HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-04-12, Page 8la en exp t
JUST 'ARRIVED. —Mr. MoMulkin, f.
Beatty &Co.'s, has just retinue(' from the
largest eaRel. best markets, -where he has
been for some time pitechasing a large
anl carefully selicted stock of Dry Goods,
Clothing; Boots au hes, &c., suitable
for the setraroer trade, ;along with Which
lie ha e purchased aletelf fine Teas, Fresh
Groceries, several cases. of Cigars, and a,
splendid lot of pOre-Wines a.-nd Liquors:
Tattles intending oto purchase will tele
;well toinepect their stock before purchas-
ing elsetvhere. Remember the place.
Carraichael's Block, Main street, Sea -
WE NOTICE Messrs. E. Hickson & Co.
are now opening up a large stock of
eipring goods in all the latest styles and
movelties at -astounding low. prices. This
does net agree , with1 the general rise in
goods, and we are afraid it is too goodlO
la st.
-Spring Shows.
The Spring Show of the North Riding
of Huron Agricultural Society will be
ltdd at Clinton, on 'Tuesday, the -16th of
April. -
The Spring Show of the South Huron
_Agricultural Society will be held at
Brucefleld, on Wednesday, the 17th of
The Spring Show of the Stephen and
Usborne Union Agricultural Society
-will beIeld at Exeter, on Thursday, the
38th of April. .
The Wallace and: -Elma Spring Fair
will be held at: Listowel, on Friday
19. , - '
The Sprine.--Show of the South Perth
Agricolturaf,Society will be held at St.
.311arys, on Tuesday, the .23rd. April.
NEARLY READY. —Mr. Counter'sstore
is being rapidly repaired, and will be
,ready for occupation -in a few days.
ARCHITEpTURE. —Persons who intend
to build might profitably avail them. -
selves of the services of Mr. Adam Gray, •
whose card will- be :found in our adver-
$2.50 ;M. Madigan, $L88, aud debentures
issued for the same. The Council ad-
journed till April 23.
Shea -het Pians.—We would remind all
-concerned of the various Spring Fairs
advertised to take place in this County
dp4ing next week, the dates of which
will be found in our Fair Register.
RESIGNED. — We learn that Miss
Guthrie, for several years au efficient as-
sistant teacher in the Seaforth s.chool,
has resigned her situation._ We have
not heard, as yet, of a successor to Miss
-Guthrie being appointed.
IsTEw Buneenees. e --A large hiumhber of
mew buiklings are likely to be erected in
-Seaforth during the coming summer..
Some have already been commenced, and
material is being laid down to be used in
the construction of a number more,
. •
,enterprising merchants of our village are
laying in large stooks of dry goods • suit-
-able for the spring trade. Messrs. Dent,
Lee & Switzer,
and E. Ilickson. & Co.,
announce in to -day's issue the arrival of
their goods. Mr. A. G. McDougall, and
Mr. Thomas Kidd, whose announcements
will. appear next week, have also recieved
:large supplibs of seasonablegoods.
• MORE GOOD STOCK. -- Mr. Henry
Chesney, of Tuckersmith, has brought
into the County another valuable thor-
oughbred bull. This animal was par -
chased by Mr. Chesney from Mr, George
Hyde, of North Eagthope. He is but
13 months old and weighs 1,140 pounds.
He, is well built, „ of a nice color, and
when he Comes to hill growth, will be
one of the handsomest animals of the
kind in the County.
• 1til:e1". ESTATE CHANGES.—Mr. McVit-
tie has sold his property on Goderich
street, to Mr. John M. Martie. • Mr.
Martin intends occupying two of the
,huilclings himself—one as a residence and
the other as a work -shop. The other
buildings will be fitted up for the occu-
siancy of tenants: Mr. Thomas Laidlaw
Jias purchased from Mr. Alexander Mc-
Arthur, the cottage opposite the Baptist
ARRIVED• SAFE. —The •many friends of
Mr. 'Robert Coates, late of Iluellett, will
be pleased te .learn that himself and. fam-
ily arrived safely at their new home in
-Hudson, North Carolina, where Yr.
Coates has purchased a farm. A friend
has handed us, for publication, a very
interesting letterwhich has been received
from laim, and which will appear next
establishment is doing a large busiuess
in the sale of musical instruments, No
better guarantee need be requirecl of the
,quality of the instruments which are ob-
tained. from it, or the universal tatisfac-
tion which they give, than the fact that
during last year, ---the first year's busi-
ness,—over one hundred inStruments
were sold. •, Mr. Jones,teacher, Ilaipur-
hey, is agent for these instruments, for
Seaforth and vicinity.
