HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-04-12, Page 7RIUUURAL SEED STORE. wsr.xasrira) 'ISA) SEARLE &DAVIS s G to inform the Agriculturists. of Htitro‘ thAt hey have lust cetveJ a.large lot Of FLEW AND DARDEN -SEEDS. opinion of tile best farmera that out b sown in a different soll and Iocate am that in which they have grown, they lava ated their Cloven from the Southern- part of 'dee Timothy from the 'Weetere State; Car - vela Turnips and Garden Seeds from Engieeet France. Seeds all fresh and of last seasean wishing old seed can ha ee it at bele, peeeen A LARGE STOCK or ebrer, - Timothy and Flax Seed, Tares, Hungazian Gras;•;,. • Buckwheat, Turuip, Field Carrot. kinds of elean seed bought. choice Early Seed Potatees and. Top. usleanteds Kettles and Sap Spiles in Great Ainmdanee. hemp Steel Plows, Gang Plows, abate, Oils and. Tinware. gooe 0831031S Coal Oil, Aessie and Retail, dime price. SEARLE & DAVIS, CLINTON. •MALCOM'S 11EAT EGG DEPOT, MARKST SWAIM, SRAFORTEL he subscriber begs to inform the pablie that nee greatly extended his premises and is ete. hitherto to pay the highest price for any- utity ef - GOOD FRESH EGGS ereal at his place a business. No Market Fees on EGGS. W_Nle 111'A esforth, March 25„ IS72. COM.. •tees.• solvent Act of 1869? the platter of JOHN VANSTONE„ ot thee , village of E.eeter, in the Ceenuty a Huron, an. Insolvent. IE Insolvent hasmatte an Assignment of leis . 'Estate to me, and the Creditors. are notified to - at the place where he lately earned. on busi-• s in the village of Exeter, in the County of on on the Eighteenth day of APRIL, 1872e at hour of Eleven We:1ml in the forenoon, to _re- • :e statements of his aftairs, and to appoint an . late(' at Godexich„ this 4th day of April, 1872e DIXIE WATSON, I, Interim Assignee. asolvent Act of 1869' ,the matter of ZAPe F., & CAItTER, ef Seaforth.,. Inselvents. " THE UNDERSIGNIeD, ADAM HOPE, a the • Cita of Hamitou Merchaet have bale ap- &tett Assignee he this matter. :.`reflitorte are requeeted to file their elairas be - 'e nee airlan one Mantle ADAM HOPE, Assignee. 226-2 ilton, 30t1.: Mareh, 1a72. nsolvent Act of 1869 the uatter of JAMES LEONARD, an Insolvent. (YZICE iS hereby given that, by virtue of the 6 POWer veste#1 in me as Aseleme of the estate. effee.te of the above -unwed insolvent, I shall . er fur sale. by public anctien, at Leonard's Ho- . in the Village of Ainleyeiile, in the County of nem and Province of Ontario, on TUESDAY, thireieth day (t April., A.D. 1S72, et the hour e'clock mon, ell the riglet, title'interest and of redemption of the egid lesolvent, and of ;•-eif as such Aeeignee. ae aforeeda, in and to Es e certain parcel.; or trate. of lands and prem - e. followirg, that ie. NI say, being Lot Eleven Turoberry-toreet, fuel. Let 2,3 on Elizabeth- etet,i itaih.h ati in the Village of Ahie #aille, in the said Couuty iHarem. :Terme and eotalitiens matte known et the time !sale. DLtJ VTON 02leial Assignee. cloderich, Ont, March 2, IP72, 226-4 'vent Act of 1869 the COUNTY' cat -RT of the County of Mixon_ made, Ontario,) N the matter of jOIIN IN-- r :nay el Harem - •GLIS, the Youneer, s - To WIT : An Insolvent - ;The uudersigned has filed. in the office of tine urt a Deed of Cemposition awl Diechareee exee tell Ity In. cretlitors, toad (n, the Ninth da,y of i& - next„ 1872, at the houx of eleven o'cloek in the - :remain, he will apply to the Judge of the said irt for a coufirmation of the discharge thereby eeted. 1)ated a Wroxeter, in the Cutty of Hurons de 26th (lay of March, 1672. 205-4, XOTIN INGLIS, jr. • — LIST OF LETTERS -.1) EMAINING in Seaforth Post Office, nacallea le for, on the 4th April, 1872 : • Liu:strong, F W Keefe, M #1.