The Huron Expositor, 1872-04-12, Page 3wO EXPOSITOR. APRIL 12, T< THE FARMERS OF HURON. ,RROWS St GANG' Pto SEAFF T,l, lxok on hand a large Stoelt of COLT€y; GANANOQUE RN HA:R:. number of these Harrows there sold fit cart last yeas anti drive the highest staid . L trtie;. desiring to purchase are referred tet aowit g gentlemen who have used them: G. Cr,e ,�ss ��well, and Alexander Ilroadfoot, Tuck. Tm It e& beatt, amts Tares ` Kerr, Me ,- Whiteaoltl, Grey;, dolor Troyer, Hay; Pet Stanley, and many others. parties twlto these Harrows would do well to purchase ales aspossible, as there is likely to bo tireauIL= them, this season. AND TERMS Ir �' A LIC (NG PLOWS. . onhand, R number of the Massey Alinufae. C•ompany's superior Gime Plows. These have had several valuable hum:overlie:ate thio season, inti a e nog\E eouseTteetiy eft -- performing pe orming better worlx tharr ever 1iotore , O. a WILSON, Agricultural Implement Agent,.. FAF M E S LL YOUR: EGGS TO T O SO OF THE LLE ORNERY (Logan's Old Stafnd,) Il# ray the HIGHEST 1PRICE. in CASH, for any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS, Delivered at his Store. xoeA les .Pilon FOR SALE OHE A1'. R AND ND FEE T ry description keptconstantly on. hand, iu ( uditt $hetirst)11 c C o.`S No. I. eme One, Come All, with your Eggs and get WM. THOMSON, Egruoucl,vle Grocery. FARES CHEAP tiamEst ON TEE LINE OE TFC eIO 'PACIFIC,RAILROAD. AL Ni} GRANT OF $¢O C E S Of the tug (inti' 2T1,1,ter•ct/ Lars to fl .t trtc fait fc. 't 00,000 Acre in NEBRASKA, Iu the • GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, Garden of t:I•: West, NOW FOR SALE. .c se 1.rrtlt or' in rhe central portion of the >t ,l Stater., Fj t c.. •4;::t degree of orthlatitude, c t : t a Iiue of tit ;eat Telnptrate Gone of •.rr:l sit' .0 Continent,- amyl for gram -g 'o'Y ng - :`trick-tau-.rng unsurpassed. be any in the ;TEXPElt. IN PRICE, more favorable terms h. and Itlore convenient to market than eau be til els there.: D - .. REE Homesteads.tc Actual Settlers:,. raE DEsT Loc_vrt Ss Fon COLONIES-, Ei title.l to a Homestead. of 160 Acres Free Passes_ to Purchasers of Land. kn•1 for the new descriptive pamphlet, with -ptblished in 1.u. hsh, fzernum, Swed - ;dud banish. Mailed free everywhere. Address O.F.DAVIS, Land Cominisl,ioner 1.r. I'. R. D. Co., O3.1A.11A, Nps: Stitch in Time Sa les want to get the hest Family Sewing da:.iine i:. the 1'rlsvinee••, c't Ontario, go to, GEORGE IILLIN, I 'roxeter Who Agenic for the celebrated C EWI xG AC VINE- -�!. Itth;nc t G l csof kinds, ss a'\Y.-v s k<pt t ill braid for bale. L t), y :i:Ny FOR E., R. SHOREY'S. ROYAL CAN IAN WRINGER. � t Sin 2.C�.a'ICZ?lC: . . }- t: I'`. is .1nbl 1 } airs,.. tEi, t •. rr r)1 I u�?;te the Post Ofd ,- 219 •9 ELEGTI H OF DIRECTORS. (11 t't •17, or, "rtr lt•'}: ?t)v Eu i.uN) 'ANDI's .t: 1 tI.T 'Y [ } . )t)♦t r ,re)t 11 t 1.'t t;.c 1 ! l,.I)Et, ting the -ttn and 1 1E.'•t• 1: r vs; t Company t• ,.i'.Ic"i . itl r:+{,i•_ ht.fe:tt given !.t••! int ath.-�. t,1. the �:•*i' :-1 1i"tri;'-24 the Oro ...11, tt:r Order •i .t r rti'.E •? 1.l)`. _: tt ';•1 of the said 1.t•t 1 at the Mt 'hiss' Institute,, • 1.'n! I'll!. on 1\ 1:11N I., ):� 1,. the 'l th. t,-E•t tie h'art' 4it t\t c3 l}tlt)C1c+ ). t........ 1,1 < LA!" I.r.; I ! t t,,.,„ r•, of the - tt,,a -3 ) to . f . :t -••E,r lilt,: tt� .t.l+: ltrut;i:,trn:i t. FTt 1IlN I,T Z',n `.LL, ' •f ' wit).‘71 (r:r 1, ( 223 -ft" fir. t`t rE ' .I:att!ti, t')_rPOI- Ni) IIL1 - • •t:', :. "It t. lt�xz t ''.i Lore is no , f, the 1, s!< ill.. \.r)id' D r. r. to d ! �.: 1.i t• !,t . i! •.Itlirtl5 .t 4re a 1.•:4 t tltt jt)Itic,rt it: 11E, lic•r as our r•• j`k;;•t s.