HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-05-03, Page 6• Ce The Chicago Stook Yards. In practice the tourist bound to California wills do wellrto stop two; -days in- Chicago, and one clay in Salt Lake City,.. in which case he would get to San Francisco in ten elays, and with surprisingly little fatigue, and he will have seen sever- • `al very remarkable sights, on the way. For instance, though Chicago itself was burned and is not yet re- built, the ruin is worth : seeing; and near at hand, accessible by frequent trains, he may find one of the most characteristic sights of our continent, Eche great Chicago stock yards—a city whose inhabitants are cattle, sheep, and hogs, and where these Creatures are so well cared for that many a poor human being, suppos- ed to have an immortal and amen- able soul, living in a New York tenement house, is neither so clean- ly lodged nor so well protected against harm or cruelty. This city of the beasts has streets. sewers, drains ; it has water /aid on ; it is lighted with gas; it has a bank,; an exchange, a telegraph -office, ° a post -office, an admirably kept hotel ; it hag even . a newspaper --else it would not be an American city. It lias very comfortable accommoda- -tionsfor 118,350 residents. -namely, 21,000 head of cattle, 75,000 hogs, 22,000 sheep, with stalls for 350 Horses. It contains 345 acres of land ; and when all this is prepared for use, 210,00.0 head of cattle can Vie. lodged, fed, and cared for -there at ,once, and with the certainty that not sone will sumer or go astray. It has thirty-five miles of sewers ; =ten miles of streets and alleys, all lavecl with wood ; three miles of Neater -troughs, all so arranged that the water may be stopped off at any point ; 2300 gates, which are the front -doors, so to speak, of the place ; 1500 open pens, heavily fenced in, -with double plank • 100 acres are covered with pens for cattle, and .all these are floored with three-inch plank ; 800 covered sheds for sheep and hogs ; and seventeen miles of railroad track connect this city of the beasts with every road which- runs into Chicago. It has two ar- tesian .wells, one 1032, the other 1190 feet deep, which, being spout- ing wells, send the water into 'huge tanks forty-five feet high, whence it is distributed all over the place in :pipes., Fourteen fire -plugs are ready -to furnish water in case of fire ;. im- mense stacks of hay and large gra- naries ranaries of corn contain the food need- ed for. the beasts ; _and, I believe, a train of palace cattle cars now bears the emigrant animals from this their city comfortably to the Eastern butchers. Of�co.urse, as the " lower animals" do n t help themselves, a consider- able force of Hien is needed to attend -upon those.. gathered here. The company 1 eceives and cares . for all animals sent to it. It has thus taken in, peened, fed, watered, lit- tered, and taken account of 41,000. flogs, 3000 cattle, 2000 sheep in a single -day, and that without acci- dent, hitchor delay. From 175 to 200 men are constantly employed in this labor ; andto accommodate these and theirfamilies numerous. cottages have been built, while a town -hall for pudic meetings and lectures, a church, a Sunday -school, -and a well -kept day -school provide for their instruction and amusement. 'The hotel, which has bath -rooms, and is in other respects well fitted, is for the use of the drovers and own- ers of cattle, whom business brings -hither. At the exchange sales are .effected, and the news of a sale may be sent to 1Vlaine or Texasby a tele• graph from the same room, while the money paid may be .Securely de- posited in the bank, which is under the sane roof. Thus you will see that this surprisingenterprise is completely, furnished in every part; .and.it will not be -the least part of your surprise and pleasure to find that this whole business, which', about New - York often involves painful brutalities, is here conducted - aa quietly as though a Quaker pre- sided over it, and with as much' care for thefeeling of the d imb brutes as though good Mr. Bergh were looking on all the time. , It will cost abort two millions when it is completed- ; it is a pecu- niary success, as it deserves