the ground and groaned. In two or three minutes- there was a puff of smoke, a dull thud, anci the mule - oh fa where Was hel A solitary- jack- ass might' have been seen turning successive back summersaults over the blufl, only to rest anchor, finally, with hishowitzer in the bottom of the river, while the ball went off to - Ward the fort, hit the chimney in the major's quarters, rattled the adobe bricks down luta the parlor, and frightened the major's wife into convulsions. They do not allude to it now, and no report Of the results of the experiment was ever sent to the War department. see. IMPORTA TO" HOTJSIjKEEPEBS. GOOD FLOUR! AT LL TIM:ES. W. A. tH ARSON & CO., Proprietors of the SEAFORTH Are now M FAMILY (6, Int Intending pureha call rely upon gettin, from the -following M. Strong, John, W alsh, Jeones C. Laidlaw, Alex. MeGimes, William Ault, W. Thompson'Egmendvelle, els. Orders 1eft at our office, receive prompt attention. to exchange theirWheat ur,.at the Mill, -- n getting our best Family oi hatige, in quantities according wheat. SHEARSON & CO. MILLS ufacturing the best PASTRY FLOURS e Dominion. era in Seaforth and vicinity ,our Family and Pastry Flours eiders ONLY :-Thos. Lee, A. Ault, Thomas Kidd G. &H. Jackson, am and at the Seale Market Sauer% Farmers desirin for Fl May always rely up Pastry Flour n .ex to the value their W. A. 184-tf. ' The Great Jubilee, The, building for the use of the great Boston Peace -Jubilee is being,/ pushed forward with a goodly degree of energy. Lumber enough to build 'a small city is already wipe ground, and more constantly arriving. Pile- drivers with their:engines are doing the work of making the foundation for the vast structure secure. The, walls and toweraare making their appearance at one end, while at the ether, one of the gigantic arches for *StIPMETHiNg, INTERESTING To .CARRL‘GE-MAKERS AND BLAdICSMITHS, WM. ROBE TSON ftc CO, HARDWARE MER HANTS, Have on hand 200 Tons of Iron. 299 Sets of Carriage Axles. 1-1,URR H FOR 11372. ATILT, BEET, SEAPORTS, MAIN S T.TAS ON HATiJ GROCERIES, brands, Sugars, R Glassware, and eve first-cla.ss Groce 301 Sets of Springs. 449 Sets Seamless Thimble Skeins. Also, a full and well -selected tock of Carriage Trimm.ings and Hard -ware, Of every description, Which they had bought before the recent great advance in prim of that material, and thee' will hot be UNDERSOLD BY ANY HOUSE IN TIIE DOMINION. Blacksmiths and Carriage -Makers will do well toeall and examine our stockbefore par -chasing elsewhere. A large assortment of HUBS, SPOKES AND RENT STUFF on hand. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. 224 THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE DECLARES T4 PAT Tette' GARDNER SEWING-. MACHINE Is superior to any #t now in the Market. THE OSBORN GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO. ••7 Lock -Stitch Sewillg , MACHINE. Thousands throughout Canada are now using these machines. They have beeu tested beyond all question, make the favorite lock -stitch, alike on. both sides, and are pr nounced sUperior to any other machine offered. the public. For wide range of work, perfeetion, beauty and. excellence of mechanism, adaptability, strength and durability, The Osborn Sewing Machine Has Having been examined and tried by the most eleilul inechanies and best judges the country eanproduce, and by them awarded Prizes at all the principal Exhibitions held throughout the Dominion dining the present year, and although all the leading Machines were arrayed against it, the GARDNER PATENT has been declared ' a superior stock of FAMILY embracing Teas of the best singe etc. Also, Crockery and 7 other article usually kept in • Store. P OVISIONS, • Such as Flour, Oat etc., els and Corn -meal, Potatoes, Pork, , every description of FEED, • Such as Oats, Peas Bran and Shorts, all of which will be sold choaper than the cheapest. PlIODUCE. The highest market price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. Remember the place, Main street, East side, opposite Coventry'? Boo, and Shoe Store, Seaforth. 213 `, WM. AULT. 1 REMOVED.... REMOVED., M. ROBERTSON, et -Maker and 'Undertaker, HAS REMOVEI?-his wiere-r‘ems to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, 'Mere he has on hand a superior stook of Farui- tuxe of every destiiptjon. Crel..iL AHD SEE IT. U EE,TAKING. Having purcha. ed Mr. Thonlas HEARSE, ttend funera1:0'bn the shortest yen or country. 