HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-04-12, Page 6• trs ee-e-e • she The Schoolmaster in Oarffornda. The San Francisco Town -Crier bas the followin-g A pedagogue in Indiana', who was . "had up" for menereitully elting the back of a.little.girl, jus - tiled his action by explaining that "she persisted in flinging paper pil- lets at him when his back was turn- ed.' That is no excuse. The town =crier once taught school up in the mountains, and 'about every half hour had to remove his coat and flcrape off the dried paper wads ad- hering to the nap. He never per- mitted' thisto unsettle his patience ; he just kept on wearing that gaberdine until it had to nap, and the wads wouldn't stick. But when they took to dipping themin mucilage he made a complainttothe •0 Board of Directors. "Young man," said the Chairman, " ef you don't like our ways, you'd better sling 1 Hathway presided. The counsel on yoer blankets and it Prentice either side who are still living in which'wat tanned for the parpose by a surgeon in the town. The skeleton Was prepared for the Suffolk General Hospital, and is still to he seen there. The hunaan leather is darker and. more mottled than vellunntof retie-% er coarse-textured surface, with holes in it like thiose of pigskin, but small- - er und moreeparse. A good deal of .interest attached to the murder at. the time, as its discovery teemed to be. mainly owing to a dreads. A. Bewildered Philosopher. The Bangbr Commercial tells the following good story : "Everybody recollects -Uncle Van Meter, the colored plilesopher of Parkers - vale, who died some Imonths since. Vall was a character He was sum-. Moiled, on one occasion as a witness in the -Supreme Court on a cow case at the time the benevolent Judge Mulford tOrt skule Yer for mere'n this city; for sheer fun racked their six months, and be never said a brains to obfusticate the vete an word again the Wads:" The T. C. African boy by plying till manner briefly explained that Mr. Mulford of questions pertaining to every might have been brought up to _pa- other topic but the cow. The ex - per • wads, and didn't Mind them. • periment was successful, and poor " It ain't no use," said another three- beffoged Van answered as wildly as tor, "the children hev got to be a blind pugilist strikes' out at his amused." The T. C. protested that antagonist. Judge Hathway, will - there were other aniusements quite ing to enjoy a little sport, but with as diverting; but the third director a view to getting the bewildered lierei- rose and remarked, "1 perfeck- Philosopher back to a rational stand- ly agree with the Cheer, this young-' point,* turned benignantly toward star better travel, .1 consider as him and put a simple questioa. paper wads lies at the root uv pop- This was more thail the illustrious pillar edyercation ; there a neces- vondoo could stand, a magazine sant adjunck uv the school systimnever exploded quicker. Lifting Mr. Cheerman, I move and second both hands above his bead, and with that this -ver skoolmaster be shot," -a countenance beaming with despair, The T. C. 'did not remain to observe I sez now, you ole gray-haired the resit of the voting. „ gemm.an up der on de .bench, don't ere* you interfere wkl dis matter. I've 1111SQELLANEOUS: • just as much as I can do to take care of those two_chaps down here !' e Montreal Was visited, by another - `heavy ,snow storm on Monday of last week. So Severe was the storm that no trains could leave that ,sta- tion on that niaht, e suppressing the sale of in- toxicating licit:LOTS passed the Nova S tia Legislature Q11 Tuesday, the .2n inst.:byte vote of 28- to 12. The -blue noses of that r Province will, idciubtless, be a very temperate and • exemplary people after