to be ; and when you hear that so long ago as 1869 Chicago received andsent off 403,102 head of cattle,. -1,661,- $69 hogs, and 340,072 sheep, and that it will probably remain for years one of the greatest cattle Mark- ets in the world, yeu will see the need for such elaborate arrange- ments as I have .described, and, If you are a humane person, will be pleased that these immense droves of anim' is are kindly cared for and comfortably lodged and fed on their way to a market. Most of . the peo- ple employed in the yards are Americans. _ • Among such a multitude of beasts as are here received Mr. Buckle's law of averages` would tell you that there, will ,be a certain few mon- strosities ; and you will probably be shown one or two Texas steers which hook much more like` elephants or mammoths than horned oxen : per- haps a two -headed Sheep, or a six- legged hog , and, indeed, when .1 saw- = the stables: they .contained a collection which would have turned the face of at Chatham Street ex- hibitor green with enyy.—Harper's Magazine. ♦ef A few days ago a number of workmen, while engaged in remoy- ing the front of an .old brick build- ing in Peterboro, discovered a mouse's nest composed of a hat full of bank bills of various denomina- tions. It is supposed to be a rob- bery cf some years standing. Rumor has it that ex -Governor Archibald, ]ate�,�of Manitoba, will be appointed :Chief Judge in Equity, in place of Judge Johnson, who is now very infirm, and about leaving for the south of France. ` A convention of the fishermen of the United States, bordering upon the lakes, is tobe held at Detroit, to decide upon the best course to pursue, in order to =obtain, through the Washington Government, the extension of the three mile limit to the Canadian lake shores, or in 'other words, the same privileges with regard to our inland fisheries as the Washington treaty gives them upon the sea coast. What will Canadian fishermen think of this proposition It is rumored in private circles that after the Wesleyan Conference in June .next, the Rev. W. M. Pun shon will leave for Manitoba; thence to British Columbia; thence to Cali- fornia, and thence on a trip to China, and finally to England, where he will remain. The Allan steamship, Peruvian, had a narrow escape on Saturday morning, by running on the,Thrum Cap shoals, off St. John, N. B., and but for the timely assistance render- ed her by tugs from that city, she. would now be a complete wreck. Tt appears that the disaster resulted from the carelessness of the pilot, whodisappeared as speedily as he possibly could after it occurred. There were seven hundred passen- gers on board, all of whom were safely landed: FELLOW'S HYPOPHOSPHITES. AMONGST the diseases overcome by the use of Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, are Constipation, Asthma, Consumption, Laryngit- is, Nervous Debility, Dyspepsia, Chronic Bronchit- is, Chronic Diarrhoea, Melancholy. Debility result- ing: from Typhoid and other low fevers, Diphtheritic Prostration, Hysteria, Hypochondria, Amenorrhoea, Chlorosis, Anemia, Lencorrhoaa, Nervous Excita- bility, Marasmne or Wasting of the Muscles, Apho- nia, or Loss of Voice, Chorea or St, Vitus's Dance, Sluggishness of .the Livers Interrupted and Feeble Action of the Heart, Suffocating Feelings canned by mucous obstructions of the Lungs and Air Pas- sagealeading thereto, and Debility from various causes; many cases of which appeared hopeless. Sold byApothecaries. Price, $1.50 ; Six for $7.50. JAMES I. FELLOWS, Chemist, St. John, N. B. REMOVAL OF ROSS'S HOTEL AND STAGE OFFICE. quill subscriber begs to state that be has re- moved to the Building formerly occupied by Mr. M. Robertson as a Cabinet Factory, near the Station, which he has fitted up in a snitable man- ner for a Hotel. He invites all his old friends and customers to his new quarters where he will be happy to attend to their wants. First-class Stab- ling and large yard in connection. Parties going North will find it to their advantage to patronize Ross's Mail Line of Stages, which start from this Hotel. JAMES R. ROSS. NOTICE. J. W. FULLERTON,. (FORMERLY OF CLINTON') WELL known to the people of Seaforth and aturonnding • country