HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-05-03, Page 8,SCAPVIC.
BOOTS .A.ND SHOES. . Dulico.11 & Co.
?=airtiat special attention totheir 'stock of
boots and shoes in the following classes :
'Gents' elastic side shoes and. b°almorals.
A full assortment of Men's heavy goods,
just in e Ladies' and fJhildren's prunella
wear, in all qaalities. .A.,full assortment
of home-made work always on hand, and
made to order in either pegged or strived
work. Remember Duncan s is the right
place to get boots and. shoes •
CAM, Cases, CASH.—Cah has neither
legs nor wings, but still it is very bard
tocat-eh. Take your Eggs t Trott's
Cheap Groeery, opposite Mension
and get the hard Uash for them.
Co. have a large stock of iats and caps,
*Very imaginable style 'and color, in
English, A merle= and Canadian felts,
•also a nice assortment ok Men's and
Toys' straw hats, and late styleof
Vs -pats' silk hats at low pri es.
°Foi Aimu SCOTLAND. —th. Alexander
-Slemmon, of Seaforth; and Mr. William.
Y1ayne, of TuCkersmitle, intend s atting
• tour to Scotlandin about twojveeks.
Mr. William Hill has purchased. the resi-
dence at present occupied by Mr. Adam
.JG -ray, en -Victoria Square, and. intends,
xemoveng into it shortly.
SEED POTATOES. —Mr. E. Cash has for
sale at his etore several of the beet
-varieties of seed_ potatoes. Parties Wish-
• ing to puichase potatoes for seed could
mot do better than call on Mr. Cash.
SOLD AGAIN. —Mr: B. Shantz has
sold the " Cluff Farta " which he pur-
chased from Mr. James Beatty a few
-weeks ago to Mr. Adana Gray, of this
-village; The priee got by Mr. Shantz
was, we believe? $4,000:
.meeting. of the raerabets of the Seaforth
.Mechanics' institute will be held at W.
N. Watson's. office, on sthe eveniee°of
Tuesday next, at hal eat seven o'cloels.
A full otters perticularly ,re-
quested. .•
Rai, MANITOBA. r. Robert Mc-
Phillips, son of George McPhillips, Esq.,
took his departure from Seaforth for
Manitoba on Wednesday laet. Mr., Mc-
Phillips goes to Manitoba to join his
lather and brother, who are now eraploys
ed on the Government survey of that
Province. A
selves great credit at the melodeon.
This company have gained for themselves
a good reputation, as the Eastern Press
speak very. highly of them, and under
the able management of Mr. Ben Wheel-
er they are likely to long bear their good
name. •
:Bazaar held last Week under the ause
pices of St. ,Thontas' Church, of this vil-
lade, terminal ed on .Thursday- evening,
• encl was in every respect successful. The
• display of articles for sale- was large and
varied, and the attendance of purchasers
during each eveniag yeas good. We be-
lieve. the greater portion of the goods
provided were disposed of, and a good
sum must have been realized.
Eberhardt, who. last fall sold his farm
ancl property in the township of Usborne
and removed to Missouri, with the in -
teal= of buying a farm and becoming a
permanent resident there, boa returned -
to Canada, and is now living temperarily
in Egmond vine. Mr. Eberhardt brings
back a most unfavorable report of the
condition of things in Missouri, and as-
serts that the prospects 'for a new set-
• tler in that State are by no means bright.
it is a poor country for farming, he -says;
• fall wheat cannot be raised, as there is no
snow and intense' cold; corn is the only
crop, and that brings but a low price.
Stock -raising only pays, and that re-
quires bonsidera,ble capital. Mr. Eber-
hardt lived all whiter in Lynn County,
on the line of gro Hannibal and St.
• Joseph Railroad, and he reports that all
the Canadian settlers with whom he had
conversed, m that County, and in Saline
'County and other adjoining Csunties,
Would be glad to come back to Canada, :-
if they could sell out for half of what
they paid for their places. Mr. Eber-
hardt intends to go into the farming
• business _again, in this vicinity, as Kam
as he can find a place to suit him.
ce iS
was instantly killed. • A waggon and
other implements were also smashed.
INC deeply sympathize with Mr. Clark in
his heavy loss. It is a dangerous prac-
tice having barns built on high posts,
and t1e loss which has befallen Mr.
should deter other e from doing so,
h life and. property are thereby en -
red. • .
ereaouse—The quarterly- meeting of
Londesbormigh and • Holintstalle
circuit was held in the Wesleyan Method-
ist church, near Fowler's Cheese Factory,
Tucketsinith, on Sabbath last, The
services were conducted by Rev. Mr.
Kennedy, of SeafeCth, who preached an
able and fervent discourse. The eongre-
gation was large, and all were highly d.o.•
lighted with the pleasant and unassum-
ing manner of the preacher, as well as
with his excellent clisceurse.