`.r, thin and the • ft n ' .tis tri vita} t +,.try going 011 ! th • 1 -1* -1111 lueritql ail { _eE 7:!:t E * el .rl!tt body to • r r iv. Its action ri• - ' ..:".t.., Y S., i.t•ir. ,'E)rt•'1"with e•+t : t € \rtig alit bad i,._•tt• i. E !T.—et l,t lig lrJl-. •; te E.. t - t }.t e' • ttf.' the boay- 1. t1!,{ ' • - E ti„t tO cel1 for- � s. t tT, 'n e:..Rt1: t•.}. -ti i:.1:it)-.t, for all _'ti t }':}t'ntiv't: and vitxrllzer. 1 025-52 lt) POO.— (.)Nl:V To LEN D. , , ,t!•,=.4 :tl:f•.t)..t ui 1.t:l•i ia. t:Eritnts of rive � :.. t e t 1 }...� . •.... and t'1"e: tit s, at 1..:./es .oftklrl$- LEei.E to1471*_e€lit. Interest • 1•• { or 1: .Li , - A:.1/41:.°)S ' 1E- • RAY, • • 4 • A. Big Cloak. -- The large clock-. at Ethe `English, Parliament House is the largest one is the wo'lld. The fou • dials of this ,clock are twenty` -two fent in- diem- eter, Every half minute the point of the minute- hand moves nearly seven inches. The' clock will go eight and a half days, . but it -'only dikes for seven at4d a half, thus in-, dicating any neglect in winding it up. The mere winding, up of the striking aparatus takes two hour's. The pendulum: is iiftei'en -feet long the wheels are of east ;iron ; the hour bell is eight feet; high - and nine feet in •diameter, weighing nearly fifteen tons, and the hammer alone weighs more thatfour hundred went their 'way after throwing the ou;ds. This dock strikes corpse into a dry well, and covering the latter up - with twigs and dry - leaves. But they had overlooked the monkey, who saw' the whole proceeding from a tree.- As soon as the road=. was clear, the intelligent - beast set off !for the Tehsildar's, or police officer's house, and having - drawn. his - attention• by cries and moans, lured him on by dura signs to the .tell-tale spot. 'In due time the body was discovered, and then, through the monkey's help, the Tebsilbar' found the stolen property where the thieves bad •busied it. He then followed the monkey to the bazaar. There the monkey picked out (fie of the . murderers, ran after him, s'nd with ..his teeth held him fast • by the leg. until the manwas secured. This feat he seems to have repeated until all the murderers Were caught. _ It is ad- ded that they. have sinde confessed their •crime,, and been committed for trial before the Tellichery Court. -Erse. :; A Horrible. Sta4e of Things.. The investigation which has been proceeding' for several days has dis- closed a stateof affairs in the Chicago fire department which is deplorable and shameful. Inefficiency, insu bordination, ignorance, drunkenness, blasphemy, theft, utter disregard of discipline, and defiance of lawful authority ; such are the ; only plain terms by 'which the mass of disgus- ting facts brought to - light can be generalized. In a• sin gle phrase. the 'fire department of this city, for the maintenance of which the tax- payers have been- compelled to con tribute annually more than four hundred thousand dollars,' is proven to have been for years an' organism without oiganization ; an aggrega- tion -of well-paid -blackguards and loafers, in which 'nobody ,Commands and nobody obeys. --Chicago• Tunes.; European Armies. track. Finally he told to his friends the terrible sestet of his life. This th`vartedhis prosecutors, to besure, but their wretched victim was al- ready. a ruined rr,an, as we have g,aid :.he died a few ‘months ago in a ' quiet out-of-the-way Canadian town." • How a Monkey Revealed a Mur- der -and: Deteotea the Murr1- erers. :A Bombay' paper tells this 'story.: ° A Ma.draasie ,, going on a journey took with him score money. and jewels, and a monkey of which he was very fond; The poor man, however, was waylaid, robbed and Murdered by a party of ruffians, who thequarter-hours, and by its strokes re : orters in the Par - the short -hand p jialnent, Chambers regulate -their la- bors. At every, stroke a new re- ., porter takes- the place of the old one, while the first retires' to write out the notes .that he has taken clutring the previous fifteen minutes. f.