this. • Professor Morse, one .of the in- ventors of the electric telegraph, died at his residence 'in New York, on Monday, the 1st inst., after a • long and painful illness. • Hay in Mimitoba' is very scarce and dear this spring, and stock are , dying in alt directions from sheer poverty.' • At a Conservative' Convention, held at Chatham, on Tuesday, the 2nd inst., Mr. Rufus Stephenson, the -present representative and editor of tile Chatham ,PIaszet, was unani- mously' *seri -as the candidate in the ConServatise interests, ftr the County of Kent, at the next election. • A secoud letter bas been received at Washington from Lord Grenville, respecting the indirect claims. The particulars of the letter cannot be ascertained for the reason that meal- bers of the Cabinet decline to con- -Verse upon the subject, seeming to have a general understandirig thatit would be improper to furnish any- thing concerning it. • It is known, however, from a reliable soar?e, that the letter from Eail Granville in the charaater of an elaborate argu- • ment against the claim of the 'Unit- ed States4or indirect damages. Itis Arm, yet -friendly in tone. There is some talk 9f a legislative union between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The matter is being discnssedbetween the two Governments. *ea.• . _Anecdote of Colonel Colt., The following story is told of Colonel Samuel Colt,' who in his lifetime was sometimes •inclined to be a trifle pompous. When he was building -dwelling houses for the workmen , employed in • his great pistol factory, he one day encounter- ed a boy picking • up chips on his grounds. •t". What .tre you ' &Mg. here?" he Asked eer ufily. • " Picking up chips, sir," .replied the youngster, evidently tuaawed by the greet presence. "Perhaps" exclaimed to Colonel, _drawine himself up with dignity, " you tron't know who, I am. • I am Colonel Samuel Colt; and he in that big house up yonder.'" The boy straightened up, s NV elled • out and answered: "Perhaps you don't know ;eh o I am. Pa tric k Murphy, and I live in that little shanty down yonder," pointing in the direction. "Sonny," said the Colonel, bland- ly, patting the boy on the head, t'go and pick up all the chips you want, and when you getout come • back for mare." ,BOOK BOUND IN A • MURDERER'S SiIN —A pnblie library in Bury_ Si.• Edmunds contains an octavo vol- ume; cbnsisting of a full repoit of the trial and execution of one Corder, who murdered a young woman nam- ed Martin about forty years ago, to- gether with an account of his -life and other eeguath matter This vo - • ume is bound i the murderer's_skin, • RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Trains leave the Seaforth station as follows :— GOING WEST. . • Exprees. Mixed. 1.40 P. m. 8.40r. M. GOING EAST. • Ex.press. Mixed. 1050A. Mail. 8.00 A. M. THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL! Worth Ten • Times its Weight in Gold. Do you know anything of It? If. not, It is time you did. There are but few preparations of medicine which have withstoOd the impartial judgment of the people for any great length of time. One of these is TI-101.1AS' Ecneeileltic One, purely a prepar- ation of six of some of the hest. Oils that are known, each one possessing -virtues of its oval. .Scientifie physicians know that medicines may be formed of several ingredients in certain fieed pro- portions of geetteer power, and producing effects which conk' never result froin the use of any ono of them, or in different cembinatione. Thus in the'preparation of this -Oil a ehemical Omega tee es "* PIH DON ON HOUSE" CUG2.ea NEA/Ar GOODS. THE Stibscriber having purchased a large proportion of his Dry Goods at the' beginning of the present year, (and previous to the recent