A .GOOD blIURN.—Messrs.. Jo son
Brothers haate now for eels, at theIr
hardware store, a number of the cel eat -
cd. Blanchard Churns, sriailufactured at
-Concord, N. H. These chterns ar
to be the best now in use, add are h.
• ;recommended by farmers in this via
swho have thoroughlyi tested -th.em.
CRICKET.—A meeting of the. Se rth
Vricket Club was held on -Tuesday verse
ing last, when the following officers were
• elected for the eustaing`year H. W. C.
• Meyer, President; Mr. Laing, {Yicet,
President ; Mr. C.. Armstrong, Stiere-i
stary and Treasurer; Curry, J. H.
• Benson and Thomas -Stephens, CoMmit-
"tee., The meeting adjourned until Mon-
-day evening, May 6th.
BASE BALL—A meeting of the; Star
Base Ball Club took place on Saturday •
last, when the following • officers were.
selected for the ensuing year: • g. W. c.
Meyer, Presid.ent ; William McMiirray,
Seeretary end Treasurer, Dobson,
Latimer,. Maloney and Stew -art, Com-
enittee. • A Meeting will -take place on
the first Monday in each. nonth.
• Fix.—We are requested to state.
that, owing
to the lateness of the season,
Mr. Shantz will continue to give cut flax
seed to farmers .who may wise to grow it
this season, ancl who have not yet got
their sed, for a week or two longer.
Farmers who wish to grow this profitable
-crop this seasou would do well to apple,
for their supply of seed at Once.
Ainley ville. 1
• [0. EB. COOPER, Ainleyville, Agent for the Ex.-
rosispit Newspaper and Job Printing Office.
PLANING Mire.—Messrs. Smith &
Stewart have eiold their planing -mill to
James Bennett, Seaforth, instead of to
Adam -Gray, as stated last week. Mr.
Bennett has been employed for several
years in the Seaforth planing -mill, is a
thoroughly competent raechanic, and a
• good- business man. The fine farming
country about Aiuleyville offers an ex-
cellent field. for a local business, and
when the railways get into operation,
there will be every facility for shipping,
whi h, together with its vicinity to the
lumbering region, should make this one
of the best points in Ontario for this
branch of manufacturing.
Mu. HENDEat, contractor en the Wel-
lington Railway, eommenced work here
on Monday last. He has 50 men and 15
tearis at wOrk for ' the present. Mr.
Hendrie intends puting 200 men on the
secfon between Ainleyv,ille and Wing-
haix. in a few days. He .is offering good.
wa es.
ABLY CLOSING.—All the merchants
business men , have agreed to elose
r•places' of business on ancl after
day. May 6th, at 7 P. M., precisely:
Free Pl'e88 says that the Methodist
Episcopal Church was filled to the ut-
most capacity on Sunday night to hear
the faiewell sermon of their much -es-
teemed pastor, Rev. S. Williamson,
who his been appointed. by the Confer-
ence to labor in Hamilton. The rev:
gentleman took fOr his text; 2nd Corin-
thians xiii.'Chap- 11th verse—' 'Finally,
my brethren, farewell ;- be of good
abeer." He alluded to the three years
spent amongst the congregation whom he
was now addressing • for the last time,
which he characterized as the happiest
yearsofhis life; He exhorted them to
holiness of heart, to cultivate high moral
.powers, to1 lead them to true Christian
perfection ; to make all their aims and
desires combine to God's glory, so that
'their livee might be one of -holiness arida
credit to His name. He thanked God
that, through his instrumentality, many
souls ha,d been brought to Christ during
his sojourn in the city; asked them to
'be of good cheer, and to cast aside the
sadness which naturally surrounded a
Separation. He referred to his experi-
ence as a missionary of Christ, and spoke
of his labors in London' as three years of
the brightest in his connection with the
conference. During thedelivery of one
of. the most-- eloquent discourses ever
hearci within the walls of the church,
• the members seemed deeply moved, and
many wept bitterly:
—The rev. gentleman above alluded to
• has many warm friends in Seaforth and
vicinity, who can -bear testimony to his
earnestness and zeal in: his profession,
anct his superior abilities as a Gospel
teacher. We are sure our readers Will
Ain us in heartily Wishing him. prosperity
in, his new fieldeof labor.
ertson's new cheese faetery this village
is now nearly finished and ready for
-work. The engine and boiler which has
been manufactured at the Mitchell
-foundry, has already. been set in work-
ing order. Mr. Robertson expects. to be
ready to eConmenne operations about the
bee.;innMg of next week
Peas Taal SE.—Mr. John Greenway,
of Exeter, lima numher of fine Berkshire
•pigs which he is anxious to dispose of as
jae is giving up business ie Exeter.• Mr.
Hugh Love, ,Sr., town line Hay and
;Stanley, has also a number of well bred
young pigs which he will sell on reason-
able terms. Parties wishing to improve
-their stock of pigs wseuld elo well to call
on 3ither of the above gentlemen.
