The Huron Expositor, 1872-04-19, Page 6• . , 77, A Strange OrOSS. The San FraneiscoPost , sap : Some experimmts hate been tried crossing the buffaloes with domestic cattle, and the result is highly satis- factoiy, a breed of animals being. -produced.'which retains many of the valuable properties of both. breeds., The animals are large and strong, the chief objection to them being that no ordinaryfence stops them for a moment, and that they love the water so mucl. that they will swim and eport in it even when it is full of floating ice. We have heard of a eow and calf whose love for athletic exercises was such that they would jthnp from a bank ten feet high intd deep water, when there. was an easy path close. at 'hand.. These personal peculiarities are dzawbacks to the introduction of bufralo blood into the veins of family Teta ; but on the other hand, when properly .cared for, those animals make most delicious beef, and, their hides, when soft -tanned, are as much uperior to the buffalo robe of.com- anerce as wool is •to shoddy: The -writer saw the pelt of the cow men- tioned above. It is much larger -than any buffalo robe which he ever saw before, was covered with a mat of soft, short, curly brown hair, there toeing none of the long shaggy hair ordinarily seen. • A Mormon Idea, of Mari -lake. .4 gentleman. who has resided for some yea's among the Mormons, gives the following as their idea of marriage : it is a doctrine of the Moraion 'Ohurch that no woman can t to heaven without the aid of man, except in special cases. To be married and a mother in Israel, is eternal salvation fdr the saintesb. Without this in the other world, the deceased saiiitess must•serve as a kitchen girl OrWaiting maid to some resurrected &Other of ,Israel. This Strange doctrine is thoroughly believed by the Mormon women, and ,thence their eagerness to be • inarried,eithei in or out of polygamy. _A CS,SE illustrating this has come to sur knowledge. A beautiful girl of _ seventeen was on her death bed, an:dbeing unmarried she requested that a well known editor be sent for, to whom she wished to be 'sealed,' and thus gain eternal life in the kingdom of God. The elderscom- plied wit'a her wish; the editor reached the death -bed, and there in the presence of witnesses1 the living and the dying were united in . the holy bonds of matrimony. The editor was already' a married man, but his relOort made him take the dying ginl to wife. Instances of this kind are not rare. Such a Marria.ge is considered-deubly sanctified owing to the solemn surrotmdinas. The Fuel Famine. . . Much•as the people of Western towns and cities have often. had to complain of the high prices of' fuel it is hopedthat they will never come to realize the widespread' destitution and extortion in that commodity just now felt and practiced in the commercial .capital. The fuel famine has been graatally working' up in Montreal for some weeks, and at this moment the utmost distress pre- vails, especially among the poorer classes of the community. The llecessij may be well judged from the foil wingsextract from the ll it- " It now appears that it pays -well to cut up planks and sell them as firewood atpreeent rates. Several ' proprietors of slumber yards are as busy as they can be selling planks in lots to suit purchasers, varying from one to a thousand. Slabs and everything in the shape of wood. are being cut up into about three feet lengths, and sold at frbru $6 to $8 per cord, and planks frorn $8 to $10. The roads are now in a bad state, and the bringing of firewood to an.arket .by habitans having been checked. for the present, dealers have taken advantage cf the short supply, and the consequence is another rift in price to $16 per cord for maple, and $14 to $15 for birch. "Coal has also advanced in price again, $16 to $18 per ton being now asked, and there is a likelihood of the supply running out even at -these prices. " Peat has been selline•bat frond $6 to $7, but the demand cannot be supplied; owing to the difficulty in getting it CORN eyed on the Grand Trunk. Railway to the city. "Coke is sold at . form,er ptices, and only supplied to regular custo alters by the Gas Company as fast as it is produced:" - - The Strongest Guns in the World The thirteen itew Woolwich In- fants are the most powerful pieces of ordnance now ill existence in this or, any other country. They will send a .steel shot through. 