great advane 1ii the prices of all kinds of Cotton and 'Woolen Goode,) for CASH, thereby enabling him to offer hie Socks of DRY GO 01) S BOOTS AND SHOES, Hardware, Groceries etc., etc., Woztla upwards of FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, At the Lowest Market Rates, For CASH, FARM PRODUCE, or approved credit. PLE place, forming a compound -which could not by any possibility be- made beim any other combina- tion or proportiens of the same ingredients, or any other ingredient's, and entirely different from any- , thing ever befoee made,' one ,which produces the most astonishing results, and having a wider range • of applicatiou than env medicine ever before di - covered. It contains no •alcoholor other volatile liquids, consequently loses teething by evaporatiou. Whereeer appliedyou get the benefit of every drop; whereas with, 'other preparations nearly all the alcohol is lose in that way, and you- get only the Small quantity of Oils which they may contain. Prepared by S. N. Thomas, Phelps,N. le, awl : NORTHRUP & L3 LAN, Newcastle, Out., sole • agent.for the Dominion. Noete—Eclectric—Selected and Electrized. : E. Hiekson & Cu. and B. Luinsdine, agnts for SCIfOrth. . 208-222-4 1 The Gkcat cinaIc Reprdy. doB 'MOSES' l'EltICIDI.AL PILLS. THIS invaluable -medians is unfailing - in the cure of all those paipful awl dangerous dietiases to which the female eueseitution is •subject. It . Moderates ell excess end removes all obstructions, To married it IS peculiarly suited. It will DRES3 and a speedy cure may be xelied on. ;ni a short time, briug on - the monthly.period with . regularity. ' These tills shonld not be taken by Females' ' during the first three months of Pregnacy, as they . are elite to bring on Miscarriage, bat at any other time they are safe. • •In all eases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pftius in the backeuel limbs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, •palpitatio# of the • heart, hysterics, ami whites, these pills will effect e cure when all other means have failed; and elth.eugh a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or • LAD ES' .A.ND CHILDREN'S DREE SSES, BASQUS, BOYS' CO.A_TS, ETC• . , Fla directions in the pamphlet-- arotrad each e j paceae, whith chould be carefully preserved• . Job"Moses, Now York, Sole Proprietor. eel .50 ape 121 cents for postage, enelosed to Note -hop tie T,e-rnae, 'Newcastle, Out.'general agents for the Dominion, will'insure bottle, containing over 50 pills by retuxu.meil. - • .• Lee? Sold in Sen.forth. by L'. Ifiekson & Co., and R. Lumsden. SE READ OVER THE FOLLOWING LIST CAREFULLY, !"TIS HARD TO BEAT." 100 P eces Heavy T,weeds, Full Cloths and Flannels, from 50 ate. per yard and upwards. 200 P eat% Fancy Prints, from 10 cents to 17 cents per yard. 100 Pieces Dark Prints, at 121 cents, worth 17 cents per yard. 25 Feeley and Plain Silk and Poplin Dross Patterns. 50 pieces Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, at 121 cents per yard and upwarda. 200 Pisces Factory Cottons, from 10 to 12A- cents per yard. - 20 Bleached Cottons, from 11 cents to .Y7 cents por _yard. , 50 Ledie13' Velvet: jackets, at $1 00 each, worth $2 00• . 50 L dies' Black and Colored Cloth Jackets, from $1 00 to $5 00 each. • 25 L dies' Black Silk Jackets, from $5 00 to $12 00 each. 25 L dies' Velvet Mantles, from $2 00 to $7 00 each. RQMAN SHAWLS AND SCARFS. • 1 Ars°, TISSUil AND BAREGE SHAWLS, VERY CHEAP. NEW MILLINERY, 2oc Parasols, from 25 cents to $2 50 each, Ladies' GlOves and Hosiery, from 121- cents per pair and upwards. 