- t
‘of Fidelity Lodge, L 0, 0. F., celebrated
the 53rd. anniversary of the esta,blish-
ment of the Baltimore Unity in America,
• by a social in their Lodge Rooin, on
• Fricla,y evening last. 'The members of
• the Lodge together with their lady and
_gentlemen -friends to the number Of about
• one hundred and sixty, partoek of araple
refreshments, after whigh a few hours
were most pleasantly spent MI social con-
• verse, song and sentiment. We trust
the members of Fidelity Lodge mayhave
many more sachaelea,sant re -unions.
ting box while in motion, when his hand
was caught in the cogs of the wheels and.
his fingers taken off. He is ioW progress-
ing favorably under the care of Dr, Kay,
Behnore. Wins/ham Times.
Celebration . of the Twenty -
Fourth. •
As we before ennounced, the Twenty-
fourth of May ill be celebrated in Sea -
forth with unusual eclat. The celebra-
tion will take place under the auspices
of the Driving Park Association, who
are _determined to spare no pains to make
sone -of the most successful celebrations
that has ever taken place here. • The
following is the peogramme
Trottin g Race.- —$35,-Opento all heiress
that never beat 3.10, mile heats, best 3
in to harness; first horse, twenty-five
dollars;' second horse, ten dollars.
• Trottivg Race.--$30---Open to a or-
ses .entirely used for farm purposes, n -
ed in the County of Huron, and. that
have never won publie money, mile heats,
best three in five, go as they please; first
horse, twenty dollars; second horse, ten
dollars. .•
Running Race.—$75—Open to all hor-
ses, Mile heats, best 2 in 3, T. C. W. ;
first hose, fifty dollars ; second horse,
twenty-five dollaes.
Trottaw Ricee.—$100—Open to all
horses, mile heats, best three in five, to
harness; first horse, $75; second horse,
Scrub Race.—$15—Open to all horses
that nev-er ran . for public money, mile
heats, best two in three; filet horse,
$10; 'Second. horse, $5.
Foot .Race;—$5-9-100 yards, $3 50 to
the first; $1 50 to the second.
Foot Race.—$67-200 yards, $4 to the
first ;; $2 to the second. •
Foot Race.- $10—Half a mile, $6 to
the first ; $3 to the second; $1 to the
• The amusements of the 'day will ter-
minate with an entertainment by the
Seaforth Dramatic Club, in the Town
Hall, in the evenin.g.
This „ talented, company of artists per-
foimed in the Town Hall, in this ,village,
/011 the evening of Monday last. The
perforniance Was far ahead of any of the
_kind lately e,seen • here. Mr. Ben
Wheeler, the Irish comedian, eannot
be surpassed, as was evident from the
ananner in which he sustained himself in
-the piece entitle -I "Barney's Courtship."
itrehis piece Miss- Elsie DeCourcy also
teak• her part to perfection. She is a
young lady of great talent, has a good
voice, sings very sweetly, and in each song
was Jondly applauded. "Master Bennie's
charaetesrs of "A Lady of the Period;"
."Military Swell," and " A Lady of
Ninety -fire,", were taken in greed style,
and his rapidity in change of' costume
cannot be e,urpaessed by any artist on the
anntiuent, • Sam Gardink "brought
down the hause " sevefal times. His
Clog and fancy danciag is above the
.otandard, and was well received by the
audience. Mr. Ben Wheeler, Master
lennies, and Miss DeCourcydid them-
Far ers and customers will please take
notice of the above fact, for there will be
no getting M at the back doors after that
hour. . •'
PERSONAL—Mr. George H. Wright,
of the late firm of Wright & Ross, has
gone to Seaforth, where he has accepted
a situation- with Messrs. Hickson & Co.,
merchants. •;
evening has greatly improved the ap-
pearance of the Fall wheat and grass in
this neigbberhood.
• REAL EareerE is changine°ha.nds a good
deal. The estate of the late G. R. Ross
was sold by Mr. Cooper Real Estate
Agent, to Mr. M. Moore, hotel keeper,
for tke sum of $450 cash. The property
had only been put in the market a day or
two previous. Messrs. English & Bros.,
• carriage -builders, last week purchased of
Mr. A. Davidson, of Glencoe, the prem-
isee occupietl by them in Ainleyville.
Price paid. $400.- Several parties from
BlYth have been over within the last
week looking for property. • This looks
as f they had very little faith in their
ev getting a railway to Blyth. The
est te of Mr. Leonard, an insolvent, was
sola by auction, on Tuesday last, by Mr,
Watson, Assignee; there were several
buyers present. Thoterms being cash.
The first bid was $1,200, but after some
keeu bidding it was finally knocked
down to John Leckie for the sum of $1,-
615. Mr. Leckie intends renting it, and
for some good man there is a fine,opening.