15 inches of armor plate, of carry a 600 pounder I cannon ball from Woolwich into the ' city of London, a distance of seven miles. These guns are specially ini tended for the navy, and are tobe brat used in the three large ironclad now • in course of completion. Two of these ships, the Thunder alid the Devastation, are of 4,400 tons burd en, and the other, the tFuryais 5,000 tons.' Each of these vessets will be provided with four of the 35 ion guns, which they will Carry in two turrets, two guns being placed in each turret side by side.—.7'imes. 'How to Cure Trouble. Work is your true remedy. If misfortune hits you hard, hit you something else hard ; go at some- thing with a wull There 18 nothinti like good, solid, absorbing, exhaustk ing work tc cum trouble. If you have met with losses, you do not want to he awake thinking about them. YOU want sweet, calm, sound ;sleep, and to eat your dinner with appetite. But you cannot unless you work. There are some great troubles that only time heals, and perhaps some that can never be heal - Al at all, but all can be helped by the great panacea, work. Try it, you who are afflicted. It is not a iis patent Medcine. It an official re- • ineay. All good physicians in regular standing prescribe it incases a ment- al and moral disease. It operates kindly and well, leaving no disagiee- able cr ill effects. It will cure more complaints than any nostrum in the Materia Media, and comes hearer to bring a cure-all ' than any drug or coMpound of drugs in the market; and it will not sicken you if you do not take it sugar-coated., ais • A dead pig would seem scarce- ly a portable object to purloin.. James Connor, indicted for such a theft at the Sorry Sessions, England, said be took it for a lark. When detected, he threw the pig into a tea dealer's shop, knocking a woman down. He was sentenced to twelve months' hard labor. —A Baltimore lady wbo bad been greatly annoyed by mischiev- ous urchins who rang her door -bell and then made off, made a bad mis- take one afternoon recently. She Tay in wait for them, and soon Came a step on the porch, and a vigorous jerk, on the bell. She cried out, I see -you, you.little rascal, caught the unresisting figure by the coat -collar, and shook him vigorously. When her strength *as nearly exhausted, and- hoarse with excitement, she discovered to her horror that it was the diminutive minister of her church, very red in the face, and very short of breath. An explana- tion followed. EDWARD CASH, GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH, DEALER IN SEED AND SEED GRAIN, BUTTPA, WOOL AND FUR. Plenty good, Clover and Timothy, 'Wholesale and Retail. March 4, 1872. 222 •1 11 _A_ IsaTE S _ .. T. K. ANDERSON, Merchant Tailor, _Main -street, Seaforth, Having now been in business two years, begg re peetf-ully to thank his nu.merous customers for Weil" patronage duriug that time. Ile also begs to -state that he is now better prepa-ed than ever to furnish CHEAP GARMENT, 'wee made. He has a handsomer assortment Clethato select from than any other house in th. trade. Tho LATEST STYLES oI HATS AND CAPS, • Always on hand. Gentlennefe Furniehings, all kinds suet in ensl Jess variety, Renneuher, von will havci ag.olixND od:fit guluilrot.Neef ll, TH • SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS. NO HUMBUG. FAGITES, YoTJ WANT TO GET SEEDS that .are GENUINE AND RELIABLE, CALL AT ,STRONG & FAIRLEY'S 'Wh re yon can see one of the best assorted Stocks West of Toronto. This is no blow, for we axe de - tea ined o keepnothing but the beet quality of Seed, and at prices that cannot be beat. A comparieon of, ality and prices i respectfully solicited. Tammy SEED, •FROM TWO DOLLARS FIFTY CENTS UPWARDS. CLOVER SEED, FROM SIX DOLLARS UP 'WARDS. Our Stock of TURNIP, MANGOLD, & CARROT SEED Is now complete. TOP ONIONS, WHOLESALE _AND RETAIL, To GARDENERS we offer special induce/acute in the way of Cabbage, Early and Late; Tomatoes, all v rieties • Onions • Mushroom Spawn ; Celery Beans, Pease Corn, etc., etc., by the oz., all new Seed, no oldStock. Also, Orchard GIUSBI'Red: Top, White Clever and Alsike. OUR STOCK OF • Groceries, Flour and Feed 1. Will always be found to be complete in all its branchea. Smokers, this is t1i.6 place to buy your Myrtle Navy. .1 • . Th e highest Market Price paid for all kinds of Farm. Produce. OATSI TAXEN IN EXCHANQ,E FOR OATMEAL. . B.