as the DOMINION LANDSCAPE ARTIST, wishes to notify the people of Seaforth that ho has commenced Busi- ness in the PORTRAIT LINE First door West; of Mr: Lumaden's Drag Store. My long experience in the art enables no to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with a trial. The latest style of Pictures can be obtained. Children taken ' from 10 a. in. to 2 p. m. BRING THEM ALONG. Young persons wishing to learn the art would do well to come to me, as I can give them my expo- nence of over'eleven years. J. W. FULT.ERTON. Artist, 217 Seaforth. • EDWARD CASH, GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH, DEALER IN SEED AND SEED .GRAIN, BUTTER, WOOL AND FUR. Plenty good Clover and Timothy, Wholesale and Retail. March 4, 1872. 222 THE AGRICULTURAL MUTUAL ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS. NO HUMBUG. FARMERS, It I'OU WANT TO GET SEEDS that are GENUINE AND RELIABLE, CALL AT STRONG & FAI.RLEY'S Where you ane see one of the beet assorted Stooks Weet of Toronto. This is no blow, for we aro de- r termined,to-keep nothing but the best quality of Seed, and•at prices that cannot be beat. A comparison of quality and prices is respectfully solicited. • TIMOTHY SEED, FROM TWO DOLLARS FIFTY CENTS UPWARDS. CLOVER SEED, FROM SIX DOLLARS UP' ARDS. Our Stock of H PAD OFFICE, LONDON, ONT. Licensed by the Dominion Government._.( CAPITAL,FIRST OF JANUARY, 1871, $231,242 25. Cash and Cash Items, $72,289 55. This Company continues :to grow in the public confidence. On the lst January, 1871,'it had in force 34,528 Policies, having, during the year 1870, issued the immense number of 12,319 Policies. • 1 Farmers, patronize -your own CANADIAN Company that has done such good serviee amongst you. For Insurance apply to CHARLES MORROW, 203' ` • Agent ,Clinton P. Q. TURNIP, MAA.NGOLD & CARROT SEED IS now complete. TOP ONIONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. To GARDENEUS we offer sbeoial inducements in the way of Cabbage, Early and Late ; Tomatoes, all varieties; Onions; Mushroom Spawn; Celery, Beans, Peas, Corn, etc., etc., by the oz., all new Seed, no old Stook. Also, Orchard Grass, Red Top, White Clover and Alsike. OUR STOCK OF' Groceries, Flour and ,Feed 'Will always be found to be complete in all its branches. • Smokers, this is the place to buy your Myrtle Navy: The highest Market -Price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. OATS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE 'FOR OATMEAL. N. B. -Parties wishing to enter into Flax Growing can be supplied with Mr. B. Shantz's Flax Seed at our store on hie terms. Goods as usual delivered in any of the villages. STRONG & FAIRLEY. ROOMS TO LET. SEVERAL GOOD ROOMS in Meyer s Block to. let • BENSON on reasonable terms. 227& MEYER. 224. SOMETHING. INTERESTING TO CARRIAGE -MAKERS ND BLACKSMITHS. WM. ROBERTSON & CO., HARDWARE MERCIIAYf SEAFORTH, Have on hand 200 Tons of Iron. I 301 Sets of Springs. 299 Sets of darria e Axles. 449 Sets Seamless Thimble Skeins. g Also, a fall and well -selected Stock of Carriage Trimmings and • Hardware, Of every description, Which they had bought before the recent groat advance in price of that material, and they will not be UNDERSOLD BY ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. Blacksmiths and Carriage -Makers will do well to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. A large assortment of HUBS SPOKES AND BENT STUFF on hand. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, 224 - MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. THE VERDICT GF THE PEOPLE DECLARES THAT THE GARDNER SEWING MACHINE Is superior to any now i11 the Market. aummeoleamesemeeesiee MAY 3, 1872. FLOVR! FLOTIR! TTAVING purchased and thorougbiy refitted the mills foirmerly owned by the Messrs. SCOBIE, I am now prepared to inrnish FAMILY FLOUR, Second to NONE IN SEAFORTH, And that will Compare favorably with any in the Do- minion, If you want A 1 FLOVIC, go to the following Dealers and ask for MARSHALL'S—Remember MLRSRAT,L'S FLOUR W. SCOTT ROBERTSON, J. WHITESIDE, SIMON POWELL, - JOHN CAVANAGH, Or at W. MARSHALL'S Mills. Orders Ieft with W. S. ROBERTSON will be promptly attended to. Parties who wish to Exchange Wheat