BARN 'DESTROYED. —On Tuesday night
last, during the thunder storm, a barn
belonging to Mr. Andrew Go-venlock, of
Grey, near Ainleyville, was struck by
1ightnig and much damaged. TWO pigs,
wlrich were in an adjoining shed, were
GOOD STOCIC. —Mr. James Johnson has
recently purchased a very handsome
young stallion. This animal is well
bred, and when properly trained, will no
deubt be a very fast trotter, as he conaes
from the best stock in the country. Mr.
Johnson has also a very fine thorough
bred Durham Bull, which he recently
• purchased at a large figure from Mr.
Snell, of Hullett. The efforts which
Mr. Johnson is putting forth for the im-
provement of stock in this section of the
country are meet commendable, and will;
we have no doubt, be thoroughly appre-
ciated, and properly rewarded by the in-
telligent and prosperous farmers of Grey
and Morris.
Mit °hell.
THE STORM KING.—During the vio-
lent storm on Tuesday evening, the elec-
tricity made considerable of damage to
the telegraph offices here. Violent thun-
der rolled along the clouds, and the lurid
chains •of lightning shot with. fearful
glare through the air. One terrific ex-
plosion took place immediately in front
of the 'passenger depot, at the station,
shattering the post where it struck, en-
tering by the wire into th.e office and
destroying the instruments It broke the
window to atossas and tore off the window
casing with several clapboarel.s from the
building, and. passed apparently along
the wall past the waiting room, break-
ing out in the kitchen occupied by Mr.
F. F. Pole, station master, it tore off a
large portion of the wainscotting and a
portion of the lath and plaster from the
ceiling. Mrs. Pole, who siat by the
stove with a child in her arrcis, was
thrown from her chair by the shock, but
we are glad to say, escaped uninjured.
The fluid seemed to have followed the
wires up through the village, as both.
telegrapb offices in town suffered. to a.•
certain extent. • In the. Montreal office
the wires were broken and. heated to a
burning pitch. Fortunately the connec-
tions were broken in time to prevent
greater d.amage.
ing the storm at noon on Tuesday, the
barn on the faith of Mr. Andrew Ander-
son, Logan, was struck by lightning
and. consumed to the ground. ,
BURGIARY. —On the night of Tuesday,
no doubt under cover of the storm, some
- daring villian entered the West Monck-
ton P. 0 ., connection.with E. Green-
sid 's store, and, we learn, abstracted
-$50 in money, $400 of which was in
the desk, and. the balance in a couple of
reg sterecl letters, also $15 in stamps.
We have not, up to the time we write,
heard of suspicion being on any one.
There is, however, in the township of
Logan, a newly returned. penitentiary
bird. Whether he had any connection
with it has not yet transpired.
and bursting in the window, taking away
a quantity of peas and oat. The tracks,
which are of peculiar shap4, were follow-
ed for some dastance, but no clue to the
thieves has been discovered. --00m.
ELECTION or OFFICERS.—At a regular
meeting of Huron Temple,- No. 308, I. O.
G. T., the following officers were elected
for theenstting quarter:
Brother N. Cluff, W. C. T.
Sister E. Sperling, W. V. T.
Brother R. Clutterham, W. S.
Sister Mrs: J. R. Williams, W. T.
BrotherJ. H. Currie, W. F. S.
Brother J. R. 'Williams, W. M.
Sister M. Ritchie, W. I. G.
Brother W.m. McMurray, W, O. G.
Sister M. A. Murray, W. A. 8.
Sister C. Weeks, W. D. M.
Sister M. Pillraan, W. R. H. S.
Sister 11. McLelland, W. L. H. S.
Brother W. H. Gribble, Chaplain.
Brother J. Beattie, Past W. C. T.
Brother Wm. Badge, Temple Deputy.
• The Temple meets every Friday even-
ing at 8 o'clock P. M.
Tis ASSIZES. —The spring assizes for
the county of Huron open at Goderich on
Tuesday next.
Division.s Courts -1872.
Division Courts will. be held as follows :
WINGHAII, — . "Wednesday, 10th jnly.
WitoXETEII, . . Tuesday, 23rd "
SEAPORTII•Wednesday, 24th "
tXETER,•s . .Thursday, 25th "
CLINTON, Friday, 28th "
DUNGANNON, - - Saturday, 8rd. Aug.
DAYFIED, .......-... ..... ...Mon y, 5tha
GoDERIOH, •Wednesday, 7th "
orri:Looll n=11:21; •
se -Belem neTEL, Wroxeter, Agent for the Ex.
Pospon Newspaper and job Printing Office.)
of carts passed through this place last
Saturday and Monday, en route for the
Soirthern Extension, near Aiuleyville.
• ACCIDENT. —Mr. Thomas- Evans, of
Turnberry, had his leg broken below the
•knee'last week. He was drawing- off a
tree which had fallen into the field, with
a team of horses, and the end having
mks -fig around, shuck -his leg. He is
under the medical care of Dr. Sraale, of
th is place; and is doing as well as can be
'Ten TEetresE 1. p. OF G. T.—The fol-
1o4,ving are the officers elected last Mon-
day evening for the ensuing quarter; '
Beother Geo. Eyvel, W. C. T.