THE FALL WHEAT: ---Accounts from
all parts of the County agree that the
fall wheat has paased through the winter
eininjured. Now that the fields are hecom-
ing cleareAof snow, it presents a fresh and
healthy appearance. This intelligence
is all the haore gratifying from the fact
that a very large breadth was sown last
fall,- and. the serious injury which the
winter 'frosts have caused. to this crop in
many parts of the Province. Another
orop Of fall wheat such as we had last
year would put .ourfarmers on- their feet,
and. would_ give trade generally an en-
couraging start. •
THE SPRING FREsHETs.-=-The water in
the rivers and streams hereabouts is
higher this Spring than it has been for
-several years. „ Considerable damage to
•bridges, fencing and other property hes
been done. We learn that several
bridges on the Maitland river have been
•earned off. . The bridge at Roxboro has
been svtept away, and the mill dam brok-
• en. The loss of these bridges will cause
considerable' inconvenience to the travel-
ling public for some time, and entail a
heavy loss on the municipalities inter-
ested. •
DENrisherea We would beg` to re -
rind those who require theiservices of a
loofessional dentist, that Mr. Bull has
returned, and can be found at his rooms,
•-over A. G. McDougall's store, at •any.
time 'between the hours of $ A, AL and
.5 P. -M. We haye pleasure in being able
to recommend Mr. Bull as a gentleman
who. is thoroughly master of every bran (1).
.of his profession. As a mechanical den-
tist, he has few superiors.
TEE WINTER GONE .—At long last,
the winter seems to have fairly broken
up, arid a sight of -Mother Earth has once
mere _gladdened the hearts of all. The
roads and.fields have now become pretty
•;hare, although there are still banks of
esnow to be seen, in many places. The •
'weather, however, for the past week has
leen quite spring-like, and the lictpe 'is
indulged that we may not have setch
late spring after all. It will be a -week
,or snyet before the ground is sufficiently
Airy and free from frost to permit our
farmers to coinmence work preparatory
for the sowing of spring props.
far as twe are. aware, had no knowledge_
boxing been written. -until it ap-
in pint.
\WAY. - —An invitation was reeeiv.
a number of leading men here,
arties in *Seaforth, to attend a
d. meeting in that place on Monday
g, in the interest of the London,
and Bruce Railway, but owing to
the bad state of tae roads and the even-
ing being very wt, they Were unable to
except the invitation.
of its
ed by
• A MUSICAL TREAT.—We learn that a
grand,musical entertainnhent, under the
auspices of the Canada Presbyterian
Church of this village, will be given in
the Town Hall, on the evening of Friday
neht. The entertainment will 'Consist of
vocal and instrumental music, and. will
bq under the directorship of Mie Frank
Paltridge, precentor for the. congregation.
The services of Professor Jones, lately of
Toronto, but now precentor, in Knox
Church, Galt,- one of the finest vocalists
.iu the Province, ha -he been secured, as
also the service g of several of our local
musicians. The proceeds- of, the enter-
tainment are to be devotrd towards feuc-
sing the church grounds.
DRAMATIC CLT_TIs.— The Seaforth Dra-
•3natic Club • will, on Monday- evening
next, give an entertainment in the Town,
Hall. The drama entitled "Tune Tries
.A11" will be performed by the Club.
Se popular have the entertainments of
this company become with our people
Oat tbby seem tO be the only ones which
can draw a respectable audience in Sea -
On this occasion there will be an addi-
tihnahaittraction ; Mrs. Sage, of Walton,
avill play a selection of popular airs oil
•glass tumblers. This lady can play any
•Air ore thee glassds as hweetly and, cor-
• rectly as can be played on a piano or
other musical instrument; in fact, her
•,Iperformaace will be one of the meet at -
•tractive features of the entertainment,
SEAFORTH COuNcIL.-e--A meeting of the
• Village Council was held on the 9th of
April;• present the Reeve and all the
• Councillors. it was Moved, seconded,
and - carried, That .the account of S.
Stark, antounting to $2, for conviction of
J. Andrews for selling liquor -without
lienee, be paid, and a debentOre Le is -
Mind for the same. Moved, seconded,
• and carried., That the account of Peter
McEwen for: cutting drain on Main
Street, ainounting to $91.23 be paid; and
a debenture. issued. for the same. Moved
seconded, and cerried, That the Clerk he the number of cows required. We hope
instructed to deraandlioni the Merchant' the farmers in the neighborhood will
Salt Company the sum of .545.62, being 1 tae a gene' al interest in the matter, and
their proportion of cos( of !draining on
34ain Street agreed to by theme Moved,
seconded, and carried, !:that the account
of Mr. Robertson be paid, amounting to
88for making coffin and burying David
Smith. Moyed, seconded, and carried,
• That the following accounts for scraping
on Main Street be paid, viz.: S. Harris,
.3.75; R. Moran, $2.50 ; John Irv, a
FlRE.—The stable belonging to Rev.
Mr Ehinger was destroyed by • fire on
Wednesday morning. It was only by
strenuous and persevering efforts that
the dwelling house Was saved, so close
was it located to the burning building.
The Reverend gentleman is a,legat at
present, and the naembers of his emigre-
gstion are putting forth their ' efforts to
have it rebuilt on a better system before
his return. The people of the village
having had. an example of the power of
the destroying element, and seeing our
unprotected state, are agitatingfor the
palm ase of a fire engine.—Com.