for Flour, Are pertain to receive proper quantity, and an arti- cle that will defy competition. W. MARSHALL. Having been examined and tried by the moat skilful mechanics and beat judges the country can produoe, and by them awarded Prizes at all the principal Exhibitions held throughout the Dominion during the present year;; and although all the leading Machines were arrayed against it, the GARDNER PATENT has been declared VICTORIOUS OVER ALL -COMPETITORS, upon every test, and now stands foremost in the rank of sewers. SEE THE LIST OF PRIZES FOR 1971; First Prize at Toronto. First Prize at London—the great Western. Fair. First Prize at Guelph—the great Central Fair. First Prize at St. Catharines, County of Lincoln. First Prize at Chatham, County of Kent. First Prize at Waterloo, County of waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, County of Simcoe. First Prize in Mono, County of Pool. First Prize in Caledon, County of Simcoe. First Prize at Wel- laudport, County of Welland. First Prize at Otterville, County of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial Fair, Kingston, Diploma at Hamilton, and various County Shows. This beautiful specimen of mechanical ability is a purely Canadian invention, surpassing in simplicity, durability, and usefulness any other Sewing Machine now in the market whether of Canadian, American, or English manufacture It rillhem, cord, brai d, tuck, gather, quilt, fell, and do all and every kind of Family Sewing and light Manufacturing Work, using all kinds of thread. It has a most complete SET OF ATTACHMENTS. BUY NO OTHER. If the price is a little higher than some others, it is the cheapest in the end._ Send for Circulars and Samples. - GARDNER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. P. S.—Intending purchasers should not be misled.by unscrupulous agentsof other Companies, who keep Machines thy do not sell, in a damaged state, to make capital for themselves. Call and examine the Gardner before purchasing any other, at Wnczri G..ASSIE's Warerooms, Goderich-street, Seaforth. Agents wanted. 179-52 — PETER GRASSIE, Seaforth. Alt atm td 'ter=--.•��,j ; f!; till: The attention of Ladies' is particularly directed to -11 our stock -.of Prunella Boots and Broadway Ties. • it 02 -►a SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES.—TheBest and Cheapest in the Market.—McINTYRE & WILLIS Main -street, Seaforth, have just received a very fine stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shod; suitable for spring and smmmer wear, all of which will bo sold at the OLD PRICES, for cash.— The very latest styles, and of the best and.most substantial manufacture. --Custom work of all kinds promptly attended to. --A neat article and a good fit guaranteed. Repairing All kinds of work repaired, no matter where made, on the,shortest notice. McINTYRE & WILLIS, Fust door South of John Logan's. BULL FOR SALE. VOR SATE, on reasonable terms, a DURHAM 1 BULL, aged three years. The subscriber wishes to part him only because he is too close akin to his -other stock. For further particulars apply to the undersigned, on Lot No. 13, 5th Con. Stanley, or to Varna P. 0. 228-44 GEO. FOIfREST. SWINE FOR SALE. THE Subscriber, having sold out in Exeter, has for. sale a very choice lot of Improved Berk- shire Piga, comprising one yearling Sow, with a lit- ter of seven young Pigs a few weeks old ; the above Sow took the first prize at the South Heron Fall Show in 1871, and first prize at the Exeter Fall Show of the same year. Also, one of the best yearling Boars in the Province; bred from the im- ported Hog of Mr. Carey, Ingersol. 229-4 JOHN G1EENWAY, Exeter. NO SIfOW. 186 -ti For the Improvement of Stock. 1f�rB. JAMES JOHNSTON, Lot No. 6, Eleventh Concession, Township of Grey, havingpurchas- ed a superior Trotting Stallion, of the Black War- rior stock, would beg to state that he will keep hires during the season, for the service of mares, on the above named premises. He has also a THOROUGHBRED DURTTAM BUT,T,, which he will keep during the season for the benefit of those who may wish to improve their stock. Either of the above animals may be seen at Mr. Johnston'a stables at any time. For pedigree and particulars, see bills. JA M F S JOHNSTON. Grey, April 23, 1872. 