Siister E. Ii.-nuteson, W. V. T.
Brother Wm. Akins, W. S.
Brother J. E. Dodd, W. F. S.
other Wm. McDonnell, W. M.
B ot er J. M. Sni;ler, IV. T.
• Sist r H. Orr, W. I. G. •
Brother J., Gilroy, W. 0. G,
Brother Orr, W. C.
BrotherGeo. Millie, T. D. and P. W. C. T.
The society -is at present in a flourish-
ing condition, there being /additions to
the mribership at every *meeting.
To the Editor of the Iluron Expositor.
your last week's issue I ob-
served your notice of Mr. Black's death,
and that the /cause of 'it was from his
getting wet in Saving two men fro
drowning. As. I am one of the Men al
ludecl to, I can certainly say that M
Black rendered us every assistance, bu
never wetted even his feet on our aceoun
in fact, I did not think for a raomen
that we were in the least clanger of bein
drowned, a,s you stated in a former par
graph. Yours respectfully,
30th April, 1872.
SERIOUS Loss.—We regret to lea
that the wied storm of Sunday, the 21e
alt,, caused to Mr. Daniel Clark, f
Tuckersmith, serious loss. Mr. Clar
had. a new frame barn erected a littl,
over a year ago, ancl had it built upo
high posts, with the intention of havin
a stone' foundation placed therennde
making thereby stabling accomniodatio
for horses and cattle. • The winsl ge
under the barn, andraising it off th
posts, it toppled over with a tremendou
crash. The building was considerabl
wrecked and damaged. A cow whic
was standing under the barn at the tim
-1-4 Stock, $2.60 per Dozen. Address
•• J. B1JCKLY,
280-4* Box 48, Clinton.
T.Lth subscriber has a good Canadian Bull Which
-2- be will keep during the present season for the
service of cows, at his farm, nearly opposite the
akgricultursi Grounds, Seaforth.
TEnms.—$1.00, Cash, -with the privilege of re-
turning any time dpring the season if necessary.
• 280-4*
MAY 3, 1872.
GET 71:4 -IE BEST.
VOR Sale, Lot No. 29, Con. 7, township of Morris,
eontaining 100 acres, 70 of which are cleared
and in IL state of good cultivation. The whole is
well fenced: There are on. the premfses a good
frama barn and hewed log -house also, two wells
and a young bearing orchard. This farm is within
one mile of Ainleyville, a thriving -village, where a
station of the Wellinglon, Grey and. Brue.e Railway
will soon be located, also the breadth of a lot from
theNorthern Gravel Road. For particulars apply to
the Proprietor.
Land Agent Dingle P. O. 230-18e
Insolvent Act of 1869
Concord, ew uompshire.
This Churn is deci dly the best and cheapest
that has ever been off !red to the Canadian publics
It churns rapidly, -•sor s easily, and makes the best.
butter. It is also s' I.ple and durable.
satisfeetorily it can be re-
If it does not wor
These Churns can e seen at any time at John-
son Brothers' Ilaraw e Store, Seaforth.
Instphue BmBa,ttierndoiyif aNuYlauLTI:lAalSsiviSePaTIlissRhaanvidugJObIlNeela
Co-partners and members of the firm of William
Spurr & Son, Of the Tillage of Seaforth, in the
County of Huron, Insolvents.
rriTp. Insolvents have made an assignment of their
Estate to me, and the Creditors are notified to
meet at the niece where they lately carried on
business in the' Village of Seaforth, in the County
of Huron, on TUESDAY, the Fourteenth day of
MAY, A. D. 1872, at the hour of Twelye o'clock,
noon, to receive statements of their vifairs, and to
appoint an AssAgnee.
• Dated at Goderich, the 80th April, 1872.
280-2 interim Assignee.
DEFARTURE.--Mr. Charles Lusher, of
this village, having sold gut to Mr.
' of the Gambrinus Hotel, has
signified his intentionto proceed to "Hold
Islingland " the land of his birth, to spend
the latter part of his days in peace It
is rumored that be will be accompanied
by his old friend Poor Coll. They will
leave attended by the heartfelt regrets
of many friends.
BesEemss.—The importations of our
merchants that spring are much in excess
of former years, and from the large trade
doing daily we have no doubt the de-
mand is fully equal to the supply.
HOLE IN THE ROAD. —The late freshet
has washed away a large portion of the
_yogi( a short distance north of the village,
making it impassable for teams. The
assembled wisdom of the Township sho-uld
see that it repaired without delay.
FIRE .S.T E'ILIEL. —On Monday last a
kiln used. for drying Iumber for Mr. Pat -
ton's new hotel, at Ethel, caught fire,
and had made considerable headway be-
fore it was discovered. A large force of
naen quickly congregated with buckets,
pails. &c., and with some difficulty suc-
ceeded in extinguishing it. -
BoaEiseiso Hou SE. —Mr. Atkinson has
erected a commodious boarding house on
the railway line near here and will have
it in full blast in a day or two.