A pe
the r
The Meeting adjournedto meet again
at Varna, On Monday next, at 3 o'clock,
P. MI, in order to give the ratepayers of
Stanley, (who have already spent about
$38,000 on this harbor' of their own
'funds) an opportunity ofsaying whether
deputation St011id be sent to Ottawa,
along with saicl petition to strengthen
the.hands of the member, (who, I believe,
is doing allthe can for us) and if so, to
appoint said deputation at the expense of
the Township. Nature has made a good
foundation for a harbor. Pity it is that
. art could not assist to finish what would
be to the country aud others such an im-
portant benefit. —Om
• Bayfield.
TIBOR MEETING. —A numerous and
ntial meeting was held here last
ay - evening to discuss the long
1 of Bavfield Harbor. A large
t of very interesting information
licited from the various speakers.
ition is now being freely signed by
tepayers of Stanley and others in -
ed, on behalf of the harbor; to be
to the member for South Huron.
• FAREWELL Surreer.e-The friends of
Messrs. IL Jamieson and J. Elliott, to
the number of about forty, assembled at
the Mansion Hotel, on the evening of
Tliescla,y last, to entertain these gentle-
men to a farewell supper on the efve of
their departure from Seaforth. After
ample justice was done to the bivalves
and accompaniments provided by "mine
host" of the Mansion, the tables were
cleared and a: few hours of social enjoy-
meht indulged': in.The chair, was
• occupied by Mr. -Mclean, of THE Ek-
POSITOR; and . the vice -chair by Mr.
Kendall. During the • evening there
were many high eulogies passecl upon the
characters of Messrs. Elliott and Jamie-
son, by, several of their friends present,
and many expressionsofregret at the
prospect of so soon losing them as citizens.
Mr. Elliott left town on Wednesday
morning last: After spending a few days
with hisfriends in Toronto, he intends
going tothe, Western. States. Mr. Jamie-
son will leave for Toronto on Tuesday
• next, for the purpose ot entering -upon the
duties of a responsible situation which
he has accepted_ in that city. Wherever
the lot of our young feiends may in
future be cast, we trust that prosperity
may .attend them, and that they may act
through life in such a manner as never
to tarnish the excellent reputations
which they leave behind them here.
• NOTICE. --Mr. C. R. COOPER will act as business
agent for THE EXTO_SITOR in Abileyeille and vicin-
ity. Parties regain:1g job Printing or Advertising
eau be attended to by calling upon Mr. COOPER
Be is also authorized to solicit subscribers fax THE
IVI),tchell. •
interesting and agreeable social was held
in Fortress Temple, on the evening of
Friday last. After the •first part of the
proceedings, which consisted of vocal and
instrumental music; &c., the choicest
and rarest delicacies procurable were
served out lavishly to the fashionable
• and intelligent assemblage. The second
of a
COMMENCED Wonne-e-Mr. Wm. Van -
stone has just started his new saw mill,
and the machinery is, giving very good
satisfaction. Messrs. Thomson & Wil-
liams, of Mitchell, were the manufac-
turers of the machinery which has all the
latest improvements. The mill is cape:-
ble of cotting fifteen thousand feet every
twenty-four hours. t MERCANTILE. L—Mr. Wm. Tufts has
taken Mr. A. Hanailto . into partnership
with hira. ' They are adding a large stock -
.of liquors to their already1ane stock of
-groceries.—Stewart, Thompson, & Co.,
N. g.' Lieingston, and Strachan &
Smith are all adding' largely to their
stocks this spring, more particularly in
the dry- goods lines. *
'fleeting of farmers interested in the
manufacturing of cheese, was held. at
Armstrong's last Friday evening. Iheso-
lutions in favor of the farmers having
their cheese man.ufactured for them at a
given price per pound were•passcd. Mr.
Leaie explained the system adopted on
that plan, .and the meeting was unani-
mous on .that point. • Mr. Leckie was
willing to manufacture the cheese for two
cents per pound, provided the milk ok,
two hundred or more cows could be se-
cured. A conandttee was appointed to
canvass and. report on Friday evening
next, as to Whether they could secure
lots having werked said. statute labor,
amount $6. --Carried, J. B. Giegher
moved, seconded by Sanauel Rennie,
That By-law No. 51 as now read, be pass-
ed and signed by the Reeve and staled
with the seal of the Corporation, --Carri-
ed. J. B. Geigher moved, seconded by
Samuel Rennie, That the Reeve be auth-
orized to prosecute all parties found tak-
ing or having taken, timber off any road
allowance within the Township of Hay.
• —Carried. Samuel Rennie moved, sec-
• onded by P. S. Geigher, That this Coun-
cil now adjourn to meet _again on Tues-
day, the 7th of May next, in the Town
Hall, at 10 o'clock, A. M, for the pur-
pose of holding the Court of Revision for
1872 and that the Clerk be and is here-
by instructed to have the same published
in the HURON EXPOSITOR and New
Hamburgb. Volksblatt.—Carried.