-. Matrimony and Death. Recent published statistics of mor- tality, collected from the . records of eleven years in France, Belgium, and Holland, show that the ratio, of deaths of, married men to: that k of bachelors ,between .the ages of 25 and 30 years, is as'funr to - ten and one-half in every thousand. There are, howe-ver, between the sante ages twice as many deaths of widoweie as of bachelors. Between 30 -and 35 years married men die at the rate of eleven and single men of five in • the thousand, but widowers disap- pear from. these earthly scenes at `the elorInoUs _ rate ` of nineteen to the thousand. to deduction from these statistics is that , bachelors would do w ell. to stay bachelors, Ad macre men would do well to keep their wives alive as long as possible. And this 'makes one _think of, that wise saying Of Socrates to a young man who asked. him whether or not it would be well to take a} wife ; a query to which the sage replied that; " Whether he : married or not he would repent it."—H l fl• orll. - - -An Unsuccessful Dodge; In the vicinity of a small Scotch village, whose inhabitants are chief- ly composed of a rough. class of peo- ple, and among whom many curious incidents' have occurred, the follow- ing o 'actuallyhappened a shoit time Pl ago : The mother of a family pur- chased -a from cloth fi of ^,la quantity tit a SeC cha q 3 packmau on the ''e edit system. At the expiration of the spEcified time for peryrnent to `receive his cash, the man -appeared ; but -h e had scarcely - opened the door when a little boy, whose face betokened unfamiliarity witb. water, speedily it'll -mimed •him that his mother was torn some. To' ascertain When he might call again, the Packman. inquired when the in- tended to return ? This unexpected question confounded the Iittle fellow, who suddenly disappeared inside the All, the - principal countries of Europe, except Austria (Says `d Ger- manl � P reorganizing man' paper),, are now reolg g i armies. - Ge.rinany, is about to their increase her military force by 400, 000 men, and Russia, whose army including - irregulars) has hitherto numbered 1,309,4022 men onawar footing, 'expects under the new sys- tens to have a force, 2,902,809 ;pen House.'.. The ;lion", perfectly .piston- reckoning' the at her . dis osal, net ished, `batched cautiously and roue- ; p ' .` local troops and the militia. The lessly file boys Movements, and I organization of France below ti e bed—where new Iiiilitary o �, hint peering* is not bot decided upon, but it is lie the mother was c ncealecl— and ilei --eel that its 'result will be to in - heard ,llirni asking, ` Anther,1�llf n oCrease her army to .about 1,4001,000. _ is the man wi' the . claaith tare come back r Died -of a -Broken Heart. The Buffalo Commercial has the following account of: a broken heart,, caused by a.- 'successful attempt to blacktmail : "A few months ago a man.tliecl in a little town. on the Canada side, who in :early life was one of -the . gclergymen' in the ,city of. proalislnb New He died a broken- hearted ciY Y01'li. hear ted man, and the victim to a - melciless atter }rt to blackmail, which bad been tried upon him soon is after his entrance upon parochial du- ties. He was summoned one day to perform a Christian clergyman's offices in a house=ti� here he hadno previous acquaintance.. The story 1 s nic ne thel who S `lnl t told by parties e d him 'was a very plausible one, and he went without hesitationinto the- , trap prepared for hini. As• soon as lie arrived at the sick chamber,he` who Wasconfronted , by two u men, maintained that he had visited the house with- .i!