„erhart. Mrs T Moore, George ;revert, W - Itlitchell, Mrs E , tearbell, II Mitchell, Alex ' et, G . McDonald„ Grey -Wm :aupbell, A MeDoitaldi, 1) 1 Se uby. Jeleu MeLeare Them B , ee vie., 0 Leerge • McGevin, M & R line, '31 Noreem, ltobert roi tune-, W Nateaan, Charles O,eter, Richard Pa:mete W H - .4 Jelin Letting, C # rut. Mr Riehreon, P eendeve 0 Sparke, J r• --.r. Th.a Seeith. II ...Jana -4 Stephens, Janice • ::, t.;, J. dm Spencer, G - Miss F Wa tson, D T Li e ff. A Whieely, It C •, Wm Word, Robert ieee -, II _ S. DICKSON, P.% SEASON fit nrolersigned, prole. eter that -ell-knoltu ttiog "PO FAL REY _E nxr travelling him thromeh the Central par th Cuunty of liaren during th,o owning season. ROYAL RBVENGS .by OM Torento Chief, he by Ohl Reyel George% - late by flambletonian. Ho is half brother be Tom Teffereon, the fastest trotting stallion in the United States at the preseat day,. ROYAL REVENGE is dark bay, very handsome/ - etazele 15,6, weiehs 1,150 pounds, it; very quiet awl gentle in eleeposition, and an exeellent stoeX getter. He will be exhibited at the SPRING SHOWS ill, %earn:. and Brucefield, and owners of mares vetu de well to see hin. before making any engagemente, The route and further particulars. evil be inade known a* soon as possible. cfiA j. DOUGLAS, Oakridges, County of York, AMU, 12. Ism ..11111111111111•11.1.111111.11111.11.1.11.ing...111111111117111.111.111111111111r- Death of Professor Morse. Samuel 'flaky Breese Morse, _-one .of the inventors -9f Elect& Te1e. graph, who died in Niiw York- Iast week, was born in Charlestown, Mass.., April 27, 1791. He was educated at Yale Colleoe, where he gradualed in 1810. Having from an early age determined to be a ljainter, be sailed for *England, short:. • ly after leaving college, for the pur- pose of prosecuting his -art studies. In London be met a R. Losuo; the young artists became fast friends, and the first portraits they painted after the intimacy was formed we're like. nesses of each other. Mr.. Morse nlade rapid progress in his profes- -sion, and in 1813 exhibited at the Royal Academy his picture of "The jYying Hercules," remarkaLle far its 'colossal size if for nothing else. The • easter:model which he made of the same subject, to assist him in his picture, received, the prize in•sculp- . ture the same year. • On his return . 4o Ainerica in 1815, he first took up lis residence in Boston, .but met with so little encouragement and -support that he removed' to New, ..Harapshire, where he found: employ- ment in painting pottraits it fifteen Zollais per bead; After spending a year or two in. Charleston,'South Carolina, whei e- he found more pro- ftable employment, he returned to the, north, and took up his residence • in New York in 1822. Under Com- mission from.the city corporation, he painted a full-length portrait of Cert. Lafayette, then on a visit to. • the 'United States. In 1829 he- irisithd Europe for the second time, -and remained there for .three years. 'While returning home in the packet; ship Sully, in. 1832, a fellow-coun-. • tryman—Professor Jackson -7 -was • describing the experiments thathad just been made in Paris with the eleetio-Magnet, when. 