WILLIAM -Wilson, Clerk.
was the scene of a well -merited
*se and. presentation, in the shape
eentiful silver cake tray and cruet
, to Mrs. W. A. Bockus, who is
g here to take up her abode in
wel, accompanied with .a suitable
ss made by one of the menabers of
Lodge, Mr. Thomas Harris, on be-
ef Mr. Bockus, which received a
feeling reply.—Com.
• Stanley.
17NCIL MEETING. —The Council met
ant to adjournment, at Mrs. poi. -
s hotel, on Monday, the 1st of
1. All the members present; the
Ree e in the Chair. - Minutes of last
meeting read and adopted. Mr': James
Gardner again made application to have
the pert taken off School Section No. 8
restorqd, before apPlying for justice to
the County Council. Mr. John Biggrot
applied for the keep of a poor Woman.
Mr. Thomas Johnson and. 21 others, pe-
titioned for aid for Mr.. John Purdy.
Moved by George Castle, seconded by
Dr. Woods, That John Allen be paid
$4.85 _ for gravel.— Carried. Moved: by
• Ceorge Castle, seconded by Thomas Keys,
That John Turner's application for a
Tavern "license, be granted.—Carried.
Moved by George Castle, seconded by
Tho as Keys That the petition of
ed by Gilbert McDonald, That the peti-1
tion of_1V1r.". John Biggart be not enter-
tained.—Carried. Moved by George
le, seconded by Dr. Woods, That
nspector be instructed to inspect
house known as the Albion hotel,
hich -William King has made .appli-
n for a license, and report the next
ing of Council.—Carried, Moved
eorge Castle, seconded by Gilbert
onald, That the Auditors' Report is
satisfactory and the Clerk be auth-
/e.. •
help tonepore all the cows possible.
-quested by Mr. Leckie to contradict the
ruiner which has. gained currency, that
he was the writer of. the letter which ap-
peared in our issue of last week, under
the heading of "A Correepondent on the
War Path. 'Mr. Leckie was not the
Whiter of the letter n question, and so
es Gardner; trustee of School Sec-
• No. 8, cannot be entertained.—Car•
Moved by G -core Castle, second -
CouricaL MEETIN G.—The adjourned
meeting of the Council was held at Tuck's
Hotel, Cranbrook, on the 4th. of April.
Present: Councillors Slemmon'Strachan
and Williamson ; J. Leckie, Reeve, in
the chair. Moved by T. Williamson,
seconded by John Strachan, That the
•Clerk be instructed to write the author-
ities of the Lunatic Asylum, at•London,
relative to admission of John McKay,
asking them to send the necessary blanks,
etc.—Carried. IVIoved. by J. Strachau,
seconded by S. Slemmon; That the fol-
lowing persons be appointed to the offices
of pathmasters, pound.keepers ancl fence -
viewers for the current year, and that
the Clerk prepare a by-law confirming
subh appointments.—Carried.
James Orr, Sidney Smith, Thomas Mott, John
Armstrong, George Brown, Wm. Storey, David
Stewart, Dan. Arxuour, Dugan McDonald, Wm.
Lynn, Duncan McDonald, J. W. Dobson, Wm.
Mitehell, Alfred Stark, Thomas Strachan, James
Hogg, Robert Laidlaw, Samuel Ames, Wm. Camp-
bell, John McPherson, John Broach, Hugh Camer-
on, William Darnley, Wm. Bishop, George -Welsh,
Thomas Gatenby, John Bell, John Clark, Mark
Cardiff, John Kearney, Angus Lamont, Jacob
Keffee, Lawrence Dobson, Itheinhart Rupp, John
Grant, John Tait, John Trill, Thomas Moore, Jos.
Oster, Thomas Pierce, Clemens Barneth, Alexander
Murray, John 3. MeLauchlin, Robert Diekson, John
McLaughlin, jacob Zinuner, Robert Leckie, Thos.
Whitefield, Adam Shaver, John Hislop, David
Grant, John Cash, John Maadzean, John McPhail,
Archibald Dtmeanson, jr., Peter Sinclair, Wm. Mc-
Tavish, Luke Spering, John Harbottle, Thomas
Broadfoot, Tonneau Campbell, Alex. Stewart, Ames
Casthill, Dugald MeTaggart, James Livingstone,
George McKay, Adam Ferguson, Nicholas Long,
Wm. Smith. Village of Ainleyville, W. R. Wilson;
-Village of Walton, Richard Lawrason ; Village of
Cranbrook, WM. Ward.
Moved. by S. Slemmon, seconded by
T. Williamson, That the fenceviewers be
the same as last year, viz: Robert
McAlester, Joseph Welsh, James Turn-
bull, John J. McLauchlin, John Hill,
Robert Dickson, Peter McDonald, Hugh
Stewart, George Avery, Win Materna,
John Slemmon, John Whitefield, Wm.
Elliott and James Spence. Also pound -
keepers as follows: Joeeph. Freque, W.
Davies, Martin Moore, Adam Turnbull,
Wm. Farquharson, Nicholas Long, John
Whitefielu, Thomas Fraine and Lawrence
-Dobson. — Carried. Application by
Samuel Holmes for charity for Widow
Moore. Moved by T. Williamson, sec-
onded by S. Slemmon, That the sum of
• $10 be granted her, and thp.t the Reeve
issue a debenture for the same.—Carried.