- impure motives, and tlureattened to€expose him sunless he h ni of4` h ush paid over a , certain sCl money.' The man in his bewilder- ment took precisely the ' wrong course. He felt that lie could bet- ter submit to pecuniary extoriton men. Italy, vho5e - war establish - Ment hitherto` amour ted to 519,630 -men. including - reserves proposes by the. plan of reorganization which has been adopted by her Government to raise- a force of.fr m ' i 50,000 or 800,- 000 men. The Turkish army, -when. on- ti war footing, has hitherto con- sisted of 270,000 _men, inclusive of nizans cr militia ; the it is to be increased to 600,000 n1en. Finally, the military force of Britain at home Y- Mr. Cardwe is to be raised andel. ,ll's scheme to about - 300,000 men.. When all those plans are carried out the total war establishrne1i -of the armies of Enrope' will be increased from 6,166,000 to about 10,000,000; }i■ -w cc 1- tunil ' gi,, (::) O - rY' 0 COrn 02 Co ra ca ca. w+ (/ •-•3 trt tf-N m m E Pluribus Onions CHRISTMAS HAS COME ANIS GONE NEW YEAR THE SAME, . WINTER, IS FAST LEAVING TTS, AND SPRING BEGINS TO MAKE ITS APPEARANCE. The busy time of SEEDING will soon be upon us' and to be prepared =for it, you should give SCOTT m ROBERT/SO m m Vy • A CALL AND SEE HIS Large and well -assorted Samples FOLLO Ayrshire Cows: yi ,ul of A l -id 0 a B . r, it 10 I 111 The -Vermont tare met at - St. Albans,- on March • 6th and 7th. Among the papers read- was one by &lbert •Chairman, Esq., of Middlebury,' `Secretary of •• .4ciclison County Abiicli tLl cl 1 S0 ,ciety, on shat Breed of Cattle - shall we. Raise?" 11Ir. C. had 1 ept, at different times, the native, Jersey, Devon, 'Short -horn, Hereford and. Ayrshire cattle, ' e nd had seen the lutCh aud_was -favorably impressed with those'of Mr, Baker, of Barton, but for the claily, and for the most It -out -MU fil.u- HE B T SEWING M CHINES Made can be had at WM. -N N. WATSON'S SEWING MACHINE DEPOT SE APORTH. than to allow, is namo to be used iofitnl}ale stock foa the illalority of. a I decided r ef- ed in connection with a disgraceful af- I ftiriiiers he expressed P fair, no matter how- innocent, he might have ` been. - of the charges - brought against flim. He, therefore, _ paid the sum demanded. From that hour he was a !doomed man. Al regular intervals his persecutors cal- led: for mole money. If he refused to pay, they`helcl the olddthreat over him, and it was now doubly strong from the fact that he had paid once to keep the- matter a secret. - His . life became a torture to him. Hp re- signed his parish in the metropolis, • and tried to be concealed in a more humble parish in another part of the country; but go where he would, the relentless blacknailers - were on his erence for the Ayrshire.s. The yield of milk was illdstrated by several statements. The highest was ,eighty- fotu -pounds of milk a day, and 800 pounds inten days from cine cow. The animals • of this breed are repre- sented as hardy, easily kept, and generall exempt from such diseases ag rg milk fever and caked as the bat �,et, bag. • Mr. Cunningham, at -one time con- nected with the Toro Press, and now editorofthe Winnipeg Mani tobian, is out ;as a candidate for the House of Commons, for Marquette .County, in Manitoba. -4 cr1'r1E,GE' \Tu11'E 110ll•B" Sewing Machine,, in all styles and 'sizes, and Sewing THE 0SBOR.LY I :chino in all styles. - s rib tr has received a splendid supply of The subscrib nee d e c- 1 °l)nol which pronounced .