1 LACE COLLARS AND LACES, -NEWEST DESIGNS. UTO ARRIVE—Another case of Ladies' PR NELL& BOOTS, at. $1 00 pa pair. 1 n't fail to call and estemine for yourselves, an inepection will convince the most skeptical. In all its branches and of the latest styles worn. Do N M. LIVINGSTONE. AINLEYVILLE, April 2, 1872. cse GREAT FillE ! bRONTO MILLINERY. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. SELLING 01-("F3 at and under COST. ivrISS A. ERWIN,' Senfortle in order to make rem for an exteneive eitock Summer Goods, has -egiumenced sne elli hex: Whiter Stock .of MILLINERY, at anti invader Comt. • This Sale will last only about Six Weeks, so that all who want reel 13argains MILLINER): of all ls-itels, would do Well to call early that they may levee a good. choice. READ THE FOLLOWING LIST OF PRICES. S075 LADIES' M.ED HATS, 0 40 CHH.1-YREN';-; Tiai\INIED HATS, 0 25 LADIES' TIMULED BONNETS,• .1 00 Ana other GOods proportionately cheap. Tic Stock is all new autl in good order. Also, on hand, a, number of MADJPIE BRIGGS' IMPROVED DIAGRAM, FOR CUTTING anythine hmtful to tlie coustitution. • - . .111111M.. 197-5 Price for each Diagram, with full Instructions, $1 50. UN EROLOTHING5 Of every description, kept constantly on hand. Kidd Gloves and Ostrich Feather; (Awned and made as gooti as new for Fifteen ants. 4 4312111231325a3132-, • ST ORES,—First door North of FoeTeree HoTne. and centre store McGee -se& ileoeic, second .door Neith. of the Station. CORN COBS. ANTED; immedietely, by the undersigned, a, . • quantity,of CORN COBB, .delivered in Sett- - forth, for which Cash will be paid. *Apply to . 219 •THOMAS STEPHENS. • THE SEAFORTH LTJMBE.R YARD. 1114.A.BEE & MACDON A.LD BEG to *form the public that they have onened Lumeter Yard in Seaforth, near Shearsoies Mill, on the- grounci formeely used as. a Lumber Sart, by Mr. Thomas Lee.. They Neill keep constantly on hand a good assort - remit of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER., • dressed and melressed. Also, LATH AND SH.C.eGLEs. all of which they ere prepared to sull at thelowest poeei- ble prices, for Cash. Buildets and othe.rs ivffl findeit to 'theie advent- ' age to inspect our sti)ek, and ascertain our prices befoee purehesiegeleewhere, its we are in a position to offer good indueements to cash purchesere. 160' MABEE & MACDONALD. THE AGRICULTURAL MUTUAL ASSURANC ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, .LONDON, ONT. Licensed by the Dominion Government. CAPITAL, FIRST OF JANUARY, 1871, $231,242 25. - Cash and Cash Items, $72,289:55. . This Conniany continues to grow in the public confidence. On the is Jannney, 1871, it hail in force 84,528. Policies, having, during the ;veer 1870, "issued the immense number of 12,810 Policies. iz._•c- Fail -nen patronize your OUll CANADTAN Company that hes done }tech good service axuougst you. For Insurance -apply to t‘e CHARLES MORROW, * 203 Agent, Clinten 2.0. • SE: .0D.T11, Feb, as, 1872. A.-ERWIN. 220 *STOP AND • READ! And by so doing you will ascertain that you:can purchase , every description of • 00 11S AND SHOES At Prices that defy Competition. To know this to 1)e facts, we. would advise our numerous customers to call early and examine our stock. We keep constantly on hand ex -cry description of CUSTOM WOR• K made in the latest style and by first class workmen. • All may call and be convinced that 'PURR eS SON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE is t e spot which the public has long been looking for and has come to light at last. Strict attention paid to repairs,. Remember the spot, in GRIFFITH DAVIES' Old Stand, two doors South of the Post Office, Main st., Seaforth. SPURR & SON. N. B.