HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-05-03, Page 3giminamniffiliMMINarf ATAY, % 1872.. get what you wanted, and yon t lose anything by it, front on. reaps father thinks more of you aII, after all than. [ think when he's so Dross an like!" RI father t you dear, dear father don't know how much we lova n and for almost the first time in her rememberance the warm �e€l, impulsive girl flung her about him and kissed hinx There, there, ohild, you'll spoil exclaimed the delighted Deas flowing his nose vigorously, and ea a suspicious moisture from eyes " you'll spoil measure to Nathan, husband 1"--th :ir had left the room, and she rip to the window beside him, hat does it all mean, Nathan?' means that God has been ire the error of my Ways, and I'm trying to take the; Lir to heart." And then, laying Eland gently upon the hard, toil= i one near his, Deacon Rey: th told Liswife his { warnings." veers have passed over them all. ie then, and children's children r in the great, old-fashioned ie. Often they meet --together e, and even the long ago, home - coaled 'Lizabeth omecoaled'Lizabeth is with them. mother; with her soft, white ., looks over them all with happy, ceful eyes, as the father, " almost. bee," tells over and over again dreams. " I can see it all," he " jest as plain as I could that: Vit, but I'm not afraid now, T w the Pierced Hands will wvel ie1t e up there,; end I can almost r the angels sing again. It will be long, Jlot very long until I 11 see Riiuand know Him as He , It will be no ` dream there than l" Her eyes are dim, reft of bright - 's. long ago, but their childrew irk of the Land of Eternal Youth they look upon her, and hear the mulous, trusting answer : Nos Hannah, no Dream There t" ir"PAK 'pS S COCOA—GRATEFUL D CerrORTf•SG.—" By a thorough swledge of the natural laws which -ern the operations of digestion and ,ion, and by a careful application well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro - ed our breakfast -tables with a deli - ay flavored beverage whish may save many doeters' bills -"--Gu. it Service tette,:—Made simply with boiling was or milk- Each . packet is labelled-- .1WWES. Errs & Co., llomacopathie enlists, London." AIso, makers of psis: Milky Cocoa (Cocoa and Con- ased come from all parts of the c- oun;- rT to: get a dallar's worth of Frank Pal ,dge&s photographs and are highly satin- d. Scott's Block, Seaforth. For the cheapest and best Teas, Sugars, ibaccos,&c., call at TROTT'S, Seaforth- RAILWAY TIME TABLE. `grains leave the Seaforth station as dews::— GOING WEST.. Ex;ress. :weed. Mail. 2.37 P. M. 1.4& P. IL r. 8.40 r. l GOING EAST. Mixed. mail. 1.40 P.. M. 8.00 A. 1f Express. :0.50 A. M. SEED POTATOES FOR SAE, F THE_ followi.n; new varieties: I CLIMAX, EXCELSIOR, BRISSUS PROLIFIC, and w-T1;T,AB» SEEDLING. rMee varieties are of the best quality, rinse= eed for peudnetivonesa and warranted pia true to name. " The bestvarieties of the day." -G< AnvoL• JAMES LANDESBOROUGH, Lot 23, Concession 3,. Tuckersnmith. SEEDS, SEEDS. LOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED AND SEED GRAIN of all kinds, or Sale Wholesale and Retail, by JOHN BEATTIE At. his Stall, in the Market, SE AFORTH. 223.8* MALCOM'S GREAT ECC DEPOT, 11'IAR ET SOIIAFE, SEAPORTS. The subscriber begs to inform the public that . e has greatly extended his prernihes and is pre- pared as hitherto to pay the highest price for a' Y - fee tity of GOOD FRESH EGGS, Delivered at his place of business_ No Market Foes on EGOS WM. i ICOM- {{ Seaforth, March 25, 1872. 226 EGG ; EMPORIUM. Ift; subscriber hereby thanks his nnmQ1ong Tfriends iu town and country for their libersi r,atronage during the past five yearsr and. hope8 e strict attention to business to •- merit their cow fzdence and trade In the future. He- also wishes to announce that he is still prepared to pay THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any gnantity of good FRIr EGGS Delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, ilk/1Y STREET, SEA "O TIL D. D. WILSON. 