• whi t x ' hies, C Mac 1 U 1 hese. .� , both � by porienecd hands to be superior to any others made. For strength, simplicity and perfection of con- struction ; for range of work,, from light gauze to beaver and leatller; for beauty and exactness of the tension being perfect and -al-- both upper' and lower threads, and ' • lied• 11T1\a �• wren nGS 1Chl. hese L' lilt G e warranted aucl instructions given stitch, owing tc - r ways equal t for durability ' T \-cry nuaehi gratis. Machines sent out on trial, or rented by the month to esl)onsible lsarties. 235 1�'�i: \. WATSON, Seaforth. NOTICE. J. W. FULLERTON, (FORMERLY OF CLINTON,) �TELL known to the people. of Seaforth nn\ 'Y • ))Ring county as the DOMINION Ftrl'rt)lr y LA}.DSC_1i'', ARTIST, wishes to notify the people of Sea`orth that he has commenced Dusi- - nes;$'iu the PO .QTR ;IT L'I N E - Firstdo; West of Mr. Lu usdt n : Ding ry Store. '9 My long experience in the art enables toe to give 1 entire satisfaction to all -who may fztvor no with a -1d. ' beobtained. . ,�ino of Pictures . •t\IE, ,i triol. The latest style Children taken fronb 10 a. in. to 2 p. 'in. BRING THEII ALONG. Young persons wishing to learn the -art would do well to tomer to me, as i can give them my expe- rience of over eleven years. - . . J. *r. FULLERTON. Artist, 217 Seaforth. . Ir USED AND RECOM- MENDED BYTHE MOST .i L '— EMINENT PHYSICIANS IN NEW ENGLAND FOR yQ TH°E LAST 45 YEARS. ' t�'1•-' •"NOTHING BETTER. -Lai ' CUTLER BROS. & C0., 0 r•=bra BOSTON. Z nacEs crs�s)oo Sold bythe Druggists 0 ._> FOR COUGHS; COLDS &'7 J,Zr u7, FT,TTOTT. & Co., Toronto, Agents. OF T1T1F, - .s AND BUY FOIITHIVITH. - Delay _not a moment—Delay is Dangerous. Montreal Thuothy Seed, No. 1. Red Clover. Alsike Clover, a large crop, not liable to be affected by frost. White English Clover. Tares or Vetches, used extensively by Dairy farnners'for soiling Cows. Rape Seed, grown extensively for Sheep feeding. Canadian or Indian Corn, for early feeding, a superior article. - verb fide Skirving'a Improved Purple -top Swede,- selected, an old esteemed variety, , , . keepers. ` Carter's Imperial Hardy Swede, a new variety-pf purple -top, well recommended. Sutton's Champion Popple -top Swede, a fine.hardy variety of good shape and superior quality. Dawbarn's Improvers Purple -top Swede. Dawbarn says it is the best Swede Turnip known, a vey heavy crop, and less tendency to run to neck than any other variety. general cultivation, Sbttirpc', Improved Purple-tcp Swede, a very heavy crop, good. for, a snperior quality, small top, thiek neck and lar ge bulb, very nutritious and hardy. Yellow Al,erdeen, a well-known variety and best for early winter use. -White Globe, very large and good for early winter use and garden }purposes. Long Red Mangold, very fine, large sort, and most used. Yellow Globe Mangold, the hardiest Mangold known. Loge White Belgian Carrots, very large, valuable for field culture. Long Orange Carrots, an old esteemed variety, good for garden use. Fine Long Red Carrot, large and well -flavored variety, for garden use. CA'RDE SEE Blood Beet, one of the most popular for garden use; Early York Cabbage. Early Lara; York, large and firm head. "Miming Steadtt general cultivation. Mi g best early variety for Large Drum -head, solid head, excellent for winter use. Large Ted Onion, a suit crop, fine flavor. Long Hollow Crowned Parsnip; .best garden parsuip known. •A variety of Garden Deans. , Mushroc;nr Spawn, in Bricks, aud a large quantity of Fresh Seeds in Packages. • TEN BARRELS OF CL C NATI TOP OSIOlS OR SETS, EXPECTED DAILY, INK. - J. SIEATTE R, - EXCHANGE B11O(EIR, And dealer in Pure DRUGS CHEMICALS AND DYESTUFFS, PERFUMERY, FAN GYAND TOILET ARTICLES Agent for Sewing Machines. Money to lend on. easy terms. J. SEATER, Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. SHOPS FOR SALE. - VOR SATE, two shops and forty-four feet 'front- ase on Main Street, Soufolth, opposite Car miehael's Hotel. Apply to �. ;�Ii. 195-1f. - - SEATT FOR SALE, WHOLESALE _ D RETAIL. . �.