• SEEDING. —Farmers are actively en-
• gaged in seeding, and there seems to be
a desire to put as much ground as pos.
sible under cultivation this season. • No
doubt the • prospect of the increased
market facilities which `the railroad. will
open up has given quite an impetus to
farming operations.
NE SCHOOL HOUSE. —The Trustees
of Scl clot 'Section No. 1, McKillop, have
resolved apon erecting a new and. corn-
modioas . school house. The building is
to be of frame, and will be 40x24 feet.
Tenders for the erection of the buildin
will be received by the Trustees until
Saturday, the 4th of Mae . Plans and
Eipecifications can be seen at the residence .
of Mr. James Lennon, lot -20. ist Con.
BARN UNROOFED. —During the severe
wind storm .of Sunday .1Setore „ last, Mr.
Robert Turnbull, of McKillop, had the
roof • blown off his barn, No other
cib.mage was d.one.
I SOLD OUT. —Mr. John Wood, of Mc-
Killop, has sold. his farm which adjoins
that lately owned. by Mr. Win. Walker,
and- now by Mr. Hannah. This farm is
Composed of 50 acres of first-class land,
37 of which are cleared, the balance well
imbered. • The buildings are poor. The
Property was sold for $1,400 cash. Mr.
Wood. has purchased- a very handsome
property in the village of Leechville, or
Gerrie, where he removed with his family
On Thursda,y lest.
received three or a four - letters in
reply to the communication on this sub-
ject, which appeared laet week. We
cannot publish them all, ancl as the die:.
cession as drifting into petty personalities,
and. its continuance can be productive of
no public good, we have decided not to
publish any of them. The controversy
has to be discontinued some tinae, and. it
may jest as well be cut short now, as
after columns of nersoeal abuse . have
been written and pAblished. . The ques-
tion in dispute will shortly be pronounc-
ed upon by the courts, when, if either
party has a grievance which the discus-
sion of in the public prints'will remedy,
it will be time enough to "pitch ins"
Ho -wick.
, ACCFDENT.— On Monday, 22nd April,
a little boy named Jacob Holliday, son
of Mr. Jelin Holliday, met with a severe
accident. He was playing IN ith a cut.
Charles Glew, on of the first residents
of this township, died. suddenly at his
residence, on the morning of Saturday
last. Mr. Glew has been for about
thirtr years a resident of Hullett, on the
Iltero Road, about three miles east of
Clinton, and was highle respected by all
who knew him. He was a native of
Lincolnshire. Eng., and. leaves a wife and
family of ten children to mourn his loss.
He was always a stout, healthy man un-
til a few days before his death, which
was occasioned by the epidemic disease
• cerebro -spino -meningitis, or tetanus, as
it is sometimes called. He •was aged.
about 58 years.
WEA THE R. ---The weather is now very
'favorable for the Spring work. Farmers
are busy seeding.
FLAX. —It is currently reported here,
that Mr. Shantz, of Seaforth, is about to
build. a Flax Mill in Zurich. The farm-
ers around the village are investing in
the production ot flax. Mr. Shantz
supplying the seed, and paying for the
laud. per acre. Go ahead., Zurich.
IbUROVE3IENTS .—We notice that friend
Happle, is enlarging his premiees, by the
addition of a commodious (hiving house
and halls—Timber is now on the ground,
and the work of erecting a new school-
house is being began.—Paintiug, &c., as
embellishments oflouses, are general and.
improving signs in the village.
THEFT. —Some time during Tuesday
night, or early Wed.nesday morning,
some parties entered the stables of
Messrs. Carrick and Hill. It appears
that nothing was found which could be
easily carried off in the former, so they
proceeded to the latter, they then effect-
ed an entrance by sawing out a shutter,
In great variety,
Best and Cheapest in Town.
A• 'cultural Implement Agent.,
all, Melind.s. Street, Toronto,.
a:Dicaeraical Company,
all Draggists., Be suire and ask for the -camerae
Solo Proprietors an Manufacturers of the Cele-
bornatt.ed Victoria Carb lie Preparations. Laboratory
ine Preparations are sold by
PREPARATIONS, and isee that you get them
Victoria Cal -bloated Glycerine Jelly,
This JELLY is highl ree,omsnended to Ladies as
most agreeable agreeable Pre frrati011 for the Toilet. For
Beautifying the Co nplexion, and rendering the'
Skin S '
oft, White Cl sir, and free from Dryness, it
is inniyalted. Itw quickly remove all Rednees,
Roughness, Tan, Fr ckles'Pimples, and. other ims
perfections. For Chi pped.Hands, Chilb*ins, Frost
Bites and Sore Lips, it cannot be surpassed. Prim.
25 cents.