Application by dames Bowes to have
road opened on boundary line of Elma
and Grey, between the 2nd and 4th con-
cessions. Moved by S. Slemmon, sec-
onded by T. Willimson, That the Audit-
ors' report for the past year be received
and adopted. Several accounts were,
on Motion, ordered to be paid. Moved_
by J. Strachan, seconded by S, Slemmon,
That the Council now adjourn to meet
• again on the 22nd May, at Dame's hotel,
for revision of Assessment Roll.—Car-
ried. J. R. -GRANT Clerk.
On the evening of Tuesday, March 26th,
an old man called Wm. McKay, of the
townplot of Grey, was caught by a gen-
tleman named Thomas Brown, stealing
wheat out of his barn. , Mr. Brown has
lost a large quantity of hay and sheaf
• wheat during this wintee. A warrant
has been procured for the arrest of the
thief, who has absconded. Our vigilant
Cohnty constable, James Hicks'is on
the alert, to catch him, and put him in
the County Jail, and leave him there to
await the punishment his long course of
wickedness deserves. ,
• me
orized to have 100 copies printed.—Car
ried. Moved by George Castle, seconded
by Gilbert McDonald, that the petition
of Thomas Johnson and others in regard
to John Purdy be 'Wfyl d. — Carried.
• 173
Moved by Dr. oods, minded by
Thomas Keys, That we adjourn to meet
dtaiggart's hotel, Varna, on the last
Monday in .May, as a Court of Revision,
, and • after the business of the Court is
over, to hold a general meeting of Coun-
cilh--Carried. WM. PauNicerr, Clerk.
APRIL 12, 1872.
do well to offer liberal prizes for both
seed and. the best quality of fibre, in
order te secure competition by parties
competing for the best quality of scotch-
ed flax at the next Provinaial Fair.
On Thursday last a ineetingof the flax
millers was held at Stratford. -when a Ca-
nadian Fiax Associatibn VAS formed, a
large majority of the millers being pres-
ent. After some preliminary business,
Mr. Perine, one of the earliest to pro-
mote the culture oT this valuable plant
in Canada, was chosen President. Other -
officers being appointed, many valuable
suggestions were made to encourage this
valuable branch of Canadian industry.
Time will not admit this 2easonof im-
porting any Riga seed from Russia, as
was suggested, but it is the intention of
the Association to import next year a
sufficient quantity to meet the demands
of the farmers who desire to iniprove
their seed. —Toronto Mail.
• Hay.
•CIOUNCIL MEETING .—The Council niet
on Tuesday the 2nd of April, 1872; the
Reeve and a full .Council present, Min-
ute of last_ meethag, were read and ap-
pro =ed. Samuel Rennie moved, second-
ed by W. , Carrick, That the Auditors'
Re ort as now read, be received and.
ado ted.—Carried.. Sam-uel Ronnie mov-
ed, seconded by P. S. Geigher,- That the
Auditors' Report be sent to the litutoN
Ex OSIThn and Volksblatt for their pub-
lication in said. newspapers.—Carried.
W. Carrick Moved, seconded by P. S.
Geigher, That Mrs. Chamberlain be ex-
empt from performino statute labor for
thiC yeah—Carried. °W. Carrick moved,
secended by P. 8. Geigher,, That a copy
of the sums expended. in gravelling the
Town Line between Hay aud Stephen,
be eent to the Stephen Council, and that
the be reenested to furnish this Council
wi li a copy of their expenditure On said
lin in 1871.—Carried. J. B. Geighor
me red, seconded_ by Samuel Rennie,
t Simeon Hartman and. Lewis Mul-
ler he paid 86 for repairing a side road
'de troye# by fire.—Carried, -P. S.
Ge gher moved,. seconded by W, Carrick,
th t the Concession Line between lots
27 and 28, south boundary, be put in a
prcper state of repair, and that 3. B.
Ge gher superintend the work. —Carried.
Sat uel Rennie mo-ved, seconded by W.
Cahrick, that the side line between lots
10 and 11, in 13th and 14th concessions
be .chopped out and cleared two rods in
the centre and that J. B. Geigher super-
intend the work. —Carried. J. B. Geigh-
er unwed, Seconded. by Samuel Rennie,
That the statute labor on lots 29, 30 and
31, L R. W. for the year 1870, charged
against said lots in County Treasurer's
office, be refunded, the cwner of said
COUNCIL MEETING. -Coil met • on
Saturday, 6th April, all members present.