—No advance put on goods on account of the rise on stock, 215 • ere eeee„ JACK SCREWS TO HIRE. NOSNHOP 0 `sitp `SlIIi`ua ,SuaQ'-II L1..3 samTvnaaTAT •abvAAaavH APRIL 12, 1S79' SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS AOREOULTURAL SEED STORE. eESTABLISHED 1858.) .SEAT1LE & DAVIS lileE-G to inform the Affsiculturists of Huron that -L-P they have just received larete lot Of FIELD, AND CARDEN SEEDS. And, &sit Is the opinion of the best feaTaeres that ..ileyetinfasth,elbine Isohlwnotintbaoydbillevreenfctosovnial,atnhdoylohacavIo- imported their Clover from the `Southern part of Canada, Timothy from the Western States, Car- rots and Turnips and Garden Seeds frem England. and France. -Seeds ell fresh and of lea emsea, Those wiebing old seed can have it at half prim. A. LARGE STOCK OF :C.loveAr'Tkinewiy etI19ver, • and Flax Seed, Tares, garian. Grasg, urkwhPat, T2i)171-7a1f'ii:eg'lei -tilCarrot. hPL Aotatees and • Onions wanted Tsa, ces olErtzleyed•shliongd suAllg fewarin Kale:icd tofies and sap spiles oreat Abtuidanee, • Cheap Steel Mows, Gang Plows, Paints, Oils and Tinware. 2,000 Gallons Goal Oil, Wholesale and Retail, at low price. SEARLE it DAY -1S, OLIN:1'0N, 225 -13 NOSNHO 'HJ.80.. V]S i••••- eAw 0 • (-^f r•-•1 1-1 • - C+ 1-+ 0 • e)-7-', 1-4 Kt. 0 )-11 c -r - eeie twee eae eses eleei t•Q • reee) .114 ass get' (owl (1111 <flee Cee 'etJ a Nole C'eee. Q -e, • belo '411111t t•IS c"44. CID esee ea: keal .• MATCOM'S .CREAT EGO: -!Oteirr XARKET SQUARE, SEAFORTIEL The subscriber begs to inform the public that: he has greatly extended his premises and is pre- pared -as hitherto to pay the highest price for an quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS, Delivered at his place of business. • No Market Fees on EGGS. WM. 'MALCOM. Seafortles Meech 25, 1872. 225 Insolvent Act of 1869 - In the matter of JOHN TANSTONE, of the 1,-illagre of Exeter, in the.Cpusety of Huron, an Insolvent. Tiele• Insolvent has made an Assignment of his Estate to me, and the Creditors are notified to - meet at the plate wheee he lately canied on bad- ness in the village of Exeter,. in the County of Huron, on the Eighteenth day of APRIL, 11372e at the hour of Eleven o'eloek in the forenoon, to xe- eire statements of his affairs, and to appoint, on Assignee. Dated at Grotimich, thise4th day of April, 1872. DIXTle WA.T SON, 226-2 Interim A.ssignee. Insolvent Act of 1869-1 IR the Matt& of ZAPPE & CARTER, of Seaforthe Insolvents. T Tale UNDERSIGNED, ADAM HOPE, of the -Le City of Ilarnittein, Merchant, have betar ap. pointed Assignee in this raatter. Cxleditors axe requested to file their claims be- - fore me -within one month, ADAM HOPE, Assignee. 2,262, Hamilton, 30th March, 1872. IhOlvent Act .of 1869 Iu the matter of JAMES I.EO.N_A.13,D, =Insolvent. lle-rOTICE is hereby given thee, by virtue of the, 11 power vested ni atm as Assignee of the estattr and effects of the above-named insolvent, I shall • offer for sale, by public anceien. at Leonerd's Ho- tel, in the Tillage of Ainteyville, in the County of Huron and Proyince of Ontario, on TUESDAY, the thirtieth day of Apiel, AeD. 1872, at. the hour of 12 &dock noon, all the right, title interest and eqaity of redempticm. of the said Inetilvent, ludof myself as such Assignee, as aforesaid, in and to these certein parcels or tracts of lends and prem' - nes following, that is to say. being Lot Eleven on Ternberry-street, and Let 28- en Elizabeth - street, (IIalliday's see:vele) in the Village of Ain- leyville, in the said County of Iluron. Terms and conditions made; known et the time of so DrxiE ITA.TSON, Official Assignee. Goderich, Ont., Mi2,i2. 226-4 Insolvent Act of 1869 In the COUNTY COURT of the County of Harm. Canada, Onta-rio,) TN the matter of JOHN Hi - County of Huron Li --LGLIS, Ihe "Younger, To W'rr ) An Insolvent. The undersigned. has Med in the `office of this Court a. Deed of Composition and Diecheage eee- cuted by hie creditors, and on the Nintb. dee-4A May not, 1872, at the hour of elee-en o'elock in the forenoon, he will apply to the Judge of the said, Court for a confiemation of the iliecharge thereby effected. Dated at Wroeeter, in the Comity of Huron, this 26th day of March, 1872. 