Victoria 01 belle 'Toilet Soap.
This TOILE7 SOAP possesses all the well-blowj!
antiseptic and dis" euting properties of Carbone. '
Acid, is agreeably sc-ribed, has a healthy action on
the skin, psevents -tation, removes the effects.
of perspiration, and should. be regularly used. by
farnilies. Cholera, mallpox and Fever Patients,
should be washed a th this Soap; and its use by
persons liable to inf ction will 'materially prevent
the spread of &seas . Price 15 cents per Tablet.
Viet° Carbolic Salve.
This SALVE is a rap d. cure for all Skin Diseases,.
Cuts, Wounds, Br es, Berns, Sores, Ulcers, Ring-
worm, Tetter'Bezel a, Scald Head, Beam', Abs-
cesses, Boils, Pim les, §se. It possesses all the,
cleansing and. hen g virtues of Carbolic Adds,
which hes been lo d by Physicians everywhere
to possess curative ( unlities not discovered in any
other ohenimal pres aration. Prise 25 cents.
Victoria, 0 bolic Gargarysina.
This GAnnan is th most' reliable and efficacious
Remedy in all case. of Sore Throat,. Hoarseness,.
Diptherin, Bronchi is, Irritation of the Bronebial.
Tubes so common in this changeable climate,
Asthma, Offensive Breath,- Ulcerated Game, and .
all diseases of the Month. For Public Speaker.
and Singers it is in aluable. The ingredients en-
tering into this Ga gle are 'used by all Physiciauss
and for the cure of the above disorders are now,.
undoubtedly, the miest popular in the MASTRIA• •
MEDIcA. Price 25 ents.
Victoria Ct±boliC Disinfectant.
This Dransnmcassn s a snre preventive of Typhus
and Typhoid Fevei, Cholera, Smallpox, and all in-
fections diseases. It -will prevent Contagion in
Cattle. It is also '-valuable for Disinfecting Wa-
ter Closets, Drains, Cesspools, Stables, Slaughter --
houses, &e., and f r destroying nauseous effluvia
from whatever cau e arising. It will drive away
Mosquitoes, _Moths Flies Cockroaches, Ste. Mesta;
Fish, &e., ean be p eserved. from putrefattion -by rte
rise. Carbolic Aci was selected by He.r Mrtjesty's
Royal Commissioners, in preference to all other -
products, us the best Disinfectant for the preven-
tion of infectious diseeies. Pxiee 25 cents.
Victoria Sharpening and Polishing Paste,
This PREPARATION is unequalled in its sapidity
for Sharpening and Polishing Cutlery. Table and'
PocketRnives, Razors, Surgical Instruments, Shoe-
makers' Knives, Plane Bits and Chisels, ac. Noth-
ing has ever been discovered which has sprung
into populttritys more quickly, orbecome of se
much. v.alue in every howelsold and workshop for -
general usefulness. Priee 25 eents. • 230
TSubscriber having estiblished an Agency
for the Sale of Farm and Village Lots, which
he will advertise (weekly) and 8511 on Commission.
TERM of Commission or any particulars con-
cernhag lots • advertised will be made known on
application, if by letter prepaid, and encloaing
stamp, addreseed
• C. R. COODPi nzgRI 0
• -2- .suance of a decree of the Court of Chancery ID
this cause, dated the Twenty-fourth day of January,:
A. D. 1872, with the approbation of the Master of
this Honorable Court, at Dondons on FRIDAY, the.
' TENTH day of MAY next, at one o'clock in. tier
afternoon, at DIX_ON'S HOTEL, in thaVillage
Brucefield, in the Coimty of Heron, by JOSEPH:
P. BISINE, Auctioneer, the following Farm and
Village Lots, namely :
Village lots Nos. 44 and 89 Ainleyville, (Morris;)
large frame cottage and frame stable.
Lot 22, Con. 4, N. Morris; 100 acres 50 cleared;
log house; 2 essnes off gravel road.
Lot 29, COIL. 7, N. 4, Morris; 100 acres, 60 cleared;
good log house and frame -barn.
Lots 2 and 8, West aide of Howick-street, Wren -
eters containing 1 acme of land; two new
frame houses; stables, &c.
Village Lots `49 and 50, Ainleyville, with good
frame hone° and stable, and. log tannery in good
working order.
Lot 26, Con. 8, Ss 4, Morrie, 100 acres, 60 cleared.
frame barn, log -house, good. bearing orchard.
Village Lots, 212, 213, 221, Ainleyville, (Grey.)
Store, Storehouse and Stehle, 34 acres of Land with
orchard, etc., in village of Oranbrook.
224 Dingle P. 0.
OF Tates
1. Ldt 'Number Twenty, in the second concession
of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Hu-
ron, e,ontainin„e One Hundred Acies, (more or lese.),-
This Lot is situated a short distance froin the Nils'
lege of Bnicefield and in the aentre of a good,
Agrienitural District; there ere about eighty acmes
cleared and ready fon-cultivation.