'a question :aroSe as co the time. occupieq by the ,electric fluid in passing, through the Wfre. • The reply -being made that it• - was instantaneous, .Jackson—recall- ing the experiments of Franklin— suggested that it might be carded to any distance, and that the electric _spark might be made a means of con- veying and recording intelligence. This suggestion took deep i hold of • Morse, who proposed to develop the idea thns originated; .and, so quick- ly did his mind grasp the whole sub- ject, that before the end of the voy- • age. he had drawn out the . general plan of tho whole system of electric telegraphy afterwards known by his . name. On his return -to Ne --s, York he resumed hs profession, but de- -voted all hisIs ire time to the Tier - i fection of his great invention. Of course he had to face all sorts of dif- ficultiss ; he ieceived but little en- couragement; - yet he persevered, •,and, finally, in 1835 demonstrated the practicability .of his invention by cornpletizig and putting in opera- tion in. the New York University a model of his "Recording Electric Telegraph," the greater part of the apparatus having been made by him- self. In 1837 he filed his caveat at the patent office in Washington. •The Americans • claim. that Prof. . Morse was thus the inventor . of the electric telegraph, bEit they carry their claims a little: too far. Prof. Morse did not disc6ver the 1rinciple, ' but applied it • by au invention peculiarly his . own. For -this the • world must give him credit.- At the &tine time, it is only fair td. Europ- ean claimants to the discoyery and • application of this important agent of verbial interconimunication to state that Mr.- Wlaeatstone, the Eng, Hall inventorof a magaetic:telegraph, took but, in conjunction with Mr: W. F. Cooke, a joint patant in Eng- land, in May,. 1837; while Stein- heiJ, in Bavaria, invented a system of his own about the Paolo time-.-- both.diffel ing from Morse's and from ...each other. Wheatstone's system is in use in England and other parts of the world, Morse's system is in nse throughout America, while • Steinheil's ,systern, from its cOmpli cated and. delicate machinery, has proved impracticable for extended • lines. At a convention held .in 1851 by Austria, Prussia, Saxony and • Bavaria, for the purpose of adopting a uniform 5yst6m of telegraphing. that of Morse was, by the advice of° Steinneil, selected. In 1840 Morse perfected his patent at Witshington, 1 I and set about putting liiil telegraph, into practical openttion. Four years later the first line oh thisocon- uncut was completed: • it, extended , from Baltimote zo Washington. It is less than thirty years since that first line Scs opened ; yet to -day teTen:vaph offices are ts) be found in every hamlet in .Nottit A merica.' kt- THE H1TR61%1 EXPOSITOR. Almommeiw Rae.' 4, • 0-, sages were se4t without interruption through a connected line of wires over four thousand miles in. length. 210`. • A Story of a, Minato. • The following is related as hav- ing recently occurred. King Louis of Bavaria not only holds the dra- matic art in high esteem, but has a great liking for the society of per- forrams. On the day that Madame Cramer completed her fiftieth year on the stage, the King gave her a benefit, and after the performance the other actors and actresses entertain- ed her. The King hearing this, took it into his head to surprise them by his. unexpected preOnce. Madame Cramer, whose back was turned towards the door, could' not of course see the king enter the room. The king stepped quietly up to her, A.nd puthis hands over her eyes, and said : • • ", Guess who it is!" ' 'Ah-!" said Madame : Cramer, "you again, Monsieur L You certainly do imitate, the king mok delightfUlly." Oh, does b6r said the somewhat astonished king "1 sho4d rather like to see the performance. go on, Monsieur L----, and let me judge • for myself of the truthfulness of the imitation." 