1\14x,3,1872.; GAIETIES. A New Jersey man has named his ab,y De-velopement I31'own. A. Southern newspaper gets very indignant because a Northern writer has said that the women of the South are incl olent, and then concedes the whole case by declaring that " they have ° done - nothing " to -deserve such an accusation. A. Pennsylvania Dutchman, who married his second wife in- decently soon after the funeral of the first, was visited by a two hours' serenade in token of disapproval. Ile expostulated pathetically thus : el I say, poys, you ought to be asham- ed of yourselfs to be making all dis noise ven dere was a funeral here so pont" While a rather affected young lady was confiding to her admirer how ethereal her appetite was, and the sensitive delicateness of her own organization, the too matter-of-fact help bawled out : - " Say ! will ye have yer biled pork ;and'beans now, or wait till yer feller's gone 7" The " feller " has been gone ever since. — In Chicago, some; boys sur- reptitiously pinned to the coat of a pedesttiana yellow card, hearing the inscription : " Small -pp ' here ; are you vaccinated 1 'The Times s4 ys, 44 the gentleman met *'ith a perfect ovation wherever . he-ent, but he had pretty much the entire. walk to bimsalf." Tile women of Damascus, 111., take part in the discussions of the Farmer Club tweeting. A recent conundrum was, "Shall we dress for comfort or show 1" It was, of course,, decided to dress for comfort, and then they all went away, and at the next meeting each ap2eared with a sc three•decker" headdress , and a " Dolly Varden " suit. —"A friend of mine, _a veteran commanding officer of a cavalry regi- iiient," writes Mr. Frank Buckland, the distinguished • ° pisciculturist, "told me that he once found: a moor - hen's nest with eggs. Upon crack- ing one of the eggs he discovered that the young bird was alive, and upon the point of hatching. He put it on the ground, and it im- mediately ran away. 'What I want to know, Buckland,' -said my friend, the colonel, '-i:l how it happened that that young bird did not knowI was its mother T I"' -- A girl of sharp wits in a West- ern city discovered recently that her lover was about to take another girl to a ball. She thereupon :bribed his hackman to permit her to take the reins at the. proper moment, and instead' of driving the pair to the ball -room, she took them several miles cut of town to a dense wood, where she left them exposed to a pelting rain storrn-tire young lady In alow-necked maslin dress and kid slippers, and her escort in full party toggery and thin boots. Their situation was not comfortable, but they found shelter in a nei'hboring farm house, where there happened to 'be an accommodating minister, and• the two, being lovingly disposed by reason of their misadventures, were married. The other young woman now sits in sackcloth and ashes, sad- ly brooding over her misadventure, speech.He dined with a magnate. After dinner, when they were going to the meeting, the orator said he should, like some brown sherry to be placed near him. English speakers often refresh themselves during a long address by an occasional sip of sherry. The host seized from a. sideboard a -full decanter and a glass and brought them along. Disraeli, during his : speech, had recourse again and again to the decaliter, and his style grew strangely animated. He finished the liquid save for half a glass or so. When the speech was over he said to his. host : - -" I liked that sherry, but "'isn't it,, you know, a little—dust a little- fiery ?" The host, surprised at any dis- paragement of his excellent wine, tasted the teaspoonful that remained. Horror He had brought in mistake a bottle of dark brandy ;. and the. Conservative chief had consumed nearly the wholeof it without being particularly disconcert- ed or finding out the blunder.