Minutes read. Widow Dorsey to be ex•
empt from Statute labor tax. Moved by
Mr. Stab's, seconded by Mr. Fulton,
That $150 be granted to Stephen and
Usborne Agricultural Society for the
purpose of aiding them to pay for
grounds for _Agricultural purposes. Re-
solved. that 10 acres of the south east
corner of lot 3 in 5th Concession of Ste-
phen for gravel purposes at a cost of
$100. Resolved. that Clerk give in the
names of all parties selling liquor in the
township without license at next meet-
ing, and. all such parties who shall not
have paid up the regular fee by the first
day Of May next are to be prosecuted
as the law directs, without fail. Orders
granted, Collector, for salary $70, non -
collectable dog tax, $39.94 ; Assessor,
part payment of salary, $25. Clerk ex-
tra writing, $2 ; Plaff & Pedlar, repairing
scraper $2.25 ; Charity $11, J. McLeod.
error m assessing $6.05, A. Bagshaw $5,
for repairing culverts ; N. Freed, lum-
ber $32.12. Mr. -Trunita, gravel $4.50.
C. PROUTY, Clerk.
• Goderch. Township.
COUNCIL MEETING. —Council met . on
Monday, April lst. A number of ac-
counts for stnall sums were passed. Pe-
titions of Mrs. Munro, Charles- Robinson
and 'Thomas Champion, for tavern
licences, were granted. Some other
business of minor importance was trans-
acted, and Council adjourned to meet at
Knox's Hotel, Holraesville, on Monday,
May 13, when Court of Revison will be
TO RENT, the saloon in McGinnis' Block, Main
-1- street, Seaforth, near the Station; good sta-
bling anddwelling honse accommodations ; bee
mediate possession. Apply"at atore adjoining; to
—Not long since, Mr. Pat Murphy,
wood ranger for Dodge & Co., was at-
tacked in naideday by five wolves, in the
township of Digby, County Victoria. At
the onset, he adroitly placed his back
against a huge rock, and valiantly de-!
fended himself with his tomahawk
against the furious charges of the raven-
ous brutes. He also used a goad or,rod
in. keeping them off; they slunk away,
leae-ing ha in possession of the situation.,
• —On Friday • of last week, as al
daughter of Mr. Beatty, of Haldimand,
near Cobourg, aged about 12 years, was
going into the cellar with a knife in her
hand, she tripped and fell, the knife en-
tering her neck and severing the jugular
• vein, from which the blood flowed
rapidly, and in a few moments she died.
---The• officers of the Asylum for the
Blind, at Brantford, have all been ap-
pointed: • E. Stone Wiggins, Esq., B.
• A., of Ingersol, is Supekintendent ; Arch.
Young, Esq., of Serbia, Steward and.
Bookkeeper; Walter, W. Moses, Esq.,
of Toronto, Mechanical. Superintendent ;
William . Corson Esq., M. D., Physic-
ian and Mrs. Mercer Matron. The
teachers will not be employed until after
the formal opening takes place. The
. day for this ceremony has not been. fixed,
but pupils will be received. towards the
latter end of the present month.
Plax Culture in Canada.
The season is now fast ad-vancing for
putting the spring crops n the ground,
and from the very remunerative crop of
flax grown last season, we can have out
little doubt that the breadth of land un-
der this valuable crop will be largely in•
creased during the present year.
The operations of our agriculturists
in flax culture, it is something strange to
say, are chiefly confined to the Counties
of Perth, Wellington and Waterloo,
where there are some twenty scotching
mills in operation, notwithstanding that
the soilin many other counties is equally
well adapted to the growth of flax, and
water power within these counties is
abundant. •`
It will be of interest to our readers to
know that the quantity of flax produced.
last year in clean scotched fibre, which
• is generally sold in the American market,
amounted to over two millions of pounds,
and of seed one hundred 3,nd fifty thole-
-sand bushels of 54 lbs. to the bushel.
It is safe to saY that there is no crop
produced in Canada which. offers greater
benefit to the country generally, in fur-
nishing employment to the laboring
classes and mechanic, than flax. Messrs.
• Perine Bros. pay out annually in wages
at 'their mills in Co-nestogo and Doon,
County oi Waterloo, over $16,000. Ord-
ers, we learn, have been sent through Mr.
Donaldson, the Emigrant Agent here, to
the North of Ireland, for a number of -
seutchers, and it is to be hoped they will
reach in time for harvest work. The
advance in the price of cotton and the
failure of the flax crop in Ireland is a
guarantee to the Canadian farmer that he
can cultivate this crop with a large de-
gree of certainty of receiving a fair price.
The great advantage to any section of
country intending to grow flax is first to
have a mill established; in fact, without
this there is little use in trying the ex-
periment, as no sale can be found for the
flax straw unless it is scotchedand made
ready for market, and hew would rim the
risk of raising it for the seed alone, al-
though from 15 to 20 bushels have been
harvested to the acre and the average
quantity last year was some 14 Inishels
to the' acre ; which at $1.30 and $1.40
per bushel affords a strong reason of itself
to try this crop.
Several millers have, we understand,
already giien out from 800 to 1,000 bush-
els for sowing, and. a number of new
mills will be put in operation in time for
scotching in the coming autumn. The
Agriculeural Council, it strikes us, would
T"'013. SALE, a few tons of good Timothy Ilan au
Lot 29, Filth Concession,
WANTED, a boy from 15 to T7, to learn the.