4 "I trust your majesty will ex- cuse me," replied the abashed actor. But the king persisted in.his de - Mand. The actor bowed and took his seat at a little table, and called out in a voice which' was an exact imitation of the king's: Desire my private councillor, Reidl, to come to me." Very_ good indeed," exclaimed the king. - "What does your tnajesty want asked the4 actor, speaking through his nose. CaPittal !" exclaimed the king, laughing; you imitate my council- lor even better than you. do me; you are an excellent comedian, as Madame Cramer said." • "/Reidl," said the actor, "be sure ou send to-morrOw- 200 florins to Monsieur L • ! he is a deserv- ing fellow, a better mimic I never heard." • " Scamp !"* exclaimed the , king, laughing; " enough,of that perform- anc you shall have the 200 florins, but 21 shall take care. not,to ask you for a repetition of it." NalifilleallEIMMINEMEMINOININNO 'I' 1-1 -A 1\1- _ SOMETHING INTERESTING TO CARRIAGE -MAKERS AND BLACKSMITHS, WM. ROBERTSON $1( C015 11A11,WARE 11ERCHAYr SM.A.71011,T1-1, Have on hand 200 Tons of Iron. 299 Sets of Carriage Axles.• 301 Sets of Springs, 449 Sets Seamless Thimble Skeins. • Also, a full n,nd well-setected Stock of Carriage Trimmings and Hardwares • • Of every desciiption, Which they hadlbought before the recent great advance in price of that material, and they will not be • UNDERSOLD BY ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. Blacksmiths and Carriage -Makers will do well to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. larg,e assortment of HUBS; SPOKES AND BENT STUFF on hand. - SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR,SAW, 'MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. 224 SEEDS, SEEDS; SEEDS. NO HUMBUG. FARMERS, IF YOU WANT TO GET SEEDS that are GENUINE AND RELIABLE, CALL AT • STRONG &• FAIRLEY'S • Where you can see one of the best aseorted Stocks West of Toronto. This is no blow, for we are de- termined to keep nothing but the hest quality of Seed, and at prices that cannot be beat. A comparison of quality and. Dices is respectfully solicited. TIMOTHY SEED, FROM TWO DOLLARS FIFTY CENTS UPWARDS. •cLOVER, SEED, FROM SIX DOLLARS UPWARDS. • Our Stock of TURN MANGO.LD & CARROT SEED Is now complete. OP 01?0NS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. To GARDEN RS we offe • epeciel inducements hi the wee, of Cabbage, Early and Late, To all varieties; 0 iota; • Mushroom Spawn; Celery, Beane, Wag,- Corn etc., etc., by the oz., a Seed, no old Sto k. Orehard Grass, Red Top, White Clover and' &Nike. OUR STOCK OF roceries, Flour and Feed Will alms be fOund to be complete in all its branches. :toes, 1 new Smokers, this is the .place to buy your Myrtle Navy. The highest Market Price paid/4r kind of Farm Produce. • OATS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR OATMEAL. N. B. -Parties wishing to enter into Flax Growing eau be supplied with Mr. B. Shantz's Flax Seed at our tore on his terms. Goods as usual deliver* in any of the villages. 204. STRONG 4t1, FAIIRLEY. THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE DECLARES THAT THE GARDNER SEWING MACTIEN111, superior to any now in. the ;Market. Having been examined and tried by the most skilful mechanics ana best judreee the country cm produce, lend by them awarded Prizes n t all the principal Exhibitions held throughout the Dominion during the present year; and although all the leading Machines were arrayed against it, the GARDNER PATENT . has been declared e. - ., V I C tO RIOVS OVER .ALL COMPETITOR,6,- . upon every test, and now stands foremost in the rank of sewers. il,S . lat - TIME LIST OE PRIZES' FOR. 1 S71 ; First Prize n; Toronto. First Priee at London -the greab Western Fair. First Prize at Guelph -the weat; Central Fair. First Prize_ at St. Catherines, County of Lincoln. First Prize at Chathem, Comity of heat. Find P ize at Wateeloo, County of Weterloo. First Prize at Orongeville, County of Simcoe. First Prize in :lone, County of