--PartiesiNvishing to enter into Flax Growing.ean be supplied with Mr. B. Shantz's Flax Seed at our store on his terms. Goods as usual delivered m any of the Tillages. 224, ' StRONG & FAIRLEY. SOMETI-IING INTERESTING TO CARRIAGE -MAKERS AND BLACKSMITHS. WMa ROBERTSON tc CO., ilARDWARE MERCHANTS, SM A POBall---1, Have on hand 200 Tons of iron. 299 Sets of Carriage Axles. Also, a full and well -selected Stock of • , • . 301 Sets of Springs. 449 Sets Seamless Thimble Skeins. Carriage Trimmings. and Hardware, Of every description, •'oh they had bought before the recentgreat advance in price of that material, and. they wiJi not be UNDERSOLD BY ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. lacksmiths and Carriage -Makers 11411 do well to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. • A large assortment of HUBS, SPOKES AND 'BENT STUFF on hand 224 SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, TIE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE DECLARES THAT THE GARDNER SEWING MACHINE Is superior to -any 1 4,, now in the Market. Having been examined and tried by the most skilful mechanics and best judges the country can produce, and by them awarded Prizes at all the principal Exhibitions held throughout the Dominion during the present year ; and although all the leading Machines were arrayed against it, the GARDNER PATENT has been declared • ITIOTORIOUS OVER. ALL COMPETITORS, - 1 upon every test, and. now stands foremost in the rank of sewers. SEE 'FIRE lli1l491r OF -PRIZES FOR 1871; First Prize at Toronto. Firat Prize at London—the great Western Fair. First Prize at Guelph—the great Central Fair. First Prize at St. Catherines, County of Liteoln.. First Prize at Chatham, County of Rent. First Prize at Waterloo, County of Waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, County of Sin/00e. First Prize in Mono, County of Peel. FirSt Prize in Caledim, Connty of Simeoe, First Prize at Wel- landport, Comity of Welland. First Prize at Otterville, County of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial Fair, 'Kingston Diploma, at Hamilton, and various Comity Shows. Thio beautiful specimen of mechanical ability is a purelyeanadian iuvention, surpassing in simplicity, durability, and usefulness any other Sewing Machine now in the market whether of Canadian, American, orTEt uwailllishhelunea,ncillorade,tburracid, tuck, gather, quilt, fell, tiMeklo all and every kind of Family Sewine, and light Mannfacturing Work, neing all kinds; of thread. It has a most complete SET OF ATTACI•61ENTS. BUY NO OT Heal. If the price is a little higher than so.me others, it is the cheapest in, the end. Send for Circulars and Sample. - GA.RDNER, SEWING 'MACHINE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. P. S.—Intending purchasers should not be misled by unscrupulous agents of other Companies, who keep Machines they do not sell, in a damageti state; to make capital for themselves. Call and examine the Gartner before purchasink any ether, at WItIUM Gateiesiz's Warernoms, Godericlastreet, Seaforth, Agents wanted. 179.62 wommssa343514, FOR NEAT BOOTS PETER GRASSIE, Seaforth. niES_LITEL4B.M.101:14.1.111S.E.I.f.111 11,*1' Itet, lit I Tho attention of Ladies is particularly directed to our stock of Trundle, Boots and Broadthy Ties. 44.011.144 reef V sn QPIM.74 STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES.—The Best and Cheapest in the 21arket.—illeINTYRE KJ WILLIS, Main -street, Seaforth, have just received a very fine 'stoek of Laths' and Gentlemen's Boole nail Shoneasuitable for spring and summer wear, all of whichwill be solkt at the OLD PILIC%1±,for cash.— The very latest styles, and of the best and most subetantial manufa.eture.--Custorn work of all kinds promptlyattenaed to.—A teat article and a good fit guaranteed. Repairiug,—all kinds of work repaired, no matter where made, on the 'shortest notice. McINTYRE & WILLIS, First door South of John Logan's. - 4- S E Til SMOKERS! AT T. B. IS ST AMPED ON EACH PLUG MYRTLE NAVY. Take no Cheap Imitations. Hamilton, February 27, 1872. 216-134' IM PO RTAN r TO HOUSEKEEPERS. 000D FLOUR I AT ALL TIMES. W. A. SHEARSON & CO., Proprietors of the 1 SEAFORTH MILLS- ! Are now Manufacturing the best FAMILY (6 PASTRY FLOURS In the Dominion. Intending purchasers in Seaforth and vicinity can rely upon getting our Family and Pastry Flours from the following Dealers, ONLY :—Thos. Lee, A. M. Strong, John Walsh, Jeanea C. Laidlaw, Alex. Ault, Thomas Kidd. J. McGinnis' William Ault, G. & H. Xackson, and W. Thompson , Egmondvillo, and at the Seaforth Mills. Orders left at our office, Market Sentare. will receive prompt attention. Farmers desiring to exchange theirWheat for Flow, at the Nun, May always rely upon getting our best Family m Pastry Flour n exchange, in quantities accoreling to the value their wheat. '1/4 W. A. SHEARSON & CO. FLOT:11! FLOt- •••••••.