223-4 IMPORTANT TO' ` HOUSEKEEPERS. 000D FLOUR 1 AT ALL ,TIMES. W. A. SHEARSON & CO., Proprietors of the SEAFORTH MILLS ! Are crow Manufacturing the best FAMILY th PASTRY FLOURS In the Dominion. Intending purchasers in Seaforth and vicinity can rely upon getting our Family and Pastry Flours from the following Dealers, ONLY :—Thos. Lee, A. M. Strong, John Walsh, James C. Laidlaw, Alex. Ault, Thomas Kidd. J. McGinnis, William Ault, G. &H. Jackson, and W. Thompson, Egmondville, and at the Seaforth Mills. Orders left at our office, Market Sanare. will receive prompt 'f attention. Farmersdesiring to exchange their Wheat for Flour, at the Mill, May always rely upon getting our best Family or Pastry Flour n exchange; in quantities according to the value their wheat. W. A. SHEARSON & CO. 184-tf. HURRAH FOR 1872. WM. AULT, - -MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, HAS ON HAND a superior - stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, embracing Teas of the best brands, Sugars, Raisins, etc. A1ao, Crookery and Glassware, and every other article titkept in a first-class Grocery Store. PROVISIONS, _ Suet as Flour, Oat and Corn -meal, Potatoes, Pork, etc., also, every description of EEE, Such as Oats, Pelee, Bran and Shorts, all of which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. FAlit11I PRODIfICE. The highest market price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. Remember the place, Main street, East side, opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. 213 WM. AULT. REMOVED. REMOVED. M. ROBERTSON, THE OSI3ORN GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO. et -maker and Undertaker, HAS REMOVED his ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main-stroet, Seaforth, Where he has on hand a superior stock of Furni- ture of every description. CALL AND SEE IT. UNDERTAKING. Having purchased Mr. Thomas Bell's NFARSF, I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country. Coffins, All Sizes, Kept constantly on hand. SHROUDS! SHROUDS ! M. ROBERTS(*, CABINET MA R1 R AND UNDERTAKER, Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortment of si ii c uri Which he can furnish cheaper than they can be got elsewhere. 205 MOULDING & PAPER TRE undersigned has on hand a splendid lot of ROSEWOOD AND GILT _lIOULDING. Also, a Fine Lot of Straw WRAPPING PAPER, FOR SALE, CHEAP. Now is the time to buy as it is on the rise. C. ARMSTRONG. 221. Main Street, Seaforth. Lo Stitch Sewing MACHINE. Thousands throughout Canada are now using these machines. They have been tested beyond all question, make the favorite lock -stitch, alike on both sides, and are pr uounced superior to - any other machine offered the public. For wide range of work, perfection,. beauty and excellence of mechanism# adaptability, strength and durability, The Osborn Sewing Machine flag No .Rival. far Improvements have lately been made, enabling the manufacturers to claim it as the ne plus ultra of Sewing machines. Hundreds of testimonials are being received daily from olt as well as new operators attesting its wonderful capabilities. Will do all kinds of -do- mestic sewing, from the finest cambrie to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather. GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPRESENTED,. OR NO SALE, WARRANTED FOR THREE YEARS. The Osborn Outfit is complete and readily comprehended Is sold at one- half the price hitherto charged for ma- chines doing a like range of work, the manufacturers being determined to place it within the reach of every family in the country. A TRIM, FEFORE PURCITA'SE Will con- fy vince all that our machines are un- equaled. WHO WANTS A GOOD SUBSTANTIAL WAGON, or a nice STYLISH BUGGY ? WILLIAM GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, THE GUELPH REVERSIBLE: Is pre-eminently the best Single -Thread_ Machine offered to the public—hence its - marvelous success. Will do allvarieties, of domestic sewing. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. Hand. Machine, with full outfit, $12 ; Treadle do., $17. Cir Each machine guaranteed. lir A gents wanted everywhere. Splen- did inducements to make money.. Apply to GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO. GUELPH, CANADA. W. N. WATSON, Agent, 180-1y SEAFORTH:. HAS on hand and for sale a number of handsome single and double BUGGIES, all well finished and manufactured of the very best material. Also, LUMBER WAGONS, Which, for excellence of build, and ease in running cannot be surpassed by any manufacturer ixr the Province. A few DEMOCRAT WAGONS on hand, and more making. WILLT AAT GRASSTF, sells as cheap as any other establishment in the County. BLACKSMITHINC And General job Work attended to promptly, 1 Stitch in Time saves 9 IF yon want to get the best Family Sewing - Machine in the Province of Ontario, go to- GEORGE MILLIN, Wroxeter Who is Agent for the celebrated osBo}�R,zTE SEWINGMACHINE. N. B.—Sewing Machine Needles of all kinds, always kept on hand for sale. Also, AGENT FOR E. R. SHOREY'S• ROYAL CANADIAN CLOTHES -WRINGER. Office at Miss Millin's Fashionable Dress-nmking Establishment, directly opposite the Post Office, - Wroxeter. 219 W,HY ARE LAZARUS, MORRIS & . 'CO'S Spectacles LIKE BRIGHAM YOUNG ON TRIAL Fon MURDER s' Noxxcu. Any person sending the answer to the above to the Agent, M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTH, within the next thirty days, will re- ceive an order from L. M. & Co. for a pair of their superior new pattern. Eye Glasses. JUST RECEIVED. A fresh supply of all the POPULAR REMEDIES FOR COUGHS AND GOLDS, Including AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. WISTAR'S BALSAM WILD CHERB ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. ANTI -CONSUMPTIVE SYRUP, DOWN'S VEGETABLE ELIXIR. FELLOWS' SYRUP OF THE HYPO- - PHOSPHATES. • BALSAM OF HtARHOUND AD' HONEY., McDONA.LD'S EXPECTORANT. LUMSDEN'S COUGH SPECIFIC, ETC., ETC., At LUMSDEN'S CORNER DRUG STORE, SEAFORTH. EXECUTOR'S !NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that all persons ins debted to the estate of thalate Timothy 'Quinn. - in his life -time, of the Township of McKillop, must settle the same on or before the First of October, 1872. All parties having claims against the eaid -estate are also notified that such claims must be handed to the undersigned, properly attested, on or before the said First of October, otherwise they will not be honored, as the affairs of the estate will then be wound up. JOHN HORAN, t Executors, WDL HORAN, Jr., DIoTiillop, April 24, 1872. 229-P It is not often. any fun in Han iesidents of that al -vineyard, as Intl ariesof West vera to much le do get a chance, h all, there is to They have had a llmbeiland. T! The Odd Feillo, situated over the other parbio else: Atkinson, deisri 41elier in the k going to whoever] key of the the floor of whit his chandelier, b He is a strong a Fellow, and anti- is not in accord low and-prejudici n't think. there breaking open t!, sink of iniquity, Lodge -room. There was not. he got in, nor co able place thir0 the hole he desir in -g round he f that of an an- regalia and pay, Lodge were ke kept that 'open, arrangements f chandelier in the _ The affair- cr meat Irl New be readily ilea- was arrested f much for the Sl fun. Some wag w place where jc .and enjoyed, go :citing the outra that, because of the doors open the goat had e reward for his to a Brother of named in the ward was so cupidity of all county,, and l}artieie of cow sooner does A ;s, than the boys' it to the Odd identification, I kids, and eve great order been offered t to think that t` has told the thing is a frau. Neve him, an waltz over t county in a .ne. search for the the Odd. Fel l Register. Lira Well, I ke £ver what Ole promised that catchin' a S and the nex Hartford. - the East H- a man asked sarlinly, if he he got in and' clops, and c bridge, and a and finally as sured ; I sal out a lot of and toed all insured agai and if I'd ON than I've eve if any acids I'd get 25 s nish a doct the cows, an says 1, ' sup baby, will y wouldn't agr some time, that I'd ta any money, peeled they when we he eouldn't I, sz are you linen in give it up. dassent we'd got int was SO dar joke. — Poi Timis. WHEN you .into Fr.'mk P lery, 'twill d& Block, Sea;fo c'LID 0 1-r H A choice harness, 'vhi: kept cons Repairing -charges ino ,sign of the Seaforth. 163tf