Peel. First Prize in Caledon, Comity of Simeoe. First Prize at Wel- hoedport, Conn N" of ANKelland. First Prize at Otterville, County of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial. Fair, Kingston Diploma at Hamilton, ana VanoVs Comity Shows. - This heantif 1 speck:len of mechanicel ability's a purely Ceneelian invezitionanurpassing in simplicity, . durability, :an usefulness any other Sewing Machine now in the market MhetImir of Canadian, American, _or English mat ufacture. - 1 'e It will. here, ord. braid, tuck, gather, quilt, fell, and do all and every kind of Family Sewing and light INItunifeeturin Work, wing all kinds of thread. It has a meet eornplete SET OF ATTACTIMENTS. BUY NO 0' 'HER. If the priue is it little higher than some ethers, it is the cheapest in the end. Send for Circe art; and Samples. 4; •. GA.1.11 NER SEWING 'MACHINE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. • P. S. -Intending purchaeers Should not be mieled by unscrypnlons ngents of other Companies, who keep Machine:, they dO not sell, in it dainaged state, to make capital for themselaes. Call and examine the Gardner before purehasing any _other, at Weernen GIUSSIE'S Warerooms, Goclerich-streeeeSeaforth. Agents wanted. • T. K. ANDERSON, • iteralia,nt Tailor, atn-, tre et, Seageorth, Having now been in business two years, begs re pectfully to thank his munerous customers for their liberal patronage during that time. He also begs Lo furnish to state that be is new betterprepered than ever' • CHEAP G-ARMENTS, VS ('1 rnai1c nhal ituntlyso.nier assortment of lier henna in the fc'rhonias thrla t9111;* e LAT ST STYLES of • HATS AND APS, • , Always en hand. Gentletnett's Furnishings, all kinds and in end- less varie1 y. •• Remember, You will have et good fit guaranteed.. T. K. .4.Ni:if:Eau:a% • 179-52 PETER C-MASSIE, 4.31,1C1•1111MMININIII/101 eet 0 r-,-. t 1111, 4,11, Seaforth. •-tr-nrv' eenee: ------rasereehre=heeeteee'eeeovez .; The attention of Ladies is particultirly directed to our stock of Prunella Boots and Broadway Ties. 7.14 11110ER! FLOERA flAVING purchased and thoroughly eefitted the mills formerly owned by the Messrs. SC0331E, I =now prepared to iurnish • FAMILY FLOUR, Second tic, NONE IN SEAFORTII, that ion Compare favorably with any in the Do- minion, If you want A 1 JE1.011111, go to the following AuDe.artlesrsgAnnr,dvsaspkwfour itteItSareLaa'S-Remember W. SCOTT ROBERTSON, J WHITESIDE ' SIMON POWELL., JOHN CA.VANAGH, 9r at W. MARSHALL'S Mills. Orders left with W. S. ROBERTSON will be promptly attended to. Parties who wish to Exchange Wheat for Flour, Are certain to receive proper quantity, and an arti- cle that will defy competition.. • Q .puING ST OC,E, -oF ]0() f' Alin SITOES.----The Dort read elteaoc et in the If l, .-MeDITS".11T: & 'W I -1Y - A P E I . • ),-.Y WILf...1S, .4:dneereet. S# eforta, laive jnet ri t'lth (...1 a vay liDi. ktf,...lc a Tfulies' a,1‘1 1:',..ntlemon'a lacpats and *5:41.c :4, tillitttlik: for tilning and 1,110111,,E wil;,r, au of NOLich will lie Sold tit, ibi: OLD LAZAR:US MORRIS &-' 0 '' ''''''''' f"r.' eli - The very hated envies and of the beet and teost enbet.ential 3ffit'nlink'i rirl!..—Cnbt. op) 7- 0 b work of ell ki :de pnelvele 0 etheale#1 10.-A neat etrtiele tied it . Ai lit ;4-ea.:ants-ea. itepah toe -Ail kinds of work reneeired, 1...