� LA -ND PLASTE IN BAGS AND BARRELS. All to be hai at P A.ETICTILAR NOTICE JOHN LOCAN SCOTT ROBERTSON'S a Has Lot of SHAWLS, MANTLES, —AND— DP ESS GOODS - S3rhich he is anxious to `Sell OR, at Cost, - I YES, BELOW COST, Or any reasonable price that a customer may offe Therefore, Ladies, you. will please tall at the - Manchester House, - MAIN STREET, Soon, a -o. get your pick of the Goods before hey Are all bold. Seaforth, duly 25, 1-871. - iJ0 HARNESS, HARNESS. Great Variety ATWILSON'S S.`AFO.lIT. TRUN1 S of all kinds, 'S ALISES—not a f, w, 'WHIPS—of all sort,, COLLARS—all silts. - Brushes, - Crtr•ry-Combs, Cards. All Dices—from 10 cents u„t. Bells, Blankets, Oireing1-es, Saddles, Anil in fart everything usually foie 1 in a first- class Saddler's Shop, and at prices extremely low, CANADIAN SEED STORE. TAMES WILSON Takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous friends and customers for the liberal support ex, tended toward him ft dr the past year and . hopes . by strict attention to business -and ill S.nu'foettl il'g. a first-C1as' article to i.ltrit a fair share of the pat- ronage of the loony. Remember the Sf,jn'f the ):(imams S./max.” - 215 - -i -- • TTRAL'1:ED AVIV -101U T TLLT33'E�-Ti . PAIN. �CA.ItTWW RIGHT. L. D. 5,, Surgeon Dentist, . extracts teeth without pain lr,A the use of the Nitrous -Oxide °Gas. Oillte—Over the Fountain of Fashion, Mr. Pouter's store, on the Market Square, 1 Attendance in Seaforth, at linox s Hotel, the first Tuesday and" et111esday of each month?, in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and V)•iti:ly'a. The remainder of the time at his Stratford ofiiee. : Parties requiring new teeth nre requested to call, I a1 � a if at Seaforth and Clinton, on the first class of at- tendance, d US e.r 5.1,000 patients have had teethe extracted by the. e of the Gas. at Dr. Conitor.'s ofiiees,2 gr York , �t 7 p T� �,s i Algip. FARMERS, REME1 BER 3Elt03:30`P/C-.) FLOz> i11Na. AND GJUS I N G MILLS. ISAAC B. SHANTZ - - EGS to state to the Farriers of Mciiillop and n {� pur- chased 1.S n )i ) t' E.1 1 -lit. h '.., s that 'j') von 11 ) 1) Tv s)rI�'otllrtirn„ i chased iate above fill, ;and intends runt) ng it Hereafter on his own ae eo2111t. 3111 dill IS 11+)w in t lcelle):t running order, anti able to -turn out al- most any amount of wok. (1RISTES -G AND CHOPPING ate:elate to promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed. Di ing himself a practical Miller and thrtroug biy - idcrat.aluliindr the bo iJt::ist, he. claims that 111 crn tT n that out flour which, for appearance)ari1 ,, or quality, c1tii t be surpassed by any Mill in the Country. Flour exchanged for *'})eat if desired. - y1S ISAAC B. 1. SHATZ, CATTLE FAIR.. CATTLE FAIR will bo held hereafter at -- A LOQ: D'S HOTEL, SEAFoRTH, (Opposite the Station,) - On, the First Monday in each month, BEGfl N1N? ON lyio T1€D�l3r, OCTOIIEIR 2, 1571. Large numbers of buyers will bo -in attendance, and 1,arties basing stock limy rely on the best near- ket prices. In connection with Loyd's Hotel fKoughtou's are large and commodious stables and yards. 198 ROOMS TO LET. 7- r o LET, in Scott's I3iock, two comutocdious :l- Rooms on the second fiat. Apply to 125 IdeCAUGfli £ 110LMSTED. . ,.-