Y Carriage Painting Brait10158.
226 JAMES WILLTAMS, Seaforth.
IxTANTED, at Beatty & Co.'s, a smart aetiTO
Y Boy to attend in the store. 226
WANTED, an active boy, as an Apprentice ie.
ry the Wagon -making business. Would prefer
one that has already been sometime at the business,
• 221 WILLIAM GRASSI.E, Seaforth.
rPHOMAS PIERCY has purchased the celebrated
es..jserkshire Pig, "Ilmon Conqueror," which he
intends to keep for service. ,Tensts, Si per sow,,
payable at the tune of EerVIte, with privilege of
retunfing. • THOMAS PIERO!,
226-4 Wagneri3 Corners, Hay.
rrHE subscriber -wishes to sell or 'lease his Lana,
12th lot, Ninth Concession, MeKillop, eon_
sisting of 106 acres; 80 items cleared; goodirame
barn and shed; good sprints creek whieh never
goes dry and good well, lugh roDing land; one of
the best lots in ; eight miles 'rein Sea..
forth. Fur terms and further pe,rtieulars, ap-
ply to • PETER ROSS,
• 226-4 Seaforth P. O.
WARM of 132 Acres for Sale, 20 acres in woods,.
goodland and good buildings. Six miles front
Clinton and 31 from Bayfleld,
The undersigned_ offers for sale a value
able Farm in the Township of Hay,
County of Huron, containing 100 sane
of exc,ellent hardwood land, 50 cleared
and nearly free from stumps. The farm is within
3 miles of Exeter, and one and a-guarter miles
from the -London Roild, in it most prosperous lo-
cality. Land rolling and rieh sandloam, well
-watered. The cleared. pert has been in pasture for
several years. Terms easy. Apply to ROBERT
MOTTLDS, proprietor, Lot 7, Second Concession,
Hay, or to, D. MePHAIL,
225-4* Mitchell.
— A deputation from the Wellington
'Railway Company consisting of Wm.
McGiverin, Esq., President, and George
W. Burton, Esq. Q. C., Solicitor to the
Company, with Donald McInnes, Esq.,
left Hamilton for Toronto on Friday
morning, accompanied by several of the
IteeveC of the Northern Townships, to
meet the members of the Governneent,
with a view to discussing the propriety
of further aid to this Com.pany on their
Southern Extension, the Hon. Premier
having consented to an interview- for that
— The Mitchell Village Council have
unanimously agreed to submit a By-law
• to the ratepayers asking theni to grant a
• loan of $4,000 for ten years,' at five per
cent. interest, to Messrs. Currie & Thomp-
son, to enable them to rebuild their Oat
yeal Mill, which was recently destroyed
Ty fire.
—Mr. T. M. Daly, of Stratford, islike-
ly to bs the Conservative candidate for
North Perth at the next,election. As a.
politician, Mr. Daly has eerved his time.
He has been discarded by the electors of
Perth several times already, and if he
should attempt at the next election to op-
pose Mr. Redford, thepresent representa-
tive, we have little hesitation in pre-
• dicting the addition of another defeat to
• his present by no means short list.
-LOT 27, Second Concession MeXillop, within one
Mile of Seaforth; and Lot 17, Eleventh Con,
McKillop, eight miles from Seaforth; and, also,
Building Lots in Seaforth. Tains made to suit
purchasers. Apply to
218 • -JAM:ES BEATTIE, Seaforth.
S.ALTI, a corner let, on the corner of James
-I- and West streets, nearly opposite the school.
hotise, with a neat and comfortable -frame cottage
thereon. This lot is situated m pne of the mese
pleasant localities of tbe Village, and -will be sold
cheap. Apply to WM. RA T.T.ANTINE,
225 • , • Seaforth.
A CUSTOM tArDxsa. ITA CAINE, Picker,.
-1-3-Ful1ing-Ifilllilapper Press and Plates, Shearer,
two power Looms, Shafting Pnlleys, &c., all as
good as new. Gen be seen in. the Logan Woolen
Factory, Godericla. A good bargain will be given.
Apply to • R. BUNT,
225-4* •••Kippen
ALBXANDER HUNTER, Licensed Auctioneer,
Cranbrook, Grey P. 0. Sales attended on
moderate terms. Commissioner in Queen's Bench,
Conies -pacer, Land, Loan and General Agent.—
Also, Agent for the following Companies, viz.:
Huron and Erie -Loan Society„ London; Fanners'
and Mechanics' Savings and. Loan Company, Toron-
to; Royal_ Insurance Company of Liverpool and
London, Fire and Life ,- Ontario Mutual Fire In-
surance Company and the Agricultural Insurance
Company. Any amount of money to loan at tow
rates of interest. Seeeral good Farms; for sale,
cheap. 224-6m
-k-roTioE is li'ereby given to all parties having• -
claims ag,aingt the estate of the late ALEX-
ANDER FOSTDR, in his lifetime of the village of
Harpurhey, Township of Tockersenith, County
of Huron, to ha4d. , the same to the undersigned
executor, on or before the 13t of October, 1872.