-o :wetter whae Lambe on the shortee; rot he,. . the wire ill 1.1.S6 iS Illarntr t11011Salid AlciSTY111-1 & firet doer Sontli of Man Logen's. ' the recoiots of the 1)ecLacies ereameracteeeeeseaseraentenexn:ne.e....eleareetevenueeelaavereezeathet , companies amount to in each niouthi while the 1)enetits which the re-tp from the., system are be- yond value. , • It is pleasing to know that this great benefactor—unlike- many ,who have Labored for:the public 2-Tood— lived long enontrh ti) witness Ibe grand reF-mits of his labors, and to receive the Well-deserved applausie of his fellow. men. Ltst • year . his .statuA wa, aeir'eted •e011fnal Park, - NewYlork..; ou which. occaison. Lues - LINE BRI( HAM YOUNG ON TRIAL FOR MUB.DEE. ? NoTecee-Any. pereon sending .the illitsWiT to the ebove to • the Aeeent, _IL R. COUNTED, SEAFORTH, within the next thirty days, will re - on eider from L. M. et Co. for n - pair ce their eneerioe new nature oeeepea. S:MOKERS! 13,1 ON EACH PLUG OF yr -R S S T!,A. MPED V 'V Take no Cheap Imitations. February 27, 1672. W. MARSHALL. 186-tf ‘MP0R.TAN r T. • HOVSEKEEPERS. GOOD FLOUR I AT ALL TIMES. W. A SHEARSQN & CO., Proprietors of the SEAFORTH MILLS ! Are now Manufacturing the best FAMILY f F ASTRY FLOURS In the Dominion. Intending purchasers in Seaforth and vicinity can rely upon getting our Family and Pastry Flours from the following Denten:, ONLY :-Thos. Lee, A. M. Strong, John -Walsh, James C. Laidlaw, Alex. Ault, Thomas Kidd, J. McGinnis, William Ault, G. &H. Jeckeon, and W. Thompson, Egmondville, and tit the Seaforth Mills. Orders left at our office, itIm3zet Semen, will receive prompt attention. Farmers desiring to exchange theirWheat for Flour, at the Mill, Ably always rely upon getting our best Family en Pastry Flour n exchenge, in quantities according to the value their wheat. W. A. SHEARSON &- 00. 184-tf. HURRAH FOR 1872. WM. AULT/ MAIN STAIET, SEAFORTH, TTAS ON HAND it superior stock of FAIIIILY GROOERIES, embracing Teas of the best brands, Sears , Raisins, etc. Also, Crockery and Glaseware, andever/ other article usually kept in first -lass Giocery Store. PROVISIONS, • Such as Flour, Oat and Corn -meal, Potatoes, Peak, etc., also, every description of FEED, Such as Oats, Peas, Bran raid Shorts, all of which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest, F.A.irtr PRODUCE. The highest market price paid for all Idnels of Farm Proance. Remember the place, Nein street, East side, opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Settforeh. 213 WM. AU.LT. REMOVED. REMOVED. M. ROBERTSON, et -maker and Undertaker, HAS REMOVED his:ware-rooms to. • JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, 'Where he has on hand a superior stock of Furni- ture of Very description. • CALL AND SEE IT. UN3ERTAKING0 Having putchased Mr. Themes Detre ii.e.,ARSE, I nmprepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country. Coffins, All Sizes, • Kept constantly on. hand. SHR,OLTDS ! SHROUDS! M. ROBERTSON, HOW TO MAKE...MONEY. VARMERS like the rest of Mankind are usaaller • desirous to learn the best and easiest mode to Make Money. There is no Business by which. a Farram can Inake so much Money easily and in so short a time as by GROWING FLAX. To Farmers who desire to embark hi this profitable branch of 4:ice:Rote during the coming yeere the undersigned would say that he will have on lornd. at his FLAX MILLS, SEAFORTH tA.13IN'ET 1LA_KFIR AND UNDEItTAte•VR, • JOIMS011)8 Old. Stand, Main. street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortment of SIT. _E.-LOT/32)S Which he elm furnieh cheaper tient they can be : g.#t elten, dere. 2,05 MOULDING & PAPER. A large supply of GOOD CLEAN' FLAX, for Seed, - which can be heel at any time fromnow to the First of May next. In order that Farmers may be con- vinced that Flax is the most profitable trop they can grow, they are eeferred to the following state- ment of last year's yields, and eau aleo apply te either of the undermentioned gentlemen for con- firmation of the statement. Statement df last year's McKilloO-- Walter Burke ... Thomas Lapslie...., George Habairk.... I R. R. Cluff 1 John MeEhoy• 1 W.Evans....,... 