—Justin McCarthy. Improved Stove. THE [TTRi311I. EXPOSITOR. SWITZE OFFER FRESH ARRIVALS OF DRESSES, When the last German arctic ex- pedition was about° preparing for its voyage to te north pole, :Captain Koldewey slektl the aid of scientific men in devising a .stove that would answer the double purpose of supply- ing a sufficient awount of heat and of ` economizing' the. ; fuel: _ Various responses were made to this appeal, and among the patterns furnished that of Professor Meidinger, of Carlsruhe, was considered the hest., This is simply an iron stove having a double wall, with a space about two inches wide between the outer and inner one, to which the air bas free access ' above and below. The cold air being always at the bottom, and the warm air `ascending, it fol- lows that all air in the room is be- ing constantly forced through the space between the outer and inner covering of the stove ; or, what is the same; is being constantly heated. Connected with this is another in- genious deyice. The coal is put in from the top, and fills the whole in- side of the stove, which is about six feet high, mope or .less. It is then lighted at the top, and kept burning by the draught created by valves in- serted•both in the side walls and at the bottom of the stove. The more valves that are open the greater the beat, so that the t lnperature of the room can be regulated to a nicety. At the same . time the outer wall, - being_ at a distance from the inner one, never reaches the excessive heat which is 80 great an objection in or- dinary iron stoves. The expense of fuel to produce a sufficient amount of . heat is very much less than that for ordinary stoves, and the new in- vention is rapidly coming into use in Germany.—Harper's Magazine. THE SEAFORTH PRINTS, ETC., SPRING GOO GLOVES,_ f HOSIERY, AT PRIONS THAT CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. MAIN STREET, see SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS_ AGRICULTURAL SEED STORE. (EE3TABId:SHED 1858.) SEARLE & DAVIS BEG to inform the Agriculturists of Huron that C. 4TH. STEWART, THOMPSON & Co' STOCK OF they have just received a large lot of FIELD AND CARDEN" SEEDS. And, as it is the opinion of the best farmers khat Seeds should be sown in a different soil and local- ity from that in which they have grown, they have imported their Clover from the Southern part of Canada, Timothy from the Western States, Gar- rote and Turnips and Garden. Seeds from England and France. -Seeds all fresh and of last season. Those wishing Did seed can hare it at half price: A LARGE STOCX OF Clover, ' Ale ke Cl ver, Timothy and Flax Seed, Tares, Hungarian - Grass, Buckwheat, Turnip, Maizgel, Field Carrot. All kinds of clean seed bought. A few choice Early Seed Potatees and Onions wanted. Sugar Settles and Sap Spiles in Great Abundance. Cheap Steel Plows, Gang Plows, Paints, Oils and Tinware. - j 2,000 Gallons Vaal Oil, I Wholesale and Retail, at low price. SEAR.LE & DAVIS, CLn TON. Top _ SPRING & SUMMER ?00tS LUMBER YARD. MABEE & 111 ACDON ALD BEG to inform the public that they have opened a Lumber Yard iu Seaforth, near S h ear so ns Mill, on the ground formes:ly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. They will keep constantly on hand a good assort - re of HIND OH AND SIIL dressed and nLUMBER, all of undressedd.. Also, which they are prepared to Boll at the lowest possi- ble prices, for Cash. Builders and others will find it to their. advant- age d Ian age to inspect our istock and ascertain our prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we are in a position to offer good indnaemehluAtBEE & .MA_CDONALD. 160 ..•IP Mr. Disraeli on the Stump. Mr. -Disraeli's long heralded expedition to " stump " Lancashire on behalf of the Tory party is over and done. - It has proved rn great measure a failure. There was plenty of crowding and cheering and all that kind of thing, for Manchester has a large Tory party ; but, the expedition began and ended in mere shouting. The great speech of the Tory orator was a dead. failure. Disraeli is not made for a popular speaker. Out of the House of Commons he is not- himself. The Man- chester speech was long, empty, .heavy ; and towards the end it degenerated into what. Disraeli himself called "rigma- role ;" or, as Sam Slick would! say, "it all ran off "into a ravel." I have heard from many who were present one expla- nation of this latter fact, which I should like to put as delicately as possible. Do yon remember the waiter iu " Dombey and Son," who endeavors to explain cer- tain peculiarities of manner and conduct byaverrringthat they were. made by his " excisean," he meaning thereby to say his excitement ?" Well, then, we say, that Mr. Disraeli's "exciseman" was a little too much for him. More than office in the House of Commonsthe same thing las been observed. The Tory orator's voice becomes strangely thick; his 'I gestures become wild, his language grows incoherent, his epithets are rather broad'. One of the traditions of the, House of Commons is the famous champagne speech," of Charles Town- send, the witty and heedless Disraeli of his day ; and latterly certain of Disraeli's are beginning to` be connected in the minds of individuals with the theory of a kindred inspiration. It is distinctly affirmed that the close of the Manchester speech was greatly affected in this way. "You see," said a grave old-fogymember of Parliament to me the other night, "Dizzy's getting too oldfor that sort of thing now. It tells too much on him. It was all very well twenty years ago. Then, sir, it gave him inspiration, and he was all the better tor it. But a man of nearly sixty-seven can't stand it, and when he begins he doesn't know when to stop." Non mems hic serano-I am only' reporting what was said to me by a Tory and a follower of Disraeli, There used to be an anecdote current in. London. a .few years ago, which I tell you, not vouching in the least degree for its truth, nor indeed, having any faith in its literal accuracy, but simply as illustrating' what people say. It is significant even as a mere joke, because no such joke would ever be made or understood in reference to Gladstone or Bright. ' Mr. Disraeli went to a great provincial city to make a " PULMONARY .BALi ► D3 THE 4 til U&ED AND RECOM- MENDED BY THE MOST EMINENT PHYSICIANS IN NEW ENGLAND FOR LAST 45 YEARS. "NOTHING BETTER:' R BROS. & CO., = BOSTON. p th Sold y e Druggists 'SOI9 NOSH IOP O rn Lid e's, COVE y PNCE B9 CM& ?.FOR COUGHS,CQLDS,&C) ELLIOTT& Co., --LYDLAN, Toronto, Agents.. tm( 12 IS ARRIVING DAILY, And by the 10th, instant, will be fully assorted in all the lines usually kept. ON HAND, A. LARGE STOCK OF CLOVER SEED, TIMOTHY MONEY TO LOAN. THE subscriber has MONEY to loan to any amount on good farm property. Interest, SIX. per cent. per annum, when the interest and prin- ciple are paid yearly, and 8 per cent. per annnm when the interest only is paid. • A G. MCDOUGALL, f the Bear. 227-520 q.6S At cheap bash Store, sign MONEY TO LEND. private Tkil+a nndoisigned has $3,000 and upward, p funda to loan, at '8 per cent. per annum, en Farm property. Charges moderate. Marriage Licences issued. Apply to G.WILSON, Zurich. 227-52'— APPRENTICE WANTED. ANTED, a boy from 15 to 17, to learn the W Carriage Painting Business. 226 JAMES WILLIAMS, Seaforth. BOY WANTED. WAFTED, at Beatty & Co.'s, a smart 226active Boy to attend i.n. the store. FARM FOR SALE. FARM of 132 Acres for Sale20 acres in woods, good land and good buildings. Six miles from Clinton and 31 from BALFRE 224 D STONEIIOUSE. FARM & VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. P A-RTICULAR NOTICE. 225-13 MUNICIPAL_ NOTICE-. TOWNSHIP OF GREY. THE COURT OF REVISION for the Township 1 of Grey will beheld st Dame's Hotel, ORAI- BROOK, on WEDNESDAY, May 22, 1872, at 10 o'clock A. M. J. B. GRANT, Township Clerk,. Township Clerk's office, Ainleyville, April 10, 1872 1 TOWNSHIP OF HAY. THE Court of Revision for the" Township of 1 Hay will aommenoe on TUESDAY, the 7th day of May next, in the Town Rall, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. WILLIAM WILSON. Township Clerk. TARES, GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, JOHN LOCAN. Has a Lot of SHAWLS, MANTLES, DR.EsS GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, CHEAT' FOR CASH. ;y