2ins, All Sizes, hand. I am prepared to notice) either in t CC Kept constantly c SIIROU ! SHROUDS! M. ROBERTSON, CABINET M1KEI4 AND UNDERTAKER, Joh son's Old Stand, VICTORIOUS OVER-ALL 00MI3ET-IT0RS, upon every test, and now stands foremost in thetank of sewers. ,SEE 'FILE LIST 01? PRIZES FOR 187.1; First Prize at Toronto. First Prize at London -the great Wentern Fair. First Prize at Guelph -4h° great Central Fair. First Prize at St. Catherines, County of Lineoln. First PriZe at Chatham, County of Kent. Firse Prize. at Waterloo, County of Waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, County of Siincoe. First Prize in Mono, County of Peel. First Prize in Caledon, County of Sinicee, First Prize at Wel- lendport, County of Welland. Find Prize at Otterville, County of Oxford. Second. Prize at Provincial Fair, Kingston Diploma at Hinniltot, an.d various County Shows. This beantifil specimen of mechanical ability is a purely Ca-nadian hlvention, surpasSing in simplicity, durability, and usefulness any other Sewing Machhie now in the market whether of Canadian, American, or English manufacture. It will hem, cord, braid, tuck, gather, quilt, fell, and do all and every kind of:Family Sewing and light Manufaettning Work, using all kinde of thread. It has a omit eomplete SET OF ATTACHMENTS. BUY NO °TITER. If the price is a little higher than some others, it is the cheapest in the end. Send for Circulars and Samples. GARDNER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. P. 5.e -intending percluisers should not be misled by unscrupulous; Remits of other Companies, who Main street, Seaforth, has now on ,hand a good assortment of keep Machines they do not sell, in a damaged state, to make capita for°themselves. , Call and examine the Gardner before purchasing any other, at WILT -LI -II GUASSIE'S Wareroores, Goderich-street, Seaforth. Agents wanted. SI-11R•CD1.TID S Which he can furnish cheaner than they can be not elsewhert. 205 MOULDING 4:146 PAPER. THE undersigned has on hand a splendid lot oe . ROSEWOOD AND GILT MOULDING. -Also, a Fine Lot of Straw WR PING, PAPER, FO* SALE, CHEAP. Now is the tinie to buy as it is on the rise. Main Street, Seaforth. WHO WAN S_ 1. GOOD -- SUBSTANTIAL WAGON, r a nice STYLISE( BUGGY? WIL IAM iGRASSIE1 SEAFOBTH, _ HAS on han and for sale a number of handsome singes an double BUGGIES, all well finished and manufact • ed. of the very best material. Also, 1BER WAGONS, C. ARMSTRONG. 221. 170-52 • PETER GRASS,IE, Seaforth. FOR NEAT BOOTS The attention of Ladies is particularly directed to our titock of Prunella Boots and Broadway Ties. No Rival. Er Improvements have lately been made, enabling the manufacturers to claim it as the ne plus ultra' of Sewing machines, Hundreds of testimonials are being received daily from old as -well as new operators attesting its wonderful capabilities. Will do all kinds of do; anestic sewing, frora the finest cambric to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather. GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPRF.SENTED, OR No SALE, WARRANTED FOR THREE YEA.R.S. The Osboni Outfit is complete and readily comprehended. Is sold at one- half the price hitherto charged for ma- chines doing a like range of work, the manufacturers being determined to place it within the. reach of every family in -the country. A TRIAL FEFORE PURCHASE 0011- vince all that our machines aretm- equaled. THE GUELPH REVERSIBLE Is pre-eminently the best Single -Thread. Machine offered to the public -hence its marvelous success. _Will do all varieties of domestic sewing.. PRICES GREA_TLIZ REDUCED. Hand Machine, -with full outfit; $12; Treadle do ,, $17. itr Each Inackine guaranteed. 1421- A gents wanted.everywhere. Splen- did inducements to make money. Apply to GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO., . GUELPH, CANADA.. W. N. WATSON, Agent,, 180-ly SEAFORTH. SPRING ST0J OF BOOTS AND SHOES. -The Best and Cheapest in the Market.-MeINT'YRE & WILLIS ' lain -street, Settforth, have just received a very fine stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Roots oar I Shoes, suitable for spring and. summer wear, all of whieh will be sold .at the ole) PRICES, for cash.