8 D. Cluff Tuckersmite- William Paine... . 8 Mr. McGeoth., 5 D. lipoid. - - R. Elgy 11 Price paid per ton $12. Antotmt Acres. Pounds. Received. 2-4 12,000 • 412 00 S6,500 281 00 6,740 40 44 5,300 81. 80 5,900 • 85 40 5,720 84 82 56,000 • 880 00 16,500 99 00 .. 8 44,1100 284-00 undereigued has on hand a, splendid lot of • ROSEWOOD AND GILT - Aleo, it Fine Let of Straw WRAPPING PAPER, FOR SALE, CHEAP. Now it; the time to buy as it is en the Main Street, Seafortla 86000 22,500 11,290 68,1)00 216 00 155 00 67 74- 896 ea Price paid per ton, Twelve Doflar8. Parties are reconnnended to 80V7 early, in order to secure a geed crop. Any further information re- quired will be cheerfully given by • B. SHANTZ, 222 Proprietor, Seaforth Flax Ming. C. ARMSTRONG.. 221. CARD OF THANKS. • M. 11.4 COUNTER Watchmaker and jeweler, Seaforth, begs to thank his friends for thewijln g assistance rendered ithrr on the oecasion of the late ateident at hie premiseee He also wishes to state that, until he gets his own. store cleared out and repaired, he will be found at T. K. ANDERSON'S Clothing Store, where he will be happy to meet his old customere', and as many new ones as may favor him witla their patronage. D. McNAUGHT - TXTOTTLD respectfully intimate to the V V inhabitants of Seaforth and vicin- ity, that he now carries on business at his NEW SIIOP, in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. Jobbing of all kinds, and Norse -shoeing especially, promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. 1644 DAVID McNAUGHT. Wu Hu OLIVER, S'IC.N" OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choke assortment of light and heavy harness, whips, bells, horse clothing etc kept constantly on hand, - Repairing promptly attended to, -and charges moderate. Remember the place! • sign of the Scotch Collar, Main Street, Seaforth. . 163tf W. H. OLIVER. EDWARD CASH, QODERICH STREET, SEAFORTII, DEAL ER IN • SEED AND SEED GRAINI BUTTER, WOOL AND FUR, Plenty good Clover and Timothy; • Wholesale and Retail, 31erth 40872. 222 • FELLOWS ETYPOPHOSPHITESii amxosT the dievaeee. evereeme tise 1?(.11. (2,,n1pnurd Syrup of 11)1 tlp}itairihx WHO WANTS A GOOD SUTI3TANTL.6_L Ili.,r,e.:,(i,'.),1-,1!:,t,111,:aitti',Iiityb,t4j1,nlysf:j.,,Cr:1•1';11.11(.11.711,,f;i:::2:;• WAGON, or a nice STYLISH BUGGY ? menet ice!. Hy• steria. Jiepoeh#eett ia, linitKuorrlicea, 14#11•1;."-ellisesE, Axepiletott-- 1-111.11;;;gniSTIejno:;:asst'er.f\t'lli#Ti..tre #1-11?,r;..11.t'el);;;;;:tt.‘#.eittnsii DIlletlechleve Act :on of tile Hem t. etuffeeatime Pvirii17.4.14 by lnliennti ObstrUP.tier:n tif tin! I.17igti mile Air Pas- sages le-milli:1' th -reto, awl leebility frera varione causes, nimiy e is af whieh appeared hopeless. lea,' by enotbeeariee. Prate, .$1.50 ; Six for $7.50.. JAMES I. FELLI)WS, Cleauiet, St. John, N. B. WILLIAM GRASSIE7 SEAPORTH, T.rAS on han.1 :Ind for sale n :mother of hamit'anne tii7R41,! (4GIES. all well finie)ied and iunnufactereel of the very best material. Aleo, LIT 111 BE It WAGONS, Whiele for (-eve Hence of lioii.1, unit Patm in running ealinet eurpaetaell lae any manufacturer iu the leer. him:. A fee• DV.:310CIIA.T WAGONS on hand, end mere making. ealielereate ; leASS erne ne cheap as any other etehliehment in elle Coenty. BLACKSMITHING And General Job Work attemled to proraptly. CAUTION. n 11E PUBLIt.! anf hen by cinthniti-ainst giving toe wiee satith MeArtteue or any - other person, oe, tiiV eee. et: :t, withent my personal order null :t.. front and niter this ante will mg, be 3.-1-p(,u-il)1:: Per any titbts etb...-;nxise r."7 31a1111. tI" Morris, MAuTh 26, 1872. •