STEWART, THOMPSON & CO. J LEYVILLE, April.1, 1872. "DOIYIINION HOUSE." FOIL SALE, on reasonable terms, a Farm, being Lot No. 17, in the Eleventh Concession of Me - J l.so. several eligible building lots in the Killop. village of; Seaforth. Apply to 228 JAMES BEATTIE, Seaforth. BOARDING. COLLADAY has leased the large and eom- H• mddious home, on the Salt Works Grounds,. adjoining the Railway Station, and has fitted it up as a boarding-house. Good table and t boarding- house rtable rooms. Persons wishing pleasant a few house should apply, as there are at p vacancies. Transient boarders accommodated at less thaim hotel rates. 228 ARCHITECTURE. THE undersigned is prepared to -famish Plans, Specifications, &e., of Public and Private Build- ings, and else to superintend. the erection of the same. Carpenters', Plasterers' and Masons' work measuredADAM GRAY, 227-133* and valued. Victoria -street, Seaforth. Which he is anxious to Sell Off, at Cost, YES, VELOW COST, Or any reasonable price that a customer may offe Therefore, Ladies, yon will please call at the Manchester House, MAIN STREET, Soon, and get your pick of the Goods before are all sold. Seaforth, July 25, 1871. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH FOR SAT.F, a corner lot, on the cornero fthe James and West streets, nearly opp'c house, with a neat and comfortable frame cottage thereon. This lot is situated in. one of the most pleasant localities of the Village, and willbesold eboap. Apply to , WM. Bim' . Seal rth. -225 Oz ea 1 CUL NEW GOODS. 22,843 Township Clerk's Offiee, Hay, 8th April, NOTICE. THE COURT OF REVISION 227-4 For the Township of Stephen will be held, est CREDITON, on the Firttt SATURDAY in MaYa, commencing at 10 A. M. C. PROUTY, 227-4 Township Clers NOTICE. THE 'COURT OF REVISION For the Township of Stanley will be held at Mr. Biggart's Hotel, VARNA, on MONDAY, the 27tb. day of May, at 10 o'clock A. M. Township Clerk's Office,t. Bayfield, April -12, 1872. proportion of his Dry Goods at the beginning of the present e year, r (and pre ionhays to the recent ed a large a year; (and previous the recent great advance in the prices of all lands of Cotton and Woolen Goods,) for Casa, thereby enabling him to offer his Stook of they 190 SEAFORTH NOVELTY WORKS. T M. MARTIN having purchased the pro:niece V • on Goderich Street, in rear of the Mansion Hotel, Sedforth, intends hereafter carrying on business there in the following lines. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. vi -ES. A. SPARLING has a number of first-class Building Lots for Sale, adioining her present residence, on Goderich street. Also, a two-story r ;BRICK COTTAGE LUMBER DRESSING, In all its branches. Doors and Window Sash k€ pt constantly on hand. Door and Window Frames made to order, of the best material grid at the shortest notice. For Sale in said street. Terms reasonable.. Mee of Lots Dan be seen at Gray, Sperling ae Co.'s Store, or at TILE EXPOSITOR Office. 233 MRS. A. SPABLING. Mouldings, of all patterns, kept 071 hand and made to order. LandTurnip, Garret, Beet and Manure Drills, Rollers, Wagon Racks, Horse Hay -rakes, and a variety of other Farming Implements, of the most approved patterns, kept constantly on hand or made to order. PATENT SORTABLE FENCES, Manufactured when required. OODS,DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hardware, - T Groceries, etc., etc., Worth upwards of FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, At the Lowest Market Rates, CE or approved credit. For CASH, FARM PRODU Pp W51. PLUNKETT, Towrp Clerk. NOTICE. THE COURT REVISION For the Township of Tuckersmith -will be esht's d st ` the Village of Egmondville, in Penderg tel, on FRIDAY, the 10th day of May next, at the hoar of 10 o'clock A. M. WILLIAIII MTJIIL, Township Clerk. Tnckersmiih, April 11, 1872. MUNICIPALITY OF OSBORNE. THE COURT OF REVISION id at the o For the above Municipality will b he Township Hall, Elinr i1ie, on SATURDAY, May 4,1872, at 10 o'clock A. M. Parties interested will please take notice. SAMUEL P. HALLS, Township Clerk. Dated Usborne, April 13,1872. 