*1.. • TTAVING purchased and thoroughly refitted the formerly owned by the Messrs. SCOBIE, I am now prepared. to awash Second to NONE IN SEAFORTH, FAKIA.LaYthatiilLO, .TTR Compare favorably with any in the Do- minion, If you want A 1 15'I.4011,11t, go to the following mDelalitesrsvrAaTutsft$1kmfoormlIiktARSHALL'S---ReateMber W. SCOTT ROBERTSON, 7. WHITESIDE, SIMON POWELL, JOHN CAVANAGH, Or at W. MARSHALL'S Orders left with. W. 4. ROBERTSON will be promptly attended to. Parties who wish to Exchange Wheat for Flour, Are certain to receive proper quantity, and an arti- cle that will defy competition. W. MARSHALL 18641 HURRAH FOR -1872. • WM. ATILT, • MAIN STREET, SrAFORTII, TTAS ON HAND a superior etoek of FAMILY I -L-1- GROCERIES, embracing Teas of the best brands, Sugars, Raisins, etc. Also, Crockery and Glassware, and every other article usually kept in a first-class Grocery Store. Such as Flour, Oat and Corn -meal, Potatoes, Pork, etc., also, every description of FEED, Such as Oats, Peas, Bran end Shorts, all of which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest. rAutat rft °DUCE. The highest market price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. Remember the place, Main street, East side, opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. 213 WM. AULT. REMOVED. REMOVED. M. ROBERTSON, et -maker and Undertaker, -HAS REMO VLD his ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S '7STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, Where he has on hand a superior stock of Furni- ture of every description. CALL AND SEE IT. *UNDERTAKING. Having purchased :Alr. Thomas traansr, ara prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country. Collins, AU Sizes, Kept constantly on hand. SHROUDS 1 SHROUDS ! M. ROBERTSON, CABENET 1STAWRit AD UNDERTAKER, Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortment of CYCTIDS Which he eau furnish cheerer than they can be got elsewhere. 205 MOULDING & PAPER. Tma=. undersigned has en hand n splendid lot of ROSEWOOD AND GILT MOULDING. Also, a Fine Lot of Straw WRAPPING PAPER, FOR SALE, CHEAP, Now ia the time to buy as it iron the rise. C. ARMSTRONG. 221. Main Street, Seaforth. WHO WANT4 A GOOD SUBSTANTIAL WAGON, or a nice STYLISH BUCIGX ? WILLIAM GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, HAS on hand -and for sale a number of handsome single and double BUGGIES, all well finished and manufactured of the very best material. Also, LUMBER WAGONS, Whirl, for .exeellenee of build, and ease in running cannot be sit/Teased by -any manufacturer in the Proainee. A few DEMOCRAT WAGONS on hand, and , more making. WILLIA.3.1 (MASSIE sells cheap as any other cetublishment in the County. BLACKSMITHING And General job Wink attended to promptly. 4-4 APRIL 19, 1872. THE OSBORN GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CIL. tock -Stitch Sewing MACHINE. Thousands throughout Canada are now using these machines. They have been tested beyond aII question, make the favorite lock -stitch, alike on both sides, and are pr *minced superior to any other machine offered the plgAie, For wide range of work, perfection, beauty and excellence of mechanism, adaptability, strength and durability The Osb„o2-n Sewing Machine 0,1g No Rival. Arjr Improvements have lately heft,- made, 'enabling the manufacturers ta, claim it as the ne, plus ultra of Sewing machines. Higidreds of testimonials are being received -daily from. oid. as well as new operators attestin,,Y its wonderhil. ca,pabilities, 'Will do allr'kinds of do.. mestic sewing, from the finest cambric to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather„ GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPAY...WYE:Dr OR NO SALE, WARRANTED FOR THREE YEARS. -The Qaborn Outfit is complete, an& readily comprehended. Is sold at oner half the price hitherto charged for ma -- chines doing a like range of work, tke manufactures being determined to place. it within the reach of every family ini theAeT°11-illAtTri3r1;EFORE PURCHASE will eon-. wince all that our raaellihes are an. equaled. i. THE GUELPH REVERSIBLY, Is -pre- mineatly the best Single-Threa& Madill e offered to the public—hence its xnarve ons success, Will do aliva,rieties of domestic sewing. PRICES GREATLY BEDUCID. Heald. Machine, with full outfit, $12 ;, Treadle do., $17. Or Each raachine- guaranteed. siriN gents wanted everywhere. Splen.. aid induceraents to make money. Apply to CUELPH SEWINC MACHINE CO., 1 GUELPH, CANADA. • W. N. WATSON, Agent, 180-ly SEAFORTH. I Stitch in Time saves 9 IF you want to got the best Family Sewing Machine in the Province of Ontario, go to - GEORGE MILLIN, Wroxeter Who is Agent for the celebrated. CD S CI TR, 1\1 - SEWING MACHINE, N. B.