2. One-fifth of an acre, being part of Lot Thirtnen
one, in the First Concession, London Roast of the'
Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of ICarena
On this are situated a large Frame , Store and a.
Frame Store -house in good repair.
8. Half an acre, being part of Lot number7ifteena
in the First Concession of the Township of Stanley,
in the County of Huron. On this Lot is situated.-
Frani° Dwelling -house in a good state of repair.
The above properties will be put, up and sold itP
separate parcels, -subject to any claim for dower
• which the widow of the late David Campbell msy
have therein. All parties to the cause, except the
plaintiff, shall be at liberty to bid. ,
Ten per cent of the purchase money shall be pans
to the Vendor's Solicitor at the tirne of sale, en&
the residue -within thirty days after the date of tler
salawith interest. In other respects the eonat-
tons of sale are the standing conditions of the-
• Court of Chancery.
For further particulars apply to jellies II. Fraser,.
Esqnire, ilerrister, London, 11 W C. Meyers, Esq./ -
Barrister, Seaforth; William Seott, E8qu11e,33ruce-
field, Or to Joseph P. Brine, Auctioneer, Sealorth.
• Thenbove Lots will each be pat up subject to s
reserved bidding.
Dated at London, 113th April, 1872.
Vendor's Solieitor.
(Signed,) j. SIT.A3TLY,
229-8 • blaster 18Chancels'.
(Logan's Ohl Stand,)
Who will pay the HIGREST PRICE in CASH,
for any quantity of
Delivered at Ills -store.
of scary desoription kept constantly on. baud, In-
• cluding eiearson a Co.'s No. 1.
FOR the Miin1ip11yOf Seaforth Will be held
On WEDNESDAY, Nay 15, 1872.
W.• ELLIOTT, Clerk.
Seaforth, April 24,i1872. 2284
11 01:t
BEGS to state to the Farmers of 31c1Cillop anos
surrounding Townships that he bas now Put`
chased the above Mill, and intendrunning 0
hereafter on his own aecount. The Mill is nose irt
excellent running order, and able to turn- out sl -
most any amount of -work.
Being himself a practical Miller and damned,'
nnderstanding the business, he claims that b6"
thrn out flour which, for appearance or Vary
Cannot be surpassed by any Mill in the Count*
attended to promptly, and Satiefaction guaranteed.,
Flour exchanged for Wheat If desire
15 V
S'strars.—$1.60 per s
awl of the year.
iertFirsioutsin, 2soeerutito:,cea0peeNrhrt:
SOT colnomyear• ouldfoneo
" " -8 montne
4 ' half "
-02204,40rao tla IstalrAlyeozo
'5 " •3 months
.e -eighth one yeas -
44 •,44 hail a
: " 3s mmo7attuliss
1011e -twelfth one year
Buslinel‘ s: CI erhdstal, (6"• lin
Advertieement8 of
slot exceeding 10 lino
/month, 50 tents each
Advertiseraluts of
fax sale, uot exceedin$
*facia subsequent Toon
Births, Marriages,
1sitzt.mtlyerto miysc.etne;;;;:i,
te Inserted till forbid -
-`.1-4 Stock, $2.51) per
subscriber ha
e will keep anti
aervice -of e0V,rs, h
Ikgricaltural aroma
tuoaing any time &I
VOB Eale,'Let 140.:
containing 3.00
itud in. a state of go
wall fenced. There.
Inane barn_ and
& a Van beltrii4
Vats urile of Ainleyvi
station of the N%lii
'UV SOOR be located,
the Northern (3-41-8-ei
the l'roptietor.
IOr to C. 11. COME
Land Agent, .1
WW1 on
337OLL, aged Or
to park him only he..
Other stock. •For ft
ouidersigned, LAA
Vanatt P. 0.
irBIE` subscriber •
anunmt on goo
'per cent, per tninur.
ziple are paid semi
when -the interest f:
1127-M tt-
*ME undersigned
-1-funds, to loan,
Irarni propert,y,
Licences issued. .2
41 Carriage Pui
=6 4i
„ARM of ilk/ Al
good land Witt
elintoR and.13i
224 .
• 1.10t No. 17, in_
jrmop Alsose%;
• village of Seafort
nualions 18
-adjoining the Itai
-as is boarding -ho
•Toms. Persou
bouse should upi;
vacancies. Tran
1068 than had re
-a-. Specification
Inds, and also t
-same. Caipent
7neasure and
TIM Books of:
bands of the ;
GO Jeri
Rotel, Seat:It,
business then: i
Doors an,
'Door and
lest material
snarl° to enlist.
Turnip. Ca
Boilers, 'Wats°
variety of win.
Approved INA
yawls, to °Man.
The nrul
On and Car ,
-nubaias a Id
generally lu
%amid do we)
in my new pl.(
branch of wo
Seaforth Nom
_ 60a.tfieb.