228-3 PLEASE READ OVER THE FOLLOWING LIST CAREF ILLY, "'TIS HARD TO BEAT." 100 Pieces Hoary Tweeds, Full Cloths and Flannels, from 50 cts. per yard and upwards. 200 Pieces Fancy Prints, from 10 cents to 17 cents per yard. 100 Precos Dark Prints, at 14 cents, worth 17 cents per yard. 25sFanny and Plain. Silk and Poplin Dress Patterns. 50 Pieces Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, at 14 cents per yard and apwarde. 200 Pieces Factory Cottons, from 10 to 14 cents per yard. 20 Bleached Cottons, from 11 cents to 17 centsper yard. a d. 60 Ladies' "Velvet Jackets, at $1 00 each, worth$2 50 Ladies' Black and Colored Cloth Jackets, from $1 00 to $5 00 each. 25 Ladies' Black Silk Jackets, from $5 00 to $1.2 00 each. 2 00 to #a7 00 oach. 25 Ladies' Velvet Mantles, from $ ROMAN SHAWLS AND SCARFS. ALSO, TISSUE AND BAREGE SHAWLS, VERY CHEAP. ' - WAGON MAKERS. TO The nndersi„ grad would also beg to inform Wag- on and Carriage Makers that he keeps constantly on hand, all kinds of Bent Stuff suitable for their work. Carpenters,{ Builders, Farmers, and the public generally in need of any of the above articles would do well to favor me with their patronage, as in my new promises, I have facilities for doing this branch of work which cannot be surpassed. JOHN M. MARTIN. Seaforth Novelty Works, Qroderiaia Street. 28 NEW MILLINERY, In all its branches and of the latest styles worn. - NEW PLOW FACTORY IN SEAFORTH. THE SUBSCRIBERS beg to inform the farmers 1 in the vicinity of Seaforth and the= public generally that they have opeued a NEW PLOW FACTORY In the premises formerly occupied by D. Mc Naught, North of Murray's Hotel, , Main -street, Seaforth. All kinds of Iron and Wrought -beam, and Wooden - 'Handled PLOWS Sept on hand and made to order. • • Having had long experience in this branch of business, we feel confident we will be able to tura out Plows of the above descriptions the i to those of any other establishment in,he and et prices to defy competition. REPAIRING promptly attended to. - MUNROE& HOGAN, New Plow Factory, Seaforth. 223-18 , $• WILEELES'L COMSOUND ELI,- Dit of Phosphates and Calisaya= There is no diseased condition of the body of in which Dr. Phosphates and Wheeler's Compound Elixir p Calisaya may not be used with positive benefit. Being a Chemical Food. and Nutntr e 'Toad out acts physiologicallyin theBerne ,ran � sad the diet. It perfects Digestion, formation of healthy blood. It sustains the vital force by aupplyieg the waste constantly going on of nerve and muscle, as the result mind and bodynti physical exertion, enabling undergo great labor without fatigue. Its action in building up constitutions broken down with wasting chronic diseases, by fast living and bad habits is truly extraordinary, its effeet being im- mediate in energizingsa le organs o ttf he body. eell for- mation being growth of tissues, must, for all motion and the time be Nature's great restorative and vitalizer. Sold by all druggists TEETH EXTRALTE''D WITHOUT PAIN. 200 Parasols, from 25cents to $2 50 each, _ Ladies' Gloves and Hosiery, from 12i cents per pair and upwards. LACE COLLARS AND LACES, NEWEST DESIGNS, ELLA BOOTS, at $1 00 per pair. TO �RI�--Another ease of Ladies' PR .UN examine for yourselves, an inspection will nvinee the most skeptical. Don't fail to call and oo N. M. LIVINGSTONE. AINLEYVILLE, App 2,1872. 0 CARTWRIGHT. L. D. ;S„ Surgeon Dentist, C. extracts teeth without pain by the use of the Nitrous -Oxide Gas. Office --Over the Fountain. of FasbiOn, Mr. Powter's store, on the Market Square. Attendance in Seaforth, at Ewes Hotel, .the first Tuesday andWednesday of each month; in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, onthe oll ire tThurs- days and'Fridays. The isms inder of at his Stratford ofbse• new teeth are:requested to call, if at Seaforth and Parties requiring and Clinton,on tie first days of a' tendauea. 000 patients have had teeth extraevad by Over faf Gs, at,Dr. Coultoree offices. the use of the York. 206 N