After that date the affairs of. the estate 'will be
cloeed, and no Jfurtber claims will be paid. All
parties lndebtedj to thesaid estate are also no-
tified to settle he same idea the undersigned
executor forthwi
Close of the Lists to Share in the next
lDivision of Profits.
CASH INCOME over $1,000 PER DAY.
SEbURITY of OVER. $2,000,000
For the exclusive protection of assurers.
Cllnton, Mo.r4 25, 1872. •225-5
• CHRISTIAN APFE, late hotel -keeper, Wage
fler's Corner, Townline of Huy and Stanley,
begs to inform his old customers in the Tailoring
line that be hies connnenced business again as
Tailor and Furnisher, in klain-street, in the vill-
age of Bayfield, -where he -will be happy tO have a,
eall from his old friends.
• Bayfield, March 20, 1872. M5-4
-1- closed on
And assurers on or before that date will obtain it
larger share in the Profits of the Company than
later entrants. The great success of the Company,
and the large Bonus lately declared, warrant the
Direetors in recommending this very important
advantage to a esurers.
Forms of Application, Detailed Reports and
Tables of Rates may be obtained at any of the
Company's Offices or Agencies.
• Manager. -
C. H. CULL: • 228-4
-E.8.-T.TID TENDERS for building 13RICK AD-
DITION to and malting all in Plaice
School Buildings, in the Village of Seafortla, Ara
be received up to the SIXTEENTH of APRIL.
Plans and Specifications call be seen on and
after the Fourth day of April, at W. Trill's, adjoin-
ing the Post -Office, Seaforth.
Th.e Corinnittee do not bind themselves to accept -
the lowest or any tender. -
• Sec'y 13. S. T..
Mitchell and Clinton papers to copy, and send
atcount te this office. 224-U1
Militht 1111.re,a''all.re"Ifellr8=r tee
residence, on Godench. street. Alslon,ga etwo-atery"
For Sale in field. street
Terms reasonable. Place of Lots eau be .seen at
Gray, Sperling & Co.'s; Store, or at TEE Expearres-
Office. •
A fresh supply of all the
• ETC., ETC.,
THE undersigned will be happy to be pateenized
by his brother fanners of the
As an Auctioneer.
Ile is prepared to act as such at vei7 nao aerate
MONEY TO LOAN; private funds, at 8 per cent,.
Expenses low. Conveyancing done cheap.
Townline Hay and Stanley,
219* • Hill's areen 0.•
Nees-r,VNE 51.
110.1.,E• Nei
is 1
Tgims--siso por
zna of the year.
First insertion, per
tertions, 2 cents each
One column one year
44 44 half lb
" " 3 months
one year '
.4 half •
44•4' 8 mon-1:u/
-One-fourth one year
0 4 Ito/ SS
One-eighth one year 3
‘• • half 44
•• -44 " 2 month
One -twelfth eneyear
.4 44 hall 44.
" 44 S month
lidusiness Catels,
slot execeiling 10 lim
month, 50 rents esti
Advertisements a
tor sale, not exceed -ix
each subsequent rroi
35irthe, Maniagea
Advertisements *
be inserteatill forbii
I-IMMO Y. hIcLat.e
eflazeis MclasAle..
9r0 the inhabitantJ,_
zountry. Dr.
through sieknees tin
for some time in ed
mounting to the 0
:videnee he has
reortis tennerly or
MoDougall's Store,
perms- nently to ren
.his oldpatrons andi
iilm witb. A call. A
ing to the latest ap
to be found el-aewh'
Office hours
rie. College,
Orders and residena
Blain street, Seel°
re" MoGit, Univm
goon, etc. Office
• goon, etc.
Market and Hi
Und Residene
street, Seaforth.
elay, haul all day f,
'pointed Agen
Par of Engla-nd,
-sate Capitalists A
very masonable z
Charges mode.*
Wingliam, Dee
terneya tt
Insolvency, Not
Solicitors for the
the Canadalife
N. 13.---$30,606
Houses and Lai
at Law, Soli
-forth MA. WrOXel
Inveat at once, 0,
NOX.11 D 0
eigned beg..
patronage awa`A
hotol l'asineee,m
again resumed
he be happ
and seanynewe
DRNct 0i
ace. eumodattet
plied with the 9
Ate:Wing etitet
every day for
Of oltD^r1',A.L11
hotel exam rseet
fitted tbronghe
tertahle and
Sample Peamne
1.3-'" Terms A
rie A.hmth
H-orSee and fit
gene. Horseii.
OD band, Co
- Travellers on!,
on hand. r
Commercial '
Knox's Rota/
R. COOil
‘-/- -Queen's
or titi
sex -any Comp
catlene for Ld
oriN RRI
way Tiek(
• G. T. Railv4
Tickets; issue
California ati.!
the greatest
Information i
eaold and
begs to inti
end esirrouni
Oftee in Se -e
venally or bY
tle, 011. lie,
tdueat ion. ie
of the Vrtesi
has every ,ee,
who may eTR
rio Veterirm,
Thorborn, I)