205-4 JOHN INGLIS, Jr. , • LIST OF LETTERS E,f3otrArs, ,onItNhoG-4itnS h Aeguorh s t187P2o:st Office, uncalled Keefe, M Moore, George Mitchell, Mrs E Mitchell, Alex McDonald, Gray • McDonald, D McLean, Thos 33 vl elk: en- istige.11:3:13,1011 1,14 Hi It rRt Riehmon, 1' iar Nerman, Charles i?slrn teittith, H heat; iee(e)einn D0,1: aTcm e s Ward, Robert S. DICESON, 1). Armstrong, W aberhart, Mrs T Brown-, W Campbell, H Craig, 0 Campbell, A Denby. john Davis, George Meiling, M Fortune, W Foster, Richard Piney, John • Grant, Mr Guinlow, 0 • Hall, Thontes Hill. genies Has, John Holland, Miss 1' Huff, A Xenee, Wni jonee, 11 226-3 SEASON OF 1872s rrIIE endersigned, proprietor of that well0 Trotting Stallien, RETYRYGE," Purposes travelling him theough the Central part ° of the County of Enron during the eoming season . RON'AL REVENGE Is by Old Toronto Chief, he by Old Royal Georges dam by Hambletonian. He it3 half brother to Tom Jefferson, the fastest trotting stallion in the United States at the present +ley. ROYAL REVENGE is dealt bay, very handsome, stands 15.8, weighs 1,150 pounds, is very quiet and gentle in disposition, and BM excellent etock getter. He will be exhibited at the SPRING SHOWS in , Clinton and Brucefield, and -owners of interes do well to see him before makingony engegemente, The route and further particulate will be ease .knowatt8 15001158 possible. CPUS. J. DOUGLAS, 225 Oakridges, County of York. • f the weees see, inven -who di was April 27, d at Yale n 18 e de be sailed iavwg ecutil =dofl he mei. young artists beea tJae first portraits e intirnaey was esses of each eiatie rapid Fogs thou, and. in 18L royal Aeaderey Dying Hercules," -colossal size if for plaster model whi same suisjeet, to picture, received -lure the same ye o A inerica in 18 Ihis residence ii with so little e ...snpport that he Hampshire, wher iettt in. painting 'dollars per head. year or two Carolina, whei employrn the north, and to ir New York in enission from helpainted a Jaen. Lafayette, ,the 'United Ste; -visited Europe fo and reznained th while returnin ship Sull_n in. trytnan. —Prof describing the ex jut been ma electro-ma.piet -21'0Se a to the ti sele,ctric fluid in wire. The reply wau instantaneon ang the experim suggested that it to any distance, spark tnight be veying and. reco "This suggestion Iroise, who prop idea thus originu ly did his Ject, that before ege he had dra plan of the whole telegraphy after name. On his he resumed Is* voted his $e feetion of his course he irad to fkaiities; he couragement and, finally-, 111 the practicabi Ly completing e. tion in the Nes model of his Telegraph," th appavetus havi self,. In 18371 the patent ofh The American Morse was t the electrie teletg their claiAas a Morse did not but applied peculiarly his world must giv same• time, it is .ean claimants to elpplkation of df verbial inte state that Mr. lish inventorof took out, in eol W. F. Cooke, t land, in May, ha.; in Bever of his own_ al) -both diffeling •each other. in use in Eng of the world ; use through° Steieheil's .sys cated and db proved imprac lines. At a eon by Austria, • Bavaria, for the a uniform SySt that of Meese Steinheil, selee perfected his and set about into paucticj years later thit Com from Y;altisnot is less then ti first hun W•15 telegra tele every the. wire in et :mgt.% in leag, _companies tile' moral], public re tp fr • :vend value. It is please great bele47.te have "shored lived long et grand results reeeive the we his fellow etafles teas e Vemr Nforz.: t.