—Sewing Machine Needles of alt kinds, always kept on hand for Bale. -. Also, AGENT FOR E. R. SHOREY'S i ROYAL CANADIAN CLOTHES -WRINGER Office at I11,8 Fashionable Dress-makie Establialnnnt, directly opposite the Post (Met. Wroxeter. , 219 HOW TO MA E ••••••••••,.. FARmr11 like the rest of Mitetiad. are usually desiron • to learn the best and easiest mods to • ake Money,. There is nr Business by which a Farmer can so much alley easily and in so short a -time as be- G OWING FLAX. To Farmers tvbo desire to -4/rebark in this profitable- laranth of .1/grit/lib/redwing the toning year, the nndersigndsl: would say that he will have on ba at his .LAX FAILLS. SEAFORTI A large sepply Of OCOD Ci.0 FLAX, for Seedy which cin be had at any time from now to the Fiat of May next, In order that Fanners may be ten- vineed that Flax is the most profitable crop tbeY can grow, they are raftared to the following state, mont of last year's yields, and aim also apply either of tie undermentioned geutlemea for tea - firmation of the statement. Statement cf last year's yield. Anioni,s 6540 = MeRillop— Acre Posands. Bective44 Walter Burke _ 2 12 000 $12 00 Thornes Lapsie..... 7 38,400 George llabkirk.... 1 6,740 R. McMillan.. 5,800 B. Clef 1 5,900 John MeElroa- 1 5,720 W. Evans 10 l5,000 J. Evans... 16.500 D. Claff 44,000 Tuekersrnith— William Payne......8 Mr, MeGeoch 5 D. Sproat Elgy. '' ' —11 Price paid per 12. Price paiti per ton, Twelve Dollars. Parties are mem/mewled to snw early, in order secure it good eiesp. Any f-urtiaT inforinafien r'2" Tuna will be -cheerfully given by B. SHANTZ, 222 Prcprietor, Seaforth Flax Mills, 86,000 02,500 11.290 66,000 231. 00 40 44 61 Sit 330 i)0 OtY 28400 216 60 j500 00 W V" ARE LAZARUS, MORRIS 4 CCM Spectacles ti• ITT •t. LIKE BRIC4HAM YO1Th0 Os TRIAL FOR, MI:11.DE1r k NOTI(r.—Airipersori aendieg the enswer to the above to the Age& II. COT'NTER, SEAFOBTI4 within the next thirty days, ceive en order from 11, M. & CO. 8' al Pair of their superior new patte.1% Eye Gitteeee. 4 if APRIL If 011142104111E1.1~14411ffiad .iicray Ladies - A nice Old Knapp, celebra .day,at Aurota As the veneraL served, and the ease without Aies will be de, have been her: has happened tt to -beg,in with,: .of scorning of a' father reaching .0f course, bb early riser ; al seasoned food but has eaten 'Therefore, goo to live for a .cei .don't eat of int tight' :lace, an some a, great - pork and mu: alcaft happen be petfectly ce even one hundi Age. The gree manage to live maturely the failure. A Ministen Duncan Go well knowu f used to f -the country he twa sao gr .occasion lic hare as a pr. but, having, byhe ra d e vhfch was p 'without bein anissing his v twiimendd et for rits Having a lett eli .no mention ef ;minister, o -marked, "0 there's a hare that's a' tieb thoeht 1 bad its s? that, v .and that ye'r him for send took his deP vinced that message. interb The follw' authority &ages spoket irthaAtants .different relig human Ife years. One the age of se fore reathing 1,00 persor years of life; reach the eigel ,more than .ou years of age., 1.000,000,00 these 33,333 91,824 every and sixty eve every secon longer lived 'men live lo Women hav their favor p age than me wards. Th is in the pr to every 1,01 Nearly al eurvation peculiar to known peda bar barian lif heels. Notwiths this to be fashion, wbi chiropodists in plainer la lucrative pr by the folly lame than w ,of vulgar pa of the heel .quarters, an fsr the indiv enough at Being too the great to sively ; tha pressure is the only pe tion of the perpetual cr as seed time —none of t The L ro.caistetlt .died lately tt Was a natda sand lfo never had iptuttiliona it w week a, neiti, .and knock He forced hideous si ,{)e0vntaidatelniteltil3P lfiyooi body had :70voienaekrt.teIn lge stTofbor