- The very latest styles, and of the best and most substantial manufacture. -Custom work of all itinda promptly attendedto -A neat article and a good fit guaranteed. Repairing --All kinds of work repaired, no matter where made, on the shortest' notice. McINTYRE & WILLIS, . First door South of John Logan's. PA.RTICULA.R NOTICE. JOHN .LOCA! LU Which, for ex ellence -of build, -and ease in running cannot be b assed by ane inanufacturor in the • Frrulfewce. DEMOCRAT WAGONS on hand, and more making. WILLT GRASSIE sells as cheap as any other establishment in the County. BLACKSM1THINC And among Job Work attondol to promptly. Bas a Lot of SHAWLS, iNtA.NTL -AND- IDIRSS GOODS Which he is anxious to Sell Off, at Cost, YES, BELOW COST, Or any reasonable price that a customer may off° Therefore, Ladies, you will please call at the Ma.nchester House, - MAIN STREET, Soon, and get your pick of the Goods before they are all sold, Seaforth, July 25, 1871. 190 CATTLE FAIR,. A CATTLE FAIR will be held hereafter at LOYD'S HOTEL, SEAFORTII, (Opposite the Station,) ' On the First Monday in each month, BEGIN-XING ON ITIONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1871. Large numbers of buyers will be in attendance, and perties having stock neay rely on the best rear- ket prices. In connection with Loyd's Hotel (Houghton's are huge and commodious stables and yards. 1e8 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. FARMERS SELL YOUR EGGS TO WM THOMSON, ECIVIONDVILLE GROCERY (Logan's Old Stand,) Who -will pay the HIG1TRST MUGS in CAM, for any quantity of GOOD FRESII EGGS, Delivered at his store. 1 Stitch in Time save 9 IF you want to get the best Family Sewing Machine in the Province of Ontario, go to GEOB.GE MILMT, Wroxeter Who is Agent for the celebrated S 33 0 11 1•1: SEWING MACHINE. Groceries&Provisions FOR SALE CHEAP. FLOU1? AND FEED, Vell.S. A. SPARLING bilge number of fent-class Building Lots for Sale, adjoining h.er present residence, on Goderich street. Also, a two-story BRICK COTTAGE For Sale in said street. Terms reatonable. Plaee of Lots can be seen at Gray, Sperling & Co.'s Store, or at Tan Exrosston Office. 223 MBS. ANN SPARLDT.G. N. B. --Sewing Machine Needles of alllands, alwaya kept on hand for sale. Also, AGENT FOR E. R. SHOREY'S ROYAL CANADIAN CLOTHES -WRINGER. Office at Miss Fashionable Dress -making Establishment, directly opposite the Post Office, Wroxeter. 219 WHY -ARE LAZARUS, MORRIS & C01S LIKE BRIGHAM YOUNG ON TRIAL FOR MURDER? NOTicE.-Any person sending the answer to the above to the Agent, M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, 'thin the next thirty days, will re- ceive an order from le M. & Co. for e pair of their superior new pattern Eye Glasses. of every description, kept conetantly on hand, in- cluding Shearson & Co.'s No. 1. Come One, Come All, with your Eggs and got the Cash. WM. THOMSON; Egmondville Grocery. Fin OLIVER, SIGN OF- THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice a,ssortanent of li..ght and heavy harness, whips,bells, horse clothing, etc., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, find charges moderate. Remember the place ! sign of the Scotch Collar, Main Svreet, Seaforth. - 163tf W. If. :OLIVER. JUST RECEIVED A fresh supplY of all the POPULAR REMEDIES FOR polio -is AND COLDS; Including ATER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. WISTAR'S BALSAM WILD CHERRY ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. ANTI -CONSUMPTIVE SYB.IIP, DOWN'S VEGETABLE ELIXIR. FELLOWS' SYRUP OF THE HYPO - PHOSPHATES. BALSAM OF HOARHOUND AND HONEY. McDONALD'S EXPECTORANT, LUMSDEN'S COUGH SPECIFIC, ETC,, ETC., At LUMSDEN'S CORNER DRUG STORE, SEAFORTH. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NoTicE is hereby given, that all persons 111- debted to the estate of the late 'Timothy Quinn, bis life -tune, of the Township 01 McKillop, must settle the same on or before the First of October, 11372. All parties having claims against the said estate are also notified that such claims meet be handed to the undeisigned, properly attested, on or before the said First of October, otherwie,e they vr111 not be honored, as the affairs of the estate will then be wound up. JOHN HORAN, 1,.Executors. ) McFillop, April 24, 1872. 2204*